NOl'ICK TO AUVKHTtoKIM, I'OdaE JeIring tlie limuriiou of display artB., 1. or vitalise ui .-mue, uiualget their copy In Mil Idler ihau Uouday evening lor i'uesuay'i fclilluu, or lUumlay evening lor t'riUuyi eal- "" 'I" fATl-miao PukUaUlKU Uo. I. The lum ot live tenti per line will be llturged lor tarda ol UianlM," "renolutloni ol teabeel, luta ol eUdlnu premjnta and donom, aim obituary uolieea, (oilier Ulan those Uie edit or aliall luinaeli uiveaa a nmller ol lien 8,1 and uoticcaol icial meetings lor whatever uurnone. i, AotUwa ol church and society and allotlier etitertaiiilueiiU Hum which revenue Is lo be de rived, shall bit chained lor at the rale ol nve cents a line. 'I ml.... u in i. .... ntn wvHiii.111 auner- fed lo in every inttuiicu. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. IP. FISllEK, NEWBPAPEtt ADVEtU IS J ing Agent, 21 Alert haul! i.xciian;e. cai. iiai.claeo, our aulhuiueu aiiei.l. luis yayvi is aepl on me Hi hlsuuice. Give your business to Heppner people. in iiici eoi e ussisi wouuu up llepp tier. tairuHizn those uhu puiromze yon. Here and There. Dou't write it '-1892." Now it'B I be obickeu-poi. Mrs. Idii Fell is quite ill Ibis week. Did )ou have a happy New Year'tt Phj eiciuua presonbe iUTT'ei FILLS. T. W. Ajera, Jr., is up aud arouud again. Oillium & Blsbee'e new ad. it a daisy Wilt. Look out for Fell Broa.' blanket and Annuel SHle, 4 k Burn-To tbe wife of Win. Gordon. Siiudiy, Ju lit, a girt. Qnte a New Year's prdtieut. Geo. W. Maxwell was over from Goose Dcnrj yteieiUny. Alltu Ciabnet was over from Clark'a oauynu Haturduy. T. L. Doininu, of Eight Mile, was iu Heppuer yesterday. J. U. Kuluiau lias quite a neat ad. iu bis spaed turn week. Chiim eil Bros, are building a residenoe dowu unar Cue depot. Wm. Allinnu whs in from Eight Mile yeateiduy uu busiuess. J. K ColeiuHU was in from the Goose beny eroiiun yesterday. Lee Padberg aud Chas. Hodson were np doui Lexington )ebterday. The Gem aud Palace bhIoods for fine liquors, AloAiee iSror., Piopa. ew Dau rJtuliei'a little sou, nine mouths old, is ill with the ubiukeu pi x. All. J. A. Vutlergnu letuiuid Satur day Iroui a pleasaut visit below. Tbe preseut weather Is as Hue as spring utile. It is Hue for range. Joe Beck, oue of Graut's sheep kings, arr.ved lust night ou a busiuess trip. Bum In Heppner, 8aturd-ty, Deo. 31, to tbe wife of Holmes tiaymuu, a 9 lb. boy. Jacob Johnson pulled out for Goose berry Ibis morning with a load of sup plies. Yesterday wan a legal holiday, inas niucb as Mew Year's oume uu Sunday this year. Ladies will find that excellent toilet preparation for tbe tace for sale down at Fell Bios. 02 if Tbe Morrow County Land and Ti ust Cuuipaijy bare au unlimited supply ol Obop for sule. 41-1 1. ll is said that the Alfalfa bay bar killed eeveial cowa for leBiduits of Hrppner lately. ' Funk Gil Jit Hi's ffmiy are ill with the x. Iu fact tuis complaint is going tbe louuda. Only first clans work turned out at Fred Mil'er'a tailoriug establishment east side Muiu street, Job work uently done at the Gazette ofhoe. Only steam presses between "the lver" and tbe Nevada liue. P. V, Grites got iu Friday night, atd ill leuihin nil tbe waternoiks aud lighting plaut are iu operation. Every man who takes any iuterest iu fast slutk rtiould subscribe for Tbe UnrsemHU. Gazette shop, agents. A. A. Wren reported Saturday that hia wheat was growiug very nicely aud he looks forward to good orops next year. N. Nielson is now running n stHge be tweeu Beppuer aud Loue Book. See ad. for days of leaving aud arr.vul. tt. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Cull at ber home in north Heppner, or address ber at this place. 518-tf Cbas. Sargent parents, who have been visiting him and (amily during tbe holi di s, left Saturday for tbeir home at The Dalles. Hiyo ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the plaoe to get a tirat-class shave, bair-out or shampoo. tt. The Kuights of Pbythias of Dorio Lodge will iustall their officers this eve mug in the presence of their wives, and a goodly number of friends. Mr. Miller, ateaoherof Clark's canyon, occupied the pulpit of tbe Baptist chuiob last Sunday eveniug, in the absence of tbe pastor, M. Brumblet. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for tbe Oreuonian at this place. Subscribe throuub bim, and have your psper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace ifotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the bauer, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. The latest dentistry, orown and bridge ' work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vanghan. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, jleppner. Or 1-a-w- A. J. Hamilton was down from Mabog any ri.lir over Sunday. Tney have iperteuOHil some winter np in that local n y. but on the whole it has not been disagreeable. The watch meeting Saturday night was well attended. At just precisely 12 o'clock, midnight, tbe belli began to peal forth, proclaiming the death of the old year and bin b of the new. Heurv Heppner, who is the reputed father f In tie city, yesterday eousnm inatfdaile.l by winch he beoarne the owner i if the Mallory corner, opposite the Palace hotel. Tbe price paid hs $5,000, and soon we expect to see anoth er buck go np iu that quarter. Owing to I he fact that job stock has advanced about Iseniy per oeut from reasons which will be explained else where, we are compelled to mnke a aliitht advance on all priuting. A le iuction will be made as soon as prices at material will justify same. Bailee's Congo Oil is rapidly coming to the front as a leading medicine. J A. Harrison, tbe Fossil constable, ap plied it to bis leu, whioh wbs recently kicked by ho tee. and next day he threw aside bis crotches- -It's tbe boa !". Harrison says. Lymau Brown tried tbe oil for rheumatism' witb which t.e has beeu troublet.' for years, and lhi is what besas: -It kocked it after two appli cations." Mi-tf. Tbe question u freqnentty nskel, "Why i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral so mnob more effective Miuq other coogb rem edies?" The anower is, simply because it is lb most skilful combination of nni'cijncs and txptcturauta kuuwn to medical science. Tom Barnett, Geo. Goldsby and Geo. operry were up Iiutu Laxiliglou yealer- tiiiy . The Heppner Water & Light Co. hope to have their muculuery iu motion tliis week. A. W. Patters in, of this paper, leaves tomorrow moruiug fur a busiuess trip below. Buck of Heppner the roads are dry, but do wo at Heppner tbe streets reuiaiu qmle mild ly. Hen Alley hns arc pted n place ilh ibe Heppner Waier& Liuht Oo. which we are ioloruied is premaueut. Mr. Sayers, of Douglas, brought in a fine load of b.icou yesterday, wbiuli was reudily disposed of at a good figure. W. E. Chapman and Mis. Tolley, for merly of Arliugtou, were up at- Portland ou tbe 2litb Ult , on a obarite of adultery. dou. H-nry bliOKmtu. "be b ild-ovir senator Iroui Morrow, Gr.iutaud H-iri.ey, leaves tomorrow moiuiug fur the seat of war. We learn that Bert Boswortb's bride is Mis4 Ella Mtel, instead of ber sister, Mis dmie. We bag pardon for making this erior. Record : Born- On Willow creek, Deo 12, to tbe wife or Clajton Sbane, a gen. Weight unkuowu, but be will souu be as large as his father. Messrs. Dave MoAtee and J bn Ben nett, two as good meu as ever rubbed a ben roost, called on us Saturday. Come attain, gentlemen. Hall's Hair KeuBner enjoys s world wide repuiatiou fur reaturiug the hair to bald be ids and ohangiug gray bair to tbe original color of jomu. More fallen weather is needed to insure good crops uext ydar. It is hoped tuat a big suow will visit Morro couuty before tbe fiual ending of wiuler. Parties iu from Lexington yesterday say that but lillle u..rlb of town, the sncw Btill remains The best grazing lauds are iu tbe north eud of the county. 0. E. Fiirnsworlh left yesterday morn ing for Portland on some liiisinetm uonueoted with tbe towu oi Heppner. He was ui coiupanif d by Mrs, Forus worth. Gilliam & Llisuee, the burdware and tinware mnobauts, curry everything ap pertaining to tbeir lines, eveu agricul tural implements. Don't you need a plow this full? a Within tbe circle of Knights of Py thins there has beeu lately omauized a lodue of '-The Orieutal Order of Uumilily." All Kuighie Bliould avail themselves of Ibe opportunity lojoiu. Two of our yonug men were arrested Suluiday nigbt lor dtuibing the watch meeting at ibe M. E. oliurcb, South, but iu cousideruiiou of their yuuib and out of resuect fur their parents, no one appeared aguiust them. There was a dunce up at Coppleville last night. Some little difference wb ch occurred up at Haidman recently, was to have beeu straightened up en ibis oc casion, and we predict that last night's dance was a lively one. The original of the certificates of oure effected by tbe use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla are kept on file at the office of the J. C. )er Company, Lowell, Mass. Probably uo similar establishment iu the world can exhibit snob a mass of valuable aud couviucii g testiuiouy. Dun Suiter's cousin, Peter Hung, re cently from Alsace, Germaoy, accompa nied by Cbas. Bautry, of Switzerland, boib Frencnnien, arrived recent I v. ami are over at the French settlement ou the John Day. Tbe "Swilzer" likes this oountry, as it reminds him of lus father land, but the Alsacean is not so well pieasod. ) Ontario News: Mr.' and Mrs. W. R. King were passengers on Tnarsday's stage, for Yale. Tley arrived in Ontario on Wednesday night, but our detective must have beeu asleep, for be did not n port to us until after the paper was printed. However, Mr. King made our snnotum a visit, and beenmeasubsoriber and advertiser. (Mrs. King is a Heu dricks Co., (lud ) girl, uu old acquaint ance of ye Put. Pub. Co. For pains in Ibe chest there is nothing better than a flannel cluthsaturuted will) Cnamberluiu's Paii, Balm and bound uu over tbe seat of pain. It will produce a counter irritation without blistering, aud is not so disagieeable asmustard; in fact it is much superior to auy piaster ou ac count of its paiu relieving qualities. If n-ed in time it will prevent pneumonia. 50 cent but lies for sale by Slucum-Juhn- son Drug Company. Leo AMPUTATED. Isaac Giles, tbe well-digger, bad his right leg amputated between the ankle aud knee Saturday It was the result of an aciideut down near Ella last Fiiday at 1 o'clock. Mr Giles was digging a well for C. C. Curtis, and while ascending a ladder out of tbe well, aud near tbe top, a round of tbe ladder broke, Giles falling baok into tbe well which was twenty feet deep, shat tering his rigbt leg above the ankle. He was brought to Heppner, arriving bere at 11 o'olook oa tbe night following the acoident. On Saturday Drs. Qagen, Swinburne and Shipley were oalled in, and soon oame to the conclusion that it was Impossible to save the limb, and amputation was therefore decided npon. Mr. Giles is doing as well as possible down at Vinson's boarding bouse. Obstrepekods Youths. Down at the Columbia Beer Hull, New Year's eve, some of our young men took on big jags of that which both obeers and makes drank, and as a result, some fighting and fighting talk was indulged in. It was only a New Year's celebration, bnt the boys ongbt not to single out any par ticular nationality ou wbicb to exercise their fighting proolivities. Whv is It ? That Fell Bros, have sold one hundred pairs of blankets since Nov. 1st. Simply because tbey made the price en low that every pair was a bargain and tbey sold fast. Thirty-five pair just received, all wool, large blankets, which will be sold tbe same way. Seetheirfiaunels, price and quality. Cau't be beat iu town, 4 tf Mountain Hodse. Mr. Joseph Crank has lately leased the hostelry known as tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it tbrnr bout. Board and bed, per week S6; board wit bout bed, $4 50; meals and bed 25 cents eacb, Mr. Crank asks a portion of the patronage, believing that he can give as lood ser vice as auyoue in Heppner, and for less money. 43-sw. Wbslev Matlock Pleads Gdiltt. A Sauta Boss dispatch of Ibe 28ib ult. says: When the esse of tbe people vs Wesley Matlock, charged witb making an assault on Frank Mutber witb deadly weapon, was calltd in Judge Crawford's conrt ti day Matlock's at torney created a surprise by s'ating tl st bis olient bad decided to withdraw bis former plea of not guilty and enter one lif guilty. A Jin y likd been summoned and many piuminent persoLi from var ions pai ts of tbe state were iresrnt to hear Ibe proceedings, among tbtin being Hev. Dr. Aodeisou, ol Fiesuo, Matlock's father-in-law. Judge Crav. ford will re view the evidence taken at tbe pielimi narv exnmiualion before imposing sen tence. Tbe maximum puuieLmeut for tbe crime charged is two years iu the penitentiary, or imprisonment end fine not to exceed five thousand dollars. Pubho sentiment is w iih Mr. Matlock. The judge fined bim 150, wbicb, oou side.'iug, is quite light. Palace Hotel Co Election. At a regular meeting of the stockholders of the Palace Hotel Co., at the parlors of that hostelry last evening, at 7 o'oh ok, Ibe following were elected directors fur Ibe ensiling year: C A. Rb a, Henry Blaokman, T- W. Ayers, Sr., J. W. Mor row, aud Otis Patterson. At a meeting of the directors afterward, Henry Blaok man was ohosen president; Otis Pat terson, vioe president; O. A. Rhea, manager; J. W. Morrow, secretary; Geo. C mser, treasurer. One hundred and seventy-five shares of stock were represented at tbestooknolders' meeting, but it is to be regretted that more did not come out. Tbe directors will meet at tbe Palace bolel at 7 o'olock on the eve of tbe first M nj ty of e ton month Special Council Meeting. At the oall of Mayor Matlock, a special session of Heppuer's oouuoil was beld last Sat urday night for the purpose of consider ing the aotion of Rollins & Sons, as re gards bonds. O. E. Farnswortb, chair man of the committee on fiuauce was in- strucied to go to Portland to make other arraogemenls for the disposal of water bonds. The priuoipal objection to the rtquirements of Rollins bona is Ibat to cpmply with them would delay get ting money ou bonds too long for pres ent needs and demands. Mr. Faruswortli was supplied witb all necessary papers, and asked to proceed to Portland at the earliest opportunity. Council then ad journed. Supposed To bb Dead. H. C. Frenob our genial conductor, had a queer experi ence lately. Some time ago he was caught in an accident w hile running as a cunduoior on a "freight" between Port land and The Dalles, and somehow tbe woid was sent back to bis K. of P. lodge at Ottawa, Kansas, that be bad been killed. Mr. French tbi nght it strange that be did not bear from bis lodge, and on inquiry found tbat be was supposed to be "oft tbe list" of tbe living, and it took a physician's certificate of good health to reinstate him in tbe old plaoe. "Frencby" is as about as live a dead man as ever walked on two legs. Married. At lone, at tbe residenoe of tl.e bride's brother iu-law, (J, 0. Woolery, Esq ) Mr. Edward 0. Kteney and MiB idhry Aiay Violett, Edwin Palmer effioiatiug. It was a very quiet wedding, bnt few being pieteiil. It was however, none tbe lees enjoyable. The contracting parlies were two of tbe most estimable and popular young people of Moirow county. Wecongratu- late tbem on tbeir passage from single blesacdness to donble bliss and trust that others will emulate tbeir wise example. ' Birthday 1'AhTY. On last Friday eveniug ocourred tbe 21st birthday of our yonug friend, Eugene Noble. He hardly realized it till about Ibiity fiveol bis acquaintances and erstwhile school males rushed iu to give bim a surprise; aud Ihey did it, too, for 'Gene was taken euiirely unawares. A meiry eveniug was speut, an elegant repast being au important feature of the oocasion. 'In buying a cough medicine for ohil dreu,"says H A Walker, a promiueni druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is uo danger from it aud relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recommend Chamberlain's because I have found it to be safe and reliable. It is intended especially for ooids, croup and whooping cough." 60 cent bottles fur sale by Slocum Jobnsuu Drug Co. Lost. A red leather pooketbook, snoh as is often used to carry bills or valuable papers. Same was lost in Heppner, or between Heppner and Ben Swaggart's place, last Monday. Contained some accounts and notes valuable only to owner, BenSwaugart. Finder will please return same to tbe Gaz-tte office. 1-tf A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord has moved into tbe former art gal lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's office, and has fitted up for architecture work. He is prepared to contract for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise cojstrnotion.Hnd purchase material for tbe same, giving bis customers ibe ben efit of bis experience and percentage. 632 tf New Stobt. Our story, "Golden Caves," ended with our last issue, and in this we begin "Brought to Book.' This is a (boiler story Iban "Golden Caves" and will not be so well appre ciated as the latter. This will be follow ed, we think, by a story of the late war, and a better oue tban tbat which baa just gone through our columns. I m ASK YOU TO BELUVE VHAT WE ADVERTISE Or what we say. Convince yourself ; tba proofs are before you. Come to our store, look at our prices and then compare them witb tbe prices of others. We have an immense crowd of customers every day. Ask any of tbem whether Ihey obtain bargaius or nut. Tbey will tell you. If you don't kuow KOL.V1AN of the !BOST02sT CASH STORE -Yonr neighbor will tellyou- There is more catarrh in this section of tbe oouutry than all other diseases pnt together, and until tbe last few years was sutiDoseJ to be incurable, ror a great many years doctors pronounced it a looal disease and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly falling to enre with local treaimeut, pronounced It lu- ourable Science baa proven oa'arrb to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney k Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is takeo internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfnl. It acts directly on the blood and mnoons surfaces of the sys tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to enre. Send for circu lars and testimonials- Address, F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. jySold by druggists, Too. 7 KTKAYKD. Strayed from Booia' Camp, about Nov. 1st, six head of yearhng steers, two year Iiuii heifers, lo to year-olds and one two-year old roan heifer wiib calf, all branded p with a bar above it, on eiiher hip. Will pay reasonable reward for Ike return of tbe above to my ranob or for any information that may lead to their recovery. Address oa postal at Alpine, Orevon. 5H 0-w Mas. Rati Fuuu. Kolman AdvertisessTruth The idle words of the falsifiers are like chuff. Tbe terror of our competitors is pitiable to behold. Tbey are paralyzed aod, with blanched faoes, stare at the crowds pouring into our store to secure goods at tbe exceptionally low prioes. It seems to be a great mystery to our customers why we oan sell tbem goods at just one-balf what the other firms ask, and at the same time makes fair, legitimate profit. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS and you should remain witb us, as we have exploded tbe outrageously bigb piioes yon hays paid iu Heppner heretofore. I thauk you very kindly for the liberal patronage jou have bestowed upon your true friend since be has opened np in yonr oity. I mut admit my sales have been twice as much as I anticipated. I intend to locate perma nently in your oily, aud shall in the future, as in the past, conduct my busiuess in an honorable way, so as to gain tbe confidence and respect of all. Wishiug you all : A HAPPY NEW YEAR. I remain, respectfully, J. EL KOLMAN. ARANCE-i- jjALE ! of Fall Goods ! Fall Goods ---- -SUCH AS- 11 WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC. At Reduced Rates FOR CASH. (a.y rantile taiy. m General Merchandise, tSf HEPPNER, : : : : OREGON if 'a IIJLPL iiiffltt is Leading Hotel of the City Building Wired for Eleotric Lights through out. This home Is run in flm-clau style In every par ticular. Extra btnlng 8ervtce during the holidays. MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietre n BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust Busts. SEE B0RQ, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. The Heppner Wood Yard. RIP HAS GOT AROUND At last, and has opened np a Wood Yard, from which be will deliver wood, sawed or unsawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts Per Cord, twice in twT ; SI 00, tliree times. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.50 percnnl. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at filoRn & Hnwa-d'e. 628-sw RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. LEGAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office w All Is quite a good ways off. Winter is pot so far, and in tbe meantime our frien 's oan square op on snbscrip tion by bringing in cordwnod. 1HE PATTERSON PUB. CO. u. 11 18 HEI'PNER'S L K A O I N 0 Offic, HMldauM Conor I IK T r r L . J idbll auu 1W r X jonundrums But it ia no Conundrum why people prefer to spend their cash witb : Is because tbey get full value in ' HARDWARE, Tinware, Wood g Willowware, -i geoceries,- lonfectionery.o Cigars. Tobaccos o and Cutlery of all Kinds Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition. The best assortment of Men's Winter Uuderwesr and Top Shirts iu tbe county. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets. HEPPIiER, OREGON. HERE IS THE PLACE 4 To Get Even on Your Lafe. a. fry : Hardware .t. Store JUST OPENED.H A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSVVARE, GLASSWARE, ' Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pnmps and Pipe, Tanks, Batbtnh aud Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple- 'P inents. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. Bain Wagons, HacksANiBuckboards : -:- You will save money by getting our prioes before purchasing elsewhere, -: :- : : Odd Fellows' building, Main St., 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to oondnct in the most a'atiafantorv mn., win v on bands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW'& McCARTY; Pronrietors. rK. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. 8., London, England. Veterinary -m- SURGon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am preparer to do all klndi ot Veterinary Burnery, Emasculating FTonen and Reeling! a Speci alty, (this ! the only true method of operating oil horiwi.) Hpeylnn ol Cattle and Hoali on lliort notice. I will treat all anlmali In the moat approved procedure ol Veter inary Buruery. 11 you hare any ili-i ai.iir.nlii It wilt be to your Intereit to call ou nie at fltewart i ilablel. OREGON af-S Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Hid oa short Nonet add at Popular Pmcis. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. DR. TAFT'S Instead of living to the door gasp ing for breath, seeming as if each one would be vour last, voti have only to ta!e a few doses Asthmalene when the spasm I s broken, the breathing becomes easy and you feel as if an angel of mr rcy had unloosed the Iron grasp of the fingers of death. The hanpi"t moment of your life will be when von have used a few bottle f Dr. Taft's ASTHMALENE and it has cured ynu of ba mm mm and Asthma. Wa mail to any iatlima suffecera trial bottle mm per Km & thint does old by oroiwitt. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co,, Rocheater,N.Y 1 I It an fatur. ithm. NOTARY PUBLIC CA AT OPI'ICB '.CONVEYANCER ARTISTIC 1 Fill ON 81IOKT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS