NOi'lCK TO ADVEHTWKRS. I'll USE desiring the insertion of display acta., or change of came, nam get their copy In wl Uter ihua Monday eveimig for Tuesiluy's tuition, or ihursday evening lor Fridays edi tion. '1'HS FaTTKRSON PuBUSUIMU CO. KUI1CK. 1. The mm of flv. cent! per line will be Charged for "carda of thanks," "resolutions of reaped," Hits of wedding present! and donors, and obituary notices, (other tnau thuae the edit or shall liinineli give as a matter of news,) and notices 01 special meetings lur vv tiatever purpose. i. Notices ol church and society and all other entertaliinieuu Iroin Hhich reenue is u be de rived, shall be charged fur at the rate of live tent a line. 'I hose rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upou application. e Give vaur husnnvnaln Htiiittvrufv,io and therefore assist to build up Hepp tier, tatronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Christmas tree. lite wife ol Conductor French is ill. Warren Carsuer is over from Haystack. Geo. Wright's in fun, I child in seriously ill Masquerade bull tor it. -get yourselves ready 01 All Dyspeptics should use TUT1S' PILLS. Harry Woods returned Monday front Portland. J. C. A. umtioug was in from Alpine Jettteiday. Ful Keieher was infrcm Butter oreek this week. E. B. Siuutou, of Eight Mile, was over Wednesday. bcbilliuit'e best tea at P.O. Thomp son CumpHiiy's. 12 Miller, the tailor, has conolnded to stuy m Uepiner. Oif Fred Miller kuows how to give you a genii fit iu tailoring. tf aw The inttilute I Lis week baa brought io a nuu.ber of lew; hers. J. 8. D. leTau, of Heppuer, visited Pea dletuu early lliia week. Cbiia. Benitiger oame up last eveoiDg from lower Willow oreek. The Odd bellows of HardmaD propose to have a ball un the 26iu. Joseph Putnam, of ,Ylouiimeut, is otop ping iu Heppuer a tew days. Audiew Peterson was iu from Goose berry Beveral uuvs lliia week. Bill lugrum and Emanuel Sawyer took in the u-etrnpulia VVeuuesduy. The Gem aud Palace saloous for fine liquors. MoAiee Broc, Piopa. aw Win. Hughes went down to Portland Weuneailay, to remain a few days. Jake Johnson, the renowned mayor of - Gooseberry, was iu town yesterday. A. W. Balsiger, one of the Morrow oouu ty teachera, is attending the institu te. Three prizes given away at the masquerade Dull, Thursday December 39, mi. 0-4 Fred Wilmarth'a Prineville News says that "Juniper wood is $4akord." Pietty cheap fuel. The Morrow County Land and Ti ust Company hare an unlimited supply of chop fur sale. 41-tf. W. G. Boyer is able to get around again, wbiou bia many friends will be pleased to hear. Mrs. 8. A. Pai ker aud little daughter arrived Wednesday evening to join Mr. Parker at this piaoe. What amendments to our charter do you think ueoesaary f Now is the time to do some tlnukiug. The Heppuer Water k Light Co. are getting their eleuiiioal mucbinery In po sition in their power house. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. rjuvejor Bruwu has just purchased a new set of instruments. He finds quite a demand for surveying this winter. N. Nielsun is now running a stage be tween Htppner aud Lone Bock. Set ad. tor days of leaving aud arr.val. tf. MfceQiieiade ball at the opera house on lhuudav. Dtct mbei H9. I8i2. Ad mittance. uenlltmeu SI: ladles, 50 oeuta. 0 1 Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to d all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in nortu Heppuer, or address her at tint place. 618-tt Hiva ketohura whiskers. Halt & Mathews, at the city barber shop the place to get a tirBt-claes shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. See the stock of winter gloves and mil teuB for sale by . 0. Thompson Compa ny. Wool mitteus at 2oo per pair. Oth er things in proportion. Master Clay Frencl is the authorized agent for tbe Uregouiau at this place. Subscribe ihruuub bim, aud have your paper delivered tree of charge. tf The bald man's motto: "There is room at the top." This top may be sup piled wiib a good crop of hue hair by uaiug Hall's Hair Keuewer. Try it. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room, Charley Jones, the baher, wants to see his old mends there. Baths iu connec tion. Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, uiosi xncoeesfully aooomplmuea u ilr. B. F. Vaughau. Uas administered wueu desired. Thompson building, Heppuer, Or 1-a-w-J. T. Beid, a Hoosier boy, baa pur chased a raucu near Gooseberry, ami will teach the souol at that place tins winter. He la in attendance at the teachers' institute this week. The success of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in tffeotmg a speedy Oil re ol oolda, oioup aud wbuopiug cough hap brought It luto a;reat dewaud. Messrs. Pontius & Sou, of Cameron, Ohio, say that it baa gained a reputation seound in none in that vi.-lulty. Jii. U Q leeu, of Johnston, W. W, says It IS tbe best he evr used. B F. Joues. druggist, Wiuo na, Miss., says: "Cbaniberlaiu's Cough Remedy is perfectly reliable. 1 have al warn warranted it and it never failed to sve tne most perfect satisfaction." 50 cent Hot ties fur sale by Siocutn Johnsnu Drug Company. No Detter preparation for the bair has ever been invented than Ayer's Hair Vmor. It restores the original color to (adtdandgiav hair, aud imparls that natural gloss aud frebuess, everyone so tdmires. lis feputaiiuu is world-wide. Hi. Tash, JobD and Jas. Royse came down from Hartlmn Weduesday. ine first aud last named have each a son attending school bere, who acoou pained them h me Thursday morning, the Ileupuer schools baviug diauiiesed the remainder i f tue week on aooonnt of lbs jusiitute. Bailee's Congo Oil i" rapidly oomiDg to the from as a leadiug medicine. J A. Havrrison, the Fossil coustable, ap plied it to bis legs, whiob was reoenlly Sink-d hv a ho-co. aud n-xt day le 4brew aside bis orutches- "It's tbe bowF. faairisoii m... LvniHO Br..wn tried the oil for rheumatism with which l.e bus been doublet.' for years, and ihi i" "bat beSHs: "It kocked it after appli cations." 54 '' Ti. n,.i.rl,in Glolie wants to know why it is that women make their dresses .sight inohes too long and then holdtbem up twelve iuches too high. Give us something easier. Cum. breuuer is in towu today. Christmas tree at Heppuer this year. Joe Keeuey,the sUge man, is in Hepp uer. Sam Kinsman ships today 118 head of cattle to the American Dressed Meat Co. Kev. P.itwine will bold services in the Baptist ouuicb, Monday Dec, 19, al 730 o'clock. Quite a delegation of Heppnentea weui out to Mr. and Mrs. Normau Kel ly's today. Two big loads of merchandise passed our home rauub yesterday ou the way to tbe Jouu Day. Cluus. Jobnson, of the Gooseberry re gion, was umoug Heppner's merobauls luesday aud V ednesday. Up nb .tit Harduiau, the fall of snow is s i great that Bitiokuieu are feediug, or Were the fiist of this week. That elegant display of Christmas go ds down at T. W. Ayets, Jr., & (Jo.'s is the occasion tor a new ad. U is said that owing to the illness of Capt. Lewis, Tub Dalles land oilioe is uioed tor lurtber busiuess uutil bis re covery. Will A Peairs, representing Chamber lain Meilicine Co., DtB Molnee, Iowa, came in last evening, reluming dowu the Hue this moruiu. All aocounts owing P. C. Thompson Company Miust be settled by (Mali or sec ond notes betoie January lit, 183. Aud no foolishness. L. W. BniuGj, uauuger. 12 Geo.' McKay, ot Waterman Flat, Grant county, uauie lu Wednesday with lUd head ot cultie which be will ship to Ponlaud today, piovided be can get cars. T. J. Wilhelm, of the lower country, spent a few days lu Heppuer the tiiat ol the week. Al V,-ughau, ot Arlington, is also oprhdiug a few days witn tue Hepp uer hoys. IS 1. Stratton has given up his position Willi ine .UuFarland ifciercuahliie Co., and will sbonly leave tor bis Grant couniy home. W. P. Muyder now) liolda Ine posiuou of Hint saleamau. Lenu Year ib nearly ended, and vet aucb eugibie and popular old bachelors J. A, Kieuauer aud ti. 13. leuiowe atnl lenijlu single. Oar ladles aie sure ly allowing valuable time lo go to WaSie. Hon. A. Clea er, register ot tne La tnaude laud omoe, stopped over at Heppuer last night on bis way lo Port- laud. He repiuts Cnpiaiu Lewis, ot lne Dalles laud uthce, lo ue lb a uruiual Cou Oiliou, tnougU tiopes are eulenaiued of bis reuuve'y . Tbe correctness of tbe maxim "uoth- mg succeeds like suueess" It is Well t X- empubed iu Aj ei rjursaparilla. I'lie must successtui oumuiuatiou ot ulterut- ves and tonics, it always sucoeeds in curing diseases of ibe blood, and hence its wouderful popularity. Owing to tbe faot that job stock has advanced about twenty per oeut from reasons wbtcb will be explaiued else' win re, we are compelled to make a slight advance ou all printing. A le luotion will be made as soon as prices ol material will justify same. Union Journal: William Waabburne ib undoubtedly unfortunate. Last week thieves broke opeu his valise aud took away his oiolhes. rndiiy night suue person euteted his room in me Model lodging bouse aud stole bis gold watch, and a purae containing a pair of gold sleeve aud cuilai buttons. Fur pains iu tbe client there is nothing belter than a fiauuel cloth saturated with Chamherlaiu's Pain Balm and bound un over tbwaeat of pain, it will produce a counter irritatlou without blistering, and is not sodisagieeable asmustard; in faot it is much superior to any plaster on ao cuuut ot its puiu relieving qualities. If imed in time it will prevent puentnonia. 60 oeut bottles fur sale by Slucum-Jobn-son Drug Company. The Record, mentioning the construct ion of sidewalks to the school bouse, tnauks the city fathers for the same. While they appreciate this on tbe part of our contemporary, we must sav tbat Ed. Day aud Clerk Monow are tbe boys who aie doing tne digutug up, and wuo, therefore, deserve the honor. I-Iu buying a cough medioine for chil dren." sas H A walker, a protniuent druggist of Ogrteu, Utah, "never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it aud relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recommend Chamberlain's because I have found it to be safe and reliable. It is intended especially for colds, oroup and whooping cough." 50 cent bottles fur sale by Slooum Jobnsou Drag Co. Mountain Hodbb. Mr. Joseph Crank has lately leased the hostelry known as the Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and tied, per week $6; board without bed, 24 50: meals aud bed 25 cents each, Mr. Or. ink asks a portion of the patronage, nelieviug that be can give as good ser vice as auyoue iu Heppuer, and for less money. 43-sw, A Nkw Neighbor. Geo. W. Lird bus moved into the former art gal lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's llice, and has fitted up for architecture ork. Ue is prepared to coutraot for all kinds of buildiuus. or will supervise cojstructiun, and purchase material for the same, giving his customers me Deu etit ot bis experience and percentage, D3Z tr Lost. - A red leather pookelbunk, suob m Ib otien used to oarry bills or valuable papers. Same was lost in Heppuer, or between Heppuer aud Bin Swaggrt's nl ace. last Monday, detained some aocounts aud notes valuable only to owner, BenSwaggart. Fiuderwill please return same to the G it -tte office. 1 tf Unios Sbbvioes There will be no servioes at tbe M. E. church next Sun day, exoept Sunday school at 10 o'clock, it having been decided to hold anion servioes at (he M. E. church, South. The meeting will be oooduoted by Revs Shulse and Palmer. An interesting meetiug is expected. Everybody in vited. A MiaTAKE It is tbe popular belief. Bays the East Oregonian, that tbe late Jay Gould owed tbe position be attained iAI in lit entirely to bis own talent aud ex eriions, which transformed bun from a penniless boy mto one of tbe world's greatest financiers. B. P. and W. H. Gould, of this city, are distant relatives ol the dead millionaire, and during a con versation concerning him the latter stated that Jay Gould received a fair start ou the mad to fortune by a lucky windfall. W. U. Gould's father, S. A Gould, who resides at New Orleans, re ceived in 1869, a parchment letter from a firm ot attorneys Informing bim tbat there were 830,000,000 deposited in the bauk ot Euglaud awaitiug olaiins of tbe oldest heirs of John 0. Gould, of Soot land, who was a wealthy ship-builder on the Dundee river. Later in the same year Mr. Gould received another letter, stating that tbe mouey tell to the family of Jay Gould. Not loug after wards the king of speculators sprang into prominence, and it is thought owed hiesuddtn rise iu the financial world to the fortune bequeathed him. John 0. Gould was bis great grandfather. The Gould family of which the Peudletouiaus meutioued are a part deoended from a brother ot the Dundee ship builder. Got JcoaugNT. The suit, J. L. Bey mer vs. Stacy Roberts, oame up before Ju-tioa Uallock early this week. Mr. Roberts did not refuse to pay the Lote, as might be tbougut. Ou the other band, he was reaiy and willing to pay tbe light party. The note was fur tbe sum of $60, given by Mr. Roberts to T. 0 Aubrey. After Aubrey bad skip ped tbe country, Mr. Ellis garnished tbe note, which was fouud lu the bands of Aubrey's tatherinlaw, J. L. Beymer. Mr. Ellis claimed tbat Mr. Beymer had uo right lo tbe note, but ou the evideuce adduced, Justice Halluck deoided in Bey mer's favor. Going Into Tug bop Business. Thomas, Audrew aud Frank Reauey, f .rmeis aud stockraisere of Morrow O 'un. tv, were in Pendlelou Thursday eveuiug on business. They have large interests near Lexington, one of their randies be ing on tbe W illow oreek bottom and sus ceptible ot irrigation. It is likely tbey will start a bop yard ou this ranch, as they aie convinced, after experuientiug and thorough investigation, that bops will do well in that locality. If these gentlemen are successful with bops, a new industry will be added to tbe re sources of Morrow and Umatilla coun ties. E. 0. Want to Back Oct. The Rollins In v. Co., who contracted In take Heppner's bonds a short time ago, have taken suob action that the council have concludeu that they du not want to stand up to tbe terms of their contract. At a special meeting of the council last Wednesday afternoon, it was deoided to get an affirm ative or negative auswer as to tbe imme diate aoceptanoe of the bonds, and H they did not waut them, to apply else wheie. There aie numbers of bond buy ers iu tbe market, aud there need be no fear that tbey oauuut be sold at a good price. A Bad Owl A farmer over on Eight Mile bas been losing chickens pretty rapidly ot late and was at a loss to ao oonnt for it. Though be looked bis fowls up with all tbe oare that could be ti peoted ot a frugal farmer, something kept killiug them at the rate ot three or four a night. One evening, not long ago, be beard a great noise in tbe obioken bouse, and on investigation found a large owl iu the act of dispatobiiig a ben. Tne invader was immediately knocked iu tbe bead with a olub. BackFroh Ihe Jous Dat. -George Harrington and Osoar Miuor got in Wed nesday from the John Day, where they uad a flue time, though only successful iu killing one "antelope." In sums places uuou the "breaks, the snow was lully eighteen inohes deep. Dowu on tbe Walker ranob on' tbe John Day, Oscar found grass tbat bad grown over a toot this fall, and it will, perhaps, oontiuue to grow till Cnnstinaa. Wea Jlarlatt remained bebiud a few days to look after stock over that way. A Herald of The Infant Year. Clip tbe last thirty years or more from the century, and the segment will repre sent tbe term ot tbe uuboanaea popu larity of Hostetter'a Stnmaoh Bitters. 1'he opening of the year 1893 will be sig nalised by the appearauoe of a fresh al manac of tbe Bitters, iu whiob the uses denvatiou aud aotiou of this world fa mous medicine will be lucidly set forth. Even body ahuuld read it. Tbe eal.B dar and astronomtoal calculations to be found in this brochure are always aston ishingly accurate, aud Ihe statisuos, illus tralioiiB. humor and ither reading mat' ler rich in iuterest aud full of profit. I'he Hostetter Company, of Fittshaigh, Pa., oublisb it tbenielves. 1 bey empioy more than sixty bands in tbe meoiianical work, and more than eleven months in tbe vear are oonsuuied in its preparation It oan be obtained without Cost of all diuutftsls aud oo,,ntry dealers, and priuted in English, German, Krench, Welsh, Norwegian, tiwedisb, Holland, Bohemian and Upauiab. A Care Fur Twenty I'sots. Any remedy sold at one dollar a bottle which claims to ours rheumatism, is simuly an imposition, for wben all ex peases are deduotsd it leaves not more than twenty oente to repreeeut ine mea n ine. Dr. Dmmmond's Lightning Item edv which is performing suob wouderful oures that it is being prescribed by the merlioal faonltv everywhere, isonmpoan -rd at great expense from rare drugs and cannot be sold for less than nve chili a bottle. But it always cures. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price Drummoud Mediiine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents want ed. 53 IQ UARVNTED. P OTTGM ANls Columbus Discovered .America But the people discovered tbat at : GILLIAM & BISBEE'S -tr Va the place io buy HARDWARE Tinware. Wood and WiLlovvware. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures ! Pumps, Gaspipe aud plumbing Materials. Coal, Iron and Steel. AGRICULTURAL OF ALL Wagons, Hack", BugL'ies, E'o. A oar load must be sold. Job Woik done iu a guaranteed. OTT R XOPV Is up i'b the times, and we ask of yon a liberal share of V U IV J WvJV y(Pllr patronage, for which we will endeavor to give you irnnod valne for vnllr money. Main Street, next door to First National Bank building. HEPPNER, : - STILES m)PPMDElSED. WHY ? I3ooauno No Other IVIeciloilio Ilaa Ever Effootod tire. Ouros CONGO OILi O.YV.R. MF'G. C9 Pi rst Mouth's Sales, 720 Bottles; HATTEES BOLD EVEnYWIIEnE. PRICE, Dec If, -Has left a CHEISTMA8 - DOWN W. Ayers, Jr., & T. New Briok, next THE ASSORTMENT Is fine, though it includes uo very expensive goods, bnt all Dtat and consistent with the times and occasion. Tun will find there the larirest asuortment of Alhnras. and ' o vv aiit You to H. A. Thompson ' A. E. Blnni THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPKIJETOKS The Heppner Liny, Below Collin & McFarland'i, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. HHy nnd grain per day. 61 2T. Meals 25 cts. a at C. C. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay nlivnys on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Footwear Thnr.n jnoTf. fpim tho t'nwt of' 1"iti Htrt'p'. to 'hfir I'fVt Htofft roni, tipxt nor to H. B'ftrkin n A Cn'w. There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTIIAL & CO., Main Htreeti Heppnee Or. DONT BE By trawl in it fnkirs. C. 0. VViltiev A Co . of WhIh W h I In, VihI),, h re tbf l-uest import era direct from the Eastern factories id tbe Inland EmnrH at AND We oan save yon from 8i5 to $11)0. We ship snlij-ct to approval to Bny responsible parties We handle the very best makes of instruments, and warrant them (or five years, and guarantee lower prices than any hnnse on this coast for same quality. We hnv flireot fiom Cliickering & Hons, We) man A C"., Conover Bros & Co.. Hmilh & Barnes, piimnx tage Organs. Sell Organs fn m 81(10 na for catalogue and Drioes. It will 635 You will catch At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . , . . . . S. C. Smith, THE IE MAN K'flps s fnll line of EVERYTHING In tbe way of Kurui'tire. Undermklris goods a speciality. May Itrast, il.ppuar, Or. 13-f rail IMPLEMENTS ! KINDS- of STOVES direot from the faotory that wotkmaunke mauner aud satisfaction OREGON WHY ? Because XL beuma tissxxit sjclatica, anct Neuralgia aro thing of trie Famt CONGO OIIi is TTusocl. PORTLAND. 0R6. Seoond Month's Sales, 3300 bottles 1 rtiicl $B a. Do 'tlo. fine display of- GOODS, AT- Gs Drug Store, door to City Hotel. Imlet Artimes, Novelties, etc.. in the city. Know it. T. W. AYERS, Jr.. & Co.. Heppner, Or, Feed and Sale Stable. Footwear ! BAMBOOZLED Packard, Ktoiy & Clark and Chioago Cot to $300 ; Pianos from $300 to 8700. Writ. Lav volt. O. O. Wil(lV & CJO, Walla Walls, Wash Read their new ad. soon. " 'm i i h ' ' 'jP Jash and Bat it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend tbeir cash with F. G. TODQPgOI ! GO. Is because they get full value in HARDWARE, Tinware, Wood Willowware, -si GROClilRIJilS, (Jonfectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos and Cutlery of o all Kinds Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition. The best assortment of Men's Winter Underwear and Top Shirts in tbe county. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets. HEPPKER. HERE IS THIS PLACE 4 To Gret Even on Your Life. a. I II All JUST OPENED. A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and Pipe, Tanks, Batbtuhs and Kinks, Plumbing Materiiils, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of liepairing quickly and neatly done. CE1 EBRATED in Wagons, Ms and B :- -:- You will save money by getting nur prices before purchasing elsewhere. :- -: :- -:- -: -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C L. & T. CO. Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE whiob we propose to conduct in on hands at all times the cboioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt ProDrietors. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. S., London, England. Veterinary 5URGE0N ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to do all klndi of Veterinary Hnrry, KmntcitlutlnfL; Hnrr and Rcultnsi a 8poi aJly. (Thli ii the only true method of opernilnnoii tiorm'H.) HpeyniK ' Cattle and Hofa on ihurt notice. I will treat all aniumlH In the most approved procedure of Veter inary Hurgery. If you have any Hick aiilnialN It will be to your lntereit to call on me at stew art' ttablei. HEPPNER, - 5.'Wbw OKEOOH Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, Oa Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND Mads oh riHoitT Notii:i Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Juts -:- OaDiies, -:- WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Season Also about ripe. We -will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. fllE QITY HOTEL, W. J. IICKZEH, Prop, rpHIS HOSTELHY has beu Hkfittkd and Kkpdnihiikd thronRhoul, sur is one of the most Invitinir places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to atofj with bim, feeling that he is all In mitprtain you in the best of style. First Class House. Reasonable Rates fonund rums. OREGON. Stoves and Tinware, 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. Sacks Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most satisfactory manner. Will keep PARTY CAKES and at Porui.AH Pint is. p -:- and -:- (Jigars ! DWARE STORK!