NOTICE TO AUVICiU'laEttS. IMiiMB dMlrinf urn iiiMtUon of diiplay adi., ur uliaiige ul Mtuie, iuiuiig-ii their copy lu nut later uiau UunUay evening lur luttuy'i dmou, or iaurauay eveulntf lor fr'rtaaya eii- N0I1CK. 1. Ths ium of ftv oenta per tin will be charged tor "carde ul Uiaului." "reaolutiuus of ruaircet," iiata 01 w waning pruaeuta and. uouura, ftuu uulluary uulicee, touier uiau Uiuee the uuit or alieil liluM:il ltwt matter ol utmnj aud liuuvtaul special lueeuuae lor Uatevur uuruuae. r.uutu ui cuurtti auu auuieiy (uiu itiluuier entertainuteuui iioui w men re euue le u ne ue meu, ehaii be charged lur tit the raws 01 uve lent a lino. 'Ilium; rule will bo atriclly adher ed lo 111 every tiuiuce. AuveiiibiuK raiee reasonable aud wade known Upon application. LP. FIoUEK, KEWSPAFEK ADVEUl'U- lug Agent, 21 &li-rehaull JLACuange, but. 1-iai.eikt-u, ill our auihuiueu agent, iuia paper u kepi ou tile lu hia ouiue. (jive your busmen to tttppner people, and thtiejort utwict lu Ouua up U emp tier, tiurvnize tlwte wlut puiroitm.e you. Here and There. Patronize our brand column. Toiniii liver oared b '1U I To' FILLS. Joe Esaeleuu wua up tiuni Lexiuguu yesieidny. Eniwell Cochran, ot&lonauient, is over OU UUglhebS. J. B. tly, of Douglas, wag iu Heppuer Balurua) last. Airs. 11. 0. Freucb is quite ill at ber liouie iu tleppuer. lire. Ueo. D. Fell is conv aleaoeut, after a britf illneaa. Juuua Lnvermure is Bojiuruing- witb the bo j a a tew daa. Mis. H. E. Hailook is visiting with relatives iu f uruauil. Tlio Oem aud Palace ealoous for fine liquors. MuAiee blue, Piups. sw Mr. aud Mrs. O. E. Farusworth return ed In ill 1'oitluutl last evening-. Mrs. K. 0. Bausuum quite ill laat Ares, bulla uoWouuVileaoeui. Bee the new ad. of P. (J. Diiumpsou Co. buou is tile m tue golUeu went. 58-9 Cbss. Mann is in town under oare of a pliaioiau, Ibougb bis illness is not so-veie. Charley McDowell, tbe foreman of the lli cord office, is ou tue sick 1 St Una Week. Ladies will find that exeelient toilet prrpmaliuu for tbe tace for sale duwu ai Feb Bum. b'i if 'lbns. Quaid nccinii anitd HbenS Noble bel last week Wlib his Oliargc, Ueuuia Lldaey. The Morrow County Land and Tiust Company bare au unlimited supply ot oliop (or sale, 4i-ir. Huu. W. K Ellis went below Hmnr in), aud wilt probably visit Haleui before letuining. Mm. Ed. Uay is ill np at tbe borne ol ber bieiti, Mia. Uiua. Mai lull, east ol lowu ou lilutou oitek. Levi UaiiBford, ol tbe Hardman conn trj, made pioof yesterday before U. W, Wells, deputy coouty olerk. Hard time prioeB on pants special drive at C. S. Van Duyn's. Only first clans work turned out at Fred toiler's tailoring establishment Cast side Main street. Tbe Keeley institute, at Forest Grove, cures liquor, opium, morphine, cooaiue Bud tobauuu liauit. one ml. Every man wbo takes auy interest in fast stock sbuuld eubaenbe tor . Tbe Horseman. Gazette sbop, atrents. Only those wbo take tbe Oi zitte have iiKbl to tbe braud oolumu. Tbey must be paid tip subcribeis, too. All piiuling done at tbe Czette offioe hereailer will be charged for at tliesnuie old lates belore tbe cbulera scare. 2 t N. Nielson is now running a Btaite be tween tieppuer aud Loue Rook. See d. for dus of leaving aud arr.val. If. Rev. Potwiue will bold Epieoopnl ser vices in tbe Baptist cbnicn in zt Thurs day eveuinn, Jau l'itn, at 7 .3 J o'clock. F. R. Sherman is now located at Viusuu, Umaiilla Co, bnvicitf leoeully moved from Entei prise, Wallowa couu Rev. Edwin Palmer departed this morn in g for Peudlelou, wheie be will asxis' in revival services gum ou there at pres ent. T. H. Briarly was in Heppner over Haudav, ou hia way belo. We are in foimed that be will visit Salem ere bis return. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at ber home in north Heppuer, or address ber at this place. oio-u Ask to see my $2 60 and 3 50 boot at C. S. Van Duyn s Hivn ketohum wbiekers. Halt A Mathews, at the city barber shop tbe plaoe tn get a UrBt-class shave, bair-ont or shampoo. Master Clay French is the authorized sent for tbe Oreiionian at this place. Subscribe throuub bim, and have your liaper delivered free of charge. tf Mixa Katie Qiaid bag retu.-ned to Tbe dlles where sbe Is siieiiaing k-uwh tier vacalmn whs pleaBHUtlyspeut among relatives and friend at Heppner. Geo. Bishop reiutned Monday of last week fr. ro a viit to tbe metropolis. He was thrre during the recent snow blockade, and says it was no small affur Work on the lijhtiug plant and water works is progressing at a pretty fair gait, nl j of, of corns.', to the many little de lays I bat uoour iu getting wacuiuery lo se! ber. An niiin larlv WAS sn friuhteced by I ank that her ffliigv black bair turned while as enow. It was soon returned to its oriiiiual colot by Hall's Hair Kenewer D" not roias this oiler on blankets aud quills. They roust he sola at C. S. Van Duyn's. gr and neater Quarters at the Pa I ,.r.. Hotel's north business room, Charley Jones, tbe baber, wauta to see bis old friends tliere. oains in w tion. Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bririVe univMifnllv scoomulixhed by rr. B. F. Vaogbau. Oas adminiaured when desired. Thompson oumuiuK, Heppner. Or 1-a-w- Never before known prices on boysj nd cliildren'a suits. "Before the war prices at C. S. Van Duyn's. Isaac Giles, whose leg was recently amiutatfd, ia reported as doing very well An tuminaiiou of the aeveied member showed it to be the worst broken nd eroebed mass of fl'sh and bui e tban bas come uuder the notice ot tue taedioal fraternity in these partB fur Some time. Hsttee's Congo Oil i rapidly coming to Ihe from as a leading medimue. J A. Harrison, tbe FoksiI eonatable, ap iIimH it In liia leva, winch WHB ri-0entlv kicked by a boice. aud nut day b tbrewaaidebiaorutuhee- "It's tbe boP' Harnson says. Lyman Brown tried tbe U for rheumatism witb which he baa beeu trouulec' for years, aud Ibis is wbat besn)s: "It koosed It after two appli es: lous." 64 .u. K.p Vnr. Winkle bas beeu on the aiiiug "list" fur aouie days, but ia still able to mauipuUte Heppuer's ouly steam wood aaw. Columbia iier fog is lingering up in the vioiuily of tieppuer. tuugli we are luf.irmed IU,t uu tue aujoiuiug Udls there is uoue to bd seeu. , E.I. Wood.til, of Long C.eek, got in t rill,,, uiglit las', leaving- 8 nurday for 6aleui, wueie Ue will bd uu biud lu tut. third House ol the legislature. From all uooouuts, a wedding ocoured out iu Claik s oanjon today, but U't early euuugb to euable ua to get au aocouut ot it iu tuia lasue ul tbe UoZjlte. TurotuU souie iaadverteuoy. til '8e whd nave uot beeu taking Ihe Gazette for soma time, nave Uad ue ulour nraiid uolUuiu. Tueae dead ueaoe have beeu lakeu out. Mr a. S. Horuor aud wife, ot Leon, Itfwa, arrived Friday evtuiug last, aud will perhapa, luode iu tuis vioiuity. 11 r. horuor is a brother of L. W. Horu or, ot ihis place. A mass meeting of Heppner's oitis us is uaiied Oy tUe council, to meet iu iVlailouk's hall ill is evening ul 7 o'clock, tor toe purpose uf uu.aidertug uerimu auiei.diiieuia to lleppuer's cnarter. liveOlle abould ulteuU. Tue bottom bag falleu out of ladies' geuia' aud children's uuderwear, Ueuts' uversbirts at priues uuueard uf uoture the dood. Give uie a trial aud 1 will con vince yuu. C. S. Van Duyn Toe chauuea are that our biaud Oolumu win pay your sub-onptiou aev erul times over lu tue oourse of a year. Oiir ptiiruue say so. We represent uiore alookuieu tu.tu auy p.iper lu tue slate. Alleu Evnus and A. li. Ihouipsuu were lu from AiplUe auimday to attend tbe regular Oouimuuii utlou uf Heppuer lodite. lbe are pa.tueis iu tue sbeep business, aud report tUeir Oauds as dulug Well, with uu losses so far. Out readers would like to know wbo aiill'eied most Kuuday hile out huuiuig, ihe In nan pile, ihe cow or Mike Kobrris. One thiug we are su e ol, the ouw uiado a lovul btjUi, aud tbe brusu pile pioveal to be Mike s salvaliou. Provide yourself Willi a bottleof Ayer'g Oueny Peutoial, atil so have the uieana at hand for oouteudlug sucuesalnll wilh sudden cold. As au emergency uieOl- oiue, it iiua uu tqual, aud leadtug pbyai Claus every wuere rtOJmiuend It. Vie ackuoaledge tbe reoeipt uf the in vitatluu uf the Oregon State Uorlionl tural S .oiety, to be p.eseut at its eighth auuual uieeuug, to be helo lu Anou Hall, coruer Second aud (J.ik Sis., furilaud, Oregon. Tueeday aud Wednesday, Jau. Id 11, 18U3. loud roasted coffee at 2Sa a pound, good lea 35c, 8 caua tomatoes 81, 8 cans ooru, 8 onus beaux, 8 c ms peas All oth er groceiles iu ropuriiun; cull aud get prices before puicbasiug eiewbere, at C. S. Van Eaateru Waabiugtou, Oregon, Western 1 Idaho and Molilalia, The display of monuments at their place ot buaiueas ia exoelleut aud a visit to the plaoe will repay any one. Tbey have on band many monumeuta oonstraoted ot fine granite, Amerioan and Italian maible. To this display will be added in a few dajs three carloads uf m.iuuinenta which are now nn tbe road from theE iat. Tue firm now has orders ia haud that will keep the entire force of car. era buy fur several muuthe. Walla Walla States man. Koslxh TBULs.-We Marlatt, Pell imisoi , f raud Hale, Ubas. tlder and AI Flureuoe returned from Hoslyu last aturday, the trial having been post poned tul tbe SOib iust. Tbese wit nesses were rtquired to give (200 bonds eaoh for their appearauoe on that date. Eaob one was allowed to become bis own snrety. Tbe boys say that tbe bunds ol Kimsey, Ziobary and Hals have been reduced to So.OuO eaob, but the bouds given by non residents w uld have to be guaranteed by a bauk lere iu some other bank in Waahiugton, it is nut likely tbat anyone will go to the trouble of bailing them out, particularly as tbey have but little time to wait for trial. Publio sentiment in Koelyu is growiug in favor of tbe priguners. Fob Medical Attention. County Clerk J. W. Morrow aud bis father, Col. L Morrow, left yesterday moruiug f..r Astoria. For over a year, Col. Mor row has beeu troubled cousiderably with his right leg, brought about through an injury reoeived in hia younger dajs. or nine mouths he was nuder oare ot one of Portlaud's best physicians, and as helped materially, so that he oould get arouud quite oomforlably again, but the leg was uot entirely cured, and lately begau to trouble bim agatu. It was deoided lo have Mr. Morrow go down aud oousult Dr. August 0. Kinney, Astoria's famous doctor. Clerk Mor row will return as soon as possible. Duyn's, A Warkikq. A young man, Clifton B. rjtevens, aged 2d years, was killed by leotriotty at Eugene last week. He playfully caught hold of the wire cable hioh is used to raise and luwer an aro light iu the streets, pniliug it up till tbe current of 1,500 volts was turned tbrongb the cable and tbe young man's body. When be touched Ihe ground be was in stautly killed. It would be well tor our people here to take warning to let all wires aud appuneuauces of the lightiug plant severely alone. It is worse than the proverbial guu which wasn't loaded With bis thumb, a b iy is said to have saved the Netherlands Iruui luuudation Many people have beeu suved from the luvsBioo ot disease by a bottle of Ayer's dureaparilln. Tuis uiediciue imparts tune tu tbe system aud aireuglheus every organ aud fibre o( the body. All paid up subscribers to tbe Gazette will apprecia e the act tbat tbey gel free use of our braud c durnn. It is tbe moat Oomolete list iu Eastern Oregou, aud is particularly m-eful ul this time of the year. If yuu have uot gut yuur braud lu, cuaie lu aud eej us. E. O : Ou bis reoeut trip William H. D.a'iililrey purchased 100 bead of oaltie frum Robert tfLaw. and will make a five carload shipmeut Wednesday, from llepp uer to the Mound. Air. Uauubtrey con tracted with K. N. Sranfi-ild for a lame number uf Butter creek beef cuttle, tu be lelivered tu Fe biliary. John Her aud Hoi Mn) field say that heir fall gmiu is glowing nicely, but de plore tbe lact tliat we are now haviuu try, freezing niguts una waiin, tliaulug due. t're. zniii wetlher with suow ou Hie ground is ihe kind of weather for wheat, though tbe pi-t Iwu weeks bave been us propitious as the fuiuier oould AlHh. l'o tbe ladirs: Cull and inspect nnr dreas uo. ds, Ihe finest line lo tbe city, aud trimming auks to matoh. Et'reme out in prices seeing is believing. Iliese goods most go; niat Ooma, brut served at C. S. Van Duyn's An incipient blszs was discovered dowu at N. S. Wueistone's blacksmith alum, a few le auo. in time to avert en u iL'raiioa. Our people oauuol be too oareiul. t-'pnciAL Council .uanisa - A special meeting ol Heppner's couuoil was held last eveuiug, Mayor Matlock presidiug aud allcouucilmen present. Councilmeu Farusworth reported baviug made a sale uf Heppner's bonds at par, allowing three per cent, commission and tbe purcbssers furniahing their own blank bonds, Far- son, Leach & Co. being the buyers. The council weie informed that tbe contract between tbe town aid Knll'ts Inv. Co, was null and Void, owing lo tl.e fact that they bud not complied wiih their con, tract witb tbe town of Heppuer. Amend meuta to tbe towu charier were consider ed, and a mass meeting ot Heppuer' a cit izeus called for Ibis evening at 7 o'clock Witb this tbe cnneil arlj.inrued. T.ito Broken Dr. McSwords and Fox were called dowu near Lexington yeatet Huv to attend Jaoob Bouber, wbo was anffe ring from a broken limb Mr. Booher lives about four and one bait miles east of Lexington, and while working two miles from home, be attempted to get on bis wagon while it was in motion, but slipped and fell nnder the wheel, hioh ran over bis rwbt leg, breaking boi bones square off about midway between the foot and knee. The doctors reduce. tbe fracture, leaving the iujnred man raiiii.f oomfortably, with early chances of reouvery. The success of CbHUilierlain 8 Congh Remedy in tffeoling a speedy ours of ooIiIh. coup ami whooping oonuh has hrnnolit it into vreat demand. Messrs Pi in i ins A Hon. i f Cameron, Ohio, say that it has gained a repmstion aeooud lo none in that vi.-inily. Jas. M Q leen, of Johnston, W. W.says it is Ibe beat he ever used. B F. Jones, ilrtitiiria', Wiuo na. Miss , bhjs: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is rfeotly reliable. I have al ways warranted it and it never failed tn give tbe moat perfect eaiiafaclion." 50 cent twittks for sale by 8ocum Jubnsnn Drug Company. I GAM ASK WD TO WHAT WE ADVERTISE Or wbat wt say. Conviooe yourself ; the proofs are before yon. Come to our store, hajk at our pi ices and then oouipare them witb tbe prices of olhera. We bave an immense crowd of customers every day. Ask any uf them whether they obtain bai gains or uot. Tbey will tell you. If you dou't know K.OLMAN of tue BOSTON CASH r- Tour neighbor will tell you" STORE Kolman AdvertisesTruth The idle words of the falsifiers are like chuff. The terror of our competitors is pitiable to behold They are paralyzed and, with blanched faces, stare at the crowds pouiing into our store to Beonre goods at tbe exceptionally low prioes. It seems to be a great myatery to our customers why we osn sell them goods at just one-bait wuat msotner fiimi ask, and at tbe same time makea fair, legitimate profit. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS and yon should remain witb us, as we bave exploded the outrageously bigb piioes yon hays paid iu Heppner heretufore. I thauk you very kindly for the liberd patronage jou have bestowed upon your true friend ainoe be has opened up iu your city- I mu-t admit my sales bave been twice as much as I anticipated. I intend to locate perma nently in your city, and shall in the future, as in the past, conduot my business in an honorable wbj', so as to gaiu the confidence and reapeot ot all. Wishing you ail .:- A HAPPY NEW YEAR. - - I remain, respectfully, J. H. KOLMAN. Good Looks. Good looks are mere than akin deep. depeudiug uoou a healthy condition ol all tbe vital orgaua. It tbe liver De in active, you bave a bilious look, if yom stomach be disordered, you bave a dys peptic look and if youi kidneys be affect ed you have a pincbtd luuk. beouie Kood bealtb aud yuu will bave goud looks. Eleclrio bitters is ibe great alter ative aud touio aud aot directly on these vital orgaua. Cures pimples, blotubes, bolls, aud gives a irood ooinplexiou. o oil at rjiucuui Jobntou Drug Com 60o pet buttle. Sevbrb Opkkation. Some three mouths ago. Miss Elizabetb Matlock, stepped ou a tboru with her left foot, which penetrated tbe shoe into the flesh, making a painful wound. In removing tbe thorn, Ihe poiut was broken off, and it bas since become quite painful, render ug au operation necessary, which was perfoimed by Dr. McSwoids yesterday, he piece of wood being removed witb ut difficulty. Miss Elizabeth will have entirely recovered in tbe course of few days. All free. Those wbo bave used Dr. King' New Disouvery know its value, und those wbo bave uot, now bave tbe opportunity to try it free. Cull on tbe advertised drug uist. and gel a trial bottle, free. Send our name aud address to U. E. Buokleu & Co , Chioigo, and get a sample box ol Dr. Kiug a Ne Lite Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health aud House- hold lnsiiuctor, free. All of wbioh if guaranteed lo do you good and cost y n otbing. tor sale by aiooum-Joooaoo Drug Uu. Tax en a Pabtnkb. The editor and proprietor of tbe Priueville News, Fred E. Wilmarth, has taken uuto himself wife. Tbe Times-Mountaineer extends congratulations and says: "In spicy witty effusions, the News bas always t. ken a leading part, and we hope this late commendable act will not oause the ed itor to take too serious a view or human existence.'' Tbe same here, Fred. For naina in tbe chest there is nothing better than a fiinnel clolb saturated witb Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the aeat of usin. it will produces counter irritation wubont blistering, and ia not so diaagieeuble as mustard; iu fao it is much superior to any plaster on ao count of its pain relieving qualities. If n-ed tu time it will prevent pueninonta. GO oent bottles for sale by Slucum-John- suo Drug Company. PLEARANCE g ALE WE -: WANT :- MONEY ! And in ordir to get it, we will.duiiog Ibe present month, SFOR CASH 0NLYsee At 20 per cent, off regular price, our immense slock of Gents' njr- Winter Underwear, Tup rjbirts, Scarfs, Mittens aud Lined Oloves. This is an honest proposition aud no trap, for we have au overstock uf tbtse goods that we must realize on. So you oan benefit yourself and confer a favor on us by taking advautageiof tbe opportunity offered by P. Q. Ti?oiipsoi ; (Lo. 11 HERE IS THE PLACE To Oet Even on Your TLiife. e Hardware Store ! JUST LINE OF OPENED. A COMPLETE Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSYVARE, GLASSVARE,i Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Piimpe and Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and rjiuka, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds ot .'tepaiiiug quickly and neatly doue. THE CEI.EBR.UFD OF Fall Goods Fall Goods -SUCH AS- Overcoats, Women and Misses' Newmarket Cloaks, WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC. At Reduced Rates FOR CASH. cfii,y Jjerai jjonpy. Bain Wagons, Backs and Bnctboards : -:- Ton will save money by getting our prioes before purobasing elsewhere, -: : : : : -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., 634-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. STORAGE AND FORWARDING, -f -1 General Merchandise, HEPPNER. OREflON fx'' mm hotel ' Leading Hotel of the City Building Wired for Electric Lights through on'. This home li run In first clam style In every par ticular. Extra timing Service during the holidays. MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietress Busi ATTENDED TO in a- ness-ljjke -:- Manner -AND AT- REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN OHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt ProDrietors. BORG, : THE : JEWELER Out for Cash Bargains M abbiaoi at OakksdaiiB Word aomes down from O-oWlale, Waab , tbat on tbe 3rd inat. ocoorr.d tbe marriage ol Mr. L. O. Stearns, editor of tbe OaKfS- dale Unit, and Miss Q Z Mounts, tbf latter well known in Murmw county. 1'be many friends of the bride in this lo cality txtend their best wisbes. Bpeciaiea Cues. S. H. Cliff ird. New Casarl, Wis., was tmublt-d wiib ueurslgia and rlienmHiii-m. hi stouiHCh whs iltMinlprMi, Inn livnr w fcflVotpil to an Hlariuing dgren, .ppettt. trll HWa, bocI be wiu trrnbly redm erl II fl-h and atrrngtb. Turee boitlns 01 Eli-oine Biitis enred him. E'lward Shepherd, HHrnsburg, HI., had a run uitig B'ire on Ins lrg ol eight years' stand Ued three liotllw" if Elrotrii- Bit lers aud srvvn b"X-s of Borkleu's Arnips ShIvp. and bis Ifg iB sunnd and well. Jnbu Sneaker, Calawbit, O.. bad five large frver sores on bin leg, dootors saiit he was inaunble. One bottle of JMec trie Bitters and one box Bucklen's Ami- oa naive enred bim entirely, bold by ttlocum-Johuson Drug Co. Mountain Hocst Mr. Joseph Crank has litt-ly leased tbe hostelry known tbe Mountain Hnnse. refitting and re fnrnishine it thrnnghont. Board snd t...ii.ii. .n,np,Ki.wnili snil lied, uer week 86: rxmrrl witl ont hen tueir new uiniu,..,. v - - . , , . . Cr-ink asks a port inn of tun pNtrmnge. A HAsnsoME Exhibit -NilesAVins. a hve rtmiived their uiaible oik to IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. FEE BORG, MAY 8TREET. Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust Busts. HEPPNER, OR. The Heppner Wood Yard. RIP HAS GOT AROUND At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which be will deliver wood, sawed or unsawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts Per Cord, twice in twi ; SI 00, ttiree times. Wood sawed and delivered al $7 60 ercnl. YhiiI near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan k Hows-d'a 828-sw RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. TR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. S., London, England. Veterinary SURGEON ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepartd to do all klnda of Veterinary Surgery, EmAMiilatlng Roriei and Rprllnji a Rpeaft on ihort notlca. 1 will treat all I nary Surtfcry. If you hnva any nick ailmnli It will b to your lutereit to call on uie at ntewart'i itablca. HEPPNER, - MBiw ul rna Is lu the most approved pro) lire ol Yttcr OREGON Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES MtDS oa Shout Notici aud at Fofolab Pc. VS" Brcwl 22 Loaves for $1.00. 111. Keeley ktitute -0F- For the Cure of Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It li located st Foreit Grove, Or., The Mutt Ucautiful Town on the Cuait. rail it the Oaitts office for particulars. Rtrlctly confidential. Treatment prlvateaiid mil cure. Elm streets. neBr tbe Union Pao Be depot, and lliey aie now bnsy arrmguiK tbe place. Tins Sim bas built up a splendid business, extending all over believiutf tbat be chu a-ive as ood ser vice as anvone ia Heppner, and for less money. 4s-ww. LD. 18 HEPFXEH'8 LEADING OfllM, Bsatdsna mm r a at II I Mil Hi DR. TAFT'S Instead of flvlng to the door gasp Ing for breath, sxming as if each I n wonlJ ba vour last, vou have I only tota!e few doses Asthmalene whtn the spasm Is broken, the breathing becomes easy and you feel as if an aiiRel of mercv bail unloosed the iron grasp of the fingers Of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when vnn have used a few bottles Of Or. Tafl'a ASTHMALENE and it has cured you of pm M and pr Asthma. Wi mailto an, tsthma tuftertra tnalbotth sa kKK.. mo? .n.i.u. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co., Rochesfer.N.Y iXUm faeMthm., if, e. m rpTonwBYAiiAW And Ouinniisnioiirr uf the U. 3. Ci'cuit Court. All land matters attended to promptly aud uccarutily. HEPPNER, Offiee In National Bank building, i i i OREGON