Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 06, 1893, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore astist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronix thote who patronize
If tbs rumor be true that Senator
Carlisle bas been slated for the treasury
portfolio, Mr. Cleveland will find ont
before tbe end of bis term tbat be baa
tnade a grievous niMiike. Tbe reasons
lor tbia are obvious. Mr. Cailisle is
pre eminently great Bnd conservative.
He baa moat of ti e qualities of a states
man, and bis pub iu esreer baa adorned
bis part) ' record. Yet be is not tbe
mau for tbe treasury portfolio. In tbe
first plHce, Mr. Carlisle is in no sense a
financier, nor is be, in tbe ordinary ac
ceptation of tbe term, a business man.
Bia knowledge of finance is strict!)
tbeoretical. Henry Clay and Daniel
Webster wereatatesmen.yet their knowl
edge of finance was exceedingly limited.
Tbey didn't know enough about it to
keep out of debt or to appreciate tbe
vulne of personal obligations. Mr.
Carlisle's fiuanoial ability is of tbe same
Another objection to Mr. Carlisle's
qualification for the bead of tbe treasury
department is tbat be is out of touch
with the South and the West on the
liver question. His tbeoretioal knowl
edge of finance was gained iu tbe sohool
of tbe gold-bugs, and is not in accord
with tbe praotioal every-day knowledge
of tbe men who till the soil and work in
the shops, and they are the people who
elected Mr. Cleveland.
Tbe Telegram is of tbe opiiinn thai the
leoretarf of the treasury should be a
Western man who hue a thorough knowl
edge of the needs of bis section. He
should be entirely free from tbe influ
ence of Wall street, and in sympatb)
wi'h tbe industrial classes, future
political issues are shaping thems-lves
ou the Hue uf tbe money question, and
if Mr. Cleveland attempts to organize
tbe minority of tbe democrats, who are
iu boo ird with the Wall street idea, in
opposition to tbe majority who oppose
it, then be will wreck h e administration
before it is balf over. Portland Telegram
A new law for asHesament and tax
ation is needed. Under tbe present
sjstetn, tbo rich escnie paying taxep
while the less fortunate oannnt, and
therefore pay more than their just pro'
portion of tbe taxes. If no exemptions
were allowed for indebtedness, tbe rate
would be so much lower that there is
hardly a man in Morrow oounly who
would pity more taxes than at present
But in tbe cities where men own millions
and only put in thousands to tbe asses
sor, there would be a different showing.
Tbe greater part of Oregon's wealth
esoapes taxation through this exemption
Aoooiidino lo tbe report of tbe state
railroad onmuiiBBlun, Oregon's railroads
for the pust year loat nearly two millions,
the opeintiug expenses exceeding tbe
1 net receipts that amount. If railroads
don t pay in Oregon, it will be difficult
to Dud a place where tbey do. l''ew
people will believe tbat tbey lost that
muob. A session of the legislature is
lit hand which mubt acrount for i
report of that Uiiture, though tbe com
mission is supposed to represent the
peoplo. Iu any event tbe proposition t.
do away with the commission ib not i
bud one.
Whilu a muj irity of the Oregon su
preme court have decided tbat the print
ing of Pierce's nume twice on tbe billots
nsiij in many counties I ait eleotion. '
illegul, the claim Hint it would be wrong
to thus disenfruuehise the voters through
the m intakes of county officials, and
therefore deoide the maudanius case in
favor of Fieroe.
Tun Oregon Statesman issued Jan. 3,
a most creditable aumnil for 1893.
Besides being full of illustrations and
cuts of prominent busiuess men of
Salem and vicinity, it is replete with
valuable information. There are no
winged insects hovering around in tbe
vicinity of the Biilem Htatesmau.
Tub new Columbiao postage stamps
are now to be seen occasionally, They
look at a glunot) like a Hawaiian postage
tamp, and are uot pretty to look at In
a hiatorioal sense, however, we suppose
tbey ought to please the people.
A trbbb OOKNKHKU senatorial flgbt
will shortly be ou bauds iu Nebraska. In
C.iliforuia aud Kiusas the b.ilauoe of
power in, respectively, in the bands of the
populists aud democratic parlies.
Ohkuon's solous are begioniugto gath
er at tbe field of legislative carnage.
Jeff Myers, dji.i'j young 0 tpitaliat, acd
8'U.itor from Liuu o uuty, preceded
"tbe gauij" several days.
Dn Wu 0. MuKw win found dond in
bis stable ueur Pjudletoo last Tuesday,
II a wbi a noted pioneer, esteemed by all
who knew him.
Fobty r i'R members of congress, an
q i it mi u'xr of rdpu'.ilif in and ilotai
cr.iis, will all inly visit U tw tii lo couuter
act th influence of E-iglisuinan on tbe
Donaldson CAmmv bos been appoiut
ed by the governor of Louisiana Uuited
Slates senator, to fill fie vacancy oauaed
by the death of Uibson.
Tub republicans and populists organ
ized tbe Montana house Tuesday. The
euute is controlled bv the domoorats.
Quv FennoYBR is dead set against the
Oregon militia. Tbe tima may otue
when it would be of great service.
Tbs West demands tbat the Sherman
ilver law remaiu as it is till better silver
legislation is enacted.
The Record is worrviug over President
Harrison being besieged by offioe seek
ers. Better look closer ''to hum." Tlie
ehanoea ais that on tbe ohoosiug of bit
oahioet, Cleveland will work discord tbat !
will ring in bis ears till the end of bis
term. Tbe people at large want a fur
ther recognition of silver as money, and
tbat is just the thing Cleveland doesn't
want done.
CiBiurr elates are still tbe order of
the day. It is oonreded by all tbat
Whitney will be sei-retary of state.
Tbk state board of tqnnlizatinn have
raised the assessment of mortgages to
100 cents on tbe dollar.
Bkcritabt VcBmdb is seriously ill,
snd no one is allowed in hie rooms but
tbe attendant pbyeisns.
Monday last was the day set apart in
tbe South as ft fnud gatherine for tbe
Jeff Davis monument.
Union eonntrv has an enabling aot
and two would be new counties to look
after over tbat way.
Till demoorats, it is conceded, wilt
elect the next U. S. Senator from Mon
Thk populists and democrats have com
bined and organized tbe senate of Ida-
Tin McAuliffe-Burge flgbt did not ma
Mat our readers prosper in tbs year
Blaine still hangs between life and
Even these done times we are gain
ing subscribers daily. We start in on
tbe year 1893 witb a considerably larger
list than that of one year ago.
Tbe List of Members ifl lie Oregon Legists
tare-Its Political Complextoe.
On Jan. 9, 1893, tbe Oregon legialature
will assemble at Salem. In the bouse
there will be 39 republicans. 18 demo
orats and 3 populists, in all CO.
Tbe senate ill have 15 republican.
12 dem crate, 1 peoples,! citizen demo
crat, 1 democrat-prohibition, total 30.
The republicans have a majority of
17 in tbe house.
Tbe names and onunties ot tbe sena
tors and representative are as follows:
Bancroft, T A, Kep, Multnomah.
Beckley, Henry, Dem and I'ro, Doug
las. tBIackmnn, Honry, Dem, Morrow.
Butler, N 1 Dem, Polk.
tCameion, Then, Kep, Jackson.
iCoggswell, C A, Dem, Lake.
tCiosno, C B, Kep, Benton.
JCioss, II 15, Bep, Clackamas.
Denny, O N, Rep, .Multnomah.
Dodson, O M, Rep, Baker.
iFnlton, C W, Rep, Clatsop.
JGates, P T, Rep, Yamhill.
(Hayes), O C, Rep, Clackamas,
(llirah, Edward, Rep, Marion.
Huston, 8 B. Dem, Washington.
(Looney, J B, Dem, Washington.
M.-AII'iHter, D A. Duin. Union.
McGinn, 11 E, Rep, Multnomah.
(Matlock, W F, Dem, Umutilla.
Maxwell, J W, Kep.Tillumook.
(Myers, J, Dem, Linn.
Nalley, B F, Kep, Lane.
tKaley, J II, Dem, Umatilla.
tStnitli, John A, I Hon, Umatilla.
Hteinner, W W, Rep, Gilliam,
i Vandoiboig, W C, l'eoplo'a, Joseph
ine. (Ventch, R M, Di m, Lano.
( Wealhettord, J K, Dem, Lane.
Willis, PL, Rep, Multnomah.
Woodward, C II, Citizen, Multnomah.
Boughinan, D C, Rep, Lane.
Iicluap. E II, Rep, Benton.
Bishop, W R, Rep, Multnomah.
Blevins, A, Dem, Linn.
Helta, Douglass Rep, Umatilla.
Brown, J N, Rep, Morrow.
Brown, 0 C, Rep, Douglass.
Buxton, Henry, Rep, Washington.
Cainphell, J E, Dem, Clatsop.
tChandler, E N, Rep, Wasco.
tCoon, 1 R, Rep, Wasco.
Cooper, P, Rep, Douglas.
Cornelius, B P, Rep, Washington.
Outran, George, Dem, Clackamas.
tCailny, B, Dem, Lane.
Day, T G, People's, Josephine.
Duncan, C II, Rep, Baker.
Durham, D A, Rep, Washington.
Filniore, W P, Dem, Linn.
Ford, Tilinon, Rep, Marion.
Geor, Joel P, Rep, Clackamas.
Geer, T T, Rep, Marion.
Gill, John, Citizen, (Rep) Multnomah.
Gohdiich, L J, Rep, Gilliam.
Gullixson, II V, Rep, Multnomah,
llanck, J J, Dem, Jackson.
Ilot.bs, J W. Kep, Yamhill.
Inman, R D, Citizen, (Dem) Multno
mah. Jeffreys, S T. Dem. Benton.
Keady, W P, Kep Multnomah.
King. W R, Dem. Malheur.
tLamson, A II, Kep. Yamhill.
Law ton A S, Kep, Clackamas.
Layman, Samuel, Rep, Marion.
McEvans, .1 8, People's, Coos.
Maloney, II S, Dem. Yamhill.
Miiloney, A B, Kep, Multnomah.
Maya, Polk, Kep, Wallowa.
Merrill, Norman, Rep, Columbia.
Morritt, J W, Rep, Jackson.
Myor, G T, Rep, Multnomah.
Miller, M A, Dem, Linn.
Nicholas, II V, Rep, Cook.
Ntckell, Charles, Dem, Jackson.
Noithrup, II II. Rep. Multnomah.
Onnaey, S B, Kep, Marion.
Paxton, O F, Kep. Multnomah.
tKU'httrtlson, C D, Kep, Harney.
Russell, L II, Kep, I'nion.
Sheridan, R 8, Dem, Douglas,
Slants, John 0, Dem, Polk.
Stone, Jeremiah, Dem, Umatilla.
Toner, M, Dem, I'malilla.
Tnillinger, J C, Kep, Clatsop.
Upton, J H, People's, Curry.
Y lis ins, Jasper, Kep, Lane.
Wilkinson, C K, Dem, Lane.
Wright J A, Kep. Union.
Wright, John G, Kep, Marion,
j Hold over, t Joint.
Bipans Tabulos ; a standard ramcdy.
Effect of Long Continued 1'ae When
to Npray with Tlirm.
A great boon to horticulture is the dis
covery that the salts and componn ls of
Copper prevent mildews, rusta, scibs
and rots on trees, plants and fruits.
Kearly every form of these sporadic dis
eases may be prevented by their nse,
not cured or poisoned after tbey become
established. Copper co'utions prevent
the spores of the fungi from germina
ting. These solutions must be used witb
tome care and not too freely. If useI in
excess for years in au orchard they may
eventually do harm. When applied to
the soil in excess they prevent the seeds
of most plants fromgerminatin, retard
growth and decrease fructification.
Thus, a soil made tip of five parte in
100 of sulphate of copper caused more
seeds to germinate than the same soil
without the sulphate, though they were
very much longer in appearing and
grew slowly and matured but few fruits.
A slight quantity of the copper solutions
in the soil seems to be beneficial to most
plants. A vineyard which it is neces
sary to spray three or four times each
season with a copper solution, in the
course of time might acquire bo much
copper as to be injurious to plant
growth, though it is hardly probable.
It is reasonable to suppose, the copper
having a marked specific action it must
enter into new combinations so as to be
dissipated or rendered insoluble.
Carbolic acid in weak solution has the
same effect in preventing germination
of the Bpores ot fungi aa the copper solu
tions. Use one ounce of acid to five
gallons of water. Recent experiments
show that people have been using the
copper solution too strong. Early spray
ings are most effective. The first spray
ing should he done just as the buds are
opening and then two or three spray ings
at intervals up to July 1. Later spray
ings have no value except tor a few
special diseases of grapes which generate
after mid-summer. But these are usu
ally absent where the early sprayings
were properly done.
It looks as if this Coast has more to
fear from the use of fungicides in the
East than from the insects and diseases
that might be imported. If certain
plant parasites of the fungi order could
be controlled in the East they could pro
duce all the fruits that succeed so finely
here, and which fail there simply be
cause of injury from fungi. Take for
instance the European grapes tbat thrive
here and fail completely there. It is be
cause the phylloxera destroys the roots
in the East and certain fungi injures
both foliage and fruit. Now, the injury
to the roots can be prevented by graft
ing the foreign stock on native roots re
sistant to the phylloxera and injury to
the foliage and truit can be prevented
by the use of fungicidal poisons.
The more advanced Titiculturists of
the Uouth Midille states are producing
fine foreign grapes iu that way aud are
preparing to plant quite largely of them.
And they will compete with our table
and wine grapes. The same fuels are
true of other fruits. The plum curculio,
heretofore the one great enemy to stone
fruits in the fi.aat is now perfectly con
trolled and plums and prunes are being
very largely planted.
Electric Lights mill flunt Life.
The action exercised by the electric
light on plants varies according to the
species, unci to solve the problem numer
ous researches are still necessary. The
only points which seem to be decided
are the following: The electric light ac
celerates assimilation, and often hastens
growth anil maturation; iu some cases
U intensifies tlie coloration or Mowers,
and sometimes increases tlie production.
Nocturnal repose is uot absolutely nec
essary for the growth and development
of all the plants. The direct rays pro
duced by the electric arc without globe
have a very injurious effect on Bowers
too close to the lamp. The intervention
between the arc and plants of a globe of
ordinary glass arrests all hurtful effects
which are exclusively attributable to
violet and ultraviolet rays, and not, us
was first supposed, to the production of
nitrous acid. Horticultural Times.
8erviees at M. E. church next Sabbath
Morning subjeot, "The Precious Savior."
Text, "Unto you therefore which believe,
He ia precious; but unto them which be
disobedient, the stone which tbe builders
disallowed, the same is made the hend
"f the corner. Evening services, tlie
first bell will rig at 6:30 o'clock and a
song servioe will corn.nenoe, followed by
an addrss to young mem We have or
dered one hundred copies of "Pentecost
al Songs" and expeot a delightful song
tervioe. You are invited to be present.
J. M. Srdi.sk, Pastor.
There will be no services at the M. E
church, .South, Sunday morning, as we
then hold servioe at libea oreek, but e
will be bttiipy to see vou at onr eveninir
service. Subjeot, "Man a Worshiper."
E. Palmkr, Pastor.
We are not quite snowed under, Ihnngb
it looked a little soarey the 21st and 22nd
of December. The snow fell thick and
fast till there was about three feet In the
hills and one foot iu the valley, but it
was quite pleasant in tbe houses, for it
was just burelv Cold enough to fret Ze
out ot doors. The worst lliiug that bap.
pened iu tbe hills, ou account of the
snow, was the disappointment of the lit
tle folks, who knew thai all the canity
and nuts aud all other Christmas pres
ents ere at tbe Tlmmpsju scUool house,
aud the Cbrisimas tree was there too.
aud they were all at home ami bad to
stay there till the snow m.'lted off; but
tbey enj yed themselves just as web
New i'ear's eve. Tbe bouse was packed
(nil ot folks, big, little, old and oung,
all of whom got some uioe preseuts aud
had lots of fun.
Does the Gazette mm know what has
beoorue of Henry Vaiiderpool ? His
mother, brothers i nd sisters would hk i
to bear from bun. Tbe last we heard ot
him be was on Burnt river wnh a baud
ot sheep. That w ,s in September. Has
be been to Heppner aii.ee Ibeuf We
would be glad if be would write lo us. or
some one else who kuona where he is
and bow he is getting along. (Can am
of our leadeis give tlie desued informa
tion?) Pearl Carter, a dear frieud of the Van
po.. farailv, it led ibe 1st of December
IS',1'2, aged 20 ears and 'en months. He
Vh only sick nine days, but he suffered
more than tongue rau tell, but be was
very patient and kind to tlie last. He
leaves a wife, three-year-old baby girl,
an aged father, besides two brothers,
nine sisters and a large number of rela
tives and friends to moiiru their loss.
Pearl Carter was one of Ihenieuwbo
look Wilson, the murderer ut little Ma
mie "elcb He was a brother of Mrs.
Lill Nrlaon, ot Graut county, who lives
Uear Austlu P. O.
Well, ai my letter bai grown quite
long, I will close by wishing the Eastern
Oregon people a happy New Year aud
pari ft our Webfoot rains to make good
crops for them. N P. Vandbupooii
Vt est Cbebai.em. Or , J..u. 2, J893.
Dropped Dead - Ji nee Hughes, an
old aud respotsd mtizm, diel at bis
home in Kabler Basin Dho. 26. age about
61 years. At breakfast be seemed to be
apparently hs well as ever, aud ouly a
few miiutt-s after ha dnppil .let I
doub lesH of b-4-trt dieaa. It is a
in :ular o linoijd io-) tint j'H; one year
a,( fii'S 1 v, his b-other D tok Hngbea
I d u i ler extotlv simihar oiro'im
tmces.aud from the sam complaint.
M nob sympathy is felt for the orphan
ohtldreo of Jamej Hughes tbeir mother
faavingdied about tan joara ago. Condon
Tbb Sevemv itoikh Milestone. To.
di.y Jndge Malloiy, our postmaster, oan
ooueisteutly celebrate bis 74th birthday,
for be was born on the 6th of Jan. 1819.
Tbis was daring James vlouroe'i term as
president, and to tbe yonnger genera
tion, a long time ago, but the judge siys
be feels like a boy yet. His continued
good health is no doubt due muob to the
fact that he was always very temperate
in bis habits and is uot prone to fret.
May be see many m ire birthdays.
Stepped on Glass.-Lee Padberg
stepped on a small pieie ot a broken
indow pane, down at Lexington last
Tuesday, wbioh penetrated tbe ball of
tbe foot, breaking off. Tnongh Lea ba I
on a pair of slippers at the time, the
glass went through tbe leather like a
aharp kuife. Being uuable to get tbe
glass out, be o ime np to Heppner, Dr.
Gugen removing the pieoe, which was
uearly it not quite au incb loug, in a lit
tle while.
O. A. R. Doings Ou the 21st, Raw
lins Post G. A. K.will install tbeir
i fibers for tbe ensulug year at Liberty
school bouse. Tbe post meeting in tbe
afternoon at 1 o'clook will be followed
by a oamp fire in the evening. A grand
time is expected, and all are invited to be
present. 57-1
A Nkw Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord
baa moved into the former art gal
lery over Messrs. brown & Hamilton's
otfioe, and bas fitted np for architecture
ork. He is prepared to contract for
all kinds of buildings, or will supervise
cojstriiotion, and purchase material for
i tie snme, giving his customers the ben
efit of his experience and percentage.
532 tf
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crauk
has lately leased tbe hostelry kuown as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board aud
lied, per week $6; board without bed,
$4 50; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr.
Crank asks a portion of the patronage,
believing that be own give as ood ser
vice as auyoue in Heppner, and for lees
money. 43-sw
The following is a report of Liberty
School, District 11, for the term ending
January 6, 1893:
Average attendeDoe during each
mouth, SO.
Those averaging 93 per oent and over
in final examination: Norman Becket,
Marj Becket and Arthur Gay.
Those aversgiug 90 per cent: M-l el
Mutikers, Walter Allison, Lester Gay,
Henry Becket and Mauaira Leech.
Distinguished fur excellent d' port-
meut aud scholarship, who was present
every day and not tardy: Walter Alli
son. Number of school visits made by
school directors, 2. Number of eohooLl
visits made by other persons, 20.
Hucoeas to each scholar and may they
alwa) j be found taking as much interest
in their studies as tbey have in tbe past
five months.
Parents should visit our school
oftener and nntioe onr work.
Ann ik Milleb, Teacher.
Bucklpu's Araica Salve.
Tbe best salve iu tbe world for outa
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, f, ver
sores, tetter, chapped bands, obilblains
corns and all skin ernptions, and posi
tively o it res piles, or uo pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or more) refunded. Price 25 oents per
box. For sale by Slooum-Jobnson Drug
There Is Great Kxcitrment
Among rheumatic snfierers over the new
remedy tbat is being put up in New York
City It ib claimed there has never been
a case where it bas failed tn cure. II is
oalled Dr. Drunimoud's Lu-btning Rem
eily for Rheumatism and is sold for 85
a bottle. The remedy is certainly mak
ing for itself a world wide reputation
Tbis wonderful preparation baa woiked
some remarkable cures among rbeumsMo
sunvrers. henl by express prepaid on
receipt of prioe. Dmmmond Medicine
Co, 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York.
Agents wanted. 57
i'ariril at Hams In Ten liays by Adminis
tering Dr. Halues' Uoldrn .-la-elUe.
It cau be giveu in a glass of beer, a onp
of coffee or tea, or in food, without tbe
knowledge of tbe patient. It is atisolllte
ly Harmless, aud will effect a permanent
and speedy cure, w hether the pBtient is
a moderate duukeror analcoholio wreck.
It bas been giveu in thousands of cases,
and iu every instanoe a perfect cure bai
followed. It never fails. 'Ibe system
onoe impregnated witb the specific. It
becomes an utter impossibility for tbe
liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran
teed. 48 page hook of partionlara free.
Address (he Golden hesciFic Co., 185
Race Street, Cmciuuaii, Ohio.
8trayed from Boots' Camp, abont Nov.
1st, six bead of yearling Bleers, two year
ling heifers, to two year-olds aud one
two veai old roan heifer wiib oalt, all
branded P with a bar shove it, on eiiher
hip. Will pay reasonable reward for the
return of the above to my ranch or for
any information that mav lead to tbeir
recovery. Address ou postal at Alptue,
6o4 0 w Mrs. Kat Pabskll.
I 4 Jsnnnry 'J, Isttt. NotU-e ii hereby giveu
thst the folluwliiK-iiionetl settler has riltsi notice
of hit tiitiiltoa lo make hnsl proof in inpiort
o( hi claim, and that said proof will tie made
before the t'ounty i lerk of Morrow County, at
llepuuer, Oregon, on Keh. 13. lMI-J, vis.:
JoHN -Mill LI.Oll.ll,
D S No 10160. for lh liu SWli and SW'ia NWa
I ae.d Nttt, stt la X, jo, Tp a,8k,K. W.M.
He nauietttie follow tun wttneaaea to provs bis
eoiitlmious residence uioa aud cultivation of,
laid land. tx.:
Janiea W. 1-eshev, Mat Hughes. Arthur laly
and W. li. Scott, 11 ol Heppner. Oregon.
A. CucaVRR.
Wheat, bu :. 60
Flonr.bbl 4 20
Beeves, coos A two-vear-olds, owt. 2 00
" " three 2 35
Sheep, muttons, bead 3 0n3 25
3 00 U 3 fit)
Hoga, nu foot, cwt.
Hons, dressed
Horses, alow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turkeys ."
H 7a
6 15
12 Q 14
2 50 (8 3 00
1 00 1 50
Wheat, rwt VI 25 1 30
n.inr, hbl 3(Mfcs475
Beeves, stall fed 5 00 C6 5 50
Muttons, owt 6 00 7 00
Hoga, owt 4 50 (Li 5 25
Wool -Eastern Oregou.. 12U (& IB
Butter, n
Eggs. doz.
Chiokens, doz
Turkeys, ft)
20 & 30
30 45
4 00 600
15 17
Wheat, owt 05 fH 1 15
Flour, bbl 3 00 3 65
Beeves, owt 2 00 3 75
dressed 4 50(3 6 00
Muttons, live aheared ... 3 75 4 20
" dressed 7 00 0800
Hogs, on foot 4 50 5 00
" dressed 6o0650
Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 16
Butter 20 50
Eggs, doz 30 (d 40
ChiekeDs. doz 2 60 (8 4 00
Turkeys lb 13 15
Tbe mor-t lopnlar and best known
weekly newrpaper printed in this ccuntry
is the Toledo Blade, For more tLkO
twenty years it has bad a circulation of
100,000 to 200,000, going regularly iuto
every state and territory of tbe union.
From fifteen to twenty five tons of print
paper is consimed in each week's editiou,
and ia regularly mailed to more than
balf the poalnffiees of the United Slates.
It is a peculiar tact tbat tbe Blade is tbe
only weekly newspaper published tbat
bas regular snoserioers iu all parts orthe
United States. It ia edited witb special
referenoe to the wants of all people in
all sections. It is also made to interest
every member of the family. Besides
all the news or the xorld, it has Serial
and Short Stories. Wit aud Humor, Po
etry, CBmpflre, Farm, Holiday Sohooi
Lessons, loung folks, foiiltry. fnzzlee,
Household, Answers to Correspondents,
etc. As a special feature for 1893, Mr
Robison Looke, iditor and proprietor of
tbe Blade, has just sailed for Japan, and
will contribute a series of illustrated
letters on tbe manners and customs of
that peonliar oountrv and ita people.
T' ehe artioles will he comnienoed some
time in February or Maroh, and will be
worth to tbe readers of the Blade many
limes the subscription once. i,ver
reader of this paper is invited to sendfi
a specimen copy. Tti publisher of the
Blade would be glad to send a specimen
copy to every reader in this couutry
Subscription price ot the Blade, one
dollar a esr. Five dollars in cash will
he paid lo any person sending in a small
olnb of subscribers. Write for agents'
terms, giving particulars. Address ' The
Blade. Toledo. Ohio."
Tbe Blade and Semi-Weekly Gazette
to new subscribers, and to old eubsorib
era paying in advance, S3 25. sw
Now Try Tbis.
It will cost yon nothing and will sure
ly do you uood, If ou have a cough, cold
or anv trouble with throat, ohest'orintigs.
Dr. King s New Di-oovery for JouHinp-
turn, uonghs and colds, ia guaranteed to
irive relief or n.oney will lie paid back
Sufferers from la grippe found it just the
tbing and under its use bad a speedy
Bud oerfeot recovery, lry a sample Dot
tie at our expense aud learu for yourself
just bow good a thing it is Tii il bottles
free at Sloonm Jobusoo Drug Co. Large
size 500 and 81 00
1500 Will be Given
For any oase of Rheumatism nhioh can
not be oured bv Dr. Drummond's Light
ning Reined v. The proprietors do uot
hide tbis offer, but print it in bold type
on all their circulars. wraDiers, printed
matter, and Ibronub tbe columns of
newspapers everywhere. It will work
wonders one bottle ouring nearly every
case. If the druggist, baa not got it he
will order it, or it will be sent to any ad
dress by prepaid expr ss on receipt of
price. 95. Dmmmond Medicine Co.,
48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents
wanted. 67
jit, v
Tabulus : see advertisement.
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a Prehensile Tail
The Monkey is Xot Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We ire Not Afraid becuuse our
Tale is a Hood One.
It is No Ta!eof Woe !
' Splendid Goods,
Fair Irmtinent ; satisfaction to custom
ers, snd of reaeooRtilc prises and
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tale without end, beonrtM it is a tale
tbat will bold A pleasure to show
goods. Hproial iudnremrnts to
eash buyer. Call at
toisivB Survey
JWhat shall stav
hnn Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian
cod liver oil and
and soda has cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading
to ronsumniion ? Make no delay but take
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anasmio and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting in
Children. AI:uot iu palatable at
milh. C: t only (tie fccmitne. Pre
pared by t-'oott k Downo, Chemists, New
York. Sold by all Druggist.
Tf EXT DOOR to Heppner
JLI Street. Keep on hand
Wines, Cigars. Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of
3 Oents Per Gloss,
On diaunlit, freHh aud cool. Lunch of all kiudn. Hope
to see all their old friends and nmny more.
OSMEliS & HUGHES, Props.
W. J. LUKaCISr, Prop.
alHIS HOSTELHY bus been Hkfitticd and Kkfonmhud throughout, sua new
- is one of tbe most inviting plsoes in Heppuer. Mr. Leecer invites you to Mop
witb him, feeling tbat be is able to entertain you in tbe best of stylo.
First Class House.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A bf!l ttv
Yould Form an Interesting Addition
to Your Winter Reading.
Weekly Examiner
It is brimful of news from ail par la uf the world, and its Literary Department Uaupplied by the
irciuust wriUTK uf tlie ily. Ill adilitiuu lo i great news and literary feulures,
The Examiner's Art Album,
Conflicting of eight beautiful reproductions from masterpieces of the world'i great
est sriisu.. the whole collection buuud ia a haud&oiue bamboo leatherette cae;
Or beautiful reproduction in all of iu original colon, of ih famous historical
pamtiug, 22x23 inches,
Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella.
nd besides all tills. TIIE EXAMINER will this year distribute amon-j Us subscribers 9,000 Pra
a.UH13, agjrcgaiing in vnlttc tlie ftiupeudoun sum of $135,000. This is the fourth annual dtstriba
ion, and the list of premiums ia larger and more valuable than ever before offered. Remember tkat
hesc premiums entail no additional expense to the subscriber whatever. They are absolutely frt
The cost of the WEEKLY EXA3IIKER. together with these tnag-nl&cent premium offera, li
SI.50 ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR $.50
l regular i.uhftcnption price. Get tlie fnit partirulnr of tbis grand offer from the EXAMlNEftf
tlzureii-Pnge I'remiuui Li!, wlticli weciti siipp!) lojou. or yon can procure one from your IoaV
jlaHter or Newstleak-T. Then, having considered tlie mutter. cull on us and placea combination suk
wriCKiun 4r THB WEKLY EXA&illdl and your liume paper, and so save something of tlit cms.
tThe AnntiBl Subscription tn h Sumi-Wubkly Gazette is $3.00, to ih
Weekly Kxurainir, 81.50, a total nf $15;) We will send butb to one addreu
(nr to different addrrsseB if desired) for $3 00.
The Btndphskpr wsb"d bends tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Why go bnngrv when tbe City hotel
famishes you a good meal at livinit
rates a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. O. Tlmmpsou A Co.'b stand, aud tbe
plnoe for bHrttaius. a
For ensh yon oao get more at the East
ern Clotbiuit himsp, with Levi ou deck,
than any other plnoe in Heppuer. n
Tbe Puisne is the leading hotel ill the
oily. Well (nrnished rooms with plent)
of light are provided for ever) one. a
Smith, the Inrniture man, is prepared
tn sell fine grinds at low figures. Full
line of nudertHking eoc.de on hands, a
M. LiobteutbHl 4 Co. bave a tine lot of
winter wear, iucluding ladies' winter
shoes, overshoes, rubber boots, eto. Drop
in. a
Tbe Bnehler beer, 5 oents per glass, at
tlis Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers A
Hughes, riops., next door to M. Liob
tent hill & Cu.'s shoe store. a
The M L. A T. Co., since tbey have
roofed all tbeir platforms, have an im
meuse strnge capacity. This company
uow deals iu gram, lumber nud wood, a
Sinoe Shaw & McCarty purchased tbe
meat market tliey have alny endeavor
ed to keep on baud the fieshest aud
choicest ineati.ButiHHgee aud bnloguas. a
What will perseverauce. pluck and en
lerpris avail iu this wild west, if yi u
cauuot get hig bargains? Hnwever, be
fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.'
empor una. a
Borg, the jeweler, is th" :i;n to fix np
your watub or clock, .e keeps a full
stock of ever) thing pertaining to bis
business a
Don't overlook T. W. Ayer, Jr., the
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
(Hi rest drugs and the finest toilet articles
always ou band. . a
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by IVffin & M( Kar
laud, has lately changed hauds, now be
ing nuiler the control and mitgnienl
of The McFsrland Mercantile Cou.panv.
which continues business at the old stand
witb a larger slock tnaii ever, a
That dreaded and dreadful disease I
its ravages? Tlwusands
hvpophosphites of lime
Beer Hall!
Candy Factory on A
a Fine Line of Liqu
the Buchler Beer to
Reasonable Rates.
tty iot t www
VALUE, $135,000
Rocky-:- Mountain -:- News
Subscription price reduced as follows:
One Year (by mail) : : fS 00
Six Months " : : 3 00
Time Montht " : : : 1 SO
Ont Month : : SO
One Year (in Advance) : ft 00
The News is the only consistent c .an-plon of
silver in the IVest, and should be in every home
in the West, and in the bands of every miner
and business man in Colorado.
Bend in your tubscr.ptiona at once.
X3exx-rer, Oolo.
Dr Grant's Cloalc, the great dyapepaia
onnqnerer, will positively core dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded. Sea ad,
in this issue. . a
Thompson x Binnsnwn tbe buss which
goes to and from tke City hotel, bnt will
call for parties desiring to go to train ia
any part ot the city. Leave orders al
City hotel. a
Gilliam A Bisbee, the hardware and
tiuware mi-rouauts. carry everything ap
pertaining to tbeir lines, even agricul
tural implements. Don't )ou need
plow this tall? a
Don't overlook Kirk k Rasmus for
hargaius. They have pmcbased Ibe bna
ineas of J. W. Matlock A Co bnt will
anon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo
site tbe Palace bntel. a
Cure for Colds, Fevers and General Do
Wlily, toaU UUa Howe, 2u. p svuie. ,