Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 30, 1892, Image 3

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T 'HOSE desiring the insertion o( display ails
or change ul name, must gut their tony lii
nut later tliau Monday evening lor Tueauuy'i
edition, or Inumlay evening lor Friday, edl"
UUU- i"TIKHUM'Ulll.lll1NuCO.
1. Trie iuin of five centi per line will be
charged lor "card, ol thank.." "resolution. o(
repct.' liatioi wedding prewuts and donor.,
auu obituary uolicea, (ou.er Uiau tliote the edit
or blia.ll liiintell give aa matter oi uew.,1 and
uolKeulieeial ineetlnga lor hatever purpose
i. r.oiiee ol church and noddy and alloluer
eiiterlalnn.enlnroiii which ieenue i to bede
nxed, siiull be charged lor at the rate ol hve
LVlila a line, these rules u 111 be.tilouy adher
ed to In eery Instance.
Advertiaing rates reasonable and madeknowu
upon application.
JLJ lug Age.it, n Merchant.' hxcuange,
ha., riaucisco, .a our aulhoil.ed age.it. 'Iuin
paper la kepi o j tile In Ilia ouice.
(Jive your buainevs to tJepptierpeop e,
and thtrejore assut to build up Hepp
ner. I'aliviuze tltose who ualruuut
Here and There.
Oilliam & Bisbee's Dew ad. is a daisy,
isn't it.
Look out for Fell Bros.' blanket and
fl.iuuel sale. 4 If
Gid Bn.teris around again after a
hurt Illness.
Miller, Hie tailor, has concluded to
stay m Htptner. Oif
Kred Miller kuows bow to give you a
good Ml lu tailoring. tf aw
Jus. Kojhb gut in Wednesday too
lute lor the Mascule blowout
The Gem and Palace saloons lor Sue
liquors, JUeAtee Brut., flops. ew
Jaa. Tolbert reports tbat bis family
aie lecoveiuig froui diphtheria.
Uuion watch night service at tbe II.
E oliuioli, South, fi.it uidy eveuiug.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., is still onutined to
bis room, though be U getting better.
Mrs. J. J. Muir spent Christmas nilb
ber daughter, Airs. (jiro. Miller, of Doug
las. Cbas Hodson, one of Morrow's leech
eis, was m iieppuer Tuesday of tbis
Ladies will find that excellent toilet
preparation for tbe face fur sale down al
Fell Bios. 52 tt
Tbe Morrow County Land and Ti ust
Company hare an unlimited supply ol
obop for sale. il-tf.
Kev. W. H. Howard, of tbe M. E.
cburob, fciuii th, died iu Pendleton last
Monday uioruiug.
Every man wbo takes any interest iu
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. NieUun is now runuing a stage be
tweeu Heppuer aud Lone Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving nud arr.vai. tf.
We call attention to tbe report of tbe
Heppuer school tor Ibe term eudina Dec
16, 1892, It sbows up. well; read it.
Mrs. A. J. Si even son is prepared to do
all kiuds of nursing. Call at ber home
iu nortb Heppuer, or address ber nt tint
place. 518 tf
Mrs. J. M. Hayes, accompanied by ber
brolber. Green Hayes, returned from tbe
valley Tnesday evening. They report a
heavy fall of snow in tbe vicinity of Eugene.
Hiya ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at tbe oity barber shop tbe
place to get a brut-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Rev. M. Fmtr-blet bas been holding
me iutereating meetings during the
past week, down at tbe Lulaude school
bouse below lowu.
Lwe Ttllard arrived from Pendleton
ou Tutediiy's IrHin. on a business trip.
Mr. Tillard was fuimerly cunueoted with
Pundletou e pohoe service.
Mr. C. . Ftll relnrnrd lust evening
from a visit to the Sound. He sajs Ibe
recent suoiv uo tliere is goue and tjitt
tbe roBes are bloiuiiug agmu.
T. J. Allvn and wife. .1. F Willis, J. 0 .
Avers and wile. J. F. Kosse and Dave
Leatbermnn w-tb in to atteud tbe
sonic doings Tuesday eveuiug.
Master Clay French is the authorized
aeeut for tbe Uregonian at this place.
Subscribe throunb him, nud have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
A faded and discolored beard is untidy
and u misfortune. It may be prevented
bv usiim Buckingham's Dye for tbe
whiskers, a never failing remedy.
Newer and neuter quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Cbarley Jones, tbe baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in
A. M. Mitchell, formerly with tbe Ua
Kfltio. U iu Walla Walla, and we are in
formed, has a position with tbe States
man. Mr. nliichell is a nrst-ciass news
paper man. -
Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge
wnrlr moat successfully acoomullfihed by
r. B. F. Vaaghan. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner. Or 1-a-w.
Mr J. G. Young relied cn ns tods
wLile in Ibe city. He fays tbe eail
imneiuin is doing well. though ibat
own later on is nut makiug sucb
good showing.
Elmer Beaman returned Tuesday from
a five mouths' visit to Salem, and will
remain in Morrow oounty tbia winter
His father, who has been ill tor some
time, is still confined to his bed
Word comes over from Long Creek
that Mr. Bin BiBWorth and Miss Susie
Mael were married a few days ago. We
tr nut know inat the elaot date of the
happy ocouneuoe, but here's our (3"
.Willi.im Burnett and little daughter,
of Lexing'nu, were op Wednesday to see
Dr. A. L. Fox, the latter snfleriog from
. alioht atr.ike of naralysts. Tliey were
accompanied by 'Squire L. W: Barnett,
William's father. ...
With mnnv olersmen. public speakers,
singers, aud actors, Ayer's Cherry Pec
nrul ia the favoritu remedy for hoarse-
anrl ell affections of the vimmI
r-no ihrnnt. and lungs. Its anodyne
and expectorant effects are promptly
realiztd. "
Owing to Ibe fact that job stock has
advanced about twenty tr cent frm
reasons which will be explained else
where, we are compelled to make a
slight advance on all printing. A ie
notion will be made as soon as prices
of material will justify same.
As Ayr's Barsaparilla outstrip Bl'
other bio d pnrifl-rs in popular favor.
Awr's Almanac is the m-st nniveraliy
familiar puhlioatioo of tbe kind in tbe
wor'd. It is printed in ten language a
and tbe annual i-sue exceeds fourteen
millions of copies. Ask your druggist
tor it.
Hattee's Congo Oil i rapidly onmine
to the front bs a leading meurrjiue.
A. Harrison, the Fossil oonatalile, np
i tr. kia loa. which was recentlv
kicked hy a horce. and next day he
threw aside hie orntches- -It's tbe ho-a r .
Harrison says. Lyman Brown i tried tbe
oil for rheumatism witb wbith he has
been trouble..' for years, and thi is what
bsts: Vlt kocked it after tw appli-
alioiis." 54 !"-
J as. Rivce. Wn). Pierce and Jas.
Coleman, of Idea, were callers at onr
.....i, u.i.r.i. Mr. Kovoe returned
on tbe I7th inst from a visit to Iowa, j
Hebratka and Kansas, wnare ha found
good crops. M
- ui.uiu 4 nie hi ir.,11) ta grippe, and
has eiuce beeu quite ill fmin it biuiseli.
J. W. Gilmore is iu vis ting friends
here, and alteudtug to business matters.
Nets Magunneu sat b the chauoes for a
good cri p are favorable dowu bis way.
Hon. T. E. Fell is expected in from
tbe Suund ouuutry ou tbis eveuiug's
Towus Malhews bas been on the aiok
list for soma daja iast but was out
ludy agaiu.
Some chicken tibta were the order
of ibe .iy dowu at the BilVidera ou
Chnalmai eve.
Ciut .I.ibu W. Lswi4. ret-iater of The
Da Ira land max, is convalescing (mm
ins receut, sevete illness.
Though little Orrin Vanuhn was somt-
what better last evening, butsmail hopes
are enter tinned of bis recovery.
1'be National Btnkof Heppner bive
reoen' y added to their nppiirieuaiioH,
lime nick (if the m'Htappr.ived ptreii
Word Came iu the first of the wrtk
that tbe tbaw took awav aud drowned
bunt 2U0 bead of sheep over near But
ter creek.
Say Bennett and Dave McAtee are
Xpeoted to be iu tbe market neat spring
to buy sheep pelts. They will make a
stiong pair.
Mrs. Emma Kilcnn and daughter.
Ada. returned Monday last from Port
and where they enjoyed a short visit
with old Eugliah Irieuds.
I Told Yoo so." This phrase be
longs to a oluss of people who do not
miss an opportunity to inflict it upon a
defenseless public, but we are all more
or less prone to use it when we tbiuk
that we bavdsuoossfully prognosticated
this or that. We oauuot help but use
this same, old, wornout saying, since the
larceny case State vs. Si Bennett was
decided iu the letter's favor at tbe ex
amination Wednesday. Only a few
witnesses were examined, and tbe case
was dismissed ou motion of J. N. Brown,
attorney for defendent, assented to by
the deputy prosecutor, G. W. Kpb. Si
bould nut have been brought baok.
R)oa fun ud bis folks j Are bose, three were presented, namely:
White Atlas braud, warranted three
years, 3j0 pounds pressure, at SI per
toot; Maltese Croas brand, warranted
four years, 350 pounds pressure, $1.05
per foot; Wbtte Auobor braud, warrant
ed four years, 400 pounds pressure, 91-10
per loot. Tbe White Anchor bose, though
6 oeots higher than the Maltese Cross,
was Considered muoh the better bose,
while the White Atlas was not thought
to be worth cousid ration, being of, ap
parently, an inferior quality, therefore
1,000 feet of the White Aoolior, two and
one-half inches in diameter, were ordered
turongb A- Q Lung. Five buud-ed feel
of tbis hoee will reaob here by the time
tbe water is iu the mains, while the re
maining 500 feet will be shipped from
the factory. Tbe council also purchased
8 x m czle , ranging from one luch to one
d one quarter lut bes, aud also four
play pipes. Liobteuthal made a motion,
reoouded by Morgan, tbat the mayor and
reo irder ooutraot in duplicate witb Mr.
Lng in tbe matter of tbe purchases o'
oa-ts and bnse, the town to retaiu one
co y aud Mr. Loug the other. Curried,
d then counoil adj iurnd.
Want to Tuadb Ueks. Wash Elliott
has lately returned from Camas Prairie,
and brings back tbe word tbat tbat see-
tiou is quite desirous of trading at Hepp
ner, 3d milea distent, rather than at Pen-
diet iu, ten miles further. Tbe Cainaa
people say tbat if Heppner will build a
good road as far as Boots' camp, they
will build the remainder of the thorough
fare. It is a well-known fact that it is
impossible at present to haul mucli of a
load either way between here and Camas
prairie, and as there ia a very good road
between Pendleton and Camas, the tr.ide
goes that wny. Abetter road even op
to Boots' cauip would be in tbe interest
of our people who have to haul wood out
of tbe mountains, Buying nothiug about
the benefit aocruing therefrom if com
pleted on into Camas. We are informed
tbat the part of tbe road between Hepp
uer and Boots' camp can be easily made
passable for heavily loaded teams, there
being only about three miles tbat is con
sidered as being iu bad condition. At
any rate, tbis project should bo looked
into. Heppner aud Morrow couuty need
all tbe qasiness they can get.
Masonic Installation Tbe Masonic
Installation oooumd luesday evening
ast iu the Odd Fellows' hall which bad
been kindly tendered them, as they oould
not use thai' owu quarters owing to the
llnees of Orriu Vangban, uext dooi.
Everything went off as per program, tbe
uoomiug master, J. W, Morrow, particu
larly acquitting himself in a praisewor
thy mauuer. Tbe repast which followed
the installation was all that heart oould
wish. Otviug to the inolemenoy of the
weather, a number of tbe country mem
hers were not present, but tbey were
kindly remembered hy those who were
permitted to be there.
Bad Luck. Wednesday Hon. T. J.
Uatlook, lost bis fine oolt, Alta'a foal of
92. The animal bad been sick for about
two weeks, and wbile Mr. Matlook did
all he oould for it, 'twas of no avail.
Yesterday word came down fiom tbe
Bmton oreek ranch that Bepetta's foal
f '90, was dead. Congestion of tbe lungs
e supposed to have been tbe canse in the
latter case. Both were thoroughbreds,
tbe first uamed a trotter and Ibe latter
ruuniug stock, and were worth several
thousand dollars. Mr. Matlock bad
been offeted $3,000 for Umatilla, the
runner, and would have easily sold for
37,000 next spriug.
To The Knights. All members of
Doric Lodge, No. 20, K. of P., as well
visiting Knights, do not require any
printed iuvitatious to be present at the
ooen installation on dan. sro. Jauu
Knight is entitled to two invitations,
which will be sent them this wees, eaou
one uood for u lady and geutiemnu. any
visiting Ixnigbt, who is unknown to tue
Indite, will make himself known at the
Onzette idEue. where the editor, as chair
mau of the committee in invitation, will
ee that Knightly ouurtesies are extend
Nbil And Ben. Wbo bas not heard of
Neil and Ben? None in this locality
eertaiuly. Neil Van Dnyn is the owner
of the popular general merchandising
establishment in t he F;rst National Bank
building, aud Ben Lelande is bis able
'hadmau". Trey give notice in this
issue tbat after Jan. 1st their business
will be changed to a oash basis, bee
supplement in this issue, and don't for
get that cash gels bargains.
Down thb BAr.K. Mr. A. G. Long
reports a whole passenger train down
an emb .nkmeut between Arlington and
Tbe Dalles. Tbe derailment waa oeuaed
by a combination of sand and snow, and
though some of the cars wereoverlurnrd,
not a person was hurt iu tbe accident.
As Mr. Long expressed it, ''it's almost
worth a person's life to travel now."
WhtisIt ? That Fell Bros, have
sold one hundred pairs of blankets since
Nov. 1st. Simply because they made
the price so low tbat every pBir was a
bargain and tbey sold fast. Tbirty-five
oair iust reoeived, all wool, large
blankets, which will bs sold the same
way. See their flaunel, price and quality.
Cau't be beat in town. 4 f
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased tbe hostelry known as
tha Mountain House, reuttiog ana re-
..tc.hina it t hmn wlinn t. Board and
tied, ner week $6; board without bed,
$4 50; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr.
(rank aaka a tinrtion of tbe patronage,
believing tbat he can give as iooa ser
vice as auyone io Heppuer, and for less
Beoouse p f
,WHY ?
XI la. i m a. -tla
fin cl
tlilxigox' tliO
1h TJaed.
First Month's Sales, 720 Bottles ; Second Month's Sales, 3300 bottles
PnlCE, - Dec 16 - $1 fvxicl $2 tx Bottle.
-Has left a fine display of-
W. Avers. Jr.. & Gs
New Brick, next door to Cily Hotel
That Fdnny Chinook. J. T. Boothby,
of Lexingtou, calltd this morning to ii
form ns that the Cninook bad at last
reached Lexington, the last evidences of
the recent storm leaving yesterday. The
Chinook played funny freaks in Morrow
county last week. In many places tbe
snow yet remains, while but a few miles
above and below it, the Chinook bas
done its work. The Morrow oounty
farmers would like to see more anew, as
snon as the frost leaves the ground, tor
it will stook the soil with that which is
moBt necessary for snooesstul grain grow
ing next year.
Thb Masquerade. The b ill last eve
ning waa quite well attended, though
tbe masquers were not so plentiful as on
many former ocoasions. Tbe judger,
Mrs. Joe Hayes, Mrs. Otis Patterson and
Cbas. Sheldon, awarded tbe prizes as
follows: Bob Shaw, representing the
"farmers' alliance," the best sustaiuid
iharaotsr; Green Matthews, "fat man,"
the most oomical character; Miss Lena
Kliea, "black diamond," tbe Duest oos
turned cbaraoter. Those wbo attended
had a very pleasant time.
Lost. A red leather pooketbook, snob
as is often used to carry bills or valuable
papers. Same was lost in Heppner, or
between Heppner and Ben Swaggart'a
place, laBt Monday. Contained some
aocoiiDts and notes valuable only to
owner, BenSwaggart. Finder will please
return same to the Gazette office. 1-tf
THE ASSORTMENT Is fine, though it includes no very expensive goons,
but all mat aud consistent wilb the times and ocoasion. Yon will find there
the largest, assortment nf Albums. Toilet Artieles. Novelties, etc., in the city,
and " ' o Want-TTou to resio-oc- it.
T. W. AYERS Jr.. & Co., Heppner, Or.
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Me.
Below Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to bay per day, 75 cts. Hay nnd grain per day. $1 25. Meals 28 ots. a
at C. C. Sargeant's, neit door to l-'eed Stable. Grain and
baled bay alwavs on band.
!E 255
Footwear !
Thp f,nly rvmt nnd "hop PutnhHphinwnt of TTpprnipr haw
mnwi from th Katw.t.wnf Main Htr, to their tpw
otore ropm. TlfJtt ' nfr r - K'nnkm n & Co.'w.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
Main Ntreet, Heppnee Or.
But it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend tbeir cash witb
P. G. onipsoi ; (Lo.
: Is because they get full value in
Tinware, Wood Willowware,
Confectionery,? Cigars. Tobaccos and Cutlery of all o Kinds
Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition.
The best assortment ot Men's Winter Uuderweer and Top Shirts iu the county.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets.
S.A.X.S S-X-
& I3isbee,
S. C. Smith,
Keeps a full line of
In tbe way of Furniture.
Undertakint goodi a ipeciallty.
May Street, Heppner, Or. 5XM
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
A New Nbiohbob. Geo. W. Lird
has moved into tbe former art gal
lery over Messrs. brown & Hamilton's
ffioe, and bas nttea np tor arcnuectnre
work. He is prepared to contraot for
all kinds of buildiugs, or will supervise
cojBtruotion.and purchase material for
tbe same, giving bis oustomers the ben
efit of bis experience and percentage.
There will be watch-night services at
tbe M. E. dirndl, South, Saturday eve
uing, Deo. Slat. We extend a cordial
invitation to all to attend, an especial in
vitation to all Christians of the oity.
E. f iLMiB, rat lor.
You will catch
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and ...
. . . Read their new ad. soon,
Strayed from Boots' Camp, about Nov.
tat. six head of Yearling steers, two year
ling beifera, two two year-olds and one
two veai old roan heifer witb oalf, all
branded P witb a bar above it, on either
Inn. Will nav reasonable reward for tbs
return of tbe above to my ranob or for
anv information tbat mav lead to tbeir
recovery. Address oo postal at Alpine,
55 0-w Mrs. Katk Pabsill,
Tbe following is tbe school
Heppuer Fublio Schools for
ending Deo. 16, 1892:
report of
the term
Council Meeting. Yesterday Hepp
nei's amiicil met in regular session, ad
jourued from a previous meeting, Mayor
Matlook presiding. All preseut except
Farnswortb. Iu the nistter of bids for
Kumber 1
, ss
o 3 S
17 5
' M b
61 0
Total Tttl I 2H9 32
CountinK out trannferr
- l-aying tuition II tu t6 ftr I1E prin
7t 7ie I ioxx-v-lj
r,.M Rpnnn nn Tuesdavs. Thnrsdavs and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on
Mondajs, Wednesaays anil Minays. bihkpb coimei-mm uu mo i
line to Fossil. Reasonable oharges for both
Passengers -:- and -:- Ireiglit.
M3-tfsw ' riLOCUM-JOHTON DUDO CO., Agents, Heppner, Or.
By traveling fakirs. C. C. Wildev A Co , of
Walla Walla, Wash., are the largest import
pisdireot from the Eastern factories in the
Inland Empire of
Change of Ownership
whiob we propose to oondtict in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the oboioeat
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
, UIW,
shaw & Mccarty,
Oradnate M. E. 0. V. a., London, England.
Veterinary SURGE0N
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 am prepared to do all klnrii ot Veterinary Burftory, Emnieulatlng Honei and KeglftiKl a Speci
alty, (tail II ilia only irue niuinuu in iiuuriiiiiiK on iiorat-i.i npeyniK in Kiiiunim iiuk
on sliurt notlra.
inary Surgery.
1 will treat all animitli In tha iiiont approved prijueilure of Veter-
nnaii ic win ue to your luiereai to
If von have auv nick i
call uu nie at ntewart't itaulti.
We can save yon from 825 to lu0. We ship mil j-ot to approval to any renponaihle
parties. We handle the very beat mudea of instruments, and warrant them for
five years, and gnatantee loner pricm than any bouse on ibis roaat fur same
quality. We btiv flirt-ot fiom Chickcring & Hi'iia, Wej man & C"., Conover
Brtai & C-i , rlmii'h & Barnes, piano Parkaid. Story & Clark and Chtoagn Cot
tage Organs Hell Organs fr..m 8100 In I'M) ; I'iano. fmin 3 10 to 87tK). Write
ns for catalogue and prices. It will pay oii. O. O. Wilcley & Co.
535, Walla Walla, Wash
I .. . . 1
0vw?au rfrYPL
and f HS " I i?fi l r ni lUCi PIfintv of them at the
OTiXUf- ,H M , h ,ai i o' l A. r,
30TT0MTANTS . 11 li yjf I If
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
JUdk on tiiioKT Notice and at Pofolar Pbickh,
fifijr- Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
dr. taft's n E pniB"
n gratis Raini
lnotpad of flvlr" 11 the door easp-
Ine for l re.-ith, t-OTiins as if each J
mi wn:;:J Ls vi ur ust. vou have I
only to tali: a fow d33f8 Asthmalene when the spasmls broken, the breathing becomes
easy and vou foci as if an angel of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the fingers
of death. 'The kindest moment of vour life will be when vou have used a few bottle
of Dr Taff'a ASTHM ALENE and it has cured vou of gas f mm ""lPTl,-
Asthma, W mail to anr tithmn lufferer a trial botthlbm fcT frss Bas "'J'',
0m b, oruggisu. Dr. Taft Sros. M. Co,, Rochester.N.Y 1 IftMi mm?"" """
Offlc, Eaildene.
MATn ni i d i 10 cai,u