Oiv your butineu to Bippner ptoplt and theftore awiet to build up Hepp ner. Patronize thorn who patronize you. THE HANDWRITING. Cleveland ban delivered three tpeecbe inoe bii election one before the chum ber o( commerce in Wall street at their snnnal banqaet; one before Henry Villard the railway magnate, at private reception; the third at a dinner of the awell Manhattan club. Tbe upeeohee were well enough worded, nor wu tbe mbjeot matter cemmrable, but the plaoe and time and auditors were not particularly assuring to that large class who hoped to see a day when a little attention would be paid to tbe great masses and the millionaires given n back seat for a while. A dinner at Del monico's proved fatal to Blaine, and it was at a feast among bis oourtiers that Belehazer beard bis death knell. Mr. Cleveland might profit by these hiatono examples .Nonconformist. In conversation with some of our most progressive oitizens, the Oazette finds that they are earnest for better sanitary arrangements. Now that we will aoon hm aaier. and while it will be an ever lasting benefit, if not carefully used will leave here and there acoumulaitons that ill hreed diohtberia and typhoid lever. Mr. Heppner auggeBts a good system for kftenintr Drities clean, and ttiese are great menace to health and will beoome worse as the town grows omer. it u nothing more nor lesB than periodica !.,, inun to be Drovided for by ordi nanoe, the construction of the buildings to admit of this without troume. sa Honnner has seen tbe system tried i as large a city as Berlin, Germany, and hnnn that it will serve the purpose more eipensive, and what seems to be at onr town, impossible sewerage. Tm ndino commissioner of tbe gen eral land offloe baa administered a rebuke tn ih olaaa of Drospeotora who make nraotioe of showing their love of bias pbemy in naming tbeir claims. Two would-be bumorista in the uaanogau dibtriot reoeully named tbeir clitin the Holy Moses and Jumping Jesus, and made filings under those names, lb register and receiver of the Waterville Washington, land offloe have just re ceived letters from tbe acting oommi aioner saying these names have been duly stricken from the certificate an receiver receipt, and will not be men tioned In tbe patent when issued, bemi oonsidered indecent and bluspbemons Arlington lieooril. Thk Dallas News says that startling infoimatiou fans leaked out there thai the organization known us theludnatria T.enoiiH in beiDtr extended tbroughou the South and WeBt for the purpose ot resisting, if necessary with arms, uiiIhi elections. It had its origin in the be ' Jief of tbe peopl. ' party leaders thai they were couuted out in Georgia ami Alabama. In Georgia they claim m many bs 3000 uegieeses in male attin voted the democratic ticket. J he peisoi who imparted this Infmmation declarer that the order waB for a fair ballot or a imliiti(in. Fifty lodnes have bee organized in Texas. There is one ii Dallas. ti t- :.i Ka i nnn unroa nf land neni ir ib bhiu tun j-. ...... ...tjnH i r.uBlarn Ornffnn will bt- V'jUl" OIUI IUU ll J..a."- C irrigated and planted in bops next sea son. Water will be pampeu in.iu n..lnmbia to a reservoir for irtignting ourDoses. and there is every prospeoi that tbe project will prove entirely sue OesBful. BpoKane iteeiew. Wh.t nnanniation can do is shown bj tbe faot that while our silvor dollar in .,.iliv worth only 65 cents-thanks M ,.i,ii,n,r liiiliition and iufliieuoe the Columbian coins, valuod at 60 cents, are .n; n fnt aa they are out lor si w Patriotism and Chicago enterprise are responsible. Telegram. Tin "one-gallus" demooraU have been picked at for ages by their better in ir,,l brethren, but we believe that they won the November victory and credit for same. When Cleve picks out the victors to enjoj the apoiU, i. i,o,l hotter tint overlook lue vuo gullus"bo)S. Tn Rev. Dr. Briggs, the noted Tres bj terian divine, has won a viotory in the heresy case against him. by knookiun ni li.nminoaition in tbe Orst rouna. n progression is a orime, Dr. Briggs is guilty. Tn Oregonian and Sookane Review in New Year attire, bve reached our ta hi.. Thev are replete with valuable lu . .......l.,,. Ihflir renneotive Tiiimaiiuu muunuiui - -- - eotions. mm FioiiTUN l.indud tnd ninety tw -.. mil of record breaking, from iri.t - 1....... .... In iiremrlpnta. lloW Will I1IIK uwidw "f " 1803 pan out iu that line? Tpi (Vlilo oottaae bill will come up again before the Oregon legislature, and will doubtless pass. nnuiiH'i election as ioint-represeuta- tive for Grant and Haruey, is couoede.1 by 200 majority. A new year has oome; now dou'l wear oil, uui jubi qws uu i"" Specimen Case. 8. II. Clifford, New Caaael, Wis., was . ..mruluia and rlleUUlHIlxin, bin stomach was disordered, bia liver affeoted to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Turee bottles o viirin Rulers cured him. iVlwnru i iiu,uimra III., had a run nmg s-re on his leg of eight years stand i. . ii i .i, iwiiile. of kleotne Bit ters aud seven boxes of Bnokleu s Arnica Halve, and his leg is souud aud well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large lever sores ou ma irg, uy. - be was mourabie. uue uuuir ... .; u. ...... ....i nn li.ii Hnoklen'a Ami ea liulve cured bun eutliely. bold by i n SENATOR HENltV BLACKHAN. From Hawthorne'i itory ol Oregon. There is no more popular man in East era Oregon than Henry Blackman, may r ot Heppner. I' fulls to the lot nf bui few aotive participators in the affaire ol every day life to have no enemies. In faot, the rule seems to be that the mnr. aotive a man is and the more sucTesBful be becomes, tbe more numerous are bin bis enemies. Mr. Blackman appears to be an exoeption to this rule, for it would be difficult to find, within or itbout the bounds of tbe state, an individual who bears him ill will. Mr. Blackman be longs by birth to the metropolis nf the Uuited states. He was born in Ne Ifork City in 1848, and was tBken by hit- mother to California when only twoyearp ild. Brought np a San Francisco boy. he was sent to school at an early age, and speedily distanced all his classmate in the extent of his attaiumenti. At the dan Franoisco Business College lie ob rained a sound and practical oommeroinl training, which has Blond bim iu good need ever siuce. Iu 1878 Mr. Blarkman married the sister of Mr. Henry Hepp ner, ai d two years afterward settled ai Heppner, Ore., engaging in business with Ins brotheriulaw. He purchased Mr. Seppnei's interest in 1880, and conduct ed B general merohaudine business under the U'Di name ot H. Blackman Co Mr. Blackman has been very fortunate iu Ins mercantile transactions. As direotor md stockholder fn the Frat National Bank of Heppner, he is well and favor ibly kiioun. tie is also one of the di rectors of the Palace hotel. Willi many important matters tn attend he if kept biinj ; still be manages todmcliurge ill his duties with justice to others and itu credit to himself. It mny be Baid here that Mr. Blackmar. is interested in (he National Bank of Heppner, and holds slock in tbe Heppner Building AxKooia lion. He has dune much toward the buildiug of chnrohei and schools, is a VIbsoo of high standing, and Past Presi dent of the Independent Order of li'nai Brltb. The highest tribute that can be paid to Mr. Blackman is that he has been (our times Mayor of Heppner, and that, on the occasion of his last election in 1890, not a siugle vote was recorded against him. Iu this respect be stands unique among the mayors of tbe Unit d States. By political faith a democrat, he possesses the extraordinary faculty of bringing the republicans over tn his side when be is a candidate for cilice. Io June 1800 he carried the republican sen atorial district, consisting ot Qraut. Har ney and Morrow oountiee, by a very large majority. While in the senate, Mr. Black- man took an aotive interest in general matters, but paid special attention to tbe nterest of hit district. He successfully advocated legislation for tbe wagon roads and for tbe portage railroad. In the Anstralinu ballot measure and in the bill elating to the consolidation of Portland he also took a deep interest. As a mat ter of course, the material welfare or Heppner has always been one ot the pri mary objects of Mr. Blacknian's ambi tion. He desires, above nil things, to see the oity advanced in prosperity, to witness its improvement and expansion, the development of its school system, aud the general good of its inhahitautK, particularly that of the little ones, who In a few years will have everything in their owu hands. It is pleaaant to note that io his dcmealio life Mr. Blaokmnn is blessed with all the elements which contribute to real oontenlment. He has a hapuy home, graoed with the adorn ments which a&Vctiiin only can bestow, and mirrniir.dcd by every condition whioh makes life north living. The Gazett6 knows from personal ac quaintance that Mr. Blackman is deserv ing of all praise bestowed upon hira in tlie above article. Suic.o it was written, the senator bus had the bouor (it being a delegate to the national convention which nominated Hon. Grover Cleveland at Chicago last year, and also a member of the notification committee which af terwards weul to New York to otlioially visit the new presideut-eleot. Mr. Black man is a member of tbe coming sesiou of tbe legislature, being a hold over sen ator, and, with the assistauoe ol Messrs J. N. Brown and A. W. Gowau, respect ively, representatives from Morrow, aud Grant and Harney counties, the seuato rial district comprising the three coun ties just meutioued, and which Mr, Black man baa tbe privilege of representing his oonstituenoy need not fear that any thing appertainiug to their best interests will be overlooked. WHY GOLD (JOKtl AWAY. Prom the Salt Lake Tribune. The wheat orop of Minnesota this yen is worth 824.0U0.0OO. Except for the de rnoaetizitiiii of silver it would have been worth 833,000,0J0; and every year for the Inst fiiteeD years the farmers of that state tiave lost from $1,000,000 np, Certainly an average of $3,000,000 on that account. Vet tbe Pioneer Press, of St. Paul, a most able journal on nearly every subjeot, has always insisted upon treatiug silver pre cisely as though ii as a commodity thai grows in the soil one year and passes out of existeuoe the next. From the body of an editorial of this lust week iu that pa per we copy the following: Tbe cloud ou the borizjn is the con tinned export of gold. People have closed their eyes to ibis hitherto, and re fused to accept it for what itreally means. P 1 1 e v thought that it was a mere ai-ci dent.resnliiug from conditions that would won be reversed. Ihey oanuot think si any louiier. With a balance of trad lieavrly in our favor, whroli miiibtbesup pimed to bring us lu reaily money, an with rates of exchange between N York and foreign linuiicial centers snob iUit it does not pny to send gold out of r lie oonntrv, it is going at. the rate of from K3,0II0,0U0 to 85.0otl.000 a week. This has continued aud will continue. It means but one thing Foreign invest ments are being withdrawn Horn this country as rapidly as the holders can rr iiliziunon their Beouriiies, because tliOy believe that we are going to the silver hams, and that this is au unsafe placefor their money. They are taking gold away, in aililiiion to tbe Hinoun's with which every government is fortifying itself. How much truth there is iu the conoid sions of the Press about the unloading of Americau securities upon us, we do not know, hut we do know this: That Amerionu securities, even if payable in Bliver, would be better thnu nny seonrity that any state in Europe could offer More than that, theEnglish people know that very well; so do the Dutch; so do the Germ ins; so do all those nations across the sea. We know that two years ituo I nut summer Euglaud unloaded 81, 200,000,000 worth of onr securities, but it was not because there was a fear that those securities were not good, but it was to save the financial fabric of Great Brit nin from tumbling into ruins. We are aware that the bonl-dealiug bankers on the other side, at the head of whioh is the house of Rothschild, with its oenlral station in London, aud its branches in Amsterdam, Paris, Vienna, and smaller brunches in other places; tint the deter mination of these houses is to kill silver as money iu the world, in order that tbey may go on and continue to gather in the enrniiiKS cf the world as tbey have in the past, aud have those curuiugs in the form which wi l purchasj most. Austria bus been trying very bard to plaoe itself on a gold basis for several months, wbicb we believe means nothing except that the bouse of Rotbsohild has given notice to the government of that country that it would prefer to have it that way. To show the utter foolishness ot it, it is only necessary to copy an item which is going the rouuds, aud which reads as follows: Last month, for tire first tira", the mem beis of the Austrian Reichsraih were paid a part of llieir salaiiea iu gold, and the inciilent created quite a senSHiiou. i u pile at tbe imperial opera bouse were also paid their prues iu gold. aud it was some time before they could be convinced that the litile tweuty-tl inn pieoes were as valuable as the larxe silver coins aggre gating the same suiu which they had re- received ou former occaaious. That shows wb .t a shame it is on tbe part of those merciless baukers to try to destroy silver as money. The ordinary individuals throughout tbe continent ol Europe oanuot perform their daily trans actions m golU to save lueir lives; iuey cannot reduce gold to any formtmall enough so that it can be used. But no matter. It waB not nf 'bat we intended to speak, but it was to call the attentiou of the Pioneer Press aud other papers nf its kind to certain manifest facts, the first of which is that the rail roads of the foiled Stales must be pay ing to Kurope in interest annually on tbeir bonds somewhere from $150,000,000 j $2!0,OJO,000; that lhiso iuutr is fill of Euglisb investments, very many of which are paying dividends which have to be sent to Loudon; that the anuual assessment on our country on the HCore of tourists who goto lurope cannot be less thau SlOO OOO.OuO, because every dollar that is paid from the time they buy their ticket iu New York until they laud ttg'iin ou our shores goes into for eign ct ffors. That makes a inon?y bal auce Hgaiust us iu f ivor of ot Europe of certainly $300,00,000 per annum. Id the rxebange of goods the balance in our favor does not rexe'b neatly that amount. Hence a paper should be very sure that it is on tbe rinht track before it charges an unpleasant feature in tbe business ot country to a certain cause. Tbe fact i, we have drawn largely on the board ed wealth of Europe to coustrnct onr great worka iu this Country, and the 10- terest on that money hsa to be paid. Iu times past, very much of that mouey has been withheld in Ibis country in this waj : We will suppose the Burlington road sold the bonds for tbe first ouOmihs of its track to English capitalists at the rate of $110,000 a mile; that made $10, 000,000. We believe the Burlington pays six per cent ou its bonds. Whether that is exactly true or not is not essential, but it is near enough to illustrate what we isb tn Bay. That meant 8000.000 a year which was due to the foreign bond holders, but with the end of the year and with the road c mpleted, the company, deBiricg to extend its road another 500 miles, offered bondsfor another oOOmilee and tbey were taken Borons the water. Instead of sending the 8600,000 from here, $0,400,0.0 were sent from tbe other side, and bonds were given for $10,000, ( 00 more. And so it went on year after year, tbe interest due in one year being absorbed io new bonds for tbe next; so that by the time the Burlington road got ite 7,000 or 8,000 miles ot road finished quite one-fourth of the indebtedness of the company was on acoount of luterest which had been added to and bad become a part of tbe principal. Railroad building greatly slackened during tbe last yea'. Only about bait the usual mileage was built, and instead of more bonds being sold, and tbe inter est absorbed that way, tbeiutereet is dne aud the companies hive to meet it. We give this merely as a sample, and we think if the editor of tbe Pioneer Pries will investigate the matter bo will find it true that tbe interest and divideuds due to foreigners annually in onr coun try, in addition to the money spent by Amerioans in going to Europe and re turning and in purchases there, will amopnt to quite $150,000,000 more than the general balance nf trade in our favor shows, wbicb will account abundantly for the drain opioid from this side. IUNK ITEMS. To all, friends, or enemies, loved or he loved, our best wishes for a Happy New Year. Our school, whioh commences again today, has an eurollmeut of almost 25 children. Many ot them are'nou-resi dents, whioh is certainly a credit to our f-ohool. A sociable was given last Saturday night, at tbe bouse of Mr. League, below lone. They report having bad a very enjovable time. Mr League undonbt edly understands bow to entertain both old and young. He is an old soldier ot four and one-bnlf years service, a plein ant aud hospitable gentleman. He is sell lead and ell informed ou tbe top ios ot the day, ejid believes that iudustry produces prosperity. His family has re ceutly arrived from Missouri, and be and his sous afy iXiJimilv engaged iu farm ing. U ated--.few more sircb men to help build up olwu and country. Permit us to mudy etiqnelta awhile. "Mauui rs make the man," says au old adage, and nowhere is this more true than iu publio placet; yet there are mnuy wlio, either from ignoranoe or careless ness, are c. 11 inually violating some rule of 1 oliteuess whiob pertains to places of public assemblies. . y. J. Ionic, Jan, 2, '03. Aa Enemy Ruffled. There is an enemy with whom thou sands are familiar all their lives, beoause Ihey are tioru with a tendency to bilious uess. With this enemy tbey are con stantly battling wilh iueff-ctual weanniiB. Hosteller's stout toll bit. era will baffl) it. Mere purgatives will not reform a dis ordered condition of the liver iudioated, not by ooustipntiou alone, but also by sick headaches, yellowuess ot tbe skiu uud eyeballs, nausea, furred tongue and uneasiness, more particularly upon pressure ou the right side, npou aud be low the short ribs. Avoid drastic purga tives which gripe and we.iken the intes tines, and substitute this world famous anti-bilious oordial, which iikewibe re moves malarial, stomachic and kidney complaints, rheumatism Bnd uetvous nets. As a laxative of the bowels, paiu less but effectual, it improves appetite, sleep aud the ability to digest, aud pos sesses the additional advantage of a standard t nio. CHUilL'l! ANNOUNCEMENT. Preaching at the ii iptist churoh Sun day, January 8th, 183 Theme at 11 o'clock, "Waking up." Text, "Awake Ihnu that eleepetb." All are iuvited to attend if they v.ish. M. Bramblet, Pastor. Now Try rait. It will cost yon nothing and will sore ly do you good, if you have a oough, cold or any trouble with throat, cheat ur luugs. Dr. King s New Dmoovery for LJonauinp lion, coughs and colds, is guaranteed tu give relief or money will be paid back. dnfTtsrersfrom la grippe found it just the ibing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bol tie at our expense aud learn for yourself just bow i:oo.l a thing it is Tii il bottleB tree at ijloouni Johusou Drag Co. Large size 50c sua 81 00 To Salem -Hon. J. N. Bron and wife dt par ted for Salim I Lie morning wLeie tie turner mil itpiesml bis eou ktilueuts iu the Oregon ligblalute, nbile Mis.liiotiuv.illvii.it ler nlnuvts and tiieuds rtsidug at the "captol city Mr. llrov.u, tlmuttb a )omg man, is progressive lawyer and will reprsint Morrow oonnty, we predict, in a in inuer urtditable alike to himself as well as to hid constituency. Hbodlab Cockoii, Mkbtiso. List eveiiiu waa a regular senaum of U -pp-Ilea's council, Mayor Mai kick presiding. All noted preaeut t-xcep'. Faruaworth 1 lie follovcioi; hill's were ordered paiil: J. II Grover. $1; V. J. Lteezsr, $U50; J W. Cowiua, $2; 81010119 & gou, SI 75; i C Smith, .'JO; dluouin johuatou Drug Co., 95; V. J. Hallock, S3i0; J W. Hmoiiia, $00; Willis Stewart, Si 10; A. A. K iberts, $18 6 Amendment to charter talked nf, aud Messrs. Morgan anil P.itlemou appoiuteil a special ooin mittes to look' after amendments to char ter, aud to rep rl to the oonuoil at the earliest opportunity .T. W. Ayera, 8'., petitioned the council to open the noo I h end ot Main street, to o iuue t i' with the oounty road near f. U. liubee' place, vacallng 140 feet long sod the width of the Btreet. where it Is nunaed and nenecssary, in lien of the land do nated to reach tbe oounty road. Re ferred to tbe committee on streets and public property On motion the marshal was ordered to notify residents that sidewalks must be constructed with- in thirty days on Main and other streets and thoroughfares to depot, aud also on both sides of Gale street to intersect with Water street, and that it not constructed, the town would build same nod charge to resident Attar considerable xoah wah, the oouucil mlj mrned. Gone Insane.-G. D. Daaey, famil iarly called "Jack" by bis friends, at tempted to cut bis throat with a razor this afternoon at the residence of Tiieo. Dunner, where be boards. He has been severely hurt on the bead several times hv beiog struck with a scantling, while following bis trade, that of a paiuter. He also says that be whs beaten over tbe bead onoe with a hammer till he was insensible. These have produced deafness, and, it is thought from this source, bis mtnd has become unbalanced. For a week past he bas been acting strangely, and t his afternoon at the ex aminatoin before Justice Keithly, he was found to be of unsouDd mind, and so de clared. Mr. Dasey will probably reoover if given proper treatment. He is a fiue mechanic, and stands high in the esti mation of the community, all of whom regret bis misfortune. The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned hy Collin & Mi Far land, has lately changed bauds, now be ing nnder tbe control and managwinent of The McFarland Mercantile Company, which continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stock than ever. a Don't overlook Kirk 4 RBsmns for barBsius. They have pniehased the bus iness of J. W. Matlock & Cu but will aoon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site the Palaoe hotel. a Kipans Tabules : a standard ramedy. An Apprehensive Subject BY Means of a Prehensile lai 7 he Monkey 'is Not Afraid be cause his Tail is a Qood One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. t is No Tale of Woe ! WE TELL OF CBA-RGrA-IS Splendid Goods, Fair treatment : satisfaction to oustom era, aud of reasonable prices aud good money value. It is a Tailless Tale A tBle withont end, because it is a tale that will bold. A pleasure to sbow goods; 8peoial inducements to oaah buyers. Call at ITQII0B0S SILVER'S OIRMPION ;THE; Kocky-:-Mountain-:-News THE DAILY-BY MAIL. Subicrtption price reduced at follow: One Year (by mail) : : $6 00 Six Month " : : 3 00 Three Months " : : : 1 50 One Month : : 50 THE WEEKLY -BY MAIL. One Year (in Advance) : fl 00 The Newi Is the only coniiitent c .aTpton of liver tn the West, and should be In every home tn the West, and in the hands of every miner and buslneiis man tn Colorado. Send In your mbncr.ptlons at once. Address, TUB 3TI3'7 (3. Deliver, Colo. To Couaumptlvea. The nnderslened having been restored to health by simple means, after ntt'erliiK lor sev nrl imr, u ith h Rtvtre hour HtTt-ctlon. Mild that dread dlie t'lmsnnipttini. is anxious to make known to his fellow sullerers the means nf cure. 10 those who dvstre it. ne w 111 cneerniny semi (free 01 i-harper a cony of the prescription used, which thev will Hurt a sure cure for Consnmp lion, AsrhiriH. Catarrh, Bronchlrls and sllthroat and lu uk maladies. He hones nil snHerers will trv his remedy. s It Is Invaluable. Those neslr In'a the prescription, which wll cost them noth tntf. and may prove a blesslna, w 111 please ad dress. Ksv. Kowakb A. Wiuum, 1-taw Brooalyn, New York. Notice of Intention. I AND OFKIOK AT THE DU.t.ES, OREGON, 4 December 17. 1'J. Notice is hereby given that the followlnn-nanied settler hat riled notice of hia Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow. Comity Clerk, at Heppner, Or., oa Saturday February 4. IKAl, viz.: Al Ol sTI S TAYLOK. lid Application No. a-joo for the NK ot See. 31, Tp 2, S K ii. K W M He name, the following witnesses topmvehis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vli : O K. harnsworth. V. F. Button. A. A. W ren ild K.J. Howard, all of Heppner, Oreaon e66-.Wi Johx v. Ljbvis, Keglster. m M00ti Survey onsumption JWhat shall stay its ravages? Thousands J say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda has cured us of Have vou a cou-h -.mr;r.n ? Make, no LU vilUiliovti Bcott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, end all Anasmio and Wasting Diseases- Provents waoi:ng in Children. AI:o-t in palatable a milk. C:t ouiy l!ie genuine. Tro pared by Hcott & Eowne, Chemists, New lork. Bold by all Druggists. wfc 0 00 00 00 o- -0 000 o- -0 0 - 0 - 0 imcTios o 0 o o 0 o- ,00000000 0000-0 The Crowd Is Still 0000000 And They will Remain 000000 Who can Blame Them for Staying When they get goods for one-balf THJNKINO Tbe people ot Heppner A ... . T n to attend our AUlJlUJJN 2 P. M., and evenings at 7 P. M. T K I If ElxT LiAlrJl Ullll LEVI EOBISON. Prop. I. DASEY, -3?nA OTI OAIj- House and Sign Painter. PAINTINQ IX ALL Papei Hanging r Graining, Natural Wood Finishing and BOX 135, : : DAN OS ME US. Columbia Beer Hall! lEX7'D00R io Heppner Candy Factory on Main Street. Keep . on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have 1 Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to S Cents Per Glass, On diaught, fresh hik! cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMEUS & HUGHES. Props. Prints Handle S, V . WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Season Also is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. AV. L. Matlock & Co. "" HE CITY HOTEL, W. J. I.BBZER, Prop, rpHIS HOSTELRY has been Befitted and Kefcnished throughout, and now -- isone of tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites vou to Hop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the beet of style. First Class House. ' ' Reasonable Rates. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A. W MTERSON. AGENT Qnooiuj. Beat in ti-e Worm Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. TOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE i will be n meeilnir of the stockholders nf the First National Bank of Heppner, at their ottioe on the second Tuesday of January lr;i:t, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in. of said dny. for the purpose of electing directors and the transaction of such other business as may appear. 4-oiw uso. Conseb, Cashier. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON. j Dec iti, IN.r. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has hied notice of his Intention to niHke ttiial proof in support of his claim, and 1111081111! proof w ill be made be fore . K. Kills. U. a. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on Wednesday Feb. 1.1. W':l, viz.: MILHiN S. MAXWELL, Hd. Application No. for 1 ots 1 and 2, and E4 N" of fee. 31.1 P- IIRWE W M. He names the follow iug witnesses 10 prove his continuous residence upon and culttvaliou of said laud, viz.: N. K Mc ay, T. P. Graham. Jacob Johnson and F M. Holmes, all of Gooseberry. Oreenu. &o-5no John W. Lfcwia, hegister. Prevent and cure Constipation audSicfc Bcadaulic. Smatl lidu licaid. To aid Difistlon take one Small Bile Dean Bftr tmlilig. pec Oullk-. tjiti Taouics: see advertisement. That dreaded and dreadful disease! consumption in its hrst or cold acute or leading delay but take - 0 on 00 0 ,0 OO o -0 o 0000 -o -000-00000000 - o I Hi Us. 0 0 the price if purchased Elsewhere. for past patronage, we invite them all . - --7.e 1 : . 1. : II I n JniU m . Aljii.C. wuicu m UIIIIIA 1 ITS BRANCHES. and Decorating. Polishing, Caloimining, Glaziug, etc. 9tO. " 54Gsw : HEPPNER, OB MA T HUGHES, and few I jjiiw tutu pyiuio t DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. VOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE o '""''"'"'Pes'sti'ir between J. A. Wool- y' ?t " - Adams. Ld. a Cox and a. H. Cox, un der the firm name of J. A. H onlery Si Co., was dissolved May Hi, mt, by mutual consent, J. A ttooiery retaining the business at lone, 1 r., col lectlng all accounts due and paving all llabill ties 01 said branch of Hun's business, up to date iibove-memioned, the remainingpartners retain ing the Hardmaii business, collecting all ac counts contracted by said branch of the busi ness up to said date. J. A. VYoOLEKY, 8. W. Adams, 52-60 9. till, . II. Cox. Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE STOCK ,.111 ,h0l','0' the Narlonal Bank of Heppner, will be held at their office ii. heppner, Oregon on the second Tuesday ol January nsu, be twee a the hou r, of 10 a. in. and 4 p. m. fur the purpoM 01 electing directors for the ensuing yeir Dated at Heppner the 5th day of Dec. 1HM. 5,! 00 w En. K, Bisaor, Cashier. HAKNtHOH, stock and fixtures. Good business; established in the midst of a goo1 larmiug and stock-raising country. Also tor sale a good house and iwo Iota with or . . 7. V't.J. iiiiuiit me uusi For further In lorujsuuu aaaren liazeiut, Heppner, Or, UltJ Scott's Emulsion m nrmmin It UUU 1 1111 1 Vfl tt.ooum-JouDioa vruK w