Gire yovr Ivtivem to JJi j ver people and therefore asrist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize thou who patronizr you. REVISION OF THE CHARTER. The qufition of reTiaing tha charter Ibould now concern the people of Hepp ner. A eeanioo of tbe leitialtiture is neai t hand, and our aenator and repreeeuta tive abould be made acquainted wilh tie net da and demands of tbe people, au tbt they may ameud tbe obarter odfiSfdly. In tbe first place, there is an almost ni.iversal demand or the election of tbe marshal by tbe people. As it is now, he is appointed by tbe council which thrown more responsibility upon their shoulders tban anyone should care to assume. It that officer proves unworthy upon trial, in oase our town should decide to eltcl Instead of appoint, why then they have no one to blame but themselves. Thr Osiette thinks this is the sentiment ol the people on this subject, and their wishes oertaiuly oiiKbt t0 be respected. Nearly all are satisfied that it is un necessary to amend that part of the char ier railing for bonded indebtedness. Tbt was uwd at one time; principally, be Oause it wbs thought to be needed in tin construction of waterworks, but uo that we are gettinu that with an ex perse of but $'20,000 in all, $15. 000 of Ibis amount beiux in the shape ol a loan to the present waterworks oompii bv, there is no immediate demaud for i larger bonded indebtedness. In aftn year, should the town uYuire to put in i sewerage system, or to provide money foi the purobase of tbe wuteruorks, accord iug to the terms of i be contract, then n is time enough to do this. Though hi amendment to the charter, allowing i larger bonded indebtedness, bas uuthinn to do whatever with making the debi larger, our people will hardly permit thai near an approach to an increase. Lei lieppner have time to ciitoli ita b'eall. over what it has done, before it goes ii any deeper. The matter of an inorensed rate of tux ation, may be more evenly divided u the publio mind, yet as the present char ter provides how a necessary iuereat-t may be made, it would hardly seem neo easary to make any amendments iu thin direction. It is pretty generally conced ed tLat at the preseut rate of income. Heppner can meet all demands. If wi cannot, the charter provides how surl items as interest may be met, and thorn holding oar bonds aim force pujuicnl licppner's taxes are high enough. The loose uiauner of voting and ouii- duotiug eleotiuus iieeils attention Wh' thtr the charter is at (mill or no', many outsiders seem to enjoy as muu privileges iu the mailer of franchise ur our own people. This should be chant: ed or the piesent obarter construed inti suoh laugauge that even an everydn) eleotiou boaid will understand immedi ately who have a right to ote and win have not. That our elections should reach the highest moral plane, nud nisi shun Id be just and lawful, all concede These are tbe Gazette's impressions on tbe aulg ct of charter aiuendnieutH, si ur as it has inveatigaleil, but there ar many moio polutH that should be consul ered. It nould be cll tor the uropoeeil amendments to be submitted to a con vention of our oitizeus before legialiitivi aoliou is taken. It will be more satis factory, and our legislators will thei know that they are voicing thesenli meuls uf ihe oit zeus when they pass tin amendments to the charter, liesidis il will prevent any geueral dissatisfaction following the adoption or rejection oi the same. HALF THE TRUTH. The Portland Telegram ill commenting on the reniaik of Senator Stewart thai the president's message is an overdrawn pidureot Ihe prosperity of Ibe country, it says; "Uy comparison we are nion prosperous than a good tunny other na tious. Yet our degree of prosperity is far below what it would have been if oui tariff and domicilii legislation had heei ill the interest of the masses instead ol in Ihe intermit of the classes. MoKin ley ism bas been a blight upou our com meice from which it will lake the conn try a long lime to recover. The demon etizatiuu of silver indicted nu almost ir reparable injury upou all business do pari meuts except money -lending. With a reduced tariff and the remoin tizution of silver, our oountiy, with its wonder ful recuperative powers, will be iiblo to recover Ihe ground that has been lent; but it will reqtiir" time and palituco to accomplish it. It cannot be done lit a day nor iu a year." A policy that leaves more money in tin Couuiry than it takes out, insure to tiling prosperity. Though pledget! to sweep ing reform, ti.e inn. inline p'rty will lt well to let "Mi Kiiih yisiu" alone. Tin "reduced tariff" is a new lliing suioe tin flection. Most all of the ilt-tiioaiiitu) pa pers want It p. cream ii about Shi Ihil'.lMi par year - iiios of it to Oomo oil lliost tbinus we do pot proiluce. H m n tiz.i lion of n'ver is d. suable. Ii eti tin money lei tleis, w In) iheu iiueresi to l,o vi- III, greatest pllrt'lo-slng ptiwci, si p lliat unless it conn a, iiiiu will r. anil, Hut last win er, wtitu Ihe senate pasted a f r e coinage bill, by ditlu'l Ihe demu ralic house sustain it, it it wiissuch a good thiug, from a democratic stand point T BiroRI the end of the silver conference across the ai'4, we think that ye balky members from India and Great llritaiu will get a taste of something that make them more tractable. We think that onr delegates, headed by the great Senator Jones, of Nevada, will promise tlnm a speetly repeal of both tbe Sher man and Blaud laws, if they don't oon e to terms otherwise. This will make times hard on this side lor a few month", but il ia worth tbe cost. Great Britain s India, with her 3 000,000,000 ounota of silver, will Iben be the party most ooucerned. Instead of assuming a defiant attitude aud an abusive polio, she will tie the oue who will most clamorously urk-e iutaruatiuubl recognition of silver to save her firm ruin. Englnr-ri ia far remove! from being the finsncial center of tbe world, as she arrogantly supposes her self, and when Jones baa finished bia little talk, a great uation will have taken a tumble unto l erielf. Tbe people are beginning to feel that there ia some hope of international recognition of silver, which all will agree ia an eaaier road to free coinage in America tban by wbollt independent action. Let tbe world return to the financial policy previous to that of 1873, and e will have fewer mortgaged farms and more money to meet them when they become due. Tub subject of fiee coinage of silver is Hgitnting the people everywhere, and while it is not a subject that should be dragged in tbe mud by political parties, will ruin the party so soon to succeed to power, if they do nut take some action to restore silver from its unnatural place as a commodity to where it was previous to 1873 good aud lawful money. As hetwten Harrison and Cleveland, the former is much the better friend to silver, aud the Western states may have causi to regret an action which virtually was a halfway going over to the enemy The oounlry demands tariff tinkering. when iu reality the evil is not there at II, but in an uppreoiated currenoy, ami not sufficient volume to do the busi uess of the country. There's a scrap going on up in Mon- aua for the control of tbe legislature, n Ii io L means the election of an Uuiteo Slates senator, Whichever side gets iway with the coutest, the other wil ay "it was stolen." It bas simmered lo utothis wilh Borne partizaus, that v.-ry mini's a thief that don't agree with htm, and everything thievery thatdou'i o their way. This is Gov. l'ennoyer's opinion of tbe miniration question: "If tbe United Slates are to be restricted to a narron iold basis instead of the broad bimetallic uoney basis of the constitution, then, in iriler to have snllicient money for nui people, it will not only be necessary h entirely reBtriot immigration, but also ti xputnute some of our citizens." Tub silver convention, re oonlly in session at El I aso, Texas, ot- iiuized a Piin-Aroorioan I3i-Metallio As waiatioD, with A. C. Frick, of Colorado, president. The Association are noi stuck" on either Sherman or Cleveland Cotton is going loner every day, am (t has been thought that the crisis wouli oe reached by January, but Ibis will de oeud largely upon the world's action oi diver. If favorable, wheat and eutt'o vill command better prices. The official vole of Massachnsetlf -ihows the highest republican vote for ai .lector was 202 914; the biglieBt demo oratia vote, 170,813. Governor Rnssel'f plurality over Lieutenant-Governor Uaili was 2531. Tbb Clevelaudites will oppose fipeak er Crisp's re-electicn in the bouse. It i not the tiglnV'nf the fuitb(ul,"but for olea .Southern oVnmornoy, thpy can't Bud better subject than the present in on in bent. Tint mayor of our town should Inivi 'nore responsibility. He should be vesi "d with Ihe veto power, for one thing Our committee on amendment u tho charter should not forget tins. ' Two brave girls stopped a 8. P. K. It train near Grant's Pass, last Wednesday in time to avoid an accident. The pas sengers matle up a perse to buy each Christmas present. Thk democratic "steerirg committee" tiiinft-rred wilb Whitney a few days ago fhey fear ihat the political complexion ' some of the states will be changed against them, Now that we are assured of wuteiworks, all good citizens should unite fur re tietii-bmeut. We need no more bondetl indebtedness uow, aud taxes should not he increased. UAttiiNSH, )r, Parkhuist's agont in th (lulil minium sin iu Now York, has two indictments pending ugaiuut him, botl (or extorting money. The Long Cretk Eagle has entered upou Us seventh year. Tbe patrons ol ihe Knglc say it is the best weekly of the interior. Tub populists get away with theeleol ors up hi Norlh Dakota, with pluralities, respectively, lu, 69 and 08. Close shave F. MtiF. attan, who recently dietl at Salem, was prominently cunueuttd with high Masonry. Wyouino eleclH a democratic repre sentative, governor and justice of the sti pieuie court. Tlirc quid toifl'i aisls, of Kansas, liav, entlurstd Airs. l,ease fur the senate. Walli'I.a was visiti-d by a fire Sunday nul.t Damage, iinkn -wo. Tim: (1. z 'He favors Ihe eltetiuu of tin mtiiHhal by the people. Idaho is reported to have some dia uiontl fields, THE I'ONFKKKNCe. From Hit' fait Uke TTumae. The dispatches ate a little confused, but they carry the idea that the British oouiniissioiiers iu the international con ference were sent there for no other purpose than to stampede tbe conference. It that lesult is brought around, then we shall be heartily iu faor of having emigres, iu one day, repeal both tbe Sherman act and tbe Blaud act. At present, the United States is buying 4.' J 5tX0U0 ouuees of Bilver monthly; at the same time, England is selliug, monthly, 87.tKXl.OtX) worth ot India oouucil bills whuh are payable iu silver. India bas beeu receiving silver since the day s of fuliiis fVsar, Btid absoibing it. It is estin atul that that country has between ,000,000,000 and 8,000,00u,000 ounce ot silver ; it is tbe money of that ountry. With our own country drawing out of tbe silver nisi ket, and making do pro visions for tbe use of silver aa money. England would liavi to face the respon sibility of seeing tbe silver of India main tained by diieot interposition ot tbe government, or aee such a panio aa would shake her atrongeat financial bousea to tbe base. It would make bard timea here for, perhaps, ninety days, Dot longer; and this is so apparent, that we believe tbe real lutention of tbe British delegates, in that conference, is to hold up some plan like Rotbobild's, and bluff tbe conference with the threat that, unless that shall be accepted, or some thing equivalent, (hey will witbdra. We think their plan is understood by the American delegates, and that, if tbe thing comes to a test, some one of those delegates will defy them to withdraw, without some settlement of the question, and tell them, in very plain English although it may be translated into French that they have so much more at stake than the United States, that if they p'euse to withdraw, all right. The truth is, iu all such arrangements, Great Britain fur sixty years lias gone into business with two objeots; first to biive her owu way, and second, to have tbe lion's Bhure. That is what she will try this time. She is liable to fail, be cause w hen it comes to a trade, although the buukers ot Great Britain who are represented by the British delegates are audacious enough and determiued to carry their point, still when it conies down to a quesliou ot trade they are wonderfully cautions, and especially as their chief commissioner bas already oufeesed, unless some adjustment shall he made it will mean universal panic. With that alternative over their heads, if they are opposed resolutely enough, in Ihe end they will weaken. It is ex actly suoh a case un a larger scale as is seen every day in a clothing store on Ohnllinm street, New Yolk, where the ineichuut declares be will take $0 for a coat and that he would not sell it for one neimy less to his ow n brother, and etill hefoie the customer goes out be geie he ooat for 83. We have perfect confidence that Ihe men lepreseu'ing the United Slates iu hat conference will neither be bluflVd nir bullied; that tbe only soft spot through which tbev oan be reached will be that they will accept a compromise which the radical silver men of this couuiry will think it too much of a sac ifice, bin if they do that it will have to e by au approach upon them not iu th form of a bluff ur a dare, but iu respeot- ul teiuis, asking that the interests ol he wholo world shal1 be considered. TO Hl.b UP. From the trait Luke Tribune. For want of bouieihing else, probably to fill their columns, tbeie is not a petty aiQeny demociatio sheet in the oouulry that is not Idling how much money Mr, Cleveland left in the treasury, and that now tbe treasury is bankrupt. Tbe re publicans controlled the government from l8(il to lb85, and lliey left a little nirplus of over $400,000,000 lor Mr. Olevelaud's iiuunuistiatiou to begin tn distribute. The democrats controlled ihe government most of the time prior io 18C1 for sixty y ears. During the last ren years that they were iu power, uioie money in pure gold was poured mlo the nation's lap thau the nation had ac cumulated lining ail its previous bis uiry. Slill wLeL Ihat party went out of poner the tieusnry was not only bank rupt, but the last administration, to make up its dt licit, had been borruwiug money at 12 per cent interest, aud giving i premium to those who took the bonds f G per cent more; that is, the oredit of the goyerumcut u as duwu to tbe level of Egypt aud Tui key, aud other degraded niititins of the old world. It strikes us that with that history before tbem, those newspapers ought to pipe low about a preseut deficit, especially when it is con sidered Ihat l.Le present administration, in addition to meeting the annual ex i elites of the government, has paid $2&i, 11110,1100 on Hoeoiiut of the naoonal dent. It ia a bad thing for a man who has beeu guilty, when given a place uf trust, of stealing every thing in slight until It heoaui an absolute necessity to kick him out it is a bad plan, we sa, lor bun to timl full It wilh Hie ueit superintendent of the establishment because be has not followed uia sinister example. .still E FAo'l.t.TH. From ttie Long Creek PHper. I'ulatoes are marketed iu Morrow iii'Uiilv at 1 '4 cents per ponnd. In Long Creek they tlrniand readily 2 aud cents per pound. The lieppner aud Canyon City stage due is Ihe best hue iu Urtgou, if il is iiiu properly. The new change will prove betn titnal to the line. V. L MoGotmil! Iniii returned from Sumpier, w lieie ne met his family, anil lots li'Cntt d fur the "inter at button, Or, gnu. Mr. .Mctiiinagill will turn his .il. uiioii to mining In the future. l'rof. H ull on informed the Eatle 11. at lie has l'7 pupils enrolled 111 tin . hoots of tbis citv, and et many are 'o 1 iltow. L"Ui: Creek has the laryest .cinnil in Hie c niii'y, 1'iairieCity being lecond ami Canyon City third. The E igle has bien reli .lily infnrmiit b it Hie In nvv ttn il of last weik canit 'tar resulting sen usly to siveial tilings in 1' X, nwung McGirr scli.ail- imii-e ami the hall tiuildiug several indies frnin their foundations. Jack aiuscott, of Fox, brought this weil tst.iblisheil uews foundry a large t atile last Munday which be bad killed iu tlie ueiulibnriug valley the day pre vious. We will have the same mounted and will erect iu oue comer of our aauo tuiu. The Mack llutte Tunnel oompauy has afnrceoftwo men at work ou tbeir possessions iu t'ox vailpy. They will remain lti the employ of the oompauy until next May. During that time they expect 10 drive ahoul 300 feet uf tunnel. The heiuy wind that has prevailed in Grant county tor the past two weeks has done inure damage to fences and bay ricks than auy gale for years Tne Eagle has received reports that hay rioka 111 many parts of the conuty were com pletely torn down. Surveyor Caspary informs the Eagle that be bas purobased teu acres of land tielow John and and also the wat-r ditch on the north side of the river, fur oompauy. and that iu the early future John lhiv will have a saw null. The los will be rluaietl tlowu from tbe head waters of tbe John Uay. WUandVfjUE at i". hi ra It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your child .en. Such is Scott's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime r-nd Soda. It checks wasting in the children and produces sound, heallhy flesh. It keeps them from taking co i i Bcott's Emul:-I'in c'.:rr.;i Cm; -Colds, Consumption, Swlc' t all Anaemic and Waatin? rj;..s Prevents wssf rjta eii"tcr.:n. moat as palataul'.: as i:i::k. .ci : the genuine, i'rnnaro.'l by S'-o'.t Bowne, Chemist!, Sw Y"rk. M.l all Hi-lights. SPLENDIDLY. ENTEKTA1NED. Pendleton Hoynl Arch Masons Visit La Grande to Witness Degree Work. From the E. 0. On board this forenoon's train from La Grande were Henry Blackmail, state sen ator from Morrow connty; Otis Patter son, editor of the Heppner Gazette; B. Alexander, R G Thompson. W. D Hans ford, Jerry Barn hurt, J. P. Bushee, W. M. Beagle, Hubert Futter, J. A. Weed, of Pendleton. These gentlemen have been to La Grande in attendance upon a Chapter meeting of the Knyal Arab Masons there, three candidates having received the R. A. M. degree. There were besides large delegations from Union and Baker City. The Peudletou visitors cau hardly express their appreciation of tbe splendid enter tainment given them by the La Grande brethren. "We had one of the beat times we ever enjoyed in our lives," is their universal veidiot. There were more tban seventy mem bers present at the bin quet, and they were regaled with a truly royal feast. Ti e tables were beautifully decorattd, and loaded with a vast variety of teuipu ing eatables. LOCAL MAKKET KKFUKT. Wheat, bu 60 t'lonr.bbl 4 50 Beeves, cow s & two-y ear-olds. owt. 1 75 three ' 'I '.5 Sheep, muttons, bead 3 003 25 " stock 3 00 3 60 Hogs, ou font, cwt 44 (HI Hogs, dressed 6 00 Wool.....,, 12 14 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 75 Eggs, iloz 811 Chickens, di z 2 50 (a 3 Ml Turkeya 1 uO (3 1 60 CALIFORNIA MAKKRT. Wheat, cwt 81 25 1 30 flonr, bbl 3 Ou (5 4 75 lieeves, stall fed 5 11O (cC 5 60 Muttons, owt 6 00 (d 7 00 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool -Easteru Oregon.. 12J (i 16 Butter, lb 20 (3 30 Eggs, doz. 30 g 45 Chickens, doss 4 00 6 (JO Turkeys,. ,0) 15 tsi 17 POBTLAND MAR1UT. Wheat, cwf $1 15 1 20 Kh'tir, bbl 3 00 0365 Beeves, ot 1 76 (3 2 75 " dressed 4 00 (a) 5 00 Muttons, live sheared... 3 50 (a; 3 60 " dressed 6 00 0 25 Hogs, on foot 4 50 (ti 5 00 " dressed 6 U0 ($ 6 25 Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 IB Butler 15 85 Eggs, doz 30 tit 40 Chickens, doz 2 60 6 00 Turkevs lb 13 (ui 15 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Look out for Fell Bro.'s sale of remnants-bargains iu everything. a Smith, the furniture man. is prepared to sell fine goods at low figures. Full line of undertaking goods ou hands, a M. Licbtentbal & Co. have n tine lot of winter wear, including ladies' winter shoes, overshoes, rubber boots, etc Drop iu. a Borg, the jeweler, is thf man to fix up your watch or clock, .e keeps a full stock of everything pertaiuing to his business' a Don't overlook T. W. Ayero, Jr., the leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest driius and tbe fiuest toilet articles always 011 band. a The Bitchier beer, 6 oents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hail, Osmers & Hughes, flops., next door to M. Liob tent hid & Co. 's shoe store. a The M. L. A T. Co., sinoe they have roofed all their platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. This oompauy uow deals iu grain, lumber aud wood, a Since Hbaw & McCarty purchased the meat market they liHVe alays endeavor ed to keep on hand the freshest and olioiceNt meat 3, sausages and bolognas, a What will perseverance, pluck and en terpris nvHil 111 ibis wild west, ir yon cannot get big baryaius? Hnwcver, be fore gn ing up euiirt ly, visit Minor Bios.' cmpor urn. a Thnmpson A Ilinnsnwn the buss winch goes to anil from lie City lime!, hin wih call for parties desiring o go to trHiti iu any part of Ihe citv. Leave orders at City liolel. a Gillimn A Risbn-', the liardsre ami tinware mi-ioliHots, cairy ev.-iy li'inn ap pertaining til their lines, evi-n arioul. tliral Uipleuu nts. D Ul't Inn liei-d a ilo. tins fnllf a llon't nvedouk Kirk A Hasiuus f. 1 linrgnins. They pincliase,! 1 he bus mess of J. W. Mutli'ok A d but will sonn remove i the Mallory ooruer, oppo site tbv Palact hotel. a Dr Grant'sploah', the great dyspepsia Conqnerer, wijl positively cure dyspepsia and all its kiul'red ailments. Every bot tle sold undet positive guarantee to ellect a oure ol'uouey refunded. See ad iu this issue. ' a The genernl merchandise establish ment formerlyowned by C' Biu 4 Mi bar laud, has lately changed bauds, uow be ing nuder the Dontrol and management of The McEariand Meroanlile Company, which con tin us bnsiuess at the old stand with a larger stock than ever. a 5 KEWAKD. This ainouu? will be paid for the re covery of a (bestout sorrel gelding, branded a diimood F, connected, on light hipand I S 00 left slid- ; bas a wire out on ipie frnnt foot; is seven years old, weiiba 900 tn 1000 pounds, star in forehead The above reward ill be paid for berdelivery to me at Alex. Thompson's ra)ch. Joseph Hvbois, Heppner, Or. i 641-tf. d it will do the same for you An Apprehensive Subject by Means of a Prehensile Tail The Monkey is Not Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We arc. Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. na I -WE TELL OF- BA. RG-A.I NS Sploo l.d Goods, Fiiir trPHttnpnt ; satisfHctinn to ensnrxi ere, ami of rennonnble prioeB aud guod uiDUfy value. It is a Tailless Tale A tale withont end, because it is a tale that will bold A pleasure to show goods. Hpeiiiul inducements to onsh buyers. Call at To Conumptivoa The unilerslsned having been refitored to health byalmple means, after siilleriiitf for sev eral year's with a sevure lung atU'Cttou, and that dread i Incase (.'oiiciiiiiiptioii, is anxious to make known to Ids fellow auttererB the means of core, 'to those who desire it. he will cheerfully send (irvc oi eharjjei a copy of the prescription used, which they will find aure cure for Consump tion, Aflihina. Catarrh, Bronehi'is and all throat and lung maladies He hopes all sullerere will try his remedy, as It is invaluable. Those desir iu'g the pri-scription, which wMleostthem utith ing, and may prove a blessing, w ill please ad dress. Rev. Kowakd A. vilhok, 1-t a w BrooKlvu, New York. KOTt E OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. O It EG ON, December ;. 18U2. Notice is hereby given that the i'ollow ing-nunied settler has hied notice of his iuteidion to make final proof in support of hlB claim, and that said proof vUU be made before V. K KUia. Com U.S. Circuit Court at Heppner, Or., on January '21, lH!i;l via.: .JOSK rH W. KECIOK, Hrt. No. 4857, for the oec. 2'J, Tp. 2,3 R 27, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, aid land, viz.; NeUou Jones, Frank Sloan, W. G. Boyer aud J. N.Elder.allof Heppner, Oregon. 5fj0-.suu A. C kavkr, H eg later. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE 1 will be n meeting of tbe stockholders of the First National Bank of Heppner, at their oiliceonthe second Tuesday of January ly:t, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. and 4 o'clock p m. of said day. fur the purpose ot electing directors and tbe transuetiou of such other business abmay appear. 4S-5tiw ii no. Consek, Cashier. Stockholders' Meeting. rriIE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE 8TOCK I holdere of the National Bank of Heppner, v ill be held at their oliice ii. Heppner, ' renon, on the second Tuesday of January iwi. between the hours of 10 a. in and -1 p. tn. for the purpose td electing dtreetors ho" tne eniiiiujr vbt Dated at lieppner the tth day of Dee. WH2. 5l.vj3 w Ki. U. Btsuof, Cushler. Notice to Stockholders, V'OTK'E I.- HEUEBY GIVES THAT A MEET k ' ing of the stockholders of the Palace Hotel ('omoanv ulll be held in Hie Dtirlnr of atd ho- jel.onthe 4ffth day of December. iU2, for the purpose ot electing omcers tor tneensuing year. Dated this ih day of November IW2. Attest: J. L. AloRKOW. J. W, M..KROW. President. secretary. 64i-M Notice to Teachers. M1.ICK IS HE!EBYGIVEN THAT THE ii Morrow county ieacher' inttttute will be held iu lieppner, December l.'i. lt and 17. All tetu-hers, and also those expecting to teach, are expected to attend, or present a valid excuse. ol-t-DvC lo W. L. SauNO, b upt Stockholders Meeting. 'OTICE 19 HEUKBY lilVEN THAT TnE 1 Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Heppner Flouring Mill Co. will be held ou the tirsi Monday of January at the president of the company's otiiee. in Heppner at 7 p. m. of lai-i day lor the purpose of electing directors lor the ensuing year. T. W. AYkts. R , o4y-,V. Secretary. LIST Oh- LKTTKR8. 4 DVEKTISKD AT HKFFNKR POTOFFICE Dee. V2, Guttv Benton Maddnek G N V right ?m I'acfcage Graham James Mr Jones J L Scott J H t'onell J G Mrs White J M Please say "Advertised" w hen calling for these letters. A. Mauloky, t. U. OK HALE. HARNESS-SHOP, anork ni fixture. Good biiine!; estabiiihe1 in the midst of a jrcKHi tanninK and tHkmisiiig t'ountry. ain iur ie h Kin Ki niiiiHf nu iu tuu nua or i without th buiinM property. For further tn- I formattou m1tirn 4H2ftU!. lieppner. Or. -wi tf Prevent M'l euro C"'i'titwtiou aud 3ick- HtrJadaliJliV, tVtUli lilil' IkHU. To aid Digestion take one maiilUle Bean liutt ajMiiu. 3&c. par UwiUe Isloit Of II W1W Hill' VI 11 VU 1AUCTIOJW Owiug to the auccees of our JBat liaturdBy's sales, we will continue Auction Daily, 2 p.m. We would call special attention of tbe ladies to tha Fancy Goods. Table Linens Domestics. Etc Tht tire going lit Auction Prices. THE EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. N. LEVI ROmSOlSr. Prop. rnACTICAXr House and Sign Painter. PAINTIJa IN ALL Paper .Manging QrniuiD, Nutorul Wood FmiBliing and BOX 135. : : DAN OSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! TV EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory an Main ' Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to 5 Cents Per Glass, On di aught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and tnimy more. OSMEUS & HUGHES. Props. H EPPNER and LONE ROCK 1a I?. Leave" Hppner on Tuesdays, Thnre.lnys and Siiturilays. Leaves Lone Rook oa Mouiluja, Wt'di'tmlii) and FiiHnys. Makfs ooniiertion will) tbe weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges (ur both Passengers 543-tf sw SLOCUM-JOHNSTON Would I ":n a-.i Interesting Addition to Yor - .7irt9i-' Reading. THERE ARE JAM REASONS WHY nil!. . . . Weekly Examiner IS THE BEST TAPER IX THE WEST. SPECIAL FRELIIUIiIS GIVEN AWAY II Is ti: infill of nmi frnm nil parn ,f ihe wortil, nud i's Utrrnry Dtpartmcnt U supplied by th Teiiiost vriUT of the ti;t. Io ndiliiiou lo i. grMit news aud lileraiy fcaturea, IT GIVES TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER HIS CHOICE FROM TWO MAGNIKICENT WORK.S OF ART, TIi2 Examiner's Art Album, Conv.tingof eiRhl hrauiifnl reproductions from muterpleeet of t)i world'! fmt ett arodta. the whole cullrctiun buuud ia a haadMme baatboo leatherette cace Or a beautiful reproduction, in all of iu original colon, ot the faaaona kiatorical painting, inches, Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. And besides all this. TEE EXAMINES will this year distribute amooj Its subscribers (,000 Fre ii;;rtsi.iug iu value me stupendous sum of $135,000. This is the fourth annual distrib. liou, aad the of prcra iumi. is brKcr nni more raluable than ever before offered. Kememberthal these premiums email no additional exjeuc to the subscriber whatever. They are absolutely free. The cost of the WEEKLY EXAJUNEa. tojether with these magnificent premium offers, ia SL50 OXLT SI. 50 PER YE1R SI.50 Its rejular smbwriptlon price, r.rt thr- fu l pinh-nlars of this grand offer from the EXAMnTER'S iee-fire !'n-;nnim I.'il. which we e-n wi.;.. '.o j iu. or you can procure one from your t'ost. ma.ierur NVw.ieil.-f T.iea. 1 ion : v - ih- on us and placeacorabin ition -ua-serlpujo 'ot liLS W52i.LV EXAiLUJii ujJ y.,i.r i.iae paper, and to am something of the cosC CgThe Animal Subscription to th Semi-Weekly Gazbtte ia 83.00. to the Wefklv Kximin-T, 81.51). a tot il of 815;). We will send both ta one adrlreaa (or to different aclilrfsstB it desired) (or S3 IS HEPPNERS LEADING 0icet Kesideuce Ot s Patterson ARTISTIC I MM i I AUGTIOKT 1 ITS BRANCHES. and Decorating. PoliiiliiDg, Oaloimioinz. Glniing, etc. 640 sw : HEPPNER, OR MAT HUGHES. stge: line. Prop. and -:- Freight. DROO CO., Agents. Heppuer, Or. VALUE, $135,0C0 00. NOTARY PUBLIC 0"- CONVEYANCER OFFICE ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERM8 kink I Mk