JSOilCK TO ADVKHTlSltlW. T'HllSE desiring tlie insertion of display ads., or change of same, uiuhI gut their copy In not later than Monday ovmilng for Tuesday's edttiuu, or ihursday evening lor Fridays etfi Clou. iUJC tATCMkbUH i'UBLISHlStitJO. NO IKK. 1. Tbe ium of five centa per tint will be charged for "carda of thanks," "reaolutiona of reapei-l," Hits ol m eduing present! and donora, and obituary notices, lolher liiun lliose the edit' or shall liliiisell give a a Inatler ol ueVM.) and liolkwaol special meetings lor w lialever purpose. 'i. Notices ol church and society and all other eiitertalnii.elil Iriiln ublcli revenue IB to he de rived, khall be charged lor at the rate of live teuta a line. '1 bene rules will be strictly adher eu 10 in every instance. Advertising rales reasonable and madebuowu upon appilcailuu. LP. FlallEU, NEWSPAPER ADVERIH- lug Afceut, 21 iiirrliui.il cxclmnge, bu- t .ai cisco, our auiiiuiueu aaent. 'ihis uper 1 acpl on tile lu hisuuice. Give your business to Heppner people, and tlievejoie assist to build vp Hepp Her. l'Mronize those U'tu puirouize yon. Here and There. John Madden ia over from Lone Rook. Jaa. (Junius lost an $150 horse a few dsjs ago. Mr D. II. Jayne ia convalescent after A severe illurss. F. J. Hulluok left this moraius fur a vuit to I'uriiitua. Wonder what Gen. Gray cut for his New Year's present? Reuben A Urn mid sou were visitors to Heppuer Weilueed). Rout. Hyud ia visiting- tbe citieaof Or-Cg-uU sud YtustiiugtuU. Beu Mattesou says tbere ia do boom in the blues at present. 'Squire rjcrivuer, of Hardman, is In Heppner for a few days. Jaok Parker, a well known juokey, ia over from Giant county. Tbe Ueta Hud Palace saloons for flue liquors, MuAiee Bros., Piupg. aw I-n't it urobnble that Morrow will hav winter when it ought to be spring-? B L. Akers and (a. her. of Uouseberry, were visitor to Hepuurr Wednesday. Ladiea will Sud Ibat exoeheut toilet preparation tor the lace tor sale don at Fell Bios. 52 if M. A Olden, one ot Ione's rustling eitizeua, was with us Wednesday o this week. Tbe Morrow County LaDd and Tmst Comtmny have an unlimited sunolv of obop for sale. il-tf. Hard time prices on panta special drive at C. S. Van Duyn's. Only first clous work turned out ai Fred Miler's tailoring establishment east aide Main street. We notice that W. P. Datton, nf Hepp ner, bas been drawu on tbe IT. 8. grand jury, to appear on the 17. h iust. Ed. Cox and Ben Parker wete over t take in tbe K. of P. installation Tucs day eve, whioh, these gentlemen iufoim us, they appteoialed very much. Jay Ball and W. A. Biiidle, Gooseber ry residents, were in Weduesday. Their crops are growing and doing well. Every man who takes any iuterest in fast stork should subscribe for Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Frank Hale, Pell Simison, OIihs. Elder aod Wt-a Matlall are over to R isiyu us witnesses iu Ibe bunk robbery uase. All piiuling done at the Gzette offiai herrutter will be charged for at thesxitie old rales before the cholera scare. 2 t . N. Vgi.oii id now running a singe be tweeu Zieppuer aud Loue Rook, bee ad. for da a of leaving aud arr.val. tf. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home iu north Ueppner, or uddreBS her at this place. 618 if Ask to Ree my $2 50 ami $3 50 boot al C. S. Van Duyn's. As the season ndvanoes the number of marriages are more frequent, which is "water ou ibe wheel" ot ye olerk of Mor row county. Hiyo ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the city barber shop tbe place to get a first-class shave, bair-om or shampoo. tf. Little Orrin Vanglian is rapidly get ting over bis reoeut illness, through the Senile care of Miss Maggie Rea and at tendanl physicians. Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys a world wide reputation fur restoring the hair to bald beds and changing gray bair to tbe original color of youtD. A Grant county woman shot a deer a few dnys ago, and baa thereby gamed the reputation of tbe champion wouiau rifle shot ot Eastern Oregou . Master Clay French is the authorized ageut for tbe Oregooian at this place. 8ubsoribe throuuh bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Do not miss Ibis offer on biankets and quilt. They must be sold at C. S. Van Duyn's. , T. H. Aden reports plowing in pro s over on Eight Mile, and says that t is growing finely, even tbe late grata makiug a good sbowing. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Batba in connec tion. Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vaugban. Gaa admiuistered wben desired. Thompson building, Heppner. Or la-w- The Gazette has just received the pros pectus of Ibe Uiiunvside district, Yaki ma okunty, throngb tbe kindness of Dawson, Stewart k Fell, of Seattle. This section bas teu recently reclaimed through irrigation. Never before known prloes on boys' nd children's suits. "Before tbe war" prices at C. S. Van Duyn's. Tk nnoadnn ia frontlAfillv Hakftl "Why is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral so mncb more pflVciwe than other oongb rem edies?" Tbe answer is, simply because it ii Ibe most rkilful ci mbiuatioo of anouynes ann tApeoiurauiv auunu iu setlionl science. The nriifinal of tbe certifianteg of onre (ff-oted by Ihr nut-of Avar's Sarsapaiilla are kt-pt on file nt thei tfioe ol the J. C. Ayei i3uiihu. l.well, Mass. Probablv no similar rstaliln-bment in tbe world lau tinihit snob a mass ot valuable and ouvincii g testimony. Hattee'a Congo O-l is rapidly coming to the from as a leading medicine. J A. Harrison, ibe Fossil constable, ap plied it to bis lens, whioh was recently kioked by a ho ice. and nit day lie threw aside bis crutches' "It's the boar. Harrison says. Lyman Brown tried tbe oil for rheumatism with which he has been troublex.' for years, snd this is what hesais: "it kooked it after two appli cations." Mi-tf. I At a recnt meeting of the stock txdders of the Heppner Flouring Mill I Co., the following riiievtnre were elected: 1 Oscar Minor, J A. Thompson, T. W. Aysrs, 8r Nels Jones and J. W.Morrow. J. W. Morrow whs then otioseu presi- asnt sua ueur iliuor vice prtaideui. Aua-Uit Chailtou waa in from Goose berry )esteiday. Ione's postmaster, Tom Carle, was I this uiiruiug ou bu.-iuess. up U .u ii iruer expects his yoangtst Urotber In from Iowa kbis eveuing, I Johu Shaw was over from Butler creek Tuesiiuy aud Wednesday ut this week. Joe Liiakinan will, this week, bring Mrs. Liuckuiuu to towu for medical treat m-ut. L R. Lyons returned Tuesday from Walla Wall.!, wuere be speut the boll d.iys. N- Farmers, we can furnish you priuted stationery cueauer than you cau buy 11 uupriuted. 1 Dr. McSuard s ofEof, next d 'or to tbe Heppuer iuruiture (Jo's bland, ia near!) completed. Mr. Cuild.-i, a sheep buyer, is here aud will perhaps take away suuie of our uiui- tous iu the spriug. Dr. E. K ijwiuburne has beeu ou tbe siog l.st (or some days, but is feeling much better ugaiu. Ed. Day's range, over on Butter oieek, is furnishing an abundance ol good feed for his sUeep. There are two candidates before tbe people tor stock inspeutor, Uncle Nathan .Uo bYe aud Jas Wyiaud. Couuiy court, with a full board, is in session this week. They have ou bauds quite a gust of business. Lou Markbam's full sown grain, over iu Olark's c-oiyou, be save, uever looked finer al this time of year. Mis. Cbis. Wgner, daughter of Mr ami Mis Wui Ale A lee, lett Wednesday for her home at Tue Dalies. Morrow oouuty is euj lying climate now that is auppos.ul to ue nowhere ex cept 1 . Southern California. Jus. Hughes, who reoeutly died ovet uear Wsguer, waa well kuuwu over this way, and much thought of by ail. Tbe bottom baa fallen nut ot ladies' geuts' aud children's uuderwear, Ueuts' overshiris ut prioes nuueard of before Ibe flood. Give me a trial aud 1 will con vince you. C. S. Van Duyn T. K. Roberta baa just returned from a tour of the Eight tUile seotton, aud ia al present a guest of tbe Palace. George Parker, who lately came up from Ibe valley, locating here, is quilr dl down ut the lower bauk building. Mat Hughes ia the proud poasesaor ol a IboioUKUbred bull pup which he re cently got at a total expense of $17 6d Levi R ibisou bas completed bis sale ut Heppuer, aud will leave shortly for foriiaud with tbe remainder of his goods F. M. 'i'emptelou, a stockman of tin Wagner seutiou. H over for supplies. He s.ya Haystack is haviug some very flue eutber. Cbas. Myers, wbo was scalded severely Ver uear Viusou a short tune afo, is iu Heppuer this week, uearly recovered from ins rec-ut experience. Beu Swaggart's pooketbook, which be lost a short time ago, was found aud returned to him. Printer's iuk is a good thiugiu uiljuases. Ueppn r's I. O. 0. F. will install iheirouioerH, iu the presence of wives aud fneuds, down at tbe opera bouse, uixt Weduesday e.ening. Good roasted coffee at 25a a pound, good tea 35c, 8 caus tomatoes $1, 8 cans uoru, 0 cans b-aus, 8 cms peas all oth er grooeiies iu i ropuriion; osll aud get puces before puichasiug elsewhere, at C. 5. Van Duyn's. Ed. Rood returned on WeduesdayV tram from a visit to Purtlaud. He saw some evidences of the receut storiu here and there down iu the Cascades. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Smith aud Mr. aud Mis Johu Kdwards, were guests at the K. of P. lusial atiou last luesday eveuiug. Spray Bros., ot Haystack, delivered Wrdutsday to Shaw Bros. MoOarty, ot ibis place, a uumber of flue steers, wbicu will be shipped below boou. G. W. Harrington, Art. Minor, Frauk Rodgers and Mr. Minor, a cousiu ol Art., left Wednesday for the Blues u qu st of game, probably "antelope." Felix Jobuson aud wife were iu towu Wednesday with a big load of delicacies which grow ou t tie larm, and which are strictly essential to liviug iu these 'ere purls. A friend of ours says that oart traoks are thicker over iu Clark's Oauyou than any section lu tbe country. Albert M illis would, perhaps, corroborate this statemeut. E. A. Biucdnge bas recently bad com plt-ttd ou his rucb above tuwu, a large commodious barn, barus are becomiug as mdespeusuble iu this ouuutry as in any other. To tbe ladies: Call aud inspect our dress goods, tbe finest liue )u the city, aud triumiug silks to match, Ex'reine cut in prices Seeing is believing. Tliese goods must go; first oums, first served at C. S. Van Duyn's. Phill Heppner, tbe present Vice Chancellor ot CoufiJeuce Lodge No. 25, of Arliugton, was with Doric Dodge No. 20, ou tue occasion of their installation last Tuesday eveuing Joe Woolery and wife, H. M. Thora tou, Albert Ayera and wife aud Wm. Barra't were among those from the. ooun try who atieuded Dorio's Installation last Tuesday eveuing. Pearl Jones snd wife were oyer f'om Eight Mile Wedueeday, making this office a call. Ye editor waa not aware at that lime, however, that the young peo ple weie one of two oonple wbo were married overou bight Mile Jan. 1st. E. O. : Revival meetings have been in progress since Satutday evening, at the Webb street Methodist chmon, sua win be held nightly for au indefinite period. They sre attracting much iuterest, and good woik is bring done. There will be preaching tins eveuiug at 7:30 o'olock hy UeV. M. V Howard, presidiug elder. Ibe paior, Rrv. F. C Aitkins, expects Hie arrival sooo of Uev. Palmer fr m Heppuer aud R-v. Terry from Oaksdale to assist in oouduoiiug tbe meetings, Neabli Successful Mention was made iu unr Inst istne relative lo tbe in sanity of G. D Dasey, tbe painter. After being adjnrigi d insane on Tuesday, l,e was placed iu the care of Deputy Sheriff COPPER II vi n j Fitig-erald till be maid be takeu below TuuisJay. lu tbe afteruuoa of Tnurs- dxy be saemed uerfeotly rational, aud ia the evening attended tbe K. of f. luatal latiou. Early Wedueeday morning-, down at Shenff Noule'i, he bad quite a bad spell, bet alterwaids weut to sleep and seemed all right. At breakfast time h said he preferred to sleep rather tbau to get up, aud La was allowed to do so. Ueltiug up later ou, be weut up towu, aud ou iuviiatiou, weut over to take dm uer with T W, Ayera, Jr., Deputy Fits gerald pulling lilui iu Mr. Ayers' charge, l'bis was just alter 12 o'olock Wednes day, and diuuer not being quite ready, Dnaey told Mr. Ayers to go lu aud get bis hat aud they would lake a wu.k. 1'bey were theus'audiug uear the porch, u tbe south side of me bouse. Mr. Ayers ssceuied, and wben be returued Dusey waa staudiug, leauiug over, witu a Ahae baudled razor iu bis right baud and the blood st'earuiug from a cut iu bis throat which extended uearly irum ear to ear. He staggered over lo ibe i ard feuoe aud theu lell. Dr. Mo Suard was oalied aud ou examiuutiou prououuoed tbe wouud not dangerous, aud with tbe aid of others, seaed it up. Dasey boou revived aud was taken over to Mrs. Bail's resideuoe. Dasey admitted to Mr. Ayers that be got tue rz r out ot 'G. ne oble's tiuuk iu the loom where he b id slept Ibe night Oeloie. He refu ed lo give up the razor al first, but Dave MoAlce, bsppeuiug aloug that way, slipped up bebiud him catching hiin by tbe wrists, wbeu be gave it up to Mr. Ayers. It was brand uew, a Christmas preseut from Mike titzgeruld to 'Gene Noble. Yesterday Duu-y waa up ou tbe stieet feeling much belter, and mis morning Sheriff Noble left for Salem with bis charge. Dasey's man ia is priuuipully a suicidal oue, aud ue will have to be watched Olosely or be will carry out bis desigua. Not Wanted Just Now. Duriug the last week there bava been ao many Visitors at Ibe Water t Light station as to considerably iuterfere wilb themova uitu's ut the workmen, aud some eu dovted witb more cariosity thau good souse bave beeu (xsmiulug the machin ery aud baye broke some ot it. The proprietors bays found it neoessrry to keep every one out aud about tbe most prouiiueut thing arouud the premises are tbe sigus to tbul effect. We are advised by the proprietors that wbeu tue niuobiuery is completed and started every oue will be given an opportunity to see it, aud a geueral iuviiatiou will ue exteuded lo every one to do ao. Wkudino Bulls. Ou last Weduesday, at the residence of tbe bride'a parents, near Douglas, occurred ibe marriage ot Mr. Geo. Bauerutieud aud Miss Istuliua Ely, daughter ut Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Eiy, itev. J. m. Sbulse, of Heppuer, ofiiiiiat uig. A number of frieuds aud'relatives were preseut, wbo euj iyed tue feast set befure them, wbiob, our lulurmantstates, is rarely equaled and never excelled 1'ue bride aud groom are both very wall Kuuwu iu Moriow couuiy, aad all joiu iu visbing them a long, prosperous aud happy life. This office acknowledges tbe leceiLt of a liberal supply uf wed ding Oake. Swallowku a HnauLit. L. D. Boyed'e bab.v, ibuteeu mouths old, it is thought, swaliuvitd a httdlo yesterday. Tbe child is duiug well, however, aud, if such is the case, is snowing no incon venience from tue efleots of what wus uever intended fur a human etouiaoh Pareute Oubiiot be too Oaretul witb plus, ueedles aud glass, particularly where they are raiBlug small Obildreu, but academe will happen lu Ibe best regu lated lamiiics. E. of P. Installation Tuesday eve uiug, huighls ut Pythias aud visitors to the number of 30U ur mure gathered iu their ball iu Heppner to witness the lustullatiou uf the officers for tbe ensu ug term. After the program as reu dered, wbiob was of considerable length, a supper was given to wbicb alt did ample justioe. It was ols of the most agreeable eutertaiumenta ever given by Duiio Lodge No. 20. Double Wedding Ou last Sunday, Jau. 1st, en Eight Mile, at tbe resideuoe of the bride's parents, ocoured tbe mar riage of Miea May Asbbaugb aud Mr. Pearl Jones and Miaa Susie R. Aabbaugn aud Mr. Gilbert R. Jouea, Juatice C. E. Jones offioiatiog. The oontraotiug par ties bave lbs best wishes ot tbe Gazette. A Runaway. -Paul Schiller met witb quite a serious runaway op' on Cunning hams hill last Tuesday. In soma man ner one ot the straps, holding the neok yoke, broke, letting the tongue fall to tbs ground. This frightened tbs team aud a runaway resolved, pretty badly wreck ing the back aud bruising up Sobiller considerably. B Declines Cases. S. H. ClifT.rd, New Csssel, Win., waa troubled wilb neuralgia and rbenmaiism, bis stomach was disordered, bis liver waa affected to ao alarming degree, sppetite fell sway, snd be waa terribly reduced in flesb and atrength. Turps bottles of Eliotrio Bittwa cured bim. Edward Shepbeid, Harrieburg, III., had a run ning gore on his leg of eight years' stand ing. Used three bottles of Electric Bit ters aud seven boxes of Bnnkleu'a Arnica Salve, snd his leg is sound and well. Johu Speaker, Catawba, 0., bad five large fever sores ou bis leg, doctors said he was incur 'ble. One bottle i.f Eleo trie Bitters aud one box Buckleu's A'ni- 1 Cl) alve cured bim eutuely. Sold by blocum-Johuaoo Drug Co. RIVETED 130TT0vfPANT; EYlilrqUARANTED. ' STILES UIPJ(E(5EDEISED. WHY ? rtoou XsTo Otlior Btrer Effootoci Cures OOKTGO OILi ZXrxfa. HATTEES ft U7, O.WR. MFG. C2P0RTLAND. ORE. Fiist Moulb'a Sales. 720 Bottles j Second Month's Sales, 3300 bottles BOIiD EVEH Y tVIXEIllIJ. PHICE, - Dec'" H. A. Thompson THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPHIETOUS Tie Heppner Livery, Feci and Sale Stable. Below Coffin & MnFarland'i, Main Street, Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teems to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. 81 25. Meals 26 cts. a at O. C. bsrgesnt's, next door to Feed Stable, (jrain and baled buy Blwavs on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Footwear mnT'il fnm tin frnt wiHnr' pti're rnnm, vex "o'- " There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., IVfnli-s Htreet, Heppner Ctr. S. C. Smith, Keeps a full line of EVERYTHING In tbe way of Furui'ure. Undertnkjntr goods a speciality. May dtroet, Uopp ur, Ot. .V-N-f furnitIe man Jte. You will catch At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . . . . Read their new ad. soon. H EPPNER and LONE ROCK STA.GKE LrNlil. I. IVIKISOIV, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Kock on Mondajs, Wednesdays and Fiiilajs. Makes conuerfinn with the weekly line to Fossil. Iteusooable oharges for both Passengers -: and -:- Freight. 643-lf sw 8LOC CM-J0HM 8TON DON'T BE By traveling fakirs. O. C. Wildev & Co , of Walla Walla, Wash., are tbe lamest import ers direct from the Eastern factories in the Inland Empire ot AND We can save yon from S25 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible parties. We bundle the very best makeB ot instruments, Hud warrant them for five years, and uuarantee lover prices than any house on this coast for same quality. We bny direot from Chickerina & Sons, We.Miian A O., Conover Urns & Co., Smith & Barnes, pianos. Packard, Story & Clark and Cfiioago Cot tage Organs. Hell Ors-ans frm $100 to (300 Pianos from (3i0 to S700. Write ns for catalogue and prioes. It will pay you, O. C VVildeV &C Co. 635 Walla Walla, Wash fruits fjandie s, -:- WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in tbe Land. Oyster Seoson Also i.s about ripe. We will let you know about that in the.near future. V. L. Matlock & Co. LEGAL BLANKS. the meantime by bringing Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER WHY ? Eccavse XI bev xxx a. -11c xxi aclatica, csa K c u i e 7el a. die A. r it xvben CCKGO OITj iss "CJraoci. $1 ailcl 92 a. Bottle. A. K. Bluns Footwear ! Mjn Hln'f, fnthptr t'pw H. H H-kui n A 'o DRDQ CO., Agents. Heppner, Or. BAMBOOZLED, p -:- and -:- (ji Plenty of them at the Gaz.tte Office quite a good vrajs iff. Winter ia not so far, nnd our frien 's oan square up ou subsorip in cord wood. THE PATTEESON PUB. CO. CA1,I AT OI'I'K'K ash and onundrums. But it ia no Coniiudnuu why people prefer to apend their cash with P. : 6. : Tionpsoi (Jo. : Is because they HARDWARE,- Tinware, Wood g Willowware, -S3 ghocii;rij:ss5- Confectionery, Cisrars. Tobaccos Gods, Revolvers Tbe best assortment of Men's Winter ..o.Mvv.Uu uuwButKu. HEPPIiER, STORAGE AND ATTENDED IN A Business-like AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near HEPPNER, Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE wbiob we propose to conduct in on bands at all times tbe ohniceat Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc.. Etc. SHAW&McCARTY, 85-tt DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Oraduats M. E. 0. V. H. , London, England. Veterinary -m- Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. t am prepawl to flo all klnili of Veterinary Biiriti-ry, Kmicnlatln(- Rones and Keallniri s hdmI. ally, (rhls is the only true methnd nfaneratfiigon linnes.) Speylns ol Catlleand Hogs wi. ... nun. a. i n in iieni an aiiuuaii in ins iiiosi approved protdare ol Veter inary Surgery. 11 you have any sick ai.Imnli It will be to your lulareit to call on me at BEFPNEIt, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES UaDS OS SHORT NOTlta AND aT POFULAB I'SICII. t& Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Mil DR. TAFT'S Instead of flvlnf; to the door gasp ing for bream, sceminc as if eacli i one would ba vour last, vou havei only to ta',e a few (bses Asthmalene when the spasm Is broken, the breathing becomes easy and yoti feel as if an ail of mrcv had unloosed the iron grasp of the fingers of death. The hapnit moment of your life will be when vnn havf used a few bottles, or ur lau I A3 1 nts AULNt ana it nas cured you nr fipaa anp Asthma, tfa mail to anr teihmn lutfertr a trial bottle bal fjWm wf th"ta' Sold by sruKgiits. Dr. Tart Bros. M. Co., Rochester, N.Y U a tea EaiCur. i.ihum. urn i Piiii get full value in ' and o Cutlery of all Kinds and Ammunition. Underwear and Top Shirts iu tbe conntT. vuiucr iuuiu niiu mow oireota. OREGON. Gilliam & JBisbee, iiEirpjEit, on , FORWARDING. TO -:- Manner the Depot: 011EG0N. Ownership OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keen Froorietors. atew art's stablel. OREOOM ON SliOliT NOITCB AND REASONABLE TERMJ r