Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 16, 1892, Image 4

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    A Prize Pieiure Puzzle.
EXPIAWATTON. The foHowing picture omians foir facet, a man and his three daughters.
Maf oot can find the man's face, but it is nut j y .t$y 10 distinguish the faces of the three young ladiea
Ttt pktnre wu published iu a few newspapers come lira ti and attracted considerable attention to
ma nutdard remedies. Wenowoffrr e noW).'ize'jompea!'i in connection with it. As the sole object
to introduce our medidaes into new burner tnose wir eritert.d the fbrtner competition are requested
sot to compete ip this one. AMO tbe reliability oi ''r;.e F'rJ F(il Ci5. cn.i the ettinia'ion in which their
ddicine are held in Toronto, Canada, b;ra i.'i-y arv b-r I ao-wn, rwf mm am referred to the daily
awapan) wtartrtaiadjiiggaiidieAuins buiiuts; buuei gmuully oi iurorngt
The proprietors of "Ths Ford Pill C9.," will give an cVnt pair of ChO??"iffH pOt19
CflrrlttB and HarnOBSv valued at (GOO, ('ieiivcuid in-e in anyprtM t.ie United biaies,
to tneytrj7peron whu can make out the three eU-iijiiirers' fare.?. '1 the second will be given an elegant
LadyS Gold Watoh, t in sap!,ire3 r.!id. tii.i.n..r -is. To the i will be given a pair of
Quina Diamond Ear-rinfl. To the win be riven a handsome China Dinner
8rvlO. lb the M will be gina Kor'Prk C:itTH3"., Tol.uMrtA,a6wi89 N.USlO
Box. To the tivtnth. a French IVSunfel Clccft. Tj the an elegant Banquet
Lamp To the ninth, a pair ol CrOWIl !OI?y VtiOO1, 1'the tth a complete Lawn
TonnlB 8ot( end many other prizes i'i ru of i i"ni kcy competitor must cut out the ahuve
"Paul l'lcture" distinguish the tl.res iuth' fat.-shy n:jrliinj5 across with a lead pencil on each,
and enclose am with 15 U. S. two-rent r.-.iips ijr one of t!.e fj!'-Hrvi"g "Prize Kemedis:"
Ford' Prlae 11 11 a," "FoiiTh I'rJ.o Ciai vii IJcnu'iJy," or "Fori Pa Prize
Cough Core.1 Select any one of the ;.Ujy fuiK.r.i you 0 -ire." Address TIio Ford
Pill Oo.,H Cor. Wellington & Hay Sis., Tjru.no, tlnn-v.. Una pr;in vhose envelope is
poMmarkcd flrat will be awarded the fin rs'ize. i'tvi t;.c cv!n :n orrler of merit. As this adver
twmeot appears simultaneously throughuui the Ur.l.j.l .:i: vn, every nns has an equal oppor
tunity. To the person sending the bistvutrv t nnswrr uih an depir.t Vprf f'lifc CJoncort
Grand Pluno, valued at ISDOO.OO. Tu tl.e .V.v t r - f t: inm the i Y bcm.iti a correct answer
will be given a gentleman's fine Oulil "Bi; r.ilo'.l ' VJ jit!', w ;i:h !r:i the hours and quarter
bourson small cathedral gong at pleabure, and v.li .it iwUOiiO To the sf.'.wrf from the Mj, a
first cbuH Safety Uloy cie pneunatic liie. To tn: triJ frnn n first -cl;iss Eiilih Sliot
on. To theyWM ftomtheAu a suite oi"Pia-lii' 'fir;ittnrc. To hn fifth from the Inst, a
Eandsome Silver Ta Service. To the sixth fn m tast, an elegant Piano Lamp. 'I o the
sfTntk from toe Au. a hanrlwime pair of ort 'wrvr., 'J o flie gi.tU fnun the aj, a genuine
ngliah leather travelling Trunk. To the uituk i'.yu tw-j pieces of gcuuine i'rench
tatiuuryt and many other prizes in order of mall,
A trieelal pfat of ft SUU Drew Patti'rr (-.!.;tt;en yard?, any color), or a first-clan
Sawing Maehlne (any make desired) w;ll he v'v-i 'l- J"'- 'con in earh State in the
U. S. who can make otit the three danliieis' faces. !.'i:t!l f;;vp away l'i0 Valnablo prizes,
besides special prites, (if there should be so many v;n 'v.' f - ' i rr.t w ;rz i.) No charge is made for boxing
and packing of prizes. The names of the; lcridmy pt1" " - i' s be. piiMvihed in connection with our
advertisement in leading newspapers npjtt month. 1.7i - ii p, i c given tooii y those who are
willing loatutt in introducing our medicinps. Nuil.ii,; ii 'ii.u:vd for t if: prics in any way. They
are aheotmely given away tointroduce and advertise "I'VTcr'a I'flao fttiPK-illoa, which are stand
ard medicines, and will be used in every family f.r yr.'-. c '. ru f-- iriv.- V.f.n om-r- introduced. All
priies will be awarded strictly in order of mrrii, and v'vb )t..u-x'.u.L:ctivu to thepub'ic. The remedies
will be sent by mail, postpaid, and prizes free of d '.it n
An extra premium of a genuine "Fenrlean" Vtith, (stcn winder,) will be awarded toevery
person who sends a correct aniwer within 30 days aitt.ih s ..'v?ri:semj-nt fpnears. iti case they should not
be fortunate enough to secure one of the larger pri:s. 'i " 1; i. ifany cms can find the thme faces and
enclose them within 30 days from the time this advr-n ' ..ir.e.-tt afpcai:; 1:1 nws-i-aper, thpy are
guaranteed either one of the leading prirs, or an vi 1 ft ) ri.iri nn cf a wntch on crinditiims stated.
q answer will be noticed that docs not contain 30 cent- f'- : il i-'nt'd M Prize 1oindka
A4drewTHEF0H0 PILL CO, "37," Cor. .eliinjion & Bay Ms., Toronto, Canada.
iMSm 0N sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. IvOtils,
LTes Heppuer, 8 a. iu. Arrives
650 p. m.
Pullman Wleeier,
Culonlat Hieepen,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Han Frauoisoo
every fonr dayi.
Tor ratM and general Information call on
Depot Ticket Agent,
Htppmar, Orecou.
B. HURLBUKT. Asst Uenl. I'as Aft
tbi Wuhington St.,
Portland. Okiook.
It If out etrnrit tie Ire to Improns ipon the
ml nils of. the puhlle the superiority of tin mr
Tlr odervd hy the VMm'oii1ii t:t'utrl Hnct lo
Mllu ttikfe, i hlctigo ami hII poltus Ktmi ttnil
onth. Tun (hiI tiains Unvu hi. 1'anl, Mlnm--polls
tinl Uuluth lUlly, i'i)iilppctl with I'ull
BiBi) Vepllhuh'tl Dritutii lUioni lf'ptis. 11i.1iik
Crs mid Cosohen ol the Intt-M tit tun lis Dln
lti i'nr tM'rvlftj Is unsurpiiHKt'il, w liii i Hi't-nunis,
lo ti grt'ntdi'urte (or the popnlnrlty ol ihlBUut
The YMix-otisin Ontrnl l.ini'l. in romimtuiii
with Northern I 'ml in- h. H.. is tlu onlv Hni
from I'arlllc Const points nvrr wtilt h Imili I'nll
mmn VesilhuU'd, tlrst-i'litPi, and I'lillnmn Tt.nr
j.( Curs sre operated vlact. 1 aul w lthuui fhanne
to Chicago.
FaiupitMi itlving VBlunhle infonimtlon van
iihlniurd trvn upon applirntiou tovour nour
g C tirkut apt cut, or Jam. l'M),t.enctal 1'nw.en
mnd lick ct Agent. ChUao. HI.
Soieiilifio American
Agency for
Wvt Information art free Handbook write to
Oldest bunMii for .tvuhiia nalnf In Anii'rittA,
vary patent tahitii out tiT un i. nroinrlu ln-lni.
lit. uubllu by . uutlce given fn-'e u( chant, la Ui.
Lanrest etrenlstlnn of ny clenttfip on nor In th
world. 8iiIimJhHt tlluotraied No iiinllnfnt
snao shoulil be without It. Win-HIt, ;.0
owj ll.SU six monibft. A (Minis Mt'SN A CO
PiTRLtBUBHS. SIl Bmodwat. Nuw Vurk.
r up ui i war wiirrhnlmi-d iwtt ien,"gnT
jUpona Tabula : ft familv rcutiJj.
1 jrii
lOO -: :
FHEK -:- -:- -:-WATCHES
Given by the Oldest News
paper in New York City.
In addition to the ntinu'mitu new and nrlclnal
prciiiliiniH tillVri'il to KiiliBcrlhtTH t ptopow. to
pri'Nt'i't thi'in 1th (UU titcln. till of u hh-h are
jenirntiti-i'd hv T I.y m i -tt li street nntl I'liion
.-tintire, N. Y. City, who furnishes them to us,
Tim A uvi HTiMtit in the ohh Rt itt-wnpriper in
New York City. Ilx Weekly edition in pill. Mulled
in 0 tteehoiiK and eomea out every I uexday
and I' liilnv - UU liimndiirlrt: the yetir ; Iiuh hix
to elfjlit piiV"' every istsne, la well printed, lots
plentv nl phtnifK. shtirt storfea, teleKniihi(!
uewH. (Iniiiii hil and market report, it wnma i'a
pHKeiind I In' tibk'Ht etiltoriulH published In hiiv
New Yotk (in per. It Is a model home paper with
ele mi tiny aid entt rinliiiiitf reading matter,
devohl of M'i Hiilloi a ai.d ulijeetiuiiiihlu advur
tinemeniH. All tor $1 tm a year.
Siei imeti eopirh and t reiidum I lets with full
pnrileuliuM ot the .wtrndUe liidueeineiiiB lor
Aleuts, bent Kreeou a)pHetiiton to
'I he Ail veil i-er,
29 Park Row, N. Y.
t dreaHed Lumber, lb miles of lleppuur, at
h tint la known as the
1,1X10 KEKT, Kurull,
- 10 00
- IV 60
S,',00 ner l.uuo feet, additional.
I. yv. Iinmlitoiii Mn'urr
rrealttent. Ctwhier.
Maile on Favorable Terms.
1 mtnkr. tf tmrnoN
Did rmt tvtr leant whsit filmloe rem l $ttm out of thS
mi(rlur l y Mi Nuyr nf mi ol iikuhiiuI tanl tt hold IhS
Sirlioii i'v t Tli "to.) rrmU li..e (ble. tint to loll it fit mini
ut inoilie i ,if.i.n llmr y- u ever tioorl th ihiwumhiI
ti IM Actinutor l uuiiuiiy, wlm h iuit out tuUuwt;
45 SoCU In '63
2,230 coJd in 89
G,2GOco!d lil'SO
5. A SM Wlndmi I ur. J Ltll
, Tcwor every J minute,
i C j" Trieen tlpumt tc.l lli
l atoTvoftnocver-rrowlna.
vr-BOlnR, ovorlcr nil
litoel Aormotor. Who
Jj1 on goo. others follow.
' I and wo "iuKB tho Countm.'S
W.ll. Mb' li.uiri iot,,;.
U.UVrtn.11 N. ,t., ,ii,l ''in l" r "' -'- , v.,
M.AMw (J ,v- ., 1.
urmi i,i,n,i 'Jl,,'i' l ;i! rl
..a. ,.-..,i..,i i., i ... r ii.. : ' .VflaJ-S"'
Ti..n r it. t . t.ih-.: IT-i Cf" 4f i
Ml NilMhU IllV'fB Ut.itTt .'!. 3fcjikJi
Ii low nin llintfnl ut l ift C I I
llial tbrj l,lr.Hy th.!Ui.. If j
j ftl ui , .!.,tV) . ft I! L 1
wit i. mi,. i i i, ( I- A W mtw
Lt tk. CU;c1iim Clt.n Their L.'Tlng ta
the 1'ielill.
After the itoim are harvested on th
farm anil ic the u'urilen turn the chickns
intothe lieldsand lot them forage ar 1
for a living. The amount of loose tr"-d,
com ami si'pds that are scattered over
the Helils i-an scarcely he realized, and
all of this is sheer waste if not gathered
by the chickens. They are the natural
methods by which to gather these waste
seeds. (Jive them plenty of range, for
they not only save food, but they enjoy
the work. Moreover, this freedom often
ives new life anil vigor to weak chick
ens anil stimulates me young ones so
that they grow rapidly.
Even in tlieganlcn there isagreat deal
of loss. Vegetables drop seeds, which
fall on the ground and become frozen in
the winter. The chickens (illicitly rake
these up and devour them greedily. In
addition to this they fall afoul of hun
dreils of insects, worms and grubs which
they quickly destroy. Urasshoppers and
locust!) are killed by them, and they
clearly prepare the garden and fields for
the long winter rest. A few of the in
sects killed in the fall will probably pre
vent the multiplication of hundreds in
the spring.
A natural diet is one that produces the
best flesh and the most eggs. Nature
furnishes this in the fields and woods,
aud the chickens select it, making it as
varied as possible. No artificial formula
can equal that which the fields in the
fall of the year furnish. This will result
in better egg laying aud firmer and bet
ter llesh. The benefits of giving the
chickens a wider range of the fields in
the fall of the year are so many that no
fanner can afford to neglect it
If an old hen begins to molt early,
and gets well feathered out iu October
or early in November, she can by proper
care be made to lay nearly all winter,
and if not more than three to four years
old may give more eggs than a pullet.
She will probably want to sit early, and
old hens make better mothers than
young ones do, Dut she must be well
fed and not be made too fat. Give oats,
wheat, wheat bran, meat scraps and
vegetables, aud avoid corn, cornmeal
aud buckwheat as a diet until after she
has begun to lay.
To fatteu fowl for Thanksgiving give
whole corn as early as they can see in
the morning, alter which a warm mash
of corntneal, with milk ill it if milk is
plenty and all the corn they will eat be
fore i hey go to roost. Give greeu vege
tables very sparingly, as they keep the
bowels too loose when fed freely, and
give plenty of pure water, clean gravel
and bits of charcoal all of which help
digestion of the food. Exchange.
The Curly Coated Galloway,
Here w a picture of a beautiful young
American (xallowny cow, one of the
finest Lxmi and hred. Hlie is a product
of Indiana skill in live stock breeding.
Her portrait i reproduced from The
Breeder'H (iitzctte. These handsome
polled black Uulloways have hides that
are valuable as rubes, on account of the
Ions, thick. tfUsy, curly hair. The
skins tire often Latitied with the hair on
and used iu place of buffalo robes, es
pecially in tlu; northwest, where on ac
count of the cohl winters the hair is ex
ceptionally thick unti tine.
Tlipse htitvly cntilo are iisniilly consifl
ennl viilmible only Crtmi tlie beef point
of view; hut a writer in The Breeder's
Gazette contradicts this opinion. He
haa been a bi eeili'fof Galloways for ten
years anil lie gives this as liis experience:
All the best Galloways are extra beef
cattle, anil many of them are extra good
milkers, both in iuimtity and quality,
lie has a cow, one of whose bull calves
weighed 2,'w'OO pimmls at 4 years old in
or linary ctmililinn. While suckling that
calf this line cow gave two "patent pail
fuls" of milk rich in butter fat for the
first month of the calf's existence. She
fattens easily, ami in a month after dry
ing olf will wi gh 1,400 on grass pasture.
If here is not the general purpose cow,
this writer. Mr. William Kough, would
like to know where she is. He remarks:
1 say tu linllowuy nuMi. Imlil lip your heaila,
w-let'l ynnr hrl'il-nnml inceil fnr beef ami milk,
tl t nl I hi'liove yon will Inive tlio In'st Kneral
tii-poi.i. cow In llu-wurlil and your utrora will
tud ynu Iwenly ilnlliirs a licail mure Hum
ntlitTH. .My i'xpi.rii'm' vilh the Knod Uallo
uuy lends me In lndk'Ve tbill cnuhtlllltioD and
early maturity, uilli stm kinesH anil quality,
are tiiiire i'i-iniiiii'iitly k'ivcu by IheUailoway
tlian by any otlier cidsh.
IIiimR Motes.
When you begin to break and train
the colt this f ill do it without nsing
either the checkreiti or blinders. You
can get liking just as well without them,
and if yon do not use them on the colt
yon will never need them for the horse.
A horse that will walk steadily live
miles an hour will cover the same
ground in a day will) much less fatigue
than one that Hots half the time. We
nt suflu iot.l ly appreciate the value
ami capiibiliiy of good, fast walkers.
(Iniv horses are the longest lived, and
roans come next in order. Creams have
not much staying power and succnnib
ipnckly in very hot weather. Dakota
j l'res'.ily lil.iiiureil Land.
' On land freshly fertilized with barn
yard manure wheat will not make a line
grain, according to Professor A. E
Blount, because the manure has a ten
dency to make too much stalk aud fob
age, decidedly to t'.io detriment of the
grain. If barnyard manure is applied
at all to wheat it should bo old and well
; rotted, or what is far better, to a crop of
corn or potatoes the ptveedinj; year and
then follow with wheat. If fertilizers
must be used directly to stimulate the
I wheat crop let them contain elements
that make grain, not foliage, such as
euiH'rpliosphati's, potash, nitrates, ashes,
salt, etc., in proper proportions.
A pnu'tic.'il poultry ruisor doclares that
she insure slitt knuws th jwrfivt general
pnrMise row I fur f.inturH. It is a vn&8
U'tweeuthe Urowu U'lmrtuiml the Wy
arnlotie. 'ibe LeUoni l.iys hu abuii-ilutK-e
of fgs, vvLiio I'm Wyandotte
givn size the uuifited for a ifuod
luurkut towL
She talk, nbout the uenlhiT an.l the Dirtily
wonder, whether It will rain wieii to
the theater .he will go next week with me.
She uvi that ihe'i been iwlntlnit-teilii quite
weak. Hlmutt to laii'tlne, but her tongue
keep, right on movlug Jut ai lively
u can b.
.-hea.kill I'm a daneer-never ttopa to get
n anawer. but he tellameoll excitement
what eiqulitte tlinei ahe had.
.tat. ir.e what I k' ow ol dre.". and In
confidence ronlesset that the one (he
wore laM evening wa frlt'ht alld
made her Bad.
With noils Bhe lulrly bubble, tells me all her
BlrllBh trouble!, and her tongue keel
Oil a-wagging Uh never ceasing Bow.
And thus lor hours I'm sitting with the golden
minutes Bitting, lor she will not 1' t me
tell her that I think I d better go. -l.Ue.
JllK .-M1TII
Will IM N.
How the
Martyr SI innPii!mry
Debt llnrllim.
From the t'nlon-Jourual.
'Old Joe" Smt'h, of Pay ton stre-l-.priukler
fame. ornBiwi the plains in '40.
He and the editor of the Dnyti u C'mrn r
worn rptnniisioi, inB one evenii'B not
then be told i f bis
ronny years since
arrival at Way ill-a'-poo, (I wiile the'
nrnuea" the Indiiius pronounce it). 1
prodnoed my note book and sketched it
hs Joe told it, to it: "1 wnz uiity sick
orossin' tbo Blues, 'u whs so weak from
ealin' hlne-mss that thev hsd haul me I
eun oiue-uino. inn- I
in tlio scaonn till 6 Ot lO old D
Whitman's place od the Walla Walla
liver. Tueo Mother Whitman come 'n
raised the wniioa co'er 'n i what's
the matter 'ith ; on my brother?' 8as
I 'I'm most sick, 'n I dun'i
want o be pestered much neithei P 'I ut.
but!' says she. 'my yntinu f-iei d, ya
shouldn't talk n prnfnueli! my husband
is a dootnr 'u oun probably euie jour
ailm nt; I'll gn'u oall 'im ' Sn uf she
olatlereil, 'n puny foou Pi o' 0"ine 'u
they packed me in the cnbin, 'n he soon
had me tin my feet nitin. I el up
whole baDd ut cnttlefur'ira, ,u as I hart
t"iner,ilh bim, I lo!d 'loi I'd like l'
work fur 'im I' kinder pBy part ny ffi!
bill. WhI D ic he set me t makiu' rail-,
hut I only uiide2n0 'fore spring eome,
'n I got t' worroin' 'oanse I hadn't nnl)
$5J, 'n a saddle haws, 'it I reck'n'd 1
owed the doctor 840J oi $500 fur my life.
Now maybe I wasn't knocked out fthen
wei't 'n told Uno' I wanted I' go on t'
Web-foot, 'n ast 'iin bow we slond
D.io' p'inled t' a kiuse pm.y n sajs
'mouey I have Dot ; but yon nv.y lake
that horse and oall our ecenuut even
if yon will.
Jaitl ti liai la Wauled,
Business is alive to a treat onmini:
event, nuil preparations of all sorts for
tbe Columbian Exposition in 1803 me
Relive and earnest. Just what is w nn 1 e I
of a unique kind, has b ippily uliend
made its nipearauce. and we have be
fore 08 "The olfiand 1'ortfolio of the
World's ColumbUu Exposition," illus
tratel from water color lirawintfs.
This portfolio is a rare aud beautiful
exp merit of the mnio archilectmal
in tn res of the Great Exposition at
Oliieaiio in 1893 The fourteen iuiti
mfieeot strneiures me fnitlifiilly ex
hibited, while i he biid's eye view g Vi e
a realistio glance at the lay of the
grounils, with I heir principal buildings.
Iiigoons, etc The ill ntrniions ate
exact re rod net ions, in water color ef
fects, of tbe original draitie. niiule
speiially (or this purpose (ruin the
official plans, by America's best knon
water color a tisl, Charles Graham.
A copy of this exceptionally fine pro
ilnotioii, will be sent to any address up
on rtoeipt of IU oents in poalnire stani s.
iiy Hie Charles A Vogcler Co., Balii
more, Md.
Itnyal Ari-h HasmiB.
Pendleton Cbaptei, No. 23, B. A, M..
ooufers tbe Koyal Aich degree upon
hree candidates this evening. The new
members will be W, M. Pierce of Ibis
lily, F W. Hendley of Echo, and Eniii
neer Jones of Ibe Union Piicitic Thn e
visitiug bretbern are here from l.n
Grsnde to it' ess the wotk, 8. K
Keeves, tbeex-botel man, J. F Grahaui.
general road mnst'r on the Union 1'"'
,iifir, aud Dr. Monitor. After the ceie
uinuies the oecnsioD will be celebrated
Iiy a grand banquet. -East Oregoniau.
l ured at Hume In Ten Ha) hy AdilillilK-
terilia Dr. Haines' (joldell llel llie.
It oau be given in a gluse of beer, a onp
of ooffeeor tea, or in food, witlumt the
knowledge of tbe patient. It is atisolnie
ly harmless, aud will ififeot a permanent
and speedy cure, whether the pHtient is
a moderate diiukeror an alcoholic wreck.
It bus been giveu in thousands of cases
and in every instance a perfect cure b s
followed. It never fails. 'Ibe system
ouoe impregnated wilb the specific, it
becomes au nller impossibility for the
liquor stipetite to Hist. Cures gnaran
teed. 48 page book of particulars free.
Address the Goldkn Specific l'o,18j
Knee Street, Cinciuuali, Ohio.
They Can Spot Them.
The experienced hotel clerks claim
. u 1"
...ii - i...
erallv stick to tlio old fortuala, "Jo'
Smith and wife," which t'.ic husband
lashes off on the baolc witnout hc.ota-
tion. A newly made trroora s.'Ubtu hi. inienit.n, n. inake iii.bi .iooi in siipport ot
. ... , o ., i i ,, i, his . liilm. ami Unit siilii irool . ill lie nui.lc be
Writes John mitll nud wife. lio ir,, the I nnniy I lerk nl Vnrroi t nnnly lire.,
takes the p-m, nnd. aft.-r carefully te .t- j at lleppaer, nr. coin nnhoo aj-yo, imc,iz.:
tag the point, writes s.owly an 1 d-lib- I nomi,!t,.d ii, ath.nVn. A'li.forthe-'i swi,
erately, "Mr. aud Mrs. Jo'au Sm'th." I !;, eK'. t s.t. 27. and Nivv, sti, .- I, Tps
Then h3 blUlh35 prjfaailly, Jl.'.t con- I"' hVI'i.oiu" the lolloti inir a Itnrsses tnprove his
templates his work with lV--- Oueo 1 eontiinnini. nsi.lei.i-e np.'ii anil cultis utlon oi,
in awhile, however, a ea ,t cam.-in , ,HA,U"r;,,;,,,iM '. Be i..-ii,.K. wtmm Laelltng
WHO simuj uiiiu;rr ' cits-
take. Su:h a oaj wis t' ra.nv!io
tidied up tj t'.ie (Kvs'.c of t'li II irt'ioKH
hotel oaa dvy r03itlv ail i 1 .1 Urjre
round handwriting in wrll t'tc rv
Ister the words: "William Duh and
The Loneliest Man In fcursp.
ITerr Peter Lecltner is known ns the
'most lonely man" in Europe, lie ii in
the weather bureau service on one of
the highest peaks of the Air. Three
times a day he takes observations and
teleirraphs them to Vienna. U is the
-...--.. .-.f Ow.. villniTir nn fhrtstmna
day t' I'ui men up MJU..IVUIV uw.
through t!te snow -chid v;:u y tuul
m mnt :in and take hi:a presents.
T'.'rotvr't.nit the year it is the uuly t.me
be te6 a kumau face.
Colds and Coughs
sore throat,
brcrchitis, ssthma,
end hoarseness
cured by
flyer's Cherry Pectoral
tho safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be in every
Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co
Lowell, Mass.
. n iir nr tinunl enrrt to
Mananina Attorney.
Als", fr Sn'-Hers fnl Snfloru f'tsahld In the line or
in.., n . w. A nnv y Vnvv kl II ft ttll' Wftf.
Survivors of Mto Imll'tn war of 1?2 to 1H42, nnd
their widows, now entitled. Oldandrelwted claims
. .ni,it. ThomandB entitled to hl2her rnte..
Send for nrw laws. 0 Ctmrffe for S-Vlcc. No feo
ntll .nwaanil
The most lopular and best known
wet kly newi paper printed tilth e.iuitry
the I'nle.l i I3i id '. Fr iQi'e u. .a
t, veiiiy years it li'is h id a t-itenlati u '
1011.000 to 2UO.00O. going regularly into
eveiy stale and territory of the iini ti
From fifteen to twentv fiv.' tous of prim
paper le cuis iuied iu each week's i dilion
aud is reuulaily mailed 'o more than
half the p 'St. IK -es of Ibe Uo ted filates
Ic is a pecu'iar fact that tbe B.ade is the
only weekly newspaper published thai
baa r gular subscribers iu all parts of tbe
Uniled Hlat. s. It is edited with special
leferenoe to the wants of all people in
all section-. It is also mde to lnteieai
every number if ihe family Beeidee
all llie news of the .uirid, it h is Serial
nnd Short S'ories. Wit mid Humor, P
etry, Cniiii fire, Farm, Sunday Soli nn
Lessons, Y .ung Folks, Poult r), Pnzzirs,
aousebold, Answers to Correspondents,
etc. As a special feature for 1893, Mr
Koliisoii Locke, i ditor and propnetorol
the Blade, has just sailed for Japan, and
will contribute a series of liluaiinteil
letters nn Ihe manners and customs of
that peculiar 0 untry and i's people.
Ti ese nrlicUs will he cuniineiioi d some
time iu Fibiiiai) or Muich, and will be
rth lo tin; renders of ihe Blade man)
Milieu the subi-ciipr.on price, liven
reader of this paper is invittd to send for
a spi cimen copy. Th publisher of the
Bb de would be glad lo send a specimen
copy lo eveiy render in this cotiniry.
Subscription price ot the Blade, one
dollar h esr. Five dollars In cash will
be paid to n peisoo setnling in a small
olnb cf Hiibtciibeis. Wrile for agents'
teiniN. giiing pariiculars. Addrets ' The
Blade. Toledo, Ooio "
TlieBb.de nnd SimiWeikly Giz-lte
lo new snhsci ihers, a; d i" old sulisenh
eis pii.wng in advance, $3 2o sw
- -TO
JSf in Fronoisco
A'it hU imiina in ulifi iuih, vih iht 111. irlmna
nuite of the
Southern Pacific Co,
I hp great hiulifHy thmnph L'Hiitiirnia to all
ptiinth KhHt Hiifl Smth. (irnml bci'iiic Houte
of thp 1'iK'ific (ftct. PnllniHti Huffet
bleep-. Secoi.d-rliiHe tjleepem
Atlarhpd topsprens traine, affcrding ncpprio'
MCti)ninni(lHti(iDh for MM-uncl-daMS vusspngerB.
For ntlfH, tickftH, Bleeping car rebervationR,
to. chII upon or Hcidrees
K KDKHI.KU, Manager. E. P. ROGERS. Aunt,
(ien F A P Agt,. Tortland, Oregon.
j Dt'comher ft. iwrj Votire it herehv given
that the t'ollon lug-famed settler hat- It ltd notice
.Mills intention to make tinnl irout hi Mipport
ot his cliilm, Hnd that ciiid proot "ill be made
liefore W. K Kills Cm V. S. t irniit Court at
Heppuer, Or . on January '21. 1WM viz.:
.lO.KrH W. i;KCI'iK,
Ild. No. 4W7, lor the NWJ, ct-u. 21), Tp. 2, S R 27,
E. W. M.
lie iiHmcn the follow ing witneMen toprovphis
roitrtnoons reUleiKe upon aud cultivation of,
aid hind, viz.:
NeNon Jonef, Frnnk Slonn. W. G. Boyer and
J. N Elder, all of Ucpptu r. Oiegon.
A. C kavkr, Register.
Notice of Intention.
j Nov. lit, imu Notice if herehv given that
the following-named t-ettler litis hied notice oi
tiU intention to make Anal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof i ill he nmde he
fore the Countv rlerk of Morrow tounty. Ore,
at Heppuer nregon. on January MV lii, viz.:
Ilomcitend HppMcatl u No lor the NEU
of fee. .it. I p I !, H J:l E W. M.
Ire naiiiCH the follow tug itnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
. B, Williams, Ed. Englenmn, Frank Wilson
and A I'. IVnv, all ot lone, uregou.
."l-l.v.Vu John V. Lkwi.-, Reoistku.
hotke Of ntention.
I t Nov lii. WM. Mnlce Is heri liv civen Unit
ihe fnllm.ii s i aim-il sutler Iihk 1 1, d noiire ol
; ainl I M. i i torgey ail ot Hiiitinian. uremni,
Jot W . LiiWif. Kt-glster.
Notice of ntention.
I ov. ."J. iv.L'. Notice is hereby given that
hih i tenthm to turtke tii al nn-of iu snpport of
hlM-lHltn. nu.1 that said pr..t will be nuide be-
tore J L ;ihon, L. roiiim'sMoiu r Ht Lexing
ton, Llrcgon. on ln"rv Jo, lVW,vt,;
ltiene!(ed Hppllcittioii vo. I'hW. lor the Nf4
K'4 of xc. Ip t . H r K VV M
He nauu's the follow ing itnesses rn prove Mi
coHtimioim residence upon and culttstiou of,
said hind. D. :
Andrew l.esner, Frsnk Fesnpy. Thomnf Bur
i ett and Heubeu Lane, all of 'lningiotiAJrv
John W. Liwis, liegifter.
. .
C t vt Mt'Ft'T'Ml-d b'Ve j 1 1 t rtlHi Ted
i Car load Of MlC.u-H. UMinsi. Harks.
. . . ..
ec.t'td Lav. MlHrtffii ply of Tarm-
lug lUipleuitnU uf all kllide. -
JL rni,ILsliitli irAiBsJtwil
Catt le ttranded and ar marked ua shown above,
linraea K on rinht whimldor.
Mv cattle riutire in Morrow and Umatilla eoun
lies. 1 will t nv $lnn.(iU for the nrrnHt and eon.
nriiitn of any ihts'pii ricnlii-fi my i-tork.
linhl, the bilker. Buy your bread and
rakes mid save money. Try it. a.
The StiidHiiiikrr wscn hends them nil.
For pale at Gilliam & Binhee's. s
While you keepjuur subscription paid up yet
chh krep ynnr brand in free of charge.
I Allvn. T. J . lonp, Or, Tlorsos (id on M
Fhouldcr; cnttlp -nino on Ifft hip, nnnVr bit, on
riRht ear, aiid uppur hit on the left; rniitfe, Wor-
! row enmity.
i AnuHtroutr, J. t. AlpitiP, Or. T with bar nn
dr tt on lt?ft shmUier of horsa: cattlft aame
j on lft hip.
.oiJon lert 'hii'auil ho'raea sumie brand on right
, ,.,. i.,.,' u ;,..., ..,
Allison. O. U JSiKht Mile. cr. l-attlu brand
shoulder, liuntrt1 Kiulit Mile.
Adktits, 1 C, Dayville, Ur-ptraight mark acroHH
the thigh ami two ccopH aud a nJil in the right ear;
horHCM. upside down on the ritit whoulder.
limine in Grunt couutv uud Htmi valiev. FU
atkireBsalHO ut lliirtiiiiiti.
AtlRuib, J. J., IJuppuer, (Jr. iHtrbBs, JA con
liei-ieil im it- t tiai.k; etiltJf. mimeou left hip.
A vera, Johnny. Lena. Or. Hornea branded
trinngiR on len hip; cuttle baine on rigln hip;
alno crop off riulii ar and ut'pfr bit on hhuih
lini ilio'tiin' . A (t . Alouie. ir. Ho hps
blinded 7 ,,n either . onliler. Limye i:. Mo -r-
w oiuity
Hlyth, I'ercy H., Heppi.er.Or. Horses Itnnmn
crohK on nyiit eliDuldtir. limine m Morrow
liienknmn. (jco., Hanliimii, (Jr. HorseH, a nsu
left rtht'uhit'r' cattle -iiine (u rij:lit mIiouUIi-i
I aimiHter. J. V Ili.rdinan. Or. Cattle brai,d-
ed H iu It-ft hip nnd thtuh: Hplit in each eitr.
lirenner, Pt ler, ikh wberry Oretf on Horses
bnindcd P H on lei t shoulder. Cattle B..me on
i t'ht tone
liuike. M St ( Long Creole, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hm. cioo off left ear. un
der half e.mp off right. Hornen. name brand on
letrt hliouliier. ifmige iu Grunt and Morrow
liiiwr-niHii, A., maim vernof Hint Mums, Ur.
Callle, A Hon right hip. two crop in each ear:
HHine on hornet), on riulii Hhoulder, tiuiige in
tirant and Han.ej eountiei-.
Urosmaii, Jerry. Lena, t'r.- Horaoh branded 't
nil righ. ahouldi-r; cattle B on the left side
left em halt erojiand right ear upper Hlnp".
Hurloii, 'm., Kepptier, Or. -iiorsea, J B on
nglit tlw-i . cntlli HMitie on right bip; split ii
each far.
Brown, ltta, Lesingtttn, Or. IIorne- IR on the
rigid f-lirln; eattiu tutmeon r iti hi hip; range, Mor
row county,
Bioiai,,J ,V , Heppuer. Or. II ir-o-- mid cittth-hramh-d
h wit' ox-yoke almveoii left j-hoiildt-r.
Brown, J. C, Beppiter, Or. Hori-eB. circh
(' with dot in h-roii Jnfi hip: entile, -aim.
Brown, W. J., Lena. ircgon. hornes W h;ir
qver it, on the leu shoulder. Cuttle sunieou left
Boyer, W. G., He- pner, Or. IlorHes, ho
brand o ' i hip cal tie. Maine, WiLh split in
each ear.
Burg, P.O., Heppuer, Or. Horaes, P B on left
should-': etntle. ntune on left hio.
Hrownlee, W. .)., Fox.Or-( attle. Jli eonnecied
on left side; i-riip n f'. ear and two splitsand
middle p.ece cut out on right ear: on horses same
biniid on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Urant county,
Cniti.hi, ( aJeh.Or- Y U on horses on left ntitle;
TJ with quarter circle over it, in led shoulder,
aud on let! slitle on all colls un ler 5 years; on
left bhoulder only on all hornea over f years. All
range in Oraut countv.
Clark, Win. II. Le a. Or. Horaeh WHO con-neelt-d.
on lelt t-honh:er: cattle same on riliL
hip. Iwi ge .Morrow and Umal lla counties.
Cute, Chits, li.. Vinson or Lnna, Or. Horses
H V on right shoulder; cattle mime on right hin.
liaise iMuirow aiU (Juiuillla touitties.
Coehnn, Chas., lote. Or. llorsea, HP con
neeti-d on lelt chouhler; eaitlo, C on both left
hipnixl rjltho. liunnt) in Moiiow county.
t in i non, I . B..Loiig ( reek, Ur.--T on entt It on
right bid, cmp ofl rif,'ht ear and slit in h-ft ear.
Our horceHHiniie Inaml on left shoulder. Kunge
in l nm( county.
Cecil, in.. Hoiiglaa Or: h'Tses Jl' on lef
shouldrr; ca tie same on lelt Inp, vtaduloH on
each jaw and two b.ta in the right ear.
t url, T. ti., Jithn Hay. Or Ooub e cross nn
eneti tup on came, owallow fork and under hit
in i iglil ear, split in left ear. Bai ge in (inuit
eon in j . On nht'ep, ir verted A. md spear Jjoiiu
oil hlii'iihier. Ear marko.i ewer, crop nil hfi ear,
punched upper hit in right. Wethers, crop iu
riglit ami imdyr half crop ju left ear All rang.
iu tirant vouuiy.
Cook, A. J.,Loiui,Or. HorHus, HUon rightsl.ouJ
Jei t attle, same on r glu hip: ear mark square
on p orl loit and snlit in rixiit.
t urrin. H. Y., CiirriiibVilie, Or. -Horses. D on
left unlit-.
Cox Ed. Hnluinn, Or. (V.tle, C will
11 UHiiter; hoi-Hes. CK on left Sip.
Cochmn, li. 1... tilouumenl. tirant Co, Or.
llorbes biauded circle with bai tieiinnth, on left
shoulder, cattle sauie brand on both hips, uitirb
under slone both ears and dewluo.
Chttiiin, H., Baitiiuaii, Or. Horses branded
C on ritilil hio. Cattle brauded the Mime.
CruhB. S L, Hayville, Or t auie branded two
cropb and a split in left ear; on horses a
reverted on left stille, AJso have the following
irKiiu on ( an ie: l on ien inp. i on rigiiwup,
72 till left shouldtT, two parallel bars OU left
shoulder. Ear marks, two emus.
Hichiitf-, J bl. I'othBs bia d d with three
luiuii for- (nhfihliile Cattle m ut- on led side.
Ooonan. Win., Peppner. Or. liinw-s bianumi
OU with hai over itieiu, ou U'ft shoulder; ual
tie same on len hip.
iJonuiHsh, W. M .(iallowny. Or. Cattle, It L'on
nghi bide.swn low-tork in each ear: horseu. H i
on letl inn.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or -Hort-es TD on
the i mill stitiu; cattle same on right inp.
Duncan, W. P., John Dtij, Or. Quarter circle
n on right Bhoiii'ler, uolti on nornes and caiUe,
L.anue (tram county.
Drn-kell, W.L., Bep ner. Or. Horses branded
K inside of on left shouhltr. Caule em me on
left side ot neck.
tiy, J. B. A Sons, Douglas, Or. Borden brand
ed bAA oi. Jell ihouidur. entile aine on left
hii hole n right ear.
Kiliot' , VaHi., Heppner, Or. Dinmoi d on
right r-houlder.
Het-k. JucttMin, Heppner. Or. Horses, 71'
uuimecied m right sliuulder: cattle wnne on
riuht hip ttur mark, hole in right and crop
otl left.
t lorunce, L. A., Heppuer. Or. Cattle, LF on
riglit tup; Ikm-mo- if Willi bar under on right
Horence, H. P. Heppuer, Or Horsea, V un
right shoi lUf- ; ratlle. b on right hip or thigh.
(jay, Henry. Heppner. Or. Li A It on left
Liiluiau-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or, Horses, anchor fc on left shouldei ; vent,
HUUif oil lefl stdie. Cattle, same u bolli liipn;
ear marks, crop ofl right ear and underbit in ictt.
himge in ti nl nun, tirant, t rook ai d Morrow
lieiiir, Klnier, Hcho, Or --Horse liranded H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on lelt stide
Itange in Morrow and Uinatillucounties.
Oiliwater, J.t ., 1'iaine ( iiy. Or.-On horses,
O -tJ on It-ft fthoiild'T fiuti F-title; call te. on nlit
snl. Btmue in tiiani county.
llit,et, t,ni Lena, Or, Bind Jll connected,
wu li qi.arb't' rirci- ov. r it, on le. t i-hnulder.
Ilia. i A. If., linint. Or.-i utile, roui d-iop
villi (pint i tor ctme ui der it on th. ritlit hip.
hi.! i.t- in .Uoriow ai.il LumiiJl.tcoiiiihL'E,.
H 1 1. 1 on A Jenkr, Haunt Ion. Ur t ail le, I wo bars
on fiiln-r hip: cr p ii right ear ai d pht in left.
Iloici s. J on nghi thigh. Bai.g ii counij .
Huuhi-H. Kunuel, Waguer, Or- j- (!' F L
con i fi led; ot. n mil mo.iide! on Inn .; ..n cattle,
oil tifiln hip aid on Is fi itit . twaiiow folk in
riglit Mar am! sin in It-it- liange in Ilu stack
diMiici. Morf. w ciiunty
Han-. Mi. lou, V..ri,e . Or,
t , .
..(irsfx nnu'dcfl
n lefi f h-mlder
( me vi im i iMid el tiu s)
-t lebiunolj left hip ; a. o mi ge Circle oU left
llail Kdwiti. John I'ny.Or. Cattle K Hon righ;
hip: horj.es Ntine on right shoulder. I augc in
Gram county.
How 'id, J L, ! a'lowny, (r. Uo'rf. (cries
wit , b;-r iihi ve ii) on rignt si.ouiner;- c "t e
Millie on e i side lli uue in Muno aud Uuia -
liiu c untie-.
H'lgte'c, Mat, Heppner. Or Hoises. shaded
heart on the left ehouhier. HaUge Morrow t o.
Hun-Jiker, H . W fit er. Or. Horses, V on left
i i.i... .... .1.. u.... I. .Ft K.
i.llMI' I . on ur, iruu irn .
Hardisty, Albert. Nye. Oregon - llorwes, AH
conn-cud. on n-tt shoulder; tauieoii itie leu
i ''H'- cr,,l; off left ",
numpnrevs. HHmIua.i,ur.-n..n.n-
Hiatt, VVm. E,, IHdkfe, Or. Horses branded V mince, t tiaxies, Portland, Or. Vat tie, VV uu
bar cro ui. lelt sliuulder: cattle same un lefl ntii Hugh, hot. in left ear; burse, W nn right
hu i shouluei, wmii same (n left nhoulder.
Hayes, J. St., Heppner. Or H orses, wineglass j SVhiilier Hros., Drewsj, Haruej uounty, Or
oi. t.'ii niu.iiid.-. caule. same on rigid hip. Hi-w hraiull VV H. eonm-cum oe ifi ..Mitdtr
Ilusn n. Luther, hi hi VUle. u. Hon-e II (tn j H illiam. Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
the lefl shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat- t cle uv-r three bars un lef tap, both cattle and
tl nni on Ifft hip. llMi'in in Mrr..w foimrv. i burses. Ranife Grant county.
Ivy, Alfred. Lug (n-ek, Ur t'atHe 1 H on ill lams. J O. Lou I r-V Or Horse guar
ric hi hip. cmpotl left ear and bit ii. right. Hoi-hs ter circle over ihrne bars un ifft hip; callle i-aine
same to and un lelt shmnder. liange n liront j -m in hmi-u Mnr Itamr in t-trittti i-i-nniy
count ' VV ). i,. A. A., eppner. lr. Hureea nmninir A A
jui. kin. 8. .M., nppinr, tlr. tloives. hon
phu,. J let' sUoiiider. tattle. Ihe sain J.
Ha.-e r. i-i:tn Mil.
Ji.hnson. i-elix Le'ia, Or. Horses, circle T on
wu .re; cattle, bume on iht hip, tudec hif
oroit in right and split ui left ear
Ji-nirin. T Ternn.Or. J on horwwan
left siioulder; o- cattle. J on left hip and two
flmiMii Ii crops on both ears, liange in Foxar l
Kearvail.yH , . ,
henuy, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hone branded
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop olf left
war; lindwr Mbit on the ritxht
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horse W on left
jihimhler; catt If, aft on left hip.
Kirtt. J C, Heppner. Or. Horae. 17 on either
Hank : cattle 1 on right eide.
Kirk. Jeaae, Heppner, Or.: horse 11 on left
sh n Ider ; cattle same on i ight side, anderbit on
tight ear.
Knniberhind.W. Q.. Mount Vernon, Or. I L on
cattle on right and left Bides, swadow fork in I ft
ear ami umler ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Itange in Grant count r.
Keeney. Kli. Hupitner, Or.-Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stille. hauge in UmaiilU
and K orrow counties
Lesley, M C, Monument. Or A triangle fitwith
all liuee extendi uk pa t tody of figure on "(hor--esoii
left shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left
loulder. split iu righ o, -- Ut. it iu left ear
Hang. in Grant county auri to : nrtaof Johu Du
L aliey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L
nd Aon left shoulder; catt le .nme on e i uip;
wattle ver right ey three sliis in right ear.
LoHen, Hteptien, I ox, Or, b Lou left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, liange Grant
l-iiehaJlen, John V L ' Or. Horses
branded liaif-cocle JL connected on lell shoul
der. Caule. siiim on lei hip. Kauge, near Lex
in on,
Lord. tiPftme. Hentmer. Or. HnrHMi hMtiirioH
double H coi. nectf .Vnueti mes called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Maxwell, M . 8 , Oooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cuttle, same un
Lef hip. Far mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or.t 'attle, M D od
nirhl hip; horn. Mon lef t shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on h-ft should" cattle same on left hip.
McCuniber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Maun, H. B , Lena, Or. Horses old inaree ZZ
on nght hip; young stuck, small zz un left
Morgan, Tone., Heppner, Or. Horees. circle
T on left shouider and left Hugh; cattle. Z on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Otcnr, lone. Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 7? on right side.
MoCiaren, D. d., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure Aon each shoulder, cattle, M2 on hm
McKeru.W.J. Mount VerUnu. Or XI ou oat tie
on right hip, crop in right ear, half orop ju Inft
same brand ou horses ou lefihit . KaUue in Grant
McOariy, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
D M connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
focCiiir, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle nn ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stiUe.
MelltuVy, 0. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8
with halt circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four I tars connected on top ou the right side
Kange in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew, Loue Bock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hip,
Nordyke, L., iSilverton, Or. Horses, circle 1 on
left thigl,: em tie, same on lefl hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Can j on t ity, Or. A 9 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same ou lefl thigh, liange
in 1 1 rant county
Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or. P O on lefl
rtllOU.d.- .
Dip, Herman, Pinirie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connecLeu ou left hip; horses ou left stille
and wariie on nose, itange in Grant county.
Pearson, tJiuve, Eight Aliie, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle sliudo on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Caule, fork in let'; ear, riglit cropped. 24
on left nip. ltHiig. on Eight Mile.
Parker A, Gleason. Hardinan.Or, Horses IP on
I t' shoulder.
Piper, Fn e t, Lexington, Or,--Hor es brand,
e F- (L K Conneo tnij (i lelt -hou.der ; lalLle
- inu on igid nip. Utinge, .HurroW coutiU'.
i U.er, J. il., LexingUiii. H: tlorsHtt, Jfc con
necied o lelt shoulder; cattle, same un left hip.
under hi in each ear.
Pat berg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horse brand,
ed wiLh a Kouiai cross on left shoulder; cattle
branded with He man cross, bar at bottom, on
elt In p.
Pcttjs, A. C, lone, Or.: horses diamond P on
sliuulder. Callle. J i J connecieo. on t.im
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell, Jonn T.. Dayville. Or Horses. J P oon-
uec ed on mlt slioulder. Cattle OK couuected on
left hip, two uuder half crops, uu on each ear,
wattle under throat, liiu gem Grant county.
Uickard, li. D., Cunyou City, Or.-F 0 on left
houider. on horses only. Huufe Caiuon ureuk
and bear valley. Grant county.
itoou. Auurew, riardiuau. Or. Morses, square
ero with quarter-circle over it un left stifle.
lleninger, Chris, Heppuer, Or, Horses. 0 U on
lell slioulde..
bice, Han, Hard man, Or.; hursee, three panel
worm fence on lett shoulder; oa'tle, DAN on
riglit shoulder. Itange near Hani man.
Undid, m. Long Creek, Or. brands horses
i oi right shoulder, liange Gram and Morro
com ties.
HoysH, Aaron, Heppner. Or Heroes, plaiu V on
.eft sliuulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right lop and crop oil right ear. Uauge in MoT
row county.
Lunh Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the ngh, shoulder; cut lie, IX un Ihe hft lap
crop oil lull car and dewlap un neck. it. ng: it
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Bust, Wiliium, Peiniletoii, Or. Horses K on
lefi shouhier; callle. It on left hip, crop ofl
right ear, uuderbrt un left ear. blieep. It un
tteai hers, round enp o(T righ ear. liange Uina
Uliaand Aloriowc mnltes.
iuaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorHei
branded A It un rigid shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cut lie same ou right hip.
liange Morrow county,
Boyse, VViu. H, Uairyville, Or HH conuectec1
wan quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and ciop oft rihl ear aud split hi lelt. Horses
siune brand on left sliuulder, Itange in Morrow
Uriiiii tu.u Gilliam counties.
Inner. J b. Hitter, Or Three parallel ban
Wlin bur over on horses on left tup; ou cat lie, Ibfl
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat
l.ant;e. in Middle Fortt ol Johu Day.
Uecior. J. VV.. Heppuer, Or. Horses. JL Ol
leUshouider. Cuitie. (j on riglit hip.
spicknall. J. W., Goosetierry, Or. Horses
branded )1 ou left sh -uider ; lunge in Morrow
bpiuy, J. F., Heppuer, Or. Horses branded fc 1
eonnecieu u linhl shoulder: cattle same on bolt
Sailing, (' 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded tj A
un lell shoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
!?waggn, li. h., Lexington. Or. Horses 1
wan dash under u on lefi stifle catile H with
uusti umier it un right hip, crop off right ear aud
wundied ou right hind leg. Kauge in Murrow,
Gilliam and uiuulilla counties.
tew.tggurl. A L., Ella. Or. Horses bran dp ' 8
un tell sliuulder; eel tie same ou left hip. Cto,
un ear, wultle un left tnud leg.
btnught VV. F., Heppner, Or, Horses slim led
J b on lei stifle; caLlle J b ou left hip, swallow
fora in righ ear. underbit iu left.
mapp. limb., Huijpuer, ur. tiurses, ti A P un
lelt tup; cam same ou left hip.
Murtz. James, Lung I reek. Or. Horses. 8 on
lelt stifle and over i on left shoulder.
tonrier.Jonu, tux, Or. NO cuiiiiHCted on
hoiseb on right liip; came, same on right hip,
crop ..ti right ear and under bit m left ear. Hange
in Grant county.
bmith bios., &ubnville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. u i slioulder; cuit.e, ame on left ahouider.
bqunes, James, Arlintitou, Or,: horses branded
JMou lell snoujuer; caule the same, also nose
waudle. Hange in Morrow and Gilliam co uties.
blephens, V. A., iiardman, Or-; horsee 8 a on
rigui stifle; callle h muniaJ L on ihe tight side
cieVBiisuu, lilrs A. J., Heppner, Or. t altle, d
on riglu m ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggarl, U. W., Heppuer, Or. Horses. 44 on
lett siiouiu. : cattle, 44 on lef l hip.
btone. Im. Bi'-kuton, Wash, Horses, keystone
uu lelt sliuulder.
bmiiti, L. Lfoue Buck, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven un lefi sliuulder; cattle same on
leti side, itange, Gilliam county,
hperry, E. G.. Heppuer, Or. Cttle W C on
lett hip, crop off right and underbit iu left year,
dewiup; horses W t on lef t shoulder,
inouipboii, J. A., Heppuer, Or. Horses, J un
lelt should r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
Xipeu.8.T.,hn.erpnse,Or, Horses. C-on left
iuiuer H. VV., Heppner, Or, Small capital T
lell shoulder horses; cattle same on ft hip
with split in boil i ears.
ilnruiun, H, M.. lone, Or. Horse branded
H I eonnecied uu left sutie; sheep same brand.
Vunderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV con
uecieo uu riglit shoulder .cattle, same hi na-ht
VVaibridiie. VVm . Heppner, Or. Horses. U. U
on the ieTi sliou.der; uiatle same on iitfbb hip.
ci op ott left ear and right ear lopped.
Wiieoii, Johu y,. balem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jv ou ihe left shouider. Hauge
Morrow uouiity.
V arreu. W H. aleb. Or Cattle, VV with quarter
circle over it, ou ndi side, split iu right Mur.
Iiui.-e- same bra.'d uU lett shouider, KttUtfein
Giaut couuty
Wood, F L, Day tills. Or Heart on horses on
leitdt iDe; on catile. ' on left side and under bit
in let i ear. Hange in Urant couuty.
Un.,l,l 1 H... (I. '....! ( 1J
s, s ifmn, iiiiiir n iiriici , ui . iue uruuuwi
y uu lmj nyhi hip. siiuare crop uU ngni ear
fc((U Hpi LU( ieu
VVtdiace, frraucis. Mount Vernon. Or HunArnnn
catlie on the left hip. upper elope in he left
ear and under slope in right ear. &tine brand
un liiirwwi right shoulder. Uauge in Harnej
and Grant countv.
1 V adt-, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses bituided
ace ol npauet on ie-l shoulder and left hip.
, I aitlf braude same on left side and lefl hip.
W ellb. A. 6., Heppner, Ur. Horses. a". un left
shoulder: can t aine.
VV uihuger, John, John Hay t'ity.Or On horse
: three penuiel iars on lefl shoulder; I on eiioeu.
I I. it ii. tti.lii Mum kni, In ...... . . K
, - 8 OilU JlttlllUff
( counties.
HHiwuni, unnii, neppner. Ur.-Hnot. 3P
coniitH'iin !) leu stiouidrr.
L t ' m 1 f t,H ' ur' "llorWH Unil),1,,d
; on sliouider; i aitie. same oi, r.w n.y.
Voting. J. I .mw(crr) . r. H.,rJ hn
I 1 " " ul' ""u
i I ours, W A .. O-kw -berry. l-ore, l A
. cd X X td-.ub e X neciiu) on auJa-i
j eaiue same ou leU aid.