Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 10, 1893, Image 4

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HI Ji! A n-&a " a
hava a relief and cure
In your ipnorance of effects
and vitality which ia
iyssern the elements thus
strength and vior will fol
eure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments
testify) and from many of
, marie .n.o a nek
irf! Shi
WIIM.I1 HIE illLll.. - O "
and we
honey Refunded. rThey are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, m.adle-ageo.,,or ou men, ami wm w
the worst cases in two or three months. Address .
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Louis,
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrive
dfiO p. m.
Pullman Sleeper,
Coionlut Sleepers,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
PurMiind to Hun
every fniir days.
For rates and geuerul Inionnatlon coll on;
Depot Ticket ARont,
Heppuer, Oregon.
W. H. HURLBtlKT. AMt (en.. 1'ms. Agt.
2AI Wailitnvcrnn Ht
I'OHTl.AHn. Orkoon.
Tpnniiuil or Interior I'oiuts the
n 1 1 n '0
nu nil ki
Is the I'll to take
Itit!i!ini!iKriir R-nt- It nun Tlirouh
Tmtibuled Train! uvory Jhj in the yuar to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Clmnire of Cars)
Composed or DINING CARS unsurjiasscd,
Of Latest Equipment
TouristSleping Cars,i
Ret tlint ohii 1m rniiftrurnMl and In which an. i
oniin.Klhii.il hit hiilh Iree anil fiirmi-hml (or
holder. u( lirst ur wi.uiUlm. liokel. ulid
Elegant Day Coachs.i
A Continuous Line ooBiiectinK witu all
Lines, HlTordiuK Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Keserrafion can be
Secured in i(h'(int'e through
any ayent of the road.
To mid from nl iiointu In Ainrl-H, t-.iiulniid
auil Kunip -n be puroliam'U HI auy l ickol olliee
t thit Comiiauy.
Full itiformntion concerning rate, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on spplicati-m to auy
ageut, or
Assistant (leneral I'lissenver Asenl.
Ho. HI t'int (., Cor. H anhiniiton,
it A I 'A N iJ H 15
A new and Complete Trratment. enn.litlnf of
Bniiponllorl.-i. lilnliu.-nl in t'apmilii. hIkiIii Hox
u.l I HIi; ponlllM-l ure tor Kvti null. IttU-r-ial,
llllncl or itliTiltlia. lUlilnn.Clininli'. l:-t-nt
or Hi-reitlUry I'IIi-h, Hint timuy other I1ih-hm'
nil it-nmli- Vkiii wr; it Unlnayna ri l Ik'
tit to the Benewl In-null. Hie iltm-ovrry ol
meiHi Hl enre rvnilrrlnR an nii-iliin llh Ihf
knife iiinm-ruanr h reader. Hill renieitv
never been known to fall. H per . , (r ,-s:
Kill by mail. Whv anller from lhl terrible illi
mm.. uIihh a u rttli-n aiiarHiiti-e In alien with 6
k..a tt, r..fniul the nioliev If not citrnl. M-iul
f..,- f..M. uiiiuit. llniirriiltee lwlieil by
W.K.DABIi. ( I.RKK A CO.. W holeMlD oc Kelal)
Driia bl, AiienU. 1'urtlaiiU, dr.
ltawMrtof qualllisar unaurpasaul, ctuallf-0i-.taaUn
two boa of ny "'b brand. NJ
Saoud br baat. I riiKT Til k. U1..N L IN L.
the effects of abuse, excesses,
i .1,,.. i...n.;n .hich rrnnirrs
in OUT lliaiVCIUa .- , . . . . . . i
or by excesses, or exposure, vou imv have unduly drained your system of neiye force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
. . - ..!A nlnnmnc elrmnntVi. Vrttl will remove the CAUSC and health.
Jw n't once and In a natural way. This is
-Illustrated Pamohlets. free;
B'lt is no experiment, aj we have restored thousands to roDr.se ncaim ana vigor,
failed as can be shown hv liunrireds of cases thrnutrhoitt this State, who would gladly
whom we have strong letter bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
so as to bft ea y wnrn dunn work or at rei, ana it gives soonim?, pruioiiKcu vuucnw
rt JbrfeS $5 OOO: It has an Improved Electric f4Spensory. the
warrant it to cure any ot the above weaknesses,
Guaranteed to cure Dillons attacks.
Sick Headaches and Constipation. 40 in
each -ottle. Frico 25c. For sale by
ricture '7. 17, 70" and sample dme free.
J. F. SMITH & ro., Proprietors, NEW YORK.
IndlfesiHon, Illllotmne, Headache, Conatl-
Ptlon,TtpepU, Chronic LlTer Trouble, ;
OltzlncM, Had Complexion, Dywiitcrj,
OlTemlve Dreath, and oil dUorders of tlio
fitomob, l.lrer and Ilowvla.
ninana Tnbulea contin nothing In Jtirlomw
th most (lelicale coiiHtitutinn. I'ImruhI U laku,
Holtl by rtruRirlHt. A trinl t.nttlB ent by mail
Olirt'cwlptof ij cents. AddrPHS
KAUlo ILLUi.IiNa I wD. ,
At rriiHent tlio I'ont l.lslitud CUj In th
Paris in now on the eve of n revolu
tion in licr li.Tliti-.rr sy:.t?m. Oas li-rht-in;r
v:i:i (li-:.t introduceil in Iin;rluii(l, but
Paris followed in jroud time, and with
n ypl -ndor tinoquak-cl eluowhiM-c. In
like manner, vrit:"3 Dr. Albert Shaw,
in ('entury, Am-.-riea, (let-many niul
somvi other countries havo been earlier
in the U!iu of electric li-flithi;:: but the
Pariiiiann wit'.i tlicir superior taste ami
skill m nil matters of municipal ur
raneuient and appointments, are des
tined to make by far fie most brilliant
use of the new iltuminunt. Within one
year, or within two years rt the far
thest, it is conllilently claimed that
Paris will be incomparably the best
lighted city in the world and that elec
tricity will have superseded g-as in pub
lic use. In IS7S, at the timi of tho uni
versal exposition, the municipal frovern
nient ordered the experimental illu
mination of the avenue do 1' Opera and
several open spaces with electricity; but
the new system was not ripe for lurtfo
use, and the experiment was soon aban
doned. Its principal effect was the
stimulus it jravo to the pra? company,
which invented and put into use certain
larjre compound burners using 1,100
liters per hour, mid rivin; a most bril
liant Hjflit. The (Treat electrical inprovc
mcnts of the past decade were exhibit
ed In the I'Vench exposition of 18S'J, and
wore studied with the utmost care by
the Parisian author ities and municipal
engineers. Undoubtedly the displays
at the exposition had the most pro
nounced effect in stimulating the new
teal Purls is showing for tuo appli
ances of the electric ago.
Mr. Ot'ey'a Valuable -'iiiifci.
Thomas Oxley, a well-known farme
of Lincoln County, W. Va., Ik s a quoe.
pot. It is a lnij,ro Maelt snake, eitfh
feet six Inches lon'. The snalto hat
been an adjunct of i lie farm for twelvf
years ami is considered by Mr. Oxley at
aiiit'iijr his more valuable possessions. 1
stays about tin barn summer and winter
ami is the most indefati fable extermin
ator of rats, mice, ami other vermir
ever ownel by Oxley. ".Inn," as tin
Rnako Is called, is perfectly tamo nnc
decile and answers to his namo ni
prom tly as the family ilo- or cat. IU
Is fond of being pelted liy the fatntl
and seems t: highly appreciate nets ui
kimliK' .s. .1 ini ca its Ins coat at regulai
mien uls of twelve months, und every
one of tits suits has uccu kept by Mr
Soir from Torn.
It Is claim?d that an Eastern chemlai
has cUseovered a proeoss of maUinf
soapfromc.ini. T'.ie discovery has ex
cited considerable attention tiiul prom
ises to jive not only a new corn market j
ma v- ivvoiii-.inni;:? t:ic cvt of soap
making. The i,o.ri r.ta.b 1 o::i corn ii
said t.i be i:V..r -.:-!v p.,..- ;;.k1 bettoi
than t.ie linct i.nei so.:;i , i.nv laado.
riants or ttiti vrorliJ.
Tlio flora of ICuropc embraces nbotf
10,000 spocles. India has nliout 1S,00
Tlio P.ritish iov;essions In North Amer
lea, though witu'tiu area nearly ns largt
as Europe, litn-o only about 5.0J0. One
of the richest floras is that of Cape o)
Good Hope and Natal, which figures u
abcot 10,000 species. Australia also ii
rich in species, ubout 10,000 beiny now
uipuiis Tabulos cure d spepua.
who are debilitated. and suffer1;-' "
from Nervous Debility! Seminal A'la
nesslossesprans.lmpotency cf'c
Lost Manhood. Rheumatism lae
Back. KidneV Troubles. Nervousness
worry and exposure. For such su.Tcrem
hut s trial to conv nee the most skcnticid.
our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a t
sent by mail, sealed.
and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or
A Country In Whln.t t.ic Flr Sex Have
Their Kl -ll's.
As a rule the Indian women of Ko
livia are superior to their lards in intel
ligence, and earn the larger share of
their mutual support. IJeing the elder
of the two, she is naturally the head of
the house, and is more likely to thrash
her dutiful spouse thun ho is to misuse
her, says the lirandon Uucksaw.
In the marlcct3 where farm products
are disposed of she can drivo abetter
bargain than he; she can carry as heavy
burdens, endure as muah manual labor,
chew as much cocoa and drinlt as much
alcohol. The Indians have little or no
money, their mediums of exchange
being whatever they may raise or the
labor of their hands. They will cat
when not hungry, drink when not
thirsty, sleep when not sleepy, any
where and any time when opportunity
offers, "against the time of need," as
they say.
The majority are in a state of semi
intoxication from babyhood to the
grave, alcohol biing used on every
pretext, freely as their means will al
low, on occasions of births, deaths and
feast days the latter occurring nearly
every day in the year. They are social
creatures and not tit all inclined to live
alone; hence their houses are always in
groups, and a community of them,
though numbering not more than half
a dozen, is called an cstancia.
In the interior of llolivia if nn Indian
desires to change his place of residence
he is not allowed to settle in another
villago until the authorities thercoi
have looked into his private history,
when, if the record is not satisfactory,
ho is ordered to move on. liat that
seldom happens, for they are like cats
in their attachment to places, and will
cultivate the same bit of poor land from
generation to generation, though barely
able to keep body and soul together.
An i;uj;li!i ljuubenr.
"AH English people," says an old
traveler, "are fretful about their let
ters. I remember of meeting a party
of English people in lluffalo, and 1
asked them if they were going to visit
Niagara falls. 'Oh, I wish I could, my
ileali fellow, but it is impossible.'
Why?' I inquired. 'Oh, I cahn't, my
deah f-llow; 1 cahn't. Why, my mail
is in Chicago and I have to get it.' 1
met the same party in Denver. They
were begged to sec Manitou and other
pretty spots, but there was tlio same
excuse. Their letters were in Salt
Lake. They cut short their visit in that
city because there were letters await
ing them in San Francisco. The same
bugbear pursued them there. In fact,
to my thinking, the entire pleasure of
that trip was spoiled by those horrible
Clicup tuuuf( 1.
A stranger once walked into a Massa
husetts court and spent some time
vntehing the proceedings, liy and by
, man was brought up for contempt of
ourt ami fined, whereupon the stranger
ose and said: "How much was the
lie?" "Five dollars," replied tho clerk.
Well," said the stranger, laying down
10 money, "if that's all, I'd like tojino
I. I've had a few hours' experience of
lis court, and no one can feci a greater
jntempt for it than I do, and I am will
ig to pay for iu"
Thounanda of Dollars in Itewarila For Bible
The Ladies' Home Magazine presents
its meat fall competition to the public
of Anierioa. The Ur.st correct answer In
the follow iuif questions received Ht this
i.llioo will yet 1.000 in cash; the second,
8f)() i-llRh ; Srtl, urnnd I islioj I'll, lsiliea'
Sent coat; 5:b, 2o0 nrunn; (ill. ladies'
wold waioh; 7' b, silk dress. Then fol
lows 1H0 HniHUt sliver tea sets to the
nut. )0i0 oorrect answers; 10(KI beautiful
5 o'clock silver servicis. and 2000 tbrr
articles of silverware, tnskiuu the most
expensive and miitfuilii'eiit list of rewards
ever i ffWcd by any uublisber.
Questions (1) II. iw mai'V books does
I he bible contain? (2) How many cbap
leihf (8) How many verses?
.HlEver) Met of nnaweia must be nc
inniui.ied by $1 to pay for six mon.bs'
aiiliseription to 'he Lwliea Huiiih Msga-xiiie-oui-of
I be bnuhbat and best illua
trHtpd publications or the day.
Lnet l'riies In addition to the above
we will iiive 10IKI pns- ronaistinii of
nuifftiinoont silver servioea, fle o'clock
s-i vices. Ao , &n . for biM oorieet anaweis
reel vnl before the r.n of the cuiipeii.
lion, n hu ll wi I be on Dec. 31, 18i2
The object in I'fTeiinif these liber!
piiz-a is to estiihlii.il the LhiIics Home
Mnw line in new homes in the United
States and Can mix. Present snbeoiibera
eiin avail tbelnielves of It by encSisl'lw
SI 00 Willi list of snswers and ilienddresa
"I M-llie friend to whom the nintH'iie
can be sent for sis nnunhs, or have their
"Wii extended beyond the. time a read)
mi. 1 for. Pns-a to snbsi rilieis resnlinu
i tli United States sent from our New
Y nk brunch. American cnrreiiej sod
oalHk'H stsmos w ill tie tskeu. lie sure
ml reiiister all monev letters. Address:
he Ladies H uue Mug' Sine, lVterbor.
null, ChiimIh.
Tbey inci-otieonppttlp, pm-tfy the whtilo
gys(C4UuUiu:liu tlie liver, lulv LkMUwrtU,
Dow to Tak. Cur of Milk tor Mutter
The cows shouM lie projierly fed the
best and most wholesome food on the
tarm. They should not be allowed to
drink ont of any elongh or stagnant pool
sf water, bnt should lie given as pure
water as yon npe for domestic purposes.
Their surroundings should be sweet and
clean, and the milkers ehonld be neat in
drawing the milk from the cows. The
milk utensils, such as pails, strainers,
cans, etc., should be of tin. They should
be washed out in but water in which i
some salsoda has been dissolved, then 1
Bcalded and set out of doors to air. The
milk should be thoroughly cooled and j
aeiated as koou es drawn from the cow,
and morning's milk should never be
strained in with the night's milk until it
perfectly cool.
The milk should be kept m the com-
mon setting cans, sut m a tank or cola
water until just before the collector
culls for it; then empty the milk into the
delivery cans and place on a platform
convenient for the driver. This is for
vour own interest as well as ours, for
th ear lier the milk cets to the factory
the be: ar shape it will be m, and the
skiinmillt will be sent back to the farm
butter than it would be otherwise. Tho
skiumiilU should be emptied out of the
delivery cuns as soon as returned from
the factory, and the cans and covers
washed and placed bottom siue np on u
rack ont of doors to air until the next
time. Do not send any sour, tainted,
frozen or impure milk of any kind to
the factory, or any milk from an un
healthy cow, but send us such milk as
you would use in tea or coffee, or off
which you would take' cream for straw
berries or table use. iso oilier wia
make line butter. Iowa Agricultural
Experiment Station Bulletin.
A Model Creamery.
The walls of the building contain two
dead air spaces, with flues in the outer
space to conduct off the direct and re
flected heat from the sun in summer,
bnt to be closed in winter.
The water tank is made of metal and
is bung overhead in the refrigerator,
and the wuter remains cold and sweet
for washing the butter. The icebox is
at one end, with top and bottom circu
lation of air through it and the "cold
room." There are two doors and two
weigh cans for receiving milk, and the
skimmilk is conducted above the wagon.
The heat and dust from the boiler and
nntrine room are cut off from the work
room with good, substantial doors and
partitions, and the steam pipes and ex
haust pipes and flues, especially if steam
separators are nsed, are covered with a
good nonconductor of heat or placed in
wooden boxes.
If there is a full supply of hands and
a proper division of labor the milk is al
lowed to gravitate from the wagon to
the weigh can, to the separator, to the
cream vat, to the churn, and to the
buttermilk tank, dispensing with pumps,
but the lay of the land und the dim dug
capacity of the butter maker must be
taken into consideration. Creamery
Question mid Answer.
Whic h Is I lie best cow rorViltcr-one thai
ttivin twenty-live pounds of milk per day, 8 per
cent, butler fttl. or oae llial uivea fifty po-inda
of milk, 3 per emit, butler lull Which b the
tievl cow for elieese'i1
More butter can be made from twenty-live
pounds of milk containing 0 per
cent, fat than from nfty pounds contain
imr onlv II per cent., because the losses
in creamina und churning will be less.
Which is the better cow tor hntter win
depend very largely upon the way in
which they hold out m giving mint.
The probabilities are that tho milk from
the lifty pound cow would make tho
most cheese, but of a quality not quite
up to what so called full cream cheesa
ought to be. Hoard's Dairyman.
Dairy and Creamery.
The individual who has a hillside with
a spring upon the hill above it lias just
the place which nature had in iniud for
a first class creamery when she built
that spring there. If the spring is ope
that does not dry out, the water can be
collected in a reservoir and used for a
dozen different purposes. If it is cold
enough the cans of milk can be plunged
into it, or a cement milkroom can be
built tinder the lullside creamery and
the milk kept there. It can be utilized
ns a water power to run the cream sep
arator, the test machine, the churn and
butter worker, besides cutting feed and
sawing wood if necessary.
It will be nn excellent plan, where
you make hntter to sen Qireciiy 10
hotels, restaurants or fancy groceries, to
have a print made with the particular
name of the buyer upon it. A fine rep
utation for both butter maker and
dealer might be established in that way.
Suppose, for instance, a hotel named the
Montrose House buys your tine butter.
The article might be turned out in pound
prints with some pretty design upon the
face and the word "Montrose" printed
handsomely beneath. Or if a grocer
named let ns say Smith wanted to es
tablish a name for a first class and re
liable brand of butter, he could get the
article made from a producer whom he
could swear by and then ask the pro
ducer ' o put it into pound rolls, each
bearitig the trademark "Smith" printed
npon its face. Here is an idea worth
"In bnyinir a oouifh mdioine for chil
dren," sas H A Witlker, prominent
drntritist of Cvden. Utah, ''never he afraid
to huy Chamberlain's Contib Kenv'v.
There is no danger from it and relief ia
always sure to follow. I psrtieiilaily
recommend Chamberlain' because. I
have fonnd it to be f and reliable. It
is in tended esiieei-llv for eld. pionp
"nd whoiipii'B coinrli." 50 ent Imtllea
for sale by Slofinm .l.,in"ii Drun Co.
Wnnieii Vh Pi turly.
Mnny nf t-nr mnut hHiitiful nn(l po
rompiinlifil ilipf) die befrp ihry hMV
ti-hpImH tli ppiup ff life. Of tlmee
tivf fn mitlitl nue otilv one in two lintnl
n i. ip unnml; Hi1 'ti r ne hnn.1nl Hnl
ninety ntt't Hr pi (T-rerP. Vhy in H?
PpU-nt'ylw t. Thp RhMllHrfd hmlth enn
tx rpn'urH.I; Ui ln-nip uihdt hPpv nml
onr lift lpnuthpiip'1 if nn otinimniOr' ur
oiipp. "U rp htidN' Iimvp hwn iipI for
twpiity ypttr in tht privntp prno-iot of
.np of Hip nvM.t pininpnt pbyniri' f
Huria, fiul will NbatilntpW rn- hiv firm
j ot frra Ip i1iipmpp. Prirp. $1 00 Ht ilnttf
Ifipif, ir p wi'l rurwuni nv mHii pn"i
i'Htl. (SpioI f.r i.nr IMp hunk Irpfl.)
1'Ttpiip StPoiBd Co , 175 Ttemont St..
Uipaoi Tabulcs : one gives relief.
That Your Hair
may retain
Its youthful color,
fullness, and beauty,
dress it daily
Ayer's Hair Vigor
It cleanses the
scalp, cures humors,
and stimulates a
new growth
of hair.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
Ttrr-t i lettfr or pout ; cnril lo
I0HN wi-iji-a-ijR.J. "Jinnnqlog Attorney,
St'ni--S. WI-OWS,
Is-, f r1--! n l R-illorB 'Msahl'-'l In tSe llnftof
rnrv it O i? reu-ular Arii'Vf r Nn- v alneptti-- wnr.
irvtvr of o (nflii-i 'var. of 1SM2 ti 1H42, fnd
111 IrvHowp, now i-iititli'li. Old nti'l ref Tti-il ijnlma
i aecl'bv. Ti.ouanr.dB entitled to M"hcr rites,
-'end fnrnrw law Ko charge for advice. No fee
Did you aver leurn "hut fabulous i-muIm rm wt of
Mul'Miure Ly Mr. Iwyriof hii ornanituUl ini1 to liuld
tiOioo-ry 1 Tli itoiy rr.-uW )!; a falile. but to tril it
M. wotticr question, llaif "U evar notirwil th aifv
fU iariuotur Compainy, winch Etaru out aa tuilowa;
45 eoEd in '60
2,280 cold in '89
6,260 cold in '90
20.040 CO!d En 'OB
60.COO l sold In '02
V t M UTBOI VYinUI.II iui.ju.cui
'aft Towor every U minute. I
SiA CT These flsoiro tt:i th
story of tho ever-crowlnm
ovor-Bolns, ovorlnctina
fttMl Aortnotor. Whorw
one goes others follow.
I nnd wo "Take the Country..
Wll, tlirt eilie ii.iiiuriii.
Dictionary Holder htwni"
knut ii -(. to th H"IJr, anJ
ukkc-U inquiry lo Uow il lt
nJ iiwld ii -till h"1,1 ,hn n1'
tsrrtuinV rai'ully frt.m Vr t yct.
Tliewcrst uf tiwi w tlnt
Vr. N..)rthaa niaiie must Ijerferl,
niitieanil menlonoiia artlclB.aua
a... .,.;.,.,...i . i.iifh ilanilnrtt of
cdleiica and anin.litd ilia anicli
Dictionary Holders lia -OR'"!
that tliay litarally told u.nu.iv.tl
ltd inticit(!r(?iH
Ui that a small r
ach on ha mail
mult a'i.v nirnti
Ttiay Itava Kmtualriiiattvry
kamuliln Krtmn ot (lie (loin,
tn luih rinnita I Until uf
Ifea r, and aft kafl Ly ali
The success of this Great Cotiffh Cure Is
without a Darallel in the history or medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
uccessfully stand. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every home in the United States and Canada.
If you have a Couerh. Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your
child has the Crouo. or Whooping Cough , use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread
thatinsidious disease Consumption, use it.
Ask your DnieTgist for SHILOH'S CURB,
Price lOcts., 50cts. andSl.00. If your Lungs
are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Poroui
Piaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug
gists and Eeaiera.
i ntoM
f naiad
I r . . ... n I
.,.uoi,l,ii..ii.ll;WI?'"' tl
a,.,..l.t,.l mill. v. ini II "- y'-" m
nil,. .rraea br " " I Lae wS'SgT'El
wu n h..llv fuinmh.il l'l Hia U I
( Northern Pac fic R. R. Co , Lessee )
Two "Thrcugh Tra ns Dai y.
I2.'i'pm!fl.2-!ipm Lv.MlnnenpoliHAr ivnnnml.l-ripm
l.: pnt)7 l.Fipml.v...9t. I'unl. ..Ar .;t Hini:t.40pm
lo.irainl4.1ApinlLv...lmluth..,Ar 11 U" lii.'x-pm
j.fjPpm 7.,'.cipml.v.. Ahlaiid. . Ar s L'Otini ;t :;npiu
7.15anij!i.5'.'ttin Ur.. .Chicago. .h 6.17am O.Jj"
Ticketusold and hasiratre checked through to
all points in the Cnlted Mtitiis and Ca alH
rluKe count clion made in Chicago with all
trnlni ttoltiK Eiisi ami south.
For full liiiormution apply to your nearest
ticket aent or JAS. 0. i'0.i.
Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, IU.
Partnership exisiii g between J. A. Wool
cry, 8 W. Adams. Ed. A Cox and s. II. Cox, un
der the ilrm name of J. A W oolery & o., was
dissolved May lt, twi. by mutual consent. J A.
oolery retaining the btndneH t lone, r. cob
ecting all account due and pnyii g all IIhIjIII
tics of mid branch of H.iii' bt sims. up to dnte
above-meni toned, thereniaininn prirtt ers retain
tug the HrirdniHii buvlniSH, coliccling all ac
counts contracted by said branch of the buai
iieKt up to said date. J. A. VYooi.KhY,
H. V. AlANS,
Ed 8. Cox,
62-GO H. U. COX.
HARNESS-HHOP, stock and fixtures. iood
binlues; establiHhetl in the midt of a
gootl farming and vtcK-k-rHihing country.
Also for mile a good hoime and iwo loii with or
without the htiKluesH in)pcrty. For lurther In
nrination sildn tiHZcite. Heppner. Or. tf
j January 2, '.. Noiice is hereby given
thut the following-named net Icr tins tiled notice
of his Intention in make html prtxii in support
of hii elrtiin. and that naid proof will )e made
before the l oiinty ( lerk of .Morro. ('uuuty, at
Heppner, Orison, on Feb. i:t. iz.:
Jt II n Mi Cl l.l.OU.H.
D S No. 10HX) mr the K'i ai.dSWNW
and N , w mm- M, 1 p ;i, 8 It 2, K. W. M.
He unmet the follow ing itueMie to proehts
continuoin reiidence upon and toliiniion of,
suid land. i.. :
Jhiius W l-eiihcy. Mat Hughe. Arthur Daly
and W. (i. ccoit, nil ol Heppner. Oregon.
A. Ci.KaV-K,
5od-566 itegistcr:
JSoii Prnneisco
Ad kit point hi I ahfi rma, via the Ml. tluuui
naiteof the
Southern Pacific Co.
Dip grout hiirhwajr throngh Cabttimta to all
point htvt and South, timud IScpoie Konte
Of the Pacific Cott. Pullman Rnffet
Blepppra. 6eetnd-clae b lee pec
Attached toexprp trains, aff rding mperior
ai)mmdations for mtdi d-cl anseDger.
For nitts, ticket, sleeping car re-errationis
te. mil nnn t'f address
K KOEHI.ER. Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
ipn F tV Agt. Port Und. Oregon.
To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean
Cuttle branded hi id ar marked as shown above,
HoreeB K on ritclit shonlder.
Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla ooun
lie. 1 will i a JlO'VOO for ihe arteet and con
i'lton of any peisnn MealiM' my Muck
l .A ll'ITlllNfr i, lf:'i Ulll'C ll llt-II'UJ nit;ii
Hull lit inline inn i iiit ru Brim i iiiir iiuii iiimh-i.'
ot hi tinentioii ti imtkf liml pronl lit tu')ort
ol liin tlHiin. Hiifi Hint mitt j-n-ot lie nnuie
liernrv W. K Kllin C-m WW, rln-nit Court at
HtUlMier, . on .minim j -i. us,;
.IO.-Kt II . liKC'I'Hi.
Hd. No. 4857, lor the MV see. , '1$. 2, S R 27,
K. W. M.
lie nmiipii the followlnp u ttnpFrr to prove lii
coniiiiuoiis rerideiue upon and cuUhutiou of.
IhikI. viz.:
Nel-nn Jont's. Frnnk Slonn. W. 0. Uoyer and
J, N KUU i, ull ot aUi'pjim r. t "m (ion.
.W-.VrO A. C hav Kit, Itt'giater.
hotice of intention.
Ut'cemlier 17. Iwrf. Nut ice ! hi'rchy jiiviMi
thut i lie lollov iiin-iiHini'it fcttlt-r luib tiled notice
of hif ititfiitiou to intike tinnl proof In Mipport
of hif clttini. and tlmt fuid proof wilt he m tide
iH'ioreJ. W. Morrow . Count) Clctk.at lUppner.
or., on oatunhiv Kebrtirtry I. t8:M, viz.:
fid. AppHcntt.il. No. lh.0C for the of Sec. 31.
I p. L It iti, K W M
He uauieft the followintr wttnesnei to prove hit
coutinuour residence upon mid culiia(ion of.
Buhl land, viz.:
O. K. t arnmvorth. W. F. Dntton, A. A. Wren
and K.J. How aid, all of mppiur. (irecon.
55."n6 John . lwiH. Keyiiter.
Notice of Intention.
i lec 16, lWtt. -Notice in heiehy Kiven that
the folhiwiiig-nnmed ncttlcr hnn tiled notice of
his intention to mnke it mil proof In Rtipnttrt of
liiti claim, and tlmt Biiid proof wilt he mmle he
fort W. Ii. I-Hip. I'.K. Commifntoitcrat Heppner,
Oregon, on Wcdnpfriiiy Feb. lft. IMH. viz.:
Hd. Applirniioii No. aH5. lor I otn 1 and 2, and
K N W is, of tt c. l . 'I p . It 24 E W M.
He namea the ftillowiiifr wihieshcs m prove hin
continnotii retiideuee upon and cultivation of
alii land, viz.:
N. It Mcay, T. P. (irnhom. Jacob Johnton
and F M. IlolmcB, all of (iooucherry. Orcyon.
5.'0-otk JuiiN . l.KWirt. heliter.
SlOt h RKAN lh.
While you keepuur mibscription paid up yci
tiaii keep your hrnni in freeof charge,
Alhn. T. J . lone. Or. Horses Of on lef
huldpr; cat tip -nroe on fpft hip, nndprhiton
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row emir ty.
ArniMrontf, J. Alpine. Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder nf horses: entile Bainp
m hip
Allison. O. D Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
O I) on left hip and homes aaute brand on right
nhoiihler. Hnnizc Kighl Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Huppner, Or. -Hot-fees, JA eon
f-tr-ii in- u- t Hhi k: cattle. H.inieni lfi hip.
Ayers. Johnny, l-ena, t)r. Horn branded
riaiigieon hH hip; cuttle siime on right hip;
ilcn cn p off ritrh' ear and upper bit on Hine
Ilarin'innrw, A (i , Aloine, r. - Ho'ses
Dnnuleil 7 E t-n either si.oulUer. Range in Mo -r-
w '(iiinty.
I'.ieHkiiiun. (ieo., HardiiiHit, Or. Hornet, h tluv
mi left nhiiilder: cattle nuiie in right tdmulder
1 (inninter, J. V., ItitnliiiKti. Or. Cattle brand-
etl H on left hio and ihitrh: nplit tn each ear.
.(miner. P'ler, (km wlterry Uivgon tlorses
branded P un left shuuldur. Cuttle s.Rie on
riiflit nine
Burke. M 8t C, Lrntg I reek. Or On cattle,
MAY cniinoeted on tf hip, tnop off left ear. un
der half en in off riuht. HorHeH. Hame brand on
Iftfi Htiouluer. Kunge in Gruut aiid Morrow
hroriinan, Jerry, Lena. Or.- Horses branded 7
ii right shoulder; cattle B on the left Bide.
-i,fft eat half crop and right ear ut 'per tdopM,
Barton, Win., tiepouer, Or. -iiornes, J H on
r;ghi tliM.i catlle name on right hip; Hplit in
each ear.
Brown, Iwt, Lexington, Or. Horse- IB on the
riKht ftitle; cattlu huuiooii riuhiiiip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P , lleponer. Or. -Il)rHe nnd cattle
branded IS wit-ox-yoke aitove on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C., Heppner. Or. Humes, circle
t mthitot 'ii n tMron left hip; cattle, tame.
Brown, W.J. , Lena. Oregon. Horses W bnr
over it, on the left Bhoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer. W. G., Ilej pner. Or. Horses, m
hranu o 4 hip cattle, name, wuh uplit in
eai-ii ear.
Borg. P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P Bon left
Nhoiilder; cn't le, ttanie on lefl hin.
liroiitee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle, JB connected
on left Hide: crop on left ear ami two spiintand
middle pece cut out on right ear; on hordes Maine
brand on the left thiKh; Ban go in Fox valley,
(irant county.
t ainnei- Warren. Wngrer. Or Horsed brat d
ed O on light otifle; cattle (tl ree barw) on
right ribs, cnp in d ptplit in etch ear. liui.e in
Grant ai.d Morrow counties.
Cam.E., aleb.Or.- it on IiorSeH on lef t stilie;
U with unarter circle over it, t-n lefl shoulder,
and on left stilie ud all ooIik under A years; tin
left ohouhier only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant coimtv,
( lark. Win. H. Le a. Or. IIorse. WHO con
netted, on left t-houhier: cattle wtme on rigid
hip. Ita ge Morrow and Umutilla counties.
t ate, ('has. It,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horse
II C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Itance Morrow anil Umatilla counties.
Cecil, W m.. DoughtM. Or.: In-rses J(' on lef
shoulder; cu tie same on lefl hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, T. H.. John Lay, Or. Dmib e cross on
each hm tin cattle, swallow fork mid under tut
in right ear, split in lef t ear. Hange in Grant
muni. Un sheep, inverted A " spear point
tiu vhoulder. Ear markoa ewes, cnip on left ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. Ail range
in Grant count v.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or, Horses, 90 on right shoal
jei ( attle, saiueon r ght hip: ear mark square
ciep otf left and split in right.
( urriu. U. Y., Currinuvilie, Or. -Horses. (O on
left sttne
Cm Ed 8.. Hardman, Or.-V.tIe, C wltl
it center: hor-et., CK on lefl 'iiii.
(ochraii, ii. E.. Monument, Grant Co, Or.
liorses biand en circle with bai beneath, on left
nhouider. cattle same brand uii both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap,
Chapin, H., tianlman. Or. Horses branded
on right tup. I attle branded the same.
Lickinp, 1-Lh I'oisen brat drd with three
tiueti fort i n lefi m tie t attle ra ue on left side.
Ooonaii. VuiM fTeppner. Or. Lor- brantlfu
OO with bnt over them, on left shoulder; cat
tie same on left hip.
LtuiigiHsh, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, K Don
rigm sitle, nwi, low-lork m auh ear; horsea. K i
on left tuo.
Douglas, O. T , Uoiiglaii, Or-ll.inee TO on
the ieitt utifle: chU1 same on right hip.
Duncan. V , P., John Unj.Or. (Quarter circle
W n riiflit shoulder, both on horses and cattle,
hange Grant county.
El). J. b.k boim, iJoaglas, Or Horses brand
ed r.iji on left houJder, cattle Hit me on left
hio. hole it right ear.
Elliot', Wa-h., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right i-hoalder.
Heek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Hones. 7F
cotmecied oi riulu shoulder; cattle same on
right hip Ear mark, hole in right and crop
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right tnp, hort F wiUi bar wider on right
Morence, B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, V on
right shot Ide. ; cattle. F on right hip or thigh.
Gaj, Henry, Heppuer. Or. OA on left
tiilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil. Or. Horse, anchor Sou left shoulder; vent,
same on left tne. tat lie, muiih on both hips;
ear marks, crop oft ruitil ear and underbil in left,
liunge in (iilliaui. Giant, 4 rook ai.d Morrow
Gentrj, Elmer, Echo, Or --Htirses branded H.
H. with a quarter circle over it, tin lull stitie
Bailee in Morrow and Luiatillscoiinties.
Gilt water, J . C, i'raine iy. Or.-On horses,
0 -O on If ft shoulder and stifle; cattle, uu right
side. Hange in Giant count).
hae. i.eo., Lena, Or, lirtuid JH connected,
wnh quarter circi over it, ou leii huuide.
Hiatt A. U., liidttv. Or. I utile, round-top
vithquaiter circle aider it on the right hip.
hai'ke in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hinlon A Jenks, Hamilton, or t al lie, two bars
on either hip; crop in righi ear and split in left.
Burses, J ou right thigh. Hange in Gmti! county.
Hughe. fcUmnel, Wagner, Or-J" (T F L
connected) on ritdit 4houliiertn hot iwtt; on cattle,
on right lupaid on left side, swallow fork in
riiiht ear ano slit in left Uange in Haystack
district. Munvw conuty.
Hale. Milton, W'ngne . Or. Horse branded
-O- ( irele wiiii ratal. el tai's) on left shoultttr
1 1 1 le same un lefi hip ; ai-o laige circle on left
Hall Fdwin. John Dav.Or. CattlF Honrirht
: hip: horses same uu right shoulder, range in
Grant count).
I IloWHrd. J 1. aUoway. tr.-IIore. fenss
witu bur lib re ii) on rigiit st.nuluer; ftt e
hieuii e i side, Uangv in Murio and Uma
tilla cvButies.
1 ftV&Fc
tTnarhsa. Mat. Hranner. Or.HnrM. shailad
bean on the lefl shoulder, ftaag Morrow t.
Hunsaker, B , Wagi er. Or. -Huraas, II on left
houhler.ca tie. Boo left hi I .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
etmnected. on left shoulder; Cuttle on the left
hip. crop off left ear.
MumpnruvA. j u. uaraman, vr. iiorsea, n on
le- flank
HhiHtt. J. M.. Hennner. Or. Horses, wines bus
on left shouhtei cattle, same on right hip.
Ilnston. I,di tier, r in ni hup. nr. Hor ti on
the lefi shoulderand heart on the left stifle Cat
tie twine mi left hip. ttaiitr in Mormw eumit.T.
Ivy. Alfred. Lttng Creek, Or-4'atHe 1 Hon
riirlit hip. cropofl left ear and bit in right. Horse
same bumd on left slumlder. Hange n Uraut
Juiikin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Htirses. horse
Bhtie J tm left shoulder. Cattle, the Mm a.
Ba nire on Kiuhi Mile.
Johnson. rlix Lena. Or. Honee, cirrleT on
left slit e; eatile, same on right hip. nndei ludf
on 'i' it rttflil Hi t) siiil in left ear
J hkit r.D W,, i t Vi ri iii,tr. J on horsesoK
left hlmti.ili-l : O t-Hllle, J on left IlipainllWO
Hmotiih cn)8 on both ears. Hange in Fox and
Bear vail jh
Khiui), M ike, Heppner, Or. Horse brandd
KNY on lefl hip cat lie same and nmp off left
r: niider -ihiimt (lie riuiit
Kirk J T., Heppner, Or. Horses rtfl on left
shoulder: calt le, t-M on lett hin.
hira.J C, Heppner. Or. ltreea. 17 on either
HriTitt call I I" on right rtidtt.
Kitk Je.e, Hepi-ner. Or.: horse II on left
lnu tier; cattle same on ilghtside, underblt ou
lighi ear.
KiiinlH-rland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or, I L on
cuttle on right aud left sides, awatlow fork in it ft
ear and utter ciop in right ear. Horses same
lirandon left nhoulder . Itangu in Grant etmntv.
Koeney, Fli, Heppner, Or. - Horse J L and
ace of clubs on left stilie. Uange in Umatilla
anil A or mm counties
lt'Hhey, J W. heppner Or. Horses branded h
nd A on lefi shoulder: cat He -ame on left hip;
wm ttf ver riht ey thiee slits in right ear.
Lofteti, Steplieu, I ox. Or. 1 L tin lefl hip
on cat He. crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Kaage Grant
L.iei.allen, John W., L -f - Or. Horses
branded half-cncle J L connected on left shoul
der. Cai Ge. sain- m It) hip. Hange. near Lei
Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H coi necn Nometiiue called a
swina H, on left shoulder.
Klinor, Oscar. Heppner Dr. Cattle, H D on
ritcht hip; horse. M on lefl shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N Heppner. Or. Horses, M)
on left should- cattle same on left hip.
Motumber. Jas A, Echo, Or. Hones, 51 with
liar over on right shoulder.
lb aim, 1. B.iena, Or. lloraee old mares ZZ
on right hui; young sUAik, small as on left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. I lories, circle
J on left shoulder and left tbigh; uattJe, '6 on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horses. 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
MoClaren, h. G Brownsville. Or.-Hor&es,
Future Aon each si ider. oatUe. hVt on kin
MuKeru.W.J. Mount Veruou.Or Xloa cattle
on right hip, cmp in rigtit ear, half crop m left
same brand ou horses on left bit . Ha'iae ia Grant
McCariy, David II., Echo, Or. Horses branded .
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
AicGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Hale shoe
with loe.cork on cattle on ribe and nnder in
each ear; horses name brand on left stifle.
McIlHley, G. V., Hamilton, (jr. On Horses, 8
with halt circle nnder on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected un top on the right side
Bange in Grant County.
fseal. An drew. Lone rtock.Or. Horses A N ouo
uectetl on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips.
Iordyke, E Htiverton, Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left ilugr : h tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joeeiih, ( anyoii i ity, Or. A S on cattle
ou lefi hi p: on horses, same ou lefl thigh. Hange
tn Grant county
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or, P O on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wariieon nose, itangu in Grant county,
Pearson, Oluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shielo on left shoulder and on left
hip. ('attle, fork in left ear, right cropped, M
on left hip. Kangf on Ki.it Mite.
Parker it Gleasou. Hanlman.Or, Horses lPon
1 ft xuoulder.
Piper, En e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand,
e E (L Ecuiuieo ed) o jeft t-hou.der; aula
f me ou 'lgiitnip. itaugp, Morrow couutx.
I nVl, J. 11., LuXlligloo, ur. iloi-rnw, ti. oon
lieclvd ti. left shtmlder; cattle, same ou left hip,
under hi in each ear,
l't-ltys, A. C lone. Or.; horses diamond Pon
(moulder, cattle, j l J connecieil, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip In Uie
Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, JP con.
ueu ed on (ell shoulder. Cattle OK coUiiectti (
iefi hip, two uuder half crops, one on each ear,
waitie under throat. -Kn. gem timid county.
luvkiud, 0. O., Can)uu t ily,Or.- -F C on left
houider, ou horses only. K uge Cauyen creek
ami hear vaile). Grant county.
liood. Andrew, ilanlinau. Or. Horses, sqnare
on"- wild quarler-iiircle over lion left stifle.
Beiiingur, t.ltris, Heppner. Or. Horses. C It on
let I nhoiiltle..
bice. Ban, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou lett shoulder; ca lls, bAA oa
right shoulder. Buuge nettr Hardman.
itoyse, Aarou, Bu,piiei, or lit nwn, plain V on
iefi sliouuier; callle, same brand reversetl o
right lu ( and crop till right ear. itauge iu .dor
row county.
buhh Bros., Heppner, Or. Homes branded X
on the rigin shoulder; cattle, IX ou tint left nip
crop ott ielt ear and dewlap ou neck. Hange tx
Morrow and adjoining cotiiities.
litiHt, Wiliuun, 1'eiioleton, Or. Horses It ob
iefl slioiihier; catlie. it ou left hip. crop ofJ
right ear, underuil on lefl ear. bfieep. Ii on
weiu hers, i.ouud orop oil righ ear. Uange Uina
tliiaand Mon owe lUniiee.
beaney, Andrew. I xiug ton, Or. Horses
brandeii A H on right shtmtder, veut quart ej
circle over brand; uuitha same on right tup.
limine Morniw county,
Hu)se, VVtu. Il, Uairyville, Or Hit connected
with quarter oin-le over top on cattle on right hip
and emu oh" right ear and split in left. Horses
oauie hrandon left shoulder. Itauge iu U or row
Gram and Gilliam counties.
hector. J, W.. lluppuer. Or. Horses. JC ot
lett shoulder. Ca.ue. o right hip.
picknidl. J. W-, (iiMiseberry, Or.- Morses
branded al on left sh.ulder; lange in Morrow
baniug, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded H A
on lei I shoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
bwnggan, If. r., Lexington, Or.-Horse t
wnh dash under il ou left stifle cattle 11 with
oash untier il on right hip, crop on right ear and
waodled ou right bind leg. Itauge in Morrow,
Gilliam and uuialiila Co unties.
tiwuggart, A. L., Ella. Or- Horses brande I
ouielt shoulder; eel tie same on isft hip. Cro.
.on ear, wattiu on left hiad leg.
Htmight W. E., Heppner, Or, Horses shaded
J b ou lei stifle; cattle J Hon lefl hip, swallow
fork in righ ear, underbit in left,
bapp, Tina.., lluppuer, Or, Gomes, SAP
lefl hip; cam raiueou left hip.
Miiru. James, Long t nek. Or. Horses. I aa
left stifle and A over 2 on left shonlder.
bhrier.Jotiu, Fox, Or. NO ion u acted
horses on rutht hio; ouitiu. sama nn Hvhi h,
crop oil riant ear and under bit in left ear. Hang
in Grant county.
bnutli Bros., bubnville. Or. Horse, branded
H. Z. ou shoulder; caite, ame on Jeft ahuiiUJer.
bquii-es, James, ArlinKUm, Or,; homes branded
Jtton left Bhoulder; cattle the same, also none
waudle. Kange in Morniw and Gilliam cu ntiee.
btephens, V. A., llardmau. Or; liorsee tyii
right stifle; cattle h. nrtwiiai L tin ihe light side
bieveiisou, Mm A. J., Heppuer, Or. t;etu, if
on righi in ; wallow-fork in lefl ear,
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or.-Hume, 44 oa
lefi should ; eutUe, 44 ou left hip.
bimili, E. E. Loua iwua, ur. .tomes branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle seine oa
left side. Hange, Gilliam county.
Bperry, E. G., Heppner, Or, ('attle W C
left hip, crop off right and underbit lu Mt year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
ihouipsoii, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, j
left should r; cattle, Z uu left shoulder.
iippeiM.t.T.,EnierprjMr,Or. Jlwrssa, Cua lft
luincr H. W., Heppner. Or. Small capital V
lett shouldei. horses; oatUe same on left hip
with split iu both ears.
ihtruton, H. el., June. Or-Home branded
H I connected uu lefl sUuet sherpsame brand.
Vauderpoul, H. T.. Lena, Or, Horses HV oa
necteti uu right shoulder ;cai tie, same on rtaht
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horse. TJ. 1.
on the left eboiiider; cattle same on tight kip.
crop oil left ear aud right ear lopped.
Wilson, John (J,, Halem or Heppner, Or.
Horses bnuided Ju uu tbe left shoulder. Itauge
Morrow ctmi.ty,
W arren, W B. ( 'aleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter
circle over it, ou left aide, split iu rigm ear,
lioi&es aiue brad ou left shuuider, iUugaia
Graut oouuur.
WimhI, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on bomaa oa
lefmiiuejoii cattle. 2 uu left sitfe and under bit
in left ear. Hange in Grant county.
W right, bilas A. Heppner. Or. tattle branded
H W ou the right hip. square crop ott right ear
and spl.tin lett.
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon,Or Square t
cattle on the lett hip. Upper slope in be left
ear und undei si tip, in naht ear. tiarae brand
on home on rndii ehtmider. ilange in Harne-r
and 1 1 rant county.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Home biandee)
ace ot ihder un le.t slioulder and left in n
t altle bruildpr same uu lefl side and left hip.
Wells. A. b., Heppuer, Or. Horses. v on left
shoulder; calt t- saiuw.
Woinnger, John, John Iay City. Or On honusi
Uiree pitraiiel nam un left shoulder; 7 on sneap,
bit iu both ears, ttaage in Grant and Malaaer
VNuudward, John, Heppner, Ur. Horns, CP
connected !) lefl shoulder.
W atktns, Lishe. Heppner, Or, Horse branded
l)E cuuiiectet on left ntibV.
Wallace, Chariea, Portland. Or. t 'attle, W ua
right Ungh.hue in left ear; homes, W un nghl
lioulner, stun same on left shoulder.
Mhittier Bros., Drews), Harney county, Or. -Horn
tirandeti W B. rttuneetPd ou lefi .NHildpr
Wiiiams. Vhsco, Hamilton. Or, Quarter cir
cle ur tliree bare on left, hip, both cattle and
homes. Hanae Grant county.
Williams. J O. Lung Creek. Or Homes, quar
tor circle over three ban uu lefl hip; cattle same)
nnd -Id in etu'h ir Kanv NmiH ronnljr.
W ten, A. A., eppner. r. Humes mnuing A A
un slioulder; Cm lie. same ta right too.
.(uuaj. J. IS., tttn.irry.lr. Mmw Krandw
T- "f-Kr ,.i.t.
Y'Mirg, W. A.. Gooaebetry. Ur, Hurra-bra d
co X X tduub e X cu nec.au) un iit ita.der
ealGe sau. uu lett sida.