Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 23, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Jleppner people
mnd therefore assist to build up Hepp
uer. Patronize those who patronize
TbeSalt Luke Tribune aaja editorially,
under date Deo. 15. 18W, in Bumming up
tie probable failure of tba ailver eonfer
jce. I be following:
'If we bud our way, in caae that con
ference fails, we would at once issue in
TilHtioufl lo onr sister republics on this
ooutinent for a conference, would pro
pose to them a general uniform system
of money jiold and silver and would
put a direct Ux of 20 per oent ad valorem
on any silver that might be sent from Ibe
Old World; we would make a closer alli
ance witb tbe republics t f this oonlinent,
and give uotioe to tbe Old World that
we bad determined to just ae nearly af
possible du nitbout communication witb
it. We would agree upon some ratio be
tween gold and uilver ubiob would be
aatitfuo'ory to tbe men of 8pauiBb Amer
ica, and we would put every ounce that
could be dug from tbe bills into circula
tion either directly or through silver cer
tifioates, and would go on redeeming the
continent and using tbe silver the way it
was intended to be ured, when it was
IoDg ago caobed in tbe hills to await the
comiug of our race. There would be
nothing discouraging In the situation it
the men of our country were only broad
Blinded enough to see and understand
the siguifloaroe of money and its effeote
upon a people. If they would only un
derstftDd that cbesp prices do not mean
prosperity, as can be directly estnblished
by looking at the prices in China and
Japan where those people requite every
thing that can be raised from the ground
for food, where often thousands and tens
of thousands of tbem die from famine
because they have not the little mom)
neoepsary to buy and transport food foi
them. If our people would only get the
idea that an increased vulnme of gold
and silver increS(s prosperity and woul"
swiftly advance civilization, that a re.
duced quantity meant gravitating back
ward toward the plane whereon the
Chinese and Japanese stand, there woul i
be no trouble. In point of fact, sweep
awny 2000 baukers in Londou, Amster
dam, Vienna, Paris and Berlin, and leave
tbe quesiiou to tbe people over then
and they would vole two to one in fuvoi
of free silver lis money of ultimata re
demption. Take awny 2S0 of the sumi
oIiips from Huston, New Vork and I'liilu
di -Iphia, and uiahp an appeal to the pen-
11" 'f 'he United State, and they would
ri cold the hiiiiif veidict. We look upoi
it ns a great misfortune that JMr. Glad
alone became I'rrniier, for another jein
lit least. We think if Lord Halisbtir)
hud been left in his place, wilb Mr. Oio
cben as chancellor of the exohiqner ol
Great Britain, there would have been i
dilTerent tune thrunithont the whole cou
feienee. As it la, read between the liuep.
everj thing that is done shows, as fur nt
England is concerned, that her oommis
sinners went to that conference with in
stiuctious something like 'his:
"Yon may enlarge the use of silver n
little, treating it all the time as a com
modity; bur, if iinj tbingelse is proposed,
have tbe ounferetioe adjiuin if possible,
a id, if you ounnot, draw out and oonit
home.' It is very hard dealing with iuei
w hen they meet in a spirit of that kind
We presume our commissioner bavi
found it so, and nre as anxious to get
through as they are, f.ehug that tht
whole sentiment is nguiust tbem, anil
that whatever our couutjy might pro
pose to do it will have to do of its owl.
Tbe Daily Rocky Mountain News, ol
Demer, now reaches our table regularly.
Though tbe leading populist paper ii
Colorado, and in fact the tint ion, it hat
its own ideas about money. It su8 ii
a reoent inane:
'To any that no money oun possess in
trinsic value is open to dispute. It tht
holder of a gold or silver dollar cuu melt
it aud obtain for the result in open
market a coined dollar in gold or silver,
that dollar has intriusio value indepeu
dently of ita previous legal Btatus at
luoiiej to Ibe extent of a dollar.
"'Intrinsic' may uot l! the propei
wind to convey the oxaet nieauiug in
teuded. Lexicographers detlue it as
'inborn,' 'fin d in the nattno ol tliinga,'
'inherent' and the like. Valiieorruarkei
prico may ti t be properly clii.iwd as
'inli'iiiHio' to any species of property.
For value or price depeuiiB upou citcnto
stances largely extrinsic such as sup
ply and demand that are not and can
not be inherent, inborn or fixed in tht
until ro of ibings. But 'intiiuaio' is a
term which by common usage, as ap
plied to value or price, has acquired
additional meaninga than thoeo given to
it by the lexicographers. As applied to
money, it means that the substance
which complines it bus a value on the
niiiikot independently ot its legal moue)
' If any substance, whatever its parts,
cnu posaess intrinsic value, then metal
money possesses it. It is in this sense
Hint the tenn 'intrinsic value' as applied
to money is popnluily used aud under
stood. In speaking of what a correspondent
says iu the same isssue.it remarkt: "The
Nes does uot believe that 'irredeemable
paper money is u silly phrase.' Oovern
lueuls have ofteu issued paper niouey
thai was Irredeemable that is, the
holders could neither obtain metal
mouey in exchange nor would the
government issuing it receive it iu pay
ment of government debts.
"Mr. Wayland," meaning the oorrB
pondeut, "quits evidently acts upou the
presumption that mouey is monej
whether it is gold, silver or paper and,
being 'money,' each is ultimate, and is
cot to be aud cannot be redeemed, lie
olaims that the three kinds of money srs
bs like each otbtr as the three sides of
right angle triangle being exactly equal,
there is no difference in length or
function. It must be upon this theory
that the advuoatti of Hat mouey stand
and justify their demand for unlimited
issues ot psper money, without any
redemption in proepeot or piovided
"It is comprehensible how a country
walled in, shnt out from travel, trade aud
intercourse with foreign nations, could
get along solely with flit money. In
auou a oountry the propoaition to issue
s million of legal tender paper dollars,
to pay them out by tbe government iu
tbe building of railroads, to reoeive tbem
back in payment for freights and travel
ai d all other taxes, aud to pay them
out again and keep them iu continuous
oircnlation, without any gold or silver
money redemption, might be logiosll)
sustained. But bow it can be in a
country whose population travels abroad.
wbicb transacts bnsineta amounting to
billions annually with foreign countries,
whose people must have money posses
sing 'Intrinsic' value to pay for their
foreign purchases, and to settle tbeii
foreign balances, is something tbut can
not be well comprehended. The News
stands by it, that there ie mouey pes
sessiug intrinsic vulu , and there is
irredeemable paper money ; (or, when
one in possession of a gover count note
oalled money, cannot on presentation ot
it becure in exchange a dollar possessing
be intriusio value ot a dollar that is
irredeemable psper money, although it
uiny be receivable for public taxes, and
citizens may be compelled to accept it
in settlement of debts.
"It does not follow beoauss of this,
that tbe only money Ibis government
should issue ta gold and silver, or paper
money with sufficient gold and stiver in
the treasury to redeem it. Tbe News is
a firm believer in the demand of the
people's party that money tothe amount
of fifty dollars per capita Bhould be put
id circulation and it knows that even
tree coinage for silver aud the gold in
(he country will not supply nearly that
amount. Therefore it is inclined to bo
lieve that the gold mouey and that
furnished by free silver coinage should
be supplemented by a sufficiently huge
issue of timsnry notes or greenbacks,
made legal tender and receivable for ah
novernment dues, to give the country
ibe necessary volume. But uot of irre
deemable paper money. It should be
made redeemable iu gold or silver, at the
"ptioo of the government on preeenta
To itEFAln the serious inionda being
made on the gold of ibis country by for
eigu couutriis, Secretary Foster is offer
mg bunks fit o tiausporlutiou ou nil our
'ency and ottier mom y not gold, c iTert d
in i xcliiiuge for ilie "yellow boys." In
hat aj, lullv $810.01,0 in gold line add
"(1 in quite a shoit time, arid the tieiisur)
promises to retrain shortly the nmjuut
liken out by loreigners. A telegram
fioin New Yoik siijs: "Information was
received at Hie treasury department to
he i fleet that the fiuiiuoial flurry iiiNjw
York is practically over for the present,
ind that there is no longer any prospeola
of n panic. Money ie if ported easy at
exchange; has fallen below the shipping
loint, bo that the heavy i xportations of
gold ore rot likely to continue. Score
iniy Foster Baid tins morning that S3,
000,000 iu gold had hi en takiu out of the
reasury tins week and that about $1,
iOOOIO more wou'd probably be lost be
fore the week nas ended. lie is confi
dent, however, he said, that this gold
will ei on be relumed with interest
'hioughthe legulur channels of trade.
He suid there ie nothing really alarming
n the situation, aud that stocks appai
ently unsettled now will rei dily adjust
iheUiselves. Mr. Hepburn, comptroller
of the currency, also said this niornbg
(hat there was really no occasion for
alarm at tbestuteof i tliiiisiu Witllstreet,
mil he would he surprited if tbe appar
ent stringency was not intended solely
lor its t0eot ou congress. Mr. Hepburn
niiil that bile there may bo some senti
ment in the situation, he was oonviuoed
i hut the iutertsts of i he country demand
ed the repeal of the Sherman silver bill.
The reason that Silver should be re
iiioncliti d is not for tbe miner aloue but
for ibe busiueBB und labor of tbe country
ever where. It would double Ibe quan-
ity of redemption mouey. It would
iiiiike oertaiu a large and safe increase
iu the volume of paper as well as of colu
money. To secure the free ooinuue ot
"ilver would he an irrefutable assurniioe
bat tbe grip of the money plutocrats bad
tieeu loosened und that the conscience of
tbe people hud Dually triumphed. It.
M. Nev,s.
Oi u esteemed friend and oo-worker in
the journalistic tield, Jno. A. Brown, of
Ailingtoii, culls our attention to the fact
ihnt ibe Walla Walla mid Vancouver
luud offices require iu all cases where
parties desire to purchase railroad laud
that they publish same ns all other lands
proofs. We call the uttcution of the lo
ual officers, before whom proms are ta
ken, to this, that they may otler proteo-
liou to all parlies ooucerued iu acquir
ing title to railroad laud.
An Iudiana niuu attempted to pull the
tail off u burse witb his hands lately and
"illy suoceeded iu making tbe suiiuul so
tired that he sat down ou the man's leg
and broke it. Tbe horse's tail is uow
very fiisky, but the tale of the man is
njournfi.l, Such is human life. Today
we have a great pull aud find ourselves
ibe beheld of all beholders, and tumor
row w e lose our grip and limp a ay with
a tule ot wot 1
Skoiutakt Foster thinks that the
conference across the sen will yet accom
plish mo oli good ere their final adjourn
merit. He c'tos IMlischild'a admission
that unless something was done for sil
ver, as mouey, seiiotis oonsequenoes
would follow, as an indication that eveu
capitalists are getting tbeir ejes open.
TBI editor of the Condon Globe sends
us over a copy of the Hood River Glacier
in wbicb appears notices to purchase rail
road lands. These uotioe to publish
came from the Vancouver land ofhVp,
and we do not understand how this
office bus any special rights over other
Ioal offices. Tbe fact of the matter is,
that justice demands the publication of
intention to purcbsse railroad lands,
else what is to binder anyone from buy
ing the very home of the settler, who
would know notbirg of it under tbe
present system till tbe purchase would
be coosumrmted and receipt ism id.
This means expensive contests, whiob is
foroing unnecessary burdens olou us.
Tbe settlers deserve this protection more
than newspapers the business. As
Brother Hhntt, of the Coodou Globe,
rites, "Pat, there should be nodiscruui
nation against the settlers."
A panic iu this country appeared im
minent a few days ago. Now all signs
seem to have disappeared, for a time,
at least. It looks as though that tbe
money power will Insist in going on,
narrowing the volumeof money as well
as making it dearer through monometal
ism till disnstious, fiuanoiul reverses
will result England cau no more man-
tain her present money policy than can
tbe United atates, ubviuk with tier ne.
peudeuce, India, oyer 3,000,00U,000
ouueoo of silver.
The dispatches report that L. B. Cox
made a great hit iu tbe TJ- S. supieme
court at Washington recently, in theoase
of M. B. Holmes vs. L. Goldsmith. His
argument as favorably commented ou
by all who heard it.
Tub petition for division over in Grant
county bus about 800 signers, which it
is thought will be increased to 1,000
names before the BeBSlou of leglslatute.
The leopla ot Uraut seem to waut
Bepoht comes tbut President Harrison
at the close of bis term, will accept a
place iu the faculty of btunford Uuiversi
ty, California.
Thb 8:00,000 has arrived from Chili
lor distribution among those who suffer
ed by the Baltimore inoident.
Tacoma has tweuiy-two inobesofsnow
A Million Friends.
A friend iu need is a friend indeed,
and not less tbuu one million people
have found just such n frieud Iu Dr.
King's New JUwooveri for ooustiuiptiou.
coughs aud colds. It )ou have uever
used Ibis great couU medicine, one trial
will oouviuce ou tuat it has wouderlul
curative puwers in diseases of tbroat,
oliest uud In n tie. Ji.iuh buttle is guuruu
teed to do all that is claimed or moue)
will be refu ided. Trial bottles free at
rilouiim-Johiisou Drug Co. Large hot
ties 50c and $100
Fat People.
The only safe and reliable treatment
fr obesity, or supeiiliious fat, is the
'Leveroitu ' OlifBit l'llls, wbioh grudu-
ill) i educe tbe Height uud measurement.
No nijury or lucnuveiiieuce leaves no
wnukies -acts by absur. rioii. 'Jhiecui-u
is louudid upou toe must scunlibo pnu
oiples, and has beeu used by one of the
modt eminent physicians or .11 rope iu
bis puv.ite practice "for uve jears with
the most gratifx itig resiilis. Mr Heury
Perkins, 21) Union Park, Boston, writes:
"Fmrn the use of the '.Leverette' obesity
pills my weight has been reduced teu
potiuds iu three weeks and my general
ueiiltb is very much improved. Tbe
principles ol our I real men t are fully in
dorsed.by my family pbjsioian. Iu prool
of my irHtiiude I heruwiih give vou per-
niisuiou to use mi name if you desire to
do so. 1'iKle $2.00 per package, or three
pack 1 gee for 85 00 by mall. All outers
supplied direct from our office. The
Llvehkttb spue-trio Co., 175 Tremout
filloet Buhiou, Mina.
The college library no numbers
2 6iiU volumes, not including magnzmtB.
This gentleman is about to demon
strate that iu Oregon, winter is a good
lime for growiug cutibuge as any other
seuson iu the ear.
The average of each term's work doue
by Ibe students will ho sent to tbe par
ents or guardian, so they will kmw
whether or uot the student is keeping
up with the work.
Tbe college is preparing n bulletin on
the results of the past season's work
with the Codiin Motli, it will be issued
early in the spring, the same bulletin
will treat oil uopbers und mules.
A bulletin is now in print for the
horticultural department, referring to
the test of small fruit ami vegetables
with hints en their cultivation; also
uiviug directions fur tho treatment of
old orchar Js.
On tbe third Sunday iu this mouth
the studeuts aud people ot Corvallis
listened to a very iulcrustiug speech,
made by Pres. liloss, in the oollege
ohapel. His subject was tbe "ltelutiuu
of Science to Cunstiuuity."
Prof. Coots, tbe horticulturist, is
quite proud of bis greeu hmise just ut
1 bis season, us indeed he bus a right to
be. The ctiryBuutliemuiiis are making
a graud display; some vuiieties produc
ing b o ms seven to eight Indies iu
iliHiueter. Mr. Coots' orop 01 winter
cabbage is also attracting considerable
MtU'l tiou. 1
The grafting of aixtv varieties of
apples ou whole roots, three ot eaib,
lias been done by tbe students. Tiese
have been set nut two yeais iu tht
t'ial orchard, lor the purpose of testing
t tie i r quality. Much work gives the
stud' nts hue opportunity for gaining
information in 1 lie Hue of laying out and
phoning orchards All varieties work
ed 011 whole roots are making strong
growth, wbl'e those worked oil pieoe
roots aie milking very weak growth ut
Arrangements aie being made for a
grand literary contest between the
SV t Internum and Ciceruiiiuns, til take
place lowaid the Inner art ot Jnuiiury.
Pres. Bloss has offered a tine gold meilul
to be woru by tbe president of the sue
uesslul society. This will be oue of tbe
most interesting literary ocuasions in
Ibe liiutory of the college. Great prep
aiatioi a are being uiatle for the contest
each Hooiety winking hard to net its
tt si material in the tield nod the pro
gram will soou be completed.
Mechanic d department, the building
is a two story brick, 3Si7(t feet, wilb u
wing 10x32 feet. The building is de
voted entirely to the use of tne mechan
ical department with the exception of
oue room which is occupied bj the
college printing ollice. Ou the first
fliair we have the following rooms: A
reoitatlou loom; machine and black
smith shop, t be secoud floor is divided
into a drafting room, a wood wurking
shop, aud pi luting office. The shops
are equipped with the Ksdsand machin
ery from tbe best makers iu theconutiy.
The idea being not only to have the
shops well supplied witb necessary
tola but also to make each shop a
model ss regards qimlitj and sjateniatio
arraugemeuts. Motive xiwer for tbe
shrps aud priming office is furnished
by a fifteen burse power steam engine.
CoavALLU, Or. Deo. IS, 1892.
EDiTon Heppkkh Gazette:
In your issue of tbe 15! b mat., I no
tice that tbe I ne onrrespondeDt is 1 ot
following stri'tly tbe principles "f his
party doctriue, be being a poinlist; or
at least be has said to me that he voted
tbe Weaver ticket, which I have no right
to dispute. Tbe populist doctrine is
pre ic bed to do justice equally, to all
meu J The loue correspondent has not
duly considered before wielding bis pen,
as there are other parties living in lone
deserving of praise more than Frguk
Willis. There is one who should be
mentioned above all others, aud that per
son is Tom Ca'l, he being an older resi
dent of the place and an older person.
Mr Correspondent should not shove in
boys to endeavor to outdo Tom in gener
osity. Just go to Tom when you want
to borrow hay for jour cow or some
straw, or meat, or fl iur or lard, sugar,
coffee, tea nr most anything you oan
men'ion. Yon can always get it. I be
lieve tbe only tbiug wbiob 1 have known
him to refuse to loan was his barn for the
winter, which, of course, was an impos
sibility as he has a cow and a horse or
two of his own to look after, or I firmly
believe bo would have loaned the barn.
Now, Mr, Editor, don't you think it
rather small business to try to push in a
young niau to the front who has notbiug
to loan but a horse and curt, saddle aud
a small dog?
You may say to the many readers of
the Gazette that eveu the village of lone
has been visited by a couple ot incbts of
the "beautiful" during tbe day, which
reminds me that Tom Carl end Ben Case
are building a nice sleigh for C. A. Rhea,
wbiob. is slowly neariug completion, be
iug now almost ready tor the roof.
"15 2, 15 4. 15 6 and 8 ark 14."
Ionb, Or., Dec. 19, 1892.
Are the citizens of Morrow conntv
aware that lone has lost ita name as a
"dead tou ?'' We are now up with the
times. We believe, this fall to have built
1 he moat neat and comfortable school
house iu Monow oounty, txcept Hepp
uer Our educational advantages are
well appreoiuled by the inhabitants of
nr vioiuity, and several families have
moved in. We have emnloyeil Fred
Balsiger, one of Morrow county's first
class teachers, and bis long experience
and efficient management of our school
has convinced ns that be has comn to
stay. All who see loue hereafter will be
convinced that it has a great future.
The R It, conduceor, by moans of his
faithful locomotive, pulled up to tbe
Ueppuer institute lust Wednesday eve
ning, three teachers of our vioiuity, Mi-e
Ada Redford, Miss Anna Hchott and A,
V. Balsigor. Miss Ada is known as the
life in sooiety. The teacbeis ut the in
stitute fli jojed her company, especially
one of the bojs, but be should he aware
that VV L. uud A. It have not forgotten
each other. All are convinced that the
institute was a great improvement over
that of lust year, and were well pleased
aud benefitted. Our teoobers retnmed
for duty in due time. . t
Ione, Or. Deo. 19. 1892.
Iliwrvini Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, tbnt
for years we have been selling Dr. Kind's
new discovery - for consumption, Dr.
King's new life pills. Book leu's arnica
salve and electric bitters, and have nev
er handled remedies that sell as well, or
ihat have given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee
1 hem every time, and we stand ready to
refund the purchase priae, if satisfactory
results do nut follow their use. These
remedies have won their great populari
ty purely on their merits, blocnm
Juhusou Drug Co.
Wheat, bn 60
Flonr.bhl 4 50
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, cwt. 1 75
" three " 2 "J5
Sheep, muttons, head 3 003 25
" stock 8 00 3 50
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 44 00
Hons, dressed 6 00
Wool 12 14
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 75
Eggs, doz 30
Chickens, doz 2 50 (3 3 00
Turkeys 1 00 1 60
Wheat, cwt 81 25 1 30
Flour, hbl 3 Ou 4 75
Beeves, stall fed 5 00 (i 5 50
Muttons, owt 6 00 67 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool -Eastern Oregou.. 12V$ ui 10
Butter, n 20 ' 30
Eggs, doz 30 45
Chickens, di'Z... 4 00 0 6 00
Turkeys, lb 15 (tf 17
Wheat, cwt 15 1
Flour, hbl 8 HO 3
Beeves, ot 1 75 (e 2
" dressed..... 4 IK) l 5
Muttons, live sheared ... 3 50 fib 3
" dtessed 6 00 0
Hogs, on foot 4 50 (t 5
" dressed 6 1)0 y 6
WimiI Eastern Oregon... 10 ft
Butter )o j
Eggs, doz 30 (ii
Chickens, doz 2 DO (S 6
Turkevs lb 13
Boekleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve iii the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, f-ver
sores, tetter, 1 happed hands, ohilblains
corns and all skiu eruptions, and posi
tively onres piles. or no pay required. It
is guarauteed to give perfect satisfaotiou
or rnone refunded, l'rioe 25 cents per
box. For Bide by Slooum-Johnsuu Drug
Company. ,
Miss Janet Ingrahum, one of our
tffiuieut corps of city, teachers, leaves
tomorrow to spend Christmas and the
holuH)s with her relatives at Waitsburg,
The Stndehaker wairn beads tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Why go bungrv when the City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates a
"Hardware" did you sj ? Why, yes
at P. C. Tbompsou 4 Cn.'a stand, uud the
plaoe for bargains.
Call nn R p to do jonr wood sawing;
same old price. Also delivers wood to
Buy part ot Ueppuer. See ad. a
For cash you oan get more a' the East
ern Clothing house, with Levi on deck,
than any other place iu Ueppuer. a
Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with pleuty
of light are provided for every oue. a
Smith, the furniture man. is prepared
to sell tine goods at low figures. Full
line of undertaking grants on hands, a
M. Liobleuthal A Co. have a tine lot of
winter wear, including ladies' winter
Cimi insive ; sees
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a 1'rehensile Tail
Hie Monkey is Not Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We are Not Afraid because our
Tale is a Good One.
ItisNoTale of Woe!
Splondid Goods,
Fair treatment J satisfaction to custom
ers, and of reasonable prices aud
good mouey vulue.
It is a Tailless Tale,
A tale without end, because it is a tnle
that will bold A pleasure to show
goods. Special inducements to
oash buyers. Call at
ocky-:- Mountain -:-News
Subscription price reduced as follows:
One Year (by mail) : : 00
Six Months " : : 3 00
Tlm-e Months " : : : 1 60
One Month " : . SO
One Year (.in Advance) : fl 00
The News Is the only consistent c .arrplon of
nilver in the West, and should be In every home
in the West, and In the hands of every miner
and business man in Colorado.
Send in your subscr.ptions at once.
TJollvcr, Oolo
shoes, overshoes, rubber boots, etc Drop
in. 1
Bnrg. the jeiveler, is tlf man to fix up
your watch or clock. e keeps tt full
stock of ever) tbiug pertaining to bis
business- n
Thompson & Binnsown the buss which
goes to and from the City hotel, bnt will
call for parties desiriug to go to train in
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee, the hardware and
tinware merchants, carry everything ap
pertaining to their lines, even agricul
tural implements. Dou't you need a
plow this full? a
Don't overlook T. W. Ayers, Jr., the
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drags and the finest toilet articles
always ou bund. a
Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmus for
bargains. They have purchased the bus
iness of J. W. Alatlock & Co. but will
soon remove to tbe Mallory corner, oppo
site the Palace hotel. a
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Cotliii & Mc Far
laud, has lately changed bauds, now he
intr nuder the control and management
of The McFurland Mercantile Companv.
which continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
Dr. Grant's Clonic, the great dyspepsia
oonqnerer, will positively cure dspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a onre or money refunded. See ad.
in this issue. a
The morst popular and best known
weekly uewrpaper printed iutbs ccuutry
is the Toledo Blade. For more thi.n
twenty years it has bad a circulation of
100,000 to 200,000, going regularly into
every state uud territory of the union
From fil'teeu to tweut) five tons of print
paper iscoos'imed iu each week's edition,
aud is regularly mailed to more tbau
half the postotlic.es of the United States.
It is a peculiar fact that tbe Blade is the
only weekly newspaper published tbat
has regular subscribers iu all partsof the
United States. It is edited with epeoial
referenoe to the wants of all people iu
all Bectlons. It is also made to interest
every member of t tie family. Besides
all the news of the orld, it nas herial
snd Short Stories, Wit and Humor, Po-
etrv. Cumpfire, rann, Sunday Sohool
Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles,
Household, Auswers to Correspondents,
etc. Asaspeoial feature for 1893, Mr
Rtibisiiu Locke, tditor and proprietor of
ibe Blade, has just sailed for Japan, aud
will contribute a series of illustrated
letters on the manners and customs of
that peculiar country and its people.
T' ese articles will be commenced some
time iu February or Maroh, stid will be
worth to tbe readers of the Blade many
limea the subscription prioe. Every
reader of this paper is invited to send for
a specimen copy. Th publisher of the
Blade would be glad to send a specimeu
copy to every reader in Ibis country.
Subscription prioe ot the Blade, one
dollar a year. Five dollars in cash will
be paid to any person sending iu a small
club of subscribers. Write for agents'
terms, giving particulars. Address ' Tbe
Blade, Toledo, Ouin."
Tbe Blade aud Semi-Weekly Oez-tte
to new subscribers, and i old sutwonb
ers paying iu advauce, $3 2o. sw
Are you all run down ? Scott's Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Boott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and W .-.sting Ciscascs.
Prevents wasting' in children. Al
most as palatable as milk. Cetonly
the genuine. Treparod by Beott 4
Eowne, Chemists, New York. Bold by
all Druggists.
o 00 00-00 00 00
00000- 0-0 -000 00-00 000- 000 -000-00000000 - o I
The Crowd Is Still 0000000
And They will Remain 000000
Who can Blame Them for Staying o o
When they get goods for oue-hBlf
'yHANKINQ Tbe people of Heppner
to atteud our ATjOTION
2 P. M., and evenings at 7 P M.
House and Sign Painter.
Paper Llanging
OrniniuK, Natural Wood Finishing
BOX 135, : :
Columbia Beer Hall!
"JEXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory on Main
-L Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
S Cents Per Olass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Luuch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
OSME11S & HUGHES. Props.
Instead of flvinrr to the door Rasp
ing for breath, scheming as if each
one would L'3 vour last, vou have I
only to take a few doses Asthmalene when
easv aim you itxi as 11 u:i anci ut mercy nau unloosed tne iron grasp ot the fingers
of death. The hnnriest moment of your life will be when vou have used a few bottles
of Dr. Taft'a ASTHMALENE and it has cured you of Rsa gun eva asm and prow
Asthma. We mailto one Asthma suffarera trial bottle nog Vpm Vim Jhaut doT
6om by druggists. Dr. Taft Eros. M. Co,, Rochcster.N.Y 1 a a. wm B&Cum sihmi.
Otis Patterson
Is quite a
tiou by briuifing
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W rATCEHSIlN, AGEST !loj?tlieBostJn the Worm
Jl I'urtiieriiliip exiblii g between J. A. Wool-
rv K VV. AllrilllM. Kll S I1V flllll 4 11 r.ir. 11 tt -
i cle'r the firm iiniiie of J. A W oolery & Co., was
uiss'iiteii Miiy in, ii-.'j, ny minimi foimeni, j. a
Woolery ri'tioiiinir the business Ht loue, ur.col
i leotiuKHtl Bccoiints due ami p.-iyiiir all UahiM
i ties ut saul branch ol tii ui's business, up to date
S ftoove-uienlioiieil. the renialnini: partners retain
I ing t lie lliirilinaii bnniiit Hs. culiectiup all ae-
ucss up to said date. J. A. Woolrhy,
s. IV. Ada us,
Eo S. CVX,
52-60 b. H. Cox.
Stockholders Meeting.
Annual Meeting of the i-toekholders of the
Heppner flouring Mill Co. Hill be held ou the
lirsl Monday uf Jsiiuary lvt at the president of
the company's uttiee, in Heppner at 1 p. m. of
said day lor the purpose ol election directors
lor the euS'liliK year. T. W. A V h us. ria ,
WJ-iw. Secretary.
HARNESS-SHOP, stork and fixtures. Good
business: established in the midst of a
good farming and stock-raising country.
Also for sale a good house and mo lots with or
wilhoul the business liroperty. For further iti
foruiauou addresa Gazette, ti'eppuer. or. 4&1 u
im it.
OO OO OO O - 0 o 00000-
the prioe if purchased Elsewhere.
for pust patronage, we invite tbem all
SALES, which will oonlinue daily at
and Pecorating.
and Polishing, Oaloimining, G'aziuR, etc ,
646 sw : HEPPNER, OB
tiTi 11 m Tiss iisn ssWH
the spasmis broken, the breathing becomes
good wnys off, Winter is not no far, anrl
mtmmM sew
4 B nSUMiOi
n tbe meantime our frien i oau square on on subsorio
iu ourdnood.
Stockholders' Meeting.
I holdersof the National Bank ol Heppner
lll be held at their ollii e ii. heppner, nreiron
on the second Tuesday of January imb, between
the hours of 10 a. in. and 4 p. m. for the purpose
of electing directors for Hie ensuing l e.r
Dated at Ueppuer the 5th day of Dec. 1W2.
5l!1Ji w Eu- K. Bisllof, Cashier.
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting.
., be a meeting of the stockholders of
the first National Bank of Heppner. at their
olhee ou the second Tuesdav of January In!.
Iietween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and t
o flock p. in. of saut day. for the purpose ot
eltt'tinff dtrn,',rn a. .A .V... . It ,
oilier business as may appear.
oeo. consek. Cashier.
Notice to Stockholders.
I ' lug of rhe stockholders of the Falace Hotel
company w ill be held in the parlors oi said ho
ld, on the aith day of December, tssu, ror tha
purpose of electing officers for theensulng rear.
Dated this th day ol Notember Inta
J. L. Aloaanw,
J.W.Morrow, President
Secretary. bA-;M
iiiiians Tabulcs : best liver tonic.