Give your bumitts to Uejipner jieople and therefore wamt to build up Hejip ner. Fatrvuize those who putronize you. WHEHE THE HE VENUE GOES. The piotnoliuiiisis aie iioiuliug to the fact tbMi lee. leveuuv weul to lue kuy ermjwiit uuder lire Ali-iitiley bill lutiu uuucr mo tantf low ol loci luin u per ttcli Hue. UuUrr lire lanl of lbM lor eveij Uullur ilia giVerijUjBLjl Kul, 11 lifella tuuk J0. Uutier uio Muiuulry bill tun uvciuuieiit gut ltaa Uiuui-, butlurevei uuiiai jtid lulu liitt ueuourj liit tiu&to Ui mule it tins Why, which is lire fuel: Uuuer lire luiill ul i&63 luti guVeruuieiH gul clu,IAlU,UjU levcuur, iiiu lavureu uitnso gut uUuut u biU'uu duliura lila ad TiLiiKe ul tliu LuufStti. Uuuer I lie Mo Kluity bill lire guyeiuuieiii gol but $180, (juu.uuu, uua id truoiB gut a biiliuu uuu a lialf dollars uut ut the ueoule. Its tffrct nan to letiuoe tbe leveuue aud ill Ci use tti nealiii of lue luvured cluno. Tire ileurooiHllo puliCV as all excbmige trntt.fiiliy aajs, will luoreime luu revenue and out lylx tbH urutii ul Mo trust. II will make $22U,0UO,UOU i( revtilUB, uud leave a billiui. uuiiars in tbe liouaets of the people who earn it. I be theory of pru tectiou is that sumebody else caa spend your money for you better tbau you cau aiituu it yuurseir, and ttmt tbe uoveru mrut sbould lejrinlate it out of your pock et luto airurebouy's else. That is played out. JCVary mail is entitled to all heonu euru bi-youd bis share of tbe need of the government ecuuumioaily Hdmiumtered A strictly protective tariff would afford no reveuue at ail to tbe goverumeut, aud would divide tbe people luto two classes Tbe lower strata would be tbe ureal masses held in subnotion by a few gov eriimeui favored monopolists. That whs why the proponed foice bill was wanted The reacnou bus swept tbe hiuh tax de lnmoo out of sight, uud tbe force bill with it. Dispatch This still leaves a half a billion dollars iu favor of tbe trusts. Xbis uugut to go too. Tbe argument presented in tbe Above amounts to this: That tbe woolgrowers. coal and irou miners, and thousands ol others iu like positiou, as well as the manufacturers, all of whom dispenue wages that are unequalled aud unpar- ullel in free trade couutries, shall be re duced to a free trade fool in a that a revenue may be raided ou such articles as sugar, tea, ooLTce, spices, and other things not produced in this county al all, or at any great extent After our people have paid for a while about three prices for those tbing wl.iob they live on, with a general refluolion in n iiges. they will conclude that the preseui system is not so bad after all. That "jmn" nbout the trusts getting tbe bulk of it is thin, for if that was the case win should a manufacturing state like Con neliotit go dt morratio? The fuct is, tbe Cleveland platform, which differs wiiirl from Hie platform of tbe rank and lilt), calls for free trade raw in materials and proteoted manufactures. Tins is worxe tbau bigbxuy robbery, for it is not eqni table in any Benae, but this oaught tbe Eimteru mauufaoturers. Iu this case, however, we would like to have our mathematical friend compute how many billions ailvautiige tbe trusts would hiivu oyer the consumers. While tbe reveure tariff plan proposed is bad enoiiiih, tbe people have more fear in the Cleveland pliilform, which, if any thing, will be adopted. rather be dead and in bell than to be They averaged 12a pounds, which f hows there, for it could be no worse. It is i that they were a nice bunch of oattle. impossible for our committee to get the I Mr. Blnckwell also brought over a car full information which is d siied by the load of cows which he sold to Shaw 4 state or the coudition of these sufferers for fear of their punishment when we are gone. Tbe food is too (canty. In justice and humanity I declare that tbese things ouuht not to be." McCarty. In 18B0,Abe Lincoln leceived 180 elect oral votes, Pounlas 12, Breokeuridge 72 and Bell 39. Iu 1864, Lincoln walked away with 212 voles while Mc-Clellan got 21. In 1S6X, Grant received 214 votes while Sejmour got 80. In '72 Grant got every electoral vote, 28U Since that time tbe vote bas been as follows: 1876, Hayes 185, Tilden 184; 1880, GarHeld 214, Handck 105; 1884, Cleveland 2l9, lilaiue 182; 1888, Harrison 233, Cleve land 168. In the election of '92, tbe vote has been reversed iu favor of Cleveland by a big majority, but no oue should de lude themselves into believing that tbe defeated are any more dead than were democraoy in 1872. This overwhelming victory was too muoh, and iu '76 the re publicans came within an ace of losing tbe presidency. Thb demnnd whioh is going np for an extra session of congress immediately af ter tbe inauguration of President Cleve land is a most encouraging indication of the party's spirit. Nothing could be more judioious, in tbe view of all who comprehend tbe value of aggression at the right junoture. No doubt there are multitudes of those timid souls who only see wisdom in temporizing, but the dem ocratic masses are evidently anxious to have the democratic administration com mence its career by oarrjiug into effect the promises of the campaign. They are more than willing that the party should stand or full by the results of his policy when the same shall be embodied in the law. S. F. Examiner. As was suspected at the time, tbe Her aid interview with President Harrison, purporting to give his reasons for thede ieat of the republicans, turns out to be a ' lake,'' like so mHuy "interviews" of that journal of late. It is getting down to the level of tbe World. President Har rison authorizes the statement that re cent publications ematiuliug from New Vork, and purporting to be iuteryiews from him, in which he is represented b giving his views npou the election, are entirely unfounded, and pure inventions. Wheu he is ready to speak upon that sub j-ui ud win ao so in His own way. one i bat will be convincing to all readers ol be correctness of the statements mad '. Don't get eicited about tbe future for wool and mutton, sheepmen? It is not necessary to cross tbe bridge till we get there, which will be fully two years ahead, if at all. Everything points to pionperi ty for the wool growers, for a time at least. The various mining swiudles in (dabo Oregon and, perpetrated dining I he past ten tears ou English capitalists, nave nad a bad etleot ou mining gener ally. They are now slow to take bold of really goud property. Tub rainmakers are at work over iu Texas again. Tbe past campaigu bas furnished thornier enough, if concen trated propei ly, to deluge the whole staked plain. The new gun adopted for tbe army of the United States, shoots a 30 oul. bull. It bus a m uzzle velocity of 900 feet great er than tbe Spriu. field rifle. The capacity of Oregon's reform school is not nearly us great as the pro pensity of the Oregon kid to be naughty the bay riiks, the mystery was solved. As we go to press the guilty party bus not beeu apprebeuded. Sloan & Haskell's ci mp on Elk creek, at old Camp Sumuvilie, continues to preseui a lively appearance. They still have a full loicie in ibeir employ, part ot which are still engagrd iu drifting ou what is known si tne Creeup claim, in the (jO's, aud tbe remiiuder, m puttiug in a Hume preparatory lor the spring plao er seusuu. A recent report imui their o.imp is to tbe eff, ot that they are fl d ing tbe eeutlon where they are drifting nub, lully equal to that iu tbe pliu das ol the cauip. 'lbey have oeasd operations iu tbe loser tunnel and will tuin tbe attention of their iiiLiuelinu foroe to tbe uoper tunnel, where the bed rock is found to be most remunerative. verse for her pleasure, she gets throngh a great deal of hard literary work as well, end is one of the few ladies who contribute regularly to the Naiional Observer. Miss Tynan is below the miiMIe height nd hss a powerful, thongbtful face. She goes out a good deal iuto Dublin literary gooiety, sud is a general fayorite. She is engaged to be mimed to a member Trinity College, but does not bold that 'natiimon slionld be any hindrance to a li'arurv vooation. Pi yy pnsumption JONES ON FINANCE. The Senator tslves iu Landim ou Frps Uui&HKr. His Views These is no revolution in Alabama, nor will there be any. Jones will take tbe oath of office Dec, 1. Starter Jsok Cbiuu, who was shot by an uUiuer recently at the track at East St. Louis, is recovering. William. McKinluv, Sr., father of Governor MoKiuley, died at Canton Ohio, lust Friday. Football is rapidly taking the pluce of the old, national gume of busebull. TUE BASK HOliBEHS. Our llorrow County Man Evidently Knows tjuuiellliUK Aliuul Tbe Affair, Ji mm Lawhh, at Hun Frnnrison, on tbe mat., gt anted a temporary in junction restraining the election commis sioners from the official canvass of Un vote oimt in this city ut the last ejection. The suit is brought by James Welch, who alleges that the Australian builol law prevented him enjo)ing the see-recv of the ballot as guarauteed by tbe oou Btiluiilon, and that therefore the law is nnooimlilutiouiil. Welab avers that he is partially blind, and he could not vote under the Austriiliau law without assist Bnce iu milking bis ballot. A few dajs before tbe eleolion WeUh attacked the vulidity of the Austriiliau law by demand ing of tbe registrar of voters and secretin ry of state that he be funnelled with the olliiiiiil bullot to prepare at home. Tbe request was refused aud tbe matter taken before tbe supreme court, but owing to the shortness of time before election the nil wall dismissed without prejudice by mutual consent. Welsh's attorney says tbe result of the national election will not be affected by tbe suit, but the legis Jative mid municipal ticket will be knock ed out it tbe suit is decided in bis client's lavor. AutKA)Y Jerusalem bus a population of 413 Auierieaus and Lord knows bow many of other nationalities, and the Jer usalem ruilioud is completed through the Holy Lund, i'rayel ug on the backk of donkeys will give pluce to flying b) steam, and inueuba iu holv niacea will now be all the go. The summer trirl will smile iu the Holy Heimlohre and break hearts iu tbe place w here Christ was cruoitied. The tourist will "do" Jerusalem in half a day and the specn lutor will gather her under bis wing be fore next August! Oh Lord, what's oom ing next I Peler the Poet. The murder of Mr, Plunz nt Hun Jost recently is about as peculiar as any mur der over recorded. The mau was a brew er, tall and handsome, and in every way qualified to be troublesome to mini who have wives and sisters. While it is not known that be was guilty of any secet or illicit iutiuiiu ii'S. the theory that be whs guilty looks strong. It is true that he wns beaten and robbed, yet there are many who maintain that theie wns a woman at the bottom ol tbe awful work, aud tluei Leetfi, a witness whom the au tlini ities did not press, tor private rea sons, knows a whole lot about the mur dor. Tbe man was f uud bunging to a pepper tree on a lonely road ou the out skirls of Han Jose, wilh his feet tied ui d his hands fastened behind his buck. If tbe primary object wasrohhery, be would have been left upon the ground. Bob bers don't do the w-ork of avengers. The clearing up of tbe mastery will give the coroners quite a job. A MKWUKit of the Georgia Le gislature makes the following report ou the con. dilion of the couvict members: "Upon entering we found thut grent numbers were sick from having to work iu water iu oaves 300 feet nuder ground, where the water trickled dowu upon their IicbiIb ud where lbey stand in water from ankle to knee deep all day long. Others are mushed and orippled by tbe elate and coul which fall upou them I mm the blasting, fioin which they cuunot escupe. The gases are so stagneut that it is utterly impossible for tbe benighted con vict to ever get pure air to breathe. Koine were neaily naked aud bad to work atid sleep in tbe same meager ap pirel iu u wet condition. There was a white prisoner who shu! he knew tbey . vr inld give him hell when he left, but Lono CiiMCK, in the light for rep resentative recently, was given the razzle di 'Zz'e, but us Ihe coule-st is a tie. a new election will, perhaps, be ordered, Hud if the "smooth hoy" runs again, will get beautifully uud gloriously le ft. A man that can successfully work two sides of a questiou is a dandy, aud mosl generally it fulls down ou tbe smooth party before tbe deul is consummated. Miss Lkona Lott, of Purvis, Mississip pi, has illustrated beautifully tbe old saying, "Uut of sight, nut of mind." Sh eloped from I'm via with Mr. Slude, nun while Slado was gone for a license slu oloptd with Mr Jones. Theu Mr. Joues went for a license and before he got hack she hud gone with Wilbur Griflin, wh took her buck to Turvis. How is thai for a girl from the s lid South? The democratic organ down the street has never bud at its helm nnj thing bill a mugwump. Eveu the preHent owner's predeoessur is now running a republican paper, and the mau who started the en terprise w asn't anything. Yet it talks us gleefully over Harrison's defeat as though it was made tin of Tilden demooruey. verily, tie brethreu have a hard time with their mouthpiece. Tub miners of the Pine Brook and Capouse shaft of the Luokuwnmis Iron and Hteel Company, numbering 000, were recently given an iuorease of 10 per cent in their wages. The pay of lab rers aud other employes was increused from 10 to 30 cents a duy. Is Cleveland's election doing all this or is it the McKmley tariff law? Tun Northern Pacific "Overland" was held up by three masked meu at Hot Springs, between Eilensburg and Tapir, ma, last Friday evening at 9:30 o'clock Tbey went tbiough the Pullman only. getting a few dollars and some iewelrv I'. E Taylor, of Pendleton, lost J40. a gold watch and a diamond shirt stud. Iu reference to tbe Roslyn bank rob bery last Sept , tbe Oiegomau Buys: "It whs ou tbe aiieiuoou of Sepiemb r 23 lust wheu live musked men rode up to lie hunk of Abrums, Suipes & Co., al It'islju. Toey demounted, aud leaving oue man to tuke Cure of tbe horses, tne oilier four eutered the bank. Cusuiei Aberuetby was writing ul bis desk when he wus addressed, aud looking up he was confronted by a uiau, revolver lu baud. A physician named Dr. Lyous, who was transacting some busiuess there, also round himself oovered with a pistol. A itiird robber stepped iu just theu aud, striking the cashier over the bead Willi u revolver, felled him senseless to the floor. The cashier soou revived and his asuHilunts expluiued to him the object ot Ibeir visit. He wuh waiued tu keep qui et, uud us bis life was ut stake be did no. The robbers went to the vault and look out about Jfl2,000 in coin uud ourreiio, whioh they piuoed lu cuuvus bugs. Up ou leaving tne building they met Assist ant Cashier a. A Fre,zier, who hud heard of Ihe trouble uud armed himself with a shot guu uud was ruuuiug toward the bank. His prugress, however, wus stop ped by a bullet in his hip, from oue ul Ihe rubber's revolvers. The despcradotB llieu mounted their horses aud begau to terrify Ihe crowd assembled by firing shots iu evcy direction. A uegro uanied Uinnlly bad a bullet penetrate bis leg,uud sevenu uuiers Uud narrow escapes. finally the ruffians put spins to their horses and rode oil with their booty over u trail ou Ihe moiiuiuuis nor. h of KoBlyn. A posse was oiganized and stalled in pursuit; but llie baodiis hud too much , anil it was Liu Ulllll two oU)S -oieiwaia unit tuey weie overtaken I'hree of thi in were biirpiised in Ihe fur est twenty miles east of ltoshu by a posse of tbiileeu meu. A b iitle ensued III wli.oll one ot the fugitives wus wound. ed, but they all muuuged to make then escape, ami It was not uutil yesterday morning Frubo J that they fell iuto tbe Uands of ihe i llioers." Iu addition to Tom Kinisey, of Morrow county, Cul. Hale uud Geo. Ziokury luivo been upprebeuded, all except KiuiRey being residents of Gillium ooun ly. It is said that a number of others are ooucerned in the matter, and if not arrested will be iu tbe near future. After Kimsey was arrested almost the (irst thing be asked Deputy Fiifgernld was about tbe fight betweeu the posse aud rubbers, wanting to know if anyone of the posse was killed. Iu other ways, especially at Arlington, Tom is said to have been too well acquainted with tbe affair Dot to be implicated. Wheu be was first arrested, there were a number here who doubted thut be had anything to do with it That there is outlle thieves doubts, but Eusteru Oregon hardly ex peoied to rife np to that more elevated plane of thievery, bank robbing, Horses aud outlle are dull sale aud it is likely that this induced tbe boys to try some thing with ready onsb in it. It is said Unit The Financial Nep, of London, pub lishes an interview with Senator Joues. one of the Ameiicau delegates to the Mouetary Conference. Senator Joues says the people of tbe Uuited States ap preciate the vital importance of tbe our rency question, while in England mauy of tbe people were ignorant of the rudi ments of the matter. "There is hardly an American elector," said tbe Senator, "who has not formed an intelligent opinion on this subject It had a most important influence on tbe last election." In reply to a qneition at to whether the democrats would introduoe a free coinage bill in oongress, the Senator, said: ''Yes; tbey are bound to. The Times affirms that a majority of the new bouse of representatives are opposed to free coinage. I feel sure that this is erroneous; on the oontrary, there is a two third majority in its favor. It was among the deiuooruts of the last house that the supporters of free coinage were found. If you traoe these men to their constituencies ou will fkd they have been re-elected. Whether a free coiu sge bill is introduced bv tbe democrats or whether it is pHsaed or not is a dif ferent matter. Mr. Cleveland himself is against free ooinsge. It is just the question how far tbe demoorats will feel the influence of his personality. A great mass of people are bent on free coinage. Why should free coinage tend to depreoiate the silver orrenoy? We bear from Indian effioiHls muob about tbe depreciation of silver in India, but the Indian gets as much for a rupee comniouiiies as ne ever got. It is not silver that depreoiates; it is gold that appreciates, we hear about great stacks of silver. Where are tbeyf When you talk of grain or petroleum you substantiate jour statements, want something dune in the n silver." Cm MnMn : surveij Or" An Apprehensive Subject BY Means of a Prehensile Tail The Monkey is Not Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. te May Woe a band of horse and iu this seolion. no one A ChU'aoo jockey was caught using electrified spurs on his horse a few days ago. He hud th, buttery fastened nround bis wuist. If the ingenuity of this lad wus applied to the pedals of a class of meu who do nothing requiring more eu- ergy than warming the seat of a chair, it would be turned to good nccotint. Nov. 23, 1S;2 was celebrated by Irish Americans as tbe twenty lifth nuuiversa ry of the death of Michael Larkiu, Mi ousel O'Brien and William P. Allen, who gave their lives for the Iiisb oanse. Pat rick Fork, editor of the lush World, was the principal speaker at a New York gathering on this date. A Nice Binoh en Cattlb.-Henry Blnckwell and wife got iu Friday from Long Creek, leaving for heme .vesterdav Mr, Bluckwell brought over 80 heud ,,f Bill Z ickary, who is somewere in Eastern Oiegnu, is wanted ; uiso uyrou iJeruard, who is said to be iu Muutunn. SOME EAG1.BT8. From the hong (Trek Payer. How do you like the Long Creek Can )Ou City telephone? It's a wouder hue Johnny Chiisman hihI F. W.Silvertootb were clled to Canyon Clly tins week ou court business. John Combs, ex-sheriff of Crook coun ty, ib over assisting his brother during court Be'tisou. The Eugle man in company with E. O. Woodull, paid Canyon Uity a visit last week, reliirnfng home Uednesduy. P. S Wilsou was detiied the liee-nse to operate a ferry across the North Fork at Monument by the lust county court. J. W, Dawson, of tbe law firm of Dawson A Lyons, of llepouer, pussed through Long Creek yesterduy eu route to Canyon Clly on business. Judge M. L. Olmsied, who was before the lust stale republican seeking the supreme judgishio. bin willing tu take anything he .1,1 g, , Iisb bounded from the republican corrull and is now in tbe democratic ItIA H'Ka democratic party will have to crown him iiu a oouutmii supply of political bouors, or the next we beurof the Judge he will be somewhere else. ' Tueslay night a fire fiend put in bis sppearunce iu Fox vallev, and John Vo. finger wns made the sufferer from the the destruction of fifty tuns of hav. Tbe fire wns of inceudiary origin, as there has been no fire on Ihe place for senile Minx Quite a number of the vullev'e citizens turned out to invest.,.,.!., e'i, he did no. care it tbey did, fo, be would ; cattle which he delivered to Os. Mitchell, i ol Tun ZZZ'ni?. m L'", V"" WILL 1HKV DO IT? From tho 8. F. Examiner. rree law materials must go on tbe free list. Aud the shoddy mi'ls that have sprung np under the evil shadow of the McKiu.ley bill must buve a period put to their swindling: activity by tbe ; dmiesion of honest and cheap clothing from abroad. When unr pampered uinnufao Mirers learn to fel that tbey are uotsnb Jeoted to intolerable and pathetic bard uip ny rjemg required to produce bun est goods at honest prices they will have no trouble in holding tbe home marke and doiug better tbau now, staggering iiiejr me-, lo a poilllOUl proOtSSIOI Ohurged with McKmley stimulants. Thut a disturbance of industrial am commercial couditio s will attend the thoroughgoing reform of the turiff is iu evitubie, but the people were aware that when they voted for tbe reform The ultimate results of the disturbunci nni ue an salutary, wo mau u,nu,uiei woo uas prams and euergv need go to the wall under a revenue tur iff, and the iuoes of the iuoupables who go down will be gladly tuken by Ameri cuu meu with Amenoan self reliance. who canuot see why they should not be able to keep their end up against any competitors anywhere in tbe world with out the bolp of government bouuties. No more free raw materials, a tariff in tbe interest of tbe consuming millions aud free play for brains, oapital and la bor in a fair field that should be the programme of tbe democratic party, t'OETi88 A NO POLITICIAN. A Your, Irish Girl Whe I. Attracting Mncn Attention. Miss Kathriue Tynan plays a promi neut part in Irish literature and politios Although she is still a yonng woman lier beautiful poems bring her in a con. siderable income, and she is fast beuom ing one of the most popular feminine personalities in her own country. With the exception of short visits to London Miss Tynan is 'content tore. main all the year round on ber father's farm, Whitehall, Couuty Dublin. Tbe quaiut thatched homestead, where the youngest of Irish poetesses dras all her inspirations, is situated some six miles from tbe city, at tbe foot of Wick low mountains. Mr. Tvnun is said lo kuow more about farming than any other two men in Irelaud, aud it would be worth going a long way to see the dairy over which bis daughter presides with such loving pride. Miss Tyusn's owu little den betrays the influence of her English friendx; fine photographs of Dante Gabriel Kossetti's painting line the walls; tbe newest books and peri odioals lie about in literary confusion, aud a portrait of Paruell, your hostess' hero, has a place on her writing table. Miss Tyiiun is a strong nalionalHl-Par nelhte, and one of ber most r. mirkable poems was written in memory of Charles dtewurl Paruell. Thought she writes WE TELL OF Splendid Goods, Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom ers, and of reasonable prices aud good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale without end, beo nise it is a tale that will hold A pleasure to show goods. Hpeoial inducements to cash buyers. Call at ffl DISSOLUTION OF COP VTltNEIiSII IP. Notice is hereby giveu that tbe part nership existing between Arthur Coffin and Frank McFarland. under the firm name of Coffin & McFarland. wus dis solved February i, 1892. by mntual oou- sent, Arliiur Comu retaining the Arling ton business, collecting all aoooiiuts due and paying all liabilities of same, and Frank McFarland retaining the Heppner business, collecting all uocouuts due and payiug all liabilities of same Arthur Copfim, Frank McFarland. Referring to the above. Frank McFar. IHliel, Homer MeF..r la id and Fm I fl Vornz have formed a co nnrtiiersbio nn der the firm uame of McFarlaud Mmoau- tile Company, commencinir husiiiesa tieptember 1st. 1892, to be incorporated i ne new ui in win coiiiinne in the gen eral mercnandisiiig husiuesBat the same looation, national Bank building, lower main or,., neppuer, Oregon. J? rank McFarland, HOW KB VIcKARLANd, 542 648-w Emil P. Vokuz. Guarnnrwil to euro Rillons Attack! sad Cuusupiiuon, iinuil lille lieuiia. This 15 HEW A HP. amount will be paid for the re covery of a chestnut sorrel horse, branded a diamoud L on light bio and I S nn Inft shoulder; bas a wire cut on one frout root; is seven years old, weighs 900 to 1000 pounds, star in forehead, white strip in tbe race. The above reward will De paid ror ber delivery to me at Aler Thompson's rauch. Joseph Dubois, Wl tf. Hepputr, Or. TO THE POINT, My oreditors are after me for mnnov which I cannot pay unless those who owe me come to the front. Tbis I shall expect everyone to do without further elay. I need money and must have it. 6d8 sw D. W. Horneb. P. M. I'm in dead earnest ou this mat ter. Those who think that I am fooling, will find out their mistake. D. W. H. 15 HEWARD. Lost or stolen, one hav horse fonr vAara old, branded orose( ) with bar above it a ngui suouider. Had white face. I ill give the above reward for his ,.ln,. to J. L. Howard's ranch Creek, or for information leading to his recovery. i. l.. Howard. 6d8 sw Uallowav, Ore. To Conaumptives. Th llM.Mlm,al ha,-!..- . . a I I i. 1 . t "0"" oceii reBioresi lo ............. .,1.1.,, mrioiB, irner sintering lor sev eral yea wlih severe hinir altVcttou, and that . ...... v....o.,iKll, B nilAlotlB iu uitote known to nia (ellow auilerer the means of cure. -" " " '"' ... t'u oi eiieeriiiuy Bella (in-eof chargei anniy ol the prescription used. ; V- """"ic eitit- lor euiisiliiip- ....... vnmiiu, muiicni'is ana autnrottt and lung maladies He hopes all sun'erers will try his remedy, us It Is Invaluable. Those desir ing the prescription, which wMlciMt them uoth ing, sud muj' prove a blessing, w ill please ad dress. KhV. Kl.WAUn A U.v-.u ' w Brooklyn, New York. Notice to Teachers. VOiIrK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE i. 1 Morrow rnnntv tnus. ).,.- (.,.. ...m L. held in Hopper, December is, 16 and 17. All teHchfrt. and alio thoif pviH-piiuir m tut,,.K - exptH'ted to attend, or present a valid excuse. vw u n . L fix I.I N'ii Ktinf PnACTICALi I " " i ! ! House and Sign Painter. PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. .Paper Manning and Decorating. That dreaded and dreadful disease I jVVhat shall stay its ravages? TJwusands 'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption ? Make no delay but take Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. Alnio-t n.i palatable in milk. Get only (lie trrnuine. Tro pared by ,!oott & Eowno, Chemist3, New Tork. Sold by all Druggists. Scott's emulsion o TO THl PEOPLE OF HEPPNER And Surrounding Country, -: We are oom elled to announce that our entire etook of v- Clothirig, burnishing Goods, -m HATS. C4PS, BOOTS, SHOES, lS- Trunks, Valises, and also a full lin of Ladies' Goods, suoh as Dress Goods, Furn ishings, Fiiucy Goods uud Nutinus of all kinds MUST BE OM 3o.Within the Next 30 Days.3o. At prices never henrd of before in the history of merchandising. Thanking you for past patronage, we would like to see you come aud Get the Benefit of Our 6losii6 : Out Sile i -AT THE- THE EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE, N. LEVI KO BISON, Proprietor, HEPPNER, - . . OREGON The Heppner Wood Yard. RIP IIA.S GOT AROUND At last, and has opened up a Wonrl Yard, from which he will deliver wood sawed or uusawed. ' Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts Per Cord, twice in two ; , 00, three times. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.50 per cnnl. Yard Dear the depot. Leave orders at riloan & Hnwa-d's 628-BW RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. DAN OSMKRS. MAT HUGHES. Columbia Beer Hall! EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory on Main -1- ' Street Knnn mi I,,,,,, tv. . t " r . a Fine Line of Liquors, on hand Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to S Cents PerGloss, On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more OSMERS & HUGHES, Props i IMP tub Leatnng Hotel of tne Cim :siilia ' I'fly WELL FURNISHED roms. jj? nfi largaret Von Cadow BORG, Out for Cash Bargain? THE : JEWELER! -IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc Trust Busts. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, JIEPPNER, OR. HEPPNER and LONE ROCK bTAGE LINE.' XIElySOX, Prop. ?9 j ....iiuninnini rrWHYS, line to Fossil, Passengers 643-tf a Lenvea Looe Rock av Revocable charge, for both : and Freiffht. SLOC0M-JOHNST0N DROO CO., Agents, Heppnerfor. GfHiriius, Ntarl Wood Finishing and P.,li,UiU)f Coalmining rww- ... QUzing, etc l. d. mm IS HEPFSER'S LEADING Contractor Suildsr. v Itum HEPPXER, OR Otfica, BetidauM