. Hi A: Traill? VA oure.J.,FC1 . y.rffljfM VHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUrTEfiiN'" Pf WEAWES5i from Nervous Debility! Seminal Vpa owt money 85,W $ W " sd2-r "J. YAKh I JJr I -,-r ManmAn Du cum at! CM . j JgJ v. have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects ami vitality which is system the elements thus strength and vigor -will ful cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric -VfS .y l aftrr all other treatments 'W'S 56" al;tifir anil frnm m.inv of amd(rj? THE ,, a compete galvanic battery which are i i.-ict-itit v lr r r irout'nout au weais ill wc... pretest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any ol the above weaknesses, luu iu cm... K "! Stoney Bef2d. ?Thev are jraded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged,, old men, and will cum the worst cases in two or three months. Address j SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, ORSCOFL. On Sale T5 OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chicago, St. rvoitls, AND A I.I. POINTS ERST. PITH D SMITH. Leaves Mnppner, 8 a. m. Arrives 6JK) p. m. Pullmctn Nloei.om, Colonist J-i I fc fc I .M , Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Bti ainera Fiirtlimd t Him evi-ry four iluyH. Frunoiaeo lickcts TO Ji-X-TU FBOM Luropc, Far rates and gencrul tniurmiitiuii cull on Ufpot Ticket Agent, J. C. IIA-IIT fleppner, Oregon. W. II. HUHUIURT. Ami (Jell., l'us. Agt. 251 Wash I union St., roim.AM. Obkoon. Scientific Americas mJi Aflency for CAVEATS. TRADE MAKKBa DFMIUN r I mn i a COPVRIQHTS, ato. for Information nrd froc llnnribook wrlto to MI1NN X CO., :ilil 1UIOAUWAY, NKW YuHIT. Ottlimt tuiroiui for Hi'i'iiriiiK piiI'Mitu t Aini'Hfl. nnt.n.t t.iL.Mi nnr hV I1H IM ttnilllthl, l)l?for tbo jiubllc by a not U-o yivwn lieu ol oliwue lu th Scientific tucticau jnreflt circiilHtion of any sclpntlflff pnpor In th wnrltl. SnlfiulUllv tUulrulol. Nrt InlcUlKWiit nmii nhoulil do without It. WnoklT, K.'I.OO Ii'iiti nix mont.hfl. Addrcn MUNN & CO, 'uiiusuKua. J61 llrtwuiwaj. Nuw York. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. 8ve '2ft to mi rents on every ilollur you upend. Wrtir lor our mnnmioih Cuialoniiti, a t.tnt-pan book, com unitnM lliuMrHtiouttiiil.imiiglowehiini.u nfattureiV prices, witli iimnubtiiuie ' dli-amul ofrmy klmi ol m-tuln and imppllen umiiuricmrwd on Inniorted two tho Untied Mines. Uroceriee, llonsoliiild liood-, FiH-niiuro, Clothing, Ladle' and ticins' Clot limy and Kiirtushliii l.onda, OreM liuortH, White Ihaids, iny liooils, lluis, Cape, lluut and Shoes, t.foves, Notlone. idsstwrne, Buiinnerv, Wan-he, 1 hM'ki, Jewelry, btlverwere, IMiwich,' Whips, Acih-uhural Implem. uie, etc, OM V rllih'l' CLAS t.ooii. Caiehiiine eeut D receipt ot .ft cent for eiprefnni;o We re the nly concern wlilt h ecll al iminuricuireie pi icee, llimtin! ihe buyer the name ducmini h niauuiacitner ivee in the wholesale buyer. We meiantee all good as repienetiied ; If not found o, inuni v retuuded. Good nenl hy expreee or freiitht. with nnvileiie ol exwtnhiailon attire pay tog. A. KAICl'liN A CO.. 12 Qulucy Mreet, Lblcb Hi- WE WILL PAY A nitre of $':! to M per week to GOOO arnt to repceneiit u" In evrv cunt v, and sell our general llnr nt Men. hitli. lineal immtitmi in er' prlcee. Only TlineiC WHO VVAVT 8 I K A tY KM IM.OVMKNT NKKO il'i't.Y Cetftlouite and pnrilculare eeut ou receipt aMuUlur.M.lf. A KAm,.N.ftro. 12a Qulucy MicpL, Chicago, 1U. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of Oil, Orcnt Congh Cnre Is without s iiarnllel in the history ill mfdicine. AndrtiRBistsaroauthoriicil to sell it on a pos itive iiuuraiitos. test Unit no other cure can ucces.rully stand. That it nmy become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous e peuso, are placinK n Haini.le Hottle Free into every homo in the I'nited states and Canada. If vou have a Couirh. Sore Throat, or Bron chilis, use it, for It will euro you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping CoukIi , use It promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, lue It. Ask vour DniK-ai.it for HIULOH'8 Cl'RK, Price' to ct.. (Wots, and $1.00. Ifyour Lunita re sore or Hack lame, use Bhlloh'e Poroue Plaster. Price 25 ota. For sale by 11 Drur (lata and Dealers. One Small Bonn cm it Tifht fort Vttvk uiuuko 'loi pid LiVt-i. K!, pvi' boltic To aid Dtffpstlnn take one aSfmiHIUk'HtiOA $tUtt iaUn, k, Lhj LUw, 'mm WHY ARE YOtr PLECTOIC1ELT AND SUSPENSORY FOR yWDA:K. lIUNtY IKUUdLCo, 'NLKVUU5NL LEEPLES5NE55.FbORMEMORV& GEMERAL IllHeALTH the effects of abuses, excesses, in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most snent.v. or by excesses, or exposure, you mav have unduly drained your system of nerve lore electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into y;j;ir drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and licaitn, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed. B-lt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust neaitn anu v go , failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. DR. SHNDEN uaiis, vi o .un... Vw v. -K- ---- , LUMBER! TE HAVE FOR SALE AI.I. KINDS OT UN V dresBi'.l Lumber, Hi mile, ol tleppuer, at what i, known a, tlio SCOTT SAWMIUIj. PKR 1,000 FEKT, KUUUH, " " " CLEAR, - 110 00 17 HI F DELIVERED IN IIEPPNER, WILL ADD (;.tM per 1,01X1 feet, adultional. L. HAMILTON. Prop. A. Hamilton, Man'itr OFFICIAL!. It la our oarncnt doclre to Impress upon tlie minds of the public the superiority of the ser vice oll.'re.l by the Wisconsin Central Lines to Milwaukee, c liici.RO iin.l nil points Kast and South. Two f.iKt traiiiH leave .St. Paul, Minne apolis and Diiluth daily, equipped with l'uil inau Vestllmled DrawiiiK itooiu Sleepers. DinhiK Cars and Coaches ol : the latest desiuu. IlsDlu- ii.K Car Service is unsurpassed, which accounts, to a great decree for the popularity of this line Tlie Wisconsin Central Lines, in conucelion with Northern I'acille H. It., Is tlie only line from Paclllc Coast points over which both Pull man Vestlbille.l, llist-class, and Pullman Tour ist cars are operated viaot. Paul without change to Chicago. Painniiiets Klving valuable Information can he obtained free upon applicalion to your lieu est ticket aKcnt, or .1 as. c. Poni.. lieneral Puhscu- aud llckct Agent, Chicago, ill. A now mid Complete Trout ment, rnnsintfiig 01 SiippOHUorL'R. Ointment in CupniileH. hIhu.ii Km and I'll lit; tt positive ("tin Ur KvteriiHl, Inter tml, tflind or lIleetliiiK, Itchiiin. Chronic, Keren or llereiiititry 1'ilcn, iiml nmtiy other diHuiine him. female vveHkiieHnen; It lmihvnynH (front lien (jilt to thu (roneml heiillli. '1 he Hint .ilneovery o a modioli euro render! ok tin cmemtion with th knii'o iiimeoehmiry h realtor. IhU remedy lm never boon known to hill. ?! per box, for f' sent by mail. Why miller from this terrible din ease when a written (jmiraiiloo is given with i boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Solid stamp for free mnuple. tiuarantee iKtmod In Wooijahm, Ci.aiikk .V Co., WholoHtile dt Retail Druggists Sole Agents. Portland, (Jr. LWi.ll, ADVKiiTISKMEXTSL Notice of Intention. FAN!) OFFH'K AT TIIK tUl.I.EH, OltECON j Nm-. til, IS'.tJ Notice is hereby uivon Ilia (he follow Iriff-namt d setller has hied notice o, bin intention to make tlnal proof in support o his claim, and Unit Haid prool will he made he fore the Counlv Clerk of Morrow County, Ore , at Ueppner Oregon, on .Uiiumrv U. iw.j;i, viz.: CI.ARICSCK T. WALK KK, Homestead npplicali u No 'jl, lor tho NK' of Sec XI, I p I s, R JC. K W, M. He names the follow inn w itneieH to prove hi; pontimioiiH resi'.lenee upon and cuUi alioii oi. Haid hind, vl., : N. It, Williams, Hd, Knylenuin, KrnnU VY 1 1 so i -and A. 1'. 1'euv, nil ol lone, t)roou. hi. ViVr John V. Uwifi, It ku isxrc it. Notice Of ntcntion. T ANI OFFICE AT THK DALLKrt, OUKGON, 1 j Nov hi, Notice in heretiy tftveii unit the followliiK-iuuiied Hi-ttlcr IniH liled noilce ol bin intention to nuike final proof in support ol hia claim, and mat cant proot tit ne inane ne tore tlie County Clerk ol Morion County, ore., at Ueppner, Oregon, on .lanuurv 10, Ih'.ta, viz.; I I.KVl II ANKoliD, Hnmetead applieation No. "J7IU. for tht S14 SWS -W'4 HK4 of -ee. -J7, uud XWl, NK! Sec .v4, Tp ft s, 11 :; Ifi. W. m. He nanieB the followtnn u itneBcn tn prove bis eontlnuoiiH resilience upon and cultivation of, Biiid laud, vi. : Abe LuelUiikr. IWu Luelllni;, William Luellin ami 1, M. i.tforKey all of Hardinan, oreuou. i.l.v.'i.V) John W. I.kwip, lU'KtHier. Notice of intention. I A DOKK1CK A T I UK DAI.l.KS. (HiKGON. I s Nov, J-l. iv.t'2. Notice Ih hereby nlven that ibe follow iiiK named Neltler Iuih tiled notice of hl Ihtentlon to make tinul pinof In support ol bin claim, ami that wiid proot w 111 be made be lorej. I. Cilbsou, V. CommittaiouiT tit LexitiK lon, urenou. on .lait'nirv '..it. W.t.i.viz. : KI'IIKAIM W ILI.LVMS, flomentefliJ applieation No. iei,j, fur the N'i NE id s-e. Js, 'l p 1 s. Ii J . K . M. lie naincK the Itillow in w tt nesse to prove his contliiinuiH rcuhleuce upon and vultiviitloii ol, Hiihi la.i.l, i -. : Andrew lieaney, Krntik Keaney, ThnmaR Itur nett and licuticu Lane, all of l.e.MiiKtou, ore- -.vfi .itmN V. l.KWis, i(et;lter. Notice of Intention. I ANDnH-'lCK AT nil.' in 1 t ir4 nt,' t'nnv I j net. Vt. Noll h litTeoy gt en that I the folhm lii named Hi t i L-r haa tiled notlre of his Inteiiltoii to make limil pmoF in snppoit of his claim, ami mat xant prool n Ml ne nuitie or- 1 tore the County Clerk ol Morrow County, t're gou, at Heppner. i Tenon, on Her. l'J, INJ, vi. : L M'KN Wl-li.ll r, Hd. No 'J0l;t, for tho sV'4See 31, Tn, i! S, H il K. W M. He nanieB the follow Inp i itneiisen to prove his oonttmitMin resnleneo upon and enltitaliou of, said lainl, vl : Win Hiij:ui'Wond, Wen MeS'dhb. Samuel War Held ami iieoi ne J unki n, all ot Unlit M lie, t r. h,iy-,'it'j John w. Lkwi, lienister Notice of Intention. 1 AMI HKFICK AT '1 UK P'.l.l IS. OKFtiHN, October. J'. lvJ. Noliie lis hereby gii'cil that the lollop inn named tcttlcr has tiled notice of bin intention to make tinal prool iu support id hid claim, and that Mini proot ill be made betnre the Countv Judi'eol Mono County, nr.. at Heppner. oienou. on lie cmln-r hub, I vi.', i.: (HAM L- 11, 111' LI Is, Hd No,1."'" ioi the M' V i MM 1 nud .. W and si! 4 sW see. IT, 1 p. 6 s, ii 2.. t. W' M, He names the follow inn w ItneM-es to imv his ooiitliuiiMiN residence upon and u Hi alUm ul Sfiltl land, i : Jamen II. V land. W illiam A. I tending and IV in OlUr, allot lln r.ln an, i Menon. -V!7 ir John W. Lewi. Keiihtter. N0TI ( F INTENTION. I AND OKKH'K A f LA lili VMM'. OKKilON, u October I vJ. oiice is herel ien that the lollow ing-uamed Hettler has tilel nottoe ol bin inientlou to mnke tinul prool in support ol Ins claim, and that mi id prool will tie made before the County l leik ot jlorrow County, Or., at lli ppiior, Oregon, on Hi e. I.V'J. ii.; lilLK-- H. liU lilir.KI V, Hd. No, ior the W it ,e. 11, and K'. N Kl4 see. l.S. I p ;i s, Ii K l . M. He names the lollow inn ili (M's to pro e hi eon t iuuocs resident e upon ami culli a I ion oi. said lam). u. : W. H.Clark. I!. S Clark, J !t Chapman and C H Maun, ail ol Lena, Oregon. biSl-til A. Ci.fcAVfcK, liciitwr, WEAK? JC3 iVUi worry and exposure. For such sufferer?. feu e& ii&ai ELECTRIC BELT , , . ,. , . - , . , ,,. r KISSERS OF CmIMiHES. What Semlhle reoplo Tlii:ik of Their tt pulsivo t'ru.'tice. A scientist has discovered a new dis ease which he calls by the name of echinoocccus, and which he says is "bred in man by tin: kiss of n dog." This is a blunder, writes the Woman About Town, in the New York Evening 3un. Men arc not in the habit of let ;ing dogs kiss them. Nor are women. But there is a certain hybrid creature that is given to it. This creature has ihe appearance of a woman without one of the healthy inbtincts of h.'r sex. In stead of a baby she cuddles a frowsy, fat, wheezing, vicious doff, and instead of the kisses of a child's sweet, wholesome mouth she coaxes for the kisses of this nasty little beast. Upon her soul, The Woman does not know a more repelling thing than this! A few clays ago she was the unwilling witness to this seenc. An awfully pretty girl sat in a wicker :hair ou the veranda of her summer home. Near her on the step sat an aw fully nice boy just old enough to be se riously disgusted with her behavior. On U 1n el.., UnA m ! tn i-4 n (nu cnnnml m which she lavished an extravagance j if affection that would have llooded , tity. Vegetables, such as carrots, man ihesoulof a six-foot man with bliss, gels and turnips, were kept always on with some left over. She hissed tlie 1 tlie floor of the pens. Very little cab wretched scrap of dogenclty over and bage was fed during the winter. The 3vcr and begged Itonbon tn hiss her, rations, as aforementioned, were fed to ioldinr; his muzzle up to ho. prc: Ue following stock in the main build- ind hissing it nfrain and again. Now, if that nice boy had offered himself as a substitute for the dog the girl would have been highly scandalized and would very likely have walked off and told her brother and have made several peo ple very unhappy. Fortunately the boy had better taste and better sense than the girl. "I wouldn't kiss that poodle girl for one hundred dollars," he said, afterward, in supreme disgust. Neither would any other man who had any lenso of his own dignity. But the point of this isn't that no man will want to kiss a woman who kisses icr dog. The point is that no fastidious, .ight-minded woman would want to kiss i dog any more than she would want to niss a cat or a rat or a chicken. There is a sense of sanctity in herself that makes the true woman. In the case of this young girl she probably thought that she was being coquettish and piquing the young fellow with a care less display of endearment in which he had no share. Hut she was only repel' ling him and teaching him that some girls weren't half as fastidious about tome things as some boys. Queerly Numed. ThP name "MunliM-liUl,'' applied muu importiiut slreiim in Drlawuru, is ex plaiiu'd in pnpuliir traditiim Ity a curi ous story that is lolil of early settlers in another pnrt of tin country. Accord ing to the legend the stream tooli its name from the fact that im early Kuro pcan explorer, havinp; laniled on the bank of the creek, persuaded u dozen natives to drag ilis enninm hy n rope tied nbout the muzzle- nnd touched otT the gun with inunK-rmis results when his dupes had got in line. The name, of course, is merely a corruption of the Dutch MotherUili, meaning another stream, because it is a large creek with many tributaries. There is cUewherc I in Delaware a Uro.ulkUl, which has come to be spelled with a tinul "n." np : parent ly because tho Knglish settlers ' took its last syllable t le the same with the last syllable of limekiln. U K EAT IU1ILE COHI'ETITION. I hoiiNitinla of Dollars hi iit wards For Bible lieailei's. Tin Lttilies' Home Mnazitie preseiitw its rent hill t'ouipetitum to tltH pubhu "f AmenOft. Tih titut correct auawer tn iIih tdllowinjj qiHuriuns rt ivived at tins dlio "ill yei cl,0(U III CHtth; tlie aecond. ifallO i'HhIi ; 3hI, ytHiul li iim; 4li, Imliea tj.nl runt; &;o, urnn; G.h, tallies gt.Ui u-fiuih; 7' ii til k tiresH. Then foi- hrwa ISO eieyittlt Hliver ten hida tn the tnxt HK 0 oiirrtrt answeir.; lOiHI lwHut ilul 5 i V I nek silver servn-t a. ntnt 2u00 - thei irut li H uf silverware, uinktUK the most expensive mid tiniKtiitbH-tit list of lewarilr. i Vor i iff red by any imbliBher. Q'leM tniirt 1) How niat'v bookt dues ihe luhU omnuih? el) How tutiuy t'hap-'e-f? (3) How mull) verses? hvrt) list n niiHWeia ninst be tn . inpH it'll b ifl to tay tor six UHUi.bV r-ttliHi rintion to the L'uliea liotne Mita Z.ne out- nf the hnghtt at aiul btut ilium ........1 ....ki;.... ...... .1 n... .i.... haft r..z.-8-Iu adtiittou to the ultove ' " 11 r ""'"I we will nive ltllKt prizv-n rotmiHtnitf of iinitfintii'ont stlvr-r Nerviot, five o'clock 8 ivuvH, JSto , , f..r Ihsi ennet't huhwoib 'teiiviil hefoie the cl"8H nf 1 he com pet i n.o, whu-h wi I be I'll leo. 31, lSyl I ho olijevt in i tlVnttif then liberal 1'iiZrH ih ui estulilioh the Lniiies Home Mhu: zine in tiew houiea iu the United Sttiten itul Canada. Present stibeoribera emi aviiit themselves of it by enclosing 8 1 00 w it li lust of answera Htul Ihe address oi 1 mmus friend to wluitu the niHtfzine oaii be sent for nx motiths, tr have their "wn extended beyond the time already imid for, Pr'ZeB to (Hlbsi Tibeis restiliiiK th United 8tife. sent from our New V 'ih bri.noh. Am-TUtui etirrenry and MoatHue stamps wilt be taken., lie sure lid reyiater all muncv letters. At.ilres!: be I. adieu U 'lue Mu'uziue, Vcterbor uukU C till a Jo. iMategBS1 WINTER RATIONS FOR EGGS. Director Gilbert, of th Canadian St i tlon at Ottawa, Mukea a Report. Notwithstanding all that has been written on the subject of winter laying, Ihe query -How to obtain eggs in win ter':1" is of frequent occurrence. With a tiew to satisfactorily auswering the Jroblem, Director A. U. Gilbert, of the Ottawa station, makes a report as fol lows: Answer can best be given by de scribing the rations fed last winter and the reasons for so doing. A hot morn ing ration fed duriug the winter was composed of: Pounds. Ounces. Bran 2 8 tiortn 2 8 Irni.nd mp.it 1 8 (.'lover bay, Kleanied and mixed in liberal "imtily. I fc'.-.lt. very Hruall quantity. I Cunrhe sand and line ground oyster shells : l: ix.d, about three bundfuis. The whole was mixed with boiling water. Coiled potatoes and turnips wero urcitKimially substituted for the clover buy, for variety in diet is beneficial. Tlie hens did not eat the scalded clover hay when exposed to them by itself, but r.'iidily did so when mixed in the soft Led. 'i he results aimed at in feeding this ration were: 1. Greater economy by the omission of cornmeal. 2. Cy sup plying lime regularly in soft feed to prevent tlie laying of eggs with soil shells. 8. By avoiding too generous a diet to prevent the hens from becoming bo fat as to lay eggs with soft shells. 4. To avoid by the omission of cayenne pepper or other condiments a highly stimulating ration, often the cause of eggs being laid with sof. shells or with out any shells. 0. To prevent egg eat ing, which follows the laying of eggs with 60f t shells. 6. By the regular feed ing of meat and keeping the fowls in active exercise to prevent feather eat ing, generally caused by the omission of both. 7. To prevent the acquiring of the bad practices named, the cure being very difficult. 8. To furnish the hens as nearly us prssible with what they can pick up for themselves when runni lg at large outside, such at insects in the shape of ground meat, grit (to aid diges tion) in the shape of gravel and broken I oyster shells, lime in the shape of ground oyBter shells, green stuff in the shape of clover hay (steamed) cut short and mixed iff soft feed, carrots, cab bage, turnips, etc. At noon, when grain was given, oats were fed in small quantity. For the ifternoon ration wheat was given, with niL': Pullets. Hens. Plymouth Rocks U 12 .:rahuits 10 Lur.gJ.ans 4 Luir Cochins 8 V. l.ito Louuorns 10 0 Wj andottes d 4 AoiliUusiuus 8 0 Among this stock will be noticed numerous hens, some of them old hens, so called because they were over two years and kept for breeders and sitters ( during the coming season. As there I was no alternative, they were placed with the pullets, a practice to be avoided when possible, for the reason that the ration which would go to eggs in the pullets would likely make the hens too fat to' lay. The effect in eggs of the rations on the pullets and hens is given us follows: , From ' Dec. 9. 11 Plymouth Rock pullets.... 74 Jan. 1U5 18 112 20 fiO 22 40 21 13 2 Feb. 50 15 124 1H G Plymouth Rock heus. , 25 1 HI . Ifl , 29 , 15 . 17 . 7 , t 9 White Leghorn pullets. 8 White Leghorn hens... U Wyandotte pulluU 4 Wyandotte hens . . 6 BufT Cochin heus 4 LangMhau heuB 8 bralima hen 9 lloudan hens, It may be said that the showing ia not a good one for the number of stock, but it must be borne in mind that the feed ing was only experimental. The result, however, is striking proof of the great value of pullets over old hens as revenue producers under the same conditions as to housing, care and feeding. The con clusions to be arrived at from the exper iments are: 1. That no hen should be kept over two years. 2. No soft shelled eggs were hud by the pullets, showing that they are not so likely to lay such eggs as the old stock; that the daily mix ing of coarse sand, fine gravel and sifted oyster shells in small quantities has a preventive tendency. 3. That no egs nor feathers having been eaten to date of writing, a regular supply of ground meat mixed in soft feed is to be recom mended. 4. A small quantity of s .It was mixed daily in the hot morning ration, but as it created looseness its use was given up. 5, The feeding of vege tables in generous quantity had the ef fect of keeping the hens in excellent condition. 6 Scattering the grain food among the chaff and straw always on the floors of pens kept the fowls active. This graiu food should not be fed in too great quantity. When Ituytng Fertilizers, In u bulletin from the Rnode Island station farmers are cautioned to bi-ar in mind that the commercial valuation is not tlie only thing to be taken into consideration in buying a fertilizer. To illustrate: Suppose that the crop and soil demand largely phosphoric acid and potash and little uitrogen; then a fertilizer with a high percentage of ni trogen, but low in the other elements, would be of little value to the farmer, however high its commercial value might be. The question is not how many pounds of fertilizer for the money, but how much potash, phosphoric acid ami uitrogen and their form. Thisques- I X nyolvr8 m a creat measure the nroHtfl and lnaaM in w F.m?Lmd faJTU- I j ' Rmlnter To keep the poultry free from vermin their quarters must be kept absolutely clean. The only way to grow heavier crops each year is to make tho land continu ally richer. To determine whether green soiliug really pays let us suggest that you try it for yourself. Tho only way to free the farm from weeds is to cut them always before they go to seed. Sweet potatoes cannot be kept through the winter unless you handle them gently whou harvesUug. For Bilious Attacks neartburn, sick headache, and all disorders of the stomach, liver, and bowels, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the safest, surest, and most popular medicine for family use. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Every Dose Effective. QUICK TX.TVr. E ! TO Sinn I 'ranolseo nl;f iniH, vib "he Mt. MwHta romp of thn t ju tlier r t Hti c 1 1 j e Co. .' ufn' hiifhwto through Cniiinmn to all i-t.inth stid South, '.nind Seenic Houte of the I'ttcitic Cohi. Pullman Huff el Sleep-. H roiuUidaw Sleeper A' iiehfd MiexpreeB truiim. .iff. rtiit g mpt-rio- ( 11 U I lltlttl Ilh foi M t ol (t-C ht-b 'UMi-DgfTK rr 'MlfK licketK sli-et-iDK c-Hr rerervHtiont, to ohII npin "r addrwH K KOKHI.KK. Matmper. K K ROGERS, Asst. -en f A I Aj;t. Portlami. Orepon. fan. Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, Sick Headacho and Constipation. 40 In each 'Ottle. Price 25c. For sale by driirriiists. Picture "7. 17, 70" and sample dose free. J, F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK. MIXED DIVORCE LAWb. A. Decree Cr.-nr- ! i i .-.! f v'-. " ot Neces sarily V.ilM in '.1'iv V-n-'t. Dissatisfied husbands and wives whe fancy they have only to o to some other state to ;t divrre wMch can not be obtained m New Y': will have something to think about in a decision recently rendered by the general term of the supreme court in the third cle I partment, says the Now York Herald. In the case there decided it appeared that the husband had gone to Calif of nia, and at tlie end ol six monxns ap plied for a divorce from his wife, whom he left in tho east, lie got the divorce, married another woman and returned to his old home in New York. There upon the first wife applied in this state for a divorce on the grounds of his un lawful relations with alleged wife-number two. I It was shown in evidence that the husband had never become a bona fide citizen of California, but had gone there and claimed a residence for the mere purpose of securing a divorce and with the intention of returning to JNew xonx to live as soon as he (jot the divorce, i In behalf of the husband it was claimed ' that a divorce valid by the law of""Cali- fornia was valid everywhere, and that a court of New York was bound to ac cept it as such. The general term does not take this view. It holds that when both of the parties are citizens of New York and one goes to another state to obtain a divorce it is not only the right but the duty of a court of this state to inquire whether the residence on which the divorce was obtained was bona fide or "nor rely colorable." ?hat is requisite to constitute a bona fide residence of six months or a year and what will be regarded as a "merely colorable" residence must depend chiefly on the circumstances of each case. But the fact that the matter is open to in quiry may render this way to divorce more difficult and uncertain than has been generally supposed. HE COWED THE AUDIENCE. An Actor Who Was llhwed Removes Illi Mask and Cries for Revenge. 'Tis seldom that an actor is hissed, but recently the patience of an Albany audience gave way, and the soul-stirring efforts of two mediocre actors not long since received well-merited hiss es, according to the Argus of that city. For a moment the artists were dumb, then one of them, advancing to thp foot lights, said in t7j.nai6us Tones: "Friends, I m sorry. We've done the best we could to amuse you. We ve thrown ourselves about the stage and worked hard, and is this the return we get?" He stopped for a moment. Then his anger and resentment overmastered him. "This is the first time," said he, In a ringing tone, "that the American Macks have ever been hissed. Fin lor ry that you show such little courlesy to a fellow man, but if there is anyone among you," he cried, tearing off the beard and wig, revealing the close cropped head and square jaws of a prize fighter, "who wishes to back up what he did let him step up here." The nerve of the man captured the audience. Those who had hissed diim bow cheered and applauded. They ad mired the pluck of the man. The ap plause emboldened him, and as he threw aside his coat he called n?nin for any person in the audience to meet him, but he must have a parting shot, and as he turned to leave the stage he yelled: "If any of yon want to see me after the performance is over you will j find me.nt the entrance!" But no one mi w him. Ilis brutality captured mora applause than his acting. A professor of the I:: is Academy di Sciences has been making e:;perimouts m'hii'h VtJivn roMiltp.l in nnnvinoinir birr iWthonthhit in nf all living thln living thingr . a e the most capable of withstanding Tery low temperature. Inclosed aX niht in a block of ice a rabbit wai found next day fitting on very com fortably and evidently not aware ol anything Te,ry peculiar in hia circus Tbey increase bnt-etttt purify tlie whole rauai and act ou the liver, luie S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! lltPPNKK. OlitGON. rtile - ratified and . ar marked an shown above. Horses K on rinht ehoulder. 51 v cattle raue in Morrow and Umatilla crun lies, i will pay $100.00 for the arrest and cod. fiction of any person stealing my stock. Hiittl, tlie linker. Buy your hrend inn! enkot 'tml nMve nr-ti . I ry if. h. 4TO'k nKAMhS. Whih' yu keeponr HubHcription paid up yn can keep yonr bran J in free of charge. Albn. T. J . lone. Or. Horae GU on lef; i-houlder; ciillle anie on left hip, under hiton ritfht ear, ai.it upper bit on tlie left; rmife, Mor row com ty. Armatrong, -I. . Alpine, Or. T with har un der 1 1 on left Plionider of hornea: cattle Maine on lef- hip. Alhaon, O. 1., Kinht Mile. Or. Cattle brand. O U on left till and lioraeB name brand on rbM shoulder. Kaiiiit Eiht Mile, Adkine. TC Dayville. Or-ftraitrht mark aeroPB the thiKh and two croiw and a alii 111 the rinht ear; hoi hhh, .1 unniue clown 011 trie riutit eliountfr. Ivinige in (intnt eouuty and Hear valley. PU addreaa alao at Manimnn. AdktliB, J. J., Ueppner, Or. Honen, JA con lifeipo hi t hank; cattle, nan eon left hip. Ayera. JohiiDV. Lena. Or. Horwen branded trianie on lett hip; rattle aanie im riKht hip; h mi rrnti ort rufh' "ar mill nnner hit on liariholaiiK-w, A O IIoirhi bninded 7 K x,n either 8! ouhler. Hantxe in Mor ow eouuty. Hlyth. l'ercy IL, heppner, ir. Horaeii Ifoman crora ou riifht ahoulder. liange in Morrow comity. I B leak man. (ieo., Hardman, Or. Horaes, a (Ihk 01 left Hhoulder. cattle -Hum on ribt Hhonhler. l annialer, J. W.( Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed K on left hip and llnli: aplit in each ear. Brenner, Pfter, iioieeberry OreKou Iriorsee branded PB ou left bhuulder. ('attie Sutua on riht mue iiurke. M 8t C, Lonir Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left nip, ctop off left ear, un der half crop off riidit. Hornet, aanie brand on letft ahouhler. liauK iu brant and Morrow conut). Howf-man, a., aioutu vornoi: ana iiurnn, ur. I'attle, A B on riyht iiip, t wo crops in eatsh ear; same on horaea. on nglit Hltotiider. Kauue hi (irant and Harney counties, HroHiiian, Jerry, Lena, Or.- Hureea branded 7 ou riKhi ehouldr; caitle H on the left aide Left f-at half crop and ru,'lil ear upper Hlopt Hart on. Win,, Heppner, Or. -Jloroea, j I) on riKht thU" eat Lb wtme ou rilit hip; eplit in eacli ear. Hrown, laa, LesinKton, Or. florae IB on the riht Hlitle: eattle aaiue on riuhLiiii; ruuue, Mor row eouuty. Brown, J . I , Ueppner. Or. -Home, and cattle branded h wit'' oz-yoke above on left ehoiilder, Bfown, J. (!., Ueppner, Or. Homes, circle C with tint "i r ter on left hiu; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hhi. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Ho rues, box brand o) hip cattle, name, With apllt 111 each ear. Borx, P.O., Heppner, Or. Homes, P Hon left ahouliifr: emtle. name on left bin. Brown lee. W. J Fox.ttr- ( attle, J H connected on left aide: emu on left ear ami two solilnnnd middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the leu thigh; Mange in vox valley, lirant county. Cain.ti., aleb.Or.- V I) on horten on left stifle; U With uuarter circle over il, n left ahouhier, and on leit a one ou all colts nil tor n years: on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range tn Oram conutv, ( lark. Win. H. L' a. Or. Horse. WHO con neeled. ou left t-honlner: cattle mnie oil right hip. Ba ge Morrow and Umatilla counties, ('ate, ('has. It.. Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H (' on riKht shoulder; cattle same on rinht bin. ltant.re Morrow and Umatilla comities. Cochran, Chat., lone. Or.- Horses, HP coti uected on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left hip and stifie. itaiiKU in Morrow county. Cannon, J1. B.. Long Creek, Or. Ton cattle on right side, crop oft rinht ear and slit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder, ltauge in (iraut county. Cecil, W m., Douglas. Or; horses J V on lef shoulder; ca tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear. Curl, T. H.. John tiny, Or. Uoub.e cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in ri glit ear, split iu left ear. Bauge in lirant county. ,On sheep, inverted Amid epear poiut ou Hhoulder. Ear markmi eweu, crop on left ear, ou ahouiaer. iLar marktM ewes, crop ou letl ear, uuuciied uouer bit in right. Wethers, crou iu riglit and under half crop in left ear. All range iu Grant county. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. HorBes, HOon right shoul Jei Cattle, same on r ght hip: ear mark Bquare 01 op on lett and sunt in riglit. i urnn. ii. I., Currmeviiie, Ur. -Horaea, 00 on left h title. Cochran, J II Monument, Ur Horses branded T 1 V A on left shoulder. Cattle, sumo on riht hip. swallow fork in riht ear and crop off! eft. Cox Ed. ti.. Hard wan, Or. Chi tie, C wit! ir center: horses. CE on left Hip. Cochran, H. E., Monument, (irant Co, Or. Itorses branded circle with hai beneath, on left -houldur: cattle tuamu brand on both hips, mark Older tdope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded " on rinht hip. Cattle branded the same. Croas. tt Li, Dayville. Or ( attle branded two L-rous and a sulit in left ear: on horses a reversed Z n left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: rson lett top, on riKht hip, on left shouldnr, two parallel bars on Id ft houlder. Ear marks, two crops. DioniiiP, Ebb Hop sen bra dtd with three men fi.rh on lefi untie Cattle m ne on lett Bide. Doonail. Win., Teppuer. Or. liooeo branded HJ with bar over theui, on left shoulder; cai ie same on left hip. Oouiflaab. W. M .(iallnway. Or. Cattle. K L'on ikIh side, hwh tow-fork in each ear; horses. K I) n lett hip. Douglas, ). T., Douglas, Or HortM TD on the i inht stifle: cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. K, John Day.Or. (Quarter circls ft on rnzht shoulder, both ou horses and cattle, it an we (.rant county. DriskelL W. E.. tleptner, Or. Horsea branded K inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle same on i.ft side of neck. Ely, J. H. A Sons, DoUfilas, Or. Horses brand -d hLi oi. left shoulder, cattle Name on left ip. hole if right ear. Ediot , Wat-h., heppner. Or. Diamond on Kiit ehoulder. rleek. Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F - .HiUecteil oi riKht Hhonhler: cattle same on nut hip Ear mark, hole in riKht and crop ti left. b lorence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on Kht hip: honH F with bar under on riglit houlder. rlorolice, H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on uht shot hit- ; cattle, r on riglit hip or thigh. tiaj, Henry, Heppner, Or. OA1 on left i. outlier. tiilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co.. Fus il. Or. Hoises, anchor H on left shoulder; vt-ut, -ante on left st i tie. Cattle, same on both Idps; .ir marks, crop oft riwht ear and muierbii in lett. ituUKe in (iilliam, (irant, Crook a. d Morrow unties. tietiirj, Elmer, Echo, Or Horses branded H. with a quarter circle over it, on lett stills .ue in .Morrow and LniHtlll&countieu. iiiltwaler, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, U on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right -ii-. haUkC- in tiiani com n, i-tajee. i.eo.. Jjena, Or, Hrttnd JH connected, h quarter circl" ovt-r it, on lei l houlder. i no i A. H., Uide, Or. tattle, roui-d-top ihquaiter cirule ui der it on the riht hip. ..i te in Morrow and U matilla count ie. Hiu ton A Jenks Hamilton. Ur t ai tie, two bars , either hip: cnp in riylit ear ai.d plit in left. -uites, J on rik'ht thigh, Hange ii. On.m euuutj . Hughes. Samuel, Wagner, Or J- (T F L foniiecledjon right shoulder on hoic; on cattle, ii. right hip ai d on li ft side. iallow fork in -ighiearaml slit in lett. Hange in Haystack listiict. Mor w county Hale. Mi.lou, Wrtgne . Or.- Horses hrand-ii i- t rcle v, iih i aral el tai s) on left ahouhler t le same ou left hip : al-o inige circle on left ide Hall. Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle E Hon rigtu nip: horses same ou right shoulder. l angeiii tinmi county. Howard, J L, a'loway. Or. IIorps. (cross wit. Dnr ftb ve it) on riglit stu-uluer ; ! -hiueon lea side, llanye is Morrow and Uma tilia I. -untie. Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horaee, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kalljre Morrow Co. Hunsaker, ti , agi:er. Or. Horses, M on left shouliler.es tie. fun left nn . Hardistv. Albert. Nye. Oreaon Horw. AH connt cied. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip. crop off left ear, Uuiuphreva, al Hardman, Or. Horses, H o lfi (iMiik HiatU Wot. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross oi. left shoulder: cattle same on left tin. i HayM. J. M., B.ppner. Or.-Foraw, wineglass ' m. u't ahim Nlui am i a annia nn riarnr nin. HiiRtnii. Luther. Eiulit Mile, t It. Horse Hon the left shoulderand heart un the left stifle Cat- i cle over three ban on iefi hip, both cattle and Me name on left hip. Kanr in Morrow ponnty. j nurses. Hange Grant county. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek. Or- attle 1 Don! VS ilhame. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qoer nght hip. crop ofl left ear and bit in right. Hones ter circle over three ban on left hip; cattle aame -ame brand on left shoulder. Hange u Grant end "Hi ioHrhMr Kans in Omnt ftmnty. jountv ,t,n' eppner. Or. Honea running A k Junkin. 8. Heppner, Or. Horees, horse-1 on sht-uider; Cattte. same on ruriit bio. lioe J on Jefi shoulder. Cattle, the earns, I loung, J. H., Gmieeberry, Or. Hora branded Bang n Eiirht Mile, !T- h.,t.t. Johnson. Felix Lena. Or. Honea. circleT en Y"ung, W. A.. Gooseberry. Or. Hnnee biand left suue; cattle, same on right tup, under half cd X tduub e X coi-nected) oa ,s.l sheujder enp in right and split ia left ear 1 eauie sa left Side, Jenkiht, D HV,,Mt. Vwnoh,Or.-J on horaeson loft Rhouhler: un cattle. J on left hin and two smooth crops on both ears, liange in Fox and Hear valls Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Hones brandixl KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear: nodai dni on the right Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Hones AO on left elionlder; cattle, W on Ufl hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either Hank: rattle I? on riahtaide. Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on light side, underbit on ; righi ear. HiimberlancLW. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I LuD cattle on right and left sides, swailow fork in U ft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same v brand on left shoulder. Hange in Ortot rouutv. Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or.-Hoise J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Hange in Umatilla and orrow counties Lesley, M C, Mounmeot, Or A triangle Btwith all hues extending pa t l.ody of figure on sa-a.luor-sesou left shoulder, ou cattle Uiamond ou left nhnulder, split iu righ a uc. it m left ear ltage iu Oram count) and to ; aitu of John Dai Li ahey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L nnd m left shoulder; catt le ame on left hip; win tie ver right ey three elite in right ear. Loft en, Stephen, 1 ox, Or. a L ou left hip on cattle, crou and sblit on rinht ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, tlange iirant county. Liieuallen, John W., L -J Or. Horses bmuded half-cucle J L connected ou lett shoul der. Cattle, auin ou left hip. Range, ueur Lex inton. Lord. George. Heppner, Or. Horses branded double U coi. 1 1 ecu Sometimes called a Bwini! U, on left shoulder. Ahixweil, Si . 8, Oooseberry. Or. Ho'es brand ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same ou Lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M D on riuht lop; liorm. M on lef t shoulder. Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner. Or, Horses. M ) ou lef i shoiiM cattle same ou left hip. iMuCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or, Horses. M with bar over ou right shoulder. ftiann, H. B , L.ena, Dr. Horses old mares 'LL on right hip; young eu.ck, small si on left shoulder Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Hones, circle T on loft ritiomder and left thigh; oattie. L on riglit thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; value. 77 on right side. MeCiaren, I). G Hrownsville. Or, Horses, Future Aon ach HiioHidur. cattle, MH on hip McEeru.W.J. Mount Veruoti. Or Xi ou cattle ou right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left same brand on borate ou left hi, . Uauge in Graut county, McCnry, Oavid H., Echo, Or. Horses branded D connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. IhcGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses aame brand ou left stifle. Mcllalev. G. V.. llHn.illnn.Or. tin Uf.ru H with halt circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top ou the right aide iittiint- m i ou my, eal. Andrew. Lone Hock. Or. Horses A N nun. nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips. uoruKH, c, ouverion. ur. Morses, cirule 1 on left thigt : no tie. same on left hip. Oliver. Joaeuh. Cunt mi t itv Or. A 4 nn cat. on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh. Hangs ii iiruiii uouoty Oiler, Perry, Lei in g ton. Or. P O on left shon.dei. Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP couuecteu on left hiu: horses on left mm It and wanie on nose. Hange iu Graut eouuty. Pearcon, O lave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle fchndo on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fortv in loir ear, right cropped. M on left hip. Hung on Eight Mile. Parker & (iteasou. Hardman, Or. Horses IP on Mi Nhouldor. Piper, En e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brands'- .E (L E cu.inoc ed o lett liou,dtr; raiUn me ou .ig.iinip. Hange, iiori uw coutti. i .iti', J. ii., Liexiiigtoii. or. iiuiMn, Jo. con. necteu o left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip. under hi in each ear. Pit l berg, Heury Lexington, Or. Horsed brand, ed with a Houiat crows on left shoulder; oattie branded with Uoniau cross, bar at bottom, on let l hip. lVttys, A. C, lone, Or.; bones diamond Fon shoulder; cattle, J n J connected, oa the left hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in Hi light. Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, J P con. uec ed ou iefi shoulder- Cattle OK couueoted on left hip, two uuder half crops, oue on each ear, wat tle under throat. Ka geiu Grant county. Ilickard, ii. D., Canyon City, Or.--F C ou left "houiUer, on horses only. Ittuge Canyon creek and Hear valley. Grant county. hood. Auurew, Hardman, Or. Horses, sqnan crop- with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Heninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C U on lett shouiiiei . ttice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; hones, three panel worm fm,ee on lett shoulder; ca'tle, DAM on right shoulder, itauge near Hardman. liudio, Wm. Long Creek, Or. brands horses U ui right shoulder, Hange Grant and Morrow : counties. Koyse, Aaron. Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on iefi suouider; cattle, same brand reversed o right hip and crop oil right ear. Hange in itor row eouuty. Hush Hros., Heppner, Or. Hones branded X un Lhe righi shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup crop ofl left ear and dewlap on neck. Hi a&v it Morrow and adjoining counties. Kuet, ViLiaui, Pendleton, Or. Horses K oi ' lef t Hhouluer; cattle, li on left hip, crop oS right ear, uuderbit ou left ear. tiheep, H on wuathera, rouud crop off ngh ear, Hange Uina tdiaaiid Morrow c uiities. lieaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horsei branded A It ou right shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip, linage Morrow county. Huyse, Win. H, Dairyville, Or Hit connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear aud split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Hauge in Morrow Gruulaiiu Gilliam counties. Hitler, J F, Hitler, Or Three parallel ban witn bar overou horses on left hip; on cattle, iefi side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat Hauge in Middle Fork of John Day. Hector. J . W., Heppner, Or. Hones. JO ot lef t shoulder. Cattle, 0"" right hip. Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Hones branded ul on left sh .ulder; lauge m Morrow county. opmy, J. F., Heppner, Or. -Horses brandeabi cotinecteu o right shoulder; cattle same on bolt Illl'S. bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S A on lett shoulder; cuttle same on left hip. Hwaugari. H. F.. Lexington. Or.-HnriM fl with dash under it on lef i stifle cattle U with oash unoer it on right hip, crop of) right ear and waudied on right hind leg. Hauge in Morrow, GUliamaud umatilla comities. bwiiggart. A. L., Ella. Or. Hones brande 1 I on lelt shoulder; eel tie same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle ou left hind leg. Htraight W . E Heppner, Or. Hones shaded J b ou lei slide; cuttle J S on left hip, swallow fork in ngh ear, underbit in left. bapp. 'Xiiun., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cm u name on left hip, bhirts. James, Lung t reek. Or. Horses, t oa left stifle and over 1 on left shoulder. blmer.JohQ. Fox. Or. NO innniwrivt n horses on right hip; cattle, same on rinht hin. crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Hange in urani county. emiitu ci OB., DusHnvnie, or, Hones, branded II. Z. o.i snoulder; ca.t.e, ame on left ahoulder. buUiri'H. James. ArllliuLun Or hurau hroxHuH Jb. -ii lett suouider; caule the same, also nose w audio, liui.ge in Morrow and Gilliam oo nties. bU'phetis. V. A., tiardiUHU, Or-; horstw boon right sutle; cattle h mental L on ihe right side OievuiiBOii, iUrs A. J.. Heuuut r. Or. tMtUtt. M on right ui. ; swallow-fork tu left ear. bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on lett eiiooiu. : cattle, 44 on left hip. btone. Ira.Hi'-kKton, Wash. Horses, keystone ou lull shoulder. bun in, tL. Lione Hock, Or. Hones branded a crooked seven on left shoulder; cattle sains on lelltuue. luuige, uuiiam county. b perry. E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on lett hip, crop on right and underbit iu loft ieai dewiup; hordes C on left shoulder. iiioujpmtii, J.A., Heppuer, Or. Horses, J on lelt niiuulo r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tip, etB,ti.'l.,linerpris,Or, Horses. C-n left shoiuuei. 1 ui her H. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T lei I shoulder hones; caitle same on left hip Willi npht in bull. ears. llurnton, 11. M lune, Or. Horses branded 11 1 connected on lelt Klitle; shevp same brand. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Hones HV oo& necieo on right shoulder .cattle, name oa right Ulu. Wal bridge, Wm . Heppner, Or. Hones. U. L. ontheieil shou.der; UHtlle same ou light nip. ciop i12 loft eai and right ear lopped. Wiison, Johu y,. tiaiem or Heppuer, Or. Homos braiiOed on Uie left shouider. Uauge Munow county, Warreu.W H. Caleb, Or CatUe. W with quarter circle over it, ou ,eft side, split iu right ear. iiurei (Miiutf bra-'d uti lett shoulder. UaUgia Graut eouuty WimhI, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on leltstitle;oii cuttle. ' on left side and under bit in left ear. liauge in Grant county, W right, bilaa A Ueppner, Or. Cattle branded S V uu me right hip, aquare crop on right ear and Kpl.t in lelt. Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon, Or Sqnan on cattle on tlie lett hip. upper slope in he left eai and under slope in right ear. Snme brand ou horses on right shoulder, hauge tn Harney and Grant couutv. V ade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Hones biandsd ace ol eptMiwe- on le.l slioulder and left tup. I aitle braudei1 same on left sme and left hip. Wells, A. Heppner, Or. Horses, w on left aliouuler: CHI i e SHUit. Woihnger, John, John Uay City. Or On honaw three pnruliel ban ou left shoulder; 7 on sneep, bit iu tnjih ears. Hange in Grant and Mailt ur Cuujilles. Soodward, John, Heppner, Or. Honea, DP connected n left shouiaer. W atkius, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Hones branded UK counectet on left otitle. W iiuace, Charles, Portland, Or. 1 "attle, W on nght thigh, boii in left ear; honea, W on right shoulder, sonn same on lef t shoulder. Whittier Bros., Onwey, Harney etaintr. Or. -Hnres branded W B. conneeteil no left hoaider Williams, Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir-