Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 06, 1892, Image 4

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I' 'V
iT-nr"".!, I
",n FA LI
:a-ii Sf"?Tr?n ,
ve have a relief and cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fol
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
? 5.4
after all other treatments
and from many of t&y
iVl '.'Ir.W.
THE "tnm
.. i
rZT:Z gTven weTrnXanTweanrit to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs or pans or
!toney Refunded. 71 hey are jracled iu strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged old men, and wilUor.
rst cases in two or three montns. vaureta
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
IfiST, I
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives
60 p. m.
Pullman sieener,
Ooloiilmt Hleeperw,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
BtiRUanrs Pnrtliinil In Hun I'r'iuoiHci
every fuur iliiys.
For ratet and generftj inloruiHtion cflll on
icpot Ticket AjLTi'iit,
J . C. I IA.UT
Hejipnor, Orcjtou.
W. U. HURLBlUtT, AHHt den.. Pans. Af,'t.
A WaHhiniftini St.,
POKTl.ANn. OltKliON.
Scientific American
I Ai.nnll fnp
-'hl? CAVEATS,
rM,l'jl'lN COPYRIGHTS, etc
fOT Inrnrmatlon nrit frcn Hmiilhooh' wrlto to
Ml INN A CD. ;n;l HuoAliWAY, Ni:w milt.
OliliiHt human lor Hfi-iirlni! imli'iitu In AnuMica.
ftvorr pmoiit tuki'n out liv n in nroiiiht. lii'fino
Ibo imbtlu Its a uotlco ulviiii I'rue of uburKO lu Ilia
Ij&rrnst cimilatlon of any Pflonttflr pnpnr ti th
worltl. Hiiluiulnily tlliint rtiH'il. No inl I'lhrt'iit
Dmn hoiild he without it. Wctiklv, ;. 110
fciiri six Mifinttia. Ai11h'mk MIINN &
(JULllillCKl Hroudwa.v, Mew Voik.
Il Is our cnrncHt (Iff ire to imim'SH upon the
mtiulB of Iho imhllr lliu HiiiHTlnrUv uf tin nt'r-
vtc (itlfi-etl hy the NMhc'tmuiu ('t'litnil l.iin'ii to
A11IU UllkfC, i IllCHJ-'O ItlHl till pollllH I'.llHt lUKt
twmn. iwoiubi utnns leave m. ram, Minue
k nulla and Duluth ilnllv. ouHtniu'il with Tiill
UiHlt Vi'HtlliUh'tl Draw Itiu Kuom Meepei H, IMiiIiik
I'ari atul Coitchen til the ltd vat (tenln, lu IHti
- ing ' nr survive ib niiHurpnHKeil, hu h lUM-tmnts,
lu a great detcree fur the pnpulHrtty of this Hue
The WtHeunaln Central Llnett, In 'uiineetiuii
With Northern I'licUti h. K., is the onlv Hue
from raeitie I'uaai polntiover w hleh hold I'nll
liuiu t'hti lu Unt, IlrttU'limH, ami 1'iillnmii Tour
ist Cam are upe rated viaht. 1'anl without chaiiKe
tu ChicaKU.
Pamphlet giving valuable tnfonnatton ran
beohtalueil free upon applleatluii tn your near
Mt ticket axent, or .1 t. i l'nN),(itMieral I'Hseii
aud lleket Agent, Chletuu, 111.
Indication, lltllotiBiifM, lliniUche, CnH
Vatlm UrtprpttB, Cbronle Urer Troublf
ltulitM. Uud Complexion, llyncnirry.
Offenalr Ilrcth, mid all dUorder or thm
timmmch, Llrer and llowfU.
Rlpann 1bult rent 1 1n notMne inhirtoii to
the UltI ttcllCalC CiillMlllltlnit. I'lrflMllt to tH.k(
H.re. flTecturU. Ulvo InmitHllnto ivlict
Sold drufftrlKlt. A innl bottle Mct br tuutl
on rveeipt of 11 cent. AUdn M
A new anil Coninlete Trt'fltmont, conslsttnn of
fiuppiihlHirUiH. Ointment In t aiiHliloil. aUoin llo
anil 1 t I Is ; a pimtllvo 1'iire (or KvumuhI, Iiiut
nal, Hllinl or Ulei'itlng, lU'lihiK. t'luuiik'. K.'i-i'iit
or HiTt-ilitary l'llt's, ami uiany otluT ttlnfimoa
ami (enialti w'eHkiu'KMCi; It litihvna iiniil l','n
nt to the Keiit'ial hi'iillh. '1 lit' Itisi iIim'ih i-i ot
a ineilh'Hl cure ri-niinrliiii an oH'imlon illi llu
knlle uniiwi'iiNHry h ri'tiuor. llils riMiiciy lias
never been know n to lull. II I'i'i lox. t tor
ent by mail. U hy tnlliT from this UTrlhlt- ilis
we when a written KiiarauUH' In ntven ullh (i
box, to refunil the money If not rureil. einl
tamp for free HHUiple. Guarantee Issiieil hy
Wooiiako, I i-ahrb A Co., Wholesale A Itetail
JjrugKtsti Hole AKunti, I'ortlniut, tr.
Ono Small Pilo llrnn tri'iy nieht f or a
Wst-k aiuiiM;Toiilu Lively. rH'. tiottiu.
ruf up in ni'Ht wiiteli-sliill'iil tint lie, si unit
HMir4, HmaU Ui Hwu. ibu. mt i.ntu.
JtTi i inr
WEAKNESS Ml from Nervous Debility Seminal Wf a.
orV - im:
SSBack. KidneV Troubles. Nervousness
''iMW ' the effects of abuses, excesses,
in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical.
r,r hv eni-cwes. or cxoosure. vou mav have unduly drained your system of nerve force
ninnioiir ntiri thus mused vour weakness
.tminril. which are rcauired for vieorous strens-th, vou will remove the cnuse, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
fiend for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
Tjit i r, nn.rim.nl n we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor,
failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to tneir recovery auci uswS uui uo.w.
n K ,nm itnrino' wnrk or at
It has an
Oeftnliif Jtns.et Shoe.
Do you of the russet shoes know how
to clean tho loathor and restore it to its
first ornate? Of course you have tried
tho vanii.sh and waslies and found them
altogether vexation of spirit. And tha
real thing is ho easy when you know
about it. Just squeeze tho juice of a
lemon on a bit of noft cloth, plvo the
leather a thorough treatmpnt with this,
and see if your ahoes don't look as well
as thoy did when you bought them.
Cut .his for l!ii tV;iitn ftoimo.
At the plnss works in White Mills.
Wnync county, I'a., there is on exliibi
tion what is ro-fardstd as the finest so;
jt cut tflaxs ever turned out in tbi:
country. It consists of five hmidrei
and twenty separate pieces, and has
been ordered by the L'nitecl States gov
erinne.tit for the white house. On each
piece of the set, from the mammoth
M'nternieee and nunelibowl In t.lm tin,.
salt cellars, is engraved the coat oi
arras of the. United Si,:ites. 'I'blu .nri.
alone litis occupied months of time
iiiciotni cost, will t,e m the neighbor
lood of three thousand dollars.
The Mom liitl-ri'Mli.K Content Kver Offered
hy 'the Ciinnilian AvrieultctriHt.
One thousand ilollHrsin ensli.a nnlr of liand-
Boine .hetlniict l.oiiies. carriime and harness.
iukI over iwo lliuiiKiind oilier valuable prizes
on i in: .ii leui uiriai s iiriuniesL reauera: ono
will lme them? Aeeonllux to the usual eus-
oin iur some years .list me puDlisliers oi 1 lie
.Ki'iculhiiisl umv oiler their tlxili liull-
yenily literary lompeliiion. 'llils rainl com
petition will, no dimbl, be the inoht gliitle
anil Muccehsiul one eler pri'senred to the people
o! Hie l.'iilled .slab's suil (Jiuiada.
line Ihouhiiiiil dollars lu eash will be nuld to
the person seiiilln lu the laim'St list ol hnwlish
wiuiis loiisirueteil iroiu liutyiB lu tho word"
''1 lie Caniiilliin AKitciilllirist."
l' ive hunilri'd dollars In cash will be given In
the second Iiiri4csl list. A handsome pair ol
Shetland ponii'M. carriage and harness, will he
Kheu 1'nr the thiid hiiHcst list, over one thou
sand additional pi l.es an aided In order of mer
it: one Miami piano; :i)u oran; Jim) piano; t
dinner sets; Indies' cold watches; silk dress
paiteriis; iorllere curiuius; sliver tea ser ices;
lennysou s poems, hound lu clulb; Oickens in
U oliimns bound in rlolh. ete.
As ihere me mine llniii luuil nrles. iinv one
who lakes the lioulde to prepare an ordinarv
i;ood list will not tall to recei i e in aluable pri.e.
i inn is me iNKcsi uuuK in ine cinnjie' il ion line
ttuil we have ewr placed lietore the Ulihlie. anil
nil w tin do mil tnl;e part will inissuu oppori unl-
ii in a uie i line.
hl l.i: I. A letter cannot be used oftelier
than il appears in the words "The Canndliiu Air-
ill in isl. " For I list n nee the w old "eee" Id
mil be used, IIS there is but one " n" In the three
wolds. J. W mils Inn ih.' inure than one uienn
lne toil Kindled Ihe siiuic can be used hut once
(. iNiimcs ol places and persons harrctl.
I'aicb lisl inlisl coulaiuone dollar to nav for
si. luiintlis' subscilillon to The AaTlcultu risl.
il two or more lie, the largest list which bears
carlicsl postmark w III take Hie lust nrl.e.
and the olheis w ill receive prizes In order ol
nicill. li s. money and stamps taken at pur.
T he object lu ott'eiTnir these iiiairidliceut nrizes
Is In Inlioiliice our opular liiiiKazliie into new
uncs, in eiery pall ol lie A iilerlcau continent
Ki cry eon i pel I toe eiuTosint: .ill eenls in stamiis
extra, will receive Iree, by mail, postpaid, one
ol I he Aerii iilturist's elcKiint souvenir spoons
ol ( aiiada
ri ies u w a riled to persons resiillnc in the fid
ted suites w III be shipped triiui our .New York
ollice Iree ol duty. All money letters should be
unit I'lHIMI'K ( OMI'KTITION we hAvn eiven
away $j...enn lu uies durluti the lasl two vears,
ami have thousands ol letters Iroiu prize' win
s lu every stale in the union and evei v oiirl
ol I lunula and New loundlaiid. I, old kllcoursle,
v. hi me iiovernnr ticnera ot Canada,
writes: "I shall recouuneiid mv Iriends lo enter
yolireiiiie1ltloiin." M. M Itrau'dcn, Viuicouver
H. c., "received f IUHI III Hold." and we hnld his
receipt lor same. A lew of the prize winners.
Miss .1. Itiittiuson, Toronto, J i;,nn; ,t. J. itrandon
Tendon 1 a Is. Out , H.MKi ; bavld II arrison, svr'
acuse.N. N ., ;!.; II. Hen vis, St. Tunis, Mo. , ?;ti'n'
.bis. Haplie, West Dulnltl, Minn . J..IHI; Missi.eor
ulmi liobeitson, oak St., llrooklyn, iuki; Tree
II. Hills, Mist si., Iliihucport, I'onii., ami
thousands ol ol bets. Address, The Aui li'iiUnr
1st, Peterboroueh, Ontario. tJiuimU.
Guaranteed to cure Iiillmts attacks,
Side lieailiu iie itttd Constipation. -10 in
each 'utile. 1'iieo "je. For sale by
Tiettire "7. 17, 70" nml sample do-ie free.
J. F, SMITH 1 TO., Proprietors, NTW VOKH.
The riii s. of tliii flr,it Couch Cure itt
w ithout a parallel m the htstnry of medicine.
All drmrttsis arc authorized to sell it on a pos
itive nuaraiitee. n test that no othereureean
suivi sfullv st.uid. That it may become
known, the Protu ictor-;, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing u Sample Itotlle !''ree Into
every home in Hie United states and Canada.
If vou h ive a Coueh. Sore Throat, or tlron
chitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your
child bus theCrouu, or WlmopiiitrCoiiyh, use
it pronipOv, and relief is sure. If you dread
th it insidious disease Consumption, use it.
Ask your llrlnrnisl for Ultll.OlI'S CI' RK,
Trice 10 cts. , .Mi eta. ami St. Oil. If your I.uuks
are sore or Ituck lame, uso Shlloh's Porwua
Tlastcr. Price els. l'or sale by all Drug
gist and llealera.
v ... val . . . n I w i mm i ' II Jf ! I
rr-QTi iTTcn a kin d irrrni
worry and exposure. Tor such sufferers
or lack of force. If you replace into your
throughout this State, who would gladly
rest, and it ?ives soothine.
prolonged currents
Improved Electric Spensory. the
At Weathir I'rophet He Can Olve Point
to General Cireley.
Judson Rockwell, of Wapplng, his
great confldencc in the meteorological
wisdom of the festive muskrat, and cer
tainly has some reason for his faith,
says a Connecticut correspondent of the
New York Sun. lie believes that a
muskratcan forosee cold weather and
floods three or fourdays in advance with
far more accuracy than General Greeley
can with all his expensive weather bu
reau. The muskrat is an odd animal, who
builds his house in tho shallow water of
a pond or morass late in tho fall, and his
personal comfort hinges on his ability
to foretell what tho woather is going to
bo at long range. lie must know when
he puts up his comical mud hut just
how heavy the February and spring
freshets will be, so that tho topchamber
of tho house will bo out of tha wet when
the freshets swirl about it. On sunny
days in winter when tho waters of the
ponds are free of ice, tho muskrai; claws
upon the subaqueous door of his dwell
ing and goes drifting about the
sparkling lake, his sleek black
nose and face just parting
the waves and leaving a long
triangular wake spreading afar as he
sails. On such days ho lays in a supply
of trout and other lish, which ho catches
expertly, lurkiipr behind a stump or
rock. But he must know two or three
days in advance of tho approach of a
cold ware that will fottor tho pond, so
that ho can retire into his hut and solid
ly close up its submerged gate, banking
it with turf.
Judson Rockwell has watched musk
rats for many years, boing a veteran
trapper, and his knowledge of their
traits enables him to predict tho advent
of a cold wave with a correctness that
astonishes all his neighbors, who pin
their faith to tho predictions of old
probabilities. Early ono March while
Connecticut was basking in April-like
sunshine and people in all party of the
State) wero killing striped snakes and
inciting dandol ion greens, Judson visited
his inuskrat traps and found three fine
minks in them. Hut it was by no means
gleo on account of his profitable capture
that irradiated his face as ho went back
to Wapping and hastened to the village
storo with his budget of news. Ho had
made a discovery, and as soon as he re
covered breath enough ho recounted it.
"The musltruts are closing up their
holes," said he, "and you can bot all
you're worth wo shall have a cold wave
in less than four days. Now romombor
that." Just three days later came tho
coldest weather of tho winter, which
thing a bridge of loo four or live inches
thick across every lake.
The muskrat sign is new and the cred
it of it belongs to Judson Rockwell, of
A Wealthy llnchelur'a Experlenen In llur
Ing Wedding Presents.
The amount of shopping for weddinp
gifts that is going on is something tre
mentions, ami the man who at the clul
the other day remarked that he had con
eluded to be married, so that he coulr
shift to the shoulders of his wife th'
responsibility of making dinner calif
and of buving wediling gifts, was ana
wered by a groan of sympathy from al
the bachelors present, says the llostor
correspondent of Lbo Chicago Tribune
And the mention of wedding gifts re
calls one of the bits of light but some
what amusing gossip limiting here
"The tale tills." as 'William Morri'
savs in beginning his volume, "that lr
times" not "long past" there, was i
wealthy jiud arlistic bachelor in llostoi
who sent to tin acquaintance as a wed
ding gift a set of berry spoons of a fash
ion peculiar and uniiiue. They please
hitn much, but they did not please th
bride at all, and she. therefore, quietl;
took them lun-U to tho house wher
they were bought and exchanged them
In tho course of the winter the gentle
man went to lhe same jeweler to pro
euro a wedding j'ift for another friend
saw ami reco;;ni;:oil the spoons, bough
them and presented them, still un
marked, to the second bride. Sho like
them no better than did her friend, and
like her friend, she took them hack t
the silversmith. Hut in the fullness o
lime the original donor of tho spoon1
took unto himself a wife, and then om
uf his friends w ho had not heard of tin
tirst repurchase w ent to tho jeweler ant
said to him;
"You know what. Mr, J. would like
Tell tne what to give him as a wedding
"1 think," answered the jeweler, wit!
a smile, "that he must like these spoom
pretty well, for he has bought then
tw ice."
"Then he shall have them," was th
reply; "but I really think it w ill bo wel.'
to have them marked this time, so that
they shall not come back again."
And so it camo about that tho uniquf
and most artistically tiglv spoons catnr
into the possession of .Mr. J., who de
clares that they are the handsomesl
bi-rv spoons that he cvor saw.
They increase apiKMtte, punlv the whole
System and acton the liver, ttilc llcuiiamu4
Prevent nml euro Const ipatlon and Sick
Reedactie, $inui! BUtf bauj.
Tho Hurrttting and Care of Vegetable!
for M'luter Consumption.
As sweet potatoes are readily injured
by frost this crop is among the first to
be dug. Great care is necessary in lift
ing sweet potatoes in order to avoid
bruising them. Cut off the vines close
above the ground; lift out the roots by
means of the spading fork. Leave on
the ground for a few hours to dry, and
then store in a dry, warm loft or other
dry place where the roots will not be
posed to great changes of temperature.
To keep well these tubers should not bi
exposed to a lower temperature than flu
or 55 degs.
Beets and carrots are lifted early. A
supply of the former for table use ma;
be stored in boxes or barrels or heaps in
the cellar, and should be covered with
sand to prevent evaporation and wilt
ing. When the root crops are large,
they are readily carried over in pits out
of doors. Turnips will stand consider
able frost, but a good freeze seriously
injures them. Cabbage will stand n
freeze, while salsify and parsnips can b
left out all winter if desired, although
usually it is best to dig and store a sup
ply to use during the winter before nard
freezing weather sets in. Vegetables to
be stored for long keeping must be
sound. Store in a place where there is
a good circulation of air and yet in a
place where they can be readily protect
ed in case a sudden change of weather
should make it necessary. In this way
a good opportunity will be given them
to dry ont before storing away, and they
will keep much better than if they are
dug and stored away immediately.
On the subject of harvesting Irish
potatoes American Cultivator says:
"The potatoes should be dug as soon as
the weather is such that they can dry
I off fit to take to market or to ba put in
the cellar. They should be well dried
but not suuburned before being carried
in, and should be kept in a dry but cool
place, with good ventilation, and away
from the direct influence of the sun
light or moonlight. Select some of those
that ripen earliest for seed, and do not
take any misshapen or scabby potatoes
for seed. Good Bhape, smooth skin and
early ripening are more important in
seed stock of almost any vegetable than
large size."
Fruit Drying.
When there isasurplus of fruit which
the grower cannot sell in a green state
or work up into jam or preserves, the
value of the drying process is most ap
parent. The New England Homestead,
ill BtTongly impressing upon fruit grow
ers the necessity of preserving some of
this surplus by the process of drying,
illustrates the following simple device
for so doing:
It consists of a water tight tin vessel,
or rather pan, 2J feet wide and from
four to five feet long and three inches
deep. The usual method of using is to
place one end of the pan on the stove,
the outer end being supported by rhe
light bench, as shown in the engraving
At or near one corner of the top is sol
dered a small funnel, through wtvicb
water is poured into the pan, wh;ch is
partly filled. A cork is then placed iD
the funnel, leaving a small hole for the
escape of Bteain should too nioch be
The fruit is spread evenly over the
upper Bitrface of the pan, the juice being
evaporated from sliced apples in two or
three hours' time even with a moderate
lire. This arrangement can be and is
often used, and the cooking and baking
progressing ut the same time, as indi
cated in the accompanying sketch.
Those who do not have a large stove
often build a simple arch out of doors,
upon which the pan is set
Seeding Wheat.
The Ohio agricultural experiment sta
tion has for several years been investi
gating such problems in wheat culture
as the quantity of seed per acre, the
depth of seeding, drilling versus broad
casting, the mixing of different varieties,
oross drilling and the use of the roller
press. The average results favor sowing
at the rate of five to seven pecks per
acre of thoroughly cleaned seed, and
Bowing this not to exceed two inches
deep. In favorable seasons broadcast
seeding has produced about as large a
crop as drilling, but if the seeding sea
son be hot and dry, drilling is likely to
give the best results. No advantage has
yet been discovered in the mixing of
different varieties. There has been a
slight increase of crop where the wheat
was cross drilled, the same quantity of
seed being used in each case. This in
crease may be partly due to the more
thorough pulverization of the soil ac
complished by the double drilling. The
roller press a wheel following each hoe
of the drill has not increased the yield
sufficiently to warrant its use.
Capons are said to make excellent
nurses for turkeys and chicks.
Applea for Stock Food.
Apples are not a strong food for live
stock, and the lack of "strength" may
be shown by a short table of compari
son. The lending compounds for which
a fodder is valued are the albuminoids
and carbohydrates. The former con
tains the substance for the making of
the vital jmces, muscle, etc., while the
latter are to do the work of the animal
machines, t' e fuel for the engine, so to
speak. Of ti jsb groups of food eleine.its
the followii.g familiar food stuffs con
tain the averages as given after each:
Albuml- Carbotav-
Potatoes, per cent 8.54
Turuips, per cent 9.40
Pumpkin, per cent K.S)
Beets (tleldl D-ls)
Apple (fresh) IM
Pomace 4.30
Thus far we have said nothing as to
the relative value of the albuminoids
and carbohydrates, but when it is un
derstood that tha former are much more
important, therefore expensive, it fol
lows that fresh apples are a weak food.
The pomace is much better because there
has been a condensation of the albumi
noids. But as the albuminoids are mostly
in the skin and seeds and these are the
least digestible, the actual feeding value
is not what the table would otherwise
represent. Apples are a poor food un
less "wormy" and the wish is to destroy
these insects by feeding them. Ameri
can Agriculturist. . . ..
For Boiis, Pimples
scrofulous seres,
eczema, and ?!! other
blood cS:
er sosr-ar.ansla
It will
relisva c.v-." euro
dysrrr . t '-rvous
debiiiry rsrd that
tired f-.!'Rf;.
?as C'.--rcd Others
M! c.:r "on.
JOHN WfZDDHRBURiMt Managing Attorney,
I'.O.Boi 463, WASHl6TON,D,C.
Also, for Ko'd'era and Sailors rlfuHhli'fl In the line of
duty tn the refrulnr Annyor Xnw ninoethe war.
Survivors of ur Iiidltn wars of to 1H42, nntl
their widows, now entitled. Old and relected daltiiB
t sperlrtlty. Thousand! entitled to liltrhcr rntes.
?end for new laws. No charge tor advice. No fee
until qnifeanf ill.
!Sf iix Francisco
And all pointB in California, via the Mt. tihasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
'he great highway through California to all
points taut and South. Grand Boenio Route
Of the Pacific Const. Pullman Buffet
Bleepere. Second-class Bleeperg
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for second-elate passengers.
For rateB, tickets, Bleeping car reservations,
etc. call upon or address
K KOEHLER, Manager, E. P. ROGERS. Asst.
Ren. F & P. Agt. Portland. Oregon.
Speaking of patent medioines, the
Jin ge SB) g : "I wish to deal honorably
and fniiy with all, and when I find an
article that will do what it is lecom
mended to do, I au not ashamed to say
so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vauder
pool, (bnviLK been treated b) him for
CHncet) and have Ufed his bl"td medi
cine known ne the S. 13 Headache mid
Liver Cure, and while I am seventy-five
j ehrs old and have nse 1 many pillx and
ul her remedies for the blood, liver and
kitlne)p, 1 uiiiHt say tliHt fur a kidne)
tiiuio in Briuhl's disease, ami hs an at
tentive tor ibe blood, or to oorteot the
i-clinn oi ibe Hti.niHcb and bowels it is a
very superior remedy, snd heats -nn-iliinu
1 ever tried. J. B NELSON,
akima, WhhIi.
At 50 ppnlH a buttle It is the poor
u.au's friend auii family di otor. T
vV dressed Lamber, lti miles of Heppner, at
what Is knowu as the
$10 00
17 i)0
I .',.U0 per 1,000 Icet, additional.
I. A. Hamilton, Man'gr
Notice of Intention.
J Nov. lHiri. Notice in hereby given that
the following-named settler has hied notice of
his intention to make fiiml proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be mmie be
fore the County clerk of Morrow County, Ore.,
at Heppner Oregon, on January 10. lHiKl, viz.:
Homestead applicatl n No. :is54, for the NE?i
of sec. :w, Tp l s, K -2ti E W. M.
Me names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
Baid land, viz. :
N. B. Williams, Ed. Engleman, Frank Wilson
and A. P. I'tmv, all of lone, Oregon.
64.ri-f55 John V. Lewib, Reg ist rii.
Notice of intention.
I j Nov Id, lsy2. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named st'ttler has tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, ann that sain prooi u ill oe niaue oe
fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore.,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Januarv 10, l9;i, viz.:
Homestead nnnlicrttion No. 2719. for the SWU
si-4 SK of ec. 21, and NNVfc NE! Sec ,4, Tp o
ri, R x E. W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon anu cultivation oi,
until litiul. viz :
Abe duelling. Ben Luelling. William Lnclling
and 1. M. . elurgey an m Hanimau, ureiron.
;Md-;-w John V, Lkwls, Register.
Notice of intention.
I Nov. Notice Is hereby given that
ibe follow iiiif nainetl settler tins tiled notice of
hi intention to make final proof tu snnnort of
iiii'iaim. ann mat Hum prnui win oe niaue oe
ore J I. (iiliKon, C. . Cotnmicttliim-r at Lexiug
iiii, uregon, on .tail' arv jn, IMU.vi.:
(onies'ead upplieatiou vo -intij for the NH
K1 , of t e . 'I n I s. K 'Si E w M
He HHiMcn the ttillou imr w itnesM'B To pmvelils
o iti it. ons residence upon ainl cultivation "1.
nil in Ml,
Ainirt u Keaney. Frank Kpancy. Thon-ap Br
ett and Reuben Lane, all ot" Lexuig on, i ire
111, ..tv.Yo
John W. L wi,-. Register
Notice of Intention.
1 j H't. -".. 1M. Notice is ben by gien that
the lolloping named setih-rhas tiled notice oi
his intention to make tiiiHl proof in mipport of
bis claim, and that said proof w'U be made be
tore the County Clerk oi Morrow County, Ore
gon, at Heppner. oregon. ou Uec. la, viz.:
'd. No am, for the svu bee Si. Tp. 2 S, R 24
K. W M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said lanit, iz :
Win Hagnewood, Wes'McNabh, Samuel War
riebl and ueorge Junkin. All of Kight Mile, or,
fcM9 John W. Lkwis, Register.
Tta wwiofl qualitiesar unsurpassed, actually
VTttlastinfr two boxes of any other brand. Noi
tfectdbrfaet.tCt:TTllfcGi: USE.
in 4
Catile branded and t ar marked as shown abov
Horses F on right shoulder.
Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun
ties. I will t ay flO.Ot) for the Hrrent and cl
viction of any pwrann olffthnt; ni ntock.
Knbl, the butter. Buy yntir liread Hini
r'likfp and phvp nuaiy. I ry it. b.
Tlie StnoVlttifcpr wmjen hendsthf m hI!
For rhh al OilliNfn & BixUVr. h
While you koep your subscription paid up yet
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses GO on lefi
ehoulder; cattle -ame on left hip, under bit on
right ear, aiia upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong. J. (. Alnine. Or. T with bar nn
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on lert nip.
Allison, O. D.. Eiirht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand
O L) on left hip and horsos same braud on right
buouiuur. iiaitKu. latent aiiio.
Adkins.TC. Davville. Or Mtraifflit murk Rnrnn
the thigh and two crops and a lit in the right ear;
Dorses, j, ujwiue nown on the right BhouMer.
ban tre in Grant county and Iteur vallev. PO
HdurtjM Hrtso at liunlinnii.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
n''tl on tet tiai.k: cattle, same on Infi hiit.
Avers. Joiinnv. Lena. Or. florans hrmidfd
triaugieon lert hip; cattle same on riRht hip;
aifln crop on rinn ear auu upper nit on same.
Harlholamew. A (t Hoisaa hraialeil 7 K ..n
either at. ouider. itanirein Rlor owcouutv.
Diytn, rercy it,, noppiier,()r. Horses rtoman
cross on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Bleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Hornon. r flir
oiieii snomoer: came same on right shoulder.
bannister, J, W., Hurdman, Or. t'attle brand
ed li on ie-tt hip ana uuirh: anht in each ear.
Brenner, 1'eter, Oo Keherry Oregon Horses
Dranueu r a on leit anouuier. t attle same on
right sioe
Hnrke. M 8t C. Lmiff irreelt. Or On rattla
MAY connected on lefL hin. itiottntT lfr mc nn.
der half crop off riKht. Iitirses, same brand on
letft Bhoulder. Itantre in Grant and Morrow
HoWHman.A.. Mount Vernon and HnrnB. Op
Cattle, A B on right hip. two crops in each ear;
same on noraes. nn right Bhoulder. Hange in
Grant and Harney conutiet.
Hrosman. Jerry. Uena. Or.-Horses hrandert 7
on rinlu shoulder; cattle H on the left aide.
lien ear hair crop and rintit ear upper slope.
Barton, Vm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J Bon
right thiti.! cattle, same on riuht hin; unlit, in
each ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on ritfhthip; range, Mor
row county.
Bfown.J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horse and cuttle
branded 8 witn ox-yoke aboveon loft Hliouider.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. llurses, circle
C witlnlol in tor on left Inp; cattle, sauie.
Brown. W.J. . Lena. Orccou. BorneH W bnr
over it, on the left shoulder, Cattle name on left
Buyer. W. G Hepp'ier. Or. Horses, box
brand o . hip CMltle, same. With split in
each ear.
Born, 10., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; caille. same on left hit.
Brownlee. W. J.. Kox.Or -Cuttle; J B connected
on left Hide; erop on lot'! ear and t wo npiiiH and
middle p. Hire cut out on rtlM ear; i.n bop-ten wmie
brand on the left thigh; Itange in Fox valley.
Grant county,
I itin.K., aleb.Or.- Y I) on bc rees on loft Millie;
U with uuarter circio over it, in left (-boulder,
ami on left stiile on all coitu nn nr U yeans; on
left i-hciiiUter out on all horaeK ov t-c 5 yojirs. All
ntime iti UrniM countv,
Clark, Wm. H. Le a. Dr.-llmwi. WHC con
nected, on let' I (-liouloer: cattle r-tmie oti riwlit
hip. La ge Morrow and Lmatilla countiea.
( nte, ('ha. IL. Viijtion or Lena Or. Horses
H C on rinlit sliouldor; cattle mime on i iglit bii.
ltane Morrow and Umatilla 'iDiintU'H.
( oehrMi, ('bah., lone. Or.-llorseH, HP con
nected mi left Miouhler; cattle, C on btth left
hip and stifle. Itange in .Mm row county.
Cannon, T. U. .Long Creek, Or.-'Tou' cattle on
right hide, crop off riht ear and slit in left ear.
Uur horses Bame brand on left shoulder. Hange
in Grant county.
Cecil, W m DouKlas. Or; h"rse8 J t1 on lef
shoulder; ca tie same on left top, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl,T. H., John Day, Or, Double croHS on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in lef t ear. iiange in Grunt
county. Un sheep, inverted A aud spear point
on shoulder. Ear marko-i ewed, crop on left ear,
punched upper bit iu right. Wethers, crop in
right and umier half crop iu left ear. All range
iu Grant countv.
Cook, A. JLena,()r. Horses, WJon rightshonl
det t'attle, same on right hip: ear mark square
ciop oft' left and split in riht.
Currin. li. It., Currinsvihe, Or, -HorBes, D on
left Htitle.
Cox Ed. B Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
itt center; horses, t fc, on left Hip.
Cochran, li. K., Monument, Grant Co , Or.
HorBea branded circle with bat beneath, on left
shoulder; caitle same brand on both laps, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.j Hardman, Or. Horses branded
C on rifiht hip. ( 'attle brauded the same.
CroHs, a L, Dayville, Or ( 'attle branded -j- two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z 011 left stifle. Aleo have the following
brands on cattle; "tt on left hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left Bhoulder, two parallel bars on lft
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
OiokiTB, Ebh HoiseH braided with three
tinea forh on left utitic Cattle ta ne on left side.
AJoouan. tvm,, rieppuer. Or. Hoi-ites brumled
OO with bar over them, ou left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
DotiglaBB, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R 1'on
right side.Bwa low-fork in each ear; horses, it 1)
on left hip.
Dounlas, O. T-, DoiiKlaB, Or HorpeB TD on
the light etirle; cattle same on riht hip,
Duncan, W. P., John Day, Or. (Quarter circle
W on right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle.
Range Gram county.
Driskell, W. 1l Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of O on left Bhoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. A Hons, DonKlos.Or. Horsee brand
ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Ellioti , Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
tleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
Counseled oi. rig-tit shoulder; cattle same on
rigid hip, Ear mark, hole in right and crop
off left.
.Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horsoo F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, V on
right slioi idei ; cattle, r on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAl on left
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co,. Fos
sil, Or. ilorwew, anchor fc on bft Bhoulder; vent,
same on left utinV. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop oft rigid ear and uuderbit in If tt.
liane in Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or --Hort.es branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on lett stifle
Hange in Morrow and Lmatillacounties.
Giliwater, J . C, Prairie Ctly, Or. On horses,
O -O on left shouldrr antl slide; cattle, ou rigid
side. Khuuu in Grant county.
Hajes. Leo.. Lena, Or, Braud JH connected,
with quarter eirel" ov r it, on leit rdioulder.
Hunt A. B., Bulgf, Or. i attle. roui.d-lop
v ith quarter cueie m del it on the riKbt lup.
Bai.ueiit Morrow and L liialiil.i countie.
II in ton Ji Jet i k-. Ham i ton. ur ( attle, t wo bars
on eitber hip; crop in right ear and split iu left.
Horses, J on rik'bi thigh. Kang-'ii Grnt count.
linglifs, Niinue!, VVnni-r, Or- (1 F L
counvctedjtu. ncin inniiilrnu Ihim,mhi cattle.
Ol. nidi nip at d oi. lift Min t-Vii,tx toik in
rilit t-at ami lit in leit. RaiiKc n Ha.ifiacK
dmti ici . .Mm r. w i-onnty
Halo. Mi ton, W.ici.e Or. Mors ttmnd d
-i i- ( ri'te iiti i atai ei ta s) u b-r i f b..uloiT
t Jebhin- on h f hip . a. o it. g. c n'L- i n li-fi
ithll Edwin. Job; Daj.Or. CaPit- t- If on ngh
lup. In-rwt- wtnie oi, ngtit bonnier. 1 huh n,
Griiiu cotuitj.
Howard, J ii, aHoway, nr.- Hoi -en. ut m
iwit. bar alnve li) on ritfi.t sin iiio r : --t o
i niine on !e.t tide hunne n; Mot iov and Uma
tilia Vi unties.
Hugtn. Mat. tleppner. Or. Hoien, nhaiied
heart ou the left ehouider. Raiigf Moriow Co.
HuiKtaker, B , Vagi:er. Or. hores, on left
shouliir-r. ua tie. 9 on left hi. .
Hardinty, Albert, Me, Oregon - Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; t ultie on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Ruuiphrttvs, ji Uardman, Or. Horses. H o
lei flank
Hunt, Wm. K., Ridge, Or Horses branded
bar urosa ul left siioulder; cattle same ou left
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left tthouliln. cattle. (anie on nghl hip.
Uti.li,,. I ,..hur hi.,!.. Vl.U II, H,,a U nn
' the left shoulder and heart un the left stifle Cat-
tle HHme ttn luff hti, rutnm in Morrow comity.
Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek. Or CatHe 1 U on
ripht hip, crop otJ left ear and bit in right. Horses
same brand ou loft ahouider, RanKe n Grunt
: count?
Junkin. S. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse
! shoe J on Mi shoulder. Cattle, the earns,
i Range on Euzht Mil.
Johnson, fcelix Lena, Or. Horses, cirrleT on
left sutie; cattle, same on right hip, under half
t crop in right and split in left ear "
Jenkins. D W..Mt Vernon. Or J n hi.mtti on
left shoulder; ou cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ear. Rang in Fox and
near vau.-ya
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Hon -s brandivl
KN on left hip cattle same and p ofi left
r: nniiM mi on me nirnr
iihonlder; cattle, 9 on left hip.
nirit. J i;, ueppner. ur. Uorsea. 17 on either
hank: cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk. Jease. Hennner. Or.: hnran 11 nn Inft
shoulder; cattle same on light side, uuderbit on
ngni ear.
Kumberland.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Ln
cattle on right and left sides, awailow fork in I ft
ar and uder ciop in right ear. Horses nous
brand on left shoulder. Hange in Grant lountv,
Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or.-Homes J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle, hange in Umatilla
and i orrow counties
Lesley. M C, Monument, Or- A triangle i with
all h ties extending pa t Lody of tirfureun LSI nor
pf on left shoulder, ou cattle Uiaiuoiid uQ lofl
ohoiitiler. split in righ j-.u u. . it iu infi -ur
Itanj-H in (jratit coiiuti and loia.tauf Johu Uaj
Leabey, J W . Heppner Or. Hordes branded L
ml A un left shoulder; cat I le Hiine on lett hip;
wattln iver riht ey three eliie in nht ear.
Loften, Htepnen, lux, Or. & L on left hip
on catOe. crop and split on right ear. Hordes
same brand on left shoulder, iiauge Grant
iienallen, John W., Or, Horse
branded half-cncle J L connected on left shoul
der. Caitle. saiut on lef . hip. liane, near Ux
in tit on.
Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double 11 coi.nect .Sometnuea calked a
Hwiti H. on left Bhoulder.
Maxweil, M , S-, Gooseberry. Or. Ho 'sen brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Ur. Cattle, M D on
right tup; horse. Mon lef I Bhoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, At)
on left shouldei cattle same on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Uorsea, M with
haroverou right shoulder.
Mann, B. H., i,ena, Or. Horsee old maret ZZ
on right bip; young stuck, smaU u on left
Morgan, Thoe., Heppner, Or. Hones, oirole
T ou left shouidor aud left thigh; oattle, ', on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Fmure 5 on each Bhoulder cattle, M2 on hin
McKem.W. J.. Mount Veruun, Or XI on oattls
on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop m left
same brand horses on left hip. Kane in Grant
MoCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip aud Bide.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shos
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle,
McHaley, G. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right aids
Hange in Grant County.
eal, Andrew, Lone Hock.Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Nordyko, E 8ilverton. Or. Horses, ctroie 7 on
left thigh; caitle. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on oattle
on left hip: on horees, same on left thigh, Uange
in Grant county.
Oiler, i'erry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and wanle on nose. Hange in Grant county,
Pearson, Oiave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield ou left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in lef! ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile.
Parker & Gleason, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
j 1 1 1 Hiiuuiuer.
Piper, Erne t, Lexington, Or. Hor es brand
e E (L E conneu.edj left phou.der; cattle
nieon light lap. Kauge, Morrow count.
1 uer, J. H., LexliiKloii. Ur. Hornet, Jb con
nected ii left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bi in each ear.
1'atberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed with a Houiai cross on left shoulder; oattle
branded with Human cross, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Pettys, A, C, lone, Or,; horses diamond Pon
shoulder; cuttle, J ti J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell, JohuT., Duyville, Or Horses, JP con
uec ed ou lott shoulder. 'attle OK. couuwted no
left hip, two under half crops, ou ou each ear,
wattle under throat. Ka ge in Graiitcotinty.
Itickard, G. O., Canyou City, Or.--F (J ou left
shouider, on horses only. tUngu Canyon creek
and bear valley. Grant county.
hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
cro- with quarter-eircleover iton lett stifle.
Kemngei, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C 1 on
tell sijimiai- ;
Rice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on lei l shoulder; cattle, DAN on
iigtil shoulder. Kaue near HHrdman.
luidiu, ui. Long Creek, Or. Brands horses
It oi right ahouldor. Hange Grant and Morrow
com tiHH.
Itoj M, Aaron. Heppner, Or Hersos, plain V on
ieli bjiouul.-r; cattle, fame brand reversed on
nghi hip and crop ofl nghi ear. Range in Uor
row couuiy.
KumIi Brim., Henpner, Or. Horses branded Ji
on Lin null, ehouliier; oattle, IX ou the Iff nip
crop ott leit. ear nnd dewlap ou neck, lit ng it
Morrow and udjoining countiert.
Bust, Vil,min, PtJimlwliin, Or. Horses It on
lefi sliouluer; cattle, tt on lett hip, crop oil
right ear, unduroit on left ear. bheep. U on
weatjieiv, round crop oft righ ear. itauge Uma
tilla and Morrow c unities.
Reaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse
brauded A H on rijjht bhoulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; cattle aame ou right hip.
Hange Morrow county.
Hoy Wm. H, Oairyville, Or Hli connected
wii.li ijimrier circle over top on cattle on rightlup
and crop oit right ear uud split iu left. Hordes
fame brand on left aliouiiler. Hange iu Slurrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Hitter, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars
with bar overon horses on left hip; on oattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two eplitb in each eat.
Iiange in Middle Fork of John Day.
iiector. J. W., Heppner, (Jr. Horsee. JO oi
left siioulder. Caitle, o un right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded 31 on left shoulder; lauge in Morrow
Bpray, J, F., Heppuer, Or. Horsee branded fci
connected oi right shoulder; cattle same on both
Wailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
SwaK'gan, H. F Lexington, Or, Horses I
Willi dash under iLou left stifle, oattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
wttddled on right hind leg. Hange ui Morrow,
(iiiliamand Umatilla counties,
Hwaggart. A. L Ella. Or. Horses torandV1 t
on leit shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E., Heppuer, Or. Horses shaded
J ti ou let, stirle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
fork in nghi ear, uuderbit in left.
Ntpp. Thos., Heppuer, Or. Horses, H A P on
left hip; catth same on left hip.
fchirtz. JameB, Long Creek, Or. Horses, S en
leit stille aud over 2 on left shoulder.
Bhrier.John, Fox, Or. NC connected oa
horses on right hip; oattie, same on right hip,
crop oil right ear and under bit in left ear. Range
ui Grant conuty.
Hmith Bros., Huwmville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder.
Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Kange in Morrow and GUliam co mties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses bon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
bteveuson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti
ou right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear.
8waggart, G. W Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left should- : cattle, 44 on left hip,
Stone. Ira, Bi-kleton, Wash, Horses, keystone
on left shoulder.
Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Hones branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on
left side. Hange, Gilliam county.
Sperry.E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lett lup, crop off right and uuderbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
'ihouipsuu, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, on
lett shouiu r; cattle, i on left shoulder,
rippets,S,T.,Enterprise,Or. JHorses. C-on left
Tumor K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
leit bbouidei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in boll. ears.
ihirnton, H. M., lone. Or. Horses branded
H l connected on left slide: BbeuD same brand. '
Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horses HV con
nected on right shoal der ;oat tie, same on right
VVaibndKe, Win.. Heppner, Or. Horees. TJ. L.
I on the leu Bhotuder; cattle same un light, hip.
; ciop oft left ear aud right ear lopped.
Wiison, John y,. Salem or Heppuer, Or.
llorsoB branded Jy ou the left shoulder, llauge
I Morrow county.
W arreu, W B. aleb, Or-Cattle, W with q-iarter
circle over it, ou .eft me, odt iu nghi ear.
iiort-Hj. Ptiine bra d oti left shoulder. Badge in
(nam iMiuutv
Wood, F L, Oajviiln. Or Henrt on horses on
n Uei,Uf;on catUi. ion left side anu under bit
in n-ti fr. Uaune in Urant county.
WriKhi.aiia A Htppur. Or. Cattle brauded
& v oii me rigid lap. square crop oH right eur
iw.u spi l in leit.
WaJ.uce, tranci. Mount Vernoh.Or Mquareon
catiu' ou lhe it'll hip. upper slop' in he left
eai tfend undei slope in riKht ear. 8-ime braud
on huiet-s oi. rtjii shoulder. Lnge m Harney
and nriiut countv.
ud.-. Henri, Heppner, Or Horse biunded
aet oi epauet on ie.l btiouiiler aiid ieft hio.
, V aitle braiiiJei same on left side and ieft lup.
! Weils. A. S., Heppner, Or. Horwe. 9U0 on left
ehouider. i-an - wme,
I W oinnger, John, John Oay City Or On horss
: three piinu.ei nars ou left shoulder; i on sheep
I bii in both ears, Hange m Grant and Maihuer
i jountius.
! v oodward, John, Heppner. Or. HnrM. OP
i cuhnecieo on leit siioulder.
j Waikms, Liehe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
1 LE connects on left uhV.
W auaee, l haries, Portland, Or. attle, W on
; nghi thigh, hoi- m left ear; horses, W on right
Bhouluet, i-oni same on left shoulder.
Whitlier Brits., Orewsy, Harney sounty, Or. -
i HoMf brandeil W B. rot,i,Ht;ui on lefi ,::ouldAr
! Williams. Vasco, HamUtou, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and)
h'jrees. Hange Grant county.
i W tlhanis. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars un left hip; oattle aamsr
Hltd Silt 111 HKi'h MHF kitnM in llMnl ndmt.
Wren, A. A., eppner. Or. Horees running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
ioung, J. S., Gooseoerry.Or. Hith braTidMl
Young, W. A.. Gooseberry. (r. Hones brsad
cti X X tdoab e X coi nectea) on left ehonJder
eatile same en left side.