Gt yourbvu'nem to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. CHANGE IN JUDICIAL TSICTS. DIS- Tbe bar of Eastern Oregon advise that, M soon at possible, the state constitution be remodeled that it may be consistent with the advanced condition of tbe Kate at large. The so-oalled delays of tbe law, they think, are not so much in tbe way aB tbe luck of facilities for speedy enforcement That we are bebiud tbe times, go far as our state oonstitatiun is concerned, is evilent to all, bat the de maud for a new constitution baa not become so general as to oanse our legia lature to oall, in tbe near future, a con' atitutional convention. S. A. Lowell, an attorney of Pendleton, in a icoent interview with an Oreuouian reporter, gave some poiuts ontbecbanKe of judicial districts in Eastern Oregon. Besatdinparts: "Tbesixtband sventb judicial districts of the state now com- prise tbe counties of Harney, Malheur, aker, Grant , Uuion, Wallowa, Umatilla Moriow, Gilliam, Sherman, Wusco and Crook, and in tbe two districts we now have three judges, two in the sixth and one in tbe seventh district. "It is proposed to make out of tbe two districts now existit.g, four districts aa follows: Baker, Grant, Harney, and Malheur to constitute one district, and then in Judge Clifford resides and would continne to preside over its courts Umatilla and Morrow, to constitute one district, nberein Jude Fee would oou- tiuue to preside; Wasco, Sherman, Gil liam and Oook to oonatitutflonedistriot wherein Judge Brnduliaw would con tinne to sit upon tbe benob; thus leav ing the counties of Union and Wallowa as the fourth district, wherein a new oironit judge must be appointed, and a like condition, of course, exists so far as relates to tbe diutriot attorneys, at least until after the June election ot 1891." FOR BETTER COUNTY ROADS, Throughout the United States tbe ag itation for improved highways is in creasing and there is every reason to hope that great advances in this direc tion will follow. The meeting tbls week at Indianapulis, of Indiana advocates of better couutry roads has awakened new interval in tbe subject in that state. But there is danger tbnt a wrung be ginning will be made in this most prais worlhy work. Indeed a wrong begin ning baa been made in New York. A bill reueutly passed tbe Albany legisla ture that provides for a board of com roiBhiouurs of state roods. This board will be charged with the construction and aalnleuance of highways outfcide ol Oilit s i nd iui-'orporated towns and a Biwu eugiuttr no have geueral snpeivit-jW of the priiJostd system. Thus fatAa bill is all sjulit, but in providing ff a loan of 81U,00U,0C0 to carry on tbe wf rk it makes a departure from established cuatom in road-making that has no' aloue tbe sanctiou of immemorial limine but of sound economic reason as well. It haB been tbe general practice in some portions of the east, to apply iu oonnlry roud muking tbe same principal thai bus governed iu tbe construction and tuainti'iiauoa of the public streets. The coM, in one fomi or othtr, bus been assetsrd hgainst the land in some rela tion to tbe beneiita conferred by tbe improvtmeut. Such mi act would not bo considered sound iu a "sparsely 0 settled country," as the roads are com mon to the use of the public and il Would be nnjust to assess tbe cost ol making to the lands living adj .oent un less the state devised some method, after tbe improyemeut has ben once made, to keep tbe road iu repair. We ate rather favorable to the plan proposed by the Indiana congress and should be pleased to hear of similar aotious in Oregon. The Dalles Chronicle. THE HOME PAPERS. Take your bourn paper; it gives yon more news of itunittliato interest than the big oily papers; it talks foryouwlieu others belle you; it stands tip for your Tilth's; yon always have a ohampiou iu your liouie paper, and those who Btnnd up lor you should be well sustained. our interests are kindred aud equal, and you must risoor fall together. There fore it is to your internal to support your home papei; not grudgingly, but iu a liberal spirit, as a pleesure, uot as a dia aurienble duty, but as un investment that will amply repuy all expenditure. Chicago Tribune. The above seutimenls do oredlt to the Chicago Tribune. They are in accord with those ol the people who have built np the great Wt si. The home press is tbe airongist h-ver in promoting home proflress The Ualles Chrouicle. - Even in Ileppuer, it will be noticed that tbo home piper is ulwsys on the side of tbe people's best interests. With out their itllueooe, Ileppuer would no. have grown to what it is. The statement from Archbishop Ire land in respect to Mooseiguor tiatolliV authority to define tbe relation and duty of Americnu Catholics to our public schools, may be aooep'ed as conducive. There is no longer a doubt but that Catbolioa are beuoefortb free fo send their children to the public schools, with out prejudice or censure from auy oue but tbty or the obnrch must arrange for instruction iu the catechism out of school hours. The Catholics of America are as progressive as their neighbors. A Portland drummer who has large experieuoe lately reported to bis firm iu tespouse tu inquiries, that be bad travel ed 5,$o5 unlet; carried 4 truuka; showed good 1 110 times; sold goods 96 times; been asked for news 6,061 times ; told tbe news 2,210 times; lied about it 2.100 times; did not kuow b'Jl times; beeu aoked to driuk 1801 times; drank 18C1 times. Tbe only tuiug which tbe travel ing man seems to have bein unanimous with others was in the 1801 driuks. Tub Keoord, in its Inst issue, calls at tention to the fact that a very suspicions document is being circulated iu Eastern Ortyon, and slnoa our contemporary has ''strnok tbe right string", would urge our people to take heed. It is none oth er than a petition urging tbe opening of tbe Columbia at Celilo by meana of a canal or ship railway to be put in by tbe geueral government, and further, that a portage be not put in by tbe state. Ore gon and the Northwest need a portage road at Celilo, and we must look to our Oregon legit lature tor relief. This scheme now on foot is In tbe interest of the old gang bo bave been iu the saddle so long. To wait for the government to give us temporary relief, means eari ot delay, and the people oauuot afford it. So fab 08 work is concerued, the receut institute did more for tbe pro fession than any oue ever held in the county. Those who sioke were prac tical leaders, aud every word menu food for their minds. There may not have been so many outside talkers on tbe program this time; but there were discussion?, practioal everyday subjects in the line of teaching, whioh did tbem a sight more good. Cleveland gained 31,936 votes and Harrison lost 261,807 voles in four yeais since 1888. There was an actual loss in tbe total vote, allowing for the. natural increase in population during the past four years, of 1,250.000. Instead of there being a "tidal wa"e" there was a "slump away" from tbe polls laat month. More tban a million and a quarter of people declined to vote. R M.News. The popular vote as estimated by Hi St. Louis Republic shows Cleveland to have a plurality over Harrison of 891, 379 The combined opposition to Cle.e land was 6,462,853, while his vote was 6,568.178. Cleveland will therefore be e minority president, there being a ma jority of 894,675 against bim. R. M. News. It ib n settled fact, so far as tbe pres ent law is concerned, that those settlers not actually residing upou railroad lauds are allowed no extension of time in the purchase ot the same. Both Hermann and Dolph have introduced bills for the relief of this class of settlers, and their pas.age is bopi d for. The railroad organizations of the country are about to form an amalga mated association to prevent strikes during tbe World's Fair next year. They olaim that independent action might result iu somelhiug that would pn jndice the public against all orders of railroaders. An Albany man lost a ten dollar pieoe, and thiee montha afterwards when il was returned to him, besides not thank-1 ug the tinder, wanted him to Day ten per oent. interest for the lime the money was in bis piawppsion. This being refused be lb rente ued suit. Albany, you take the bun. L. X 1 .' The Rocky Mountaiu News, of Denver, is the ablest populist journal in tbe Uni ted Slates. It was formerly of tbe dem ocratic peminsion, but went over to Weuver on the silver question. OheooN needs unew law on assessment aud tiixulioii. 1'lie atate would be bet ter i IF, aud more iquitable results would be obtained, if no exemptions were al lowed for indebtedness. Two frenchmen went out to fight a duel lust week uear Paris, at a distance of 123 (eel apart. Neither was hurt. Ol course not; might as well made the din tauoe a miie. Cmsr comes out tqnurely for an extra sessou of congresK, aud thin, It is con- Conceded, menus his re-election for speaker. Fatueii MoUltnn baa been restored to bis former place. He was formerly in charge of St. Stephens church, New York. Fkane S. ritATT, Ims been appointed consul general to Hawaii for California, Nevada, Oregon aud Washington. Dn Cornelius II khz, who is mixed up with the Pauama canal soaudal, was once a resident of San Fruuoisoo. Fred Grant, of the Seattle P. I , has been oonfiimed minister to Bolivia. NoRTU Dakota has finally simmered down her electoral votes solid for Weaver. EMTOUUL NOTES. The receut snow storm was the heav iest Portland and the valley bad seen since 1881. A contract to build a railroad from Kahuna to the mouth of the Columbia has been sigued. The road will be 69 miles long. Tin contest for the presidency of the Oregon senate, theoomiug seesiou of the legislature, seems to lay betweeu Ed ward Hirsoh, a business man of Salem, aud Hon. C. W. Fulton, Astoria's astute lawyer. The Klickitat Lenlor, tbrotuh the kinduess of a frieud, is ou our table. Il has eitftit colums of laud notices, most ot them applications to puichaae rail road Inud. It legales lis readers on just oue column ot real news. Accuhdino to what we bear, Or ant Co. has a teliliou favoring division with 800 to 1.000 signers, one with 400 to 500 n nines favoring and euabliug act aud against both a remonstrance ooniaining 400 to 600 nigners. llow this will a o iu aO' that has only about 1,300 to l.oOu votes, we are unable to say. THE "BHITANNICA". A Few Interesting facta About That Ite niarkable Work. There is no Biioh literary work in the EugliBh language.or soy other language, equal to tbs famous Eucyclopedia itrit anuica. It is uo mere figure ot speech, no mere rhetorical flourish to say of it that it is a library ot llself, for that is prions ly what it was intended to be, nothing more, ni thing leas. Il couipriea2olarge volumes, averaging 8(30 donb'e oolnmn pages each; it has 671 maps, 237 ot them colored ; it onntains 26.C00 topics, alpha betically arranged; end it Is eruhelln-bed by over 9,000 illustrations, plates and diagrams. Of course, all people of any intelligence whatever, know something in a general way of tbe excellence ot this world renowned work, but few even among tboB who are above the average in point of knowledge and understand ing realize tbe scope, merits, and immen sity of this "king of encyclopedias". How many, for instauoe, among even profes sional people, are aware that this incom parable work embodies the best thongbt of over 1,100 of the leading scholars historians, professors, doctors, inventors, etc., of tbe world, men ot mark and of eminence, who have won the blue ribbon of distinctiou in their respective spheres? But few even among scholars are aware that it has cost about $3,000000 to bring it to its present stacdurd ot completeness ami perfection. Auio' g tbe 25.000 topics above alluded to, what is tbe probability ot even a well-read man naming a subjeot tbat could by any stretch of imagination be called "important" that will not be found io its panes? It Contains a full, abte, and impartial history of every na tiou; it has a comprehensive biograph ical sketch of every illustrious man, whether Slue, statesman, conqueror, ex plorer, poet, musician, sonlptor or re former; it embodies very excelleut treat ises ou all scientific Bubjects;it is in abort what it has been aptly called, tbe su preme court of literature. Appletou's New American Cyclopedia, usually considered as rating next to tbe Britanuioa, comprises 10 volumes, con tains 60 million ems, printer's measure ment, and ooBts $96. The Britauuioa oom prises 28 volumes, 140 million ems and costs at publisher's regular rates from SI?5 to over 82 JO. Prices like these are explauution enough of toe faot tbat few families bave been able hitherto to afford the luxury of such a wuik of ref erence, confessedly valuable aud indis pensable as it is. But tbe Oregoninn edition (which has been brought down aB nearly aa possible to tbe present date while the original was pablished in 1887) is offered to tbe pnhlio at the surprisingly low rates ot $19, $63, $77 aud $84 per set, according to binding, and the amoumts may be paid in easy installments. Mr. Feutnn, who is at the Palnoe hotel for a few days, will be glad to see and talk with anyone interested in tbe work. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT!). Regular services at M. E- rhurob next Sabbaih. Tbe morning subject will bp, "The Child Jems." Xtx', "Hnw is it that ye sought me sorrowing? Wist ye not that 1 must be about my Father's busineS"?" The evening subject, "The Sin of Evil Speaking, Slnuder, Back biting, elo. Text, "But the tongue onn un man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poisi n." Xou are invited to he present at allofonr seivices Strang- eis, as far as it la iu our p wer, a re made to leel at Lome. J. At. oiiulsh, Pastor. Preaching at the Baptiat church Sun day and Suuday night. Theme at 11 o'clock, 'Eiidiniug Temptation and Re ceiving a Crown of Life"; text, .fames iM-s. llieme at night will bt "S-ilt, text, Mark ix:50. All are iuvited to oorue aud enjio our meeting". At. Buamblet, Pastor, Regular services at I tie M. E. churoh. Smith, Sunday, Jan. 1, '91. Miming subjeot "Plan of Rnlempliou." Evening biiIij el, "1 ne JJieenfO Hint its Iveinedy. ' We extend a cordial invitation to all. Edwin Pai.mur, Pastor. Born Ou Umton cieek, this morning, to the w ile of Aaron R iyse, a 10 pound boy. Dr. McSuards report both mother and youugster doing well. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to tell Dr. King's New Discovery lor consumption, coughs uud colds, npou this condition. If you are nfll oled with a cough, cold or any lung, ihroat or chest tiouhle, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return tbe bottle and hve your money refuuded. We could uot ninke this offer did we uot kuow that Dr. Kuiu's New Discovery could be relied on. It uever disappoints. Trlnl bottles free at blocum-Johuton Drug Co. Large size 60c, aud il 00. DltUNKKNNKSS, or the LIQUOR HABIT Cured at llnoie III Tea Hays hy Adminis tering llr. Halaen' Uoldeu ripecitlu. It c'au be giveu iu a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without tbe knowledge of tbe patient. It is absolute ly Harmless, and will eU'eot b permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate driukeror an alcoholic wreck. It bus been given in thousands of cases, and iu every instance a perfect cure bus followed. It never fails. 'J be system ouoe impregnated with the specific, it becomes au utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Golden Specific Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. NEW TAX LAW. From the Telegram. New York has made an experiment in taxation thai has proved a suocess. Tbe law w ill probably soon be adopted in other states. It is called tbe inheritance tax. Oue of the great aud grave ques tions of the day is bow to r qualize taxes and ligb'er, the burden ot the average oitizen. There is a strong sentiment in many portions of the nation favoring an income tax, aud the is growing rapidly. Fully a thiid of tbe preseut congress aie raid to favor it. Not quite ready j adopt tbat, New 1'orK baa tried the inherits oe plan. w hich is next door to it. During tbe five years of Its operatiou it has turned iuto tbat state treasury about $7 .000,000, bile during tbe year which ended iu Septem ber fully $2,000,000 was colleoled. Tbe law applies to both dirtot and Collateral luheritnuoes, tbe tax on the first beiug 1 per cent and ou the latter 5 per ceut Jay Gould's estate brings into the coffers the snug little sum of $700,000. The amouut to be realized for this fi-ioal year will henoe probably reach $2,500,000. What a help that will be to tbe 6tate, aud yet nobody feels it, aa it comes after a mau is dead, aud it could not, of course, be forthcoming uultss a huge fortune was led, 90 or 95 per cent for the heirs. Tbis law reaches and tquabzrs personal property, wlnob usually e-capes the bur den it should bear. Tne l-w exempts $10,000 ot eaob iubeiitkiioe, hence ouly I lbs large estates are effected, and they can well afford it. So sbnndant has been the harvest, and so beneficial the effects, that several states are preparing to pass like laws immediately. Here is a suggestion for the next Ore gon legislature. Why not try il here? It would certaioly be quite a help to the state iu meeting tbe demands on its treasury. EPWORTH LEAH OK RNTEBTAIN11ENT. The Members Meet at Tbe Residence of Mrs. Welch And Have a Good Time. Ou last Wednei-d y evening ocourred at tbe residenoe of Mrs.-Welch, an enter tainment for the benefit of 'be members or tbe Epwortb League. To say tbat tbe meeting was a success would be put ting it mildly. An rxoellent program had beeu prepared for the occasion, and eaoh participant seemed to make a spe cial tffirt to excel tbe others. The exercises consisted of instrument al aud vooal duets and soIoj, essays, se lections and recitations; all of which were well rendered . The Epwortb League) is to be congratulated for its excellent mnsioal and literary talent. Promptly at 8 o'clock the meeting was called to order by tbe president and was led iu prayer by Rt v. Palmer, after whioh the following program was reudered : PROGRAM. Vocal duet Atbalia Shulxe and Mamie Slott Kecitation Mabel Glasscock Eeay Id Sbnlse IuHriuneutuI solo Julia Hart Kecitation George Wells Recitation Myrtle Horner Vocal dnet Atbalia ttbuise and Mamie Stott Recitation 'y rilt Horner Essay :vtt Roy Glasscock V. cal duet Atbalia Shulse and Mamie Stott Recitation Maggie Hartley Essay Jay Snipley Instrumental duet Julia Hnrl aud Ida Simian Seleoiion Maud Glasscock Kecitation Miss Coulee Recitation .... Miss Neville After the concluaii o ot the exercises, a light supper was erred, to which all did ample j istice. bun tbe crowd la gan to disperse, feelii g that they had spent one of tbe most e Jo able evenings of their lives. We are informed that this is but tbe first of a series of entertainments to be given by the League tbis winter, to which tbe general pnblic will be invited. If tbis oue is a sample of what is to fol low, we hope they will continue tbem indefinitely. A Leader. Sinoe its first introduction. Elect' ic Bitters has gained rnpidly in popular fa vor, until now il iB clearly iuibe'eal among pure medicinal tonics and i Har arivea containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or int. xio nt, it is recognizer) us i he best and pur. t medicine tor all ailments of stomaoh. liver or kidneys. It will onresick bead ache, indigestion, constipation, and drive malaria from the. s.tstem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each boil le or the money will be . refunded. Sold by Bloouun Johnson Drtfg Co. 1500 Will be Given For any oase of Rheumatism which can uot he cured by Dr. iJruran ond's Light ning Remedy. The proprietors do uot hide this offer, but print it in bold type on all tbeir circulars, wrapt era, printed matter, aud through tbe columns of newspapers everywhere. It will work wonders one boitle curing nearly every case. If the druggist has not got it he will order it, or it will be sent to any ad dress bv prepaid expr as on receipt of price. $5. Dnimm-'nd Medicine Co., 48 60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wauted. 67 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndehaker wagon heads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a Why go hnngrv when tbe City hotel furnishes yon a good meal at living rates a "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes at P. O. Thompson & Co.'a stand, and tbe plaoe for bargaius. a Call on Rip to do your wood sawing; same old prioe. Also delivers wood to any part of Heppner. See ad. a For cash you oan get more at tbe East ern Clothing house, with Levi on deck, tbau any other place in Heppuer. n The Palaae is the leading hotel in Ibe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Smith, the furniture man. is prepared to sell fine goods at low figures. Full line of undertaking goods on hands, a M. Liobteutbnl A Co. bave a fine lot of winter wear, including ladies' winter shoes, overshoes, rubber boots1, etc Drop iu. a Tbe Bncbler beer, 5 oents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, plops., next door to M. Lich tentbnl & Co.'s shoe store. a Tbe M. L, AT. Co., since tbey bave roofed all tbeir platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. Tbis company uow deals iu grain, lumber and wood, a Since Shaw ft MuCarty purchased tbe meat market they have always endeavor ed to keep on band tbe freshest aud choicest mean, sausages and bolognas, a What will perseverance, pluck and en-terpris-avail in this wild west, if you cannot get big bargaius? However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.' emporum. -a Borg, ttst jeweler, is tb man to fix up your watub or clock. ,e keeps a full stock of every thiug pertaiuiug to his business' a Thompson & Binnsown tbe buss which goes to aud from lUe City hoiel, bnt will call for parties desinug to go to train iu any part ot the oity. Leave orders at City hotel. a Gilliam ft Bishee, the hardware and tinware merobauts, carry everything up pertaiuiug to tbeir lines, even agricul tural implements. Don't you ueed a plow Ibis fall? a Don't overlook T. W. Ayer, Jr., tbe leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, I'lirest drugs and tbe finest toilet articles always ou baud. a Don't overlook Kirk ft Rasmus for bargains. They have pirn-based I he bus iness of J. W. Matlock ft Cu. but will soon remove to tbe Mallory corner, oppo site tbe Palaoe hotel. a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned hy Coffin ft M par land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under tbe control aud management of The MoFarland Mercantile Company, whioh continues busiuess at the old stand with a larger stock tban ever. a Dr, Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia Oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect a cure or money refunded. See ad. in this issue. a ACLlNOi-ON NEWS. Christmas baa Come and gon and left two happy fnthers. Mrs. A. A. Jayne preseute i her lord aud maater with a bouncing, ten pound, good republican boy, and tbe democratic candidate tor mayor Hon. L. C. Edwards, was also presented with a ten pouuder. Pill maker, motbeis and youngsters all doing well. Tbe genial face of Dr. Baoon, of La Grande, showed up in goi d shape on Main street yesterday. Tbe doctor ap pears as stout us ever. La Grande roust, from all appenrauces, sgrea with htm. The masquerade ball last Friday night at Armory ball was attended by a very large orowd of masqiieraders. Characters of all description were seen there. Mrs. Frickaud Mr. R. E Smith were the luck) ones in carrying off tbe prizes, whieb were very nice. 1'be judges were Mth. Sprinkle and Mr. Coffin, Romeo and Juliet did not made Ueir uppearauce. Mies D-illy Lyon, who had spent s 'me tim wiib her sister, Mrs. Onto Johns, of Baker cir.v, arrived here Fridny morn ing iiubekuowu to auy oue, and look them all by surprise at tbe bull as the "Eveuiog Star." The Arlington Reonrd has sold out its print shop to Mr. J M. Johns, who wid take possession New Year's. Hope 'VI r. Johns will find his new enterprise J t good paying institution. He Certainly deserves it; his laat was not very profi table. Next Tuesday, tbn 31. will be eleo'ioc of city officers. The newly elected council will please look up the city ordinance aud see it they oan find au ordinauce prohibiting swine to be kept in city limits. Tbe old council eoiildu'l at, end to tbis business. They had too much other, business to a' tend to. Well. Mr. Editor, I got onnvr rted, I bave j dned tbe church and bus my "gal." Wishing you a happy New Year, I shall close. ' Denms Hooan. Shoemaker. Ed BirbeoR. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has Just located in tbe Abraham- sick building, on May etreet, where he is prepared to do everything in his line. Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, man and warrants all work. Give him a oall. 14-tf To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean BfUr eutiiig. Kfc. pet bonk-. ,1 ' An Apprehensive Subject (' ---BY Means of a Prehensile Tail The Monkey is Not Afraid be cause his Tail js a Good One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. It is No rfa!eof Woe ! WE TELL OF ffiA RGAI ISTSfJ Splendid Goods, Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom ers, and of reasonable prices and good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale without end, beo'inse it is a tale tbat will bold. A pleasure to show goods. Special inducements to oash buyers. Call at SILVER'S CHAMPION ;THEe Hocky-:- Mountain News THE DAILY-BY MAIL Subscription price reduced as followi: One Year (by mail) : : fS 00 Six Monlhi " : : 3 00 Three Months " One Month ' 1 50 50 THE WEEKLY BY MAIL. One Year (in .ddtxiiice) : ft 00 The Xe'.ri Is the only continent c .arrplou of liver In the Weit. and ihould be in every home Iu the Weit, and in the hands of every miner and business man in Colorado. Send in your subscr.ptlons at once. Address, TUB NEWS, Donvor, Colo. Hotice of Intention. I AND OFFICE A t THE DALLES, OREGON, j live iti. 1NT.2. Notice Is hereby given that the tollort trig-named settler tins tiled notice of his Intention to mske tiiinl proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be luMile be fore V . K. tills. l:. b. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on W edneedtiy r'eb. hi. 1-wi, viz.: Ml LI ON 6. MAXWELL, Hd. Arplicsiioii fo. '.'Ho. lor lots 1 and 2, aud IriMliil.NC. SI, '1 p. 3. B K J4t U M. He names the following witnesses ro prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land. vU. : N. K Mcay, T. P. drnham. Jacob Johnson and F M. Holmes, all ol Oooseberry, Oregon. 606-560 John vv. Lewis, tiegister. Notice of Intention. IAND OFFICE AT THE DVLI.Es! OREGON, 4 December 17. l&iri. Notice is hereby giveu that the lollotvitrg-named settler has nled notice of his liileiillon to niMlte final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made belore J. W. Morrow. County clerk, at Heppuer, or., ou Saturday February I, is tf, viz.: ALCl sll S TAVI.nK. Hd. Application No. '.110 tor tl.e Nt', of Fee. SI, I p. A is K .13. K tt M lie names the following witnesses rn prevents co'itiuuous relleuce upon aud vullt.atiou 01, said land, viz.: O. E. rartisworth. W. F. Dalton. A. A. Wren aud It. J. Howard, all of tleppiur. Oregon. Soo-otio JoUH U. La win, KagisUr. Comprensnsive -:- survey Ol? One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties arc unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flush and builds up the entire system. Scott's Emulsion euros Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaomio and Wasting Discaocs. Prevents wasting in children. Al;no-t as palatable as milk. Get on:y the genuine. Pre pared by Scott 4 Bowne, Chemists, Now lork. Sold by all Druggists. -o-oo oo-o oo oooo o o o n AUCTION --o O O O O--O O O O O O o O O O 0 The Crowd Is Still o o o o o And They will Remain o o o o Who can Blame Them for Staying When they get goods for one-half 'pHANKINQ The neople of Heppner for past patronage, we invite tbem all to attend our ATjCTION SALES, which will continue daily at 2 F. M., and evenings at 7 P. M. T 1T in N. LEVI EOBISON". Prop. FRACTICAIi- House and Sign Painter. PAINTING IN ALL Paper Jjdaiagiiig Graining, Natural Wood Finishing BOX 133, . : : DAN OSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! "V-EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Faclory on Main ' Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to T5 Oents Per Glass, On draught, fresh and cool. Luuch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and mimy more. OSMEliS 6c HUGHES, Props. its, -:- Randies. -:- WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Season Also i about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. JHE CITY HOTEL, XV. J. LBEZBR, Prop, rpHIS HOSTELKT has been Befitted and Kefunusiied throughout, and 00 is ona ot the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leeier invites yoa to Mop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain yon in the beet of style. r-7-r-rr-: First Class House. Reasonable Rates. The Lancashire Insurance Co. Of MANCHESTER, ENGLAND A. W PATTEKSIIN. AGENT oo o the .t wOT-,c DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE l'artnershlp existtr g bet u ten J. A. Wool try, H VV. Anions, Eil. S Cox and .S. II. Cux, un der the ttr.ii name of J. A. VWiolery & i"o was dissolved May 16, ix'i, by nmtnal consent, J. a W oolery retmnlnK the buhiucss at lone, ,r. col lecllrrK all ai'couiits due and pnyliig all liabili ties 01 said branch of lit m's business, up lo dale above-ineuiloiied, the reniaiuinK partners retain ing the Hardiuan brrbintsA, coliccii.tif all ac counts contracted by said branch 01 iho busi ness up to said dale. J. a. Woolkky, H. v. ADAMS, Ed si. Cox, M-60 B. H. L'ox. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE la HERKBY j'IVEN THAT THE Animal MceliuK of ihe stockholders of Ihe Heppner Flouring Mill Co. ulll be held oil the lirst Monday of January IKK at llie president 01 the company 'sottlce. in Ileppuer at a p. m. of said day lor ihe purpose of electing directors lor the ensuing year. , T. W. A Y , s, ?B , 64u-x Secretary. KOH MAI. . HARNESS-SHOP, stork arid fixtures, liood business; established III the midst ol a good tanning and slia-k-rait.irrg country. Also tor sale s giaai house aud nvo lots ith or without the business iiruperty. For lurtlier iu luriuatiou address UtueUe, lieppugr, ur. ioj It Scott's Emulsion o o o n o o o o o -o O O O 0 -0 o o o ooo o o o o o o II Ik the prioe if purchased Elsewhere. mm ITS BRANCHES. and Decorating. aud Polishing, Calcimining, Glaziug, elo. 546 sw : HEPPNER, OR MAT HUGHES. p and -:- (Jigarc ! Stockholders' Meeting. TPIIE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE STOCK I holders of the National Bank of Heppuer, u ill be held al their office ir. Heppner, iiregon. on the second Tuesday of January lwa. between the hours of 10 a. in and 4 p. m. for the Purpose of electing directors for the ensuing v r Bated at Heppuer the 5th day of Dei. 1892. Eo. K. Bisaor, Cashier. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. N0!,1.19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE th vtil! bv ",n'',llL"t " stockholders ol the First National Bank of Ileppuer, at their plhce ou the second Tuesday ol January luo. between the hours of 10 o'clock . ni. ii'd 2io .?f, V .0' Ml1 d"- Purpose ot ?'? ' directors sua the transaction ol men jj "ray appear. 010. Consib, Cashier. LIST OP LKTTER8. ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER PO6T0FFIC1 r December a, ISft!. Beard Rolrt . . . . : - ooierr j u z u'T."1 John F muel Melke Uetiuaun y. tu jeuis Pi...,..J.?.?.,e?!' ... : . ' nuicruseu nen calling for these Prevent and core Constipation mid Sica, HeaoaUMt, iuuli Ihi n--ij, m nrrmmn