Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 27, 1892, Image 3

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n-HOSK deiirlng the luiertlon of dliplay ads..
1. or change of name, luuat get their codv I
edition, or ihurnday evening lor Friday, edi-
i,1:. T!je,,um of Ave cenu per line will be
hI, TS! "renolntlona of
I?K.V, u,t'"eddlugppeeiiu and donor.,
Si. nt?ry ,!ot'CM. " thau thote the edit
or .hall hliuell give a. a matter of Lett.,) and
2 N,0H,peC1 meeting, for whatever purpose.
T . vu.vu uiu Bui-ieiy ana ail other
rived h'n'ii hrom hlt'h rm-'""e i to he de-
. I...r Vi "n:11' lur t me rate 01 nve
AdverUaimj rates reawmable and made known
npou application.
Qitjp. umf fSuMiidui u
ana ihe.re.fnrp. anaia in hit hi l ..
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
TCTT'S PILL is the family doctor.
Green Matthews ia on the sick list.
Masquerade bull get yourselves rend
for it. 01
miner, the tailor, baa conoluded to
stay in Hepi ner. Oif
tM Heppuer spent Obrislmas with
his relatives here.
Fred Miller knows how to give you a
sjuuu ii. iu ittitoriug. u sw
Yesterday's main line east-bound train
gut through all right.
Cbas. MuFarland is up from Arliugton
takiug a little Uurisimaa.
Coudou proposes to incorporate at the
coming suasion oi the legislature.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MuAlee Bros., Props. sw
Arlington Record: Al Vaughn re
turned from Heppuer the first of the
Oscar Minor and some other looal
sportmeii bugged some jack rabbits last
Three prizes given away at the
matqnerade Dull. Thursday December
29, 1B9-2. o-l
Ladies will find that excellent toilet
prepitratiou for the lace tor sale down at
Fell Bros. 52 tf
The Morrow County Land and Ti ust
Company have an unlimited supply of
chop for sale. il-lf.
U. V. Fenton, representing the Ore
gouian edition of the Encyclopedia Bat
enuioa, is in the oity.
S. E. Miller's son, Ed., has reoovered
from bia recent illness and left for bis
home on Eight Mile today.
Miss Benryetta Sinsbeinier arrived
from Portland on last evening's belated
train, on a visit to friends here.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock abould subscribe for The
Horseman. Qazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson ia now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See
ad. for days ot leaving and arrival, tf.
Masquerade ball at the opera house
on lhnrsday, December 29, 1892. Ad
mittance, gentlemen $1; ladies, 60
cents. 0-4
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Call at her home
' in north Heppner, or address her st this
place. 518-tf
Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the city barber shop the
plaoe tn get a DrBt-ciass ehaye, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
A pleasant little dance was given nut
at Epli Eekelson's place, near Lexington,
last Friday night A n umber gi jon
people WBra present. S
Mrs. Representative Manley, of Mult
nomah county, was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. W. It. Eilia last week, leaving for
her Portland home yesterday.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for the Oregoriian at this place.
Subscribe throuub him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
A faded and discolored beard is untidy
aud a misfortune. It may be prevented
by using Buckingham's Dye for the
whiskers, a never tailing remedy.
Col J. F. Lucas, of Condon, has just
returned from a tour of the Third Regi
ment, wbioh be rinds in good condition,
though the uniforms are hardly respect
able. Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
biB old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. The Masonio brethren will give an
open installation tonight, the whole end
ing "lib an old fasioned feaat. None
but Masons aud their families will be
Jas. Willis was up from lower Clark's
eanyon Monday, and says the Chi
nook is getting iu its work down bia av,
reaching there in dead earnest Sunday
The latest dentistry, crown and bridne
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vaugban. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner. Or l a-w-
Condon Olobe: Louis Meek who bns
been stopping with his sister, Mrs. W.
P. Sorivuer, at Heppuer, aud atlendiug
school, is visiting his folks near Condon
until after the holidays.
Thursday's Oregonian was one day
late last week, and Friday's and Satur
day's papers did not arrive Saturday.
The Chinook will probably dissipate the
deep buows of the Casoades and open up
the railroad line again.
Grant County News: It is reported
that the upper portion of this valley will
lend its influence towards an enabling
act ratber thao to a division of the ooun
ty. Just wbat tbe majority of the oiti
tens want it ia bard to tell.
Arlington Reoord: Dncle Charley
Cochran, a pioneer who oame to Oregon
42 years ago, ia in tbe city, a gueat ot
Mr. Bedford of the Jordon hotel. The
life of one ot these old trail blazers
would be, it written out, a history ot
With many clergmen, public speakers,
ingers, and actors, Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral is the favorite remedy for hoarse
ness and all affections of the vnoul
organs, throat, and lungs. Its anodyne
and expectorant effects are promptly
Owing to the faot that job stock has
advanced about twenty per oent from
reasons which will be explained else
where, we are oompelled to make a
slight advance on all printing. A Re
duction will be made as soon as prices
of material will justify same.
As Ayer's Sarsapanlla outstrips all
other blond purifiers in popular favor, so
Ayer's Almanac is tbe most universally
familiar publication of tbe kind in tbe
world. It is printed in ten languages
and tbe aunusl issue exceeds fourteen
millions of copies. Ask your druggist
tor it.
Hattee's Congo Oil is rapidly coming
to the front aa a leading medicine. J
A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap
plied it to bis legs, which was recently
kicked by a horoe. and next day be
threw aside bis crutches- "It's the bow!".
Harrison saya. Lyman Bri.wn tried the
oil for rbeumatiem with which he has
been troubled for years, and this is worn
he says: "It kocked it after two appli
cations." Tbs Chinook struok the hills above
town a dy or a before it reaoa eJ down
aa far aa Heppner. 8 we learn from
Una (illnlai.M. Urin Tiiitc.ll Attn T..ffl.
1 nuil others. This cuauge is irood for tbe
B'ocfcnien, but our rentiers would rather
it had laid cm till the frost was out of the
ground, tlieu tno.e of tbe thaw would
have bewi takeu up for use uext summer.
Is there any resemblance between Dr.
Shiploy and E. Minor? Aak Mike
Mrs. Von Cadow invited a few friends
to eat Christinas turkey with her. All
agree that her repast was "out of sight".
The Ouristmns tree Saturday eve was
a graud success, being composed of three
e vol greens, one large aud two small ones,
nil wen loauea wnu presents.
Sam Morgan U feeding bis cattle on
Butter creek where he reports bix inches
of suow. Sam reports a Ctiristmas tree
aud basket supper at Ptue City,
Tbe Chinook has doue its work, and
uot u vesliue of the 1'ito suow r .mains
urouud or back of Heppuer, aud it ia
peisumed that little is left down towards
the river.
Eugeoe and the valley, says Si Bennett,
never saw a heavier full ot snow tbuo tbe
reoent storm. A large livery stable was
crashed iu down there by the heavy
weight of enow a few days ago.
Chas. Baruett, of Lexington, was up
Sunday and rei orted two feet of snow
down there. There isu't su muob now.
Look out for Fe.ll Bros.' blanket and
flannel sale. 5 it
Morian Pickard left last week to spend
the holidays with Lis family near Oregon
City, aud though presumably caught in
the blockade, moat have worried it
through, us he did uot return like others
who left Heppner tbe same day.
"Iu bn irjg a cough medicine tor ohil
dreu," suys H A Walker, a prominent
druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never be afraid
in buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
There is no danger from it aud relief is
always sure to follow. I particularly
recommend Chamberlain's because I
have found it to be safe and reliable. It
is iutended especially for colds, oronp
and whooping cough." 60 cent bottles
for sale by Sloonm-Jobnaou Drug Co.
Arlington Reoord: Mis Annie Schott,
of Olex, Miss Youug, of Eight Mile, and
Miss Ada Bedford, of Arlington, paid
our city a visit on their return from
Heppuer, where they bad been in at
tendance at the teaobers' institute.
Tbey report having a very enjoyable
time. Since tbeir arrival here, Miss
Schott has been quite sick, but is now
oonvaleaoeut, having returned to her
home at Olex. Miss Bedford returned
to her school at Douglas, while Misa
Young remains to take in the Christmas
festivities iu this oity.
Seiiiols Charges. The Arlington
Reoord is after Attorney Goode, of
Condon. That paper claims that Goode
tried to wrong one, Berry, causing him
no end of trouble and expense by having
him arrested on a oharge of feloniously
taking mortgiigfd property out of tbe
country. When tbe time for trial arriv
ed, Goode did not show up. The article
in the Record makes ratbir interesting
reading, and if it is all true, there should
be a general slinking up of dry bones.
The Record says: Tbe affair stated by
Berry, who has long been known in
this county as an inoffensive aud fair
dealiug old Geirrmn and who knows
little t.f the tricks of trade, is that some
six montha ego, when be became ac
quainted with the young attorney, tbe
Inrttoi. wanted lo trailo tiiui a ranon In
Marion county for 320 acres of land in
the suburbs ot Condon. That, acting
upon Goode's statements nsto title aud
title deeds, he couveyed this land and
supposed that Goode bad conveyed to
him. That Goode immediately placed a
mortgage on the Berry place to bis
partner for 81000 and that be bad now
ascertained that hii title from Goode to
the Salem property was worthless. Re
gardipg the arrest, Mr. Berry contends
ttat the note for $ti0, for whioh tbe
ohattle mortgage was given as stated
in oomplaiut, had long since been settled
and that he now holds a judvment
agniust Mr. Goode for some $200, re
covered after the making ot the note
The old man olaims further that this
feigned proaecutiou whs only for tbe
purpi.se of preventing him from seeking
any remedy against Goode.
Knocked Him Out. A Santa Boss,
Cel., disDatob says: "Wesley Matlock,
the eon of a PendletoD, Or., capitalist
was held for trial on a charge of assault
ing with a deadly weapon here this after
noon. Matlock recently married a
daughter ot T. H. B. Anderson, of Fres
no, formerly pastor of tbe Methodist
Episcopal church South of this city.
They are spending their honeymoon here.
Saturday night, while tbey were passing
Frank Mother's store, Mutbtr it is
claimed, called Matlock a vile name.
Matlock left his bride in another store
and went iuto Vlu tiler's store and assault
ed him with a revolver, strikiug bim on
tbe back of his bead. Mutber bled pro
fusely, aud was in a doctor's care some
time IVuther d.nied making such a
remark." Wesley telegraphed a Pen
dleton friend that he was all right, aud
would write particulars.
To Tbb Knights. All members of
Dorio Lodge, No. 20, E. of P., aa well as
visiting Knights, do Dot require any
printed iuvitations to be present at the
opeu installation on Jan. Srd. Each
Knight is entitled to two invitations,
which will be sent them this week, each
ooe good for a lady and gentleman. Any
visiting Kuight, who is uukuown to tbe
lodge, will make himself known at tbe
Gazette ottioe. where tbe editor, aacbair-
man of the oommittee on invitation, will
see that Knightly courtesies are extend
Mountain Hotjbe. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased the hostelry known as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throngbout. Board and
hed, per week $6; board without bed,
$4 50; meals aud bed 25 cents each. Mr.
Crauk asks a portion of the patronage,
believing that he can give as lood ser
vice as auyone in Heppner, and for leBB
money. w-bw.
A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord
has moved into tbe former art gal
lery over Messrs. Brown A Hamilton's
offioe, and baa tittsd up for architecture
work. He ia prepared to contraot for
all Llnrlc, rxl hulhttriufl nf Kill RnirTiflO
cojstrnotion, and purchase material for
tbe aame, giving uia customers ine Dec
ent of his experience and percentage.
632 tt
Lost. A red leather pocketbook, suoh
as is often used to carry bills or valuable
papers. Same as lost in Heppner, or
between Heppner and Ben Swaggart'i
place, last Monday. Contained some
accounts and notes valuable only to
owner, BenSwaggarL Finder will please
return same to tbe Gazette office. 1 tf
Tui Mo.ncmsnt CuossiKa. Sunday's
Monument atage came in late without tbe
mail, which could not be taken across
the North Fork of the John Day, owing
to high water. Grant oounty would
have done that seotion good service by
allowing Pry Wilson license to operate
a ferry at tbe Monument orossing.
Though it was recently befoiethe county
court over there, Pry's petition was re
j toted. Tbere is a ferry at that point
now, but competion, which ia always
"tbe life ot trade", would bave been in
tbe interest of all, . and it is probable
that Pry would bave given them better
service than tbey are now getting.
What is really needed at tbe Monument
croasiog, ia s good bridge. While this
may not be in the interest of tbe stage
road between Baker and Canyon City,
it will certainly accommodate a large
number of Grant oouoty's citizens, who
come to Heppuer to do their trading,
and to get to tbe railroad, en route to
tbe outside world. A bill to oonstruct
a bridge across tbe John Day at Monu
ment will likely be brought before the
legislature this winter.
An Old Charge. Sheriff Noble arrived
from below last night having in custody
Si Bennett, well kuowu here and a for
mer resident. Si ia under arreat, charged
witb selling a horse not bis own. At bis
sale before leaving for below, the horse
in question wag bid in by Cbas. Valen
tine. This borse was afterwards claimed
by George Hayes, wbo witb Bennett, bad
bought T. B. Howarda's band of horses
soma years ago. Tbe Gazette ia not
prepared to say whether or not there is
anything in tbe ease, but knows that it
wasouoe before Justice Bea and was
dismissed. When Si heard of thetrcoble
be effdred, instead of tbe borse sold, oth
er horses to make purchaser safe, ratber
Iban bave Buy trouble over the matter.
Certain it is, that tbougb tbe borse ma;
not nave oeeu si a property, be did not
iutend to steal.
Accidentally Poisoned. Last Sun
day Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Florence's baby
accidentally got bold ot some morphine
oapsuls, and before the members of tbe
family were aware of it, bad taken
enough for full two adult doses. Tbe
attention of the family was first called
to the olrilrl'a nnnriitinn hv ita nl.nlrlnn
on the bard gelatine from wbiob the
capsnies are maoe, else its conuitioo
might have esoaped tbeir notice till too
late. Aa it was, Dr. Swinbrne was called,
and with the aid ot the family, worked
dilligently on tbe little one and suc
ceeding in saving its life. Tbe doctor
states that had it been allowed to have
gone to sleep, it could not have been
remoreu iu consciousness again.
Sad Death. The Gazette with sad
ness ohronioles this issue the death
last Sunday, of Hugb, the baby son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes, aged 7 months
and 16 days. Tbe little one's illness
dates back some two weeks or more, but
us condition aid not grow serious till a
few days ago. Tbe funeral oooured at
the ru. H. oburob. South, yesterday at
1 o'olook, tbe pastor, Rev. Palmer, using
the form of an Episcopal servioe, after
wbiob tbe remains were interred in tbe
Heppner cemetry, followed to tbeir last
resting plaoe by many friends of the sor
rowing family.'
ftnafw BOW. am got iu
from Goldendale Saturday night, in
time to spend Christmas with his family.
Mr. Bucknnm says the fall of snow
aoroas the Colambia was very heavy, for
miles and miles being aboye tbe running
gears of bis buokboard. He traveled
through more than sixty miles ot deep
snow witb a blinding blizzard blowing
in bia face, and aays when be arrived at
Goldendale was well-nigh exhausted
from cold and exposure. Mr. Buoknum
came home, however, in pretty good
health aud thinks for comfort that Ore
gon weather ia more agreeable than the
slice ot it be got over in Wasb.
An Insane Patient. Mike Sullivan is
causing Joseph Crank, of the Mountain
house, opposite tbe Gazette effioe, no
end ot trouble. He is insane from tbe
effects ot drinking and erysipelas in tbe
faoe, and is laboring under the hallucina
tion that some person is trying to kill
him. It takes olose attention to keep
him in bed and inside of tbe house. One
night last week he waa found wandering
out upon the bill back ot tbe hotel. It
is thought tbat be cannot recover. Ueo
Conner had Dr. Shipley to look after bim.
aud everything possible is being done tn
alleviate bia suffering and restore bim to
health again.
From Rev. W. E. Potwinb. Rev. W.
E. Potwine writes ye Gazette tbat be
was unable to keep bis appoiotment
made for the 19th inat. on account of the
lerious illness of bis aunt, Miss Thomp
son, and his sister, tbe latter recently
finm tbe East. Miss Thompson's con
dition is critical, and Mr. Potwine can
not say hen he can leave home, but
will make another appointment as soon
as be can determine when it is possibel
for bim to visit Heppner.
Wedding at thb Ooubt Hods.
Through the kiod intervention of Clerk
Morrow and Judge Keitlily, two young
hearts tbat yesterday morning beat
yearningly as two now bob along serenely
as one. Mr. Nathan E. Clark and Miss
Maggie M. Oaks, of Butter oreek, were
tbe patients. Judge Keitbly diagnosed
the oase in a few moments over at tbe
court house, and tbe young people went
away bappy.
Wbt is It f Tbat Fell Bros, bave
sold one hundred pairs of blankets since
Nov. 1st. Simply because tbey made
tbe price so low tbat every pair was a
bargain and tbey sold fast. Thirty-five
pair juat reoeived, all wool, large
blankets, whiob will be sold tbs aame
way. Bee their flannels, price and quality.
Can't be beat in town. 5 tf
Will Likilt Give Bokds. On the
recommendation of Deputy District At
torney Rea. tbe bonds of Frank Molntire,
charged with assault and intent to kill,
have been reduced from $2,000 to 8600
This is perfectly right, as the person as
aanlteit. Pant ftahiller. was uot at all
dangerously hurt. Andy Cook, one of
hU nA anrnifflinlftnAAI. WAS in toWn IsSt
Saturday, and says that Frank can give
bonds it reduced to aouu.
t? n.jna in ftha jhAflt thnrs ianntbioff
better than flannel cloth saturated witb
Chamberlain s FBin Balm and uouna on
over tbe seat of pain. It will produoe a
eouDter irritation without blistering, and
Is not so dissgreeableaa mustard; in fact
it ia much superior to any plaster on ac
count of its pain relieving qualities. If
nsed in time it will prevent pneumonia,
60 oent bottles for sale by Slocum-Jobn-son
Drug Company.
i c a
r : j r-- r 1 tr
tr - .
-Tlx Following Xjettor-
From a PROMINENT am INFLUENTIAL Stockman ot the Interior Country,
We are cousantly iu reoeipt
otbers who
, Lono Creek, Or., Nov. 16, 1892.
J. H. Kolman,Heppner, Or.:
Dear Sir -The Bill ot Goods I purohased from you
when I was iu Jjur city last week, I am well pleased and
satisfied with. Must admit that I bought them from you
at almost one lilt what I would bave bad to pay elsewhere
in your city, 'ihe farmers and stookmen ot this and adjoin
ing counties Congratulate you on your good and noble work
in opening up si Heppuer and throning a bomb shell into
high prices. It is our duty to patronize you and we shall
all unite iu extending our patrunage to the Boston Cash
Brother Kinnn, keep up the good work, and bless you
for the bargainsyou are ettendiag to us all, and hope your
trade will increase tenfold, as you deserve it, Witb best
wishes, I Respeotfully Yours,
! J. M.
J. H. KOLMAN, Prop.
1892. .
A Fine Lot of Christmas
Siluer Cups and Saucers,
: Castors, Cake Stcpds, :
n Call and Inspeot Our Btock.- -ifmt-
No Trouble to Show Goods.
Mcjariand Mercantile (Jo.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from wbicb be will deliver wood,
sawed or uusawed.
Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts
Per Cord, twice in two ; $1.00, three times. Wood sawed and
delivered at 87.60 per cord. Yard near tbe depot.
Leave orders at dloan Hnwa-d'a. '
628-aw RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor.
of the same kind from many
appreciate our
Napkin Qings,
. ; Jewel Boxes, : :
Leading Hotel of the City
Building Wired for Electric Lights throngb
out. This home ! run In Brit-clan ityle in every par
ticular. Extra Dining Service during the holiday!.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress
Etc, Etc.
Trust TJusts.
. and
Bat it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend their cash with
P. '!' 6. ! TrOlTQPSOl ! 00.
: Ia because tbey
Tinware, Wood g Willowware,
Confectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos o and Cutlery of all 4 Kinds
Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition.
The beet assortment of Men's Winter Underwear and Top Shirts iu the county.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets.
To (Jet Even on Your TLiife.
e : Hardware Store !
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Siuks, Plumbing Materisls, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kihds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
.;. -:- You will save money by
getting onr prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. : : :- : -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L.
Change of
whioh we propose to conduct in
on bands at all times tbe choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-tl Proorietors.
Graduate M. E. 0. V. S. , London, England.
Veterinary Surgeon i
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared to do all Ictmls ot Veterinary Surgery, EmniiiMilatlng HomcR nnd ReKllnm a Speci
alty. (ThU la the only true method ni operating on hom'H.) Hpeying of C'ntUentid IIokb
on itiort notice. 1 will treat till anlinalit til the moat Hiiproved procedure of Vcter-
lnary Hurifery. It yon have any nick
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Mads ox shokt Notrs and at Pofulab Prices.
sW Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
-:- Jandies, -:-
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Senson
Also i about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near fixture.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
vv. j. ric
rplIIS HOSTELRY has been Refitted and Eekunisiikd throughout, sud now
Is one of the most Inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites joa to stop
witb him, feeling that be is shle to entertain you in the best of style,
First Class House.
get full value in :
Stoves and Tinware,
& T. CO.
tbe moat satisfactory manner. Will keep
animal It will bo to your lutereit to
p -:- and -:- (jiprs !
iczicw. Prop,
' ' Reasonable Rates.