.Wl'lUtl 10 ADVERl'lHEKS. 'PH03E desiring the Insertion of display ads., L or chaiiKe of name, must get their copy iu i.ut later than Monday eveninr for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi tion. I'HK pATTKaaoN I'UHUftUlNU CO. NOTICE. 1. The mm of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding present! and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or Bhall hluisell give as a matter of news,) and lioticeB of special meetings for whatever purpose. a. Notices of church and society and alluther entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live cents a line. 1 hese rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Auotion. Rt-gardleea of oost. At tbe Eastern Clothing Honae. Beginning Saturday, Deo 10, at 10 a m A. Andrews was in Heupner yesterday. Judge Kdithley id aeeiog Portland's sigh's. TD l'T'8 PILLS never disappoint the BVulld. 60c Dress goods for 37Jo at Ladies' Bazmr. M. H.- Maxwell, of Gooseberry, was id town Tuesday. N. L. Kobison is selling pot itnen at Ioeuts per lb. ' 637-tf Fred Miller knows bow to give you a good fit iu tailoring. tt sw The Oem mid Palace snloorjs for flni liquors. MoAtee Bros., Props. sw J. N. Heeler, Andy Cook, and W. J. Crown wtre over tbe first of this week. W. (J. Bojer is oouvaleHirjg rapid! from a recent illness, being able to sit np. Mrs .1. N. Brown returned from a visit to ber parents at Salem last Tues day. M. Marx, representing I lie firm of Man & Jorgesou, was in Heppner over Tues day. Johnny Ohriimaa and Clay Ltioe came over from Grain oouuty tbe first of the week:. Case Fuqna and Mr. Jones, of Eight Mile, were in town over Weduesday night. Dan Mnthoit, representing the Stand dim) Oil Go., passed np the main line Wednesday. The Morrow County Land and Tins' Company hare an unlimited supply of obop tor sule. . 41-tf. Dickenson, Baxter, and other big guns of the Union PbciUc, passed up the main line Wednesday. Uncle Johnny Looknane was dwn to town this week with bis regular week's consignment of wood. Geo. P bippB, li. F. Hynd and Geo. Isom were in tbia week as witnesses iu the Day-Jobnsou land Ountest. Hun. VV. P Elmore departed Wednes day fur Brownsville. He whs a witneBH in tbe Day-JobusoD contest oase. Every man wbo takes any interest in fast stork should subscribe for Tut Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween tieppner and Lone Rook. Set ad. for days of leaving Bud'arr.val. tf. Allen Evans was up from Alpiue yes terdny. Though quite frosty over in his neighborhood, rang" still continues good Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to d" all kinds of numing. Call at ber home in north Heppner, or address her at thit place. 518 if Perry Houser, who is employed by Shaw Bros, & McCarty in their Heppner butober shop, visited Pendleton last week. Lost A lady's ring, opal and four smal diamond settings. Finder will be r-. warded by leaving same at tbe Gazette office. Hivu ketchum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the place to get a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. T K. Boberts, formerly of Ibe Gazette, was a passenger on Wednesday's east bound train on the main hue. He whs ou his way to Pendleton. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for tbe Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Did yon notice that fine head of hair at chuicb lust SundHy? That whs Mrs. B . She never permits herself to be out of Hall's Hair Renewer. Try it. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Batbs in connec tion. . Dr. 0. B. MoSuards, aocompanied by bis wife anil child, arrived Weduesday from Pendleton. The doctor is reoeutly from Ohio, and will probably looate iu Heppner. A lady with two small obildren would like to seoore a plaoe to board where parties are willing to take care of five year old child during tbe day. luqune at this olHoe. Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, niost successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vaugban. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or 1-a-w. Mow is tbe time to olean and oil your harness for the winter. And dou't for get tbal Cuburn's Ivory Black Harness Oil is the best for tbe purpose. For sale by P. 0. Thompson Co. 43 i Geo. O Goode. an attorney of Condon, was oyer Wednesday securing witnesses in IbeKualm nffair, and also endeavor iog to secure parties to go on Kimsey's bail. We understand tbHt sureties have been secured for Zucbury and Bale. Weakness of sight i frequently the result of general debility. When the blood is impoverished every orgao and sense suffers. As Bn effective, powerful, and economical tonic-alterative, Ayer's Barsaparilla may be relied on every time Constipation is the parent of innumer able diseases, and should, therefore, be promptly remedied by tbe use of Ayer's Cathartic ills. These pi I Is do not gripe, re perfeotly safe to take, and remove all lendeucy to liver and bowel com plaints. Owing to the faot that job stork has advanced about twenty per oeui imtrj reuamia which will be explained else wbre. we are compelled to nmke a light advance oo all printing. A le rluctioo will be made as soon as prices of material will justify same. Hattee's Congo Oil is rapidly ooming to the from as a leading medioiue. J A. Harrison, tbe Fossil oonstable, ap plied it to bis legs, whioh was recently kiaked by a borce. and next day be threw aside his orntches' "It's the boast". Harrison says. LymBU Brown tried tbe oil for rbenmatism with which he has been troubled for years, and this is what be says: -It kocked it after two appli cations.'' 54J-tf. W. H. Holonmb, at one time promi- n ently counee'ed with tbe old O K. 1 S. Oo .i.od Inter tbe vice presideut of the Union Pacific, passed down tbe main Jin last Wednesday, accompanied by his daughter. He ia one of the World's ! Fair officers with a salary of 82U,OtU a year. Predy good itself, isn't n. I Mrs. Geo. Wright is dangerously ill ' at tbe rosideuoe of A. Wriht. Auction at ibe Eastern Clothing House begins tomorrow at Ija. ui. Hon. J. B. Sperry is visitinghisduugb. ter, Mrs. Williams, of Fox valley. The hind coaiest o Be, Day vs. John Son will likely laat Some day J el. 'Squire Joues aud lnother. Pearl, were iu from Eight Mile this moruiug. Mrs T. W. Ayers, Jr , bus been on tbe sick list tor some uua, but is oouvateso iug. Mrs Ohas. Wagner, of The Dalles, is yisuiug ber parents, Mr. aud Mis. W.J. McAtee. The new residence of F. O. Bucknum is well under way, aud will be completed in u short time. Oaoar Minor, Wes MarUtt and Geo. Harringtou are out ou tue breaka ot the Jobu Day buuliug, O, J, Harris bus tuki n a position on tbe braucb, but wUether permuutntly or not, we are unable to say. Joe uud Geo Beck, who have been here for some days ou business, left this moruiug for their Hamilton home. J. 1). Hamilton has beeu confined to his borne lor several days with a threat ened attauk of putuuiouia. but is much better at preseut. If you desue barguius you should not ( .11 to attend the Eastern Uloiliiug House auoiloti. Tbe eutiro stock will be dis posed of regardless of cost. S Lipmau arrived from Portland last veuiug aud is today arranging the stook ot tbe Eastern Clothing House for tbe gi eat aucuou sale, wbiub begiua tomor row. The city eleclioo at Pendleton Moo dily oreuted considerable exoitemeut. Peudieiou bus au iiumeuse flouting vole, which turned out pretty welt ou tbia ocoasiou . S. C. Smith was thrown nut of his cart while returning home from 'Gene (Jamp onll's mat Wednesday. Bninug a tew uruises aud a Blight out on tbe head, he came out uninjured. Wednesday's stage broke down over on Big Wail creek, aud oame iu as far as the diuuer station on ibree wheels. W. 0. Cox aud sou who were on ih'eir way o Heppuer for supplies, took off tbe only uasseuger, a ludy, uud brought ber ou to Heppner. The young hunters, Lee Matlock, Al oert Kea, Willie Cowius aud Lee French Uave returned, L.-e Matlock bringing in t deer. Albeit aud Will "hooted it" all ibe way from tbe John Day, their uorses having gottou away from them, as nuted iu lust issue. A Giiand Time. rlou. tf. Blackmau aud the editor of this paper were present, ou invitation, at tbe oonterring of the Royal Aroh degree at La Grande last Tuesday evening. All members ot tbe order residing in this vicinity, as well as those in Pendleton, Union and Baker City were given inflations, and those "ho availed themselves of the Baiae do uot regret it. La Graude has a Chapter that they are proud of, aud well tbey might be. tor their work Is "outotsight." Chey are a fiue lot of fellows, too, tbe cream ot the country, aud no set of visitors were ever giyeu such a royal 4ood time as on this ocoaBioo. One of the important features, was a banquet at the Hoiel Foley. Words fail to de scribe this part of the eutertaiumeut, but we will suy that the Gazette has never had an opportunity of sntiug dowu at a finer spread. The tubles were beau tifully decorated and tbe whole affair such a one that co'd, unsympathetic type fail to ti press tbe appreciation of the visitors. Hon. S, R. Reeves, mavor of La Grande, ia the preseut High Priest of La Grande Chapter. Pendleton's Election. At the city electiou last Monday, Pendleton ohose the following olfijers: Mavor, R. Alex ander; 0 luucilm iu, Dr. B 'title and 0 W. Fielding; Marshal, Phil McBriun; Recorder, Geo. R. Lash; Treasurer, Clark Wood. The hottest a"d most interesting coutest was over tbe mayor's office and marsbalsbip, though it proved not to be very close, the lucky aspirants gettiug there by mnj irities, respectively, 171 aud 186. The writer is personally acquainted with tbe tmyor-eiect, R. Alex ander, who, by the way, is the present efficient mayor by appointment. He ia one of Peudleton's moHt progressive busi ness men, aud we cougratulate tbe people ol that little city upon their ex cellent choice. ''Alex's" opponent, Mr. Beau, is a man held in high esteem. however, which mukes tbe victory ul' the more gratifying. Leezeb Rossi The marriage of Mr J. M. Letzer aud Mis Eliza Ross was solemnized Tuesday evening, November 29, at the rectory of the Church of tbe Redeemer in Pendleton. Rev. W.E, Pot- me performed tbe ceremony in tbe presence of n few immediate friends of t he contraotiug parties, wbo, it was remark ed by those present, were a singularly handsome couple. The bride was taste fully attired and looked exceedingly attractive. Mr. Leezer has long been a oitizen of Pendleton and was formerly oromiuent in business here. Himself and bride bave many warm friends to wish them happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Leezer left for Portland shortly after the cerem ony to enjoy a short wedding trip. Ehhi Oregonian. Mr. LefZer is a brother of Samuel and J. W. Leezer, of this city. Heppnerites in Town. State Senator Henry Blackman and Elitor Patterson, of he Heppner Gazette, were in town last evening oo their way to La Grande to witness the conferring of a degree at tbe meeting nf ibe Royal Arob Mas ns there. Mr. Patterson was Been by en East Oregonian representative. Ibe Gi.zttte man is closely identified with the in.erests of his town, and is much pleased over Heppuer's present lively and nroeperous air. There bave been forty or fifty honses erected this fall. Tbe waterworks and eleotric light system will be completed shout the first of tbe year, and a 812.000 school bouse has beeu built. ' Heppuer's present popu lation is not leBS tban law c. u. A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord has moved Into the former art gal lery over Messrs. Brown A Hamilton's office, and has fittrfd np for architecture work. He is prepared to contruot for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise cojstmotion.Bnd purchase material for tbe s"me, giving bis customers the ben efit ot bis experieuoe and percentage. 632 tt Masonic Installation. At a meeting of tbe general oommiitee, appointed by Heppner Lodge. No. 69, A. F. aud A. M.t composed of H. Blackman, Geo. Conser, P. O. Borg, Jas. B. Hperry, Frank Sloan, W. A. Kirk aud Otis Pattersou, of which V. O. burg was obuiimao uud Geo. Con- er, secretary, laat Saturday eveuiug after the aojouruuteut ol lodge, the following sub committees were appointed: Ou supper aud prepaiing hall, W. A Eirk, J as a. hperry; on muaio, George Con- eer, Frank Sloau ; on program and ora- nou, Otis Patterson, a. Blackomn, P. O. Borg. H. Blackman was uuthonied to procure, it possible, a Masojio orator from abroad. The brethreu autiuipate a gruud t me on the date ot installation, Deo. 27, St. John's day, at wbiob no cue wul be invited except Musous and their families. K. of P. Installation. At tbe last oouyeuliou ot Doric Liodge, No. 20, K. of f., the following commi.teea were ap pointed: Progiam, A. W. Pattersou, E. P. Vornz, W, B. Potter: invitation, Otis Patlersuu, F. J. Hnllock, H. Blackman; an per, Pup Simons, T. W. Ayers, A. Rood; arraugemeute of hull, U. Scbbr ziuuer, J. J. K beris, W. W Smead: iuu- io, W. L. Haling, A. W. Patterson, Dr. W. Rasmus: reception, U. a Van Duyn, Sterling Kelt lily, Cbas Johnson, W. a. Potter, E. P. Voruz. All commit tees are requested to meet as soon as possible, aud to be preseut at next con vention. Mbrccbi bijoiB. Our readers, per haps, noticed in our lust issue a looal taken from the Portland Meioury. As it waa already in print, and as that paper has quite a oiroulation here, the Gazette deemed it, as a duty, to publish it, at tbe same time not desiring to be a party to tbe distribution of scandal, but rather tbe opposite. That this is notb- iug more than a sensational item with out foundation, is pretty olear. It could apply to no one iu Heppner, uud our readers should measure it up that way. Death From La Ghipm. Mr. Win. Diiakell brought iu word this moruiug that Jus. Breeding, au older brother of A. J. Breeding, bud died at i o'clock from something resembliug la grippe. He was 83 years ot age, which went against bis recovery. His illuess begau lust Monday, and be continued to grow worse till death relieved him. The re mains will be interred in the L-xingtun cemetery tomorrow at 10 o'olook a. m. On Anothbb Ouabob. Pboebe Rich- ardsou aud husbuud are "in it" on auoth er charge, that of burglary. Since tbey were incarcerated iu the couuty j ul arti cles taken from tbe residences of Mrs. Kate Parsell, H Wade and Doberty Bros. bave been found on tbeir premises. Their examination tuktB plaoe this afternoon, if witnesses can be procured in time. The Richardson pair are "dandies." Sudden Death. Word came over from Uuion last Tuesday announcing the death of I.usele Wright, tbe little daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, age 2 years, 2 months and 14 days. The remains were interred the same day. Tbe complaint was soarlet fever, but as proper precautions have beeu taken to prevent tbe spread ot the disease, no further oases are expected. Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank bus lately leased tbe hostelry kuowo as tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and lied, per week SO; board without bed, $4.50; meals aud bed 25 cents eacb, Mr. Urauk asks a portion of the patronage, believing that be onn give as i ood ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less money. 4d-sw. ANOTHER VERSION OF THE C'APrUUlf. From the East Oregonian. Iu relation to tbe capture of tbe Ros lyn bank robbers it is reported to tbe Eust Oregonian tbut two railroad men employed on the Heppuer branch were largely instrumental in locating them. Four fellows boarded the train at Arling ton and rode to Heppner. Certain sus picious moves on tbeir part, aud tbe con sultations which they were seen to bold, led tbe tiaiuiuen to believe that tuey might be the Roslyn bank robbers. Ac cordingly, upou tbeir return to Arling ton, tue railroad boys notined the oon stable there of tbeir surmises, aud telegraph- d to tbe sheriff at Roslyn that tbey thought tbey bad located tbe rob bers and desired bim to send a descrip tion. No reply was received to this message, but Defective Kullivan arrived iu Arliugton two days afterward aud there obtained information tbat led to tbe capture ot the desperadoes. Th story heretofore published regarding tbe manner iu wlnob tbe due waa obtained is to the effect tbal horses left behind by tbe robbers in making tbeir esospe were photographed, aud were identified hy the photographer as ooming from Gilliam oouuty. Is is asserted, however, that tbe information turned in by the railroadeis effered the nest due. Racklra's Arnica Salve. Tbe beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, nloers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, ana post lively oures piles, or no pay required. It is truarauteed to give perlecl satisfaction or money refunded. Pnoe 25 cents per box. For sale by blooum-Johns too Drug Co. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize onr advertised druggist to sell Dr. Hiug s Hew Discovery tor oon sumptiou, coughs and rolds, upon this condition. Ityoo are afflicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as m rected, giving it a fair trial, and experi enced no benefit, vou may return tbe bot tle and bave your money refunded. We mmM twit mnbn thin fitter rlirl WA not know that Dr. King's New Discovery oouid oe renea ou. it neveraissppoinis. Trial bottles free at Hlooum-Johuatnn's drug store. Liarge bottles 6Uu and f 1. A Leader. Since its first introduction, Eleotrio Bitters has gained rapidly iu popular fa vor, until now it is clearly in tbe lead among pure medicinal tonics and altera tivescontaining nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as tbe best aud pnrest med icine for all ailments of stomach, liver and kiduess. It will curesiok beaduobe, indigestion, constipation, and drive mal aria from tbe system. Satisfaction guar anteed witb each bottle or tbe inouey will be refunded. Pnoe only 50o per bottle. Sold by Slocum-Joboston Drug Co. rJuddf a Change. A flnld. or nnninrs. mflv oanse the noisonnns acids in tbe blood to clog its oiroulation. This is rbenmatism. Dr. Drommond'a Lightning Remedy bas cured thousands. It will core you. There is no other remedy that gives tbe sufferer such quick satisfaction. The price of a bottle is 85- and that is the cost of onre. Drummood Medicine Co.. 48 60 Maiden Lane. New York. J Agents wanted. 40 AUOTIOJJ S y Tbe entire stock of the Eastern PUBLIC It AT 50 CENTS ON" THE DOLLAR. -- JSCO.M M ENCIN G Saturday, December - And will oontiune until every article is sold. - 1ST. LEVI ROI3ISON. Prop. Columbus Discovered .America - But tbe people . GILLIAM Was the HARDWARE Tinwarei Wood and Glassware, Lamps Pumps, Gaspipe and Plumbing AGRICULTURAL -OP ALL Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Eto. A oar loBd must oe sota. Jon vvorK done in guaranteed. OUR SIOCK 8 np wi'h ,,ie goood value for your money. J""' jjBiiuunjje, Mam Street, next floor to first National Bank building. HEPPNER, .... OREGON SLES UIPRE6EDEISED. why ? BooauMo Uo OtHer Modiolxio Has Ever Effootocl tliO Ouroei OOIfOO OIIj Ha. HAT s EES OW.R. MF'G. CSP0RTLAND.0RE. First Month's Sales, 720 Bottles ; Second Month's Sules, 3300 bottles SOLD EVEJlYWIIEriE. PHIOE, - Dec 16 $1 and 08 a. 33otlo. U. A. Thompson A. K. Binni THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS lie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Below Cottln A McFarlanJ's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1 25. Menls 26cti. a at O. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Urain and baled bay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. T. W. AYEKS, Jr. T. W. AYERS, JIL., & CO. ZzrRETAIL AND DEALEK8 IN Ji A1 UU 0 HAIR BRUSHES, Dye-stofTs. Patent Medicines, Perfumery. Trusses and Shoulder Braces. Wall fa per. window Ula.es, and all other articles ninally kept in a first class drug store. Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER LEGAL BLANKS. Is qoite a JERUSALEM The Lancashire Insurance Co. O f MANCIIICMTKR, KXOI.A.MJ L W rAIItrliUl AuLM P"? Clothing House is to be sold at AUCTION ! 10th, at 10 A. M. discovered that at & BISBJSE'S place to buy- Willowware, Crockery, and Lamp Fixtures ! Materials. Coal, Iron and Steel. IMPLEMENTS ! KIND8- of STOVES direot from the factory tbat a workmanlike manner and satisfaction time8' Bn.(l we SPK. ' ya B liberal share of iui nuiui n a will cuitonvui IV hlv YOU WHY ? Beoause IX heuma tiiairri.. oiatioa, ana Neuralsla ore a. t li i n e of tlio Fait CONGO OIU im TToocl. PHILL COHN DRUGGISTS IV i UiiU I i! FANCY ARTICLES, at Ol'KICIC If.. II Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . good wsys off. Winter is not so far, and in tbe meantime our friens oan square np on subsorip tion by bringing in oordwnod. THE PATTERSON PUB. OO. ot the net in the worm Jash and Bat it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend tbeir cash with P.1!' (LA HOIIQPSOI ! Go. : Is because tbey HARDWARE, Tinware, Wood GEOCERIES,- Confectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos Guns, Revolvers The best assortment of Men's Winter n . i otttisiuuuou vjuaranieeu. HEPPKER. HERE IS To Oet Even e : Hardware -i- JUST OPENED. i A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, - - QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel Bnd Coal, Pumps anil Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs aud Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. rr BE CELEBRATED Bain Waps, Backs and B : -:- Yon will save money by getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. :- -: :- : -:- -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C L. & T. CO. Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE whioh we propose to conduct in on hands at all times the obnicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw 85-tt Dll. JOSEPH J. BILL, u Graduate M. E. 0. V. t). , London, England. Veterinary Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to do all kind! of Veterinary alty. 1 1 in ! luetmiy trim muinuii ui ujiuriuinK uu norut!.; npeyiUR oi unilte ana MOgl on short nolle. I will treat all animals In the imf4t approved procedure of Veter luary Surgery. If you have any nick aidmati it will be to your intercut to call ou me at Ktewart'i itabten. I1EPPNER, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OK. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Midi on tin out Notick and it Popular Pricks. Bread 22 Loaves for :- fruits Mies WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Senson JIIE QITY. HOTEL, W. J. lkuzbHi Prop, rpM8 H08TELHT lias beeu Bkfittrd and Befdnihiikd thronghout, and now ia one of tbe moat inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites, ynu to utop with him, feeling tbat be ia aide to entertain yon in the beet of style. r First Class House. onundrums. get full value in ' Willowware, and Cutlery of all Kinds and Ammunition. Underwear and Top 8blrta in the county, ..: 1 .t- . i r-. , turner main auu willow ntreets. OREGON. THE PLAOE on Your "Life. 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. Sacks Ownership OF THE LIBEUTY MEAT MARKET, the most satisfactory manner. Will keep & Mccarty, Proorietors. W Surgon ! flurjrery, Emasculating Hornet and ReRUnn a Speci Uttiw . OREGON $1.00. Store ! p -:- and :- (iprs ! Also in about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near luture. W. L. Matlock & Co. Reasonable Rates