m, i NOl'ICK TO ADVKltTlttKIW. I'HiKE desiring the insertion o display ail., or change of .same, must get their copy in tiul later than Monday evening for Tnuhilay'i edition, or Ihiirsday evening or Friday eiii. tion. 'A HK i'ATTKHBUtl I'UtiUHHlNU Co. NO I H E. 1. The Bum of Ave cents per line will be charged lor "card ol thanks," "resolutions ot reai'ucl," lists ol ucdillna presents and donor, and onltnar) iiotu-ea, (ullivr tlian those the edit or Hhail till,. Hell git a a inaucr ol new,; and uiMK-eoi special niet-llngior w hatever pnrjose. 2. Nollt es ol church and society and all oilier eiilermliiineiils Iroin w hich revenue is lo be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rale ol live Lenli a line. '1 hese mles v ill be strictly adher ed to in every tiiplunce. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. (Jive your buaiiieasto heppner jeop e, mid tlitrejtne unitml to bund up titpp ntr. fativuiza thuae who patronize ymt. hier e una 1 here. Si e Dascy's new hi). Uiu'i overlook the Ladies' Bazar. J. W. Letzt-r is ot tue sick llbt this week. TD IT'S PILLS never disappoint the iuvuiid. the Mm. Jus Mj Haley ia reported ou sick list. Harry Warren is "under the weather" thin wtek. J W. Beckett was over from Eight Mile jesierdny. N. L. Kubisou is Belling potiitopB &t Iiwuis per lb. 37 If Oban, nnd Tom Burnett were upyesier day Iroiii Leluiwtou. Fred Miller knowi bow to nive ynu u good fit iu tttilnriuK. If si Pell Bins.' lii zaiir if where yon (jet those cheap blankets. 42 it Tbe Gem Hud Palnce saloons for tine liqilura, MoAiee Uroc, Piups. sw (Jonduotor Freueli and wile returned Wednesday from their VaOuliuu. Gen. Thornton took Harry Woods place ou Ibe branch lust Tuesday. Hon. W. P Matlock and wife left jeslerilio for ibeir liouie at Pendletud Frequent ehowers aud nice weatber are favorable to tbe farmer and stock man. John Hbaw was over fnm Butter oreek yeMerday. His baud of BUeep are doing well. The Morrow County Land and Ti list Company hare au unlimited supply of Ohop for sale. 41-1 f. Peter Brenner one of our worthy oom mismoiieiH, came iu yesterday from bis Eiibt Mile home. Pap oimuus & Hon still shoe horses aud do general blacksmithing at the old stand Matiook corner. 55. 8baw & McCarty are Belling beef fore-qnarlt-ia, nt four cents per pound aud oiber meats in proportion. 36 tf K, Lnouey aud Jan. Hunt, respectively ot Condon aud Fossil, were registered yesleiday at the City hotel. H. Ealeibrook, of The Da'les, came np Weil' etday laat to visit friends here He left this moruiiiit tor borne. Every man who takes any iuterest in fast Blink should subscribe for The Horseman Unzette shop, agents. N. Nielsnn is now running a stage be tweeu Hi miner aud Loue Rook. Set- ad. lor days ot leaving aud arr.val. tf. Mis. A J. Sieveusou is prepared to do all kimls ol numing. ChII at her home iu mil Hi Heppuer, or address ber at this place. ' 518 it Lo.-t A lady's ring.npal and four smu diamond setiiugs. Fiuder ill be r . win did by leaving same at tbe G.zeitr btbue. Hiyu ketcbuin whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber Bhop the place to get a Brat-class shave, hair-cut or shampoo. tf. Eiangeliat Ford left Wednesday for Waubiugtou . He has been assietiug in the revival wuik here, wbioh closed Tuesday evening. Masier Clay Freud' is the authorized agent for the Oregoiiinu at Ibis place. Subscribe through him, aud have yout paper delivered tiee oleharge. tf Did you notice that fine l ead of hair at chinch lust Sunday ? lhatwas Mis. B . She never permits herself to be out of Hall's Hair Keuewer. Try it. Newer and ueater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. The latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, niost successfully accomplished by l)r. B. F. Vaugban. Gas administered when desired. Thompson buildiug, Heppuer, Or 1-a-w. Mr. A. Young, of Gonseberrv, asa weloome oaller ai tbe U' Z tte office last eveuing. Mr Young says that the late raius are doing muob good, starting up fall bowu grain. Now is the time to clean and oil your harness for the winter. And don't fi Bet that O-'buru's Ivory Black Harness Oil is the best fur tbe purpose. For sale by P. 0. Thompson Co. 43 i Len MoCartv. of Birch oraek, cni oided after beiug shot by Alrxander. The wound made by Alexander's weiip.in would have probably ended fatally. Alexander was discharged.. Meats aie wholesaled at tbe Liberty Meat uiaikel obeaper thao ever before known to be sold for in Heppner. Fore quarter of beef at 4 cts. per poi'nd and other meats in proportion. 36 tf " K. E. Damon, daughter, nnd snn, Wal ter, HCOompauied hv W. F. Gray, ar, rived from Mount Vernon Wednexday. Miss Damon went below Thursday, aud ibe others retimed home tod. Weakness of sight i frtqnently Ihe result of general debility. When the blood is impoverished every organ and Sense suffer. As an tffeotlve, pnwerfnl, and economical touic alterative, Ayer's Sarsaparilla niay be relied on every lime Mr C. E. Fell leaves tomorrow for Ti Coma, where, we are informed that he will shortly locate. Mrs. 0. E. Fell returned laat week from a visit to Theron Fell and wife, and is well pleased with tbe place. Constipation is the parent of innumer able din Hues, and should, therefor, be promptly remedied by the use of Ayer's Cathartic ills These pillsdn not gripe, arepeiteotly safe to take, and remove all tendency to liver and bowel com plaints. Owing to tbe fact that job stock hss advanced about twenty per cent from reasons wlncb will he explained else where, we are compelled tn make a light advance on all printing. A ie rlnciinu will he made as soon as prices of material will justify same. Hsttee's Congo Ol is rapidly coming tolhefrnnias a leading medicine. J A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap plied it tn his leoj, which was recently kicked by a borce, and next day he threw asiile bis orntches- "It's the h-!". Harrison ssys. Lymm Brown tried the oil for rheumatism witb which l.e hs been troublei.' for yenrs, and this is wb t besats: '-It kocked it after two appli cations." 64!-tf. A supper in bonnr of Miss Maggie Parcell was givpD the residence of her mother, Mre. Kate Parsell, iu the Alpine atigbborbood but evening. Miss Mag gie will shortly leave for Walla Walla.! W. R Ellis went below this morning. Matt Mogrove, the Iraveliug man, ia in Ion n. Hngi Fi. Ids left for Biowusville this morning Uncle Chin. Cochran ia up from loue on bllsloeea. Mrs. T. W. Ajcrs, Jr, is npoited lunch b -iiei. Jus O. Williams waa iu ftom Spring Hollow today. Exoaviiions for the water mains Is pit gresaiiig rapidly. Albert Ayers, of Butter oreek, dropped iu on the toice tbla luoiuing. CIihh. Armstrong slid N A. Leaob were up In tleppner yesuiday. Mrs Kite Parsell, of Alpine, was a caller ai our ofbVe. Wednesday ot this eek. Win. Courier, Ed. and Hind Anders 'ii, weie icgi-iieied at ibe Palaoe. hotel yts tetdfiy. I. la reported that tbe institution of the Condon K ot P. luilge has fallen ibroiigb. Luther Huston, H. 0. Gay and Wil Iihiu till inm were iu yesterday from li ea creek. Jas. Nisbit has laken Harry Woods' place nil be recovers sufficiently to go to wotk agaiu. Bill Ho. tier reporled Tuesday that out at Press Thoupsou theie was quite a fall ol snow. J. T McMilIxn, one of Ibe progressive faiuiets below LtXiugton, was in Hepp uer yesterday, C. W, Liwrence, representing G. G Vtiukaoii iL'ii., of Portland, "as iu town oVrr yesieiday. Mr. J. is, P. Kennedy, the general trav eling agent fn tbe Nn Yoik Life Ius. Co., is in Heppuer. M. B. Haines and wife were over from Eight Mile to attend tbe mnriiage of Mi, Haines' brother, 'I had Aimslrotig and A Andrews nnd o wi r b in Wednesday as witnesses in ti.e ens , State vs. Kichiiritanu aud wife. The laying of the mams for tne water works la progressing rapidly. A litre lorae ot men are at work ou M iin street. Young Leyde and Happy Jack were arrested and thrown in by Marshal Ras mus I uesday for druuk aud disorderly Oi mil not. Mrs. Judy Mitchell returned Friday of last week from h visit, to ber son and wile, Mr. aud Mrs. Cbus. Mitchell, ot R.izville. Ham Walker, of Gooseberry, was noticed hy ye icporter as being with us today. Also A. Charlton, of tbe same neighborhood. We oall Ihe attention of our Heppner people to the letter of Hon. C. E. Lnce, published iu this issue. It ia tukenfrom the John Day Sentinel. Mrs Shepherilson, ot Nebraska, has been visiting ber sister. Mrs. Kate Par- sell, for some weeks. ' She will leave for her borne next week. 8. A Parker has returned from Inde pendence and will locate here for tbe winler. He expects bis wife, who ia a uiece of Nelse and Jas. Joues, will ar rive sboilly. Ed, McDid, one of our substantial Irish Aiuerioans, called at tbe Gazette i ffioe Frid.'V last, lie iB lately from tioldendale but has settled iu Maud Hol low uud will iuii sheep. Badly Seedhd. - At a meeting of Ihe school bo ird of Heppuer, Dist. No. 1, Wednesday, Ihe subject of deluoemeut of outbuildings was discussed. Tuat tbe pride of an American bjy would uot re volt at tbe wantonness aud obscenity displayed, is to be wondered at. The board decided to have the buildings thoroughly bitewasued, ooveriug up what already appeals, and to further ofier a reward of 810 for tbe conviction if any peisou defacing in uny way tbe uiotieny of Ibe district, the district will eufoice Ihe laws, aud propose to ai so expel any pupil onughtd. faoiug build i hub iu any way. It is hoped that the better promptings of human nature will prevail, aud that the sohoii b lard will he relieved of suah dis igieeabie tasks. Pbsttt Thin. This talk of a lot ol coardl delec ivi-s about tbe so-called bank robbers beiug bad men, compuiing ibem wiih the James boys, is tbe veriest of rot. No one had uuy fear of them, or any cause whatever to cull them bai men. Billy Morgan, of Mnltm mah Co., has the oredit for arresting Kimaey, when, iu fact, our own Mike Fiizgerald did the work aud thought nothing of it. The Fossil Journal gives the Tbiels a well-deseived raking for putting the rk ou to the deputy shenfls, and then paradiug their bravely (?) before a won dering public. An able bodied mau witb a lour-year-old olub oould Clear out a regimeut of such tougbs. Tb Journal iusists that ihe men over at Fobsil can prove an A 11 AUD PAIR. A Man A nd Wife Arrested Fur Destroying s baggy And Held in Tl Sum ot $750 Kach. Ou last Monday night some person ot persons literal demolished tbe Sue new buggy belonging to Mrs. Kate Parse!!, of Alpine. Eveiy spoke in tbe wheels was cut out, the tucgue SHWed hud bnuk ed up, the to;i demolished. Hud the who e such a wreck lh.it there is no hope ol re pairing it. Suspicion at once pointed to P. G. Richardson aud w ife. Phoebe, as Ibe per petrators. The) had been heard to wake threats bgniust Mrs. Patsell and family wbiob giew out of a little ocour'enut which happened recently, xtiohardaot. fell i ut witb a neighbor whom he pu sued down to Mrs. Parsell's place with a Winchester. Tbe man waa uot armed, aud lightly thought that running was ihe belter part of alor. Mrs. Patsei gave shelter to tbe pursued aud Wouh not allow Kiobardsou lo enter the pi em isea This seemed- to make both uiai. and wife quite angry, Deputy SneiiS Mike Fitzgerald weui out Wednesday and ariesied the oouph on two charges, uaiug threatening Inn gunge and maliciously destroy iug prop erty. On Ibe first charge they were r leased, hut were uot so luoky ou the sec ond. Tneir examiuatiou occurred 1 evening before Justice Hullook, btfnn wb im BuQiiiient evidence waa adduced ti warraut him iu binding them over in the sum ol 87- 0 each. In default ot suie ties, they were held in jail to await the action of the grand jury next March. A saw and ax wbioh gave evideuoe as having. been used in the destruction oi the vehicle was found iu the Hicbardauu bouse. Tbe ax wbb full ot uiuks, aud tbt haudle still had buggy paint ou it, tbongh there bud apparently been some effort made to scrape It off. Tue Richardson pair are bard oaaea. Tbe woman is a well-known prostitute. to which Ihe husband silently consents, wbiou biunds him us even worse than bis cnmpamou. W bethtr tbey areguilh ol Ibe present accusations or out, they should be lifted tiom the face of Morrow County on general principles. KOaLVNS 110BBKK8. More A bunt The Outlaws Barnard's Fnthei Talks btauipinu Uruuudor Desperadoes, From the Oregonian. Mure particulars have been received by tbe Thiel detective ageuoy concerning the oupture ol 1'eter Humphrey aud Wil lis Z.icUHry, two of tbe Roslyu bank rob beis, ut roil Colville, Wash., on Monday night. oberiU Fugb.oi opokaue count) aud his brotbei went to Colville m tbi morning aud caught bo'b tbeir men in the afternoon. They arrested Humphrey ai tbe Nespeliu lndiau agency on ibe reservation and Z icbary at carry post cmoe, a tew miles away. tJolb tue out taws were covered with revolvers as soon as tuuud, aud ihey immediately gave in seeiug that it was useless to offer resist auue. Manager oullivan. ot the line agency, left over tbe Northern Pac.fii yesorday afternoon, ostensibly for Seat lie, but H is believed lu reality for li lyu. His visit is ell hei for tbe purpose of aiteudii g tbepreltmiuar) ejammatl of rJumuhrey and Wiuia Z.olinry or "break" into a confession. The Thie agency IB gathering all the evidence pus Bible against tbe prisoners, as a vigorous deleune la anticipated. Mauager Otllll van said yesteiday that the desperadoes would have all their relatives, sneepnerd ers aud cowboys on baud to assist in es tablishing au alibi. "t be Z haiys can get all tbe witness es the) want in Eastern Oregoi ," contin ued Mr sjullivau. ''Cobo)8 : ud des peradoes, or 'st.eepheiders' as they are siyled by the outlaws, would not dare to reluse a chII lo be on hand at the triHl and give testimony for tbe defeuse, be cause if they took such n course their lives aud pioperiy would be iu danger. A promiueul oil zn of Portland told me today that the Z lUharys would uot stop at aison in order to satisfy aspite against a mau." Bernard's father says his eon osn be found at any time. He does not believe him guilty. This is followed by a lot of sensational stuff calculated to puff up tbe detectives and give Eastern Oregon "black eye." Whether these boys are gnilty or not, thev have no rendezvous to the Bines and are not desperadoes. The whole thing iB being painted up by tbe detect ives for their own nse. Columbus Discovered America But tbe people discovered that at - GILLIAM & BISI3EE'S Was the place to buy - (ash HARDWARE 4 Tinware. Wood and Willowware. Crockery. r.Liwnre. Lanms and Lamo Fixtures , L Pumps, Gaspipe and Piiimbing Materials. imp Coal, Iron and Steel. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS- Wsgons, Hack". Buggies. E'o A car load of SIOVES direct from tue taotory tnat must be sold. Joh Woik floue in a wommauiiae ruunuer uuu .ninmuiiuu uiiarauteed. HTTI? TOPTv Is up i'h Ibe times, nnd we Bek of yon a liberal share of If U IV O 1 VJlylY y1IK patri,UH!ei fur which we will endeavor to give you itn,,i vulnu for vnllr irntnpv. Main Street, next floor to met rvationui jjjuk Duuuiug. 1EPPNEB, .... HARDWARE, TinAvare, Wood s Willowware, 3 GROCIilRIJilS, Confectionery.v Cisiars. Tobaccos and Cutlery o of $ all Kinds Guup, Revolvers and AmmuuitioD. Tbe best assortment of Men's Winter Uuderwenr and Top Shirts iu the county. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main aud Willow streets. OREGON STILES UIPE6EDEISED. why ? Beo Etta. s Kfo Otlior MecUoiue SJffootod OuroB OONOO OIIi Bast. HAT TEES O.W.R.MF'G.C9 PORTLAND. ORE. WHY ? Becnuso H beuma tiatmi sciatica, Mouralgia are a. tbingof tbe Fast when CONGO OIU is ITsecl Pirat Month's Sales; 720 Bottles: Second Month's 8nles, 3300 bottles ISO 3-1 3D EVEnywiiEnE. FBICSi - Dec 16 - $X nlicl 08 a Bottle S. C. Smith, THE riamiuaCiiuiin in Keeps a full line ot EVERYTHING In the way of Furui'ure. Undertaking goods a ipedallty. May Street, Heppner, Or. 6M-t T. W AYEKS. .Tr. and Ifonund Ly . rums. Bat it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend tbeir cash with P. : Q). ; Toeqpsoi ; (Lo. : Is because they get full value in ' HEPPER, OREGON. HERE IS THE PIA.CE -4 To Gret Even on Your Tjife. NEW H JUST LINE 0F OPENED. Ktoej 3 A COMPLETE Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, ' Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal. Pnmps and Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs aud Siuks, Plumbing Materials, Agricnlltiral Imple ments. All Kinds of Kepairing quickly and neatly done. TDK CEI.FIMTF.I) Bain Wasons, Hacksm Backboards. :- -:- You will save money by getting nur prices before puiobasiug elsewhere. : : : :- : -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main 8t.t 634-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. Grain Sacks PHILL COHN T. W. AYERS, .J & CO. be arrested alibi. Wedding Bells.- Thereocourred at the Palace hotel pat lore last evening at 7:3J, tbe marriage of two popular youug people of Eight Mile, Mr Bruce Haines and Mif-a Tillle Anderson, R-corder A. A. Roberts peiforuiing the nuptial riles. A number of Heppner aid Eight Mile friends were present and partook of Ihe wedding supper which followed the cere mouy. Mis.t'has.Charllon, of Beppner, a talented musioiati, entertained the gathering with choice mileie and singing. It was an aff-nr, quite recherche in character, and the beautiful bride and amialile groom have the good wit-hesnf a large circle ot frieuds and acquaint ances. A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord has m iveit into the foinier ait gal lery over Me-srs. Brown & Hamilton's i.fhoe, and has ttttdd up (or architecture ork. He is prepared to contraot for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise COJstrnoti'in.and purchase material for the same, giving his customers the ben etit of his nuerieuoe and percentage. 532 tf RETAIL DRUGGISl'S-- -AND DEALEHS TN l'(1 f U HAIR BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, Dve-stnffs. Patent Medicines, Perfnmpry, Trusses nnd Hhouiuer uraces. wan Paper, Window Glass, and all other artioles usually kept iu a nrst oiiihs urug eiore You will catch KIRK $c RSSlVEXTSSSj At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . . . . Read their new ad. soon Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. w1 Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, bioh we propose to conduct iu tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times tbe choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. sh.a.w & Mccarty, 85-tt Proorietors. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. At tbe M. E chnroh, next Sabbstb, nrennhinu moruinir and evening. Morn ing subject, "Revival All the Year." Text, "Aud they oontinned Bteaatasl in tbe apostles dootrine and fellowship Bnd in breaking ot Dreaa ana in prayer Evening sntject, "The Blessed Whoso ever." ixr, Ana as mimes unru up tbe serpent in Ihe wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted np tbat whosoever believeth in Him might not peri-b. but have everlasting life." Yon are invited to be present J M. SnuLSB, Pastor. . H. A. Thompaon Sabbath services at M. E. ohnroh. South. Text, at 11 a. m.. "He Must In crease. " Heveu p. m., " What ia TrntbT Revival meetings each eveuing next week. You are respectfully invited to attend. Edwin Paluib, Pastor. THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Below Collin 4 McFurUnd'i, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. 81 25. MeaU 26 cts. a at C. C. Bargeant'a. nut door to Feed Stable. Urain and baled hay alwavs on nanu. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Rncklrn's arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, uloers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, Bnd all skin eruptions, Bud posi tively cures piles. r no pay reqnired. It is ffiiarauteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pnoe 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum-Johuston Urug Co. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, aud not less ihan one million people have found jnst snob a fuend in Dr. mugs New Diecoverv for consumption, coughs aud colds. If yon have i ever UBed this great ooiigh medicine, one nal will con vince you mat it has wouderful cu'ative powers in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guarauleed to do all that is claimed or money will he refui ded. Trial bottles free Hi Sloonm Johnston Drug Co.'s. Large bol (les 5oo and fl. Deserving Praise. We desire to say to our citizens, tbat for years wn have ben selling Dr. K'ng's New Discovery for oonsnmption, Dr. Kiiik's New Life pills, bucklm a ar i.ioa salve and Electric bitt--r, and have never bandied remedies that sell as well, or that have given snob nuiversal satis faction. We do not heita'e to gnaran- .... i . u .i.m ...t, limp, uiui we mauu reaov tlie vear are consumed in Us preparauoi . .. ,, l..,l. ,,lit,.m.t w, I In, 111 O St ot ll to rtlllll" ' v, dnisgiHis aud oo ntry dealers, and is piiiiie.l in Eiigiisli, Oermau, Kiench, VVeikh, Norwegian, tjedish, Uullaud, Bohemian and tipanish. A Herald of 1 lie Infant Year. Clin the last thirty era or more from Ihe century, and the segment will repre sent tbe term of the uiihi.nndrd popu larity of Hosteller's Hlomach Bitters. Ibe opening of ihe year 1M)3 will be sig nal Z d Ly lb appearHiioe ol a f'eeb al manac ot the Biiters. In which the uses, dirivation aud action of tins world fa mous medicine will be lucid y set forth. Everybody sbonld read it. The Oil- n dar and astroimm oal calculations to be found iu this brochure are alwajsastou ishiugly accurate, aud ihe stalisno-i, lllus trations, luiawr and ither reading mat ter rich lu interest and full of proBt The H .ftetier C mpany. of Pittahn'gh, Pa. publish it tbem-elves. lheyemp-oy more than ix y hands in the m-O'ianical w.,ik anil nn. re than elrven months ID A Testimonial. St. nsoRas, Jan. 2, '92. Mb Isaac Dolbs, ludiauapolis. Dkab Sir I received my music, "Air Ship Waltz" and "The Odd Fellows' Grand Maroh" in good oondition and 1 am perfeotly delighted witbtbem became they are perfect "gma" and have been amply paid for my trouble. The "Air Ship Waltz" is something magnificent beoause of its simplicity iu eiecntiou sod harmony, combined with tbe best waltz time. Thauks for your advertise- meut in the Gall R prter. Yours Tmly, H A. Bennett, Tet-cher of Pisuo aud tlruan, St. George, Outarni, Canada Dr. Drummond'l Lightning Ri-medy will relieve the painful torture of rheiiinatlem in the Joints of musles The pain will oense ith the first dose, Hint Us continued nnn will tffvnt a mar velous c.ire. If life is worth 85, go to the ilruugiat. and get Dr. Drnnimund's Liilittiing Rnmedy, or send to the Drum iiionri Medicine Co., 48 5(1 .Maiden Lane, New Yoik, and they will send ymi s large buttle by prepaid express. Agents wanted. 4.i Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE 13 HEKEBY GIVES THAT A MEET IliKOl the itoekholdenol Ihe Palace llotel Company will be held pi the parlor, of MM ho . if. ,a a.v nl la-earn ier. 1M, lor the Du'rooM of ele:tliir otticer. lor the ensuing year, listed Ibis 2lb day ol November WU. Dr Grant's Cloah , the great dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to elleit a on re or money refunded. See ad. in this issue. a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned hy OIBn 4 Mr Far land, lias lately changed hands, now he- inv under the control and management ..f The MoFarlniid Mercantile Couipanv, whioh cotititiiiesbiiHinessat the old stand with a larger stock than ever. a Attest: J. W. Mossow, secretary. i. L. Mosaov President. OKel'l toiv results do not follow their use , These remedies have won their great popularity pa'ely on tbeir merits, bio-sam-Jobnslon Drug Co. U-iT OP LKfTERii bVETt-EI) AT HKI'MEK PkHTOKEICP. Nov. 2, Wit. Brown James French Warren D ulae i A Mrs Hmo" '''; kiiichsn Cbsrles W-y Jennie PIsms r "Advertlsetl" wbeDjailliiig lor these Notice to Teachers. UTo.tr-E IM 11 V. n V. It Y GIVES THAT THE il Morrow county teai-ln.Ti' iimtltnte will be held in Hepriner, Dereiiiber l.'i, 16 and 17. All teachers, ami also tlmse eieda to U-ach, are eAiiected to attunil, or present a vallil excuse. .H-Ili-i: l.'i W. I.. rAI.INO. Mint H AltNKSS-HHf)!, lUK'k nd nxtilfpn. OfKid tjimiiif'Mi: i-ntiit)Hlii Hi nit ini'Mi oi tnu lMrmliiif ttiitl KUx k-rHlBliiif country Alwi for suie it muni honitf unci iwo low with or tilth, .mi n.t. imsinfu iriiHrtv. Fur lurtfter in forniAtlou AddreM Uuvtt. Heppur, Or. 44i tf T 11. JOS15PI-I J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. ti., London, England, Veterinary - SURGE0N ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to do all kinds nt Veterinary Hurirery, Emasculating Horses and Re allnitl a Speci alty. (This Is the only true metlioil ol otieratnu aneratliiKon hnrsi-H.) speyltiK or cattle ntui itoga on short notice. 1 will treat all animals in Ihe most approved procedure ol Veter- HEPPNSH, inary Burgery. If you have any sick ai.hnals it will be to your interest to can oil llic a. rientov .wuita. OREOON Baker :: and :: Conlcctioncr, ' MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES MaIU OH S1IOKT NuTIII AND AT ForUXAB PalCSI. VST Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. pits iecs, -:- p -:- and -:- flip ! WELL, I Oyster SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. euson Also in about ripo. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. JIIE Q1TY l-JOTEL, T 1113 HOSTELRY tiaa been Hemtted and Hkkunibiikd tlimnKhnut, and now is one of the most inviting plaocs in IlHipner. Mr. IfZr invites ynu to stop with him, feeling that he ia aide to entertain you in tbe h.at of style. r First Class House. Reasonable Rates