A Prize Picture Puzzle. IMPIiANATTON. The foflosrinff. picture corrtatnr- four faces, a man and Ms three daughters. Am onTcan find lire Dual's face, but it is not so easy to distinguish the fac.i of the three young ladies, thiocturewas published in a lew new-ur.ners sonic time ; o, and attracted considerable attention to mr standard remedies. We now offer a now pnw; comnetiaon inconnenion unth it. As the sole object k to irrtroduce our medicines into new homes, those who er.wr.-d 'he former competition are requested L w comoete ir this one. As to the reliability of lhe Furd Pill Co.," and the estimionin which their s5VicSare held iD Toronto, Canada, vheri they are b-st kno-i, patrorri an, referred lo la dail Swijapas, wholesale druggists and leading business houses generally aS ioronra. The proprletrrt of "The Ford Pill Co.," wi!l give an el-wnt pair of EhotlorvJ Ponies. Carriage and Harness, v-lueli $000, (dd.v-red p. in any pan ..i t.n Vnued !iau, to tut jir s! person wh. can make out the three a..uahicis faces. lo the second will be given an elegant Lady's Cold Watch, set in sapphires and diamonds. To the third will be given a pair ol cnuiiie Diamond Ear-rings, 1 the fourth wilt be given a handsome China Dinner Service. foiherwiii i,eBna Kodak Camera. TotheturM.aSwIss MuBlq Box. To the mwfe, a French Mantel Clock, To the eighth, an elegant Banquet Lamp. To the ninth, a pair of crown Derby Vases. To the , a complete Layvn Tennis 8et, and manyoiher prices inord. rof merit. L.i-.y competitor must cut out the above "Puaale. I'lcture," distinguish the three girls' faces by marking a crrtis with a lead pencil on each, and enclose same with is U.S. two-.ei.t s-amps for Olio of the following "Fiire Kemedies:" 'Ford'a Prize l'llla," Ford's Prlzo Cutiu-rii Itemcdy," or "Ford's Prize Cough Core, Select any oneof tl.e al.ove r-meiiics you dc-ire. Address The lord Pill Co.," Cor. Wellington 8 Bay Sis., Toronto, taaa-Ia. 'Ine person whose envelope is postmarked flret will be awarded the fiist prize, and tha others in order of merit. As this adver tisement appears simultaneously throughout the Unit-d Siates, every one has an equal oppor. tunily. To the person sending the last correi t answer will be given an elegant Upright Concert Ornnd Piano, valued at50O.OO. Tollic firstyv n from the 4. sending a correct answer will be given a gentleman's fine Gold "Siindoz" IVntell, which strikes the hours and quarter hourson small cathedral gong at pleasure, and valued at $300.00. 'lothe stcondimm thertjr,a firct-class Safety Bicycle, pneumatic tire. To llie riV.r'fn.ro the last, afirst-class English Shot fan. To the fourth from the liut, a suite of Parlor 1- urilituro. Tot lie fth from the lust, a sndsome Silver ToaServlce. Tothe sirth from thenj.', an elejtant Piano Lattip. lothe stvtnth from the last, a handsome pair of I'orlinrea. To the tichtli from the last, a genuine Ennliih leather travelling Trttnlt. To the wntt hum the las!, two pieces of genuine French Statuary, and many other prizes in order of merit, KPITTAf, ritlZFR TV,V, FACT? STATE. ' A tnecial prire of ft Bilk Dresa Pattern flew luff Machine (any make desired) will be U. S. who can moke out the truce datijiliters tacea. Wuslmll give av.-ny WW valuuDie prizes beiidet ipecUl pmes,(if there should be so many sendlut.' c iti..:t aiisvcrs.) No cliaie is made for boxing nd packing of prizes. I he names ol the leading prim v vme, s v. advertisement in leadinp; newspaiwrs next nionth. I''xt r:i pn-m willing to assist in introducing our mcilicines. Not'iit- rh--i are absolutely oivenaway tointrotluce antladvprtiae Ford g i' ard metlicines, and will be used in every family for prises will be awarded strictly in order of merit, uml v i'h pcr.ua ha:ila:tiijn to the public ibe remedies will be sent by mail, postpaid, and prizes free of duty. A WATCH FOK liVsflKV OjgjAyiWT! An extra premlumof a genuine "FeHrloRB" Watch, (stem winder,) will benwnrdedtoevery person whoitends a correct answer within 30 days after th.s dvei'iiseni-til appears, in case ihey should not l.e fortunate enouch to secure one oi the larger jiriztft. '1 liat is, if any one can Imd the three faces and enclose them within 30 days fmm the time this advcnr-mcrit appears in llie newspaper, they ara Siaranteed either one of tha leading pri.-s, or an vxtru prcrnin-i r-f n watch on concluinns statetl u answer will he noticed tint does not contain 30 cents f -r one ot I-'oi-d'a Vrize Ittimetllos. Address THE FOKO PILL CO " 37," Cor. Wellington & Bay Ms., Toronto, Canada. TICKETS On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, St. Zotilss, ANII Alii, I'OIN'1'3 mi, PKIH BHD SOUTH. Leaves Ileppner, 8 a. m. Arrived 60 p. m. PullmenHleener., Colonist fcs I is" Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Bttaiuera Portland tn Han every fmir tlnya. Frauoiaoo Tickets Europe. For rates and general Information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HART rtoppner, Oregon. W. II. lll'RUH'KT. AHt (ieni. I 'MS. Agt. 2M Waililngtou St., PoltTI.Artr). OHKGOK. L U JNI B E 11 ! -rK "AVE FOR HA1.K Al.l. KINPfl OF UN It ilnwil I.uiiiIiit, w miles ol llcunner, at what Is known as the BCOTT M "V71T1VIIXjIj. FEU 1.1W0 FEET, HlllHtll, CLE AH, 110 0t 17 bO TF PEt tVEllEP IN TIKI'PNKR, WILL ADD X fc'.ou per 1.U0U feet, additional. 1, HAMILTON, Prop. Ilnmlltoli, Mnil'lt' Scientific- America fSA, Aoency tor CAVEATS, TSIDI MARKS. niaiCN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, .to. for Information ard free Handbook ""J'" Ml' NN A t'O.. .Sil HhoaiiwaT, Nsw yors:. Sliit'lit bureau for .eeiirlna pat"iits ,"";"V vory patent taken out by us is broiiftil i 'trj Uie uuullo bt a notice len free oi oiame lu tbe S cifutiCic wctifau Lareest elrenlstlon of any solentlrlf KaP" In th Sortd. enlendidlr lim-traleil. Np '''""i man should be without ILWeekly, rear i ll.Ml s mnntha Address ktPNM vs 4 1 m 'Pit. . -' irV ' V " I (sixteen yards, nny color), or ft first-clais Riven to the fast pTon in each State in tha valuable prizes ..I be imlilislid in connection with Our i;n.5 viil be given to only those who are 7fd T,ir the prizes in any way. They i-to KiiitittlllM?," wlikh are Hand- l.iive bni mice intrnduced. All From Terminal or Interior PoiDts tbe ) ( RAILROAD Is tbe line to take fii'tiic V till 1 VI11W JJtl It is thn TininirCnr Rrntn. It rmifi Through VoBtibuti'd Truiua every duy in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Cbnnife of Cars) Composed of DINING CAliS unsurpassed, MLUIAN DRAWING 1100M SLEH'ERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleping Cars Rent that rnn Iw conatrur tod mid in which 110- oouimoilitiioi.fi an- both tree and furnitdifHi for holder of brat or socond-ciaBA I ckeu, ana Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line ooanectina with all I.iuea, nfforclinif Direct sail Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Retervationt can be set'ureu in aavunvc inruuyn any agent of the road. Til 1 i on a il TICKETS Tn nml fmm al nnintN in Amer'ca. Knala id anil Kurop 1 ran be uurctiuaoti at any Ticket olfae of tins t;oiniiuiiir. Full information concerning rates, time of trainB, route anil other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, AsniHtiint (Inneral Pnanenser Agent. No. HI First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON OFFICIAL.. It In onr earnest dorire to Iniprcis upon the nillulu ol the iml'ltc the niipertoiily ot tile ,er vice otlered t.v the Mwonatn I't'iitral l.tiiea to Mlhvnnlt-c. Ililn.pi nml all roinn East and ninth. 'I wohiHt inilim leave M. I'aul, Minne apolis and Duliilli dally, t'linli'pcd tilth full li. an I'.ltlitiW-il litauihit Itooni Mei-peis, lUidnft t'arn and I oiirlit's ot tin-latt-ht dilnn. Ill IMn tiig i'nr mtv u-e In niiaiiriii.ni'd, i hit Ii iircniinta, lo a (treat dt-tm-o 'or llie pupil Ittrtty ol Ihta line 'lhe t iHi-oiiHin t'entnil l.lnea. in cotnirrtion Willi Northern Purine K. It., In the only line Ironi t'ai ilie t mill points over v hti li liolh l'ull tiiun Yt-Ktibuh-d, (Imt-rlithB, and Tollman Tour tut t rs me 0.i-rutcd tittct. 1 aid llhunt chitntte lo t'llti-Hiio. laiii'lik-ts (livtiiR valuable intorination can l.e nhtnliu'il free iipon iijii'llciilloii to your near est tii ki-l aiteut.or J as. t roMi.iiencial russen aud llckvt Agent, tliictiKO, 111. CRAP BANK-Dice I uiara rvitsvra I J... II.. .L.. i Fiiiiktti(rTii((.vaitM"oitif iioi.i-oi:ts, wiiKEI.a, Mar UJ ttn.-k PUving i'tnli, I..vrttnl lMc ud sfiyihinu in tbn line. New work thut wtm lie monev. s.n.lot imrtiftiUr anil t tir(tritloirue, free. St ii.l wlf atttlrntM-d itAtTUvU .nTJuffs' to tl V UKO.'v Drawer li, Chicago, XiL Kllftu Tabole curs scrofula. Mem 1 The 5ower lifts no Ftwonti ohatiro. The m ttrst suipiitt )ia iiittiii tr lie m toktM lue i.ite pim'.uiiuu of Ferry's Seed coiitaliir. nil hk l.mtsi aiitl bettt U B fllHiriUlltlOUslH.HIllvUtltflr.Stlttl H m Ottniciiiiiic. tt is rt-vvKtimil H m mliortty. Kvery planter should W m tmvlL Sn( iVfffon rvqutwL. n A MATI'KB AHI1H VIATION, A precocious Impulsive young Mr. Was in love with a girl and he Kr. Said she: "Sir! Go slow! For I'll have rou to knnty I'm to yon nothing more than a 9r." , COUNCIL SIKr,TINU. The Catla Come 'lognfier Fur The Public Qooil Wednesday Morning aid Night. Tue Kdjonrtiei eeBflim of Heppner's Onuncil met iu the oonmil cbnmberr WeiiiifsdHy morn in 8 at 10 o'clook, beiof culled to order by Mayor Matlock. All oouucilmeD Ktiswered present. Tbe commnuiontitiu from tbe Rullint dv. Co., asking for a certified copy o' the original charter of Hepprjer, and al tbe certified result of tbe ciiy election n 1887, Bt which time the charter was voted on, read. Ii wns tbe penae of the ct-nDcil that these be famished immediately, and but tbe comauy be iufuiuii-d lbl to rurliier hold tlietown.tbev mnstnohrytbe oonucil imntediHtfly that Hie monej wa fortbcominK, and that witbin thirty day a. Ibe lulluttiuK rt'Buliitiuu was then oi fered by Couuo.lmnu l'uttersou: That inasmuch an it lins bectime neces sary for tbe town (if Heppner to sccme a temp rary loan ot 3;HJU ir thirty nays, it in tbe fcnee of Ibis council that ibi anme be spctirfd frnui tbe First Natirnia Banlc. of H -npner.for the above meiilinn e l time, at Ibe rate uf 10 per cent, per annum, anil that the note given oj i e nn be aiuiipd bv tbe mayor. attrsiH hv tbe rtourdr. under seal nt the town, said funds to be naed by tbe said town of Ui-uiiner lu ruakini; n ai uajmnitun ami tract between tbe town of Keppuer anil H. V. dates, or his assigns. BaiU lorn to be returned nut uf the proceeds ol the tle of Ibe b. nds voted by the town ol Heppner Aug. 2, 1892, or out of the n;s oney that might outne into tue city treasury. (Signed) Utib 1'attbkb:ih. Council then adjourned till 8 o'clock . m. EVENIXO SESSION. Heppner's onunoil met in regalar ses sion .adjourned from the meetiug Wednes day morning, Mayor Mullock presiding Ail conocilmen present. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. The certified Oopy of tbe city election, 1887, at whtoli time tbe present ohartei wits aduptel. was read, aud togthei with the cortifiedenpyof Heppncr't-ohar-ter, were ordered sent to Rollins Iuv. Co , ot Denver, wilb speoifio itistrnotiouii to wire that boDds were accepted as Ihey uow stand, by the 29, b iust. It was tbe universal ipiuinn of the members of the council that the present tucticii of Rol lins Iuv. Co., are to delay acceptance nf bunds as long as possible in order to get tbe benefit of accruing i Merest. Tbe ooiumiitoe on Bltetts aud public property reomninoniled that Mr. H. V, Ontes be paid $5 OJO, acooiding to oou tract. The Firnt N ition I Biuk Uote fur $3,600 was si.t lied, and O. E Farus worlh, chairman ot Ibe committee on fiuauoe. was instructed tn pay over the money to Mr. Gates, making all arrange ments wilb tho b.ink, buiI to further 8u nerinteud the tinanoee of tbe town till last payment on waterworks is made. The finance commit tee report that, as no one appejred at Ibe tune the taxes were to be equalized, tbe assessment be acaented and that the mayor give the marshal a warrant to prooeed lmmedi ately to the collection of the taxes A. G. Long being present, asked per mission to ixhibit Bhtnples of hose and cuts of carts, and bIho to quote prices nn same. The counoil decided to bay twn No. 1, VVateroiis carts at $230 each, beinj- the best made in the market, but declined to make further purchases till cm pel i five bone dealers could have an oppor tunity to get in their bids, nud Munday night was fiifd as the time tn receive same and make a pure!) use ot 1000 feet Council I ben Hjjiiuiiitd to meet ueit Monday eveuing. The surceeB of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in tfTecting a sptetly oureof colds, cronp and wbnnpiiig cunuh bas brought It into vreat deinnud. Messrs Fnuiius & Hon, i f Cameron, Ohio, say I bat It bus gained a reputation second Ii none in that vicinity. J-iS. M Queen, of Johnston, VV. W, says il is the best he ever naed. Ii V. .(ones, druggist, wiuo na, Miss , says: "Cbainberlaiu's Cough Kemedy is nerfeotly reli.ible. I have al ways warranted it and it never failed t give the most perftct satisfaction. " 50 tieitt hotllis fur sale by blocuin Juhusou Drug Company. Lost.-A red leather pneketbook, snob as is often need to carry bills or valuable papers. Hume as lost in Ileppner, or between Heppner aud Ben SwiiKKart's place, Inst Monday. Contained some accounts and notes valuable ouly owner, Ben Swagiiart. Finder will please return same tn tbe Onz-tte office. 1 tf Prevent slid cure Constipation andSiclt. Buadauliu, imud Uilu Ik-uud. National Ban ol Mm. WM. I'KNtANO, KD. R KISHOP i'lfsidf nt. Canhler. TRANSACTS A GENKHAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HErFNER. tf OREGON Write for our Mammoth Catalog up, a tKW- pae book, plainly illtmtmt od, Kiviiijf Mantifafttir ortt' lowest price with liifttiutHcttirerstliscount 011 nil hoihIi iimuiiftict urcd and Imported into thp I'ttitetl Maiei. to fto cents on every lollnr voti iiHMid. Wis 8r (ell only ttrt-r las. goodi t.riH'crles, r 11 rniture, I'loihlng, Pry (..oinli. Hats, Caps, Hoot and Shot's, Notion., Crock ery, Jewelry, Butnle aud Harness Agricul tural Implement; in fact Hiiythiii you want, saved by buying; of ui. send !' cent to pay ex prenxage on catalogue, a (.liver's guide. We are the ouly concern that sells at manufacturer' prieei, ullowlnf the buyer the tame discount that the manufacturer uive to the w holcwtle tTft.lc. Wc guarauice all gtnxl 10 be eoiial to representation or money reftmdetl. iioKl sent by express or ircUUt, w 1th pri itcgeof eiaiuiua tiau bviorv puying. )23 Qulaojr bt, CMcttfO, til. FARMERS SAVE MONEY PERCH ER0N-M0RCAN CROSS, n Oellas-ea Thla la tha Best Uorsa for tbo Farmer. I have read with interest the discus sions in regard to draft horses and com mon purpose horses as suited best to farmwork. Tbo best horse for tbe farmer to raise is the horse that will bring him tbe most money. I have bred at different times the three draft breeds viz., Percheron, Clydesdale and Shire. Of the three breeds I consider the Clydes daleB the poorer, having very flat, poor feet, boggy joints and bad dispositions, the mares being qnite inclined to be kickers. The Shires are better, malting very good draft horses, but inclined to be slow. My best success bas been with the Percherons crossed on the Morgans. 1 bred two rcares, descendants of Old Justin Morgan, to a Percheron horse and raised a span of mares which I must say were the gamiest team I ever owned. Their weight was about 1,250 pounds each. I in turn bred these mares to another Percheron horse, their colts being a horse and mare which are now five years old. The horse I kept entire, and a finer specimen of horseflesh no one would wish to see. He has a close, smooth, handsome bidy, heavy muscles, clean, flat limbs and stands on the best of feet. He has a handsome, intelligent head, is gentle as a kitten and the most active horse of his size I ever saw. His weight ib 1,750 pounds. I sold him at 4 years old for $950. The mare I sold at 2 years old for $200, and her present owner bas refused $400 for her. I have continued to breed as above, and have sold my colts at 2 years or before, and have not had to advertise or take them off my farm to sell them for good prices. To produce a common purpose horse 1 think it will be necessary to cross some one of the draft breeds with some smaller and more active breed. The Morgan is the king of light horses. The Percheron is the king of draft horses. A cross be tween the two makes a model common purpose horse. They make the best of farm horses, weighing from 1.3U0 to 1,400 pounds, are kind und gentle and possess both style and action. If you want them heavier take another cross or two of the Percheron, and you have the best heavy draft horse in the world. A three-fourths Percheron and one fourth Morgan is a better draft horse than a pure bred Percheron, for what ho lacks in size he more than makes up in quality. 1 am not in favor of scrub stock of any kind. Percherons are not scrubs, Morgans are not scrubs, and a cross between the two surely is not a scrub. Cor. Breeder's Gazette. TVliitltwaili the fleiihonse, Without a frea use of whitewash no poultry breeder tan expect to keep his fowls healthy fir any length of time, and to a neglect ef this can be attributed many ot the disappointments and much of the loss eApirienceil by amateurs, who do not realise until they have paid dearly for the experience that cleanli ness is ono of tin first principles of suc cess in poultry k'eping, und that lime, in different forms, is an invaluable agent in promoting tleanlincss in poultry houses and anion; fowls. Where it can ji done without too much expense, we w mil advi?e persons. In build" ng their praltry houses, to use planed boardR a. least planed on the inside- in prefercice to rotigh ones, for it is fin easier to Iteep the fowlhouse clean when smooth botirds are used, while the lice and other veVrnin cannot so readily find t lodging pink As a preventive is much cheaper f.i better than a cure, we world advi'so tose who build a poul try li.mse to i;iv it a thorough white washing both in ide and out before the fowls are let iitt.it i. To make tho white wash still nun o distasteful to the ver min which bavohicli a vaste for poul try, mix a small, quantity of carbolic acid with the washstir it well till it dissolves and then oljply. It is not inju rious tothe fowls, bu it 19 to the vermin, and at the same tiinais a deodorizer and disinfectant. Caroliit Farmer. Idv. Stoelt I'oints. If you ere breeding slieep do the cull ing for the butcher yt irself. Never let him do it, for he wi I take your best ones. Keep the besi ewe lambs in all cases to breed from) By and by you will get so fine a floe that there will bo no culls. The rule in live stock is, breed only from the est. Through Septemb and October tur keys frequently dr p aud sometimes die without any apr rent cause. A tur key breeder writes I at a remedy which works well for tl sick turkeys is to give them plenty o! ivater. Have water ing troughs plnced w, so that they can reach them, at var us convenient spots, and keep them ftlle with water. Nothing brings i ready money so cer tainly as a flock of beep large or small on a farm. Bma flocks thrive better than large ones, tt , which should be a consolation to the nail farmer. rani Note Vick says in biamouthly that it is no use to reset old riiarajrns plants. Set out young plants ere they are wanted anil destroy the oi bed. The tipple crop England is reported very light; that d France is light nud of Holland very hnall. Bel'Hum lias a good crop, Oeniiny poor not nearly enough for its ov Kansas will nice at tho World's fair a notable exhibits its native animals. The specimens Ire beinj; prepared by Professor t. L. Dyche, of tho Kanwis State uuiveraityja skillful titxidermist. A HeiHhll 1Ue lufMut Year. Clip the last fifty years or more from the century, au tuesetfmeut will repre sent the term a the unbonnded popu Inrity of HosUter's titomHoh Bitlers, The opeuiinf olhe year 1893 will be 'x nalrnd by theppeHrHiioe of tt fienh al manao of the Hern, iu which the usee, derivation aiiitetiot. of this wurld fa mous medic. J will be lucidly aet forth. Ever)tKly eltulit rem! it. The cal.rj tlnr Hud Hstriijimioal ciilotilHtiiuiB to be ("Und iu Ihielrucliiire Hre hIwhb Bslott inhitiiily ncetile,BtiJ the Btalisiios, illna tiHtious, liuuf' nd tther reHiliutj mut ter rieh iu rl'reat Bud full of ftrnBt. The HostetteiiOiDpany, of Pittahiugti, Ph.. publish it lienmelve. Theyempmy more ilmu ilt bands in the nieolimiieitl work, aud mne thwu eleven niontht m the yenr are ousilmed iu its. prepitration. It enn he tibtRied without oust of till diutiuieti anceii;nlry deler, nd i piiuled in liijlieli, OermBn, Krerjoh, Welab, Norwiiitn, Swedieb, Uullnud, boberuian ncSmnih. SnoKiUKKB-Ed BirbeoR. a BhoerUBtt er bihI repmir of mkny years' experi ence, bB jusliiealed iu tbe Abraham pick linildino Mhv street, where be is prepred tiiu eveiylbinir in his line. Mr. Birbeck'atnetly a first-class work, dihu aud wahutg all work. Give him a I call. , M-tt I That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell, Mass. IF YOU WANT IWFOiiMATION ABOUT TltE l-RKSS t LAI JIN COHPA1VT, I0HN WEUDeRBURPi, Managing Attorney, S0L0I-9S, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PRENTS. VUfl- f r fii'-oors rnil Snllors iiBatil''il tn te line or (lutv In the remilar ArmyrrNii' valncethi' war. inrvlvnrs of ili; Indlnn warp nf 112 tT 1H42, nna tin Ir willows, now entitled. On! anil reteeted i-Jnlms t tneelsltv. ThnasanrH entitled to htaticr rntoe. end fur hrw laws. No charge for advlco. otee -,nlll ..,f AAllflll SILK DRESS We will Gt'te Aan nbso lately Free, of ro.t. nn ele trant'blark or colored Silk Htm piittern of Hi yards to nnv .vounf; liuiy In every town in Ann-rii-H. n ho is v IliiiiK lo iiolodiiee THE ItllUsr.lWU) fJLOT," a 1.....U u 1.,.,... to ...ilimiii 11- WNSsrSoVs liisirnti-d ' household and farm Journal, one of the hi st pnblii-lied, now in lis Hlli venr. We make tills trreiit oiler in order to introduce our paper nt o-ioe inbi ninny ihoit .und new hoim s. lie sure lo send 25 rents for the paper one year on tiiul and suuiple ol silk to select from. PILOT Pl'R. O. 518 859 Center St., New Haven, Ct. QUICK TA IVi ES I TO !Sf in Frtuiolsoo 'itl ail points in t alifol-nia, via itie Mu bliaeta route of the Southern Pacific Co. thegrpat hitrhway thnmKh California to all pmiitB taut and South. (1r.1cdScpr.io Itoute of On? Pacific Cottet. r.iihuan Buffet Bleep!-. Second -cIhbb bleepere Attached to express trains, nfft'rding canerio-iict-oiniiiodutionB for eecond-claf-e jnB8enger. Fur Ht, ticketn, sleeping car reKervatiouB, to. call npon or addreee K KOEHI.EK, MaiiBKer. E. P. R00ER9, Aefit " 'I' t "t por'lni'fi Orceon THE DICTIONARY HOLDER Did you tver leaTn what fnbtilon miilu tm out of th Btnuffioturs liy Mr. Hyi of an oninintnUl uml to hotd th tlctioiurvl Tlieitory teatU like a fatilo. but lo tell it onomurt Mk anmliai nun.tlnll llltl'f Vnll CVPf DOtlCeO tilt) lH tlM Armotor Company, whirh itatU out as follow ; 45 com m T,3 2.280 CC.d iri '89 6,263 eo!d la 'S3 cola EnFon 60.0OO w:a tsecw m'S2i LirAM WillUi.iidui-wu Crr T haea ftcureg tell tha s$4m rtwwr -coinr. cverlristina -Vr Steel Aermotor. Whor '. one aoes others follow and we 'Tnko the Countrx' Woll. that Mt.it iliilimeM ht lon loUVrneW.W.'j'ts,ii'M!tB A BiMtii with wliitli it ''S l'"'1' IS Mi. iinli.itistliollitrd urt Batrnfotnel in Ilia West (''eiHB nlr etceedM by lvu of tli frr. HurveMPf CompM"''') a ivlmllv fiifttlilied ly t.10 Pictiontiry HulJcr huMi-rw Una bmiKi ui back to H10 H'I'I'. nnA uitiesti inquiry m If lio,v H nd helil m-J ftili Ix'M th-i fioM, incrfumg raimily from ynr t lyo'ii-. Thoiecrat of tlmt aucce blhis: Mr. Koyn haa ina.lo a most perfect, airtiitie and nietitorioua iticlo. ami haa maintainrtl B,:tItl aetllaiic anil iiipine' ta low iiHce. Tlie uipn 01 nliniiarv llitlrlrra llttl '",n f that Ihey liler.My. cold Uiamiolv, tnd lit (licit (r it ii "-I tin tiaatiiataaiiia!1ir'iiton ach on hj made the mult aViva nientioiid. Thay have 5011c toalmtut every auiiaiim ortiun 01 ma :ioiiei van to tho renmlo t ian Iho aen, and an kit MINUin, LGAL ADVEiiTlSEMENTSL K0TICE OF INTENTION. CAXD OFFICE AT LA QRAXDE, OREGON. December 5. li)2. Notice is herehy given that the followiiiR-iiained settler hin Hied notice of hta intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and thai faid proof will be made before W. R KlHa. Com U.S. fircnit Court at Heppner, Or., on Janunrv 1Rii3 viz.: JO.SEl'H W. HKCTOK, fid. No. 4857, lor the NWJ bee. M, Tp. 2, 3 R 27, K. W. M. He names the followitip vitneRe toprovehln continuous residence upon and cnUlvullou of, said land, viz.: Nelson Jones. Frank SIorh, V, 0. Boyer and J. N Elder, all of lleppmr, Oregon. 5j0-.0 A. C kavkr, Hegister. Notice of intention. T AND OFFICK AT THE DAU.ES, OREGON I j Nov. 1H, ISiW. Notice la hereby given that the follow iiig-named cetilcr has tiled notice of his intention to make Hi ml proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County t lerk of Morrow comity. Ore , at Heppner 'regon, on Jnunarv 10. isus, viz.: CLAHENCE T. WALKER, Hnmcsrend appllcati u No. 2hul, for the NEi of fee. I p i K 'i K V. M. He names the follow iug w itnesBes to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, ald land, viz.: N. U. Williams. Ed. Enpleman, Frank Wilson and A. I. Penv, all ot lone. Oregon, bio-MO JulIK W. Lkwih, Reoistkb. Notice of intention. I AND OFFICE AT TLK DALLES, OREGON, j Nov Ui, 1M2. Notice is hereby given that the follow lug-named settler has tiled notice oi hi intention to make final pi oof iu support of his claim, and that said proof w ill he made be fore the County t Jerk of .iorrow county, ore., at Ileppner, Oregon, on January 10, viz.: LEVI 11AM?FoHD. Homestead application No. .'71st, for the bV4 SK of ?ec. 27. and N NEJ cec ,4, Tp5 S, K S E. W. . He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz : Abe Luelliug. Tien Lnelling, William Luelling and I. M. Ltforuev all of Hardman. oreiron, M5-6.W Jiin W. Lkwis Hegistcr. Notice of intention. T AND OFFICE AT 'I HE DALLES, OREGON. s Nov. IML. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler hns riled notice of hit intention to make filial proof in support of hts claim, and that said proof will be made be tore J. L Gtbeon, I', f. Commissioner at Lexing ton, Oregon, on Jannarv u, iv.u.viz,: El'H RAIM WILLIAMS, Homestead application No. 4w. for the Ni NE4 of fsw. -js. Tp 1 s. R S K. V. M. He names the following witnesses to nmveliis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aid land, 1.: Andrew lu'aney, Frank Reaney, Tnomas Bur nett and Keubeu Lane, all of Lexington, Ore gon. i'iti-aa& johh w. lewis. Register. Wheir? At AhrnhRiunick's. Iu addition to his tnitorinft' buamer-s, be hnn ndded a fine Imp of underwear of all kinds, neizlicw shirU, hoBiery, etc. Also bus on band stirae elptfHiil pntterns fur snits. A. AhrnhHmHiPR. Mhv utrppt. Hpppnpr, (r. Colli u A McFarlHiui hMve jnnr reoeiTPd ' a OHr load of Mitohfll suon, HhcUp, j etc , and Imre rIoo h Ihtkp supply uf farm ing implement of all kinds. MSMI sf MM I B 111 I A 7 LV J. -t Es i n - by all -m S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER 1IKPPNEH. OEEOON. Catt le branded and ear marked as aliuwn abuve, Horace K on right shoulder. Mv cattle rantte in Morrow and Umatilla conn. tie. 1 will ray $!(r00 fnr lhe nrreat and con. fiction of any perenn i-tpalirifi my stock. Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes and save money. 1 ry it. a, STOCK BRANDS. While jron kwpyonr snbscription paid up yen can keep yoar brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Hnm G(i on left shoulder; cattle namo on left hip, tinder bit on right ear, aim upper du on tne leit; range, mor row county. Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der 11 on left shoulder of borees; cattle same on left tup. Allison. O. P.. Eight Mile. Or. -Cattle branrl O I) on left hip and horeee same brand on right shoulder, itanirpi. Eight Mile. AdkineI' 0, Dayville, Or- Straight mark across the thigh anu two crops and a Bin tn the right ear; horses. J, nwode down on the right shoulder. linnge in Grant county and Hear valley, PO addrees also at naruintn. Auk 11.19, J. J., Heppuer, Or. Ilones, JA con i.ftcteil on lt tlaiik: cattle, same on left bin. Ay era. Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded '.riHiigieOii Jell hip; cattle eame on right hip; iltto crop off right ear and npper bit on aame. Hariholampw, A O , Alpine, Or.-- Him sea branded 7 E un either shoulder. Kunge in Mo -r wiouniy. ItJyth.i'ercy n., Heppner, nr. Horsea llomnn crona on right shoulder, liaiige in Morrow county. iileiikiriHn. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag oi left HhfQliIer: cattle fame on right ahonlder. I ami iater, J. W., II ard man. Or. (-at tie brand ed H (tn left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, imtaeberry Oregon HoraeB branded F H on left shoulder. Cattle same on right Biue Burke. M Bt C, Long Creek, Or Oo cattle, MA V connected on left hip, ciopoff left ear. un der half crop off right. Horaea, same brand on letfl shoulder, Huuge in Grunt and Morrow county. Bowi-man, A., Mount Vernon and Bnms, Or. t-attle, A B on right hip, two crops iu euoh ear; same on horaea. on right shoulder, Jiauge in Grant aud Harney counties, Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right ahouluer; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop und rigid ear upper BiopR. Barton, Wm., heppner. Or. -HoraeB, J B on right Ihjua, cattle, aume on right tup; split in each ear. Brown, Isn, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right t-t i fits; cattle aumeon right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horaes and cattle branded B witi- itz-yoke above on left ahonlder. Brown, J. C., Ileppner, Or. JlorBea. circle C with tint ni ter on loft hip: cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle mime on left hip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horsea, box brand or rg.i hip cutUe, eame, with split in each ear. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; (ut le. aame on left luu. Brdwnlee. W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JB connected on left wide; crop on left ear and two splits and middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horaea Hume miid on the left thigh; liange in Fox valley, emit county, 1 ansnei- Warren. Wagner. Or. Horsed brnrd o on light stifle; cuitle (throe hart) on ght riba, crop andaplit in each ear, liiuje in urnui anu .tiorrow uouniica. Cain.E.. ( aleb.tr.- X It on horses on left stifle; U with quarter circle over it, tin left ahonlder, and on left stifle on all coita under S yearn; on left (shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range iu Graut countv. Clark, Wm. IL, Let a. Or. Horse. WHCJ con nected, on lert hhoulder: cattle name on right hip. Ha ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cute, Chaa. B Vinaon or Lena. Or. Horses II C on right hlmulder; cattle same on right hip. tiiuifje Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cochran, Chat., lone. Or.-Horaea, HP con uected on loft shoulder; cuitle, C on both left hip and flifle. linnge iu Morrow county. Camion, T. B.,Long Cmk, Or.Tou cattle on right aide, crop oft' right ear and slit in left ear. Our horaea name brand on left bhonkler. liange in liniutcouiity. Cecil, W m.. Douglas. Or; horaos Jf' on lef shoulder; cu lie eame on lef I hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Cui J, T. I1M John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. llunge in Gram county. On sheep, inverted A aud speur point oil ahoulder. Eur murko-i ewea, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit iu right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop iu left ear. AU range iu Grant couutv. Cook, A. J ..Lena. Or. Horses, OOon right shoni let Cattle, saiueon r. ght hip: ear mark square mop off left aud split in right. Currin. B. X,t Currinavilio, Or. -Horses, ) on left atitle. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C will in center; horsuB. CE on left it. Cochran, 11. E., Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horaes branded circle with bai beneath, on lefl shoulder: cattle r?amo brand on both nips, mark under slope both earB and dewlap. Chupin, IL, Hardman, Or. Horses branded on right hip. Cattle bruuded the same. Croas. B L, Dnyvillo, Or Cattle branded -f two crops and a Bplit in left ear; on horses a reversed on left stifle. Also have the following brands on caitle: It on left hip, 7 on right hip, 72 on left shoulder, two parallel burs on Ml bhonlder. Ear marks, two croon. Dioktn1, Ebb Hot sea braided with three tiueo u.rh in leii anne t HMiu t-a nron leftside. Doonan. Win., Heppner, Or. Hoiimjb bmnded OO with bur over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same nn left hip, Douglaah, V. M .Galloway, Or, Cattle, II Don right side, awn low-fork in each ear; horaea. it 1) on left hio. Douglas. 0. T., Douglas, Or Hordes TD on the i ight (stifle; cuttle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day, Or. Quarter circle W on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle, liange Grain county. DrU-keJL W. L heppner, Or. Horsea branded K inside of u on luf t shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely, J. B. A Bona, Donglas, Or. Horses brand ed ELI on left tdioulder, cattle aume on left hip. hole ir right ear. Elliott, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right i-houlder. Meek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F connected oi, right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Eur murk, hole in right and cron oil left, Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horse F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, K on right shoi lde ; cuttle. E on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. G A If on left shoulder. Oilman-French, Iand and Livestock Co.. Fos sil, Or. Horses, tuiuhor W on left shoulder; vent, same on lefl stine. Cattle, name on both hips; ear murks, crop off right ear and underbit in left, liange iu Gilliam, Urant, Crook ai.d Morrow Counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. "Horsea branded H. S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle, liange in Morrow and Umatillacountieu. Giltwuter, J.C., Prairie City, Or. On horsea, O -O on left shoulder and atitle; cuttle, on right side, liange in Grunt county. Hajea. Geo., Cena, Or, Brud JH connected, with quartet circi over it, on lett shoulder, Hiait A. B., Bidge, Ur. t attle, .-mind-top with quarter circle under it on the right uip. Baiitiein Morrow and Umatilla counties. 11 iu ton J; Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. nurses, j on rignt tnigri. iiaiigein it rant county. Hughea, Hitmnel, Wagner, Or (T P L connected) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right tup ai.d on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kanra in Hi.vHrurtr district. Mopvw county. Hale, Millou, WHgne'. Or. Horses hnmded -O-(-ircie with patal.el tails) on left shoulder t i tile sume on lefi hip ; aUoiuige circle on left side Hall. Edwin. John Pay.Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses same on right shoulder, langain Gnoit county. Howard, J L, alloway. Or. Hordes, (cross witli bur at tp ii) nn ritrlit alinnlnor. un n ustne on le.t side, liange in Morrow aud Uma tilla comities. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Of. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range. Morrow C-o. Hunsuker, B , Wagner, Or. Horses, V on left shoulder; c tie. ft on left hii . Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon -Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear, H umphrevs. j al. Hardman, Or. Horses. H on lef flank Hiatt. Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on lefl Dip Haves, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shoiildei cut lie. anine on right hip. Huston, Lather, Light Mile, Or. Horse Hon the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat tl "am nn left hip. Kai'ffn in M.irmw rxinntir. Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses same biand on left shoulder, Hange n Grunt oountv J mi kin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on lefi shoulder. Cattle, the urns. Kangf on Eitrhi Mile. Johnson, fceiix Lena. Or. Horses, circle Ton left slice; cattle, same on right tup, under htf erop in nght and aulit in latt ear .Tonkin, n W..)1t. Vernon.Oi.-J on horses oD left shoulder; on rattle, J op left hip and two smooth cro)S on both ears. Itangeiu Eoxaud I tear vaU.-jH keuny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horsea brand-x! KNY on left hi d cattle same and crop off left ear; under flint on the right Kirk J T., Heppner. Or. Horsea PI on lert shoulder; cattle. r.ft n lert hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either flank: cuttle il on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horse U on left shoulder; cattle same on i ight side, underbit on lgni ear, knmhertand.W. Q.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 Lnn cattle on right und left sides, swailuw fork in If fl ear and uider einp in right ear. Horses same ornnd on left ahonlder. Bangs in Grunt countv. Keeuey. KIL Ht-tmnw tlr.-Horom J 1. und ace of clubs on lett stifle. Bangs in UmatiHa and n.orrow counties lsley,M C, Monument. Or A triangleRlwith all lines extending pa t tody of figun o.iLSliior- bmhou jen Btionuier, ou cattle aiumond on left shouider, split iu righ -a uo. ..it m left ear Hange iu Grant comity and to i arts of JohuOajr U ahey, J W. Heopuer Or. Horoee branded L ind Aon left shoulder: cuttle name on loft hip; wattle ver right ey throe sliis in right ear. Lufteu, Btepnen, lox. Or. L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, liange Grant county, Ltev.allen, John W., Lp-Or. Horsea branded haif-ciiele JL connected on left Hlmul der. Cattle. suin on left hip. liange, near Lex tnuton. Irfird. George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double U coi.nectt Noroetimea called a swing H, on left shoulder. M axwell, M.S.. Gooseberry. Or.- Horses brand ed long link on left shoulder: cattle, same on lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Don right hip; home. Mon lef t shoulder. Morgan, ei. N.. Heppner, Or. Horsea, M ) on left should"i cattle same on left hip. McCutnber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. Aiann, B. tna, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stuck, smail u on left shoulder. Morgan, The., Heppner, Or.-Rorses, circle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horaes, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClareu, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses. wi on ouch ahoti ider. cattle, M2 on hi n McKem W.J. Mourn Vernon. Or XI on cattle on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left same brand ou horses ou left kin, liange in Grant County, aicourty, uavid H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, on lI.a left h..Mr. on hip aiid side. 1 Aicuirr. irunk, Fox Valley, Or.-Mnle shoe Pith toe-cork on cattle nn rib unH nirl each ear; horaea same brand on left stifle. , ' . niiHon,ur. On Horses, 8 with halt circle under on left ahonlder; on Cattle , tour bare connected on top on the right side liange in Grunt County. IN eai. Andrew. Lone Hock, Or. Horses A N con uected ou left shoulder; cattle same on both hips. Nordyke, E., ISiivertun. Or.-Horses. circle 7 on left thigh; chi tie. same on lefthin. Oliver, Joseph, t anyon City, Or. A 9 on cattle on left hip; on horses, sume ou left thigh, iiamrs in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or. P O on lefl shou.tei. Olp, Herman. Piairie City, Or.-On cattle. O LF connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on nose, liange iu Grant comity. Peuraon, Oluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horaea, quar ter circle shield on loft shoulder and 24 ou left hip. Cuttle, fork in let; ear, right crupped. 24 on left hip. Bang, on Eight Mite. Parker & Gleaaon. Hardman, Or, Horses IPon J' ft Hliotiider. Piper, Eri e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand e E (L E coiineu ed) lett t-hou.der; taiUn b meou ligtitnip. liunge, ilurrow uuumar. i iper, J. ii., LuxuiKLoii, ur. Hoioub, Jfc con. nected oi left shoulder; cattle, same on loft hip. under bn in each ear. I'atberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand ed with u liomui crosa ou left shoulder; cuttle brunded with ltomuu cross, bur at bottom, on lelt hip. Pettya, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond Pon - shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the left hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the i ight. Powell, John T.. Dnyvillo, Or Horses, JP con nee ed ou left shoitlder. ( Juttle OK couuected on left hip, two under half crops, out n each ear, wattle under throat, liai gem Gruntcounty. llickurd, G. D., Canyon City, Or.--P V on left diouider, on horses only. B uige Canyon creek and Hear valley. Grant county. liood. Anurew, Harduiau. Or. Horses, square crof. with quarter-circle iver it on left stirlo. Bellinger, Chris, Ueppuer, Or. Horaes, G 11 on lellsii(uUlL-i. liice. Bun, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel worm fence ou lett shoulder; cu:tle, DAN on right shoulder, liunge near llurdmau. iiudio, Win. Long Crack, Or. Brands horses li oi right shoulder. Bunge. Grant aud Morrow counties. Boyse, Aaron, Heppner. Or Hcrees, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed ob right lup und crop oil right ear. liange iu Alor row county. Bush Bros., Heppner, Or Horses branded J on the right shouhier; cattle, IX on the left nip crop oft lei t eur aud dewlap on neck, liunge ir. Morrow und adjoining counties. Bust, Uilimui, Pemiletoii, Or. Horace li , left shouiuer; cuttle, li on to nip, cntp oil right eur, undorijit on left eur. bheep, K on wuaihors, round crop off righ ear. liunge Uma tilla und Morrow c un ties. lieHiiey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horses branded A It on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Uaiige Morrow county. Boyse, Wm. II, buiryvUle, Or HB connected with quarter circle over lop on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear und Bplit iu left. Horses same brund ou left shoulder. Bnuge in Morrow. Grant and Gilliam counties. Bitter, J E, Bitter, OrTjiree parallel bart wiln bur over on horses on left hip; on cattle, lefl side, two smooth crops, two splits iu each eat, Kange in Middle Eork of John Duy iiector, J. VV.. Huppuer. Or. Hones, JO o leftBhoulder. Cattle, o ou right hip. Spicknall. J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horses brunded 31 on left shoulder; tango in Morrow county. bpray, J. F Heppner, Or.-Horses brandeo. fcl cumjeuLeii o right shoulder; oatUe sume on both htt'B. Bailing, C O Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on leit shoulder; cuttle same on left hip. bwaggun, B. P., Lexington. Or.-Horses I with dash under it ou left stifle, cattle U with uash unuer it on right hip, crop off right ear and wuddlMt on right hind log. liange in Morrow, Giliiuinund umutiila counties. bwuggurLA.L., Ella. Or. Horses brande I onlelt shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Cron on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight VV. E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded J b ou let. stilie; cattle J b on left hip. swallow fork in righ. eur. underbit in left. bupp. Tuos., Uei.pner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on leit tup; chili. Maine on left hip. ithirtz. James. Loiiu ( n-elr iinnMU a left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder. fMiner.Jolin. Uoi. itr Mi ...... Iwnat un riKht lup; oauie, same on right hip cruii ..11 rwlii far u.l audar bit iu leJt ar. iUii. in brniit uuutily. buntli Bios., Bosanvillf, Or. Horew, brei.diwl II. lu oualmul.loi; cait.a, ama on loft ahuuldsr. bquiraa, Jauiaa. Arhuaton, Or.; lioroes branded JU..U left auouiiler! catila tha same, also lioa. audiu. IfaiiKO m Uormw and litliiam oo ntiaa bUipliMia. V. A., llardiuau, Or-; horsaa bSoa riuhl ouliu! catlla h. muntal L on Ihu light aide OL.voiiBou, Airs A. J., lleppurr, Ur. u,tu. M ou riKhl in. 1 twalliw-fjra in loft ear. b-aKarl. U. W., Ilpppnor, Ur. Horaea, U on loll sitoiiHi. : uattio, 44 on loft hip. blouo. Ira. Bi-klotou, Wash.-Uoreaa, keyaton on loll shoutdor. buiitii, r. Lona Ilock, Ur. Horaea branded a onwood ooveu on lofi shoulder; oatll. aamo ju lotlsldo. hauiro, Gilliam county. Sparry, E. li.. Hrppuor, Ur. - Cattla W C tra lett lup, crop off ngnt and uudorbil in lolt year dtwotp; horaea VV I. on ioft shoulder. iliuuipsou, J. A., ileppner, Ur. florae., t o . left snoulh r; cattJe, z ou left shoulder. lipiietB.8.X.,tnierprise,Or. iloiaee. C-oa left sliouider. lurui'r K. W., ileppner, Or.-Smalt oapital T leit shouidoi. honos; oaille same un loft bio with .pin in boll. ears. Ihirutou, 11. M iune, Or.-Horaes branded U I connected on leit slitie; .liet-D same braud. Vandorpool, H. T Lena, Urj-H.iniee H V eon. uouLod uu riuhl shuuliler;uaiUo, same on right Walbritlce, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horaea. TJ. L. uu the loll aliuu.de.-; cuttle same on liKlu hiu. orup ult left oar aud right tar luppod. Wilaoii, John li balom or Ueppuer, Or llorauB bnuided Jq ou the left shoulder, llaug. alorruw county. Warren. W B. Caleb. Or flattlo W -;.h circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear. llorbos same bra.al on lft Hl.....i,la. tiraut oouut. WihkI, F L, Daysille, Or-Heart on horses o left stihei on catUo. 2 on left side and uuder bit in left our. liange iu Grant county. V right, bilao A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded U on the right hip. square crup utl right ear aud spi.tiu leit. Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon,0r-8quareon cattle on tiie left hip. upper slope in he left ear and under aloue in right ear. Same brand ou h(irtee ou right shoulder, iiauge in Harney and (Irani couutv. Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horaea bianded ace ol Bpatio. ou le.t shoulder and left hip tattle branded same on left side aud left hip. Wells. A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horaea, on left shoulder: ualt e same. W olhuger, John, John Day City, Or On homes three parallel bare on left shoulder; 7 ou eueep bit in both ears, ttauge in lirant aud Malhuer cuuutioe. Woouward, John, Heppner, Or. Horaea. UP connected un left ahouluer. ' W atmna, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horaea branded Ilk. couuectei. on left sline. Wallace, Chaxlee, Portland, Or. CatUe, W on right thigh, hoi. in lefl ear; horses, W on right sliouliier, tim. sumeun left shoulder. VUilttier Bros. Urowsy, Haniey county. Or. -HiirH hrandeil VV U. comiecteil on lefl .honlder Williams. Yaecu. liainiiton, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars ou left hip, both cattle and horses. Kange (jranl comity. W illiama. J o. Long Creek. Or Horsea. quar ter circle over three bare on left hip; cattle Mun ami Kill in mrh mr Kanex in Hranl onnty. W ion, A. A., . eppner. Ur. Horaea running A A on shoulder; ( atlie. same on right hip. TJyuai(.L S., tioeOerrj-.Or.-H.whranrll ,Y"J. A -Oooatberry. Or.-Horses btsad co a A iduab s X coi necua) on ift alwaidac aauia aaoi on left aid..