Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 13, 1892, Image 4

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Hi i
KM.' 91 EiVr!.. UA a.l 'J , f. . 1 1 "JT, 1
ve have a relief and cure
In your ipnorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fol- C
cure or money refunded.
after all other treatments ?J,
testify, and from many ot z-
- r t r-i 'II
i n 1
Is a
complete galvanic battery, made imo a oelt so as to be easily worn durimj work or at rest, and it gives soothing, pi
:h are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5 OOO. It has an Improved Electric Si
greatest Doon ever given wca men, ou wo ..ndi,, n ...v ..ww... nbnBl.w., w ....... h- .......... ... ....... . w.
Money Refunded. rThey are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agecpr old men, and will cur,
the worst cases in two or three months. Address
The circulation of The Companion is 50,000 copies weekly. Scud fgr Specimen
Leading Features for 1893.
Eleven Serial Stories. $6,500 Prize Stories.
Over 700 Large Pages. 100 Stcrics of Aiventuro.
Hearly 1,000 Illustrations. Monthly Dottle ncmbcrs.
The Best Short Stories. Charmisi Children's Vise.
Free to
Jan., '93
To New Subscribers who will cut out and eeud iih
I It I slip with nanus address mid $1.79 wo will
pond The Companion Free to Jnn. 1, '!,', and lor
a full year from I lint dute, includinur iIip lloublo
Holiday Numbers nt CliriftlmiiH and New Year
It THE YOUTM'3 COMPftWinN. Botnn, Mann.
Souvenir of th4 New Building in colon, 42
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. I-,Otli!S,
on, piih w sun.
Leaves Ileppuer, 8 a. m. Arrives
M p. m.
Oolonlat Nleept'i'!.,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Sttataera rnrtbuid tn Him FrnnoiBoe
every fmir days.
TO -A.1T33
Fur rates Hud general lutormiitlon call on
Depot Tickot A (tent.
j. c. i rviirr
Heppnor, Oregon.
W. H. liritl.IinitT, Aut (Itni. l'aiu. Agt
-It WilhlliKIon HI.,
IdlfitUii, BIHftuutM, Headache, Oonctl-
Dpptl, CkroBle Llrer Troublci
tlalncMi Bd I'ompltalon, DyiOPterji
OffaBftlr DrMtb, ud all dtMrder r the
lUMtth. Ufr and Ilwl.
Rliwnt TnbulM rontnln nothlnp tnJuHoui to 2
th oioit dnlirttW ooiiNlliutlon. I'lmiMkiil t tkt, !
aU. ftfTectntl. OItc lmmedlt rwlU-f. J
Bold by drurtrlpu. A trial Ik.UIb mdI bj nuttt Z
OO receipt of 1ft caiita. Atldrmi J
H Ii our enrnt'nt donire to Imnrpsn upon the
nritntln ol 'the puMlc Hit nptTinrny of the er
ice otlert'U by tlie IhcoiiBln t't'ii'tml I int't to
Mlluankre, K litcHjro it ml nil iioinis Knt mul
IVinth. Tivo fust IriiiiiH lt'Hve m, 1'riiI, Mlnne
aiKtltaaiut Duliilh ilntly, equipped ulth Pull
lit an Vetlluile.i Drawing itoom steepem, DiutuK
Cart and fom'hes of the luteal tletttmi. Mis Pin
lug Tar .servii'u Lb uniurpHNat'il, wliu li Hceouutit,
lo a groat tienree for tlie nnpuluiily of thin Une
Tho Wiai'innilii t't-ntml l.lut'B, in eonneetion
with Northern I'mliic h. It., la the onlv Hue
from I'aetiie t'oiiii points over w hirh tmlli Pull
man VuHtlbtiUM, tlrHt't'l(0s, ituti Pullman lour
lit t'Hrg are operated vlaet. I'aul lilnuil elmuKe
10 l'hieaio
I'ainphlcti KtvliiB; vnlnahle inforinatton can
h ohtalned Iree upon Hjipllcrttitm hi your near-
it ti kwt atcent, or I an. t'. I'i-nh, litiiierai raiibtiii
and iieket Agent, Chicago, 111.
4ki A- t-
A new and Complete Treatment, ronsinttng 01
SuppovUorlea, tilntiueni in (.'apHuleH, a I no in Ha
nd I'llli; pout live t'ure ltr Kteriml, Inter
ml, Hllud or IfleedliiK, lteltlng, I'hrnnle, Ket enl
or lleretiitary I'lle, and many other dlt'e
nd female weHkuemtt'i; It In ul ayn a Kreui In-it
lit to the general health. 'I he hrat iliaiDvery ii
a medical fine rentier!' k an operation with Hit
knife unneeeiiary h reafter. ihla retneily hut.
utjver been known lo fail. l perhox.ii ftr V,
aent by mail. Why miler Iroui thlt terrible li
eae w hen a w rttten guarantee is K'en with i
bo.xei, tt refund the money If not cured !ei.ii
lamp for free, aample. Uuiirnntee homed In
WiKiUiiK, Clahkr ti Co., Wholeaalvtk Uetail
prugglaU tkL AgnutJ. lo rt laud, Or.
SleeplessnessFoorMemorYs General IllHealth
the effects of abuses, excesses,
In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical,
or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, seaied.
Brit is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and .vigor.
failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this btate, who would gladly
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
Comet jJverg ifetii finely liiaut rated
Three acres
pages, sent on rereipt of nixrentti, or FREE to anyone r
lOO :- -:
FREE -:- -: -:-WATCHES
Given by the Oldest News
paper in New York City.
In Addition to tho nnineroup ntnv and orlpinnl
prt'iiiiiiiiiH otl'iTcd to nuhHcritiera we pr(ipono U
pretmnt tin-in 1th 100 W ntctien. nil of which nrc
Kiiiinuiit't-d ItvT Lynch, 1 Ith street and Union
Sqmirt;, N. V. City, who furnislK-B them to us.
Thr Anvi-RTisKit in the olrlcRt npivspnppr in
New York City, ltd Weekly edition In pnt)linhc(i
in two Mx'tjoiit and i-fjnu-i out every Tiicndax
mid Ki iilny-104 liini'mlurliiK the year ; linn ttl:
to eiiihl pnjrcn every Ihhmc, in well printed, hii
plenty of piclnrcn. short Blorien, teleraphi'
iicm h. liiuinciat and market reports, a woma iV
piiKcinnl the iihk'Ht editorials nnlilirilierl in mi
New Yoik piinT. It is a model home paper will
elevating and eiileriiiinluc rrmltii nialtci
devoid of sensiitionn ai.d objectionaiilu udver
llHeiiientn. All lor dl) a year.
specimen copies and Premium I.ista with full
pnrttciilaiit of the Attractive IndiiceineiiiB lor
Amenta, bent V roe. on application to
I he Advertiser,
2t) 1'nik liow, N. Y.
hnl fkliulom rnulU out of ih
i of nti ornnrntiiUl kUiiI lo bold lti
In like h (ablt. tut to tell it tint nmri
Banufftclur ly 51'. Noyi
diciiuii" ry i iiiHHiurj ir
Bub iKHlmr (nicilmii. II
45 eoEd in '63
2,280 cold in '89
G,260 Gold In '90
20,040 coia en'on
60.000 w:u bo eold in '9;
FltfPjFA HtBfflWinamiii unuurcm
Tower every a minutes
t . . . .
L"H cj- These figure te:i in
WiiW Steel Aormotor. Whorl
I'lTKident. Can It ie r.
Made ou Favorable Terms.
Thfl ncresfi of this Great Cough Cure Is
without a imratle! in the history of medicine.
AUdniRgmts nreuuthori.od to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a teat that no othercttrecan
succeasfullv stand. That it may become
known, the Proorietors. at an enorinoua ex
pense, are putcinir a Sample Mottle Free into
evary homo in the I'nitcd Stutes and Canada,
If vou have a Ooutrh, Kore Throat, or llroo
chitjs, use it. tor it will euro you. If your
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, ami relief ia sure. If you dread
th:it insidious disease Consumption, use it.
Aik your DruiKist for SHlum'S CVRK.
l'nee lOeta., Met. and St. 00. If your Lungs
areaoreor Hack lame, iiso Shtloh'i Porous
riaster. Hrtee i"! eU. I'or sale by aU Drug
gists and Dealers.
him AXLE
ttri P IV TUP nnuv n
ItBWarlrnrqrmltticatirsunturpftsaed, ctuelly
("irtaBtunr two boxa of nnvorhtur brand. Not
fliculbybt.4r-iit r 1 Ilk. 4.1. M IMw
"Bas Youth's (gpumnion
one Roes othors follow ,
II 1 ana we t uko mo aururjt. -
Will, thnt MtaWlalllllPlit lwlt'i r-rrrr
loUVoinW Nii)t'. n1 1 !' " " !AKt-
ui'ini with wlii it U " j Ifi ; , t flt'if'im
,.r.rftrrl.iilh.ttH' ll ZxZ: rJ-V ,
nlv .ln-f.lf.1 by of tli 11 1 J ..-ftKWWHift
mtt tvhi.Uy (mnmliRit lV 11
rictinimry tli.Uer Iihsmipm II
tniini u huh to the ll-Uf, mul lwtr
n.l Imhl ni..l -till htiKU tho fi.U.I, K TT'l.ST f.ni
LirrfiiiiK.aii.lly t roll J'"r 1tycr. ,.Wr i l
fcr, N..)fi lint iiimlfo imt veiffi t. lj Jalialj i LV 4
rtnliomui itieiiiotlinit iln'lB,niid i(T
Iim nuiiiuiiietl a I . i K I tuJjil of jfJfV
iccIImic tin iiii.ln-l tli ritcU f I l 1
at a U .nr Tli" in.rit llic If II II V
DH-tii)inrill.J(l'riilia '"' 'at ff I I V
that llioy literally mid Umiii.Ivbi, ff If II ft
and ill llf li jtf:ilt"llitl- II f
, tiei thkl ai.iiiAll I'H'dt oil Jl twV
Tli.y hav.i;oiittialtiicklFrpry ff fS
fcal'lUlile H)rhon u( tl t;lub, j a&-L
van In III. rrmuta l-taiula uf L If f
tha . and Ma fcaft by 4U1 ittiU
J tetaMUan.
I! liiinm BanR of mwi
who are debilitated and sufferlmp
from Nervous DebilitY Seminal Vla
ness. Losses, Drains. Impotenc y z: a,
Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, '"a!f
Back, KidneV Troubles. Nervousness
worry and exposure. For such sufferers
rolonged currents
uspensory, the
Only fl.Ta a lair, j
Copies and Full Announcement Free.
Youth's Companion New Building.
of floors used entirely by The Companion.
wetting it who tends a tubioription.
A l:e:if 1 lH-noi:ionon.
Aaron Andrews, u colored man living
four or live mik'.s from liaiy condyle,
Ia.t prosontb n plicuomonon ia humaa
nature. Ho in t;o deaf t!n:t lie eatiuut
hear tlio report of a j;nn discharged near
him. Thu loudest thunder U not even
faintly heard by lam, hut he can be
commit mealed with by the agency of
the human voice, tlnnrr'i l.e ean't under
stand anyone except those with whom
he is intimately acquainted.
Queer Totato Tateh.
An Auburn (Mo.) woman 1b said tc
havo hunt; up a oalico wrr.ppor, in the
pocicot of which was a potato, a jeai
ago. Sho did not uso tho wrapper till
ono day last week, when sho discovered
a wholo hill of potatoes in hor pockot
Thcro wore sovon or eight porfoct little
TJiuusHD Js or DoIIm in Kowurd.i For Bible
The Liuliea' Home Mngnzine preRpnta
its urent full competition to the public
f America. The lirnr correct answer to
he fullowinir qtiPHtioiiN reoeivpH at tins
Hid w ill yet vl.UuU in chhIi; the 8e0nnd,
fillt) t'dNli ; 3rd, yrnnd (Juno; 4tb, Indien
s.-til foul; 5ih, 2)0 urunu; tith, Jrtdies'
Kohl wiitoh; 7'ltHilk drens. Theo fol
ItiWH IHil eleKMMt Hilver ten etH to tti
next 10.i() correct iinnwer; 10(H) hnntiful
5 oVIock sdver services, imd 2u00 ther
nrticleaof silverware, mnkititf the most
expensive ud mnynincent lint of rewnrde
eVer If -red by any publisher.
Q ienlioiiH (1) llnw mat'y bnnkd rlcipft
he bible contain? ('2) How many chap
e-s? (3) How ninny verses?
Jpfiidvery lint of unsweis must be nc
toMiiui.ied by to pay for sir nwntbn'
xiiliHtiriptn n tntbo Ij'tdiea Hoiiih M.iya
zine one of (Iih briyhteat mul heet ill uh
trnled inibliciitioiiH of the day.
L'tpt Prizes Tn addition to the above
we will Kive pnz-a coHiHtintf of
uiitirniti tout udver Hervice, fife o'clock
services, fca , &o.t for last correct anHwers
received before the cI'pr of the competi-
Koi, wljit li wi I be on Ueo. 31.
The object in ofTenus these liberal
prizH is to eHtnbli-h the Lmlie" Home
Miiu'fzine in new bomee in the United
States and O iiinda. Present subsoriberH
ftm nvuil themselves of it by enclosiny
$1 00 will) list of answera and Ibeaddrepa
f Rome friend to whom the nmy znie
can be sent for ix months, or have tbeir
own extended beyond the time already
paid for, Ppzh to DiibsiTibers reaidinic
in thi) United 8tatew sent from our New
Y rk hrnoh. American aurreney and
poHtnge fltamps will be taken. Be sure
and renter all money letters. Address:
the Ladie" Home Mnnziue, Peterbor
o nsli, Cainidit.
Onnranti'crl to cure nillom Attacks,
Sick lleuibcho mul Constlpatioa. iO in
each 'ottle. Price 25c. For sale by
Picture "7. 17, 70' ' and sample dose im.
. F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, HW YORK.
Scientific America
Cm Agency for
' r?"J u.i.a
for Information arfl fwe Handbook writ to
Ml'N N A CO.. :ttil ItiiOAliw.tY, New YORK.
Oldest tiiuvnu for seeurtna tatrtntfl in Amerlo.
KvijrT patont takn out hy w brouirht be fur
Uie public by a uotlee glTen free of oharga In Uit
jrcirutiftc gmrrtcau
liRrcost otrculHtlon of nnr nclentlflc pPr in tha
KnrUI. SpltMi.lullr i I Ivitft rAttfil. No liitUtumt
mitti Mtionl b without It. Weekl., 8J.UU a
y.uir; l.. .11 mo.itbt. Adre.. MllNN A CO.
ftiaiiKHiiKai il JtoiaJwai. . turk.
Horribly Hairy Spider" Whose
Bite Ia Certain Daath.
Bathtnit Abont the OtOhrent flpadaa o
Xbla Terrible Inaeot A Winged.
Vaa That Makea abort
Work sf It.
It ia a fact not generally known that
there are two varieties of tarantulas
In Arizona and New Mexico. This
probably accounts for the conflicting
reports about the deadly nature of the
tarantula poison. Tho so-called Tcxai
tarantula is by no means an a-rreeable
bedfellow, but his bite is by no means
fatal. The venomous Texas tarantula,
In spite of all discussions to the con
trary, does build and live in the trap
door spider nest There seems to be a
current idea that the trap-door spicier is
harmless, which is certainly erroneous.
It uses no web n"t, easily capturing its
prey by extraordinary sprints. Those
who have seen this arachnitlan by day
light can have little idea of its power
and flcetness. During the day it moves
slowly and clumsi'y in tho la7.;:lin
light, but when darkness comes it can
move with ease and certainty. Credible
accounts have appeared stating that
the tarantula can leap sixteen feet,
says the Florence Companion. Re
peated statements havo credited it with
leaps of three feet or more. In 1873, or
near that dat i, three men disturbed
several tarantula ne its near San Die;o.
They were imm-dhtily attacked by
the hupre spiders and had to run for
their lives, taking refuse in the watera
of the bay.
On the other hand, the poison of the
Myjrale species is of a fearful nature
more dreaded than thiit of a rattle
snake and, unless only slightly
scratched and heroic measures used,
the result is fatal. Many deaths are on
record caused by these spiders. The
most prolonged suffering was that of a
Han Diego woman. A tarantula sunk
its fangs into her hand during the
night. The flesh was cut away with a
razor and medical assistance summoned
at once. Her life was prolonged for a
time, as well as her sufferings. For
three months she lingered under the ef
fects, her hands constantly creeping
and crawling along the bedding in hor
rible imitation of the motions of the
The Mygale sometimes spreads over
six inches square, but more frequently
four or five inches. The writer has at
the present time a stuffed specimen
that extends about six and a half inch
es. A shaggy coat of hair covers the
surface of the great spider. It is sup
plied with six strong, bony legs, and
two dangerous pedipalps or strikers,
each armed with a sharp sting and poi
son sac. The strikers are frequently
mistaken for two front legs, and from
this arises the idea that the creature
has stings on its feet. Two powerful
projections, resembling jaws, protrude
from the head. Under each of these is
a curved poison fang, similar to a cat's
claw, but longer (exactly like those of
ii rattlesnake), which may be lifted, ex
tended and hooked into the victim. A
person thus stung (or bitten?) must cut
the tarantula away at once, for the
spider does not. seem willing to unhook
Its fangs.
Tarantulas are considered deadly foes
to each other and are seldom found in
company. When imprisoned together
there is a fight, one succumbs and is
eaten by the victor. Nature has done
a service in making the tarantula so
hideous and formidable a looking ob
ject. Indeed, it is owing to this repul
sivencss that no greater number of per
sons are stung. The sight of the great
hairy spider crawling near by will cause
a cold, creeping sensation down tbe
back of almost anyone.
Tho deadly foe of Mr. Tarantula is
the tarantula hawk. These giant blue
wasps, with their fiery wings, are dead
ly foes to the tarantula, and should be
encouraged in every locality. They
seem never to rest for a moment, and
with tireless energy fly and walk rapid
ly along the ground, running into every
crevice and hole, and examining every
auspicious obiect, after the tarantula.
The fate of the giant spider when
discovered by the hawk is certain, and
attended with fascinating horror.
The winged insect hovers over the
victim until it finds a good opportunity
to sting. The poison acts in a peculiar
manner, the tarantuia becoming para
lyzed. In this state the eggs of the
hawk are laid in the spider, who re
mains alive to be slowly devoured by
the hungry larva).
Tio-.3torlel Car..
A novel style of observatory has been
devised by an ingenious Manitoban
who is of the opinion that the scenery
of this country is such that passengers
on a railroad ought to have better facil
ities for seeing it. Three or four sec
tions of a car roof are raised to a height
of twelve to eighteen inches above the
ordinary level, forming a sort of "con
ning tower," the sides of which are
glazed. Second-story seats are pro
vided in these sections where passengers
can sit and enjoy the seenery in any di
rection. If perfectly heated and ven
tilated such a car would bo most desir
able, but it is a question whether the
added weight in the upper part of the
car would affect its safety and whether
the considerable motion in swinging
round curves or running over rough
tracks would not affoct many traveler!
very unpleasantly.
Hla Anxlouft Mother Do.e. lllra with AIo
r Iahmoa and llrluietoue.
' A small hoy, more or less tho light o
a certain household and tho scourge o
the neighborhood, showod signs of ac
quiring tho complexion of a leopard
ays tho Pittsburgh Dispatch. That ii
to say, his mother noticed that hoi
treasure's face was becoming torribl;
Sho called tho family doctor's atten
tlon to tho trouble, and bo said In thi
brusque olT-hand way wo all know sr
well: "Give him a lovol teaspoonful o
brimstone every day."
Tho doctor's word was law In that fam
Hy, and a considorablo shipmont of brim
stono was procured at once. Omiuinj
the details of administration, wo mar
pass on to tho next visit of tho doctor tt
tho family of tho boy.
"Well, how's Tommy?" was the doo
tor's first question.
"Oh, ho'a veiy much worse. As yor
ordered, I gave him eleven spoonful'
of brimstone ani he's been raising "
"Eleven spoonfuls! 1 novor orderex"
that many," shouted the doctor, as u
nervously sprung upstairs toward Tom
my's room. "A lovol apoonlul waswba
1 said."
Oiirp for CoMs, Term Drtd 0nnl D
OoJjia and Cough
co'o threat,
bronchitis, asthmas
and hoarseness
cured by
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be in every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, Mass.
ArTlrf1" i liMKr or ofst 'i mrrt ro
I0HN W0'i;RSJHiJ, Managing Attorney,
P.O. Bo i 43a. WASUmOTON.P. C.
flf.t rP" "". -nilSHtlor8'Msahl"'lln'bnl1nPOf
.vn.v ..v.., .I...TV war.
nr'vlvnr. of i' " Indian war. of 1S1I2 t i 1H42, nd
th' lr vinowfi, now entUlnrt. O'danri reWtnl cjfitma
inert"lty. Ihnusanila entitled to ti!"he,r rnrea.
end fornpwtawa. No charge, for advice. No fee
Tbe most idpiilar ud best known
ne kly newfpuper printed iuthis 0 uuii;
ik the I'.jIoI i Hu h. Fir more thuti
t. veniy yesrs it Ims bud a circulatinu of
10(1,000 to 200.000, g"ing regularly iul
every stale and territory of tbe union
From fifteen to tweutjfire tons of print
paper in constmed in each week's edition
aud is reuulsrly mailed to more than
balf the pustc. ffir.es of the United States
I is a peculiar fact that tbe Blade is Ibn
inly weekly newspaper published tbst
bus regular subscribers in all pnrtsof lb
United Slates. It is edited with speoiiil
eferenoe to the wants of all people ii
.11 sections. It is also mmie to interem
every number of the fsmily Beidn-
ill the news of the nrld, it. bus Heriu
mil Short S'nries. Wit and Humor, P -try,
Camp fire, Farm, Sunday Sob'io
Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles,
Household, Answers to Correspmideulh,
le. As H special feature for 1893, Mi
Kobisiiu Locke, iditor aud proprietor o
be Blude, bas just smled fur Jnpnii, am
till contribute a series of illustrated
etters on the manners and customs ol
bat ppcnliar O 'untrv and its people.
I1' epe articles will be commenced som.
ime iu Febmary or Muroh, and will bi
ktIIi to tbe readers of the Blade maut
lines tbe subscription price. Ever.i
fader of this paper is invited to seudfoi
i specimen copy. Tb publicher ot ib
BI" de wmld be gUd to send a specimei
npy to every reHdr in ibis country
Subscription prioe of tbe Blade, om
lullar a year. Five dollarn in cash wil
ie paid lo any person sending in a small
flub of subscribers. Write for agents'
i rms, giving pnniculars. Address Tbt
elude. Toledo, Ohio."
Tbe BUde nud 8i mi Weekly Qizetti
o new subscribers, and lo old subunb
is pat nig in advance, $3 25
Stiix Francisco
',d nil point, in t ahfij-nia, via itie Ut. bhueu,
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
i he great riiirhway through California tn all
puints Last and South, (irand Scenic Itout
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
tileepers. Beootid-class bleepera
Attached to express irmriB, nffrrdii g superior
HL-comniodationa for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
to. call upon or address
K. KOEHLKK, Manager, B. P. ROGERS, Asst.
'ie. F & P. Agt.. Portland. Oregon.
TV dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Ueppuer, at
mint lOkiiuwu m lite
- 10 oo
- J7 60
j'W pvi a,vw ivut, auuiiioiiai.
D. A. Hamilton. Mnn'iir
Notice of Intention.
J Nov. in, irj. Notice It hereby given that
the fnllouing-named aettler ha Bled notice of
his intention to make Until proof in support of
fala claim, and that aald proof ulll be made be.
fore the County l lerk ot Morrow County, Ore,
t Ueppuer Oregon, on January in. issia, vil.:
Homeatead applitatl u No. XA, for the KEV
of sec. St, I p 1 s, R J3 E W. M.
He namea the followliift wltnesaea to prove hla
rontluuoui re.ldeuce upon and cultivation of,
aald laud, viz. :
N. B. Williams, Ed. Engleman, Frank Wilson
and A. 1'. Peuv, all ol luue, Oretron.
545-655 John W. Lhwib, Raoisiita.
Ntt'ce of ntention.
j Not lt, 1N. Notice ii hereby given that
the foUo tiie-iianied at'itlpr hRji Iil.-1 nmina .it-
Ms intention to make tlnal proof in support of
...c ,,., nu nisi emu puiui w in oe nmae oe-
lore tbe lounlv Clerk of Morrow 1'nmiiv lira
at Ueppuer, orritnn, on Januarv 10, lis. v'u ''
LEVI H A NSKiil. n
Homeatead apnllcatlim No. .Tlti.forthePH SWt.
5WoV? ff' " SW'H NE! esc Tp 6
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residei.ee upon, aud cultivation of
said land, viz. :
rtuc i,uiiuig. xien meniufr, wmiam Lnelliug
and I. M. Le(orKy all of Hard man, Teton.
John W. Lkwis, heKister.
Notice of Intention,
Nov. -i, lwi. Notice is hereby given that
the follow lute naiued settler has 0leJ notice of
his Intention to make dual proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof w lit be made be
lore J. L. Gibson, L'. c. t'unimiMioiier at Lexing
ton, Oregon, on January .ii, H(.viz.:
Homestead application No. niJ, for the N4
He names the following uitnefses to prove Mi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, 1... : ' 1
Andrew Iseaney, Frank Reaney. Thomas Bar '
nett and Keubvu Lane, all of Lexington, ore-1
go it.
Joan W. Liwii, Register.
r tittle trandedaiid far marked as shown aboTf.
HorBPS K on riwht Hhimlder,
iUv cattle raitKe in Hiorrowand Umatilla roun
lief. 1 will f ft $1(.00 for ihe nrtPHt and citn-
virtionnf any permm i-ifahMK nij1 Mock.
Hnhl, the IwkHr. Buy your lufHilnrni
enknt Mhd 8m Vf nutiit'.v. 1 ry it. h.
TIip IStndpliHlipr wHir"-n htdn Ihem nl!.
Ffr 8h1h Ht niltiHrn A Bi-r''pV n
While you keep our subscription piiid up yri
can ktep yonr brand in free of charge.
Alhn. T. J . lone. Or. TIurw OU on
. Fhnnlder; cuttle -anipon lefi hip, nndfrbiton
riKhtear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
I row coui ty.
Armstnins, ,1. t. Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
I der .1 ou Jefi BhouldtT of hirfen: cattle suinp
I on Iff- bin.
Allison, O. D., Eiht Mile. Or. -Cuttle brand,
Olon left and horses tame brand ou rirhl
shoulder. liaiiKH Kilit Mila.
Adkins, 1 (', Oayville, Or- Wraight murk across
the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right oar;
horaea. X upnide down on the right shoulder.
hiine in Grant county and Hear valley. P O
address also at Ilardmn.
AUki.it, J. t., Heppuer, Or. Hones, JA con
hwrteit on ic tiank; cuttle, sameon left hip.
Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded
triaiigieon leu hip; cattle same on right hip;
also crop off riKhi ear Hud upper bit on same.
Bin iholaim w, A. G , Alpine, r. tioaes
branded Ition either sLoulder. Huuge in Mo -p
w "ounty.
Blyth, .Vercy H Heppner. Or. Horses Roman
cross on right shoulder, itange in filorrow
Rleakman. Geo., Hard man, Or. Horses, a Ha
01 left shoulder: cattle name on right shoulder.
Iianulster, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed K on left hip and thigh; Bplit in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, iimseberry OregouHorBes
branded P H on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right siae
Hurke. M St C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAX connected on left hip, ciopolf left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, twine brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
Horn-man, A., Mount Vernon and Barns, Or.
Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear;
same on horses, on right shoulder. Range in
Grunt and Harney counties.
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-HorseB branded 7
-n right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Irfft ear half crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
r.ght Uimj cattle, same on right tap; split in
'itch ear.
Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the
right t-tifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
iow county.
Brown, J .P , Heppner. Or. -Horsos and cattle
branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
' with tint in n . teron left hip; cattle, baino.
Brown, W.J Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
rand t r. . hip cattle, same, with split in
ach ear.
Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
Omnlder; caitle. same on left hio.
Broftnlee. W. J., Fox.Or-( attle. JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
iniddle piece cut out on right ear; ou horses same
brand 011 the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Grant comity,
Cain. ti., Caleb.Or.- Y D on horses on left Btifle;
U with uuarter circle over it, on left bhoulder,
uid on lert Btifle on all colts under S years; on
left shoulder only on all horse over S years. AH
range in Grant coimtv.
Clark, Win. H.. Le a. Or. -Hornet- WHO con
uerted. on left t-houloer: cattle t-ame on right
nip. Ra ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chas. Ii Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Hauge Morrow and Umatilla 00 unties,
Cochrnii, Chan., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
ueett-d on left nhoulder; cattle,! on both left
hip and stifle. Range in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. B.,Long ('reek, Or. Ton cattle on
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range
in Grant county.
Cecil, V m.. Douglas. Or: horses JO on lef
Hhouldwr; ca tle same on lefi hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in tho right ear.
Curl, T. ti., John Day. Or. Uoub.e cross 011
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bil
in right ear. split in lef t enr. Huuge in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markoi ewes, crop ou left ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop m
right and under half crop m lefi ear. All raiige
Hi Grant couutv.
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on right shool
iet Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
drop off left and split m right, j
Currin. U. X., Currinsville, Or. -Horses. CO on
left HLltle. I
Cox Ed. B.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, 0 with I
in center: horses. CK on left Hip.
Cochran. R. E.. Moimmmit (4rnt Cn fir- i
Horses branded circle with bai heiituitli. nn lufi
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mars
under slope both ears and dewlap.
napin, a., naruman, ur. Horses branded
: on right hip. attle brawled the same.
Cross, ti L. Davvillu. (Jr ChiiIh hmtuim, 4- imn
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed 1 on left stine. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on lett hiu. 7 on riidit hii.
7H on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
LiiChtns, ton noise brai df d with three
linen fori, on h f 1 sliUe Cat 1 le ta ne on left side.
Ooonan. Wm.. ITertuiier. Or. Hoi-mm, bmi.iiH.1
OU witn bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
lAmgiasa, w . m , tiaiioway, ur. Cattle, H V on
riuht side, swa low-fork in each hut: hf.rtMH U 11
on left bin.
Uouulas. O. T,. Uotielas. Or FTorNm TT) nn
the light stifle; cattle same on right hip.
uuncau, . 1-., tionu jjriy.ur. quarter circle
V on right shoulder, both 011 horses and cattle.
Range Grant county.
Driskeli. W. ii.. HeDnner. Or. Hornm hmnHtw.
K inside of U on lefi shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
fc.lv. J. B.tX Sons. Donkilas. Or. Hornaai hi-unrl.
ed ELfc on left shoulder, cuttle same ou left
hip. hole ir right ear.
fcllioti. Wash.. HeDDner. Or. Diamnnii nn
right shoulder.
fleek, Jackson, Henpner. Or. Horses. 7F
connected 01 right shoulder: cattle same on
right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop
oil left
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle. LP 01,
right hip; horses with bar under on right
Florence. H. F. Hennner. Or HnnuM. V nn
right shoi IdtM ; cattle, 1 on right hip or thigh.
bay. Henry. Uenuner. Or. OA if .n ift
Gilman-French. Land and Livestock fin
sil, Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stine. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and auderbit in h-f t.
Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook aiid Morrow
Omiirv. Elmer. Echo. Or. --H(irM) hranlnf U i
S. with a quarter circle over it. on left stifln
Range in Morrow and Umatillacoauties.
Giltwnter. J.C.. t'rairif Ciiv llr.-On hnnu.
O -O on left shoulder and Btifle; cattle, on right
iuf, UdUKf II' Ulttlll UllUIIlf.
Haiee. Geo., Lena, Or. bmnd JH mnnnciarl
with quarter circl over it, on ieit shoulder.
111 t.U A. B.. Uldue. Or. t attle, ruiind.i.in 1
with quarter circle 111 der it on the right hip.
Hin ton A Jenks. Hamilton. Ur Cat tip. inn ha
on enner nip; crop in rignt ear and split in left.
luiBCD, w juiiKi.i uuKu, iwiiigeui it runt COUUty.
Hushes. Sam mil. Wfurntr. 1p L 'P e
connected) on right, shoulder on horbos; on cattle
on right tup and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear aud slit in loft. Uunoa . ikti.
district. Morr, w county.
Hale, Milton, Wagne . Or.-Horses branded
-O- ( irele iili paral.el tails) on left shoulder
1 i ti le same on left hin : aiPo nu n. iL ..n itt
Hall. Edwin, John Day.Or. Cattle E Hon righi
hip; horses same on right shoulder, range in
Grant county.
Howard, J L, alloway. Or.-Hordes, (cross
witn bar ab-ve it) on right slmuluer; cite
fhiiieou leu side. Range m Morrow and lima
tllta counties.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow t o.
Hunsaker, B , Wagner. Or. Horses, V on left
boulder, ca tie, 9 on left hii .
Hanlisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon -Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear.
Humphreva, , 4l. Bard man. Or. Horses. H
let' nank
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or.-Horses branded
bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same ou left
Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or, Horses, wineglass
on left shoutde. caitle. same on right hip. 1
Huston, Luther, tight. Mile, tr. Hooe Hon
the left shouiderand heart on the left stifle Cau
UesHuifotm Inft hip. ItHnire in Mnpniw fxinnty. :
Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek. Or attle 1 Duo
right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Borws
same bnoid on left shoulder. Range n (Jrant ,
oouutv ;
Junk in. 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horees, horee
shoe J on lefi shoulder. Cattle, the sams.
Range on Eight Mile. j
Johnson, teiix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on
left Mime; cattle, same on right hip, nsder taaiif
crop in niit and sutit in lali ar I
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vernon,OT. J on horwsoft
left ahuulder; u cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth orope on both eara. Hang in Fox and
Bear vail .-18
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brandfMi
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop oil left
ear: nnder sloot on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Hones M on left
honlder; cattle, rtft on left hip.
Kirk. J 0, Heppner. Or. Hones. 1? on either
flan k : cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.: hone H on left
houJder; cattle same on light aide, nnder bit ou
right ear.
Kumberland.W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 L on
cattle ou right and left aides, swailow fork in It ft
ear and uider ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Range in Omul count T.
Keeney, Kli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and
ace of dubs on lett stifle. Range in Umatilla
and liorrow counties
Lesley.H C, Mouument, Or A trianglefitwith
all liues exteuding pa t body of figure on 11 hor
ses ou left Bhoulder, ou cattle diamond oU left
shoulder, split in righ - . it m left ear
Range iu Oraut c.uuu and u, 1 artaof John Oa
Ltal.yj, J W, Heppner Or.-Horses branded L
nd A on left Bhoulder; caitleame 01. left hip;
waitfe .ver right ey three alits in nght ear.
Lorten, Stephen, Lux, Or. b L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Uorsee
same brand ou left Bhoulder. Range tirant
Lienallen. John W L Or.-llorsee
branded hatf-cu cle J L connected on leftshoul.
der. Cat ue. saint- ou lett hip. Range, near Lex
ington. Lord, George. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
double H coi. necu .Vnnetnijes called s
swing H, ou luti shoulder.
Alaxwell, M . B . (rooeeberry. Or.- Horses brand
it 1 i S ,,,"aldwi Wit(Je. tHineuD
...jj. i-.ni iiibih.. uiiuer OIL Hi IM1T our-
minur, uwht, HHpi.uer Or. ('attle. M .
nirlit lni; ltrw. M n iBfi nhouUjer.
.llyrtHii. 6. Ji., UppuuBr. Or. Huw
oll huui Willie auuioti lHft h,,.
iloOwntar, Jim A, Echo. Or. UufM. M with
bin uvitr oil riKht ahuulder.
Jiuiiii, 11. a , wna. Or. Horsee ow mare. ZZ
Xml'Sir y"UU! 8t"Ck' "m1J " l8f'
MorsHii. Time Heppner, Or.-Ilorae.. oirole
riKl'i'l thiilh " ""U IUft thi"''; u"Ub' L "
Mileheil. OHuar.loue, Or. Huraea. 17 ,.n rwi.
Inn own ie. 77 nn rigln mde.
VIU ,ren, h. I,., UrowuTille. Or, -linn,,..
riKiir,' .m,i, hhi;I, ;h Jer. caitle. Jla hi,,
McKeru.tt..). Mau, Verua.Or-Xloil caul,
mriK itliiij.eri.pin riuht er. half crop iu let"
county U " U 1 hi' ' ' 10 Ulu'
l.tf'!!:'ir,),'.l),!,id H-.cho,()r. H,rabriiiiHed
U vi eunuectwl, on Uie led ehoulder; cuttle Mm,
on hip and mde. '
liiUirr, Frank. Foa Valley, Or.-Mnle shoe
with tor-cork oil cattle on nbe and under ill
each eari hoi bmi same brand on left sun,.
Slcllaley, U. V., llamilton.Or. On huraea, 8
wilh hall circle under on left houlder;on Cattle,
four bar. connected on top ou the rutht aide
lluuue in lirant County.
MU. Andrew. Lone Uock.Or.-Honiea AM ouo.
uected on left ahoulder; cattle same on both hipe.
i ?."e- aiJ'ria- Or.-Horaee. eirole 7 oa
left thiKli; caitle. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon ( :ity, Or.-A on oettle
on lert lupi on horses, same ou left thmu. Baun
in Grant county. "
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
shou.de, .
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On eattle, O ,
LP uonuected on left hip; horses on left suae
and wartle on nose. Kanite in Grant county,
Peareou, Oluve, Kight Mile. Dr. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder aud H an left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right oropped. lit
on left hip. Hang, ou Bight Mile.
Parker 4 Gleasou, Uarduian.Or, Horse. IP oa
1' fi Hlioutder.
p'I1,rr;,Kr,1 o Leiington, Or.-Hor as brand,
e l!. (L c. couiieu ed) o lef t i-hou.der ; catlle
me ou , lght hip. Kange, ilurrow ouunii.
1 iirnr, J. ll., Lexiliglun. or. Horses, ja OOD.
nected o, left shoulder; oattle, same on left bio.
under bi in each ear.
Patberg. Henry Leiington, Or.-Horses brand
ed with a Houiai cross on left shoulder; caul
branded with Uoniau crosb. bar at bottom, oa
left hip.
Petus, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond Poa
- shoulder; cuttle, JliJ eonnecled, ou the
left hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the
Powell, Jonn T., Dayvllle, Or Horses, JP Oco
nee ed ou left shoulder. Cattle OK couueoted oa
left tup, two under half crops, uue ou eaoh ear.
win lie under throat. Ks, ge iu Grant county.
Itiekiird, G. 1)., Canyon City, Or. ' C on left
shoulder, on horses nnlv. lt..nuM rninn nMu.i.
and llear valley. Grant oounty.
hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. J arses, square
oro. with quarter-circle over it on left stine.
iieuiuger, wnris, Ueppuer, Or. Horses. C B on
left eliouide, .
Kice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou left shoulder; cartle, DAN en
right shoulder. Itange near Hardmau.
lludio, VV ui, Long Creek, Or.-llrands horse
11 oi right shoulder. Itamre. tiranland Hnm
ltoyee, Anrou. Ueppuer, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cuttle, Bame brand reversed on
right I, ii, and crop off right ear. Uauge in ilor
row county.
IUihI) llros.. Heonner. Or. Hopaoa hnnul V
on the righ, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nip
crop oil left ear and dewlap ou neck, iisagj u;
utoiiiiw a,m aiijoiuiiig comities.
Ilust, William, Pendleton, Or.-Horses H os
left ahouluer; cattle, K on left hiu, crop oil
right ear, underoit on left ear. Bheep. 11 on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. Kauge Uma
tilla and Morrow o lunuee.
lteuuey, Andrew. Leiington, Or. Horses
branded A li ou richt shoulder. v,,.i. nn.e
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
ltoyee. Wm, H. Oairvvilln. Or Hit MnnuU
will, quarter oirfle over up on cattleou right hip
and crop oil right ear and split in left Horsos
same brand on left shoulder. Itange in Uurrow
Gmul and Gilliam counties.
Killer, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bar,
Willi bur over on horses on left hi,,- u,,la tuf.
side, two smooth orops. two splits in eaoh'eai
.tons" ,u mtuiiie rora or donn ilay.
ltector.J. W.. Ueppuer. Or.-Horsea. 1C oi
left shoulder, Cai tie, o ou right hiy.
.Suicknall. .T. W iir...Bah... rt o
branded si ou left sh.,ulder: lanira in llnm,.
bp'ay, J, IT., Heppner. Or. Hnnuw hntnd,, K
connected o, right shoulder: oattle same on both
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S a
on lelt shoulder; cuttle same on left hip.
bwaggur,, H. Leiiugion. Or.-Horses J
Willi dash under it ou lefi stifle oattle H with
uasli under H ou right hip. crop off right ear and
waddled ou l ight hind leg. Huuge in Morrow.
Gilliam ami Umatilla counties.
bwnggarl. A. L., Ella. Or Horses brandr' 1
on tell shoulder; eel tie same ou left hip. Crot
on ear, wuttle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E Heppner, Or.-Horaee shaded
J B on lei stltie; cattle J o on left hip swallow
fork in righ ear, undorbit in left.
oapp. Thus., Ueppuer, Or. Uorsee, M A P vo
left hip; earn, same on left hip.
bhirtz. James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. I on
lelt stine and'-- over 2 on left shoulder.
bhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO vonneoted on
horses on right hip; came, same on right hip,
crop 11 right ear aud uuder bit in leftsar. Ranga
in Grant couuly.
oiiiitb Bios., Busnvillr. Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; oait.e, ame on left shoulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jbouiefi shoulder; catile the same, also nose
waddle. Uuiige in llorrow and Gilliam oo utiee.
btephens, V. A., Hardmau, Or-; horses tie ou
right slitlu; catile h. riaoutal L on the right aide
Gloveueou, airs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, M
uu right hi, ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart. Q. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 oa
lefi should : uatUe, 44 ou left hip,
btoue. Ira. Bickletou, Wash.-Horses, kerstona
ou left shoulder.
buiilh, L. L. Lone Hock. Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; oattle same oa
left side, itange, Qilliam comity.
bperry, E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle VV C oo
lett hip, crop off right and auderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses tt c on left shoulder,
ihoiupsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I oej
left Bitoulu. r; cattle, ou left shoulder.
Tiiaeta.o.Thn,erpriae,Or. Humes. O-oa left
Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lei l shuuldei, horses; calUe same oa left nip
with split iu both ears.
ilu rntou, H. 11., lone, Or. Horses branded
H 1 connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Tanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Orr-Uorses HV eon,
uecteo ou right ehooider;oattie, same na nght
Walbridge, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horaea, U. L.
ou Uielelt shoutder; oatLle same oa light kip.
orop off left ear aud right ear lopped.
Wilson, John U Salem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoolder. ttaaga
Morrow county.
W arren, W B. ( leb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left aide, split in right ear.
llore same braad ou left ahoalder. KaUgeia
Graut conuty.
Wood, V L, Dayrille, Or Heart on hones oa
left st itte;ou rattle, 'i on left aide and under bit
in lefi ear. Kange in Grant county.
Wright, bilas A. Ueppuer, Or. Cattle branded
o W ou the right hip. square orop oS right ear
and spl.tin lett.
Wallace, Francis, Monnt Vernon, Or Square on
catile on the left hip. upper slope in he left
ear and under slope in nght ear. Heme brand
on liorees ou right shoulder, hauge in Harney
and Grant couutv.
tt ade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses bianded
ace ot spade, ou ieit shoulder and left hip.
t aitle brandett same on left side and left hip.
W ells, A. b.. Heppner, Or. Horses, ,w, ou left
shoulder; can e same.
VV olhnger, John, John Day City, Or On horse,
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant aud atalhuer
Woodward, John. Heppner. Or. Hoism. dp
coiuiecicd on lef t shoulder.
VV atkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
Uk counectet on left stitle.
Wallace. Charlee. Portland, dr. ( Wtl. w nn
nght lluglt. hoi, in left ear: horses. W am n.k.
ehouluer, som. same on left shoulder.
v miner tints., ilreway, Harney eonnty, Or.
HorBee branded W ti. connected oo lefi shoulder
Williams. Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Un.ru.
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant conuty.
tt tlliams. J O. Lima Creek. Orfinru. A.
ter circle over three bars on left hib: cmiiI. m.
ami .Id in each ear Kanex tn Grant rtmntv.
vVien. A. A., sooner, ur. Uiitm n,n,.in. i a
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louhg, J. b., (iiaieeoerry. Or. Hotmhs hnutrlM.
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