Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 30, 1892, Image 4

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    A Prize Picture Puzzle.
SXPIiAlf ATIONi Tbe following picture contains four facts, a man and his three daughters.
Am? om can find ib man's face, but it it not so cay to distinish the facts of tbe three young ladiefc
The picture was published in a few newspapers some time ago, and attracted considerable attention t
ntr standard remedies. We now offer a DbW piize competition in connection with it. As the sole object
is to introduce our medicines into new homes, those who entered the former competition are requested
not to compete ir this one. As to the reliability of "The Ford Pill Co.," and the estimation in which their
Siedicincs are held in Toronto, Canada, there they at lyst known, patrons oro fderred CO the daily
t Wuvtasate arugguu sua waning Business
Tht proprfetArs of "Th ford Pit! Co.," will give an el"Tnt pair of hO$iSrpJ pOfll8
Carriage and HarnOBS, valued at $600, (dehvwcd'rffe in any p:rc n; tua United biaies,
totue y.rJ7 person who can make odt the tliree UiiUKJiers (u:.t lo the second will be given an elegant
Lady'9 Gold Watch, set in sapphires and diamonds. To tho third will he given a pair ol
cnuiiie Diamond Ear-rincs. '1' tll(! f-wt will Riven a handsome China Dinner
Service. foiheyfyM will hernia Korlak Carnors. TotheM,aSvvl8S Musiq
Box To the ttvtntk. a French Mantel Clock. To the iha, an elegant Banquet
Lamp. To the ntrttk, a pair of crown Derby Vaney. To the AwM, a complete Lawn
T0nnlfl Set- and many other prizes in ord-r of merit, h.u-y competitor must cut out the above
IaSiI l'lcture,' distinguish the three nir!s' f.i ahy mnrUriiT a cmss with :i liad pencil on each,
and enclose same with 15 U. S. tw...,Bi,t stmpB fur OHO of the fo!'iwing "I'lire Uemed:"
'Ford's PrIe IMJlfl, "Ford'H Prize Vtitru t h li:modyt' or "Ford's Prlzo
Cough Cur.H Select any one of tl.e shove rrmu.Wi yt;u ii-mic Address "The Ford
Plli OO.," Cor. Wellington & U.iy Sts., Toronto, Cuwti, 7 Us psrsn whose envelope is
postmarked flrat will be awarded the fust prue. and th others In order of merit. As this adver
tisement appears simultaneously throughout the Uni'-d titr-tcs, ever one his an equal oppor
tunity. To the person sending the la Yrmrert ar.-.w-sr wi:i h.i given ?n eleffaut ITprljbt Uonourt
Grand Piano, valued at 500.00. 'lot he 'j-Art'S't. fswro t!ie Ai-ssennmga correct answer
will be given a gentleman's fine iiold S:iiu!oz' U, v hi;h stril cs the hours and quarter
hours on small cathedral gong at pleasure, smd vj.!uM at i..i(iO.CO. To the Strtmd from the Ah1, a
tlrst-class Safety Bicycle, pneumatic lire. To the from t!ii fast, a lirstlnss English Sliot-
fnn To the fourth from the lastt a suite of Parlor J-'urulture. To the from the An, a
ndiome Silver Tea Service. To the sixth f.-orn thj, an elepattt Piano Lamp, lo the
ttvtnth from the last, a hnndsome pair of Porticrci. To the ttfkih from the last, a genuine
Snglith leather travelling Trunk. To the ninth fi-jiQ the lastt two pieces of geuuine French
itatuary and many other prizes in order 01 muit.
A special prlre of a Silk Droea Pnttorn ('--ixtcen yards, any color), or a first-class
flowing Machine (any make desired) will bo fiivcii to the jirst prison in each State in the
U. S. who can make out the three daughters' faces. V: shrdl give awny UOO Vfiluttblo prizes,
besides special prires.fif there should be so mnny !,etidii.p .: !n.a answers.) No charge is made for boxing
and packing of pmes. The names of thu leadinc p'".. wi-jn'Tn will he i.v.hiishcd in connection with our
advertisement in leading newspnpers next tnonih. Kti'ji prrniiiims will he given to only those who are
willing toaisiit in introducing our medicines. Notlrn;; i.. .-l'ed for thr; pris in any way. They
are absoluleJy given away to introduce and advertise A''Ol'd'H PriKo Reined ieff," which are stand
ard medicines, and will be used in every family fr y-.m v'cfre t'hi-y have hx 01 ire introduced. All
prises will be awarded strictly in order of merit, and v-jth pci-ici.uuLijfaciiuu Co the public. The remedies
wUl be seat by mail, postpaid, and prizes free oi' duty
An extra premlumof a genuine Fearless" Wai Hi, (ptetn winder,) will be awarded to every
Grson who sends a correct answer within 30 days after this :i.iveriisem.'tit ;i pilars, in case tliey should not
fortunate enough to secure one of the larcer prizes. 'J Lit s, if any one can find the three faces and
enclose them within 30 days from the time this adven Uemerit appears in the newspaper, they are
guaranteed either one of the leading prizes, or an exlnt premium r.f a watdi 011 conditions stated.
Sio answer will be noticed that does not contain 30 cents f -r otic of Pord'S Prlzo Kemcdles.
Address THE f OHO PILL CO, "37," Cor. Wellington & Bay bts., Toronto, Canada.
0n Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
est, im m
Leaves Heppner, 8i.ui.
6:60 p, m.
Pullman sieeoer.i
Ooloni.t Sleeper.,
Reclining Chair
and Diners.
Portland to Han
every four days.
For ratal and general tutnrmatlon call on
Depot Ticket Ageut,
Heppner. Oregon.
W, 11. IlURLBllRT. Aut tlenl. rsss. Aft.
3M Wellington St.,
Portland. Oiioon.
V .Irnmeil I.iiinlier, 16 uillee ol Heppner,
wlmt la known i
PER 1,000 PKKT, Htll'Ull,
" " CLEAR,
111) (X
IT 60
f&.uo per 1.0U0 loot, UIIUonl.
jv. HamlltonMsvti'itr
It ii our mriifit rte.lre to impren upon the
ni ,), i.nhhc th .inu'rltinlv of the ker-
viee altered l ihe Mlwiimlii l'entrl l ine, to
tiu,.iik,,e. I Illt'MlfO MHO nil i-oiui. n,i
until. Twol.it nlii lve si. I'mll, Mlnne-
ii.. .,n n,,inih lUilv. ruutitiieit with 1'ull.
.,!.,, Viutlliiilert Drnu tin Kooin Sloepen, Dining
Cn and Couches ot Hie luteal di .tn. Ill lln
Ini Cr iier ti e U uiinirmid. hli h smiuiit..
io a sreatdegree lor Hie popularity ol Ihli Ine
The Hlicon.ln Central Uiiet. In connection
with Northern I'aclllc K. K., Ii the only line
from I'aclnc Com poliiHoi-er Mi ll b,.th 1 ull
man Veatlbuled. Ilr.l-cla.1. and rullman Tour
fit Carl are oierated vlaot. l aul without chain
"taSti slvlrnt v.luatilf lntormatlon oan
keoi.talne.1 tree uih.ii a.pM.tion lo your near-eitllrlu-lHxeiit.or
J a. C. I'oNu.i.eucral I aneu
aud Ifcket Aeut, Clilcano, ill.
nitupimmt wutoh-alio'1l)ntlle-"K1
txwaO, tmali Him Uwuuk Uo. m IwtUe.
nouses gzuzruy w wuuua
From Terminal or Interior Pointe the
Is the line to take
To all Points Eastand South
It i tho PinindCar Ilfiitfl. It rnna Throngh
Vedtibulod Traitifl overy day In the yoar to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CAItS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
TouristSleping Cars
Bout that rnn he conatnirted nnd in which ao
cimi modal ior.a art both 1rto and fuminhwl (or
ho Idem of lirut or eacuiid-olaiM lickwta, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct Bod Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
To nnrt from nl uolntu In America, KnRln.id
nml Knrop run be uurcliueed at Mill Tickut olhoe
of lhi Compuity.
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Pnnseneer Agent.
No. 121 First St., Cor. H'twhiiijfon,
nil it'll d & rich
turra-t. 'I'lii'y ur always rellnble,
mum-! in tlvivmml. always Ihetwmt
Fop IM: w tnvaiialk- to every Pi unlet I
7l i ai MWj-prtlta or tlie ihh-bi mrnung i
luforuittllon from uionncmwiauiuoituw i
flimifu xrr.
National mi ol imw.
l'KNl.ANIl, El),
Made on Favorable Terms.
I ulunt rt-Krd
I Hlil (lilt) tlirtl
I control thiliiJoi
I JlnitKlntr Cnvpduiuosoul'r
MarWul li tctf riajniu OanU. Luid.Hl Die tvod
vi-rviUtnirtu iiit Hnt. Now work th.it win th
Bioipv. Si-Alt'. pnrii'iiir tuirl 14-hc fit 1vbu
fre. Ft'iiti wlfmtilrM-oaJ taiu-'d ciielwMi to
llXV UUOaV Drawr a, CUicagu, Hie
Nortkn Paaoc
From the Salt Lake Tribune. I
A OHble tell us flint Senator Jones is
still hopeful of practical results from tbe
Brnasels conference. He is not a man
that is easily carried off bis feet, and we
on tbis side, should give bim tbe benefit
f Iroping witn him. Tbe spiritualists
ay -hut when a great host of people iu-
tently desire someHiino;, and id their
thoughts, press that desire, there is some
ntiueoce that goes from it that aflects
other min,)8. Without accepting the
spirituHlisIs' theory, it is at least conrtesy
f.ir the American people to give all tue
trust possible to tbe American members
of tbe oonfereuce.
A queer thing about that conference is
tbis: Most of the European members,
together with tbe English members, as-
ume that the conference was called par-
ticulaily in the iuterest of America, and
Hint it Ihev m ike any concession it will I
be a concession to the Anienoan wish. I
It iB good then to bear our commission
ers telling tbem that tbis country is not
unduly influenced in silver legislation by
its silver prodnotj that even if the con
ference does nothing. America will still
be in nn excellent position to profit by
tbe state of affairs as shown in the con
ference. It is a manifest fact that ei
cept for the attitude of the British com
missioners an adjustment would be
reached within two weeks which wonld
be satisfactory to all the world. It 1b
another fact, that, of all countries in tbe
world, Engl Jnd ought to Be most inter
ested in having an adjustment made, be
cause her iuterests in silver are greater
than those of any other power. A (lis-
oonut of even 5 per cent makes a differ
ence in the wealth of India of at least
$100,000,0); a discount of 40 per Cent
makes a entn which is almost snlKcieul
to disturb the finances of the world.
That is tie situation today, and yet the
British conimissiouers, with au oblivious
ness peculiarly English, have the bear,
iug of men who Hre not going to be fool
ed by the importunities of silver produc
ing states. At the same time, there are
00,000 men in London who did nut have
any breakfast yesterday morning j there
are 60 030 little children who did Dot
have any supper Inst night; mannfau-
tures are shutting dnwn all over Great
Britain; there is distress everywhere;
and yet those merciless few, who control
the flounces of Great liiitaiu, to make
perpetual the debts of the world, and to
insure the working of the world Tir them
put aBide all that, and insist that, while
other nations may tamper with a hime-
tallio siimdard. it must not be expected
that England will cling to anything but
We hope Senator Jones, in his speeoh
on Thursday, will p iint out these little
truths to those stuffy Englishmen, he
oause there is nothing in the world that
does nn Englishman so much gond, w hen
he gels to riding a high horse, as t
knook bim down with a club of facts
Whether the onnferenoe will eveutuate
in anything or not, of course no one oan
tell, but one result, at lenst, has already
been reiichfd, and that ie, our couutry
men have had a glimpse of exactly the
spirit which undeilies British dealingx
with foreign powers. It is the same spir
it I hat has miide beggary chtouio in Ire
laud. vLiih hue duvtu all tie ua
tiiii.fi of foullieiu Europe lo luiiikriiotci
w Inch has mde every colony of England
that has followed her advice, bankrupt
except India, and Indi i herself, if 1 if
program whioh has . been fullowed for
the last fifteen years shall be oontiuued
a little longer, will be just as poor as
any other power that believes in British
fairness and accepts Biitish advice,
From our Long Creek rarer.
A i-table on Mill street belonging
Geo Harris was blown down by Wednes
day's wind sloim.
J. B. Keeney, the veteran stage man
will make an i tfiirl to get possession ol
the MnuunioDt Canyon City mail route
the first of the new year.
C. E. Dust in returned to J' hn D
Wednesday, haviug soent a faithful ei
in Nortl eru Urnnt in the interest of til
Liviug Issue and the peoples parly.
The residet oe of Geo. Harris, on Mil
street, uarrowly escaped from fire lasl
Monday afternoon. '1 he fire hml caugh
from the stoeiiiiie in tlie iocf, hnt wi,
iliecovered in time to sine the building,
E ioh and every resid. nee should br nip
i.lii d Wlih luuk or lens ci llli tints, a
if such IS done at an early date it ui be
the menus of pievei.tmg several Outtages
being wiptd up wiih 11 ones.
A Herald ol The lulnnt Year.
Clip the last thirty years or more from
the century, and the segment will repre
sent the U-rui of the niiboniidrd popu
luiity of Hosteller's Stoni'ioh Billera.
Ibe opcuiiig of the year lriy3 will be sin
nalil d by the appenrauce ol a fiei-h al
manao of the bitters, in which the uses,
derivation and HCtlou of tins world fa
mous tutdioiue will be Incidiy set forth.
Ever) body should read it. The ciih u
diir and HstronoiuiOiil calculations to
f nind iu this brochure me bIwi.h iiston
mhiiiijly iiciMirMte. mid His stalisiion, lllua
iriitioiiB, liiiuior aud itber reailinst mat
ter ricli Hi inierest and full of prntlt.
Hie IbiHlelier C 'lupaoy, of I'ltli-liiVKl.,
l'a piihlinh it tbemi-rlves. '1 li-y i mpm)
more than H'y IimoiIs hi the niroi.m.icnl
win k, und more than eleven months tu
the year are oousiiined iu its pieimratuiu
It can he obtained without 0 'at of all
dumnists Bud oo..nlry dealers, ami is
priuted in Enalisli, Oirniaii, Kieuch.
Welsh, Norwennin, Swedish, Uolluud,
boheniiun and dpamsh.
Fat People.
The only safe nnd reliable treatment
for obesity, or siiiieiflnnus fat, is the
"Leverelte" Ob"'sil Tills, which gradu
ally ted nee the weight aud me-siirement.
No iujury or nioouvenienee leaves no
wrinkles -aots by abaur "ion. 'Ihincure
is founded npou the most toijiililio pr.u
oi pies, aud ha been used by "lie of the
most eminent ph"iciaii of Europe in
Ins piivte practice 'Tor fivo eats" Willi
the most iirHtil) ii'i: resulia. Mr lleorj
Perkins, 29 Uuiou Park, Boston, write:
"From the use of the -iieverelte' obesity
pills my wcitiht has been rednoed ten
pounds in three weeks aud my general
Health is very mnoh improved . The
principles ot our treatment are fully in
dorsed liy my family ptiji-iouni. In prof
of my Krtiiude 1 herewnh nive you per
mistiiou to use my name if you deaire lo
do a i." IM.ie 1iitl0 tier pauknte, or tliree
pack iges for $o W by mail. All outers
Hiipplied duvet from our othce. The
LkvaaaTTi hPKcirio Co., 17a Xieiuout
Street Bostou, Una:
1$ Pfr&'fm&faW
Australian Experience In CroMlng Merino
with a Mutton Type.
Soma Australian breeders began ex
periments at crossing Merino ewes with
tarns of the British types, with the view
to determine how far efforts at meeting
the demand for crossbred mntton might
be safely and profitably adhered to. The
results of these experiments were alluded
to at some length in the late annnal re
port of the chief inspector of stock for
New South Wales, who has evinced a
deep interest in the foreign meat trade
of that colony since its inception.
A feature of this report that will have
peculiar interest for breeders in this
country is its reference to tne compara
tive results from a series of crosses upon
Merino ewes by rams of different British
types. Of course these are by no means
conclusive. Equally certain it is that
the accuracy of results arrived at will be
challenged by the admirers or tne miter
ent breeds mentioned.
At the same time an interesting line
of inquiry is opened up by the sugges
tion: Why is it that in a series of ex
periments with both wethers ana ewes,
separately conducted, with animals 6. 12,
24 and 38 months old, tue result siio.uu
invariably show In favor of the Lincoln
breed? Crosses giving next best results
follow in this order: Border Leicester,
Komnev Marsh, Hampshire, Leicester,
Southdown, Cotswold, Shropshire. The
differer-es between the best of these
were not very great, but in all of them
tho Merino-Lincoln is reported to be th
best, value of wool and mutton con
sidered. I
This np. more determines the relative
value of mutton rams for crosses on
Merino ewes in this country than the
presence of one swallow will prove that
spring has come, but if the results as re
corded will serve to stimulate the man
agers of experiment stations to take np
and follow the line indicated much will
be done in the direction of securing a
more general recognition of the merits
of all breeds in their purity as well as
their value for advancing the standard
of the many millions of sheep now han
dled without adequate profit to owners
and with too little benefit to the coun
try. Bleeder's Gazette.
Cattle nn Slilpboard.
It is rough business at best, shipping
live beef cattle across the ocean. Blood
ed animals imported und exported for
stock purposes are carefully protected
from the tossing of the ship by Leavuy
Dadded stalls und boxes. As much is
done for their coinfrirt a9 if they were
first cabin passengers on an ocean grey-
, .
Not so the beef cattle that go from
America to Europe. They may be called
the steerage passengers of the live stock
A long line of wooden shedding is
built on the steamer's deck for the com
mon beef steers. The sheds are made
strong, so that except in case of a great
storm they will not be washed away by
the waves. Instances have ocenrred,
however, in which the wooden stalls
have been broken from their fastenings
by the force of the waves, and stalls,
steers and all swept overboard.
The cattle can stand upright or lie
down at will in tho sheds. Straw is
packed above them. This they eat, and
it also protects them in some measure
from the lurching of the ship. But it
does not protect them altogether, and
no cattle ship ever arrives at port witn'
ont a considerable percentage of loss
from the crushed ribs and broken legs
of the steers that have been hurled
against the sheds with violence. These
of course must be thrown overboard,
and are a loss to the insurance compa
nies which take risks on this kind of
f reisrht. Free passage to Europe is given
to men .who are willing to go along and
do the work of feeding the cattle. A
young divinity student lately made a
trip to Europe in this way.
Less downright torture and brutality
attend the cattle shipments than was
the case before dehorning was so gener
ally practiced. The wretched animals
used to gore one another so frightfully
that death frequently resulted. The in
tentions of the cattle shipping compa
nies are good, and they do what they
can for the comfort of the steers, but
when they reach the other side that is,
to say the other side of the ocean they
are too often so thin and in snch bad
condition that they are only fit for sau
sage and are slajrjhtered immediately.
The best are fattened by British feeders
to be sold again in the market.
Df afnefS Cannot be Cured
By loonl applications as they osnn t
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to onre deafness,
nnd that is by cm atitutionnl re edies
Deafness is caused by nn iufhrued d'n
ilit ion of the mucous lining of the eu
stachian tube. When this tnlie pets
iutlHiiieil yon have a rnmhliuit sound or
imperfect lienrunr, aud when it is en
tirely olosed deafness is the result, and
nnleM the iiifliDJHtion can be taken out
and this tube restored to its nmmnl
condition, hearintf will be destroyed for
ever; niue cases out of ten are caused by
ontarrh. which is nothinif but nn intiani
ed condition ol the mucous aiufncee.
W e will itive one hundred dollars for
any case o" den(nesf(oaned by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cute. Rem! fnr oin nlars free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo. O.
tlTt-old by dtnKKists, 7jo.
At Abrshnmsick's. Iu addition to his
tailoring business, be has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, reuliaee
shirts, hosiery, etr. Also has on baud
onie eleiiailt patterns for snits. A.
Xlirnhamaicli. May street. Heppner. Or
! Collin & MeFarland have jnt received
a cur load ol Mucin!! Wations, Hacks,
etc , and have also a large supply of (arm-
' ing implements ot all kinds. a
in its
early stages
can bs cured
by th3 prompt
use of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
It soothes
the inflamed tissues,
aids expectoration,
and hastens
Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
BHK?! iii.wrv '" "
Manaaina Attorney.
Is", f-r SV-iVrs f-nd Sailors fRfthlrl In Hip line of
rlmv in the rrn-iilar Army rr Vst aliwth war.
Survivors of iit Indlnn wars of tr 1
th'-lr w idows, now entitled. Otdnnrl rolprtfd cjnlnis
t cneri tlty. j nouaimnit eimtiu lu ."r "V1 .
pnd fnrnrw law, no cuarge lor nuvwo.
1iitl nfffftaat ill
No fee
' Did rn trtr learn whit f iholont rttnlM few out of tM
t.J. I.,. U. n.i nmimintsl Tml to hoU Uki
leuomrrl Tti totv f nii liUo a fabia. Imt lo tell it on mutt
id notbr questicii . lluvi- yu ever iuf Ice.i tint miviri,
C Uu Aarmoiur ComuBiiy, which kUtu out m luUowt,
45 SOM in CG3
2.280'C0ld in fS9
6,260 cold ill 'S3
20,049 Co!c3 En '98,
6G.QOG w"! sc's in G
CT Theoo ligurcs te.i ilia
1 EtorvoVtiioevGr-rrowinir-
V over-golns. cvorlnptina
ono kocis ottiore follow.
A and wo
I u.m 'rnLM Hw Onuntrv.1
WeH. that ntnVli.iimrt'l
Hiwithlneli itvBsbm'l
tjt. imtilitiitliel'.iirJ lurneHt
itnf,twlintliaV.st( esiiS
nlv eicetde.l lf of
great ILirveHfr enmimiuesi
wuwbully furnithail by
kringi u fcack l H.-Ue''. anJ
KtU injury to liov it l; H
and held nml t"ll l, fijlJ
Dcreuititf rajudly frfin ye r W
TheeerM uf lli.it.tum-, itlhis:
Hf . Nom Iim i'ie most ictloct,
rtiitiei"l nientorin'19 ertic h
v.. . i.il-Ii stntidi
icelleiice nJ iitlilllw m icU
et. lowi.rice. Tli ',"r'1 uf lilwB
Dctiuiiery H-IJent has liwn prel
UU they hierally .old Utttaialvei,
ftnd inniclF
bet that tin
Wch one lin
inn e,l 21
ku, o i ui.j. t
U c. and tu. kett ly U
Write for our Mammoth
CHtuloffuP, a (H'O-pnire
book, plainly illustrat
ed, jiivliif! iitnufiu'hir
t?rH' lowest price with
manufacturers' discount
on all ffCMids nianufnet
ii red and imported into
tlie I'nited Mutes,
f to fH cents on every
o ur vou sneua. o
tell only tirst-claps (roods
lirnecrles, K nmi ture,
clothintr, Pry lionds,
Itiils, Cans. Moots and
fchdeB, Notions, Crock
cry. Jewelry, Huddle
au'd HarncB-i, Ayricnl
tn ml JitiplcmentK; in
. m mm mm mm aiat'l ttliyimuji uii "liui
fl 9 fl Vt Vl TT avcd hy buying ol' us.
Hi! I I rI L' V I send a.' cent tn pay ex-
BlUfUj I lEWi'er'r.
!B W 01 ta I,,,; nniy , c-,ti i tliait
pells 'nt' tiiHllllfiicturerB'
prlros, allowing tlie buyer tlie siime illwoiint
Hint the liiiinnfactiirer eivea lo the nholemle
trnlo. We Kiinnuitte nil kooiIs io be tniinl to
nMHTFentntimis or tiionev refiilirted. (ionds Benl
hv eprcs or freiuht, W illi privilege o( exnuiinn
UeaUlore ,!... ka'rI'ES a (0
ll!2 Qliincey St., Chicago, 111.
fact nytluiijr ymi want
San Francisco
And all points in California, via the Ml. bhaula
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Tha ffrcftt highway thrnntrh Cahiornia to all
points East and South, (irand bcenic linute
of the Pacific t oast. Pullman NulTet
Weepers. Second-class Sleepers
Attached toesprees trains, efftrdihft Faperior
accommodations for eecord-clai-B I acsengera.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservation,
'to. call npon r address
K KOEHI.KK, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asm
'Jen F A P. Act.. Portland. Oregon.
a Deeeiiiler5, lwr. Notice ii Ihtouv given
that tlie iollo intr-iiHired icttli-r Inn, hied notice
or hi. itiieiitioii toninke tiiml orooi in piipport
oi till claim, and tlmt pnld prooi will be ninde
hefore W. It Kills. Coin I', s. circuit Court at
Heppner. Or . on Jauunry "21. IWU viz.:
.Hl?Ki ll W, HKCTilK,
lid. No. 4S57, lor the NW!, etc. S9, Tp. 2, S R 27,
E. W. M.
He name, the followintr witnepici toprovehli
cnuliiiuoiii residence upon and cultivation of,
miid laud. :
Nelon Jones. Frnnk Sloan. W. O. Boyer ana
J. N Elder, allot lleppuiT. Oiepon.
Ml-SOO A. C. kavkb, Itcglster.
Notice of Intention.
j Nov. lit, INU Notice Is tiereliy given lliat
the follow in-naliicd sctllcr hits lilcd notice of
his Intention to innkc tiiinl proof iu aupport ol
his claim, and that said proof will be ninde be.
lore the Couiilv I Icrk of Morrow l oiinty. Ore ,
at Heppner ' 'rcpou. on .laiuuiry in. lslj;(. viz.:
Homestead applicatl n No. JN,l, for the NEK,
of Sec. I P i K, l 2 K V. M.
he names the follou-tuR w itnesses tn prove hii
coMliuiious residence upon and cultivation of,
mid land.vlx.: ,
v. H. Williams. Ed. Enplcraaii, Frnnk Wilion
and A V. IVriv.allol lone. ori-KOii.
.kti-joo Jul V. Lf.wis, HtoiRTKK.
Notice of intention.
V.K IMC. jvouce is nen iy Riven imti
the follow iiig-namcd si-ttlcr has t.hd noiit-e ot
his intention to innkc tii.al proof in support of
his claim, ann tnnt nam prooi w hi oe inane oe
lure the roiiHty clerk of Morrow Comity, ore.,
at Hei'Duer. UrVtroii. oti Jannarv 10, 1MU, iz.:
Homestead application JTHMortheS X
i4 SK oi -ee. and N W Nt sec -4, 5
S, R ii K. W. M
He names the follow inp; witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
WAheMl"neUinir. Ren l.uellinc, Wtnlam Lnelllng
and 1. M. LiforKey all of Haidmmi. urvuun.
&V.Vi& John w. Lkwi. Hfiier.
Notice of intention.
1 Nov. ?-J. iwi Koticels hereby riven that
the follow in ie name! settler bus tiled notice of
Ms intention to mske final proof in snpi-ort "f
his claim, and that said proof HI 1 made be
lore j. . (iltipon. I, i. Commissioner at Lexing
ton. Urecon. on tHn-ary -jn, ivu.vi?:.:
HomesToad nppheMtion Mi. 4m..! for the K4
NE' e' ' P ' S- '! K W. M
lie names tbe fallow iny w itnesses To prove his
continuous reideuee um-ii and cultiv ation vt,
sunt laud..: -
Andrew Leaner. Frank Henner. Thomns Bur
nett and Keubvii lnu-, nil of 1 .exiugiuUfOro
8il6-i&6 Jou W. lJtwi, Register.
Ihli II j
uf jfVSS. I
OtOe hrftniif-d nnrl mrmarked at) shown above.
Horn K on riht shoulder.
My cattle rani:? in Murrow and Umatilla conn,
ti. I will i n' $100. CO for Hip flrrrst ai d con-vit-tion
of any I'ihtiii ritalii-K tn Mock.
Hiibi, tlie Iwher. Bny yonr brent, nnd
CHkfH and bhvc nrnny. Try it. n.
While you keep yonr snbscription paid np yen
can keep yonr brand is free of charge.
Allm. T. J.. lono. Or. Hnrnes Gtt on left
shoulder; cuttle ame on fft hip, nnder h't on
right wir, ai.il upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county,
Armwtronc. J. t. Alnine. Or. T with bar nn-
dor ii on left Bhonlder of horses: cattle same
on 1fi tup.
Allison. O. D.. Kieht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O U on left hip and horses aame brand on right
shoulder. ltHntr Kicht Mile.
Aflkins. '1' V. Oavville. Or- fcHraiirht mark across
the thigh and two crops and a slit in tlie right ear;
no rues, J, upline uowu uu liih rim riiiuuitit'r.
liange in Grant county and Hear vallev, P O
addrens also at HanlmMii.
Au ki lib, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
ecieil ok if t Haiik; cattle, name on left hip.
Ayers, Johnny. Lena, Or. Horses branded 1
riaugieon lei i hip; cattle same on right hip;
(-rnii off riwhi 'ar and upper bit on Kama.
Hariho'atnpw, A O , Alpine, r. Hoi sea
jrnnded 7 K n either si ouldtr. Jtiinge in Mo -
Hlylh, i'ercy H., Ileppr.er.Or. Horses Homan
crosti on right shoulder, it&iiae in Morrow
I'.lcakman. (leo., Ifardman, Or. Horses, a Auk
oi left hhoulder: cuttle hhiiir iii right HhouldiT.
I annifter, J. W liardmau. Or, Cuttle bimd
ei H on left hiji '"'d ihit: Siit in each ear.
Brenner. Pter, (hh neberry Oreon Horses
branded P 11 ou left shoulder. Cattle same on
i lit hkiw
liurkn. M St lamK t reek. Or On cattle,
MA V connected on left hip, ciop off left ear. uu-h-r
half crop off rit-'ht. Hore. HHme brand on
ft ft rthoulder. Kange in Grant and Morrow
HowcmHn, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
I ante, A li on right hip. two crops iu each ear;
aatue on horses, on rilit shoulder. Hauge in
Grant and Harney counties.
Hrosmun, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on HkIu shoulder; caitle H on the left side.
,eft ear huff cron and rifht ear uoner sIoiib.
Harton, Win,, heppner. Or. -florae's, j (1 on
nuhl tiiMu cattle, same on right nip; split in
each ear.
H row n. Isn. Lexincton. Or. JIoree IB ou the
ritflit hiitla; cattle same on riuhtitip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cnttle
bramled 8 witn ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
wit hoot in i ter on lft bin: cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over It, ou the left shoulder. Cattle tmiucou left
tioyer, y. W., liepDnftr. ur. noreos, box
brand o r..: hio caitle, same., with split in
each ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on loft
tlioulder: caitle. same on left bin.
Brown lee. W. J., Fox .Or- Cattle, JB connected
m left side: cron on left ear and two stilitsund
middle piece cut out on right ear; on hon-es name
brand ou the left thiiih; Banue iu Fox valley.
Grant county.
( lustier Wnrren. Wnener. Or Horeej rrard-
ed O on tight stifle; cattle three l)nr) on
n phi nbs. crop m.dspiit in each eur. Jlunge in
Grunt and .Morrow count tee.
( tilli.ll... Caleb.! ir. Y 1 tin horflea on Jeft stlfJe:
U with quarter circle over il.n left shoulder.
nnd ou left stifle on ail colta under 5 years; on
left xhoulder only on all horses over 6 years. All
range in Grnnt conntv.
t iarK. m. II.. L.e a. Or. linrapf. WIM con
nected, on left slionloer: entile Mime on right
hi)). Bn ge Morrow and V mat ilia counties.
I ale, lias, it,. Viiih'Ui or lena. Ur. Morses
tl C on riKlit slioulder; cattle same on right hip.
Bance Morrow nnd Umatilla counties.
i nchft-n. ( hat... lone. Or. HorncH. HP con
necled on left fliouitler; cattle, t! on both left
hip and stifle. Jtange in Morrow county.
i aniion, J . i.,Loiik t reek. Or.--l on cnttle on
riclit side, crop ofl riuht ear and slit, hi left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Bange
in (iniut county.
t erii, in,, Uongiaa. Or: horses Jl on let
ihotildi-r; ca tie same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw anu two n,ta in the right ear.
( nil, 1'. h., John Uny, Or. Doub e cross on
each lii) on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
ight ear, split in left ear. itimge in Grunt
county. Ou sliotip, u verted A auj spear pouu
nil shuiiluer. l(.ar niarko.i ewes, -rop on left ear.
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
ritdit and under half crop in left ear. All mug
iti Grunt couulv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on riKhtshuul
iei Cattle, aaineon r ght hip: ear mark sgunre
jmp oil left aud split in right.
Curnn. B. V., CurrinsviBe, Or. -Horses, on
left sllUe.
Cox Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or. (V.tle, C witl
ii center; Iio'-'h. CL on left "lio:
Cocluan, li. . Monument. Grant Co, Or.
llorses biandiu 0 rcle with bui beueitth, on iefi
ohoulder: caitle niuie brand on both hips, mark
under slope both' ears und dewlap.
Chnpin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branaeu
"on right hip. Cattle branded tlie same.
Cross. S L, Oayville. Or t 'atile branded -f- two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z on lett stine. Also dare the following
brtnius on cattle: iion left hip, i on right hip.
VI on left shoulder, two parallel burs ou left
r-houldtr. fc.Hr marks, two cnmH.
ldckuiF, 1 ill Poises b:nidd with thrpe
tmeu for. ( n left frl itle Chtlle m in on left side,
Dooiinn, Win., nvppner. Or. Horses brandou
UO with bat over ihein, on left shoulder; cut
tle same on lelt tup.
Uuiiirliibfr. W. M .(iallowav. Or. Cattle. H loi
rigiu side, owm low-fork in each ear: horses, B 1)
on efl h u.
Douglas. O. T., Douglas, Or Mori-m TD on
the i ight ratine: cattle same on right hip.
Duncan. W . P., John JJay.Ur. Quarter clrclt
VN on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle,
limine (ii Hill countv.
Driskell. W. L Heptner, Or. Horses branded
ft inside of u on left bhoulder. t attle same on
left side ol neck.
Jj.iy, J. B. & Sons, Douglas, Or. HorseB brand
ed 11. i on Jeft shoulder, cattle same on left
hiu. hole ii huht ear.
Kiliot, WaMi., Heppner, Or. Diumoud on
right (-boulder.
Heek. Jackson. Heppner, Or. Horses. 7
connected ui right shoulder; cattle same on
rigid tup. tar mark, hole iu right and crop
oti lett.
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF on
rigid hip; hort, F with bar under on rigid
sin Miiaer.
Florence, B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
right otmi Idei ; cnttle. F ou right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAX ou left
Gilmun-rrench, Uind and Livestock t o.. Fos
sil. Ur. Horses, anchor B on left shoulder: vent.
aame uti left stifle. Catlle, same on hotii hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and underhit iu left.
Uauge iu Gilliam, Grunt, Crook and Morrow
tientry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
S, with a quarter circle over it, ou lull stifle
It at lire in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Giltwater, J . I'., 1'rairie Ciiy, Or. On horses.
u-Uoii lelt shoulder and sune; cattle, on right
side. tink'e in tuani conn i y.
Haes. t.eo., l.ena, Or, Brand JH connected,
witli quarter circl over it, on lelt shoulder.
Hitiil A. B., llidge, (Jr. t attle. round-top A
with quarter circle ui der it ou the right hip.
Ktii.iie in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Biutoii & Jenks, flam il ton. Or t attle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split id left.
llttrMfM. J on nuhi thiirh. Banize in Grnnl puiintv
Hughes. Hamuel, W'agner, Or-J" (T F L
counevicu'ou rigni tnouiuerou noint's; on caitm.
on right hip ai d on left side. swhJIow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Bange in Haystack
district, Monvw connty.
llnle, Miltou, Wsgne . Or. Horses branded
-O- ircie w iih paial.ei tai s) on left shoulder
t ti le same on lefi hip ; ai?o laige circle on left
tiall, Edwin. John Day .Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same ou right shoulder, tango in
Grant county.
Howurd, J i, alloway. Or. norps. 4- (cross
witn btir sh ve ii) ou right slioukier; phu 0
MiieuiHe.t side. Bsngv m Moriuw aud Uma
tiliH couutieN.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shm.lder. Range Morrow Co.
litinsaker, B , Vtagrer. Or. Horses, H on left
shoulder, ca tie. Son left hii .
lianiisty, Albert, Nje. Oregon Horses, AH
coniocied. on left shoulder; ('attle on the left
nip, crop off left ear.
iiuiuphrevM, j dl. Hardman, Or. Horses. H o"
le hunk
HtHtt, Wm. F... Ridce, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ul left shoulder: cattle same on left
tiayee, J. M., Hejipner. Or. Horses, wineglass
uti lelt fttiouldei calile. sante ou right luu.
Huston. Luther, Eiulu ltle, ' r. Horn Hon
the left shoutderand heart on the left stifle Cat
tle utm 00 l"ft top. ItHitif. in Morrow conntv.
v, A if ml. Long Creek. Or tattle 1 Don
riiilii tiii. cnipitft leftetu and bit ii right. Hordes
twine bland on left ahoUider, Bange n Grtl)t
Jm. kin. 3. Heppner. Or. Horses, horae
shoe J ou let- slioulder. Cattle, the earn a,
Itange on high, Slue.
JohiiMiu. frelix Lena. Or. Horsee, circleT on
left etiiie; cattle, same on right nip, undst tuJf
crop in right and split in left au -v
Jenkire, T W.,ilt. Vernon, Or. J on horseton
left slioulder; on caitle, J on left hip and two
smomh crops on both ears. Bangeiu ifuxand
Bear vail jh .... a j
Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horsee bndJ
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop ott lew
ear: nndr slope on the ""bzht
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left
shoulder; cattle.i.Hon left hip.
Kirk. J C, Beppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
flank:cattl 17 on right side.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on lift
shoulder; cattle same on light side, underhit on
'umberland.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I b o
catt le on right and left m1, swaiiow fork in u
ear and onder ciop in right oar. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Kange in Graut countT.
Keeney. Kb, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle.. Bange in Umatilla
and & omw counties . . , , ...
Lesley, M C, Mouument, Or A tnanglentwitn
all hue extending pa t Lody of figure on I hor
, see ou left shoulder, ou cattle umniond uu lelt
Khouider, split iu rigti -a u. -it iwioitwu
Kange iu lirani couiiu un m ; w ii"
I . ..l,..v .1 W llbiitiiiur Or llnrwefi branded it
"ml A on left shoulder; cat 1 le Mime on lett hip;
wnllit) over right ey inree aina iu okih
Loften, atepnen, lux. Or. b Lou left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Bange Graut
Lieuallen, John W., L- Or.-Borses
branded huif-cn cie JL connected on left shoul
der. CnMle. sain, ou lelt hip. Bange, near Iex
inuton. Lord, George. Beppner. Or. Horses branded
double U connect! Sometimes called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
M ax weil, hi . 8. . Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder', cattle, same on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner, or. Cuttle, Al D on
right hip; horse. Mon left shoulder.
Morgan, fcj. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M)
on lett should" cattle same on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses, H with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mann, B, tl., lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ
on right hip; youug stvck, email tz uu left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
T on left shoulder aud left thigh; cattle, Z on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
McCiaren, b, G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure Aon each shoulder, cattle, M2 on bin
MeKem.W.J. Mount Vemoti. Or Xlou cattle
on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop in IMt
, aame brand ou horses ou left liit . Bauge in Grant
I county.
! McCarfy, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
I Dm connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
1 on hii and side.
mcujir, ftrank. Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
ith tov-cork on cattle on ribs and nndar iii
each ear; horses same brand ou left stifle.
Mclluley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. Ou Horses, 8
with half circle under on loft shoulder; ou Cattle,
four bars connected ou top ou the right side
Bange in Grant County.
Neal.Andrew. Lone Bock.Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips
Nordyke, E., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left ting! : ca-tie. same on left bin.
Oliver, Joseph, Cuujon City, Or. A Son cattle
ou loft hi p: ou horses, same ou left thigh, Bauge
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry. Lexington. Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, 0
LP couueuted on left hip; horses ou left stifle
aud war He on nose, ifauge in Grant county,
Peui tMiu, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shielu ou left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. IW
ou left hip. Bange on Eight Mile.
Parker 3l Gleubou. Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
b tt shoulder.
Piper, lin e t, Lexington, Or. Hor es brand
e E (L E cotuiuu ed) o lelt hou .der ; cattle
s nieou iigutnip. Itange, ituriuw coumx.
1 iper, J. 11., Lexington, wr. Ilorotw, Jk con
nect wd o. left shoulder; cattle, aame oil left hip.
under bi in each ear.
I'atberg, Henry Lexington. Or. Horse brand,
ed with a Bouiai cross on left shoulder; cattle
brauded with Bnuiaii cross, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Pettys, A. C, lone. Or,; horses diamond Pon
- shoulder; catlle. J11J connected, ou tha
left htp, upper slope iu left ear and Blip in the
Powell. John T.. Dawille. Or Horses. J P con.
iiuc ed uu lett shoulder- Cattle OK couutwted on
left hip, two 'under half orops, ou on each ear,
wattle underthrout, Bai gein Hruntcoiinty.
llickard, G. O., Cauyuu 1 lty, Or.f t' ou left
ihoulder, on horses only. Unnge Canvon nreek
and Bear valley. Grant county.
itooo. Andrew, liardmau. or. Horses, square
uitm. with quarter-circle over it 011 left stifle.
Beuinger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C it on
left shouldei.
Bice, Ban, Hardman, Or.; horses, tliree panel
worm fence on left shoulder; caitle, DAN on
right shoulder. Bange near Hardman.
Hudio, Wui. Long Creek, Or. Brands horses
B ui right shoulder. Bange. Grant and Morrow
Boyse, Aaron, Heppner. Or Hcrses, plain V on
teft slioulder; cattle, same brand reversed 00
right hip aud crop off right ear. Bange in Mor
row county.
liubh llros., Heppner, Or. Horses brandsd X
ou Lhe riglu shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hip.
crop off left ear and dewlap ou neck. Bange in
Morrow and adjoining couutiea.
Bust, William, I'eudletou, Or. HorseB li 01
lef 1 shoulder; cattle, B 011 left hiu, crop off
right ear, underhit on left ear. Sheep, B on
weathers, iouuiI crop off righ ear. Bauge Urna- '
tillauud Morruwc mnlies.
Bern iey r Andrew, Lexington, Or. Hoi bos
branded A 11 un right shoulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; culllo same ou right hip.
liaiige Jlnrrow county.
Boyne, Wm. Ii, Diiiryville, Or HB connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle on riglithip
nnd crop off right car and split in left. Horses
niiiue brand on left bhoulder. Bauge in Morrow,
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Bitter, J F, Bitter, Or Three parallel bare
witn bur overou homes 00 left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in eaoh eat,
biinge tu iHiddlu Fork of John Day.
Hector. J. W Huppner. Or. Horses, JG o
left shoulder. Caitle, o on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horsee
branded ul ou left sh..ulder; lange in Morrow
apmy, J, F Heppner, Or. Horses branded fcx
conneciud o right shoulder; cattle seme on both
bailing, CO Heppner, Or Horses branded S A
on lelt bhoulder; cattle same on left hip.
bwaggan, B. I?., Lexington. Or.-Horses ft
wall dash under it ou lefL stifle catlle H with
uasii under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
w ami led on right hind leg. Bauge iu Morrow,
Gilliaiuand Oumtilln counties.
ttwi.ggiu t, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brande4 1
on lelt Bhoulder; cei tie same ou left hip. Crop
on ear, w utile on left hibd leg,
btraight W. E., Heppner, Or, Horses shaded
J H on lei alihe; catlle J b on left hip, swaiiow
fork in righ ear, uuderbit in left.
bupp. Thob., Uuppuer, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
lelt nip; caul- ouuiu on left hip,
Miirts. James, Long 1 reek. Or. Horses, t on
lelt stifle aud over i on teft shoulder,
bhrier.Joiiu, Fox, Or. MJ connected on
horses on right hip; cauie, same on right hip,
crop ..II right ear and under bit in leftear. Bauge
iu Grant county.
bmith Bios., BuMmvBIe, Or. Hories, branded
II, Z. on shoulder; cuit.e, arue on left aliouider.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JHouleft snouider; cuttle tbe same, also nose
wuudle. Buhge in Morrow aud Giliiamco nties.
btephens, V. A., liardmau, Ur-; horses bo oij
right stifle; cutile h. nzoniul L on the light side
tttevensou, Mis A. J., Heppuer, Or. Cattle, H
011 right hi ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart. G. W Heppuer, Or. Horses, 44 on,
lull should ; cattle, 44 ou left hip.
btone, Ira. Bi'-kli-tou, Wash, Horses, keysmnw
on left shoulder.
bnmii. E. E. Lone Hock, Or. Horses bnaded
a urobued seven ou left shoulder; oattle same on
lett side. Bange, OUliam connty,
bperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lett hip, crop off right and uuderbit iu left year,
dewlap; horses V t on left shoulder.
'ihoinpBou, J. A., Heppner, Or, Horses, I on
left si.oult. r; catlle, 2 on left shoulder.
, Tippeu.b.T.,hnieipristf,Or. Horses. C-on left
Turner It. W Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lelt shouldei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
iiuruiou, H. M lone, Or. Horses branded
U t connected on left sutfe; sheep same brand..
Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Or; Horses HV eon
necled on right shoulder ;cut tie, same on right
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
on lhe lett b! i ou. dor; utuile same on light kip-,
ciop off left ear aud right tar lopped.
Wilson, John (J,, balem or Heppner, Or-
Horses branded J q on the left shumdsr. Bu'jm
Morrow county.
W urreu, W B. ( 'aleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split iu rigm w
llotvof same braad ou left ahouider. BaUgein
Graut couuty.
Wood, PL, Dayville. Or Heart on horsee on
left stifle; on cattle, 2 ou left side and under bit
iu lef 1 ear. Bange in Grant county.
Wright, biliw A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
S V ou the right hip. square crop ott right ear
and spl.tin lelt.
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon, Or gquareon
cattle on the left hip. upper slops in be left
ear and under slope 111 right ear. barne brand
on horn on right shoulder. Bange in Harney
and Grant countv,
Wade. Heury, Heppner. Or. Hones btanderi
if Kuautwi on le.t tthnnlHAP un.i u.
Cattle braiider" same on left side and left hip
W ells. A. S., Heppner, Or. Hones, a-a un left
shoulder: can e wine.
W uihnger, John, John Day City. Or On horsae
three parallel oant ou left alnuider; J on nheeo
bit in hoik ears. Bauge in Grunt aud Aluihuer
Votdward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses UP'
connected i d left shoulder.
W atkins, listie. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
LE connectei ou left s title.
W ailuce, Chsr.es, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, hoi, in left ear; horses, W on right,
sliouiuer, muni saiueon left ahouider.
Whittier Bros., Drew, Harney connty. Or
Horf hi-Hnded W B. Hii,eoti on left hoahr
Williams. Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle or three ttar on ief . Lip, both eatUe and
b'jruea. Bange Grant county.
W illiams. J O. Lt.ug Creek. Or Horsee, quar
Ur circle over three twtreou teft hip: eatlle tannr
Mud -111 U eHi li HNr liMiitfH 10 44nt.,i
- v on shoulder; Cmi.-. same , ngiu 1.1
" 1 r-n. n. n.. eopiier. vr. iioraHM i-
niiiiuiig A A
bmun. J. (S.. In
i-errj . r. Hi,r hnnrU
Young W. A..O.iMberry. Or.-Horfe.hra nd
ci i A (doub e X coi neoied) on lelt kheuioW
atuo same on left s.da.