N0T1CK TO ADVUKl'ISliKS. 'I 'HOSK desiring tile iuw rtiou of display ads., I or ijimiite of name, must Ret their copy in not Uler tlmu Monday evening for 'Fuesday'i cumuli, ur inumtiay evening lor iruluys edi tion. 'lllJi I'ATTKKsoW t'UUMKHiNOCO. NO I U K. 1. The sum of five cenu per line will be charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of reapect," li8U ol Meddlhg pieaeuta and iluii.nn, and obituary notices, (oilier Ihun those the edit or shall liin. sell gie as a matter of news.) and notices ol apevial meetings lor whatever purpose. 2. Notices oi clinreli und society and ail oilier entertaiiiii.eiiui Iroin a Idch revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rale of live cents a lino. 'I liese rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madekuowu upon application. t 1 i Give your biisiness to Heppner peop e, and thciejote assist to build vp liepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. D. It. Juyne is on the list of those sick. M. LiohteutUul'a baby is qu.te ill this week. EJ. Miller, of Eight Mile, is sick at the Palace. Masquerade bull- fur it. -Ret yourselves rend) 04 Master Orriu Vuugban is quite ill from biaiu lever. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Hughes is still quite ill. Miller, the tailor, baa conoluded to stay 111 Hepi ner. Oif Siherifl Noble is below atteudiuy the Bhtntl'd convention. Fred Miller knows bow to give you a good fit iu tailoring. tf bw Mrs. Andrew Keal has returned to tier home at Loue Roik. The editor's wife has recovered from l.er recent slight illnens. Wru Hniibee arrived Tuesday eye from a week's visit to Portland. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors. McAtee bros., Props. 8W T. R. Lyons left WedneBdiiy to spend Chiisimas with the home folks ut VVulia Will la Miss Ollie Howard is home from The Dalles Catholic school to spend the hoi idajs. Three prizes given away nt the rmo-qnernde hall, Thursday December 29, ltiiB. 0-4 Mr. H. V. Gates left this morning to spend Christmas with the home folks at HillHUorn. Ladies will find that ficelient toilet preparation for the face for sale don at Fell Bios. 62-tf A. G. Lou if, representing: Messrs. Long & Soott, of Portland, epeut Wednesday iu lleppuer. The Morrow County Land and Tiuat Company have au unlimited supply of obop for sale. 41-1 T. Mr. McKay, of Waterman Flat, not in Monday from Porlluud, leaving Wednes day for home. M. D. Hayman, the veteran hotel man, is slightly ill this week, but hopes for an eaily recovery. Newt. Whetstone returned borne from Portland, here be had been on a bust liens trip, Tuesday evening. O. E. Farnewortb returned Tuesday from below, having been excused from further service as a graud juror. Every man who takes any iuterest in fast slot k should subscribe or The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. . N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Hetipuer and Loue Rook. See ed. far days of leaving aud urr.val. tf. Mafonerade ball at the opera house nn 1 hiiisdiiv. DrCHriber 29. 1892. Ad tnittunee. eeutltmtn 81; 1 ladies, 50 cents. 0 Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in north Heppner, or address her at this place. B18" Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mulhews, at tlie city barber shopthe place to get a first-class shave, bair-ont or shampoo. tf. Master Clay French is the authorized egeut for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe Ihroui'b him, Bnd have your paper delivered free of charge. tf D. A. Herren, of Balm Fork, and R. J. Bill, of Lexington, this morning report about the saute fall of snow in ttieir respective localities as at Heppner. Tue Happoer Water & Light Co. a I boiler arrived last oL'ht, aud the time that we will be without oity water aud eleotrio lights is of short duration. Mrs. Jones hasn't a gray hair in her bead aud ts over 50. She looks bs vonng as her daughter. The seoret of it is, that abe uses on ly Hall's Hair Reiiewer. The Weather Bureau, through Observ er Smith, gives as today's foiecast the following: "Bnow luming to rain. P.mti Saturday. Warm Chinook wind." Died In Portland. DdO. 20, Claudia Sperry, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs J. L. Hperry, foiuierly of Pendleton, Oregon. The funeral ooourred on the afternoon of the 21st. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. The latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, nms Bticcessfnlly accomplished by Dr. h. F. Vanghau. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Hentiner. Or l a-w- ' T. K. Egberts, formerly of the Uepp- ner Gazette, but now ot the mailing East Oregouian, is iu the oity looking ntier tne iuterests of his paper, aud will re main till after Christmas Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Douglass have moved iu from Butter creek, taking up their residence in part of the nonse known as the "dniith" property, opposite the Gazette's borne rauob. A lodge of Past Masters met at the A. F. & A. M. 1)bI1 last eveuiug, confer ring the P. M. degree on the itiouniing Worshipful Master, J. W. Morrow. Au oyster supper was au important feature of the oco-ision. Dr A. L. Fox was called to Arlington Tuesday to attend little Vera Snow, th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frauk b low, who is ill with oaWrrli and pueum -nia. The d.ictor returned Wednesday, leaving the child muoh better. Did you ever buy a borse and not have tome misgivings as to bis points till they were fully tested? Nit so with Ayers Sarsapanlla; you may be sure ot it at the start. It never disappoints those who give it a fair aud persistent trial. Owing to the fact that job stock has advanced about twenty per cent frm reasons which will be explained else wbne. we are compelled to makes iligbt'advance on all printing. A le duction will be made as soon as prices of material will justify same. Hattee's Congo Oil i rapidly onming to the front as a leading medioiue. J A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap plied i to his legs, whioh was recently i . i.....w. and neTt dav he ..i.l.-his crutches- -It's the bo.sr . I Harrison say.. Lyman Br.;wn tried the oil for rheumatism with which he has i ...... hio." for years, and tin" is what -it kocked it after two appli- j t.oo.. Heppner and vicinity has si out 'it toeha of snow, wbtla at Arlington tj feet are leported. Down at Bonueville. there bad fallen, up to noou yesterdiy, about six feet, and it was "still aoouiin'." This means a blockade. Walter P. Fell writes that he has Sev ered Lis count cliou Willi the Oregon Ira provemeut Company, aud that he wi l liere.ifter be at 111 Columbia street, Se attle, a member of the firm of Dawson, Stewart & Fell, real estate agents. I. G. Mood, the .(nun Dty miller, and Lee Miller, the livery man over, there ar rived Wednesday ou a business trip. It the weaiber does not get too stormy, they will start lor home today. The GtZ'tte acknowledges a pleasaut call fiom Mr. Moon. Waldrnn itliPB is np from the Arm strong business College, tn spend I tin holidays with relatives and friends Wal drnn ia developing into quite a steady oung man of good business traits, and nothing could be more beneficial at this time than a good oourse at the Armstrong uollege. Dave McOarty is over from lower Duller oreek. and was in attendance nn Heppner Lodge, A. F. &A. M., Ibs night. the occasion of ooufHrring toe Master Mason's degree on Isauo Large. Ike proved to be n broncho rider nf no small ability, aud Mr. MoUarty felt well paid for his visit. Feeble and caprioions appetites are beat regulated by the use of Ayer'e Ca- artic fills iuey do uot debilitate, hv exoessive stimulation: bill cause the stomach, Iher, and bowels to perform their functions properly. As " u after diuuer pill, they are untqnaled. Grant County News: A delegation of Long Creek's cit zius have been over ilunug the week iuterviewiug our people ou "county division." People over here have not been ru ihing over each other in their frantic eft irts to place tlinr an togrnpb to the petition, neither are they kicking very bard at the scheme; kinder hesitatiug, as it were. wrong items from the clipping used in Prof. Wier's article in last issue. We Understood that those marked were the ones to be used, iu conformity with the custom of all print shops, ben, in fact, the ones not used should haye appeared. The items printed w re not in the strict line of Prof. Wi r's argument, and we are sorry that the mistake was made, and more so now that the copy has beeu destroyed aud that we can make uo further corrections. Tile Union Pacific Officials Admit 1 hot Such is at Hand- lief used Cattle at Heppuer. Belated Train. Wednesday's train did not arrive till 1 o'clock Thursday iiioruing, owing to an accident which oo eurred to the dowu passenger, between Willows aud Ai liDglon about 2 o'clock p. m. The sand aud suov together de railed the eugine aud it was not till late Wednesday eveniog that things were righted so that the passenger oonld pro ofed, aud allow our own immortal Hepp ner train the right-of-way. Owing to the faot that there was uo "diuer"on and that the "buffot" was depleted of eata bles, the orowd si uok on the passenger were a huugry population before an eat iug house was sighted. For days past, it t.as been the rumor up this way that the Cascade country was ex periencing au Unusual full of snow. honith it wns not till yesterday that rail road traffic was interrupted. The east bound train failed to make connection with tbe Heppner branch, aud in couse- iience no Portland mail was received. Along with this came reliable iuforma- tiou that down at the Casoadea and tbe Bonueville section, the fall of snow was fully six feet, and still falling aa it only can iu that district. That a blockade ia expected, is so nowledged by the Union Pacific offi cials. Hank Putnam and Sam Kiusinan desired to ship yesterday 100 head of beef oattle to tbe Union Dressed Meat Co., of Trontdale, but were informed that tbey oould do so if they would take all risks themselves, and particularly called attention that if any delay result- d the shippers would have to pay tbe extra feed bills. This indicates what the company expect, aud tbe cattle are still corralled at Heppner on $10 a ton hay, instead of that ousting $30 a ton, as would be the result in tbe case ot ship ment at this time, it a blockade should be experienced. Tbe fall of enow at Heppner, though near the mountutus, is only about six inobes, and this morning there are some signs of clearing np. Tbe thermometer has gotten down wilhiu the pnut week as low as 4 degrees above zero, but tbe judications lire for warmer weather. To Thb Knights. All members of Dor c Lodge, No. 20. K. of P., as well as visiting Knights, do not reqnire any piiuttd invitations to be present at the open installation on Jan. 3rd. Each Kuight ia entitled to two invitations, which will be sent them this week, eaoh ooe good for a lady and gentleman. Any visiting Kuight, who is unknown to the lodge, will uiuko himself known at the Gazette cflloe, where tbe editor, asohair man of the oonimittee ou invitation, will see that Kuightly courtesies are exleud ed. Good Witnesses, J. N. Elder bas fir-enred the statements ot some of Heppnet'a leading citizens to thetffect that the witnesses who will go over to Roslvn. Wash., to testify iu behalf. of i'om Kimsey, ure good, reputable citizens. They are Chas. Elder, Wen Marlatt, Pell Simison and others, and the evidence of such men should be con elusive. They know that Tom was herdiucr sheep in tbe Blues at the time of the RoBlyn robbery, and will so testify to the same. OddFehows'Elkotion Oi Wednes day uight last the I. O. O. F , of Hepp uer, eleoted the following ofiioeM: J li. Hunt, N. G.; Ji". D. Himiltoa, V.G Theo. Dinner, Sec'y; M. Lichteutbal, Treas. The remaiuiiig olHoers will be appointed on the eveof installation, Jan. 11th. It was decided to have an opaa in stallation this yea', aud is deterred to Mm data above mentioned so as uot to oouflict with any of the secret sjoiety do ings in Heppner. fiowAN Elected. Private advioen from Urautcouutv iudioate that A. W. Gowau bus been ohoseu j uut repre seutative of Grant and Harney oouiities, The election oi onred the 20ib iust., Bnd the vote was light everywhere. T vote of Hamilton precinct was as fol lows: W.C Bjril, 9; Mell Fenwick, 5 A. W. Gnwnn. 33. Iu Long Creek it stood : W. C. Byrd, 17 ; Mell Fenwiok 33 ; A. W. Gowan, 5ti, a gain in both preoiuots iu Go wan 's favor of 97 votes. A. O. U. W. Elkction. At a recent meeting ot Vhitniore Lodge, A 0 U. W of Hermner. tbe following i (Boers were eleoted: Dr. A. L. Fox, M. W.;AP t-iarriune. Foreman; W. P. Scrivuer, Overseer; Geo. Conser, Guide; W. A. Kirk, Fiuancier; J L. Yeager, Receiver; W. L. Baling, R coider; Heuiy Wade. Outer Guard; Geo. Vinson, Inner Guard. Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank has lately leaBed the hostelry known as the Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and bed, per week $6; board without bed, 84 50; meals aud bed 25 cents each. Mr. Urauk asks a portion of the patronage, hulievinir that he can eive as iood ser vice as aujoue in Heppner, aud for money. A KUKKADK. STILES UTOE6EDEISED. WHY ? Beoauae No Other Modioir i XSLSB Effootocl Cure at oo3sr-o OIU Ilaei. HATTEES at O.W.R. MFC C9 PORTLAND. ORE WHY ? EccauEo XI lieu m a. -tic T1l , (sciatica, filiCt Neuralgia aro a thinsof tlao Fast wboxi CONGO OIU ia TJsoci. First Mouth's Sales, 7:20 Bottles ; Second Month's Sales, 3H00 bottles SOLD EVEnTVt'IIEIlE. PRZCXlt - Deo 10 - I&X and $2 a, 33ottlo. For pains in the chest there is nothing better than a flannel cloth saturated with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of pain. It will produces counter irritation without blistering, aud is not eodisagieeableasmustard; in faot it is much superior to any plaster on ac count of its pain relieving qualities. If ueJ in time it will prevent uiieunionia. 50 cent bottles for sale by Slucum Juhn- son Urug Company. ' CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. T T. ; Has left a fine display of CHRISTMAS GOODS ; DOWN AT- r-- W. Ayers, Jr., & Gs Drug Store, New Brick, next door to City Hotel. THE ASSORTMENT Is fine, though it includes no very expensive goods, but all mat ami oonsiHtent with the limes aud occasion. You will find there the lamest assortment of Albums Toilet A'tieles. Novelties, etc., in the city, and o Wan.t You to 'C:xo7- It. T. V. AY K liS, Jr.. & Co., Heppner, Or. H. A. Thompson A. K. Blum THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS he Heppner livery, hi and Sale Stable. Below Collin & SlrFiirland'i, MhIii Street. Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teams to hny per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. 81 25. Meals 25 ots. a at 0. C. Sergeant's, Dext door to Feed Stable. Urain and I baled bay always on baud. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Regular services at tbe M. . ebtircl next Sabbath morning. Text. "I pray not tbat thou shouldst take tbem out of the worl i but tbat thou shouldst keep them from the evil. ' 1 he evening ser mon will be a ''Christmas Sermon." The subject of Christmas will be discussed from an historical standpoint, its origin, etc. Not haviug bad services for three weeks we urge our members to be pres' ent and cordially iuvite all others. We are mnkiog special efforts as to our sing ing, and hope iu the fntnre to have no break in out tegular servicea. J M. biiuLSB, Pastor. Union Christmas aervices at 11 o'clock Sunday Deo. 25, 1892. Be v. M. Brnmblet will preach a Christmas discourse in tbe M. E. church South, and at nigbt the Rev. Edwin Palmer will preach at the Baptist ohurcli. Besuectfuily, i. CALMER, M. Bhamblet, Pastors. Footw eai Thi-My hoot anil 'In buying a ootigh medioiue for chil dren." says H A Walker, a prominent druggist of Ogden, Utah, "never be afraid to buy (Jhamrjeilaiira Uonc'ti ltemeuy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I. particularly recommend Chamberlatu s because I have found it to be safe and reliable. It is lutended especially lor ooius, oronp and whooping oough." 50 cent bottles for sale by Sloonm Jobnson Drug Co. They Have a RunanEs. It seems theownersof Dr.Drnmmond'i Lightning Bemedy for Bbemnatism have a bonanza as their remedy has never ben kuown to fail in a eintile oase. There is oertatuly room in tbe market for a medicine tbat will do what they olaim for this wonderful preparation. Although the price is K5 per bottle, if it does one half claimed for it the price should be 8100. If the druguist has not uot it. tbe remedy w.ll be seot to any ad dress bv DreDaid express ou reoeiut of nrioe. Di ummond M dioine Co., 48 10 Maiden Lane, New Turk. Agents want ed. 53 A Care For Twenty feats. Any remedy sold at one dollar a boltle which claims to cure rheumatism, is simply an imposition, for when all ex penses (ire deducted it leaves not more thBU twenty cents to represent the med icine. Dr. Drnmmond's Lightning Item edv whioh is tierformiug such wonderful cures that it is being prescribed by the medica I faoultv everywhere, is enmpoun- ed at great expense from rare drugs Bnd cannot be sold for lees than five dollars a bottle. But it always cures. Went prepaid to any address on reoeipt of price Drnmmond Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Ageuta want ed. E3 less 43-sw. A Nkw Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord has moved into the former srt gal lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's i.flioe, and bas fitted tip for architecture ork. He is prepared to contraot for all kinds of bntldinKS, or will supervise construction, and purchase material for the same, giving his cnBtomers Ihe ben efit of his experieuoe and percentsae. 532 tf d from th I1 list Mm. next tittr n H. Footwear ! t nf TTonnrtpr hnn Ntrt'f', (rt tlmu ktn n A ' '' ft- There you mil find the Best and Cheapest m Heppner. M. LltilTENTHAL & CO., Alain Street, Heppner Or. DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED. By traveling fakirs. CO. Wilder & Co., of Wala Walla, Wash., are the largest import ers lireot from the Eastern factories in the InliTid Empire of We can save yon fom 825 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible parties. We limdle Ihe very best makes of instruments, and warrant them for five years, am guarantee lower pricea than any house on tbiB coast for same quality. We buy direot from Cbiekering & Sons, Weymnn & Co., Conover Bros & Co., hnith & Barnes, pianos. Packard, Story A Clark and Chioago Cot tage Organs Sell Ortians from 8100 to (300 ; Pianos from !30() to 8700. Write ns for catalogie and prioes, It will pay you. O. O. Wildey &C Co. 535 w Walla Walla, Wash You will catch At he Mai lory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . ; . . Read their new ad. soon. S. C. Smth, DRUNKENNESS, or the LIQUOR HABIT, Cured at Home in Tpn llnys by Artmlnu- trrlug Dr. Humps' Uoldrli .Specific!. It oan be given in a glass of beer, a onp of ooffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will tScet a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate diiukeror an alcoholio wreck. It bas been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never filn. The system ouoe impregnated with the specific, it I becomes an ntter impossibility for tbe liqnor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of partionlars free. Address the Golpin Spboific Co., 185 Uace Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. An EBnoB.-Our o mpositor, under instructions from the editor, took the pnt up In n-Bt wntrh-tlitiped bnttlei.BiiBW coiliu, HnuM tin. Ueuna. oof bottle. PnRYITnRl MAN i' 1 1 ii i i i 1 1 i 1 1 n l 1 I IlLIll Ulll 11 1 v rr; 4.1 Keeps a full li j of - EVERYTHING In the By of Furjlure. aBUndertnklne goods speciality. May Street, IJeppiu. Or. 51i-f UEPPNE1 IT sr. and LONE ROCK SIIISOIV, Prop. Jashand onund rums. But it is do Conundrum why people prefer to spend their cash with P. ! 6. : Toeqpsoi : Go. : Is because they get full value in HARDWARE, Tinware, Wood S Willowware, Confectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos and o Cutlery uf all o Kinds Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition. The best assortment of Men's Winter Underwear and Top Shirts iu tbe county. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets. HEPPJiER. : : : : OREGON. Columbus Discovered .America I But tbe people discovered that at i GILLIAM & BISJJLE7S Was the place to buy -zt HARDWARE Tinwarei Wood and Willowware, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, and Lamp Fixtures Pumps, Oaspipe and Plumbing Materials. Coal, Iron and Steel. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! OP ALL KINDS - Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Etc. A oar load of STOVES direct from the factory that must be sold. Job Wotk done in a workmanlike manner aud satisfaction guaranteed. (")"JJJ STOCK I" nPw''n,bfl 'mpl, Bn.d we ai-k of yon a liberal sliareof goood value for your money. Main Street, next door to rirst Ivattonal Bank building. HEPPNER, OREGON Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Leaves HeDDoer on Tueadva, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Line Rock ou Mondays, Wednesda) und Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly line to 'uBriil. Reasonable churges for both , Passenger -: and -:- Freight. 643-tf sw KLOC05-JOHNSTON DRUG CO., Agents. Heppner, Or. ss ar an ri m v m 5yi rf I l-lK' L-' T"rnfOAntL i BOTTOM rAN' filsitY". fQ UARNTEED. LEGAL M m ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLlfi TERMS M Plenty of them at the u. Gazdte Office L D. II Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP TUB LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, wbioh we propose to conduct in the moBt satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW &'McCARTY, 85-tt Pronrietors. DR. JOSEPH J. BIX Graduate M. E. C. V. S., London, England. x, Veterinary 5URGEON ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to do U kinds of Veterinary Hnrjrerv, Emasculating Horses mid Retrlliiu'S a Speci alty. (Thli Is thj only true met hod nf opera tiiiK cm hurst-n.) .Hpuyiii of ( Uttits mid 1 1 tig on sliort not let. J will treat all animals in the most approved procedure or Veter inary Hurifery. It you have any sick ai im-ils it will be to your interest to call on ine at Miwurt'n nUtljleN. HEPPNER, . - Wtuw - - OH EGOS C3- jEZ'ZJJHLJLb, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, UEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES MAD It ON tiltOKT NOTICK AND AT I'OPULAK I'HK H. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. pits and -:- (jiprs ! WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Senson AIho is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near i'uture. W. L. Matlock & Co. JIIK QITY HOT ML, XV. J. LEUXISH, I'roii. 1HI8 HOSTELKY lian beeu HtsFtrrieD anil Kkfcnihiikd tliniiiirliout, nti.1 now on of the moat inviting pkoes in tli-ppncr. Mr. Iezer invitee you to itop TI with Mm. fwling that lie in rI'Ip to Ptit"r'n you in the titst of styln. First Class House. Reasonable Rat ES