Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 13, 1893, Image 2

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rOne of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
leOsACRBs rEEisiieo
TTND 160 ACRES Ti.b.r Cllor. olaim adjoining, of .liter, deeded lttod tLere are HO acres gwd farming land, and tbe balance A I pasture. The deeded land baeagood springe! wateronit.all under
IX. fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
Deeded ranch, 160 acres. bo3s wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it Keason for selling, owner lives in tbe East and has no use for it.
For farther information call at our office.
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Hon. J. B. McGbaw was Inaugurated
governor of Washington Wednesday at
France, through bi metalism, but be-
Some tha richest country on tbe earth
tbe banker of England.
Senator Kenht, ot Wet Virginia,
died at Washington yesterday morning.
Cauae, heart disease.
Sinaiob BalbX bas introduced in tbe
Oregon Irgislatnre, tbe Celilo portage
bill, aakiDg for 8400,000. It should pass
Tbe government is too slow.
Job Kkknet, tbe veteran stage man.
is a caudidate for register ot tbe La
Grande land office. Joe bas quite a fol
lowing, and as one of tbe fuitbful, is de
serving ot the place.
Ben Bdtlsb, lawyer, statesman and
soldier, died at bis borne at Washington
Wednesday morning. The generBl'a
death was very sadden, brought about
by old age and disease. Notwitbstand
ing, it was unexpected and created con
siderable surprise.
Geo. B. Small, of Baker City, editor
ot the Bedrock Democrat, is a candidate
for the receivership of the La Grande
land offhe. Mr. Bmnll bas done as
much for bis party as any man in East
ern Oregon, and though it is no fight of
oars, when it comes to a "show down,"
we are with the progressive newspaper
man every time.
Oca correspondence from Salera indi
Gated about how both bouses would be
organized. Fulton was elected to pre-
side over tbe senate and Ready over tbe
bouse. Both bouses immediately got
down to basinets, end were Hooded with
bils. (Senator Henry Blnckman bas al
ready introduced a bill to appropriate
5,000 for a wagon road bridge across
the North Fork of tbe John Day at Mon
On the eve ot Jan. 7, at tbeir home
near fiardman, occurred the death ot tbe
infant daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Rice. Tbe little oue first opeued ber
lovely blue eyes in this life, Deo. 8, '92;
was a strung, promising babe, but not
strong enough to oonquer tbe fatal la
grippe. For nine long days and nigbts ber lit
tie spirit struggled to stay in tbis un
friendly world of sorrow, but tbe angel
of deatb wafted ber to the spirit woild,
wbere we will some day meet oar loved
Tbe bereaved parents have tbe aympa
thy of the oommunity, and in this their
darkest hour, when their hearts are
crushed and bleeding, when hope seems
dead within them and lite not worth liv-
iug, may tbe angels of heaven give them
strength to endure tbis their first sorrow,
Is the prayer of one who baa quaffed the
cup of sorrow to its very dregs.
A little time on earth she spent,
'1 ill (loci for tier till angels eut;
And then tn time site closed hercyes,
To tvske to s lory in the skies.
L. M. H.
IlAimjiAN, Or., Jan. 9, '93.
JANUARY 4th, 1893,
Miscellaneous bills allowed: Walter
M. Pierce, $5 50: Dr. J. B. MoSwords,
85; J. W. Morrow, $fi 6(5.
l'etition of W. H. Kicks, tor app. as
constable, whs not granted,
Drawing Jury: F. J. Hallook, 83; W.
L. Salikg, 82; W. R. Ellis, 82.
In tbe case Stale vs. Frank Jones, Jos
tice Burnett was allowed 50 cents. Also
oase State vs. Cv Benne't, costs amount
ing to 830 10 cents were allowed
vs. Frank Keaoey, coats, 858 97.
The Members of the leii Mature, After (several
Day's Cauruin iu I'lirllainl. are Mow
Assembling Iu Salem.
Special to the Gazette!
Balem of yesterday is not Salem of
today. Tbe balls are now tilled with
our law makers, who are talking and
lisoussing matters ot interest to tbe
different sections of the state, though
tbe matter in which greatest interest
oenters at present is that of permanent
Slate orClu'Ztion, and selection ot president
of the senate and Bpeitker of the bouse.
Issue of serin to F. J. Hal lock for dm rorthe former tbe names of Senators
triol attorney fees, confirmed. nirson ana uulton are mentioned, while
Cost bill. State vs. Jas. and Phoehe tor Iue ,atter w- P- Keady of Portland,
Richardson. 826.80. allowed. Also atata ana lue ta" sycamore of Waldo Hills,'
vs. W. F. Furwnod. 1 85 i. 1. Ueer, are both stroug candidates.
Iutbe insanity case of John Blaine ,ue 1u"c"d are now that Senator
Frev. 81166 In fees were allowed. ruiton nxs the inside track for president
Costs in justice case, State vs. Henry ln8 Beuate- wml8 w- Keaa.
Cannon. 60 oents, allowed. Also costs romaua. severely -id it" for the
At the request of my friends, let me, in
the name ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bice,
extend their heartfelt (banks to the kind
friends and neighbors who assisted dur
ing Ibe siokuess, death and burial ot
their buluved Media.
May Ood send to eaob such friends in
your hour of need, is the sincere prayer
ot Mb. and Mita Dambl ItiOB.
IT A Jr'klKND.
Harduan, Or., Jan. 9, '93.
All t ree.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery kuow its value, ami those who
have not, now have the opportunity to
try it free. Call ou the advertised ditig
gilt, and get a trial bottle, tree. Hind
your name and address to U. E. Uiioklm
a Co., Chicago, and get a sample boi of
Dr. Jiitig's lNen Life Pills free, as well
as a copy of Uuide to Health aud House
bold instructor, free. All of ubiob
guaranteed to do you good and cost v
nothing. For stile by Slocum-Jobusou
urug uu.
Old Or. llraainiiind.
After years of patient study and experi
ment uas given to tte world a preuara.
tion which is an absolute and permanent
cure mr every nod or rneumatis a. Ask
your druggists for it. The price is So,
bat it is a large bottle and will relieve
tbe worst ease from tbe first dose. If
you are offered something else, write di
rrot and we ill send sou a bottle by
express prepaid. Driiiumond Midirine
Uu, to 50 Maiden Line, New York.
Agents wauted. 61
Q. A. R. DoiNosOn Ibe 21st, Raw
lins Post (i. A. K, will install tbeir
effloers for tbe ensuing year at Liberty
school bouse. The post meeting in the
afternoon at 1 o'olook will be followed
by a oauip tire iu the eveuiug. A grand
time is expeoUd,andll areiuvited to be
present. w.j
oase State vs. Win. Benediot, $17.50;
State vs. Jas and Phoebe Richardson,
$42.75 allowed.
Salary for 881.50, Supt. Saling's salary,
JANUARY 5th, 1893.
E. 0. Frey's claim fur district attorney
fee, not all iwed.
Cost bill State vs. F.G.Stearns.817 55,
allowed. Also State vj. Jas. and Pboebe
Richnrdson, 85980, $9 20 and $30.80;
Slate vs. M. P. Gerkiug, 842 85.
Iu the matter of the road app. No. 124,
Robert Jamison et a!., ordered tran
northed from Umatilla to Morrow ooun
ty records.
Cost bill, State vs, J. T. Reid, 826.90,
Road app. No. 122, T. L. Dorman et al.,
acoepted, and Frank Baker, August
CharBton and E. B. Stanton annointBtl
viewers; Ia Brown, surveyor, to meet
Feb. 18, 1893.
Road app. No. 149, rejeoted.
In the matter of the road app. No. 120,
L. iiejmer et al., accepted; Silas
Wright, J. S. Young and F. P. Vaughu
appointed viewers and Isn Brown sur
veyor, to meet Feb. 20, 1893.
Supervisor's report, J. D. Ball, accept
ed, Jacob Brown appointed, and bill for
823 ordered paid. Also supervisor, Sol
Mayfield reappointed, bill $2t; J. M,
waddell, Harry Joues appointed, bill
81a! ; U. It. Day, Albert Osniin, bill $12;
v. A. Stephens, reappointed, bill 827; C.
H. Hums, reappointed, bill, 851; R.Allen.
reappointed, lull, $19; J. H. Wuttenburg
er, J. C. Wattenburger appointed, bill $0;
A llbea, Memo A. Olduo appointed,
bill S511 ; W. E. Driskell, N. L. Shaw ap
appointed, bill $41.15, 838 15, ordered
paid; Dug Gurdane, Jumes Brown ap
pointed, bill Jfou
Geo. Noble paid $812.99.
further costs in Ike just ioe case. State
vs. Jas. and Pboebe Richardson, 86, paid,
Itoad No. 116, Luther Huston et al..
ordered opened. Bills in connection.
M. A. Oldeo, 84 40, and August Cbarle-
ton, 83.20, paid.
Itoad app. No. 120, already a road. Bet
Road No. 117. W. E. Gentry, et al.,
ordered opened and the following bills
allowed: Henry Wade, 815; I". W. Ayers,
3a5U; J. A. Thompson, $3 20; R. L
Shaw, $3 20.
JANUARY 6th, 1893.
Oue hundred dollars ullowed to do
oik on rood near U. E. Claik's.
Proposition of F. H Biigham to make
a map for Morrow county, r.j-cted.
Supervisor T. J. Carle, report accept
ed, bill JI4 40, A. T. King appointed
1'be Ucppuer Grizette, preseuliuir sat
isfactory evidenoe of having tbe largest
onouliitiou lu Morrow countv, was de
clared the "official paper" for 189a
Koad app. No. 118, D. C. Ely et al.,
continued for term and viewers allowed
bills as follows: O J. Wilson. 83: M. J
Williams, 83 20; J. M. Kees, $3.
o W. Meadows appointed constable
for Dairy preciuct.
Road app. No. ir, Oscar Sotmffer et
al.. disallowed, and bills allowed as fol
lows: Ohas H. U:uus, 84 40; O. M. Hast.
ings, $2 85; J. W. Bauniiter. $4 40.
Supervisors appointed: G. M. Akers
No. 20; H. O. Gay, 21; J. M. Kees. 35:
n.. it n r. .i ii
....... i.. v,,r,r, u, u, iu. rotter, it); Win.
Douglass. 13; W. W. Uosney, 27; Frank
Cecil, 81; 8. N. Morgan, 34; C A. Lov
gren, 21; Jerry Bmaiian, 19; Jas. Tol
bert, 30; N. A. Kelly, 23; O. T. Douglas,
4; Geo. Muir, 11, Jl)UU Edwards, 12
Carl Crow's report as supervisor ac
cepted, and ordered paid, 816.
speakership of the house. At least
this seems to be the combination al
present, though its tbe hour for pel ma
nent organization approaches, the
speaker-ship contest grows warmer, and
dark horse candidates are being spoken
of. In this manuer the name of J. A.
Wright, an Eastern Oregon repieeen
tative, uf Union county, is being favor
ably mentioned as a compromise candi-date.
Representative J. N. Brown, arrived
on the gronnd a few days ago, and
g tl ing around in good shape, and will
doubtless become a very popular repre
seutative eie the session bas ended
Senator Blaokman also arrived Satur
day evening Bud was heartily welcomed
by the different bold-over senators, and
his many friends, who are now here, by
whom be is looked npon as a verv
popular aud able senator, which un
doubtedly re fleots credit upon bis distriot
Hon. A. W. Gowan, representative elect
from Grant and Harney counties, is
also making mauy fiieuds bybis jovial
aud unassuming manuer. Mr. Gownn
was much pleased when he learned for
the first time that his plurality had
reached more than 250. Senator Raley
of Umatilla, informed your reporter
that his opponents would likely contest
his election, notwithstanding tbe fuot
that bis plurulity was nearly 100.
Their strongest charge is that Le re
ceived ou mure votes in his precinct
thau there were voters. "Of oourse,"
said the senator with a smile. "I could
not ueip mis. - Aoa, ail in all, be is
giving himself no uneasiness over tbe
Candidates for railroad commissioners
are springing up on every side, number
ing in all, about 150, which list will
likely grow as the time approaches f r
the selection. Easieru Oregon is justly
entitled tti one and as a oonsequeuce,
theuumesof quite a number of repre
seutative meu from that seolion are
beiug associated with the t flici ; among
those might be mentioned "Doo" Ham
ilton, of Union connty, oue of tbe pres
ent members; H. R. Reeves, an old
time Heppueiite, but at present, mayor
of La Grande; C. M. Donaldson and
R A. Auderson, of liaKer oity; J. W.
Noiville, of Union county, and B. W.
Burrows and Mr. S. P. Gould, of Pen
dleton. From the list a competent man
outiht easily to be selected. The demo
cratic pany is euiiiled to one member of
this committee, who will likelv be
cLoseu (torn the valley.
),. !.,. I. .11.. . ... .....
. .uJtl ,c. icuuntr IIIHI . . --I auu
he is as firm a believer iu Ibe free ooiu-1 A v-oulua' auat viciuily busy us
Mr. W,
ematics, lar-guage and science, be bas
too oiipunuuity to get practical framing
iu ia.i nuwu uuueriies all great lu
ne take agricultural course be
luuiea me science of agriculture and
horticulture, and is trained an hourtach
day in ibe practical application on tbe
larui, iu ine garden or nursery.
If he takes the mechanical course be
studies the science whiuh underlies the
muuulao.uie ot wood and melal, aud
devotes an hour each day to the practice
ol the art. In addition, be studies the
philosophy of the machine, learus lu
draw and pre pare plans lor workiu wood
aud melal aud iu Ibe shoo irem tl.t.
rudiments of tbe utt of its uiauuf..olure.
lu the household toonomy, the young
ladies are taught the science which
underlies cooking and preeeiviug foods
nell as the hygiene of home. Iu ad
ditiou to tin, too una of sewiug, mend
iug dress uuitiug and nitiug are not
The students in the agricultural course
must take oue turn lu Wuod aud iron
"i iue suops. students iu the
agricultural muy luke Laiiu uuring the
atooud aud Ibird years, nrovidiuir n
does not c-OLtliut with their regular
course ot studies.
The agncultuial course is a three
year course, wblch leads to the degree
ot Bachelor ot Agricultural Soience.
the household toonomy oource, ouly
lor the ladies, is a iliree jeu-s comae,
which leads lu tbe Bachelor of House
hold Economy. The mechanical oouree
of luur J cum leads to tbe degree of
bachelor of iV-echauical Engineering.
Those who graduate at this sohool are
tuught those ilimgs hioh make tbeni
aeivea independent. 'Iheyare prepared
to enter upon ibe etutly of uuy vocation
lu lllo aud have u breadth of culture
which will euable them to be of tbe
gieaiesi use lo tbeuiBelyes and the
world. They are here prepared to
readily acquire u Irude or profession.
Geology and mineralogy, this course
has in view the study ol geology iib
special relcience lo ugiicullure aud
unuiug; wuneiue work iu mineralogy
ueatswiiu me chemioul and physical
H.uijoiiion ui minerals with the deter
uiiuaiiuu oy nicaus of tbe blowuioe.
The cabiuet of the college and tbe
ui.uersis tmmifrd Irom different uuriiou
the stbjr b good opportunities
l"t'5 mi-ty of this branch
The instruotioti in this department
uesigueu to give tbe atui aula tl,r,r,,M..l,
b...... ..... ii ... .
""" an muse Qisooveries aud
appliances necessary to the successful
UiuuageuJBul of Iheaoiarv.iriviui r.ii
.uU..uu iu iue auo ecia ol tmr,.rurri,.,
artificial aud natural swarming, qtieeu
reanug, Iialianiziug apiary, prouuom.
a uaaniug surplus nouey, etc
iue uepartuieut in physiology, eaob
..uueui uieseois under the iuBtiuotors
directions, a typical mammal, in order to
e general idea of mammalian anatomy
c. uotier uuueiBtaudluir In refnr.
euce to text book. Drawings of Ihesedis.
euuous are required. Labrutory woi
luuuer aunsists of demonstrations
illustrating oiroulaliou of the blood, oi
respiratiou, optical nhenouieua. ,-afl.v
aciiuii, the study of tbe priucipal tissues
no microscope, lu ll-ia ciHirav
Oi-gsiiizullou Jiffreted Fulton
And Keady Will Preside. The Governor's
Birnnial rtlrssaKe liellveied. Bi Is
Upon Bills Presented. Division
Representatives Hero.
Special to the Gazette.
The peimaueut organization of both
houses of tbe Oregon legislature was
effected Monday, as was previously out
lined, Fulton receiving the honor
instead of Hirsoh, to the surprise of
niuny. E stern Oregon was not over
looked in the distribution, Col. J. B. El
dy, of Pendleton, receiving thi appoint-
ment of reading clerk of tbe senate, an
John S. Vincent, of Umatilla, doorkeepei
of tbe bouse. Senator Blnckman receiv
ed tbe complimentary vote of the demo.
cratic senators for temporary chairman
Joe Williams, of Heppner, for doorkeeper
aud Marshall Johnson, of Morrow coun
ty, for calendar clerk iu tbe house. This
shows that the democracy did not over
look tbeir workers, even though they
could not elect them.
The logislulure being fully organized.
went to work in earnest Tuesday, bills
being sent iu without limit uutil the
"850,000 dome" was almost covered with
them, the total number at preseut beiug
75 in the house and 00 in the seuate
liill Un. 2 in Ibe senate was presented by
beuntor blackmail, asking au appropria
tion of $5,000 for a wagon bri geover the
John Day river, at Monument.
PUB. CO. -
raitlnlfoii I nsl
speoial atteutiou is given to the studeu
aniiiiunziug himself with tbe laws of
Those who oomidele either of
courses may, upon anuliouiinn. 1.
auiiued at the college for astatedinlnm
to leach. Having passed a satisfuotory
nhiwiiaiiou tbey wil leceiva finm .!,
anno uoaiu ot ednouiioo a diploma to
iotcu iu auy or the publio schools.
Oobvaxiis, Or. .Tan. 8, ltj93.
Editor Gazettb :
Mr Editor, being as I have not seen
any items from this part of the world for
some lime past, I will endeavor to pen
you a few.
, Mr. ' T. K. Roberts, representing tbe
age of silver as ever. While ou the train
for Salem Saturday evening, a democr at
lo senator asked him if he was "not with
ths democratic party jet?" Iu reply the
governor said : "I am as firm on tbe old
democratic principles ne ever, aud think
ynu buys will coiuj back to me soon."
lb; senator addressed bad nothing more
to any.
Sheriff Noble, accompanied by Tbos
yunid, arrived safely with G. D. Dasey
Saturday morning. Had no trouble with
him during the entire trip. Mr. Noble
looked upon iu Salem as one of the
most efficient sheriffs iu the Btate ot Ore
Cuas. Sherman is now located for a
short litne iu S-deui where he finds con
siderable paintiug.
Your representative had the pleasure
of meeting ex Representative Welch, of
Astoria, E I. aud Al. Horren and H. U '
Leathers is indesvorinir I..
get a siuging class at Eight Mile Center
uicu would be very beuefloial to this
ueii;uuuruund, if a sohool was taught
net every lady put her name down aud
let us have a siuging sohool. Do not be
afiaid to siieud money (or something
that will do yon some good.
Stiuday school bus beeu discontinued
ou aocoii' I or t,e superintendent nut
oemg wen. However we will have Sun
day school next Sunday at 2 o'clock.
There bas been a spelling school Bnd
debasing sooiely organized at the
Jiitikius school bonae, which we hope
..... vo n KihUU MlUCeSS.
Last Saturday night, therewssadar.ee
ai ine tigbt Mile Center school honse,
-...vu wnn nun atteuuea and all bad an
enjoyatue lime.
mere will bo preaching at Eight
oy rtev. juier the twenty first,
twenty. seoond aud tweuty-tbird.
Eight Mile is getting to be quite
farming country. Verv nearly every aor
Ol 11 Nil A VI hat .... H a.
ni...(..t -11 ..l.l : . i..-r . . ' ." "V mis
......,,..,,,, ,luio morrow couttv 1 ring wuttn will chur.ua ll. n..
plexion uf the ranches here.
Johu Q Wilson, ex representative of
IMa. .11.1 . . .. . .. . .-- ,
v"r,"D jooges ot eieotion allowed '"ariou county, and at preseut a member
in all $501 80 of tt.e third bouse, is now circulating
miss Eva Wier, assistant examiner, al. . ' '.'
lowed t6: Prof. A. w w.-. -....... ... "''"""" ".. tins is one
. , ... ... buuuuu , i.i u iMicai srr VH I III. t ,a .nu..A .1
- ,. . .trao Ul HO-
same, $6. .
JANUARY 7lII, 1893,
Report of B. F. Uevland as supervisor.
accepted, and allowed 814.
List of residents of Morrow countv se
lected from which to draw jury list.
Miscellaneous bills allowed: J. M
Baker, $20; Teter Brenuer, $20; Nate
Mctlee, ll0; W. J. Leezer, $83 33- Juli.
n Keithlv. 133.W: J. W M.,r,... i.ko
Report of G W. Smith.
tiuued for term. '
linn hni u Hul 1. . .
. .1.1111; ne iiiioruied ve
soribe that he oould accept neither tiie
poniuou ot sergeaui at arms nor door
keeper, but since he had l.arned that
ex obaplaiu of the third house, Jim Hen
dersuott, of Union countv, could not be
present, be bad oonseuted lo sot as his
ur"IV- . T , Job Lots.
Salku, Or., Jan. 8, '93.
The slate agricultural college is a
literary as well as au industrial .i
While tbe itudeul is mastering math-
most or the gram was put in very
early last fall and put in in good shape,
loo, and all of it is np aud lookiug hoe
for Ibis time of the year. If tbe farmers
don'l rnise a crop this vear it will be on
"ccount of not baviug enough moisture.
There are three times as muob grain
sown last fall as there was the year
wi-nri r.
Everybody ia anticipating a large
yield per acre Ibis year, by tbe grain
beiug so far advanoed and Eight Mile
is sure to boom.
There has been a rsbbit hnnt orga
n'zed in tbis vicinity for the purpose of
exteirninai ing tbe jsok rabbits a"brighl I
ir. au.i as anon as a snow comes
the rabbits are bound lo suffer from tbeir
hoggish appetites.
. Old Reliable.
Eight Mile Oregon, J an. 8, 1893.
The tw o houses assembled in joint con
vention in the afternoon, and promptly
at i p.m. the eergeiint-at-arms announced
the arrival of his excellency, Governor
Pennoyer, at the door, when be was al
once admitted and esoorted to the plat
form. Congressman elect Ellis and ex
Governors Moody and Chad wick were
also invited to take seats at the right ol
the speaker's chair, while tbe juslioes of
the supreme court oconpied a similar
position at the left. Everything being
in reudineBS the governor began to deal
out his message iu good sized doses to a
large and intelligent audience, whioh
was received with much favor, especially
by the members of tbe supreme court
the Usb commissioners, weather .bureau
and railn ad monopolies wbom be did
not overlook in the deal. In all, it was
a characteristic message. The governor
wants everything abolished excepting,
the Statesman puts it, the gubernatorial
office and bis sawmill. Though while
his message was a peculiar one, yet many
good suggestions were offered. The gov
ernor conoluded with the following rec
ommendations: 1. A change in the assessment law.
.2. The abolition of uselet-e commis
3. A law fixing maximum rates foi
railroad aud telegraph oomnanit.
'aw empowering municipalities
to tix maximum rates ou all nu..nnniia.
5 A law auihorizi liar thn ufivapmip ...
cuipioy a prosecuting witness.
6- A law giving to all state and ooun-
ly omoers a nxed salary.
7. A general muuicipal incorporation
8. A ohange iu tbe road laws so as In
aeuure goou roads.
9. Providing for the arrest and mm.
ishmen t of armed men in private employ.
10. The DSSSIIUH nf Un inl,atr.unu t..-
11. The enactment nf n lun imiint.
that ot Washington, eiamniino
Blends from execution and attachment.
a. Authority to the school laud com
missioners to withhold from any county
its school fund until all Hie stale taxes
from said county have beeu received.
13. The oreatiun of a state auditing
14 No further illegal appropriation
f money by joint resolution.
15. Appropriation fur a finh lml,W ut
Oregon (Jitv.
16. A cbantre in fha low r.!,.i; i
be conveyance of criminals and insane
17. Instructions to our representative
u u,. unless to procure an m.i.r,..,r..il
tor a portage road al The Dalles of the
-oiumuia; to secure the nassaire nf
nut resolution allowing Oreu on tn tlaa
ue interest on the airrion tnrul
luntis lor betterments on the college
; io Beoiire ao extension of time
iu wuicu paymeut mav he mudo hu n
tiers for Janis within the forfeited limits.
iUr iue nee ooinare ol silver: il.
issuanoe of the paper money of theoouu-
r, uy me government a one. aud the on.
actment of ao income tax law.
Following the message, the senators at
once re-assembled in the senate chamber
where they listened to first reading of
the bills that had been previously hand.
ed in. Iu tbe bouse a rpirlmmn n- ,,r.
fered praying for the opening of the
World's Fair on Sunday. Oue lone-
headed member suggested that in-as-much
as Oregon bad made no approprU-
on, it was "ratner gaily" for ihem to
ffer any resolutions oreven suggestions.
Vtedoesday'e session was mostly taken
p in presenting bills, which were iriven
nret reading. Senator Blaokman nresent
eu a mil well worthy of mention, regard
ing tbe regulation of amount to be paid
upon an insurance polioy, declaring the
rsoe to be tbe legal amount to collect.
This will stop tbe paymeut of a fraotion-
part of a polioy, just beoanse the scent
aims property is worth no mn. n ...
the oase wiih insurance nn Hr..,n,.'a
school building. Although this r,m be
strongly longtil by the insurance compa
uies, yet it is to be hoped that it will
The legislature will adjuura Thursday
Are you all run down ? Scotfs Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Fcott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Ciscascs.
Prevents wasting? in chlHreo. Al
most as palatable as milk, (ietonly
the genuine. I'repared by Bcott A
Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by
all Druggists.
pifs, -: Candies, -:- p -:- and -:- (
TVi.a TPincit3- in T rirA
Oyster Season
Also is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
V. L. Matlock & Co.
Ik Keeley Institute
For the Cure Oa
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Qrove, Or.,
The Moil Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gairttb office for psrttculsrs.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private aud sure
legal mm
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. ....
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W ITO'EIISIIN. AGEXT ooof then..,
- - Aav
evening to again convene Monday eve
ning at IU a. m.
Joe Keeney, of Pendleton, is oirculat
ng among the democratic members of
the legislature iu tbe interest of bis ca
didaoy for register of the U. 8 land office
at La Grande. Joe stands well amou
bis people, and will doubtless have
trong pull for the position. Geo. B,
Small, editor of the Democrat, of Bakei
City, is alio here feeling around for the
ppointment ot receiver at the same
oe. George bas the reputation of ba
ng a fearless editor, and oue of the lend
ng, of the democratic faith, in Eastern
Oregon, whioh is a good lecommendation
for him. As a newspaper man he has
doubtless done as much for his party as
anyone, oonseqnently ebould not be over
looked in the shnflU
Messes. E. O.
Woodall and Sherman
Keeney, of Long Creek, are here in the
nterest of the Graut county division bill,
ltb Long Creek as the Counly-eeat. M
nriany, or Hamilton, is also here in the
mterest of division, except that be is
representative of those who desire Ham
ilton as tbe connty seat of the maid
county. A oaj use cablegram bas been
reoeived from Canyon City praying for
little time before tbe division bill is pre
sen'eu; also statiug that a remonatran
will be forwarded at an early dale, with
equal rapidity. joB
Balkm, Or., Jan. 11, '93.
Bnrlilen's Arnica Salve.
I he beet salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, f.ver
aores, letter, mapped hands, nh ihluin.
oorns and all skin ernotiona. nn,l rw,.
lively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect saiisfaoUnn
... uiuim; muuueii. rricc zo cents ner
E...l-LC-M. . ev
wa. ur Bill? liv niOD lm-. ntinani.
P,,mn.n. ' """""
A Upward of $300
Will K I . .
.. ... ,ur nuy oase ot rneiimttism
uit-u oaunot oe cured by Dr. Drum
mood s Lightning remedy. This offer is
made in good faith bv the proprietors.
...r-.r- , reasonaoie excuse tor any
one to suffer loiter. An ordinary esse
will be cured by one bottle, and it is
iniii- euounmv to Bnner when relief can
r... urrminijr. 1 oe price Of a
niuiB is ana mat is the prist nf soil's
Prummoud ..ledicine Co., ii CO Maiden
Lane, New Sork. Agents wauted. 61
Tbe Palace is the leading hole in tho
City. Well furnished naim. ae.lh ..i a..
of light are provided for everyone, a
The Stndehaker wagon beads tbem all.
cor Bale at Gilliam 4 Biebee'e. a
Wby go hungry when tbe City hotel
rates8 801 me"' " liviDg
..'i?ndr?,l"8"did yov Why, yea
at P. C. Thompson 4 Co.'e stand, and the
place for bargains. a
Cull on Kip to do your wood sawing;
same old price. Also delivers wood to
any part of Beppner. See ad. a
Kuhl, the baker. Buy vonr bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
For cash you can get moreattheEasfi.
ern Clothing house, with Levi on deck,
than any other plaoe iu Heppner. a
8m!i1Vhe 'arnitnre man. ia prepared
fo sell fine goods at low figures. Full
line of undertaking goods on hands, a
M Lichtentbal A Co. bave a fine lo of
winter wear. ineinHin i..j:.i .
. - "i.R amaii-B winter
shoes, overshoes, rubber boota.eto. Drop
Borg, the jeweler, is tho mn n w
your WBtoh or plnnlr I . I ...ii
...-I, c Brrpn a lull
hi u . eTer,uln pertaining to bis
Don't overlook T w i .. .
ij- . A.verv, ai r., iue
mri.1 lrUK,f,8i . ChoieeBt Perfumes,
purest drUL'S anrl tl. .,.. i:...
always on hand. - l""e' "rHO'M.
Tbe Bnchlnr hau c a .
th. Columbia Beer Hall. 6sme"' "
Hughes. PIODS.. neil A. a r ,.tT
tenthai & Co.'s shoe stor 1J'B
The M. L. A T Pr, ..-
roofed all their lZ
mense storage capacity. This company
now deals in grain, lumber and wood? a
. Smoe Shaw 4 McCarty purchased the
Z ! Lm?Tiet "ley h8Ve endeavor-
en to keen nn iion.1
oboioest mean, sausages and bolognas, a
tr)! "'".Peraererance. pluck and en.
terprun avail in this wild if
cannot get big bargains? Howeverbe
fore giving up entirelv. viait Mi. n' .
emporum. "
bompson 4 Binnsnwn the h.,.. -ki.i.
goes to and from Ike Citv hotel, but will
"J f:.?T.'e'irl' to train'.
Leave orders at
ny part of tlm itt.
City hotel.
Gilliam 4 Bisbee. th l.flrrln... . J
mware merohants. rn. .
pertaining to thsir .Li'JT '
Ural imolernent. faT'.a I"!"
plow this fall? ,oa .
LOD't OTArlnnaV ViwL. A. T .
bargains. Thev ha nn "h "I,
mess of J. W. Matlock A C tn
soon remove to tbe Mallory corner, oppo
site tbe Palaoe hotel. TOer, oppo-
Dr. Grant's Cloalo. the Brunt ft. i.
conqnerer, will positivelv cure Hiar-n.!.
nd all its kindred nilm.n.. c .
tie sold under a
enect a cure or monev refnndad. rt
in this issue. .