NO t'ICK TO AUVEBT1HKKS. I'H'WE dealrlng the iniertloii of display aria , or change olitaine, mint get their copy la not later Uiau Monday evening for Tuenduy'1 edition, or Ihuraday evening lor Fridays edi tion. TUI pATTgBKON PUBUBUlNuCo. nonet. 1. The euni of Hve centa per Hue will be charged for "carda of thankn," "reaolutiom of reaUKt," lilti of wedding preaeuta and donors, and obituary uolicea, (other thau thoae the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and uoticea of special meetings lor w hatever purpose 2. Notices ol church and society and all other entcrtalmuenu from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live cents a line. These rule! will be strictly adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising ratea reasonable and made known upon application. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. tutronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Auction. Regardless of cost. At Ibe Eaetero Clothing House. Dai I)', beginning at 2 o'clock p.m. T. J. Carle, luue'a P. M., waa up Fri day. ltiilph Benge was up Saturday on busi ness Masquerade ball get yourselves readv for it. 01 All Dyspeptics should use TUT IS' P1LL8. There's not an idle maobauic or laborer id Heppner. A. G Bartbolmew. waa iu from Alpine Saturday. J. W. Hpottett was over from Eiubt Mile Haturday. J is Wjluud was down from Hardmau Saturday last. The bhl y of Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Hughes is reported ill. N. L. Hobison is selling potatoes at Iceuts per lb. 537 tf Miller, the tailor, has concluded lo stay in Heptner. 0:t Gi. Orane waa up from the Ella oouutry S iturday. Ton m ire aod rain, the broader the ti-iUJi'd goaile. Fred Miller kuows bow to give you a good fit in tailoring. tf sw Mm. Norman Kelly is atoppiogia town B few days wilh irieuda. B"V. Frank A tkins left this morning for Ijia ouarire at Pendleton. Mm. Tnad Armstrong is visiting her dauul.t-r Mrs. Beit S.oious. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors. Me A tee. Brot.., Piops. sw The anolion at the Enstern 0'othing Store ooutiuues daily at 2 p. m. Commander Smith, of Kiwlina Post, and J. F. Willia were iu Saturday. Prices knocked into a "cocked bat'' at the Enstern GlotbiugHouae auction. Geo. F. Robertson, representing Blake, MoFall & Co., was in Heppner overSun day. O. E. Fanawortb went below Monday to attend U. S. circuit court as a graud juror. . You should not miss the opportunity to secure a bargain at the auction sale at Levi's. Three prizes given away at the imii.querde Hall, Thursday December 29. 1S92. 0-4 Hnppne.r is g'dng to have a Ohrist nine tree jou bet. It ia a good old cusiom. P. Herrick oame in Saturday from Portland, ai.d stopped over Sunday u Heppner. Long Creek's sobool building narrow ly escaped entire destruction by fire last week The Morrow County Land and Tinut Company have an unlimited supply of chop for sale. ii-tr. A. Chiirletcn, one of the town conn oilman ol Gooseberry, was with ne Friday sod Saturduy. J. A. MoCumber, of Echo, visited Heppner Tbuis.iay, Friday and Stur day of last week. What amendments to onr oharter do you think iieoessarj? Now ia the time to do aome thinkiug. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subnonbe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween HeDDner and Lone Book. See ad. for days of leaving and arr.val. tf. Unole Chas. Ooohrane visited Pendle ton last week. Thinks Heppner has ful ly as much business and life as that little city. Matquernde ball st the npern house on ilmisdav. JJeci mbi 29. 1892. Ad mil lance, uentltnjeu 81: ladle. 50 cents. 0 4 Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to d all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in north Heppuer, or address her at tine place. 518 if M. E. Bus-bee i visiting his brother, J. P. Bnshee, at IVrrili ti n. 'Jhebioiheis bad nut met eiuoe '58 till Tuesday of )at week. Geo. Ashbtngli is out from the Eat visiting his relatives on Eight Mile. He likes tba conutry and will probably lo cate here. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the city barber shop the place to get a hrst-class shave, hair-ont or shampoo. tf. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for ibe Oregonian Ht this place. Subaoribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, WBUta to see hie old friends there. Baths in connec tion. The latest dentistry, crown aud bridge work, niosf successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vanghan. Gas administered wbeo desired. Thompson buildiug, Heppner, Or l a-w. Now ia tbe time to clean and oil your harness for the winter. And don't for get tbal C 'burn's Ivory Bli.ok Harness Oil is the heat for tbe purpose. For sale by P. C. Thompson Co. 43 4 Jaa Hhea recently debo.nerl 120 bead of entile for W. O Minor, and lbv are doingwell. Os Miiohell's baid of 80 bead were dchorutd by J. A Woolery.of lone, and they too are in flue ooudiiiou Owing to the fact that job stock has advanced about twenty per cent which will be explained pise we are compelled to make a litfht advance on all printing. A dnctiou will he made as soon aB prices of material will justify same. Hattee's Congo Od is rapidly oommg to the froni as a leading medicine. J A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap- Shed it to bis legs, wbioh was recently ioked by a borce. and next day he threw aside hia orntchea- "It'a the bowf. Harrison saya. Lyman Brown tried tbe oil for rheumatism' witb which he has wen troubled for years, and this is what be saya: "It kocked it after two appli cations." 64J-tf. The correctness of Ibe maxim "noth ing succeeds like success" it is weil'X emplified in Ayer's Sareaparilla. The tuoat successiai comuiuaiioa areia. ivm and tpnioa, it always aucoeedf in curing disease of the blood, and hence j iis wcuii. rful popularity. W. C. brown, of Lone Bock, waa over , Saturday, Jnhuiiy Keeney, brother of Eli, ia back to Heppuer. Fred A-hb;uiL'b was iu from Mo Kiuuey creek lesterday. Jo- Weber, manager of tbe Home Mutual ius. Co., is iu town. Mrs. Hick Mathews returned 8atur dat from a viait to Centralis, Wash. Q uito a number of our neighboring onug men Lave secured work ou the waierwoiks. Ileopuei's school bas 323 pupils, an uuineceotMited uiunbri aud fully 75 more thau laat year. Mr Joe I.uckuian ia in very poor health, aud will come to towu shortly tor treulnjent. The Day Johnson land contest waa ad journed Iroui t-Uturduy noon until 10 o'clock yesterday. Chan. Hherman departed yeaterday for Portland and Taaoma. He will likely locate at tbe latter plaoe. The revival at toe M . E. churob. South, is well attended, aud couaiderable iu terent is being maniiested. W. E. Pryne, who has been assisting in pnitiug in Htippner eleotrio ligu's, left yesieiday fur 'iileboro. Andrew Neal and wife ome over from Lone Book yeaterday. They found the roads lu pretty bad conditiou. Oscar Minor has six China pheasant, one hen and hve roosters. He was uot tormuate wiio bis brood lastseusou. The Giizntie office was the recipient of a pleasant cad, lat.t Satuulay, Iroia K-va. Frank Adkins aud Edwin Palmer. The dieplay of holiila) goods down at T. W. Aef, Jr., A Co 'b ualls for a uew ad., which will appear lu our next issue. Engineer J. A. Patterson has given up locomotive 441, so long tin the hrauoh, gelling iu ita olaoe 381, aud lately the new engine, 3rt8. Ye neighboring Heppner bills are trosied slightly with snow, but the reaier part ol the fall, last Friday night, has disappeared, Chas. Holland, of the lower country, was in Heppner Saturday. He saye, like till pmoMcal farmers, "tbe more suow the b.-tter " Newt. Griffith is suffering from an attack of eryaipelaa iu the face. We a-e informed that his baby is also quite ill with pneumonia. C A. Bhea's bands are all down to his lower ranch, and are doiug well. No snow has fallen down that way yet, to amount to anything, Unioo-Journal: Parson Egbert, form erly of Walla Walla, was elected to the legislature from Pierce oottnty on tbe people's party ticket. Born To the wife of J. H. Allen, in R od canyon, Dec. 6tb, a 12 pouud girl. Mother and child doing nicely under the care of Mrs. M. J. Haling. Ed. Ashbaugb, one of Eight Mile's progressive farmers, waB in Heppner Friday. He has 300 acres of bummer fallowed grain, all doing well. Ben Swaggnrt says this weather ia all right for tu farmer, but there is not enough snow yet. A big snovy means much for tbe farmer next year. Mr. Jag- Hayes wbb oalled below yes terday by the death of her mother, Mrs Sophia Hayee, of Eugene. Mrs. Hayes died Saturday, quite suddeutly. The council met todav to consider some matters relative to the bonds about to be issued, bin adjourned with out haviug accomplished anything. The bald mans motto: "there is room at the top." This top may be sup plied wilh a good crop of fine bair by using nail s Hair Benewer. Try it. Jan. Neville has been suffering for some weeks from a broken rib, received by falling out of a wugoo the first of last month. He has almost entirely recover ed. "Down goes MoGinty" is very stale, b it "Down goes prioes" it very pleasing t r the oousnmer. Such is the case at Uevi llobisou'B auction sale, daily at 2 p. m. The contest case, Day vs. Johnson, bids fair to last all this week. Messrs. Brown & Daw sou are assisting the de fense, while Meatus. Bea and Ellis are retained by the plaintill. The Condon attorney, who was over a cLort lime hiw, did u t secnie bonds men for T m Krmsey. As lire trial is near at bund, he was advised to let that matter go and get some witnesses. Milt and Sara Morgan and Clyde Sa lmi, while iu Monday, were eeeu by the Gazette man to whom they gave a flat tering account of S md Hollow. Range is very good Hnd slock are doiug well. The lit! le d nighter and son of Jas. Tolberl, of Six Dollar, are quite sick with diphtheria, lire fniuier lieing unioh Ibe worse of ihe two. It is hoped that the dread disease may not become spread. M. 9. Corrigall, of Galloway, came over to Heppner yesterday. Hia band of beep numbering 1800 head is doing quite wall. Grass ia growing down bis way, there being uo snow to amount to any thing. No netter preparation for the bair has ever been invented than Ayer's Hair Vigor. It restores the original oolor to faded and glay hair, and imparts tbst natural gloss arid freshness, everyone so admires. Its reputation is world-wide. The balance of pipe for waterworks has arrived and excavating is progress ing rapidlv. The engines have been placed iu position in the power bouse, and now tbe only thing lacking ia tbe boiler, whiob is ei pelted iu a few days. Union Journal : Mr. Vinson of the Nile-Vinson firm bas gone to Hpokane to start another shop. These marble men have a large stock coming in Marob for Hpokane and Walla Walla, wbioh Mr. Ndes ordered personally while on bis recent Eastern trip. Messrs. Dave McAfee and Gazette are each the owner of a blooded dog, some what "leuns" in size yet, but promising hunters. These are presents from onr good friend, Billy Bobbins. Throngb the kindness of J. N. Brown, they were carted over, and are now dividing their time in eating and getting hungry again, Mabeied in Califohnia. A telegram received by Senator W. F. Matlook from bis son, Wesley N. Mntlork, dated at Fresno, Cal.. announces Wesley's inten tion to be married tomorrow (Wedoes day.) His intended is Miss Carrie An derson, daughter of the president of San- j u K(if,a rj0eee. It is needless to re- mark that the young men's friends here unite in wishing that good luck and hap piness without limit may attend the mar ried life of himself and bride. E. O. Called Home. -On Saturday last, at the home of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, of Heppner, oc otn ied the death f Ida May Wright, be loved wife of Geo. Wright, aged 23 years, 1 m nth and 18 (iays. Mrs. Wright had only been ill eiht davs. Her maiden name wos Green, and she was married to Mr, Wright Feb 2, ls92. at he-home Ohio, U-avir g shortly afterward for their Oregon home, aiuc residing to Morrow oonoty. She was highly ei-1 teemed by all wbo knew her, and -aa mnob beloved by the family of whiob abe became a member by marriage, for her many excellent traits of character. She leaves behind, besides her husband, s baby boy born on tbe 2nd iust. The funeral occurred at the M E. cbnroh Hooday afternoon, after which the re mains were interred ia the Heppner cemetery. To Caiif-ibhi. Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoFarland leave for their new home in Loa Angeles, California This estimxble couple bave long been residents of Eastern Oregon, and for the past four -years of Heppner, where Mr. MoFarland hae been engaged in busi ness, a member of tbe firm of Or ffin k McFurland. Recently this firm has been changed to an incorporated concern un der the name of .MoFarland Mercantile Co., Mr. MoFarland still retaining an interest ia tbe business. Lately be be came interested ia projects down in Cal ifornia which require bia preaence there. Mr. McFarland aud family have many friends here who wish them health, wealth and pleasure in their new home. The Kiouabiw. ma On the first charge, that of taking artiolea from the bonse of Mrs. Kate Parsell, tbe Biohardsons were found "not guilty," but at a Enbsequeot trial Haturday for taking articles from U. Wade's they were adjudged gnilty of petit larceny aud each sentenced to three months in jail. As they are to be held anyhow to await tbe action of the grand ju-y on a charge of maliciously de stroying property, they can "kill two birds with one stone." The Riob ardioo pair do not get along like two turtle doves, even it tbey are in a cage. A few days :igo Phoebe fell out with her husband, aud in tbe melee, the latter got much the worst of it. Phoebe was thm locked up in a cell to herself. A Bbmihokb or Old Times Pat Spillane and Arthur Daly, the latter belter known by tbe eupbouiocs cogno men of "Colorow," came Saturday lo see the eights. There's nothing strange about Pat's name, but Arthur came by bis, they say, in tbi early days wheu be used to ride tbe bell mare of a paok train. The country was choke full of Spaniards, wbo found it easier to re mem oer Arthur's red bead than bia name, benoe the nioknaine, "Colorow," and it bas clung to bim to this day. Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank has lately leased tbe hostelry known as tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and tied, per week 96; board without bed, 84.50; meals aud bed 25 centa each, Mr. Crank asks a portion of tbe patrouage. believing that be can give as iood ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less money. 43-lw, A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord bas moved into the former art gal lery over Messrs. Brown & HamiltonV office, and bus titled up for architecture work. He is prepared to contract for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise construction, and purchase material for the same, giving bis customers Ibe ben efit of bis experience and percentage, 532 tf IN MKUOK1AH. To the Oflirsri and Members of Kalrview Granite No Hit). We, tbe committee, appointed to pre sent resolntions on tbe death of Bro. Samuel KiDg, report the following. Wbibbai, the great Master has eeen fit in hia divine providence to lemove from onr midst our friend and brother, Samuel King, Jlesolved, that while onr hearts are ladrn with sorrow and mourning, and we drop the silent tear iu memory of him who has so suddenly been stricken down in the bright moining of life and usefulness, that we as a body extend our tender aud heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved parents, broibers and -inters, in their hour of (.miction, and that we point tbem to that divine source w hich alone oan bind up tb bp ken hert. Resolvtd, i hat a oopy of these resolu tions be furnished eaob of our county papers, also that they be spread upon the minutes of this meeting. U. 1). W hitman, 1 Hattie VY hitman. V Committee. Cynthia Walkbb,) Faibview, Deo. 4, 1892. CUUECH ANNOUNCEMENT. Resume services at the Baptist ohnrcb next Sunday. Preaobing at 11 o'clock aud at uight. On Sunday, Deo. 25, will preach a Christmas disoourae. All are invited to come and enjoy our mi-etirga, 60 61 M. Bramblet, Pastor. FKOtt UOOHF.BKItliY. Mr. Editor: Gooseberry's under tbe snow. Goose berry ia white now, green and wbite; beautiful. The people are happy. 1 don't mean people's party. Do you know, Mr. Editor, what has become of all those correspondents from Gooseberry, Eight Mile, Hardman, lone, etc, that used to crowd your valuable columns tor space. "Old Baobelor," of this place, must bav gotten married, I presume, or got lost in aome other way, aa we never hear anything from him. The democracy of Dry Fork met at Rocky Point at 'thanksgiving and after giving tbe Lord and people's party their dues for helping to elect Mr. Cleveland, they enjoyed a fine dinner. A few te pnhlloans were seen outside tbe broken lights sniffing free-trade turkey. Mr. Ei ten, our "anxioni to please'' postmaster, ia nearly recovered from bis sickness. Only lost about 60 pounds in weight. There ia aome talk in tbe neighbor hood about moving the postoflioe, but now I'll tell ye all that tbe maj tritv do not want it changed, and that's enough Jiver) body is kicking at tbe slowness of tbe Beppner-Gooseberry mail route, bat look berel I think it is the fastest mail route in the world, considering tbe roads. (Uondneaa, I broke my pen.) There ia going to be something at tbe scboolbonae next Haturday. Nobody knowa what, but yon may depend tt will be something surprising. JOHATBAH. GooaiBiKBT, Deo. 10, "3 WBrf At AbrabsmsicVa. In addition to hia tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee I shirt", hosiery, ftr. Also bas on hand j some elegaut patterns for snits. A. j Abrabamsiok, May atrset, Heppner, Or. -Or- I l II RECEIVED ! :-. . -Tlio Following Xjettei From a PROMINENT aud INFLUENTIAL Stockman ol the Interior Country. We are oouatautly in reoeipt of the same kind from many others wbo appreciate our NLOW PRICES. Long Cbkek, Or., Nov. 16, 1892. J. H. Kolman, Heppner, Or.: Dbak SlH-Tlie Bill of Goods I purohaaed from you when I was ia your city last week, I am well pleased and satisfied with. Must admit that I bought them from you at almost one half what I would have bad to pay elsewhere in your city. Tbe farmers and stookmen of this and adjoin ing counties congratulate you ou your good and noble work in opening up at Heppner and throwing a bomb shell iuto bigb prioes. It is our duty to patronize yoo and we shall all unite iu extending our patronage to the Boston Cash Store. Brother Kolman, keep up the good work, and bless you for the bargains you are exten ling to us all, nai hope your trade will luoreuse tenfold, a you deBerve it. Witb best wishes, Kaspeotfully Yours, J. M. BOSTON CASH STORE, J. EL KOLMAN, Prop. HEPPNER, 1892.4-MA1892 JXJJS RECEIVED- A Fine Lot of Christmas HOLIDAY -lr- CONSTSTING OF2 Silver Cups and Saucers, : Castors, Cake Stands, : : : Fruit Dishes, : : TOYS OF ALL KINDS. -Call and Inspect Our Stock.- No -f Trouble ilcarland B This BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargain? IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. fEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. The Heppner Wood Yard. RIP HAS GOT AROUND f " Al last, and baa opened up a Wood Yard, from which be will deliver wood, ' sawed or unaawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts Per Cord, twice in two ; 81. 00, three times. Wood sawed aud delivered at $7.00 per cord. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan A Unwa-d's. 628-aw KIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. III mm Is quite a LEGAL The Lancashire Insurance Co. OH" M A.CII ICHT li H, lC.NOIAtVI) i W MnElSlLY AuLl qnoolthelteiatln the vvorld .Q OREGON. GOODS ! tr Napkin Rings, . : Jewel Boxes, : : Etc., Etc. to -f Show Goods, ercantile run Ml mil Leading Hotel of the City Hiding Wired for Eleotric Lighta through our. houne in run in rtrat-class style in every par tlcular. Extra Dining Service during the holidays. MRS. M. VON OAT)OW Proprietress. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto. Trust Busts. Plenty of them at the Gazttte Office. . . . good wsya off. Winter is not ao far, and in the meantime oar frien'H oan square op on anbaorip tion by bringing in oordwnod. THE PATTERSON PUB. CO. ash and But it ie no Conundrum why people prefer to spend their cash with P. :(.: Tr?oiTQPso ; 0o. : Is because tbey HARDWARE, Tinware, Wood s Willow ware, GROCEKIES, L'onfectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos and Cutlery of all Kinds Guns, Bevolvera and Ammunition. Tbe baat assortment of Men's Winter Underwear and Top Shirts in the oounty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets. HEPPNER, HERE IS THE PLACE To Gret Even on Your Hiife. .t. JUST OPENED. sr A COMPLETE LINE OF- riardware, QUEENSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and Pipe, Tanka, Bathtnba and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of Bepairing quickly and neatly done. THE CELEBRATED : -:- You will aave money by getting our prioea before purchasing elsewhere. -: -:- : :- -: -:- TOT. 33. KOTTT3ESK,, Odd Fellows' building, Main St., 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE which we propose to conduct in on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tf. Proorietors. EK. JOSEPH J. BILL, Oraduate M. E. C. V. ti., London, England. Veterinary Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I m prepared to do ill kinds of Veterinary Burrery, Emmctilatlng Hon n and Rffcllnirn a Bptcl aJty. (Thla ! the only true method of operatlnRon hornt'tj.) HpeyuiK of Cattitt and Hogi on abort notice. J will treat all anlrtiala In the rmmt unproved procedure of Veter inary Hurgery, 11 you have any tick animals It wilt be to your iuterwst to call on me at Htewart'a atablea. HEPPNER, &3Hw OREGON Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madb oil rlHoaT Nonet ahd at Pofulab paicas. tF Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grnik ? .'. WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Senson Also in about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future W. L. Matlock & Co. JHE CITY HOTEL, W. J. LIC1CZKH, Eiop. rpHIS HOSTELRY has been RarrrritD and Refunihiiki throngbont, and sow ia one of tbe moat inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Lener invites you to atop with bim, feeling Ibat be ia aide to entertain you in tbe beat of style. First Class House. Reasonable Rates (ontincl rums. get full value iu ' OREGON. Stoves and Tinware, GLASSWARE, ardware Stoke Bain Wagons, HacksAND Buckboards. Sacks Ownership OP THE L1BEKTY MEAT MARKET, the most satisfactory manner. Will keep IV iik -. and -- hiMTC i a.