Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 29, 1892, Image 3

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    MMICK TO ADVKlirialilt.-t.
I 'HOSE desiring the insertion of display ads.,
or change Oloame, must got their eony In
not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's
eiition, or 'Itinraday eveuint; for Fridays edi
1. The turn of five cent per line will be
charged for "carda of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists oi wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other tiiau those the edit
or shall hlinsell give as a matter of news.) and
uollcesol special meetings tor whatever purpose.
I. Notices ol church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue iB to be de
rived, shall be charged fur at the rate of live
tentB a line. '1 hese rules will be strictly adher
ed to lu every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. tatronize those who patronize
Here ana There.
See Dasey's new ud.
Don't overlook I be Ladies' Buzar.
TU IT'S PILLS never disappuiut
Mr. Bud Mrs. W. B. Potter's baby is
quite ill.
To n Ceil, the lone postmaster, was
op Fiidav lust.
N. L. Kobmon is Belling potatoes at
Iceuis per lb. 537 tt
Fred Miller kuows how to give you a
good St it) tuiluriug. tf sw
Fell Bros.' Bazaar if where yon get
those cheap blankets. 42-lf
Mr. T. W. Avers, Jr., is seriously ill
from nervous piostratiun.
The Gem Hud Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MoAiee brot., Piups. sw
'Squire Gil Jones and YYYs Brannou
were in Friday lust from Eight Mile.
Ed. B. Bishop returned from a busi
mae trip to Portland last Saturday.
J. 8. Huptnustal, a prominent John
Day merchant, died Monday of last week.
Mr. B. Morgan, of Lower Eight Mile,
proved up before (Jlerk Morrow Saturday
F M Courier, Saturday last, made
proof on his latiob before Clerk Moriow.
Johnny Waduell will start Tor Iowa
next Thursday where he will spend the
J. N. Elder is buildine some com
modious sheep sheds up on bis tiiutun
creek ranch.
The Morrow County Land and Tinst
Company hare au unlimited supply of
chop lor sale. 11-tf.
Felix Johnson was in Heppner Biitur
day. He reports the Butter cretk range
ibh inipr viug.
The dance at Geo. Shick's, last Friday
raitJjl, was well attended, bid a nice
itirue was had.
Geo. Kydd. of Day vi lie. passed through
IlepP'f. homeward bound from rurt
laud, Saturday.
Wm. Uooelas and sister-in-law, the
latter noeiitly from the East, were iu
Heppuer Just Friday.
Puplaimoins & Una still shoe horses
and do genera? blucksmitbing at the old
stand Matiook iiorner. bo.
8haw & McCarty are selling beef fore-
nnurti.ra.iit, four nUDM Der POUlld ud
other meats in propoi'tiou. 36- tf
Every man who takes any interest in
faBt slot k should nubnuribe 'or The
Horseman Gazette shop, agents.
N. NielsoD is now runuing h stage be
tween Heppuer and Lone Book. Bee
ad. for days of leaving and arr.val. tf.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Call at her home
au north Heppuer, or address her at this
plaoe. C18 tf
Lott A lady's ring, opal and four smal
diamond settings. Fiuder will be r-.
warded by leaving same at the Gazette
Mrs. E. Kilcup Ib having constructed
on her ranch eaBt of Heppner, large
heep sheds. It pays to look out for
Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
plane to get a first-class shave, bair-ont
or shampoo. tf.
' Bill Eites, Mr. Gaunt and Nf Is Mag
nnaon were up Monday. Nels made
proof on his ranch on that date before
Cieik Morrow.
Joe and A. M. Sating and "Bud" In
f raham, of Eight Mile, dropped in yea
terday. Joe was just on his way home
from Hpokane.
Stockholders of The Palace Hotel
Company should not forget the meeting
of Deo. 28th, at which time a new board
'of officers will be chosen.
Master Clay French is the authorized
lagent for the OregoniBU at this place.
Subscribe throuuh bim, and buve your
ipaper delivered free of charge. tf
NBt MoBee, the stook inspector, re
ports the sheep of Morrow rounty partic
ularly free from scab, and that they are
.generally in good condition.
Did jcin notice tbht fine 1'ead of hair
at ohotch last Sunday t That was Mrs.
JJ . tjhe never permitB herself to be
ajut of Hall's Hair Keuewer. Try it.
Hunt and neater quarters at the
Palaoe Hotel's north business room,
Charley Jones, the bsber, wbMs to see
hi old friends there. Baths in connec
A pleasant birthday party was given
t the re ideDce of G. F. Muttbews last
HutnrHuv ufiernmrn. in honor of the lUtn
Anniversary of the birth of Master Archie
Th. Inteot ilentiatrv. crown and bridge
work, most successfully accompliahed by
Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Oas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-h-w-
Condnotor French and family are re
peating down at 1 be Dulles Hiis week,
aud will visit the "slide" ere they retnrn
During Mr. French's ah-ence. Dave Har
ris holds the reins and the ticket punch.
Meats are wholesaled Bt the Liberty
Meat market oheBper than ever before
known to be sold for in Heppner. For
quarter nf beef at 4 i ts. per pornd and
other meats in proportion. 36 tf
How is the time t" clean and oil your
harness for the winter. And don t for
t W f!.,hnrn's Ivorv Black Harness
Oil is ttreiest for the purpose,
by P. C. Thompson Co.
E L Freelaud retnrnrd home from
Canyon City last Friday, via Baker
City. Mr. Freelaud says thst the old
route between Canyon and Heppner, via
Long Creek, is preferable in every sense.
Weakness of sight i frequently the
result of general debility. When the
blood is impoverished every organ and
aen. .nffera. As an effective, powerful,
and economical tonic-alterative, Ayer'a
Sarsanarilla niav be relied on every time.
Miss Verona Phaw, who was arrested
last eek Rt Arlington charged wun
manslaughter, on complaint of Mrs.
Clinton, was discharged. She as ac
cused of being an accessory to the mur
der nf her unborn child.
Hattee's Congo Oil i rapidly ooming
to the from as a leading mediciue. J
A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap
plied it to his legs, whioh wss recently
kioked by a horce. aud next day he
threwasi.U-hisorntcbes- "It's the bo; .
Hurn,.n onv. I.vmati Brown tried the
he says: "It kocked it after two appli
cations." 54J-tr.
Jeny H'lif-mm was in Saturday last.
Arthur B iyse c iue in yeaterday from
Autone Vey was in from Butter creek
over Suuday.
G. W. Parker got in Saturday night
from Noriheru Idaho.
Dun Putter aud wife visited relatives
iu tieppner yenlerdey.
Jus. Jones returned Saturday from
hia vibit to valley relatives.
Miss Ivie Mitchell is viaiting her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. jouea
Drputy Clerk Geo. Wells ret urued from
a visit to relatives at Pendleton last
Duu Leathers and Miss Eusley were
giveu license tu wed up at the clerk s
umoe last week.
Beu Huusaker and daughter, May,
arrived bttuday from Haystack, and will
remain a tew days.
Mr. Daniel Long, of Philadelphia, re
presenting his owu exteusive oiotniug
liouae, is iu the oily.
T he wife aud daughter of Dr. J. J. Bill
arrived lust week fiom California to
join the LuO or at this place
Frank Wnmortu got tu from Idaho
oiullnlay uignt. He bus located Borne
good quariz ledges over there.
Kev. Chus Kirk was iu Heppner over
Sunday, and heal setvices in the M. E.
ohtirun, South, auuday evening.
The machinery for the Heppuer Water
& Light Co. 'a plant, with the exception
ot Ihe boiler, ail arrived last night.
Mr. Jaoob Borizgar, of Shelby, Oregon,
wusm tins morning. He came up yeater
day. Uuou proapi.ots for crops next year.
The Gazelle ofiioe and our home ranch
have beeu wired lor electric light, "Inch
are cheaper and safer to Us than peiru
liuni. J. W. Hendricks, formerly of Coos
bay, but lately ot Heppuer, left Mon
day for bridle Veil wbeie he lias Beouied
a position iu the nulla there.
Bawlics Pos G A. B. No. 31, and the
W.JK. (J, b th ot Lexington, met in
Heppuer last Saturday. Tuese meetiugs
should be euoouraged by our citizens.
Hon. J. (J. ihomson aud Mr. 0ens,
of Lexington, were iu Heppuer over
Salurduy night. The light snow Friday
uight Old nut extend down us far as
their place.
Cy. tSuinn, Frank Smith, J. T. Booth
by, O. W. Brown, aud A. A. Willis were
up Irom the i,exu:glou country Satur
day last. Mr. Wil is has juat returned
Irom tne upper country .
Constipation is the pareut of innumer
able dis uses, aud should, therefore, De
promptly remedied by Ihe use of Ayer'a
Cathartic Ills. These plllsdo uotgriue,
arepeifeotly sale lo take, aud remove
all tendency to liver aud bowel com
plaints. Bill Hendrix was over from R ick creek
Friday last. Wm. has giveu up the su
loou business over at Condon and goue
to raucbiug. He is preparing tu put out
ten acres of fruit trees on theKockcieek
bottun lauds. He finds that all kinds
of fruit do well there.
Owing to the fact that job stock has
advanced about twenty per oeut from
reasous which will be explained else
where, we are compelled to make a
Bliubt advance on all printing. A le-
riuotiou will be made as soou as prices
of material will Justify same.
Wui.F. Matlock and wife, of Pendle
ton aud Jas. Bennett, of Luue Rook,
were over to attend the funeral of Mrs.
E. L Matlock, last fiuuday. Mr Beu
itett, ia a brother of Airs, Matlock. Mr.
aud Mrs. Cass Matlock, of Pendleton,
were prevented from being here owiog
to Jhoserious illness of Mrs. Matlock,
who is also a sister of the deceased
Autelnua Herald: G. W. Patterson
returned last Thursday from Portland
Ho hrnllirht with him a full set oi cou
bier's tools aud "ill establish a shoe
hoo here in a duv or two. Ibis kind ol
au iiiatilntiou has beeu badly needed in
Ant-hom ever since the "decnse ol vr.
iA,.iieu unit us Mr. Patterson is a first
olass workman he should receivo liberal
Lucky Baldwin, who for abont one
Biir baa baen uroorietor of the Monu
ment Canyon City stage line, ubb saipeu
ii,u n,.n,.trv or mi leaat such is the re-
oort leavinot numerous creditors aud
several naviiKB frames to make the best
of the fni ii m On learning Ot DIS ao
soondiug, parties interested attached
all his stage stock and will Bt an early
date proceed to get as nearly even with
bim as possible.
I velooity which at times betokened a"hur
ncaue. D-velllugs trembled from found
I ation to roof, aud many were the freaks
played by the invader. On Main street
a part of Miuor Bios awning was detach
ed, breaking a large plate glass window.
Fuitber down the atrett, the Belvedere's
doors were smashed, and over at the
school house an outbuilding was over
turned and a skylight blown out. Nei
ther were Ouustructed, apparently, fur
very much wind. The story goiug the
rounds that the school bouse was shaken
on its foundation, is untrue. When that
building suffers in that way, there will
not be many in the oitv that will escape.
However, it was the highest wind experi
enced here for some time. The slight
shower which followed yesterday morn
iug seemed to "lay the wind," but the
urometer lingered well down until about
noon yesteiday when it began rising
slowly. Sunday evening it stood at 29,
the lowest iu this locality since a record
has been kept.
Fill Fbom Thb Cae Harry Woods,
brakeman on the Heppner branch, fell
from the cars last evening while tha
train was nearing lone at the rale of
bout 20 miles an hour. However, be
as not missed until they bad reached
tne station, when the train was baoked
own the track about two miles, where
they found Mr. Woods wandering around
in a dazed and unoonscious couditiou.
He was taken on the train aud bruugnt
on to Heppner where he waa oared for
at the Palace hotel. Dra. Swinburne
and Gagen were called, and on examin
ing him found no dislocations or broken
bones, but thought bis baok badly sprain
ed aud, perhaps, internally iujured.
After admiuisteriug to bim an injection
ot morphine, he was left for the night
This morning when Hurry bad gaiued
consciousness, he understood wuut bad
happened, aud afier dressing himself, he,
with considerable difficulty, made his
ay down stairs, where he was Been af
terward by our reporter to whom be
made the following statement regarding
the accident: "As we were nearing
lone I left the baggage-car, at the same
time felt as thongh I was goiug to have
bilious attack, to wuioh I ain subjeot.
aud whioh always dazes me. On attempt
ng to cross over the cars I must have
fallen either from a box or fiat can
thongh I think the former, yet from my
dazed oondition I remember very little
about bow it happened, or what I did
afterward, though from my preaent feel
ing must have fallen in suoh a manner
aa tu Btrike on my baok. Although it ia
rather difficult for me to make any
speed' today, I think I will be able for
work within two weeks, at least." While
Harry is iu pretty bad shape, yet be is
certainly fortunate to have gotten off so
For sale
43 4
Hands op. That waa a cool trio which
went through the Pullman sleeper at
Hot Springs last Thorsduy eveuing. The
ladies were uot molested. The train was
an honr aud one-half behind time. The
Oregonian Bays of the occurrence: "They
wore long dark overcoats and slouch
hats, aud their faces were covered by red
handkerchiefs, two weie Brnied witli
Winchester rifles of 45 caliber, and oue
oarried an old fashioned riui-fi'e Colt
niot.il. liaiiiu cans. The faces of two of
the men were covered with dark red
handkerchiefs, while the faoe ot one, who
seemed to be the leader, was covered
with a bright red bandana. Oue was of
medium height, one slightly under, and
the third a little over Ihe average Ihey
prooeeded with their work ia asystemat
io manner, and in a very few minutes
bad cleaned up $11)65 iu cash, six told
watches and some jewelry All of the
male passengers had been ordered to
bold up their hands, and all complied
with alonritv. A robber Btood at each
end i f the car, and the third took up th
oolleotion. Oulv one shot was fired, and
it was to quicken Ihe movements of
semi-dazed viotim S. J. Friedman, well-
kuown iu Heppuet who wa rather alow
in producing his valuables. When the
last man had been plundered the robbers
retired. Before leaviug the Oar, howev
er. they warned the conduotor and pas
sengers against giving any sigtiuls to
stoo the train, and announced that every
car on the train was in charge of three
or more robbers, and that any attempt to
call for assistance wonld meet with
staut deBth. They then backed to the
rear platform and rang the bell, keeping
the passengers under cover all the while.
When the train bad come almrat to a
standstill they signaled for it to go on,
and jumped from the platform, after firing
five or six shots in the air as a sort of
parting salnte." The Gazette under
stands that Byron Bernard, who is ao-
oneed of oeing the leader of the gang
who went through the Roslyn bank, h ie
From a PROMINENT and INFLUENTIAL 8tockman ot the Interior Country,
We are constantly in reoeipt ot tne same xinu irom many
others who appreciate our
Homicide on Bibob Cheek Len Ma
Oarthy, a young man, was shot and kill
ed on Biroh creek, Umatilla Co., at about
8 o'clock last Friday morning, by a ranoh
er named John Alexander, it seems
that McCarthy, who was herding cheep,
started across Alexander's place. An
altercation grew out of an attempt of the
latter to keep him off the range, which
led to the fatal wounding of McCarthy.
Alexander went to Pilot Rock after i
doctor, and was then taken in oustody
Deputy Sheriff Tweedy and Constable
Charles White brought him to Pendle
ton, arriving at 3 p. m. There is noth
ing kuown ot tne trouble, except wnat
Alexander, who seemed ery muoh ex
cited, tells himself. He says that Mo
Cartby threw a rock and hit him. He
fired once to keep bim away, and as Mo
Caitby kept on advancing, he fired again,
The ehot took effect in the head. Th
wounded man told Alexander to go tor
doctor, whioh be did. Parties who
went to the scene afterward found Mo-
Cart by dead. Alexander, who ia about
85 years old, was sent to the asylum not
long ago, and after remaining some two
months, was discharged bb cured. He
is said to be of a somewhat excitable dia
position. The yonng man killed was
nephew of A. B. McCarthy, a well-known
farmer of the Prospect neighborhood
Some people fall out with anyone that
differs with them in their opinions on
anything of either a pnblio or private
nature. This is narrow, shallow and
despicable. The man who gets bis "back
up" because you don't fall into bis line
of tbongbt on 'everything, is not worth
your consideration, and is a stumbling
block to a oommunity, rather than
Has Flickered. They ay that the
Lucky Baldwin stage line, between Mod
ument and Canyon City, has flickered
like a summer dream. It Ib hoped that
Joe Keeoey will get the line, as we think
that he will make it first olass. He is an
old stage man, and in the interest of the
pnblio, we think that one and all will
voice the Gazette's sentiments.
HtffM.itB HKIikAViJltNI.
think that be was the leading spirit in
this Hot Springs affair. However this
may be only newspaper talk. At last
accounts, not a trace of the robbers bad
beeu found.
Stokmt Weather Sunday tod Sun-,
rt v niuht was qnite windy in these 'ere j
parts, and the oft-times welcome ohinook
Our people were grieved, and much
surprised also, to hear of the death o
Eliza Jane Matlock, wife of E. L. Mat
lock, last Friday evening. Mrs. Mat-
look bsd been ill for Beveral days previ
ous to her deatb, with nenralagia of the
heart, and thongh the dangerous charac
ter ot the oomplaint was well known, no
one bad the least idea that Mrs. Matlock
was so near death's door until they were
informed of ber demise.
Funeral servioes, in charge of Rev.
Shnlse, occurred at the M. E church
1 u'olock p. m Sunday last, after which
the remains were followed to the Mason
ic oemetery by one of the largest funeral
processions ever witnessed in Heppner,
Mrs. Matlock has resided in Heppn
a number of years, and was beloved and
esteemed by all for ber many excellent
qualities. The universal sorrow felt by
all is significant of the loss that comes
to us, SB a community, in her unlooked
for deatb. The sympathies of all are ex
tended to the bereaved.
-The Following Letter-
Lono Creek, Or., Nov. 16, 1892.
J. H. Kolman, Heppner, Or. :
Dbab SiB-Ttie bill of G'lodsl parobased from you
when was iu your city lant week, I Bta well pleased and
satisfied with. Must admit that I bought them from you
at almost one half what I would have bad to pay elsewhere
iu your oity. The farmers and atoosmen ot this aud adjoin
ing oountiea congratulate you on your good and noble work
in opening up at Heppner aud throwiug a bomb shell into
high prices. It is our duty to patronize you and we shall
all auite in extending our patronage to the Boston Cash
Brother Kolman, keep up the good work, and bless you
for tba bargains you are etten liug to ua all, aad upe your
trade will inorease tenfold, as you deserve it. With best
wishes, Ruspeotfully Yours,
J. M.
P. : 6. : oitqpsoi Go.
Is because they get full value in
Tinware, Wood g Willow ware,
tonfectionery, Cigars. Tobaccos and o Cutlery of all Kinds
Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition.
The best assortment of Men's Winter Underwear and Top Shirts in the oounty.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main and Willow Streets.
and ! Sii f Painter.
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator.
Firat-Ckaa work in All Its Branches.'-"- -Prices Reasonable,
. Vice President.
Bee, and Trea
mm mm
Successors to
- 1 Carry a full line of
mm i ii
ash and
But it is no Conundrum why people prefer to spend their cash with
To Gret Even on Your Life.
jv Hardware-i- Store !
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs aud Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
Bain Wagons, Hacks and Buckboards.
.;. -:- You will save money by
getting our prices before purchasing
elsewhere. :- -: : :- : -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
-3 4- CLOTHING, -f
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps.
And suoh goods as are usually kept in a first-olnss Btore.
Call and inspect our stock and get our prices before buying your fall supplies.
v e are hibo aiceuia or
Agricultural Implements.
For Morrow and Northern Grant Counties.
Change of Ownership
whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on bands at all times the ohnioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85-tt Proorietora.
A Teatimoalal.
St. Okobob, Jan. 2,
Mb. Isaac Doles, Indianapolis.
DEABHiB-Ireceied my :mueio, "Air
Ship WalU" aod "The Odd ITellows
Grand March" in good condition and I
am perfeotl delighted withtbem because
they are perfect "gems" and have been
amply paid for my trouble. The "Air
Ship Wain" is something magnificent
because ot its simplicity in execution
and harmony, oombioed with the best
waltc time. Thanks for your advertise
ment in the Gait Reporter.
Youra Truly,
H. A. Bennett,
Teaoher ot Piano aud Oman,
St. George, Ontario, Canada.
Neablt a Fibe.- Sam Creeson brought
in word Saturday that David tiaird'B
bouse, in Six Dollar, came nearly going
up in smoke Friday. A defeotive flue
allowed some sparks to esoape, and the
rout igniting, started an incipient blaze
which would have developed iutn a first
class ooutiagration in a very short time,
had It out been nippwi in inn ouu.
There's money in good brick flues.
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased the hostelry known as
the Mountain Honse. refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
bed, per week 86; board without bed,
84.50; mesla aud bed 25 cents eacb, Mr.
Crank asks a portion of the patrouage,
believing that be can give bb ood ser
vice as auyone io Heppner, and for less
money. 43-sw.
A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord
hu moved into the former art gal
lery over Messrs. Brown it Hamilton's
offioe, and has tltt-'d op for architecture
wnrk. He ia prepared to contract for
all kinds of buildings, or will supervise
construction, and purchase material for
the same, giving bis customers Ihe ben
eflt of bis experience and percentage.
632 tf
Wheat, bu 60
Flonr.bbl 4 fiO
Beeves, cowb A two-year-olds, owt. 1 75
' " three 2 15
Sheep, muttons, bead 3 003 25
" stock 8 (JO 8 50
Hogs, on foot, cwt (4 00
f logs, dressed 6 00
Wool 12 14
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 75
Eggs, doz 30
Chickens, doz 2 60 (2 3 00
Turkeys 100160
Wheat, cwt VI 25 1 30
rimir, bbl 8 00 & 4 75
beeves, stall fed 6 00 (a 5 50
Muttons, owt 6 00(3 7 00
Hogs, owt.
Wool Eastern Oregon.,
Butter, lb
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turkeys, lb ,
4 f0 a 5 25
12 (i 18
20 (di 30
80 0 45
4 00 0 600
15 17
Wheat, cwt 1 15 (3 1 20
Flnr, bbl 8 00 0365
Beeves, owt 1 75 W 2 75
" dressed 4 00 (4 6 Ou
Muttons, live sheared ... 8 f.0 3 0
" dressed 6 00 0025
Hogs, on foot 4 50 0500
" dressed 6 0006 25
Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 0 16
Butter 15 0 85
Eggs, doz 30 W 40
Chii kens. doz 2 60 g 6 00
Torkevs Ib 13 15
oil for rbenmatiFm with which l.e nas j Cascades and Blues at
fmhl' fni- .r. and tbis IS what 0me over mo v i
Cure for Colrla, Fevers and General De
31)11) , imoUUileBcalia. 2Sc. pr bullM.
Kit bji Tabules cure scrofula.
Notice to Stockholders.
Inn ol Ihe itwkhoMeri of the Palaee Hotel
Company will be held In the pnrh.ru of mid ho
tel on the OTh "lav "f Lleoember. li-'.r2. for the
purpone of eleetlliK officer! for theeimiliig year,
bated this 0th day ot November 1MU.
Attet: J.L. Moaaow
i. W. IIokrow, Preildent.
Mercury. W6-J6I
Messrs. Mima, Darnaid aud Gillie, of
Ratbdrnm, have been arrested for ballot
box stuffing. The evidence against them
is not considered very substantial.
Mai d 8 will go on the track next year
in an attempt to lower her own, if not
the world's record.
Ktamr cl has the world's stallion rec
ord, making the mile in 2:07Lj-
pn up In neat watfrh-ihaped bnttlea, aniral
Ooalwl, AnuUl lllle ueaua. Sifa;. ljr bottle.
Prevent and eure Coiiatlmtlon aud Suik
Beadache, Smalt liilo UV-aua,
Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England.
Veterinary . Surgeon !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
t am prepared to do nil klndi ot Veterinary Surgery, Emasculating Horiei and Reellniri a Speci
alty. (Thli li the only true method of operating"') horiei.) HpeyfiiK of Cattle and llogi
on "hort notice. I will treat all animal hi the most an proved procedure of Veter
inary Surgery. If you have any sick animal It will be to your Interest to
call on me at htewart'i itablei.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Mauic ok Hiiort Notice and at PoruLAS Pricm.
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
jcs, -:- (Juts -:- and - (J$
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Senson
Also i about ripo. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
W. J. IKICZHK, Prop.
AHNF.HH-HltOP, tock anrt flxtur. Oood
btulneiM: entallliihe) In the mlriHt ol a
eoorl farming and itock-ralnlriK country-
AIho for dale a irood houae and two loit with or
without tlie biiat neat property, rorlurther lu
arm atloa add ran Uaxau. Hapvuar, Or. ta IT
1HI8 HOSTELRY lias been Rrkittbd aud Rekunihhko throughout, nrl now
Is one of the moat iuvitintf plnoes in Hoppuer. Mr. Leezet invites you to stos
with him, feeling that he is Me lo entertain you in the beBt of style,
First Class House. Reasonable Rates