Give your bvsivett to Hrjpver people and therefore ait to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patrunif you. PRESIDENTIAL HISTORY. A traoe of historic coincidences in YfaabiuKKi) has found that in every oase where two oandidatea have faced each other a aeo.jud time in the arena tbe nor defeated four years before has woo tlie cou test. Thus Jefferson, beaten by Ad ams in 1796. proved the viotot iu 180(1; Jackson, beaten by John Q liucy Adaiua in 1821, defeated the latter in 1828; and HarriBOU, who was beaten by Van Buren in 1836, defeated his antagonist decisive ly in 1840. In 1888 Cleveland was beat en by Harrison; and on the 8th lost be sustained the record by uia election. S" history, as well as contemporary pitfns, poiuted to Cleveland, aud iu thisiustuuoe history was pbilosopLy. Mr. Cleveland is, however, the only ex-president ever re-elected with an in terval of four years between his first aud eoond term. A defeat as his own mo oessor has heretofore ended tbe political career of an aspirant for the presidency. Mr. Cleveland in this regard, has proven himaelf a son of destiny Dispatch. not BarITarians. The reporters ut tbe Uiutfouian have Blloed a lew uuBUtupuiuue Ueteelivea to till lueui up wuu u lot of busu ahum the aiuudiug of tnose so-called Ueopei adocs iu Kaateru Oregon, the UuZcUe Ouuaiaera lout it is a ictL-uUuu upuu iue iuieifiity ot oui people to Buy mat tuej have allowed lulu tfttua, lo go uumolusieu, though tuey are said to huve Kuuwu oi their transactions. It is not true iu any sense, and as tor being ufioid ol any one of in use under arrest, mere is nut a leu-yeai-uld buy iu eitlier liuliaui or oioiru Couutiea but wliat cuuld have niude tbe Brreaia, 11 ue had hecu deputized lo nave done ao. There are pleuiy ol men beie Who have aouieiUiutf lo do Willi sheep Bud callle viuu are not thieves, uor will thdy put up wuh any nt H. iUure tlitin thai, Ine deguniau's leporier aud the detectives win liud tne uvetutje uiuu ueie with "suuu" euuu(U to Uuld uisuwu, and to lend aid iu seeiuit that the laws are obeyed, if it becomes necessary. Tub Sherman silver act of 1890 anghl to be repealed, aud doubtless will he in tbe near future. Tlmi-gli it strengthen ed the prioe of silver for a time, the re sults of ninkiiig ailver a cominnciity in stead of money si.on reacted, and silver 'weutdowu;" though in tact it wing not h- ini more than an appreciation in favor of Hold. If this only all- cted the miner, it would be a Stiiall mutter, hut hiicIi was not the ciiHp. The fulmar's products went down with the advunoe in tjnlil, fur the hitter was dearer and it took more to buy it. But the farmer's morti!H(;e didn't not any smaller; "as jimt, the same, though it did take mure toil more wheat, more of anything that he mi(ht raise to pay off the interest and priuoipal. Yes, tbe Sherman law treats Bilver as a commodity and should be re pealed as noon as possible. Aicanrdiiiif to tbe present laws of our nation, we are buying aud storing away vast quatitili"-. of sliver uhioh our laws say is not money This is a good sulij. ot for our people to scratch their beadx over. Hon Fiibd Douglass has received so many inquiries since tbe election from members of tbe colored race who are anxious to learn his views as to the prob able effect of democratic nocessioii to power, that he has put his answer in the form of a printed iironlnr. There will, he thinks, be made by the new nilmitiis tration no disastrous assault upon ti e enterprise, iiidustry and welfare of the country. Democrats will endeavor to overhaul the tariff, aud iu some cases changes will be m ule, but the principle of protection they will neither ignore nor abandon. As to the ifTVoi ot the elec tiou of Cleveland upon the condition of the colored people of the South, Mr. Douglass biijs lie is free to say that he hiiB his fears as well as his hopes. One thing I may with sufety say is this: "It will be very bard to make the condition in the Huiitb much worse than it is now, end ha been during the present ailuiiu lstratiou." We notice that J U. Luce advocates, in his letter to the Living Issue, that Haystack preoiuct be added to Morrow county. Morrow county aud He, peer must remember that this will he bitterly opposed h Long Ureek, who want divis ion. Inasmuch as we are depending on both sections for business, it is not good polioy to precipitate any light over it A new county made from northern Grant would place Haystack much nearer In their eouuty seat th in at present, and as for a railroad ruaiket, they have it now. If Grant county wishes to make any chaiikies, well enough, but the OiZltc does not consider Hint Wc will yum am thing by mixing up with Grunt c iiiit's tilts If Grant sliould cone .le. 11. etui's to Morrow oounty and Sho.'lh to Crook, it is only a move to prevent division, unit to retain the county seat n tier- it is now. No, we don't think it is Monowo mil.', fltht at all. Tun K. 0. thinks Cockrell's plun to supply the supposed itilicieney by issu ing $500,01)0,1100 wortli of greenbieks, and to retain the gold reserve of 8 100,1100, 000, the proper thing. If this is good, if we can trnllti: and trade oncredic between ourselves and with the world at large on promises, let the gold reserve go to hades Bud let the government puy its debis off iu promises to pay. If a money is good a great deal is better. A KM'oilT comes over from Harney county that Callow precinct did vote af ter all, aud that it gave Byrd 4 mnj inty. Tbe vote has been canvassed hy the state authorities, and the result declared a tie, but this might be reconsidered and save the expense of a special election. Tqb postmaster general wants the gov ernment tu establish postal savings bauks. This is not altogether a bad idea, j but The Di-plcl. js of I be "opinion' that I the (fi'ven mi-nt ehcnld attto-l to the niMnets for whioii It wi.h ciexieo huh lot ,xni,d itself in all liuiDflhea of mi dim riea. TIjo uc-xt tlitnji the rovitd- J nieut will waul to go into will be Hid nevspaprr husinehs and if ibe pension frauds do not bankrupt It, the newspa per enterpiise will. The government is enenged iu too many enterprises already which were intended for private individ uals Dispatch Thb American delegates to the mnne- t .ry conference, uow 'u session at Brus sels, are still hopeful that gomethiug will be accomplished. However, there is no hope of the Iiothobild'e proposiiion passing as it now stands, but with some amendments it might receive a stronger support, though the leading tiuauuial journals of E iglaud not only disapprove of tlie H itLr-chilil scheme, bill clunk nothing practical will he adopted. W. C Bum of Bums, has withdrawn from the joint representative n.oe of Grant and liaruey counties, his business relations being such that he oau not again canvass the field before tbe speoial eleoiion on the 20th inst., whioh was necessary from the fact that the regular electiou resulted iu a tie between himself aud A. W. Gowan, the republican nom inee. The Nioaragua oanal convention at New Orleans have coucluded their la bors. Tbev rec immend that the Uuited States take charge of tbe work. It is to the interest ot this government to pre vent any other nation, aud particularly foreign ones, from getting any further foothold on the Americans. The aged Kev. Dr. John W. Hoott, father of Airs. Benjamin Harrison, died at Washington on tbe 30th ult. Tlie fu neral servioes occurred on Deo. 1st, and then the remains were conveyed tu Indi anapolis by sptcial train, accumpauied by the president and his cabiuet. The next session of the legislature is near at band, aud our Eastern Oregon legislators ought to he getting ready to whaok away (or au open river. We need a portage at Celilo. Hon. D. B. Hili, thinks that if con gress passeB a free silver bill Cleveland will sigu it. 1 be masses of the Amen cuu people believe that be will do uoth ing of the kind. Gov. I'knnoYeb lias ordered a new eliotiou tor representative over in Gram and lluiuey Counties, to occur the 20ili ins. The election of Byrd aud Gowai. proved a tie. Btisr.'s comet threatened to strike the e rtb Inst, week, but was seven hours and 20,000 niileB too slow. It is a tailless comet, and has not been seen siuce 185!) JrjHT tbe interest that is being mani fested iu the world at large over Ibe sil ver question is causing that metal to look up. Bdiiuetth Wolf, tlie nmrdorerof Miss Morton, is uow no nearer uppreliension than the day the crime was committed. Wh. litiuiFELD, recently on trial at I'lie Dulles for the minder of liismolhei iu law, has Linen acquitted, KDlTOKlAh NOTl'X FiiANCti has dtij.' up u Panama scandal, feuiful lo contemplate. TiiKgnbeiuato'inl contest in Wyoming is crculiii some excitement. Tine legislature of K msiis promises hot woik for tlie coming Mimer. The fifteenth congressional district ol Norto Cuiolina elects a republican. G 1). Smiti, one of tbe pioneers ol Arlington, died at Goldendalea few days ago. Hbnky M. Hoyt, once governor or l'ennsj Iviiniu, died at Wilkeabune nil the lt inst. To a Watson of Georgia, will co:ilest foi the seat in Cougiess. He will hard ly sin Oi'ed. The dcniocralio leaders seem to favoi a special sessioti of congress. Cleveland is said to be in tavor of it. The great Uilmore's band has gone to pieces. The German members did not like the new leader, lleeves. u,i. in Z.K KAiiv aud young Iliimphcr) . tAo lt 'Si) n suspects, have heeu tlirueu loose, as bey could not he identified I)) the witnesses. The Uregoniaii thinks the members ol tlie silver conference might as well go homo. Tbe Ongomau is approved to the resturatlou of sliver as money, auy how. DiiF.U'l.T was made on tbe lit ii si. on I lie U -st Tennessee, Yirgina & Georgia tir-t . x'ension per cent hoinls, union. .t uig to $5,u0,l 0,10 1'hey couldn't mee. i lie int. -icst, A 111 l.i. una jutorduced into tbe Alii b iin.t Ichiiluiure nrovi.ling for huuumiit.t ..I ifoOO u year tor Mrs. Davis, widow m ,1. tr.-rson I l.i via, .luring her life. Tin bill met Willi innch tavor anil iviil iloiibi less, s.ns the p. ess dispatches 1 11 B United St.iles by the treaty of 18 46, was given the special cure ol l'uniiui.i iiiiioiiiitaing reull) toaniii xation. France lias gotten a big hold there, and the ver) ii nine of the " Moti roe doctrine' 'is serious ly disl iii bed. This matter out;bt to he settled in short order. rim uuhii i t i.:. l'orreniomliMH'o to Portland Telegram. So uiin.Ui 1 1. .a been wniteii regarding gold cure for diiiukcuners that we all know of lbs great good accomplished. My huhind who was a wreck for year, took treatment Hl an institute over three years ago, and has had no desire to taste liquor since, but it cost us over $UX1. I bud a brother in law a chemist, a slave to drink, but loo poor to take treatment, lie iinul z.'d tbe medicine my husband brought I le and cured himself. Four ol our ncqii.iiiititi.o.-a got the presc.ip tiou and cured themselves The follow ng in the prescription: Electrified uold, 1,5 utHiiin ; muriHte of an monia, 1 ri,iiif j c ni. Hnul exirnct of en cuouh, Aimw, fl h.I ,-rtn.oi of ouci, 1 it, glycerine, 1 onuc -s ; nitrate, of a.r.ich- iiih.1 uniin; distilled water.loi Take a teasj oonful every two hours when awake for two or three weeks. Alter the second or third day there will be no de sire for drink. Medicine to efieot a oure will not oost $3 50. I think every pape' should help the poor by publishing this presoriptiou. Mks. W. C. HE TOOK HIE OITOKTUMTY. Why Should He he a Judge and Not Have the Pnwer to Act From the St. Louts Republic. Judge Suiitb, now a resident of Pbce nix, Arizona, is visiting friends in tbis city. The Judge was ones a proseonting lawyer iu tbe little towu ol Quitman, Mass. Ou one occasion be was defend lug a case before Judge Buck Hauoock, During the trial Judge Smith had occa sion lo go frtquently out of the ounrt- room. Judge Hundoook finally got tired of tbe delay iu the oaseoauBed by .Smith's absenoe aud reprimanded him. Finally Urolith came iuto the room with bis bat ou. The indue saw his ooDortut itv aud called out; "Mr Smith, I flue you $50 for con tempt of o ourt " "Very well, your honor," was the reply "I'll pay it tomorrow." The case went on. The next day Han- cook was iu better humor, and, desiring id go out for a moment, called Judge Smith to the beuob. After Judge Han cock had left tbe mora the actiug justioe turned to the clerk and said, "The flue agaiust Mr. Smith yesterday for contempt of oourt is remitted." Aud so it was. It was never colleoted, KEMAltKABLE NEWUPaPEK ENTEH Combination is the characteristic of this age, aud when capitalists are oum biuing in trusts, working men in labor unions, and farmers in alliances, news papers eau hardly be blumed for joining ihe procession. Iudeed it is remarkable that tne press has not lead the way iu taking advantage of ihe power of aeeocia tiou, instead of lagging behind. The Frees Claims Company, "hose ad vertisement appears iu another column and ill become familiar to our readers .luring the oomiug year, illustrates the advantages or cooperation ou au exten sive It is a u .mbiuation ot hun dreds of ihe lending nowspupers of the Doited .States for the purpose of protect ing their palr.uis against un-ornpiiloua Washington chiim agents, and prompt, efficient, and economical s. rvice to all ueisons having dealings with the government Incidentally the oompany expects lo make a profit for itself. It will si cure pateuts aud pensions, perfeot laud titles, and attend to all other legiti mate business of the kind on terms that will make its employment a necessity to claimants having a proper regard for their own interests. Membership in this company is a guaranty of the high standing of any newspaper, all applications foi stock having heeu carefully considered and passed upon by the board of directors neiore nno meut. lue oompany comes before the publio backed by the col lective indorsements of over five huu drei of the leading jotirnulsof the United States. That t he Gazette has Oeen ad mitted to such an assooiatiou is n com pliment biob our readers will appreoi ate as highly ns ourselves. We take pleasure in recommending Ihe Fress Cla'm8 Donipany to all ho m ay desir Ihe satisfactory transact), n in its line. of business Ilowiiinj; tlis lliumnier. The drummer had finished one of his wonderful stoiies; his auditors in the smoking oouiptirttunit were dumb with am. zeuient. That is they were dumb tor, biii, two minutes, when a very old man who had manifested the greatest merest, cleared bis throat and looked around ou tbe croud. "1 can't say," he began, "that oni friend's story reminds me ot au experi ence in my own life, hut it, at least, war rants me in narrating, with your kiud permission, the ots in my case. Iam, aeyouniiiy well see, a very old man, ver 100. Seventy-five years sgo I left my native France and came lo Amerioa. At ihnt lime Napoleon Bonaparte, Ihe meat Napoleon, was at Ihe zenith of his glory and I a young man, with all )onth's ambition and daring, was a member of the imperial household. 1 saw Ihe great emperor d..ily, and often sat at his table. One day, I never knew just bow, I did something that excited the fiery temper of the Corsican, and iu a moment h opened the vial of his wrath upon me. For an instant I was stunned and smoiheied hv his tonenl f abuse, but, Hoovering myself by the iine he hud finished his lirmle, rose to mi feet haughtily, and approaching him closely, I shook ni list under his nose. " "Hv thunder, Mr Dot.sparre,' I said nitli satnnic sarcasm, 'you have said to tne Blnii no man ever d .re say before, .11 I Unless V"ll up log Z' on tl.e spot, I ie.1 yon, sir. Fiance is not huge enough i.. hold us boih,' and, turning fi rcely ou my heel, I lelt the aparimeiil." The old man's voice trembled with excitement and Ins breathing became so -hort that he wug compelled to 81 p talking "And then w hut f" asked the drummer in strained surprise. "1 lelt Fram e, utid left it so rapidly that even N ipoleou ttonaparte oooldu't ditch tne," said the old man, aud the drummer looked at him severely and weut ..ut into the vestibule. PliKITY KTKONU, BIT ABOUT TUCK. From ttiu E. O. The members of the international mon- etary couferenoe who are juggling with one another are simply hasteuiug the doom of a metal money among intelli gent nations governed by Ihe people. ineir iiUnproinising propositions to oueok the full of prices aud the inorei.1 pnsumptlon mm jWhat shall stay 'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian cod li ver oil A L and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption ? Make no delay but take Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaomio and Wasting Diseases. Provents wasting In Children. Al;uot us palatable as milk. C:'t only Ihe renulne. Pre pared by 1 oott It Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. iog purchasing power of gold are but the aotn of manipulators and benefioianes of onr present system of onrrenoy. It is fast being demonstrated that the depres sion in business is dne to ths fast in creasing value of gold. This is the main ounse of the hard times from one end of the earth to the other. This metal has risen in value 35 per oent in the last fir teen years, and this immense profit, in addition to interest, has gone iuto the pookets of those who happen to be the favorites of fortune a comparative ly small class aud, to a large exteut, least deserving as productive, aotive workers. Every monarch or au too rat of the old world whose extravagance makes bira or bis nation a borrower, adds to the value of gold and draws the life blood out of the veins of the people, whose substances are sapped by the stealthy and thieving hand of a barbario system of money banded down to a oiviliz d age by as brazen a set ot kings, Kb) locks and fa vored classes as ever profited at tbe ex pense ot an unthinking and patient, pop ulace. This system of money is fast driv ing the people back into barbarism; fust building up the muster and slave olasea. and making kings of knaves and galby slaves out of honest, conscientious ami industrious men. It is plsoing greed and rapacity upon a gilded throne to be waited upon and served by oonsoieiiee and virtue It, is tbe money of devils, fittingly known as the'mouey devil." It must go, or a free people and Amen oan institutions will be the chattel prop erty of Shylocks and adventurers No government of the people is safe and seoure when snoh a demon is gnawing at its vitals while the people are ignor ant of the danger which threatens their lives, liberties and privileges. It is time for all citizeus who place country nd freedom before wealth and license te pause, think and act as their reason aud common sense diatate. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Look out for Fell Bro 's sale of rem nantsbargains in everything. a Why go hungry when the City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates. g "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes at P.O. Thompson k Co.'s stand, and tbe place for bargains. - - v- - a Call on Rip to do your wood sawing same old price. Also delivers wood to any part of Heppuer. See ad. a For cash yon can get more at the East ern Clothing bouse, with Levi on deck, than any other place in lieppner. a The 1'alaoe is the leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty ol light are provuled Tor pvervone. Smith, the furniture man, is prepared to sell fine goods ut low figures, Full line of undertaking goods ou hands. M. Liohtentbal k Co. have a fine lot of winter wear, including ladies' winter shoes, overshoes, rubjer boots, etc. Drop in. a Borg, the jeweler, is tb' nan to fix up your watch or clock. e keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business' Don't overlook T. VV. Avers, Jr., the leading druggist. Choicest perfumes purest drugs aud the finest toilet artii 1 i always on hand. a The Bncbler beer, 5 oents per glnss, at the Columbia Beer Hull, Osmers k Hughes, mops., next door to M. Lioh tent bill k Co.'s shoe store. a The M. L. AT. Co, sinoe they have rooreil all tlieir pi at tonus, have an im meuse storage capacity. This compauv uow deals iu grain, lumber aud wood, i Siuce Shaw k McCarty purchased tb meat market they have always endeavor ed to keep on hand the freshest and choicest meat, sausages aud bolognas, i What will perseverance, pluck and en lerpris - avail in this wild west, if yon caunot gel tug oargaiusr However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros emporum. a Thompson & Binnsown the buss which goes to aud from Ike Citv hotel, but will oull for parlies desiring to go to train iu any part of Ihe city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Gilliam k Bisbee, the hardware and tinware merohauts, carry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agricul tural implements, Don t you need plow this full? a Uon't overlook Kirk k Rasmus for bargains. They have purchased Ihe bus inessof J. W. Mat look A Co. but will soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site thePnluoe hotel. a Dr Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepso and all its kindred ailments. Every hot tie sold under a positive guarantee ti effect a oure or money refunded. See ad in this issue. a 1 lie general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Ci Hiu A Mi Far hind, has lately changed hsnds, now he- itiif miner the control and management "f The McFurlund Mercantile Company, which continues business at tbe old stand with a larger slock than ever. a 3 UK VY AKD. Tbis amount will be paid for the re covery of a chestuut sorrel gelding. branded a iliamoud F, connected, ou light hipand I a on left stiri-; bus wire out ou one front fool; is seven years old, weighs 900 to 1000 pounds, star iu forehead. Tlie above reward ill be paid for her delivery to me at Alex. Thompsou's much. Jiskph Dubois, 541-tf. rieppuer, Or. Mointain Horsi Mr. Joseph Orauk hfil lately leased Ibe hostelry known hb tbe Mountain House. reSttiog and re furnishing- it throughout. Board and bed, per pt-k SO; bonrd without bed, $4.50; ineHltt and bed 25 cents each. Mr. Cr uk neks a portion of tbe ptttrountfe, bflipvititf that bn onu iiive as ood er- I vine as auyoue iu Heppuer, aud for lees That dreaded and dreadful disease! its ravages? Thousands and hvpophosDhites of lime lOO -:- -:-FREE -:- -:- -:-WATCHES -:- Given by the Oldest News papir in A'ew York City. In addition to the numerous new and original premiums offered to subscribers, we propose to present them with 100 Watehen.all of which are tfiittranteed bvT. Lynch, nth 8treet and Union Square, N. V. City, who furnishes them to us, Thb AnvKRTisKR is the oldest newspaper In New York City, Its .Vet'kly edition is published In two sections and comes out every Tuenday and Friday lui times during the year ; has six to eiht pages every Issue, 1b well printed, has plenty of pictures, short stories, telegraphic news, financial and market reports, a womau's page and the ablest editorials published in any New York paper. It is a model home paper with elevating and entertaining reading matter, devoid of sensations and objectionable adver tisements. AU tor fl.ou a year. bpeclinen copies and Premium Lists with full particulars ol the Attractive Inducements for Agents, sent Free on application to The Advertiser, 29 Park Row, N. Y. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after Buttering for sev eral years wiiii a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious to make known to his fellow sullerers the means of cure, to those who desire it. he w ill cheerfully send (free of charge i a copy of the preacription used, which they will tit id a sure cure for Consump tion, Asihuia, Catarrh, Bronchids and hII throat and lung maladies. He hopes all sutl'erers will try his remedy, as it Is invaluable. ThoBe deBir ing the prescription, which w'll cost them noth iug, am id may prove a blessing, will please ad- dress, l-t a w KKV. fcuWAHl) A. WiLSON, Brooklyn, Mew York. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Heppuer, at their otliceoiithe seeoud Tuesday of January lftu;, between the hours of 10 o clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day. for the purpose of electing directors and the transaction oi fluch other business as may appear. 5U-w Oku. Conser, Cashier. Stockholders' Meeting. rriIE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE STOCK I holder of the National Bank of Hi'ppner, will be held at their oitice li. Heppner, Oregon, on the second Tuesday of January 1893. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. in. for the purpose of electing directors for tlie ensuing ver Dated at Heppner the J-th day of Dec. 1S02. 51-j3 w Ed. li. Bibhop, CflBhler. An Apprehensive Subject by Means of a Prehensile Tail Ihe Monhoy is Sot Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. VaTJ Jaa' WE TELL OF IBAEGAINS Splerjilid Goods, Fair frPHlinent ; ntiefction to custom ers, and of reasoDHtile prices aud good uioopy value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tnle without pud. bPO'inse it is a tnlp that will bld A plnnsiire to dhow goods. Sit-oiul inducements to CHeb buyers. Call at DISSOLUTION OF COPVTRNEKSHIP. Notioe is bereby tiiven that tbe part nership riintiiiu between Arthur O'fliu and Frank McFarland, under tbe firm uarae of CVfTJn k Mi'Farland, was dis solved February 1, 1892, by mutual oon sent, Artiuir Collin retainiuu tbe Arling ton uiiBiiiens, collei'hntr all aooounts due Miid pHinn all liabilities of same, and Frank McFurlund retaining tba Heppner bnaiiit SK, oollectitig all acrouDts due an i pa vinu all liabilities of same Arthur Coffin, Frank McFarland. Referring to tbe above. Frank Mi'Far land, Hnmer McFt.rland and Eiuil C. Vorui bave formed a co partnership un der the Arm name of Mi'Farland Mercan tile Company, commencing business September 1st, 1892, to be incorporated. The new firm will continue in the sen- eral merchandising business at tbe same looation, National Bank building, lower Main St., Heppuer, Oregon. r bank McFariand, HoM KB McKAKLAN'd, 542 648-w Emil P. Voaii Cure for folds. Fevers and General Tie. 3Ult , bus Beau. Jtow- per eutUe. Scott's emulsion Mwmi ; Suiveij Or" u ;0Ta t.Ja j w :TO PEOPLE 0E HEPPNER rAnd Surrounding Country, -: We are oiimj elled to announce that our entire stock of - Clothing, lLirnisliing Goods, hats. caps, boots, shoes, Truuks, ValiBes, and also b full line of Ladies' Goods, nuob as Dress Goods, Faro jpbiugs, Fuuoy Goods and Kutiuus ot all kinds MUST So.raWithin the Next 30 Days.3o. At prices never heard of iu the history of merchandising. Thanking you for past patronage, we would like to see yon oome aud ;Get the Benefit of Our- Closing : AT THE EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE, N. LEVI KOI3ISON", Proprietor. HEPrNER, PnACTICALi- House and Sign Painter. -PAIXTrNG IN ALL Paper TIangmg Graining, Natural Wood Finishing BOX 135, : : DAN OSMERS. Columbia V EX1 DOOR to Heppner Street. Keep on hand wines, Cigars, JLtc. We huve Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to & Oents Per Glnss, On draught, fresh aud cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMERS & HUGHES. Props. TTEPPNER and LONE (5 (P 7ts 1ST. IVIIXSO, Prop. Leaves He ppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Line Rock on Moudajs, Wednesdays and Friiiays. MHkes connection with tbe weekly hue to Fossil. Reasonable oharges for both Passengers : 513-1 few SLOCUM-J0HiN3TON A San Francisco Paner Would Form an Interesting Addition to Your Winter Reading. THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY THB . . . . Weekly IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE WEST. 9,000 SPECIAL PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY Itta brimful of new, from all parts of the world, and ita tlterary Dpartmrt la annulled br th. fortmoat writers of tbe day. In addition to its great news and literary feature, IT GIVES TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER HIS CHOICE nauniribtril WOHftS The Examiner's Art Album, Consisting eight beautiful reproductions from masterplea of the world'a mat. est artists, the whole collection bound in a handwmt Umbo, leatueratu mm j Or a beautiful reproduction, In all of its original colon, of th. famous historical ' painting, Ki28 inches, "woricai. Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabels. And besides all this. THB EXAMINER will this year distribute amonj Us subscribers t MA Prt-Jf1'- 8SS"ti K Iu value the stupendous sum of $138,000. This is the fourth annua'l dlstrtbn- .... K,.. . ,ls u more raiuaDle than ever befora offered. Remember that $1.50 ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR $,5() Ita regular subscription price. Get the ft.ll particulars of this grand offer from the KXAJmrea i Bieen.Pag, Premium List, which we ca supply to ,on, or you can procuriTn. froTl rSHtl scription for THE WEEKLY EXAMINES and your home paper, and so sari something of the coat, Weekij hxaoiner Sl.oO a tot, of $15). We will seud both to one addre. (or to different addresses if desired) for Jt3 GO. ' l d. m IS I1EI'PNER'9 LEADING Office, Residence Notice to Stockholders. N'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THTA MEET in ol rhe stockholders of ihe Motel Company will be hold in the parlors of ,aid ho tel, on the iMh day of December, :tl. lor the purpose of electing officers for the ei.suiiur year Dated this ltx day ol -November iw Attest: J. r. Jloaaow 4. . MORROW, President. 16-5o4 Secretary. Kot.ce to Teachers VO.irE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .".'. 'e, ner. nistiiiiie ill be. nem in Heppner, IKveinlH-r IV 16 ami 1 A11 . ...'.J r .7 . " i-M-eviing io leach, are THE BE Out : Sle i THE - OREGON ITS BRANCHES. - and Decorating. and Polishing, Caloimining, Glaring, eto. 546 sw : HEPPNER, OB MAT HUGHES. Beer Hall! Candy Factory on Main a Fine Line of Liquors, ROCK -$r r m a i -m and -:- Freight. DRDG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. Examiner VALUE, $135,000 f ROM TWO OF ART, LIST OP LETTERS ADl-eVR"lS: AT U0UG--AS P08TOmCK Hedtieid John ' Thompson John .. . . Howell Belle Miss Used.' nei. caning ior same please say "Adrer- S. " HITS. Y. H. POB HAMC, HARNESS-SHOP, stock and fixture.. Good business: established In the midst oli , '""J 'lii and stock-raising coamtry. Also for sale a (rood house and iwo inL . i,h " "n.iiit tne binmess protwrtv. Fat hinh.r in. lorinaiinu address Gazette. Heponer. nr. wu Contractor Builder.