Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 06, 1892, Image 3

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    N0T1CS TO ADV'fciiriHKKS.
t'riOSIS dirilrlng tbe Imorllon ol dlsplny ada
or ciittiiire ol Name, uium net thmr ........ i.,
.... Inter than Monday evening lor Tueulay'a
trillion, or IhlirMiluv avuiiinu V.i.l Jit
1. The aura of five centa per line will be
Charged for "cards o tlmnka." "reaolutlona ol
rnjiect," lliu ol wedding preaeuu and donors,
and obituary nuticea, (other thau those the edit
or aliall hliuaell give us a matter ot iiew,) and
notices of ipeclal uieetlnga (or w hatever purpose.
2. .Notke oi church and aociety and all other
enterulianeuu from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged lor at the rate oi rive
tents a line. 1 hese rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to buU4 up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
See Dusey'g new uj.
D. Herriok, Jr., is iu the city.
Uou'C overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar.
I). Hart left Monday for bis Adams
b unit).
TUl'T'S PILLS never disappoint the
E. I). Palmer, of Ltxiugton, was with
on Saturday.
N. L. Kobison is selliug potatoi-s at
Iueutti per lb. 537 tf
0. P. Bowman, of Butter Creek, was iu
Heppuer Hal unlay.
Chap, hod Turn Barnett were up yester
day Iroiii LeXiiik-tuu.
Fred Miller knows how to give you a
good til iu tuilonug. If gw
C .pt. Jobu VV Lewie, of The D.illoa
laud uffiue, is quite ill.
Hun. J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton, bus
gout) to Poillatid In live.
James and John Koyse were seen on
our streets lust Saturday.
Tbe Gem Bud Palace saloons lor fine
liquors. MoAlee Brof., Piops. sw
Vm. F. Al!u accompanied CharleB
iSperry up fioui lone yesterday.
Harry Woods went down to Portland
iMonday to receive medical utteutiou.
W. H, Fiske, representing F. Ouuvalier
.4 On,, was iu lieppuer over 8uuday.
Tbe Morrow County Laud aud Ti net
Company have an unlimited supply of
isbup ior sale. 41-lf.
Jas. Sevey and E E. Haling departed
Uondav to attend tbe Adveutlst college
tat WUla Will.
W. A. Biodle, one of Oooseberrys suc
oessful farmers was iu tbe oity tbe latter
Ipart of last week.
Mr. Siusheinier, a brother of tbe Port
land dealer iu pianos and organs, was iu
lif ppuer oyer Huuday.
Giles H. Doberty, Francis H. Wilson
and George Muir made dual proof before
Clerk Morrow Saturday.
Judge Bradsbaw fired a fellow "over
tbe road" for passing counterfeit money,
down at Tbe .Dalles last week.
Col. Fat Donau's description of Astoria
is on our desk. It is the finest thing ot
.the kind ye Gazette baa noticed.
Every man who takes any interest in
Hast stock Bhould subscribe for Tbe
jHursemun. Gazette shop, agents.
J. N. Brown aud G. V. Ilea retumed
(from Canyon City hist Friday evening,
w.bere they bad been aiteodiug court.
St. Nielson is now runuing a stage be
tw Heppner aud Lone Book, Hee
ad. Ty"f 'days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Mei W- Henry Blaokman and Otis
Patter. 'B are over 8 Grande attend
ing soui' doiu'i of Boyal Arch Masonry.
Mrs. A. J Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds . f nursing. Call at ber home
in north h. 'tppuer, or address her at this
place. B18',f
Lost A li y's ring, opal and four smal
diamond set Finder will be re.
warded by lea wug same at the Gazette
Hiyn ketohu'm whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at tbe oi'f.y barber shop tbe
plaoe to get a tin it -elites shave, hair-ont
or shampoo.
Prairie City ooirervpomnt to Grant
oonnty News: Lawyer Bro.vui of Ut!P' -ter,
was iu our burg today, on' business;
also M. Dustiu.
Master Clay French is the BnfliwW
agent for the Oregoniau at this P'ace.
Subscribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Did yon notice that fine head of ha ,r
at chuich Inst Sunday f That was Mrs.
B . She never permits herself to be
out of Hall's Hair Kenewer. Try it.
Miss Mattio Vnruz, wbo ban been
teaching in tbe public schools of Morrow
con at v the past six months, left f r ber
home iu Deuver last Lliursdav morning.
Newer and ueater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Tbe latest dentistry, arown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
l)r. B. F. Vaugbau. Gas administered
wheu - desired. Thompson building,
Heppuer, Or 1 a-w-
Hon. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville, is
in Heppner. Mr. Elmore was reoently
elected as ne of tbe representatives
from his county at I he next session of
tbe legislature.
Now is tbe time to olean and oil your
harness for the winter. And don't for
get that 0'iburn's Ivory Black Barness
Oil is the nest for tbe purpose. For sale
by P. C. Tbompsou Co. 43 4
Len MoOarty, of Birob oreek, sni
oided after being shot by Alexander.
Toe wound made by Alexander's weapon
would baye probably ended fatally.
Alexander was discharged.
A man with mure money than brains,
and more whisky thau both, threw a dol
lar out in the mud In front ot tbe Ua
ette office Saturday. The boys got a
rake aud captured tbe ooin.
Weakness of sight is frequently the
result of general debility. When the
blood is impoverished every organ and
aeuse suffers. As an effective, powerful,
and economical tonic-alterative, Ayer's
Sarsaparilla may be relied on every time
Constipation is the parent of innumer
able diseases, and snouui, luererore, oe
promptly remedied by the use ot aver s
Cathartic ills. These pillsdo notgripe,
are perfectly safe to take, and remove
all tendency to liver and bowel com
plaints. Owing to the fact that job stork bas
advanced about twenty per oeot from
reasons which will be explained else
where, we are compelled to make a
alight advance on all printing. A Re
duction will be made as soon as prices
of material will justify same.
Hattee's Congo Oil is rapidly cnmiDg
to the from as a leading mediciue. J
A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap
a in hii Ini7. which was recently
i.:-i..j h a hnrrm. and next day be
threw aside his orutches- "It's the boas! .
Harrison say.. Lyman Brown , tried tbe
oil for rhenmatism with which he has
been troubled for years, and this is what
be says: "it kocked it after two appli
cations." MMf-
Tbe Portland Meionry says: "Why
)id the young wife from Heppn r change
her name? Hal she deserted her tiiin
band Tar tbe man who now monopolizes
her time and attention? Wuat it Jerry
should onme to Portland unesipsctedf" , and la trying to frse bin tbt horse fell
W ho do they neau? rl,tt,lov ,.,,: ,,., nj
J.6.)j D'Baa gMi3 f'" 371at L8dl" ' bruising him on badly. From the fall
Mureland is iu from Hardra.au
J. W
H. V. G iles returned from Ilillaboro
last eveuiug.
C. Fuller is dowu from the Rush ranch
t day.
Alfred Ayers and wife are iu from But
ter oreek.
Born To the wife ot Geo. Wright, of
Heppner, a sou.
The Masonic ball is reoeiviug a thor
ough coat of paiut.
Frank Whetstone returned to Heppner
last Friday ei'euing.
Mrs. Geo. Conser is visiting with ber
parents on Uuea crenk.
E. P. Voruz mide a business trip out
to Butter oreek last fjtturdny.
Jack Clark reoievad a severe kiok in
tbe face last Tuesday.
A nice line ot Ourntm is goods just
received. Fell Bros., Ladies' Bazaar.
Our reporter learus the Aijent C illiua,
ut Atliugtou wears a pair of "blaokeyes."
Both the Knights of Pythias and
Masons will have open iujtulUtioti this
this year.
Born to tbe wife of Bert Simons, Sun
day morning, a girl. Burt is uow tak-
tug a vacation.
Born To the wife ot Milt Brown, of
upper Willow creek Wednesday last, a
7)j pound giil.
Word comes down to Heppner that
Gene Maitesou is uow the proud father
of an 11 pouud girl.
Falher Lama beid services at tbe
Uaibolic ohurch last Sunday. Quite a
number were iu flora the couutry to hear
Mrs. Katherine Doberty, mohier of
Vlis. Mike Keeuey, James aud barney
Uohert.t,is quae ill with mflauiutory
Dm Hart cuuae dowu from Adams last
week, to visit his relatives here. He
riudH quite a ouauge in Heppuer since
lie left uere four je .rs ago.
Lund ooutest of Felix Johuson vs. E 1.
Day is uow iu progress. Kills and Hea
lor plaiulilf, and J. N. Brown for defeud
ant, are the attorneys iu oouueoilun with
the same.
A lady with two small children would
like to eeoure a plaoe to hoard where
parties are uilliug to take care of live
) ear old child dunug the day. Inquire
at this olhoe.
The K. of P. officers for the ooming
year were eltoted last Tuesday eveuiug.
The lodge has decided to have a public
mstallatiou which will occur tbe first
Tuesday iu January,
Cat Smith, who was here last spring
with Chief aud Guldie, was sentenced to
six years imprisonment in the state peni
teutiary. for assaultiug with intent to
kill his fifteen-year old daughter.
TJnole Ben Parker was in Friday and
Saturday, and favored this ollioe with a
call. He says that his partuer, Peter
Gieapou, is getting much better under
treatment of Dr. Williams' Institute.
Revival services at the M. E. church
South, ooutiuue with increased attend
ance aud interest. Bev. T. C. Adkins, ot
Pendleton, will arrive this evening. Pre
siding Elder M. V. Howard, is expected
soon, to remain over tbe Sabbath.
J. S. Delevan, and old stage man, was
here last week, from him our reporter
learns that the Monument Canyon stage
line will likely ohange bands soon, aud
that we will then baye a good line
through from Heppner to the interior
M. P. Gherking, of Eight Mile, was ar
rested yesterday by Deputy Fitzgerald,
on charge of obstructing the public
highwav. He will be given a heariug
today before Justice Hal kick. As we go
to press we learn that the trial is in
progress at the court house.
Aleo Thompson, T. W. Ayer, Jr., and Bob
ribaw, acoording to appointment by
the county court, went out to view
aud asness damages on the proposed
Sand Hollow road Saturday last. After
uaieiully viewing same they find ouly
Henry W ado damaged to the extent of 815
Pell Simison, a reliable resideut of
Morrow ooiiuty, says "Tom Kimsey, Who
was arrested as one of tbe Koslyn b ink
robbers was at Eider's ranch on Sept.
24" the day on which tbe robbery occur
ed. If thisoau be proveu, it will have
considerable weight as testimony iu tbe
A. C Pettys gave a grand ball last
Friday eveuiug in honor of the comple
tion of tbe Pettys bridge. Q lite a crowd
L if young people were present, dauoiug
l iiug from about 7 P. M. until 7 A. M.
(ji, r informant tella us that this was oue
f it v u"8' dunces he bas ever attended
iu tin l' community.
i nhftrlav wan rtnrlArprl iinnnnumenfl nnrl
remained so until found about three
hours later by Osoar Cochran, who
brought him to lone. Although Char
ley was conscious f tbe fact that he
was rather disfigured and that he oould
not remove his coat, yet be did not dis
cover until yesterday morning that hia
clavicle or collar bone was broken, when
he was at once brought to Heppner
where Dre. Swinbnrne and Gagen dress
ed and bandaged the broken member.
Charley is now .doing as well as oould
be expected under tbe circumstances.
A Nkw Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord
baa moved iuto tbe former art gal
lery over Meiers. Brown & Hamilton's
ollioe, aud bas fitted np for architecture
work. He is prepared to contract for
all kinds ot buildiugs. or will supervise
oojstruotion, and purchase material for
the same, giving bis customers the Den
efit ot bis experienoe and percentage.
632 tf
HoNi'mt'9 Look. Williii Oownes, Al
ben Bia, 1J1" t'euoh aud Lee Matlock
left yester week ago for a buuting
trip out iu" the Biues, abmt 40 miles
from Heppu r, iutendiug to remain sev
eral weeks aL'1' return with more game
thau oue par ty has ever suoceeded iu
slaying. Tho expecting that their
promise would be more than fulfilled
were not a lltt'e onrpriseu yesieruay
morning wheu t beir horses returned
without the hunte'is, evidently haviug
gotten away from Ihem. However as
walking is uow "exceedingly good" they
will Doubtless get back all right eDUogb
th( ngh as for game, we cannot say, yet
it will probably be left iu the mountains
unless an interested party decides to
send ont a dray f same. In this event
tbe boys would likely appreciate the act
if an extra one should be sent along for
them also.
Birthday Parti. Reoently Ester
Ford, of this place, celebrated her tenth
birthday by invitiug in a number of her
little friends, who enjoyed the occasion
as only children oaTj. There were pres
ent: Josie Danuer, Maudie Keeney, Ed
na Van Dnvn. Bertha Joues, Alma
Thompson, Ralph Thompson, Nellie
Shulse, Fannie Sbnlse, Lottie Wasters,
Elbra Swaggart, May Smith, Bertha
Kinsman, Nora Matlock, Lloyd Ford,
Glennie Griffith, Anna McBride, Ger
trude Bishop, Clara Morgan, Belle Horn
or, Lottie Shipley, Edna Mallory, Ona
Gilliam Tracy Lichtentbal and Zoe Patterson.
It is a fact. -That we are interesting
tbe whole country with our blanket.
The prices have been squeezed into a
shadow. We guarantee them all wool
fine enA aud GOOD blankets. Cheap
est in Heppuer at Fell Bros.
Sthaied. A four-year-old steer, brand
ed H P on the ribs on right side: also
same brand on right hip and on right
stirJe; big split in right ear. Any infor
mation leading to reoovery of same will
be cheerfully rewarded In
Bob Dkitib,
538-sw Heppuer, Or.
From the Spokane Review.
It is nut a mutter of surprise to fiaj
Germany aud Austria opposed to the
restoration to silver of its proper mon
etary functions. Germany struok the
first blow in the war that ended in the
demonetization ot silver. She did this
in order to enhance the value of the
gigautio war indemnity whiob she hud
recently exacted from France. For two
reasons she desires tbe continuation ot
tbe gold standard. One reason is that
she fears war from France, and siuoe
France has a very large silver ooinage,
Germany refuses to assent to any aotion
that would strengthen tbe resources of
ber old-time enemy. For another reason
she rather likes the idea of the contin
ued payment of bonds and interest in
gold, she being a creditor nation and
many ot ber wealthy men having in
vested their millions in Americas rail
roads aud other foreign ventures.
Austria appears to be taking her mon
etary views from Germany, to whiob
nation she is allied with Italy by an
offenoive and defencive treaty. Under
this enfiuenoe she recently placed her
flnanoes upon the gold basis, and of
course she is averse fo a radical altera
tion ot a polioy so reoently adopted.
Great Britain would be qnite as ram
pant for gold as Germany and Austria
were it not for her Indian finances. She
Is also a oreditar nation, and believes in
the golden monopoly; at tbe same time,
however, she shows some fear of the re
sults that would attend a further de
preciation of ber Indian currency, which
is entirely silver. A sharp depredation
in the Indian money would react dis
astrously upon British interests, just
as tbe runious depreciation in the cur
rency ot Argentine, where British finan
ciers had invested heavily, shook the
oredit of London and pulled down tbe
historic house of the Barings. The Re
view's dispatobes from London and
Brussels indicates a desire upon Eng
land's part to continue the status quo, at
least for the present. So long as the
United States oan be relied upon to
sustain silver nnder tbe present silver
law. Great Britain oan hope for fairly
stable conditions in India, and ber
policy, therefore, is rather to throw tbe
bruot of the burden upon this country,
and await, future development.
It may be that tbe silver situation will
not materially improve until it becomes
considerably worse. If the United Htntes
oould alarm England with a conviction
that the Indian ourrency is in danger of
still further bepreciation, sbe migbt be
induced to throw ber iuflnenoe for bi
metalism, and that, witb the support of
the silver couutries in tbe conference,
would be sufficient to restore silver with
out tbe consent of Germany aud Austria.
Even as matters stand, Great Britain
may give ber oonsent to some policy
that will sustain silver without going to
the extreme limit of bimeialliera.
Regular session of council last night
called to order by Mayor Matlock. All
councilmen present but Patterson. Min
utes of last meeting read and approved.
Bills allowed: J. W. Rasmus, 800;
Telegram, inquiry bonds, .60
Petition of Chas. Sheldon et at., and
D. A. McAtee et a!., far orosswalk center
Main street, between May and Willow
streets referred to committee on streets
and public property.
Counoil levied tax 4 mills, as follows:
24 mills property, IJ-i mills road and
poll tax.
Council as a whole appointed as a com
mittee to confer and employ an attorney
to make amendments to tbe charter to
be presented to tbe next legislature.
Counoil then adjourned.
That Tie News comes over from
Harney county that W. C. Byrd will not
be one in the race to be decided on tbe
20tn inst. It is reported that John Daly
will run on the democratic ticket, but
who will be the choices of the republic
an aud populist parties is not known,
though it is presumed that Gowan and
Feowiek will try it sgain. If the latter
should not decide to make the race, the
democraet will doubtless be elected.
Tllo Follow ing Ziettor
From a PROMINENT and INFLUENTIAL Stockman ot tbe Interior Country.
We are constantly iu receipt of the same kind rrom many
others who appreciate our
Long Cbbek, Or., Nov. 16, 1892.
J. H. Kolman, Heppner, Or. :
Dear 8ib The Bill of Goods I purobased from you
wben I was in your city last week, I am well pleased and
satisfied with. Must admit that I bought them from you
at almost one halt what I would have had to pay elsewhere
in your oity. Tbe farmers and stookmea ot this and adjoin
ing oounties congratulate you on your good and noble work
in opening np at Heppner aud throwing a bomb shell into
high prices. It is our duty to patronize yon aud we shall
all nnite in extending our patronage to tbe Boston Cash
Brother Knlman, keep up the good work, and bless you
for the bargains yon are exten liug to us all, and bope your
trade will morease tenfold, a you deserve it, Witb best
wishes, Respectfully Yours,
J. M.
J. H. KOLMAN, Prop.
. . rrestuent.
. Vice President.
8eo, and Trea
Successors to
"Carry a full line of'
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps.
And suoh goods as are usually kept in a first-olass store.
Call and inspect our stook and get our prices before buying your fall supplies.
we are also agents tor
mitchelulewibtaver Agricultural Implements.
For Morrow and Northern Grant Counties.
(ash and
Jon una
ll-HErrrr . -
But it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend their cash with
P. ! Q). : oeqpsoi) ; (2d.
Is because they get full value in :
Tinware, Wood Willow ware,
lonfectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos o and Cutlery of all Kinds
Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition.
The beet assortment of Men's Winter Underwear and Top Shirts iu the oouuty.
e-austacuon uuaranteen. corner jnain ana willow streets.
To Gret Even on Your liie.
Hew ; Hardware Store !
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
ripe, xanas, uatninns ana sinus, jriumning Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
: -:- You will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. : :- .;. ;. -:- -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
iiBmihrr lix n. ujuhiimm
mm wm
1 AL4iiiy 1 m
TneLEaairg Hoiei of me Ciiu
Ik Margaret Von Mow
Out for.
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
Etc., Etc
Trust 13usts.
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At last and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will dliver wood,
1 sawed or unsawed.
Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts
Per Cord, twice in two ; 81 .00, three times. Wood sawed aud
delivered at $7.50 per cord. Yard near the depot.
Leave orders at riloan & Howard's.
RIP VAN WlNit-LiK, rropnetor.
Change of Ownership
which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hantlB at all times the ohnioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
Graduate M. E. 0. V. S., London, England.
Veterinary -w- Surgeon
I am i
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
m prepared to do all klndn of Veterinary Surnory, Kinnscnlattng Hnmn and RpkIIiiri a flpecl.
ally. (This la tho only true method .if operatniK on lioren.) 8eyliiK of Cattleand Mega
on anon nolle), l win ireul ail aminaia in trio moat anprovvu procemire oi veter
inary Huntery. f you have any Mirk anhnnla it will be to your lntereat to
call on me at btewart'i stabled.
HEl'l'NEB, .')iw OREGON
Collar Bosk Bbokun. While riding
horseback below lone Sunday evening,
Charles Sierr's horse becsme tangle 1
in some barbed wire by the Ioauaule
A Testimonial.
St. Gboroe, Jan. 2
Mb. Isaac Dolus, Indianapolis.
Dear Bib -I received my music, "Air
Ship Waltz" and "The Odd Fellows'
Grand March" in good oondition and I
am perfeotly delighted with them because
they are perfect "gems" and have been
amply paid tor mj trouble. Tbe "Air
Ship Will 1 1" ia something magnificent
because ut its simplicity in eieoution
and harmony, combined with tbe best
waltz time. Thanks for your advertise
ment in tbe Gait Reporter.
Yours Truly,
H. A. BaTKKliTT,
Teacher ot Piano aud Ornsn.
St. George, Ontario, Canada.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Guai-ntTd to cure nillom Attacks tad
CeauliMUon, HmaU Uu tteaua
Is quite a good ways off. Winter is not so far, and
in the meantime our friends oan square np on snbsorip
tion by bringing in oordwnod.
The Lanxashire Insurance Co.
i W PATTEKSON. AG EST On?ojtheJle.HnJheWorlrt
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on hhout Notice and at Popolab Prick.
WmT' Bread 22 Loaves for $100.
s -:- and -:- (ip !
The Finest in the Lund.
Oyster SSon oia
Also iH about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
W. J. L.KKZKW, Propi
flMUS HOSTELRY bas been RRFirraD and IiKPUNixuun throughout, aud now
is one of tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to step
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style.
First Class House. Reasonable Rates