Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 09, 1892, Image 4

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    mx j
A Prize Picture Puzzle.
ICXPLAlf ATTOTC, The following ptaar ccns is fr-ar faces, a man six! tiis three daughter
Any one can find ilie nun's face, but it is nut soeiy to dit.: I'-k the facts of ihe three young ladies.
The picture was published in a few newspapers some tirsit: .fr, and attracted con.'idcntble attention to
ewr standard remedies. We now offcr a now prize compel' Nor, in connection with iL t As the sole object
b to introduce our medicines into new homos, thosn who enf-d the former competition are requested
not to compete ir this one. As to the reliability of "Ihe FcnJ Fill Co.," and the estimation in which their
medicines are bcid in Toronto, Canada, where thy art; txst known, patrons are referred to tilt daily
twspapen, wholesale drugguu and leading basinet houses. geuuaJy of I oruato.
The pnfr!etri of "The Ford PHI Co.," w-11 g an eVrymt pnlr of fHntfen'J Ponl68
Carriage and HameaS, valued at S60O, (dtWrsdir.-e in any run of ius United States,
tQiMjirsi person who can make out the three Ui uJhcis' f; r'.j. '1 o the -c-vW will be given an elegant
Lady'fl Gold WatCht set in sapphires and t!;am"i 5. To t.iio third will be Riven a pair of
genuine Diamond Ear-rings. '1 the.'-v-. win bo Riven a handsome ChEna Dinner
Service, loth fifth v,i begum a Kodak CfMWira. To thvsf xtky a Swi83 (viUSlO
fox lo the itvtntk, a French ftlankal Clock. th t,fitAt an elegant nanquot
amp. Tolhe ninthy a pair of CrOVVII f GIT by Vat?3 To the icnth, a complete Lawn
ennfS 8etf and many other prizes in oru.;r of hem. Kw.'-y competitor mu-t cut out the above
"Pazile picture," distinguish the three girls' fa' by rr.-ii-ins; a cross with p. lead pencil on each,
and enclose me with 15 U. S. twn-teitt E'.-'snps I r :'' of ''. f' ..wi'.g "11176 Remedies:"
Ford'e Prize PI 11 8," Foid'a Pii.o O.tarrti lit-Mcty," or "Forrt's 111 zo
Congh Cure.' Select any one of 'the u''ove nvie.:..3 you U lie. Address 'l'!ie Ford
Pill Co.," Cor. Wellington B;ty Sts., 'i urunti, t;..; i:'3, 'I he person whose envelope is
postmarked first will be awarded the fiist prLr, and tlx oii:ers t:i order of merit. As this adver
lisemeot appears simultaneously throughout the h'ob'd j:ris, cve-y one h;is an equal oppor
tunity. To the person sending the Sh-.)1 correct answer will 1 fcivcitan tlfcaut t7pt't;;lit Concert
Orand Piano valued at 000.00 To the jirsfvr (run the in .Y sending a correct answer
will b givena gentleman's fine Oold ,Sih1z" Vyi'b. viich Rtvii.es the hours and quarter
bourton smnll cathedml Ron g at pleasure, and vai-if rl at Kyoo0' 'iothe secmidirom thcast,
first-clau Safety It (cycle pneumatic the. To tlrr fn in t: 'i nst, a'lirst -class Knltsh Shot
gnn To the fourth from the lust, a suite of Parlor FamUirft. To the fifth from the tut, a
handsome Silver Tea Service. To the si.rtt from the: an elts.int 1'ianoLamp. lo the
aevt'ttk from the last, a handsome pair of Portieres. To the ei.yUi frmn the lastK a genuine
Englinh leiither travelling Trtitik. To the ninth ifuin I ha &tst, two pieces of genuine French
tittttuary, and many other prizes in order of merit.
A special prire of a Silk Dress Pattern (r,!xtesn ynrds, nny color), or a first -claw
Dewing 31 ac III no (any make desired) will bo pivi-n to the fnt p- r;on in earh State in the
U. S. who can make out the three daughters' facts. Ve ;,h- 11 i'jve away 0 Vltltlitble prlzei,
besides special priees, (if there should be so many sending c rivet & Avoni.) tJochai ye is made for boxing
and packing of prizes. The names of the lending prize v im.; s will be published in connection with our
advertisement in leading newspapers next month. I'!?:ttv- ik n.jmr. will be given to only those who are
willing toasuist in introducing our medicines. Nothing i ' ih: -r-j- lor the pri-.s in any way. They
arealiolutely given away tointnxluce and advertise So:(Vu I'vlr.ti Hr.tiii)s," which are stand
ard medicines, and will be used in every family for y-.rs v h:r tV-y l.nvn Ix'-n om-e iuiroduced. All
priies will be awarded strictly in order of rrifirit, and v. i h p-:r.t:t;t au -iacUi-a to the public. Tberemedie
will be sent by mail, postpaid, and piizea freo ol duty.
An extra premiumof a genuine Fonrlen" Wfiti'li, (ncm winder,) will he awarded to every
penon who sends a correct answer within 30 days after tins m.lv n ; ist-mciit upptars, in case they should not
be fortunate enough to secure one of the larger priies. '1 h.it is, ii'i.ny one can fitid the tliree faces and
enclose them within 30 days from the time this advert i-r nw.l appears in lln: newspaper, they are
guaranteed either one of the leading prizes, or an CKtrji premium of a watch on conditions stated,
tie answer will be noticed tint does not cnniain 30 onus I'T owe ol lH'tCfl Prize TtoilUMllcS,
Address THE HMD PJLLCO, "37' Cftr. Wellinr.It.n & fJay bis., Toronto, Canada.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
est, pfim p am
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives
6i0 p. m.
Pullmnn Hleeiiers,
Colon 1 m t Hleepera,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Bttamers Portland to Han Frnnoisoo
every four days.
For ratat and general inlormatton call on
Depot Ticket Anotit,
Heppur, Oregon.
W. H. nUKLBUKT. A Bit (lonl. 1'au. Agt.
2M WMhlntttouSt.,
It I our rnrncnt ilrplrp to ImpreM tipon the
mind of the pnbllr the miperltirltv of tin uer
vice nth-mi bv the WlMOimin 1'iMitrnl Mnt'B to
ililutiiikt-e, ( Mi'io him) all points Vitut mul
Booth. Two ftiHt titthts Ifuvi' st. I'anl, Mltnu'-
n.iliitflmt Oiilulh tlnllv. euiiltipctl with I'ull-
intm Vt-htthulptl hrBwIut! Kooin sIci-ihmb. DIoIhr:
Chu nt1 Conches ol l lie liiti'ht dcslnii. lis hln
Iiik 'rtr er Ice Is uiimirpnint'tl, wlili h nccountn,
to h Brent ileirree lor the it.ii'iiltirtty of thtH M
ihe WtnoiiBiit iVntiitl lam's lit couniM'llon
with Northern Cmltic K. It., is the only line
(nun 1'nrilli- ( oust iiilntB over hfch hoth roll
mm i Vt'i-tlhulcil, ttici -elum. and rullniiin 'lour
lt ihth a ri- opera led la M. I mil lthoilt clmuKC
to (MiicHuo
l'Hiiil-lilfts olvlnit vnlmihlc Infnrnintlon out
be ohtiiliied Irt'e iin iippllnitioii In your ticnr
t tit ket imiMit, or .1 a. r. I'oM'.tieiicml russon
ami 'llcki t AkciU. l htcnBo, 111.
The fltvulalliin of Tuk Compamos id roo.ow copies weekly. Rend for Spoeimeu Copies and Full Aunouneoiuent Free.
Leading; Features for 1393.
Ilevto Serial Stories. 56,51X1 Pi l.'c Stories,
Over TOO Larce Pates. 100 Jtcrlrs of A '.venture.
Hearly 1,000 lllostmtlons. Monlhly Dottle Kuntwrs.
The Best Short Stories. Cliarniim CSUrcn'3 Paie,
? r
Free to
Jan., '93
Souttnir of tht AVw JJvUcfl.v wlor, 12
- Va iT " i jirv-
n,H .. i.n. what f.i.uioi.i mum ... oui ot ihi
maiiiifu.'tiira liy Mi . Noy.snf i
Aielioiinryl TliUHtoiy rend-tli
rnnmcnlul Maim to noui tin
(abi8.initir.uii it m muli
tl tbt ieriuotur Company, which tUrU out ai tuUowi;
45 soCd in '63
CiiL'Min. nave y
2,283 CoBd in 89
6,260 cold In 'C3
20.049 co:a y
60,000 w::i to eold in '5G i
.!. A Steel Wlndmi:r
ar.a titeel
flOsft Towor ovorsi a minutes.
sCSiCV Steel ormotor. Whora
Jnf.' one boos otnors tonow.
! I and we " Tuae the Countm."
W.ll Mi, .,t.-iMllllllf!!t "
..ilVv.rn.U'.H.'lt., uiiiIHk
, u,o third lm.t
Initio v.stri"iil!
r,l iy 1o of tlio
wu ivlmlly fiti:Minl tK tli
rittiiniiiry tMili-r IminiMI.
I.ri.,iya ii liAih In Hie lll'I'li
niKH'"- irxjuny b to huvv ii I.
ami hulil 'in.t Mill "l!
iurti'iiinti rai'Hlly f nnu y
T.iflri't it tli.il w
Wr.MovM lift .limit)
, li.ull miliuimi oi
xccllciK and ni.ue. tlw orltrlt
ictuiifti y tiMrt lirrn li'i't Bre-t
tint tbpy liierally nlrt UwiUrtlvM,
nil lilfcilellfre itynnntl
aclt ons h.i intiln t'
result al.ovfl mniitionfl.
Tly Imvo ciinelDaltiiottcvory
buhliulilo jiorlnin of the cSobe,
van lolh rcmoto I'luudi of
!) apn, and ua ktyt It
hA&A Scientifio America
.$$?2&W- Anenr.v for
C-U lip.'? .V,-'1"1 T muimm
ifsL f'Sr CAVEATS,
For Information nrrt freo llantlhook write to
Oldest Imn'im f.tr necnrinir pntnt In America.
Bvorv put out taken out. bv u 11 brought before
the publio by a not loo givou free of oUiu-kw In ih
cicutiCic rncwau
Mrirost rtronlRtlnn of nnv nrlpntlflp pnppr In tht
worl.t, Hhlntutully klliiniraui1. No liiH'lllKKnt
Dual gtm-.iM bu without It, WooklT, $;l.oo a
ycuri t l..'4l six niouthi. Addross MtTNN A CO
t'dlitiallKas. 3151 Itrtmilwuy. Now York.
Piiokhakkii. Kd Birbeok. n elioemnk
er and reiairer of many yearn' pxperi
enee, has jnat located iu the Abraham'
siok liiillilinu, nu May street, wheie be
is prepared to do eveiythini; in his line.
Mr. Hirberk is alnetly a tirat eliiHs work,
man and warrants all work. One Inm a
fall. 14 tf
At AbrulniniMick's. In MiLlitinn to tiia
t'lilnrinu hiiHiiitHR, lie turn niideil a fine
lino of niulrrweftr of nM kimta, rptfligHp
shut, homery, rtn. AIho has on huntl
flume t'lentuit pntterns for suits. A
MirnlinniHiok, Mny Htrect, H'Miimer, Or.
('idlin St MoFitrhtiM. have jut n ceiTpd
h our lonil tif Mttobt;'!! Wayons, llnoks,
etc , rind Irntv nlun n lnrc stipjily of farui
nitf inipUutiMntH of all knuU n
Tin. j
i I I V,
or I
4 r$td
y jyy
( .nt j .ctry t, it.. --".jt.j iouoiniaJ Um'y .TJ a leur.
he Youths Clrai
'I'd New tubttvi'iUi'i' muo ill tut out mid m'iu!
thin dltp with nnme, ndtlrei and (.?, 5 vve will
end Tbe t'oimtaulon l rre to Jan. 1, 'ft;!, uud for
n full vrtir I ruin llitit ilato. Iiieliidiug ihe lUuiblo
Ilulldnr Number in t UrUnmi nml New Year.
11 Ths Youth cinN, Ro-tow, mpp.
paw. teuton rret'yl of ti ctHtt. or FRKKtoannoncn iiMtfiait o wnj. a iiiturHjifio.
sapient Ke marks t't'ered by New York
Soc ety Mud.
"Why on earth,' said a New Yorker the
3-thor day after an hour's walk on Uroad
way, to a .Shoo and Leather Review cor
respondent, "do worsen who haven't pot
pretty foot, and who know they haven't
got pretty feet, if they know any thing
at all about themselves, wear just the
footgear that puts their foot at their
very worst? A woman with bi, shape
less feet or crooked foot can afford to
wear but one kind of boot a laced
one and never a low shoo under any
circumstances. A button booo does all
very well for tho first few days whilo it
still buttons trim and snuff about the
ankles, but every woman knows that it
does this for a fow days only; then it
loosens and begins to take on tho shape
of the foot, cxafrrating its peculiari
ties evory day just a little. And by and
by, before the boat is half warn out, it
is a kind of car'caturo of hor foot, with
every defect and imperfection exagger
ated. Tho laced boot doosn't do this,
becauso it can be drawn up every morn
ins liko a new boot, holding the foot
always firmly and securely and so acts
as a corrective against any tendency the
foot has to be ill-shaped and spreading.
But women do not seem to have discov
ered this at all, or in very fow cases, and
so they p;o on buttoning up their street
b:ota with as much satisfaction as if
they weren't giving the best possible
opportunity to their feet to bo as pulpy
and spreading and crooked us thov
The most iiopulur aud beit knnwi
weekly Dewrpuper printed i o Ibis onuDtn
i the Toledo Blade. For more tbbi
twenty yenrs it has bad a eircnliition tif
101,000 to 200,000, goiDg reaiilarly iui
every stale aud territory of tbe nuimi
From fifteen to twentj five tons of priii'
paper is cnus imed in each week's edition
aud is regularly mailed to more tban
half tbe pustnflicea of tbe United Slates
It is a peculiar tact tbat tbe Blade is tbi
only weekly uewapaprr publiuled thai
has regular subscribers in all parts of tb.
United States. It is edited with special
reference to the wants of all people in
all sections. It is also made to lute rem
every member of tbe family. Beside,
all the news of tbe world, it has Heria.
and Short Stories, Wit aud Humor, P-
etry, Campflre, Farm, duuday Soboo.
Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles,
Household, Answers to Correspondents,
etc. As a speoial feature for 1893, Mr,
Kobison Locke, editor aud proprietor 01
Ihe Blade, has just sailed for Japan, and
will contribute a series of illustrated
letters ou the manners and customs ol
that peculiar country and its people.
Ti ese articles mill be couuueuotd some
time iu Febiuury or Maroh, and will be
worth to thu readers of Ihe Blade man)
limes Ihe subscription prioe. Ever)
reader of this paper is invited to send fin
a speoimeu copy. Tli publisher of tbe
HUde would be glad to send a specimen
copy to every reader in this couulry
.iiibcriijtion price of the Blade, one
.. , M . . .i,
tlutlur h Hir. t ivb dullard in cash will
dv 1'Hiii tu tiuy permiu hcuuiuk iu a etiunu
club of subscribers. Write for agents'
terms, giving particulars. Address ' The
lilaile, Toledo, Ohio."
The Blade and Stini-Weekly Gazette
to new subscribers, and to old subsonb
era payiug in advance, $32o. sw
V'c will Give Aivay abso
lutelv Free ol cot. an ele
gant blriuk or colored bitk
Dreas pailern of lb yards lo
any joung holy In every
town In America, who in
willtiiK t" imrouuce I ur.
tUtUt.IWLD i'lLOT." ti
larye I'Ugtt, 111 coliiuill 11
hitj.i'uted hotiHchold and
farm journal, one of the best published, now in
Uh Mill year. We make thiB Kreat oiler In order
to introduce our paper at oice inti inauy thou
sand new lioint B. lie mire to send j.rt cunt h fur the
paper one year on trial and isainple ot silk to
uoloct front.
518 850 Center Hi., New Haven, Ct.
lOO :- :
FKEE -:- -:- -:-WATCHES
Given by the Oldest News
paper in New York City.
In addition to the numerous new and original
premiums offered to subscribers, we propone to
present them with 1U0 h atcherf, all of which are
guaranteed bv T. I.ynoh, wth Street and Union
Square, N. V. City, who furnishes them to ua.
Tim AnVFtiTiHKK is the oldest npwspaper In
New York City, Its Weekly edition is published
in two sections and conies out every Tuesday
aud Friday 101 tinieBdiiriitp ilie year ; has six
to elKbt papes every issue, In wtdl printed, has
plenty of pictures, short stories, telegraphic
news, financial and market reports, a woman's
nape and the ablest editorials published in any
New York paper, It is a model boiue paper with
elevating and entertaining rending matter,
devoid of sensations ai.d objectionable adver
tisements. All lor $1.00 a year.
hecimen copies and Premium Lists with full
particulars ot the Attractive Inducements tor
Agents, sent Free on application to
'Ihe Advertiser,
M8-56 29 Tark Row, N. Y.
Kaiiwi Bank ol Wmw.
President. Ctwhler.
Made on Favorable Terms.
liipiins Talmlos : one gives relief.
Th. Youth'. Companion N.W Building.
fliiv. ttf ffKit iwil fnlirtly by Tht ComjKinion.
A Hw Yorker'. Plan Detcrlbed In
Thm American Af rlculturl.t.
Corn should be cut for fodder as Boon
as the kernels bein to glaze on most of
the larger ears. At this time, if no
frets have occurred, the leaves are
mostly green, and if put in stocks of
from thirty-six to forty hills each and
well tied at the top the fodder will cure
in good condition. The juices in ihe
stalks will be sufficient to ripen tho un
matured ears, so tbat husking may com
mence in earnest in about fifteen days.
In dry sunny weather it will pay to
leave the corn fodder spread on the
ground for a day or so to dry out and
harden, more especially if to put away
in large bulk. It will also be found a
good plan to sort the corn when busk
ine. removinar all silk and husks fioin
the best, while the small ears and that
intended for immediate feeding mny be
hauled without this precaution. It tbe
best corn is cribbed without removing
the litter it will make a fine nesting
place for rats and mice.
When huskin2 corn rodder many per
sons jerk the husks so spitefully as to
remove them entirely, and being loose
and short they are not bound in the bun
dle, but left in the field to become
weather beaten, dirty and useless as loa
der; hence caution should be exercised
on this point. The best ears should oe
selected for seed. As the stalks contain
a vast amount of moisture they should
not be placed in large stacks or in clote
barns until late in the season, as they
will be quite certain to heat and mildew
unless a layer of dry hay or straw De
placed between each layer of bundles.
Winter Feeding of Bees.
The best metbod of feeding bees in
winter is, according to a writer in The
American Bee Journal, to give them n
frame of honey. If all of the honey lb
in the hives, look over all of tho colo
nies or a sufficient number of them to
find combs of honey to give the starving
colonies. It is well known that all col
onies do not consume the same amount
of stores, and the variation is so great
that it often happens that enough combs
of honey may be spared from those that
have plenty to supply the needy.
If no honey is available, and some col
onies must be fed, a candy made of
granulated sugar is the best substitute.
It may be caked in shallow dishes, and
the thin cakes laid over the bees and
covered with enameled cloth and two or
three thicknesses of old carpet, or the
candy may be "ran" directly into the
frames and tbe frames hung in the
hives adjoining tbe clusters of bees.
"Good" candy is also recommended for
rhis purpose. Thin boards are tacked
to one side of an empty brood tame,
thus forming a shallow tray. It is then
fired with candy and the other side
covered with boards, except a sninU
pace at the top, which is left for the
bees to enter.
Salting Stock.
Ohio Farmer gives a sketch of one
way of furnishing salt to a herd of cat
tle iu pasture. Instead of throwing it in
handfuls on the ground on certain days
of the week, after the old method, take
a new, sound barrel out into the field,
place it upon its side on some dry knoll,
where there is no shade, saw out four or
five staves between the large or mid
dle hoops, thus giving the animals ac
cess to the suit ut will and at the same
time leaving a pretty fair protection
ivora the rain to the contents of the bar
rel. After half or more has been eaten
taw out another stave or two on each
Bide of the opening, thus making it large
enough for them to use all that remaius.
Gy this plan all tho animals in the herd
will help themselves to just the quan
tity they need, whenever tliey want it.
and the waste is much less than by any
other method.
A Summary of Experiments Made At
the Utuh Station by Director Sanboru.
During the Beason of 1891 three lots of
steers of three each, of like weight and
ages, were fed at the Utah station one
lot in the barn and yard on green grass,
one lot in the barn and yard on dry
grass and one lot that grazed. The ob
ject of the trial was to ascertain first,
whether grazing steers would do better
on a given area of ground than those
soiled; and second, to ascertain whether
green food is more nutritious than dry
food. Without entering into particulars
as given by Director Sanborn, a brief
summary of the results drawn from the
station bulletin, No. 15, is deemed suffi
cient for general information:
First Three sets of steers of three
each fed for ninety-two days, one set
grazing, one set fed on similar food in
yards in the green state and one Bet on
the fame food air dried, made identical
Second The grazed lot ate the grass
from 20.3 per cent, more area than the
lot that was soiled.
Third The lot having air dried food
relished it better than the lot fed on
green grass, but required slightly more
food for a pound of gain, probably no
more, if as much, for the dry weight
gain made.
Fourth They required more dry mat
ter fur a pound of gain than winter fed
Fifth The strong indications are that
green food is no more valuable than well
air dried food.
Sixth The indications were that fm
niatur grass is no more valuable or not
as valuable as mature grass, aud are in
agreement with former trials on this
Seventh Half dried lnncerne seemed
to be dangerous, although the evidence
is very uncertain.
Eighth As the Beason grew wanner
the gain decreased, and is in accord with
former olwervations.
Kinth It appears by this trial that
soiling is unnecessary, dry food answer
ing the same purpose; that winter feed
ing is quite as economical when cattle
are fed in stalls or yards as summer
feeding in stalls or yards; that grazing
is somewhat wasteful, and that green
grass and young grass are no more ef
fective than dry and mature grass or hay.
For Boils, Pimples
scrofulous sores,
eczema, and all other
blood diseases,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
It will
relieve and cure
dyspepsia, nervous
debility, and that
tired feeling.
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
n i,.ttor fir miHriI r.nrd to
JOHN WE00FRBURN, - - Managing Attorney,
AlS'. fir Po'-nprs pni Snllora Hisahlerl in the line of
dntv In the rcfTiilnr Army or Nn' v wlnce tho war.
Survivors of the Indian warn of 1832 to 1842, nnd
their widows, now entitled. Old and refected claims
t inerlaltv. Thousands entitled to hltrher ratei.
end for new towa. Jio charge for advice. Ho fee
Son Francisco
Aud nil points in ( alifmnia, vis die Ml, Hliaila
route uf the
Southern Pacific Co.
Ihe great highway through California to all
points East and South. Grand bcenic Rotate
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Bleepera. Second-class Bleepero
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
etc call upon or address
K KOEHLEK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F & P. Agt.. Portland. Oregon.
Ppeaking of patent medioines, the
Jui'gesays: "I wish to deal honorably
aud fnirly with all, and when I find an
article that will do what it is recom
mended to do, I an not ashamed to say
so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vaoder
pool, (hHviug been treated by him for
cancer) and have used his blnod medi
cine known as tbe S. B. Headaohe mid
Liver Cure, nnd while I am seventy-five
yeHra old aud have use I many pilla and
oilier remedies for the blond, liver and
kidneys, 1 must say that for a kidney
lonio iu Bniilil's diseHse, aud as an al
terative for tbe blond, or to oorreot the
aotion of Ihe stnmach and bowels it is a
very superior remedy, and beats any
thing 1 ever tried, J. B. NELSON,
1'abimH, Wash.
At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor
mau s friend and family dootor. 1
VV dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, at
wnat is known as me
" " " (J LEAH,
10 00
17 60
L fo.ou per l,uuo leet, auuitiouai.
I ). a. Hamliton.Man'itr
Notice of intention.
I J Nov, ly, isirj Notiee in hereby given that
the following-named settler htis tiled notice of
his intention to make ttiutl proof Iu support of
his claim, and that said proof will be m-ide be.
fore the L'ountv Clerk ol Morrow t omuy, ore
at Heppner Oregon, on January 10. tm, vli.:
HomeBtead applieati it No. 2ftol, for the NE!4
nf i : Tn 1 . K 'IS R W. M.
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cumvuuon 01,
aui.t land vl?
is. B. Williams. Ed. Fugleman, Frank Wilson
and A. Y. Feuv, all ot lone, Oregon.
Mo-joj Juhn W. Lkwis, Register.
Notice of intention,
I j Nov Hi, Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler Iihs tiled notiee of
hi Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and thttt sttid proof will be made be-
fore the coutiiy cierK ot morrow coumy. ire.
at Heppner, Oregon, on January 10, IbiKJ, viz.:
Homestead amplication No. 271,J.forthei14 BWU
8V4 SK4 of see. 27, and Ji Wfc NKfc sec .A, Tp o
a, K 20 il. vr. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aim cultivation oi,
mi id hind, viz :
Atie Luelling. Ben Luelllng, William Luelling
ana i. m. jLiorgey an oi tiara man, u retro u.
615-y5 John W. Lewih, Kugister.
Notice of intention.
Nov. , 1W2. Notice is hereby given that
the follow lug named settler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis claim, ana mat saw proof v in oe matte oe
tore J. L Gihrson, U. . Commissioner at Lexing
ton, Oregon, on January iMW.viz.;
Homestend application vo. 4W, for the NH
N of sw. -js. I u I S. K 25 K. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to provehls
continuous residence upoti ana cuiiivaiiou ot,
Baid laud, U. :
Andrew heanev, Frank Reaney, Thomas Bur
nett and Keubeu Lane, all of Lexington, ure
gon. 545-555 John W. Lewis, Register.
Notice of intention.
tet. 2w, IfW. Notiee is hereby given that
the lollowiiig-nained settler htts bleii notice of
hi Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof w Ml be made be
fore the County clerk ot Morrow County, Ore
gou, at Heppner, Oregon, on Dec. 12, 16W, viz.:
Hd. No 2018, for the tSW! bee. 31. Tp, 2 8, R 24
E. W M.
He names the following w itnesses to prove his
continuous resideuce upou aud culti.atiou of,
said land, viz.:" , M
Win. Huguewood, Wet. McNsbb, Samuel ar
Beld and oeorge Juukin. all of Light Mile, or,
ckw-MJ Joan W. Ltiwia, Kegister.
I Se&leU p&rtlo
I niars rtvini ,
i in ir aiccj iiikti ;
I Paul(ititrCrartla.monlT.
iioll.oi;ts. wheels.
MnrM-l park Plaving Cnl3. Loart.'d Dice and
vifi vMiitij; tn lit iitK. New wort that wins ths
trftf. -"Wf-.fldresd urAin(),-l rtiTiuM to
Cattle branded and earmarked as shown above.
Horses F on right ehoulder,
Mv cattle ranee in Morrow and Umatilla conn
tip. 1 will pay $1000 for the arrest and enn
rietion of any pertmn -t paling my ptnek.
Kuli I, tbe baker. Buy your bread aad
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
Tlie Stiidebaker wacrorj henria them ail.
For anle at Gilliam & BinbeeV a
While you keep your subscription paid up yec
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. HorsoB 0(i on left
shoulder; cattle -ame on left hip, under bit on
right ear, ann upper ou ou tue leu; range, mor
row county.
Armatrone. J. 0.. Aloine. Or. T with bar un
der ii on left shouidur of homes; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison. O. D.. Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
O i) on left hip and horsnB same brand on right
shoulder. Range. Eight Mile.
Adkiim. T C. Davville. Or- Straight mnrk nnrnflH
the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear;
horses, jj upside duwn on ".he right tmonlder.
liHTiife in (irant county and Henr vhIIav. PO
addreBB also at Ilardmrin.
AdkinB, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hones, JA con
nveieiJ on If t flank: cattle, aante on left hip.
Ayere. Johnny. Lena. Or. Horses branded
triangle on left hip; cattle Bame on right hip;
iho crop on right "ar.anu ottper nit on name.
Bartholatnfw. A G Hoi sua branded 7 K in
eftht-T si oulder. Range in Mor iwi;ounty.
Ulyth. Ferry 11.. Henmier. ( r. Hureotj Koman
crows on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Bleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. HorBes. a flan
nt left nhouldor: cattle ttaute ou right shoulder.
Lanmttter, J. W., Hardman. Or, Cattle bmnd
ed R on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Pnter, Hoi saberry Oregon HorBes
nranaeu fa on lettsnouiuer. tattle Bame on
rigni eiae
liurke. M St C. Long Creek. Or On cattle.
MAY connected on left hip, ciopotT left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft ehoulder. Range in Grunt aud Morrow
Bowisman, A., Mount Vemon and Bums, Or.
t attle, A is on right hip, two crops in each ear;
same on horses, on right shoulder, liange in
Grant and Harney counties.
Hrosman, Jerri1, Lena, Or. HorseB branded 7
on ngtn shoulder; cattle tl on the left side
Ijert ear hair crop ana right ear upper Blope.
tfarton, wm ceppuer. ur. -liurses. J Hoi
right thtga cattle, aame on right hip; split in
each ear.
Hrown. Isa. Lextnffton. Or. Horeos IH on tlie
ngtit Htine; cattle sameou right hip; range, Mor
row countv.
Brown. J .f .. Hep oner. Or. -HorBen and cattle
branded ti with ox-yoke above on left shoulder,
lirown, J. U Heppner. Ur. Horses, circle
withitoi in n ' teron Inft hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W.J. . Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, ou the left slioulder. Cattle Baiuc on left
Hoyer, w. ti., Heppner, ur. iioraea, box
orat i a or r za nip cattle, same, with sunt in
each ear.
liorif. 1. U Heppner. Or. Horses. P B on left
Bhouldtr; tiKitle. same on left hip.
Urownlee. W. J., Ifox.Or 1 attle. J Ii connected
on left aide: emu on left ear and two sniiteand
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses BHine
Draitu on me ieit ungii; uange in rox valley,
Grant county.
t-ain.E., (Jaleb.Or. YD on horses on left stifle;
V witti quartar circle over it, on lert shoulder,
aud on left stifle on all colts under () years: on
left ehoulder only on all horaea over 5 years. All
range in uiaut county.
Chirk. Wm. H.. Lei a. Or. Horse. WHO con.
neeted. on left fehoulner: cattle t-anie on riyht
tup. ita ge morrow mm umatiiia counties.
Cate, ('has. it,, Vins'in or Lena, Or, Horses
II C ou right shoulder; cattle aame on right hip.
liange Morrow and UmaLllla riounties.
t'oehnm. Chan.. lone. V)r. Horaes. HP eon
nected on loft Mioulder; cattle, C on both loft
hip iinu mine, it n go in Morrow county.
Cannon, J1. B..Long Creek, Or.--Ton cnttleon
right hide, crop utt nu lit ear and slit in left ear,
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range
in orantcounty.
Cecil. VV m.. Douglas. Or : hi'rses J(' on lef
ehoulder; ca tle same on left hip, waddiee on
each jaw ana two u.im in uiu right ear.
Curl.T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, Bwtdlow fork and under bit
in right ear, Bplit in left ear. Range in Grant
county, un Bhcep, inverted A aud spear point
on siiouiuer. jiar marko-i ewoa, crop ou jert ear,
punched upper bit in right, withers, crop in
right ana uuoer half crop iu lett ear. All rattgt
iu Grant couutv.
Cook. A. J. Xena.Or. Horses. 90 on riirhtahonl.
Jei Cattle, aame on right hip: ear mark Bguare
uicp on in anu biuii in num.
Currin. ii. i., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, to on
lett Hline.
Cox Ed. B.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
in center: horses. Cfc on left ip.
Cochran. R. E.. MonninetiL. tirant Co. Or.-
Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on left
siiouiuer: came fame uronu on Poth hips, mark
under slope both eiire and dewlap.
Chupin, 11., Harduian. Or. Horeee branded
.on right hip. Cattle branded Ihe mime.
CroHs, ti L, Dayvillu, Or ( at lie branded -f two
crops and a split, in left ear; on hortieB a
reversed Z on left stifle. Also have t Le following
brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left tthouider, two parallel bars on Idft
bhoulder. Lar marks, twacropa.
Dickens, Kbb -Hoi sett braided with three
tineo fork on lrfi Blitle Cattle t-a ne on leftside.
Dootian. Wm., fTeppner, Or. liorwB branduU
OU with bar over them, ou left shoulder; cat
tle name on left hip.
DouglaeB, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R D on
right side, swa low-fork in each ear: horses, R 1)
on left hip.
Douglas. O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on
the light stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day,Or. (oiuarter circle
W ou right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Hauge Grant county.
Driskell, W. ii.. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of U on left ehoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. A Sons, Dougtaa, Or. Horses brand
ed LLx on left xhoulder, cattle aame on left
hip. hole it1 right ear.
Elliot" , Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right fthoulder.
tleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
connected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
oH left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horaub J? with bar under on right
Florenoe. B. P. Heppner, Or Hones, F on
right shot Id. ; cattle. on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. UA ou left
Gilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor ti on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and nmierbit in left.
Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. HorBes branded H.
S. witli a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Range in Morrow aud Umatilla counties.
Giltwater, J . C., I'rairie Ciiy, Or. On horses,
O -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, ou right
side. Range iu Grant county.
Hayes. Ueo., Lena, Or, brand J H connected,
witii quarter circl over it, on leit shoulder.
Hiuit A. H., Ridge, Or. t attle, round-top K
with quarter circle ut.der it on the riht hip.
Rhiite in Morrow and Umatilla counties,
liinton ti Jenkft, Hamilton. Or CatUe, two bars
on either hip; crop iu right ear and split in -teft.
Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grunt county.
Hughe, tiamuel, Wagner, Or J" (T F L
Coniiected)ou right, shoulder on hrta; on cuttle,
ou right hip and on h'ft side, twallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Range iu Haystack
district-. Mopvw county.
Hale, Milton, Wagne'. Or. Horses branded
-O- ( irele with parallel tai's) on left nhuuhier
t tile same on left hip ; aho laige circle on left
Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horsus same ou right shoulder, range in
Graut county.
Howard, J L, altoway. Or. Hor-es, 4- (cross
witu bar abi.ve it) on right ehouluer ; oit e
s-tiineon leit side. Range in Morrow aud Uma
tilla counties.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horseu, Bhaded
heart on the lef t ehoulder. Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B . Wagner, Or. -Homes, W on left
Bhoulder: ca tie, 9 on left hit .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horsea, AH
connected, on left ehoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear.
Humphreys, j al. Hardman, Or. Horses. H on
led ttank
Hiatt, Wm. E-, Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ol left slioulder: cattle same on left
rJayea, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horsee, wineglass
on left shouldei cattle, same on right hip.
Huston. Luther, tight Mile, i r. Horw Hon
the left shoulderand heart on the left stifle Cat.
tit RNin1 un lft hip. hUnaw in IHnrnit winntji.
1t. Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle 1 D on
right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right, Hon
aame brand on left shoulder. Range n Grant
Juti kin. 8. M., Heppner, Or. Hi trees, horse,
shoe J ou left shoulder. Cattle, the earns.
Range on Eithi Mile.
Johnson, reiix Le'ia, Or. Horse. circleT on
left oULe; cattle, same on tight tup, tuulei bail
crop in riht and. split in lti ear
Jpnkins, D W.,Mt Vernon, Or. J on horwon
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crop on both ears. Range in Fox and
Keuuy, Mike. Heppner, Or. Roraea branded
KNV od left hip cattle same and crop off left
mr: nndrr ulnr on the rluhi
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Boraei 68 on left
honldfr; caHIb, ton left hip.
Kirtt. J C, Heppner. Or. rioraea. 17 on eithe
flank:ra!Tle P nti ripht side.
Kirk. JeftRe, Hepi-ner, Or.: horse 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on tight side, underbit on
ripM eir.
Kumberland.W. G Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
catt le on ri ght and left sides, swailow fork in 1 ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horseesume
brand ou left shoulder. Ban Rein Grant couutr.
Keenoy, Kit, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle. Bauge in Umatilla
and borrow counties
Lesley, M C, Monument, Or A triangle Rtwith
all 1 nine extending pa t Lody of figure on i hor-
eesoii ieit Biionider, ou cattle amnion u ou leu
shoulder, nplit in righ . a-a u- uo. ...t iu left ear
nH'ige linjrHiit eonnti ftRd to i arts or jonu uuy
Ittahev. J W. HfixiMMr Or.UikrwM hrni.rtttil I.
nd A on left shoulder; catt le name on left hip;
inii.ia in riKiu ey inree hiiib in riKiiL ear.
Loft en. Stephen, lux. Or. M Lou lft hin
on cHtriR, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, liange trraut
Lieuallen, John W., L" Or. Horses
branded half-citole JL connected on left shoul
der. Chi tie. saim on left hip. Range, near Lex-
Lord. Geortre. Hennnnr. f )r. Hnrnoa hmnHiut
double H coi.net;ti otnetiuiee called a
swing H, on tefi shoulder.
Maxwell, M. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on
Minor. Oscar. Heooner dr. t'Htti M n n
(ni. i-.m mill k, unutir uib in i mt ear.
right hip; horse. M on left Bhoulder.
Morgan, 8. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, AC)
on left should1! cattle same on left hii.
McC umber, Jaa A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Aiann, B. B., i.eua. Or. Horses old marm 7Z
on right hip; young stock, small ss on left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Hones, circle
T on left shoulder aud left thigh; cattle. on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
iiiei.iaren, u. ii., Brownsville, Ur, Horses.
Figure ft on each shoulder, cattle, M2on hip
McKerti.W.J. Mount Vemou.Or XI nn n-ttl-
on right hip, crop m right ear. half crop m left
same brand ou horses ou left hip. Rauge in Grant
Mccarty, uavid H Kcho, Or. Horaee branded
Dl connected, on tho left Bhoulriar nuttlauin
on hip aud Bide.
, McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mole shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
menaiey, u. v., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right side
Itouge in (irant County,
Neal, Andrew. Lone Hock, Or. Horace A N con
nected on left ehoulder: cattle same on both hips, '
Nordyke, E., tiilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: chi tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A I qn cattls
on left hip: on horses, same oaleft thigh. Range
ui it runt uuunty.
Oiler. Perry. Loxiniton. Or. P O mi lft
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected un left hint hnrM nn Inft atltt
and wartle on nose, liange in Grant county,
Pearenn, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ar, right cropped. iH
on teft hip. Range on Eight Mile.
rarKorduieason. Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
I' ft hhoulder.
Piper, Eri e t, Lexington, Or. Hor es brand
e E (L E couueu ed) left shouider t cattle
h me on ligiithip. luige, Morrow counts.
i iper, J. ri., Lexington, Or. Uoiihw, JU, oon
uected oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
oixter bit in each ear.
Patberg, Henry Lexington. Or. Hones brand
ed with a Horuai ernes on left shoulder; oattis
branded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Pettye, A. C, lone, Or,; hones diamond F on
- shoulder; cuttle, j tl J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and Blip in the
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Hones, J P cotu
uec ed ou left shoulder. (Jattle OK couueoted oo
left hip, two utider half crops, oue on eaoh ear,
wattle under throat. Rai ge in Grant county.
Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left
tdioulder, on hones only. H.rnge Canyon oraek
and Bear valley. Grant county.
Rood. Andrew, Hardman, Or, Horses, sqnars
cron with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Heninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on
left Hhouhlei.
Itice. Dun, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cartle, DAN on
right shoulder. Range near Hardman.
Rudio, Wm. Long Creek, Or. Brands hones
R ot right shoulder. Range. Grant and Morrow
Royae, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, fliima brand reversed ov
right hip and cropott right ear. Range in Mor
row county.
Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3
on the right, shoulder; cuttle, IX on the left nip.
crop oti. ieit ear and dewlap on neck. Rang ie
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Rust, Wiltium, Pendleton, Or. Hones R oi
left shouluer; oattie, R on left hip, crop ofl
right ear, underbit on left ear. tiheep. R on
went here, round crop off righ ear. Rauge Uma
tilla and Morrow c mntieB.
Reaney, Audrew, Lexington, Or. HorBes
branded A R on right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Rye, Win. 11, Dairyviile, Or HR connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split iu left. Horses
sit i no brand ou left bhoulder. Rauge in Morrow,
Grunt and Gilliam counties.
Ritier, S F, Hitter, Oi Three parallel bars
with bar overon horses on left htp;ou cattle, left
side, two smooth cropu, two splits iu each ear,
Range in Middle Fork of John Day.
Rector, J. W Heppner, Or. Hones, JO oi
lef t ehoulder. Cattle, own right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., llooBeberry, Or. Hones
branded al on left shoulder; tauge m Morrow
tipmy, J, F., Heppuer, Or. Hones branded fcl
connected o right ohoulder; cattle same on both
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Hones branded S A
on leit shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
bwuggan, B. F Lexington, Or. Hones
with dash under it on left stifle, cattle H with
uash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waudled ou right hind leg. Rauge in Morrow,
Gilliam and limutilla counties.
bwiiggurt, A. L., Ella. Or. Hones brand?4 2
on leit ohoulder; eet tie same on left hip. Crop
on ear, waitie on left hind leg.
(Straight W. E Heppner, Or. Hones shaded
J ti ou lei . Btifle; cattle J ti on left hip, swallow
fork in righ. ear, underbit in left.
bttpp. Thus., BHppuer, Or. Hones, 8 A P on
left hip; catth same on left hip.
bhirtz. Jumes, Long Creek, Or. Horses. S on
left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder.
tihner.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
hones on right hip; caitie, same on right hip,
crop oti right ear and under bit iu leit ear. Hangs
in Grant county.
bmith Broe., bu&nville, Or. Hones, branded
H. Z. on Bhoulder; caitie, ame on left ahoulder.
bquues, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jti un left shoulder; catile the same, also noss
waudle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam co nties.
btephens, V. A,, llardtuau, Or; horses H6on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the tight eids
otevensou, Mrs A. J., Heppuer, Or. Cattle, H
un right hit ; swailow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left suouidt : cattle, 44 on left hip.
btone. Ira, Bi?kletou, Wash, Hones, keystone
on left shoulder.
bun in, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Hones branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on
left side. Range, Gilliam county.
tiperry, E. G Heppuer, Or. ('attle W C on
left hip, crop off ngut and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
'ihompsou, J. A,, Heppner, Or. Horses, g oo
left stioulu. r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
Tippeta.ti.TEnierpriaet0r. Hones, C-oa left
Tarnor R. W Heppner, Or. Small capital T
leit shouldei, horses; cattle same oa left hip
with split in hot 1 1 ears.
Xh ruton, 11. M lone, Or. Horses branded
H I connected ou left stifle; sheep sane brand.
Van der pool, H. T.. Lena, Or Hones HV con.
nected on right shonlder;cattle, same on right
Waibridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
on the lett stiomder; cattle same on light hip.
crop off left ear aud right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q tialem or Heppner, Or.
Homos branded Jg on the left shoulder. Rang
Morrow county.
W arreu, W B. ( aleb, Or Cattle, W with quartet
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Hornet same bread ou left shoulder. Range in
Grant couutx
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on hones on
left stifle; on cattle. 2 on left side and under bit
in left ear. Range in tirant county.
W right, bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
ti W ou the right hip. square crop oil right ear
oiid split in left,
W allace, Frauds, Mount Vernon.Or Square on
cattle on the left hip. upper Blope in he left
ear und under Blope in right ear. game brand
ou horhes ou right shoulder. Range in Harney
and Grant countv.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Hones b landed
ace of epauee on leit shoulder and left hip.
Ladle braudet same on left side and left tup.
Wells, A. ti., Heppner, Or. Horses, w ou left
shoulder: can f same.
Woihnger, John, John Day City, Or On horm
three parallel Dan on left ehoulder; 7 on sneep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Mailiuec
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppuer, Or. Horses branded
UE connected on left stifle.
Wallace, Chanes, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
nght thigh, bon iu left ear; horses, W on right
should er, soiu same on left shoulder.
VVhittier Bros., Drowsy, Harney uoonty, Or. -Hnrew
branded W B. connected on left hoolder '
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bare on lefc hip, both cattle and
hureet. Range Grant county,
Williams. J o. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over tliree ban on left hip: cattle asms)
and iit tn mhi'Ii tr IUiiiih in (irHiit ronnty.
VV un, A. A., eppner. Or. Hones running A A
un hhouider; Came, same on rigiu hip.
ioung, J. ti., GtKeirry.Or.-HorMiihrandd
YAunr, W. A.. Gooseberry. Or.-Horte bland
ciA A tdoub e X co. nvcuta) on left ahooJdef
entue same on left aid.