Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 10, 1893, Image 2

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    fflE ffljip W SELL YOU BJTRIQ. !
Give your butinett to Heppner people
and therefore ateUt to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize thote who patronize
Mrs. Liab says she dnei not waut to
be elected leoator from Kansas.
Judos Sbmbpstiim, who recently died
Id California, was a brother of B. L
Bbarpstcin, ot Wills Walla.
A La Gbandi oarpeuter tried to onm
mit suioidn a few days ago by drinking
whiskey, and be waa Dearly auooeesful.
Bbaxil has thrown ber gates wide
open and invited Chinamen to partake
of the blessings ot tbe repoblio. May
be get ber etomaob tall of tbem.
N. B. Larmoub, a coal miner of some
note, baa discovered, over between Cam
M prairie and tbe North Fork, what ei
perta aay is genuine antbraoite ooal.
Tin Salem Statesman aaya that in Ore
gon there are more applicants for poat
offloeg nnder tbe new administration than
theie were votes oust for Cleveland iu
A yocno printer by tbe name of E. F.
R. Daw, has fallen heir to a half mil
linn dollars by the death of an uncle iu
Devonshire. Enuland. Friuters are
lucky sometimes.
Speaker Cbisp is miffering from in
digestion. Tbe ailment ia probably dui
to over feeding, on ti.fly and drinkiuii
too mncb ioe water at the recent con
fcrence with Mr. Cleveland.
Oranob Jodd, the famous editor of ag
vipnltnrul iimrnals. is dead. He was at
tbe bead of tbe American Agriculturist
(or years, and made it the foremost journ
al of its kind in the conntry.
The supreme oourt is right. A county
elerk, by his mistake and maphap one
made for a purpose cannot rob the elec'
or uf bis trunonise, nor the candidate of
tbe vole Oust for him Salem Stutesmau.
LoiiiNO Pickering), editor of the San
Franoisco Morning Call snd owner ot
tbe Bulletin, tbe oldest pioneer news
paper man on tbe ooast, died at dan
Jf'rancieoo on Wednesday morning, aged
81 years. Vlokering went to California
in 1849.
Ail income tai is not suob a bad thing
after all. If men will pile up millions of
money, they oan well afford to help pay
the expenses of a government which
gives them such grand opportunities. A
man with $10,000 inoome per year has
more to protect than one who only makes
a 81,000 a year.
Thb Orant Couuty News is worried
because the Oasette may have ventured
an opinion on tbe question of tbe divis
ion of Uraut oounly. It is a matter that
will be settled by Uraut oounly and that
county alone, but tbe owners of the
Gi.iitte are, perhaps, aa muob interested
in that oouuly as the News man.
We understand there is a member of
the legislature from one of the Eastern
Oregon oouuties who has iu bis pocket s
road bill. It would make absolutely
certain good roads all over the stale -tbe
earns as all those that have been
passed and goue before have done. But
we would camion this Eastern Oregon
solon to get the floor very early in the
session, and introduce his bill for we
suspect there are about eighty nine olh
er members who have road bills iu their
iuaide pockets, and there is nothing like
getting iu your bill early. 8 ilem Staler
mau. How about Muriou ooiinty ? She's
generally at the head of the list ul
Wit. Mouklanu, of Portland, Or , is in
Kaunas City I"uKing for Jennie SmuouiI,
sometimes known s Josie Eirl ud as
Nellie Sherman, who is heirans to an t-s
tale of $30,001), uow being held by the
public administrator iu Portland. The
woman aa bore iu Wbithhall, III., 31
years ago. John lirendle deserted his
wife, disuwned his ohild and went west
and settled in Portland. Mrs. Brendle
married John Semond and the ohild took
bis name. Mrs. Semond died ten vears
ago aud Breudle died receutly in Port
land, leaving Ibis estate. The estate is
bjw beld by the administrator and is
claimed by distant relatives. Morelaud
thinks Jennie Semond is tbe rightful
beir. Be trsosd hr to Omaha aud to
Hastings, Neb., and thenoe she came to
Kansas City two years ago.
Tbe future problems that will be np
(or consideration of the voter will be
financial ones. Many voted against pro
tection, believing thst there the evil ex
isted, when in fact, if anything, tbe pres
ent tariff laws have been in America's
favor, but let that be as it may, the
tariff is of minor imp irtxuoe, as oompared
with tbe ooudition ot America's finances.
The people ot this country are beginning
C7TND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjobing, of which deeded land there are HO acres gord farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded laod has a good spring of water on it, all under
yX fence. Situated two miles west ef II ard man.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on
to feel that any reasonable Rod equitiihl"
system of getting revenne will suffice.
provided tbey are relieved from the ini
quities nf a money system that makes it
more difSonlt, day after day, to meet ob
ligations. If tbe creditor cIhrs would al
low tbe debtors a premijm on their np
preoiated money, which, if debts are ot
very long standing, tnkea more of every
thing to bay it, consequently worth more
to the creditor, then tbe Amorioan peo
pie would bave no room to complain
But that's tbe sticking point. Dab's
must be paid dollar for dollar. Tbe forli
per cent appreciation given to gold by
legislation, does not belong to it, and i
being wrong from the pookets of ever;
producer in the country to help tbe eap
italiets. Every aore of laud, bushel oi
wheat, of corn, oats, etc, bave gone down
with the discount plaoed on Bilver by ite
demonetiz ition. The people are begin
ning to see that bimelalism is moreaore
ly needed than tariff tiukeriug, and i
be victors dou't take a tumble unto
tbem-eives, there will be auother ami
more serious tidal wave iu 1898.
Tbe Bnanoial outlook is not enoourng
mg. Little will be aooooiplished tbir
congress aud for nearly two years there
is bound to be uneasiness and uncertain
iy. It is the realization of this fact tin
baa given rise to the prediotiou ot ham
limes that are already appealing in tin
Cistern press. The West of coum wil
suffer, too, if these predictions are real
ized, but the principal sufforers will be
iu the East where there are thousand
who are not in a condition to stand .
prolonged money stringency, and whose
struggle for existence is far more acuii
than here. Spokane spokesman. Foil
years more of gold inflation aud furthei
debasement ot silver will wipe out of tin
eyes of most people the film that the)
have chosen to oall an "honest dollar."
A silver dollar was as good as any other
dollar till it was debused by legislation
Tub time ia npproualiiug f t another
city election, occurring this year on Feb
7. We do not know bow a m j irity o
the people of our city feel n Ibesuhjeot.
but do know that a number favor the re
eleotion ot the retuiug councilman.
Frank Gilliam, 8 P.Uiirriguesnud Too
Morgan, as they are thoroughly familim
with the work which is now in the baud
of the connoil, and which, at the expira
tion of their terms, will not be completed.
There is also considerable sentiment in
favor ot tbe re-eleotion of the presem
mayor and recorder, presumably on the
same grounds, but tbe editor, as a hold
over couuoilman, will endeavor as one
to work in harmony aud for the best in
terests of Heppner with whomsoever our
people see fit to elect in tbese responsi
ble positions more so this year on ac
count of tbe many financial mailers with
whiob tbey will have to deal.
From tlio Dally Itocky Mountain News.
If the Eastern banking interest should
ahandou the attempt In repeal the pres
eut silver law this whiter, as the dis
patches intimate, it will not be until
every available effort has been t'ied and
proved uusuooesafnl. The opponents uf
silver are now rallying nil their strength
for a test vote soon after tbe holidays,
and there is reason to believe that the
issue will not go over to the Fifty-third
congress without a close struggle.
bimetallism is gaining ground un
mistakably in this country and abroad,
aud there is uo doubt that a pressure
upon the members of oougrens from the
people tbey repieseut would materially
stiffeu the silver phalanx iu the present
orlait. A form of protest has beeu
prepared by The News against tlu re
peal ot the Sherman law without lli
concurrent euactineut of a tree coinage
ui huh ii re. It will b muled upon appli
oation to any part ot the omiutry, and
stiould be signed as numerously as
possible and forwarded 10 members ol
o ingress without av udahle delay.
While it is true lb it tin cause of tree
oiunge ia brubtumug and that its ulti
mate tr.uiupti U assured, n i disastrous
uieaaure should be preoipitated for the
waut of vigilaut aotiuu on the pirt of
silver's frieuds. Silver was dethroued
by oouspirators and the tight is uow
beiug prosecuted against the white
metal by a oompict, sagacious aud
wealthy combination which aornples at
uothiug to gaiu a point. It would be
folly to expect success iu a ooutlii-t with
such power without equal orgauii itioo
and vigilauoe To the silver mining
section belongs the task ot shaping anil
stimulating a victorious campaign.
biiould tbe oppouents ot bimetallism
be foiled in their purpose in iliis oon
greas, tbey make no secret of their hopes
In the next, nor ot their ooutldence in
Mr. Cleveland's oo-operatiou and de
termiued influence, lleuoe the greater
neoessity (or agitatiug tbe fluaneial
issue aud organising ths people on that
question. Mr. Olevelaud wan the choice
of the niouny power iu the Chicago con
veution aud is oredited with UuauoUl
visws that suit tbe bankers aud olbsr
-One of the
loaners of money. Be bus annoni ced
himself an opponent of tbe joint and
equal mintage rights of gold aud silver.
Since Mr. Cleveland mils tnat an
oouooemeut aud even siuoa his nomi
nation for tbe presidency a remttkable
change has tak-n plaos on the silver
question, ruoubttul nuunciers in
Europe and America have recognized
aud proclaimed impending moo tary
dang r from tbe enormous artificial
eiihauaemeut of gold because nf legis
lation instigated and brought about
by mo ley sharks. The bimelallim
organization ot Great B-itaio has been
wonderfully reinforced aud there ia an
ven chance that the present ministry
will be compelled to go bsfore tbe conn
try on the timncial issue within six
months. Toe cause has also made
treat strides withiu the sains tims in the
United State and is taking a form iu
this oouutry that means a sweeping
victory, which no pihtioil party is olo
enough or great enongh to prevent.
It remains to tn seen whether Mr.
Olevelaud is oblivious to the foroes which
ire at work aud will o mtiuui iu thai
date of mind. Tbemiuey changers, in
elyiug upon his help, make no allow
moe for a revision of his views.
those who hive given the snbj-ot
ttteutiou aud are not warped by the
interests of inooey brokers, know that
lam metiz itiou has enriched and is eu
richiug oue class ot society at the
expense of others an I much larger
ciassw; that iu adliru 53 par cent to
the valus ot gild as oimpired with
geueral prioes, and iu reducing the
ultima of the circulating medium, it
tins vastly augmented the wealth of
the creditor class and at the same time
lepressed nearly all firms: of industry,
out especially agriculture, whiob has
ueen reduced to a piiul that has occa
sioned loss of homes to a large percen
tage of Amerioao farmers aud that has
left 40 per oeut ot farms ostensibly
owned by the oooupants oovared wuh
ruinous m irtgagep, while another 40
per oeot have baootne tenant holdings,
the titles having passed iu the miiu to
money lenders.
There must be an end to the undue
ii llueuce of tbe money power in tiuau
ciul legislation aud a reussertiou ot the
rights of plain people in the enuctmeu'
of cur laws.
The city of Duraugo, Colorado, bas
gone orazy oyer the reported discovery
of the rich placer diggings, located 150
miles from that point in Southern Utah,
where the San Juan riverempties into
the Colorado. The excit' ment is nu par
alleled siuoe the dajs ot '49. Along the
line of the Atlantic ft Pm-itio railway,
from Gallup to the Needles, the towns
are almost depopulated, and luOO men
are already at the soeue. The placers
were diccovered less time a year ago bv
a Nuvejo trader usmed Williams. He
interested Eastern capitalists, aud hy
draulic machinery was suippfd to the
place nnder pretense that it was to be
used in developing coal fields. Tbe
stiippiug point was Wiuslow, Ariz., aud
an old prospector named French noted
the style of machinery followed tbe
ouittt and came buck to Wiuslow with
his report, which was iu effect that CO
miles of rich yello placer gronuds lay
240 miles to the north of Wiuslow, which
ran from a color In 85 a pan. Since
then every available means of trans
portatiou bas been headed for the
diggings. Iu Albuquerque are nuggets
ou exhibition ranging iu weight from
one to five ouuoes ot o mrse gold, aud
all olassBs of people are leaving their
buHimss and binding to TJtab. The
gold la described as aimiliar to that
discovered in California gulou at tb
time of the first Leadvi le excitemeut.
Buckleu's A in it a Halve.
The best salve iu the wond for cuts
bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, f. ver
sores, letter, clia pped hands, oliliblaina
corns and all skiu ei options, and posi
tively ourea piles, or uo p i) "n quired. Ii
is guamuleed to give periect sailst .olioii
or money refunded. 1'iioe 25 oeuts per
box. For sale by Slooum-Joiinsuu Di ug
From the Salt Lake Tribune.
Seunlor Sbermau continues to talk
trash about silver, bb the following par
agraph shows:
a lie tact is that silver is going tbe way
of tbe oilier metals probably, such as
nickle, and copper aud iron. The meth
ods now used to cheapen the prosluotion
of silver diminish its value as a standard
of coin, stu b as it had wb-n it presented
a large percentage of labor. We bad
onpper once for coin, but us tall iu value
was inevitable npon the cheapening rf
its production and thequantity produced.
Nickel, once 81 30 a pound, has fallen to
30 oents. Pig-irou is worth about 813 a
t"ii, and steel rails, once SIM, are now
830 a tun, or nearly a cent aud a half a
pound. Nails, perfect nails at that, su
perior to nails ol other times, are but 82
a keg. The falling off ol tbe oost of pro.
d noi ion in other metals uses! lor i-omage
baa pnalin e.l a monetary appreciation of
gold. I think we shall not be able to
sustain ourselves against the financial at
tilude of the o -mmen-ial world, which ia
inoliuiug toward tbe gold standard mure
Best Pieces of Land in
easy terms.
further information call at oar office.
rather than less decidedly. Europe is
too closely oonneo'ecl wilb us to allow us
to be ub"ve ber opiniou.
ver to tbe base metals and talks aboui
tbe methods to cheapen tbe production
of silver, be talks with bis mouth and
has not a backing of proof iu the world
to sustain bis position. There never yet
bas been a silver dollar mined tbat bas
not cost a dollar; we mean that it any
territory or state has produced in any
year a million onnces of silver, when the
wages of men working for silver, pros
pecting for silver, opening mines with
tbe hope of obtaining silver, are floored
up, it will be fund Hint the expensrs
have been more linn 81,299,099 99 It
dors not cost as mncb to gel aii ounce il
gold as it does an ounce ot silver; that
is, gold rook tbat Days 87 a ton can be
worked at a profit, but there ia no silver
rock in tbe world Ibat contains only $7
wortb ol silver that can be worked except
at a loss. It by inoreasrd facilities tbe
production of silver bus been cheapened,
tbeu gold bas still niore been cheapen, d
in production. A Chinaman, who only
cost $20 in Hong Koug, with au outfit
that only a st 820 more, has verv often
made 820 a day iu placers iu California,
but that achievement ou bis part did uot
reduce tbe value of gold at all; aud when
Senator Sherman compares silver, which
is never found exoept in limited quanti
ties, to other metals, tbe prnduotiou of
wbit-b is only limited to the demand, he
talks as the foolish talk. In poiut ol
fact, the increase in the world's busiuesa
brought around by improved machinery,
tiy the BWift ships, and tbe facilities ot
exohange which ships aud locomotives
have made between countries, has been
iu greater proportion than the increase
of silver. T,ie only reiisou silver has de
clined is because three great nations bave
through their bankers asserted tbt
they do not wish to bave silver money.
That is all there is to it. Tboe bankers.
reaching out tbir long tentacles, strike
at governments lnd compel tbem to ac
oeot alctaiiuu ; " W Strejoh out tbelr
loug tentacles III lib all tbe realms of
business aud compel business men 10
accept their statements. Aud gold ia
today itfl.ited 40 per cent. The man
who does business does it on a standard
that is inflated 40 per cent, and tbe result
is tbat most meu are working tor nothing
exoept to keep tbe iuterest accounts of
the banks solid. It this keeps on a little
longer, lh.-n the banks themselves will
have to look to their securities, two suae
a just world will nut always submit to a
tyrannical edict of a government which
doubles the debts of tbe people aud takes
a ay 60 or 80 per cent of their oapaoity
to pay their debts.
All Applying to Put-chime Forfeited It. It.
bauds Arirr Feb. 8. 'M8, Hast Have Urea
Hrsldiug on iiie Jane ib, 1893.
The (Jazette is iu iccript ot tbe follow
ing from the La Oiaude land office,
whiob, as our renders nill peioeive, is a
copy uf very important Correspondence
regarding the lights of settlers to pur
chase forfeited railroad laud after Feb.
3,1(593. We publish it iu full, that our
readers may become acquainted with the
methods of a quiring title to luuia such
as are leferrrd to:
United States Land Office. )
La Ulnnur, Or , Jau 6, 1H93 )
F. B. t-Now, ft udielou. Or.
Dear sin: Kepiiing lo iour letter of
Jnu 1, 1893, enclosing cumuiissiouei's
letter ol Ucl. , lottt, asking what time
settlement wasnquued upon lands for-
letirii oy act ol September ). 1 89 J, be
lure parties can bave the Iwui fil ol the
Xtunsiou uf time grunted bv nut of con
grrs approved June 23, 192; we wired
lUe commissioner and received tin. lei
dute of JnUtiarj 4, 1893. tbe following:
Hkqibter and Kugkiveb, La Oraude, Or.
ilrmueuuD uiusi bave Ueeu rstabhatird
on or prior lo J ui.e 25, 1892, aud have
been tubulating ul that dale, Conliuu
oue residence since that dale is not re
quired by the act. M . M. Stonb,
After February 8, 1893. all parlies ap
ply lug to purchase lauds forfeited by act
ot September 29, 1990, must show that
on Juue 25, 1892, lUai they were actually
living upon tbe Haul lor which they ap
ply. Very respecilollt,
A. Cleaver, Begister.
Now Try Tats.
It will cost you uothiug an I will sure
ly do you good, it you have aOoLgh.Cohl
or au truuhle wuh tbroat, oheelur lungs.
Or. King's New ibeoovery for Consump
tion, ouughs and odds, is guaranteed to
give renei or money will he paid hack.
Sufferers from la grippe fouud II just the
thing aud under lis use bad a speedy
and periect recovery. Try a sample bui
tle at our expense aud learu lor yourself
just bow good a thing it is Ti i .1 bottles
tree at Sioontu Jobnsou Drug Co. Large
aize 000 ana 81 00
To Ooxxsvaxxx.j3tl-vesat.
The undersigned navlug beeu restored to
heaun by iiiupie uieaii. aner uilerlug lor hv
tfrttl eaiK u l,u a ivre lung altti-itou, aud tnat
ureau umeaw) Couiuinptlou, it anxious to luake
koiuwu to mi lelluw uuervra tUeuieans ol cur,
iu mow a Uu Urmre It, ue a ul i-Uevriully seiut
tire oi i-hariftf , a copy ul tbe pret:rtpliuu ueU,
a nun tbi-y a ill uuuaaurw uura lor Co.isu.np
tlou, Aa.Huia. lalarru, Bro.icuMl aud all tbroal
auu lung uiaiaulca. n Uupea ail auuerenj a ill
try liu ittiuvO, uk a U iuvaiuatue. tliuaeoeair
lux ou- pasa-upouu. ulia-a M'lietsit lliemnuiu
log, ana may pruve a uleaaiug, a 111 pleaae ad-
Ulv. fetv. Kuaiui A. IWiuN,
Maw Broumyu, fttw org.
Morrow County.
Deeded ranch, 163 acres, boa wheat land. Will sell on easy terras. A good ruatler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it. Eeasou for selling, owner lives in the East oud has no use tor it.
From the Salt Lake Tribune
Here is a characteristic item from the
Philadelphia Pr as:
Exports of gold are increasing in vol
nine every week, aud there is no telling
where or when the drain will stop.
D-mbtleFS the free silver boomers will
rejoice that this country is so rapidly
veiling rid of her stores of yello' metal
l'o banish g dd with the hope of thereby
strengthening our monetaiy system is
like the old idea of bleeding a man lo
mke him strong.
Ot oourge tbe Press takes the same view
tbat tbe other E istern papers do. that
the Old World ia nnloadiug its securities
upon us, through fear that in n little
while onr oonntrv will be reduced to a
silver standard. We would like to ask
the Press, it having the facilities at band
to publish a statement of about how
mncb in interest, dividends, aud in the
expenses of tourists, this louutiy has to
pay to the Old World every year. We
would like to bave it figure np our trade
balance with the Old World, tlieu to sub.
tract that trade balance (mm the amount
expanded in interest, di iridends and t mr
isr' ex pauses, aud see whatber, after all,
the drifting ot go'd across tbe sea is not
a ualural process, which would bave to
g ou just the same even if silver should
bs eutiruly repudiated by our govern
ment. When tbe press and other papers
assert with so much anparent certainty
that Europe is uuloading her securities
upon us, we would like for the reBs tn
cite some examples of property owued
by Englishmen in this oouutry whioh
the Englishmen are trying to sell. Tbey
owu great breweries, tbey own mines,
tbey own a great many bouses, a great
deal of land. Is it true, in point of fact,
that tbey are trying to unload this prop
erty in order to get their funds out of
Again, it is easy enough, through the
banks of New York, to ascertain nearly
the exact amount of American securities
ih it have been sent over iu tbe last three
months to be realized npon. When the
Baring Brothers (ailed, England unload
ed 81,200,000,000 aud tbey did it uot be
cause tbey were afraid their seouriries
would be paid in silver, but because they
were the very best securities they had 1 1
realize upon; they were in sncb a coudi
tiou financially that tbey had to realizi
upon somethiug or go to the wall.
Through the diotation of the R ithecbilds
several countries of Europe are just now
trying to get a reserve of gold enough to
establish iu those countries a gold stand
ard. Tnose people are selling everything
they can, not because they feir their se
ou'ities will be paid in silver, but for the
Sole purpose of obtaining tbe gold to
make a reserve so tbey can put their
auuutnes ou a gold basis. They are do
ing exaotly what the marobaut dou.
when be has to raise a certain ammut
by a Certain hour on a oer'aiu dat ; he
oouverts whatever he can of property iu
his possession iuto money.
We believe there is no class of men in
the Old World who would not prefer, to
day, Amerioau securities to any other in
tbe world, because over there the
people are different from what they are
in our eastern oitiee; they have a mighty
and profound reopeot for the governinei t
aud resources ot tbe United States, aud
believe that it ia the great oouut-y of the
eartb. tbat while it h is in sight more fa
cilities for paying debts tbau any other
oouutry, it bus yet undeveloped resources
enongh to pay all tbe debts of the world.
Heuoe, we believe this talk ot onr East
ern contemporaries that tbe reason the
gold is being drained from the country
is beoanse of their rush lo unload Amer
ioau securities lest Ihey eveutua ly shall
be paid iu silver, is nltogetb-r a dishon
est claim which is as humiliating as it is
dishonest, for it shows a disposition ou
tbe part of our great newspapers to de
grade their own country.
From our tong Creek rarer.
v ord reacues lue Etle that Hirney
couuty will appeal tbe county-seat oase
to the supreme oourc
The quill driver of this first olass fam
ily j utual has beeu slightly indisposed
since Sunday, and bas been uuanie tn
make this issse as newsy as we would
like. U.viiig siokuess iu our borne, nth
er than ye editor, we ask the indulgeuoe
of each and every patieut reader.
Pry. S. Wilson, ot Monument. nit with
a seiions misliapTueeday evening westof
Loug Creek, hile returniug home Iron,
tins city. Us was ou liorsebiok leading
a wild br nnoho, whiob became nuinau
sgeahle, causing Mr Wilson's riding an
imal to fall, resulting iu badiy brii'Slng
Mr. Wilsou's hip aud shoulder and dislo
eating his left Collur buue. Although
suffering intense puu he was taken to
Hauiiltou where medieal attention was
summoned, auu tbe patient made easier.
Services at M. E church, South, Snn
day. Morning snhj-ct, "Be Thou Faith
ful." Evening snlg-ot, "There is a way
tbat seenieth right unto a mm, but the
eud thereof are the ways of death." All
ar respeotfully invite I In attend.
Edwin Palmer, Pnaror.
Markham. A. M.. Feppner. I'r.-Oattle larpo
St oh Itfl. aide bilh sara cropped, ard split m
bo h Uoraoa M ou lwft tup. ttstnge, Clark's
LSON lUB. CO. M 11
Hkiit iri win iimmi
Are you all run down? Scott's Einul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build vou up and put flesh on you
and rive vou a
Fcott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colis. Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases.
Prevents wasting in children. AU
most sMiialatubleasinllk. Uetouly
the centime. Trepared by Scott &
Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by
all Druggists,
"IVT EXT DOOR io Heppner
J-' Street. Keep on hand
Wines, Cigars, Mc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
3 Cents Per Olass,
On draught, fresh arid cool. Lunch of all kiutls. Hope
to see all their old friends aud many more.
W. J. I.KHZBR, Prop,
rilHIS HOSTELHY has been Refitted and Eefdnisiied throughout, and new
is one olt tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leeser invites 70a to stop
witb him, feeling that be is able to entertain yon in tbe best of style.
Pirst Class House. Reasonable Rates.
fruits, -:- Qandies, -:- JJuts -:- and -:- ftps !
The Finest in the Land.
uyster season
Also a
a ab
iV ab
Editob Oazettb -
1 send you a few Items you may use to
fill np your paper.
8now all gone in 3 tnd hollow. Some
are talking nf starting tbe plow,
Mr. Jim Shaw has started out fur n
weekn' vi-it arsonist the neighbors. He
Went to A. Anitrewe' Moiidnv andislbere
yet (Weduesilay). fie carries with him
ni violin and in making some Due music.
Fear are entertained that when the
week is ended some one will be alighted.
Of onnrse we are few in number, but
three (Ihvs in a plaoe will not go mure
than half rnnnd in one short eek.
Hurry Powell has been qnite sink, bill
under the ski lull treatment of Dr. (ia
lieu he is recovering.
Mlsi Mairuie Parsell and her hrother
Cheater have gone to VVtHa WhIIh; Mag
vie in nine a course lu music aud the
latter to sclimil.
Bob llynd has gone to Pendleton lo
take iustruotioui in kouk keeping.
Chis. Armstrong hm gon lo Webfoot
to vixit old friends aud relatives.
Hurry Bartholomew ha been visiting
bis parents aud his returned to Aiiltnn.
Our tlistriot sohool is progressing uioe
ly under tbe efficient t Sorts ot Mrs
Fred Pnraell has retnrned from Mnn
t'tnn. und is too huey hmking after inter
etn at tn nue to visit bis ben girl.
Mrs. Parsed i on the sick lint.
Wishing ye editor and the readers of
the Q z. Ilea hippy and piosperousyear,
we close. A. W. ft Jd. T.
Alfinb, Or., Jan. 4, '93
V January 9, lsui
Brown J S Crnft TeT
Junes Mrs Mary KiisHell Geo
nepasi, uuas a piuman ineo
Ward F J
Please lav "Advertised" when railing fnrtheM
letter. A. Maixokv, V. M.
The Stndebaker waunn beads tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam ft Bisbee's. a
Why go hnngrv when tbe City hotel
fnruiehes yon a good meal at living
"Hardware" did von avT Whv. ves
at P. C. Thiimpsou ft O.'e eland, and the
place tor Dizains. a
Call on Rip to do yonr wood sawine:
same old price. Also delivers wood to
auy part of Ueppuer. See ad. a
Knhl, the baker. Buy yonr bread and
cakes aud save money. Try it. a.
Fir cash yon oan get uioreai the Ena'-
eru Clothing house, with Lr-vi ou deck,
than any other place io Heppner. a
Beer Hall!
Candy Factory on il
a Fine Line of Liqv
about ripe. We will let vou
know about that in the near future.
L. Matlock & Co
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a Prehensile Tail
The Monliey is Not Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We are Not Afraid because our
Tale is. a Good One.
t is No Taleof Woe !
Splendid Goods,
Fair treatment ; satisfsctir.n tn custom
ers, and ot reasonable prices and
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
& tale without end, bec'triM it it a tale
tbat will bold A pleasure to show
goods. Hpeoial inducements to
cash buyers. Call at
The Palace is the leading hotel in the
oity. Well furnished rooms witb plenty
ef light are provided tor everyone, a