Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 25, 1892, Image 4

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A Prize Picture Puzzle.
EXPLANATION. The following picture contains four faces, a man and hit three daughter
Any one can find die 11111 face, bat it is not so easy to distinguish tie fm.es of the three young ladies.
Toe picture wai published in a few newspapers some time ago, and attracted considerable attention to
our standard remedies. We now offer a Dew prize com petition in connection with it. , As the sole object
b to introduce our medicines into new homes, those who entered the former competition are requeued
doc to compete ir this one. As to the reliability of "The Ford Pill Co.," and the estimation in which their
sasdicines art held in Toronto, Canada, vhrre thy are bst known, patrons are referred CO U daily
awspxri wholesale druggist and leading business houses generally of lorootak,
The proprietors rf "Th Ford PHI Co.," v.-!!! gw. art el-nt pair of Fhnttcnd Pon.09
CarriQBe and Harness, valued at$GQO, (uVIo-ercdli-:e in any piwcoi tue United State,
to tuei -j7 person who can make out the llirtse oitup'uers' faces. To tha second be given an elegant
Lady'8 Cold Watohv set in sapphires ami diamonds. To tho third will be given a pair '
penuine Diamond Ear-rings. To thewM win be siiven n hand-iome China Dinner
Service. iQdAwii.begiM.n Kodak Camora, Totho5xA,awiss nluslo
Box. lo the sevtnth, a French Mantel Clu;k To the tx,-iah an elegant Banquet
Lamp, Tothe iM,apairoi CrOWH Derby VqP9?. To the tenth, a complete Lawn
TennfS 8tf.and many other pnea inordrof :m?rit. iv-eiy competitor rr.uit cut out the aUrve
"Puzzle picture' distinguish the three girls fates by matlinsf a cross with a lead pencil on each,
nd tnclos snnie with 15 U. S. two-rei.t s-nmps f'..r 033 of i':e fo,viwi" ' Pi we Remedies:"
'Ford'g Prize Fills," "Ford's Vvlr.o CtUfii t Ei Ilc-medy," or "Jord's Prize
Cough Cure." Select any one of the hove rnnvks you d -ire- Aridress Tiie Ford
PUI Co.," Cor. Wellington & E'iy Sis., Trunt-, Cai-.via. 1.1'.' pern whose envelope is
postmarked first will be awarded the first prize, u:A lli'i ciders n trier of merit. As this adver
tisement appears simultaneously throughout the Uni.fd ;:.!';, i-vry one bits an equal oppor
tunity. To the person sending the tart current answer wi.i be given an cleifint TTprljjllt Concert
Grand Piano valued at If 500.00. To tliey.'r.? person frum the tnrt sending a correct answer
will be givena gentleman's fine Gold 'Bnntioz" Yt-'iitfli v. liiui strilrea the hours and quarter
hours on small cathedral gong at pleasure, nnd valued p.t $f, TOO ()( Tothe sccnmiUnm lt last, 2,
first-class Safety lilcyclo pneuniaiic tire. '1 o the thi'-UU-m tlie last, afirst-clnss English Shot-
Ran. To the Jourtk fiom the tost, a suite of Pnrlor I1 'urniture. 'io iia A from tberuf, a
indsome Silver Tea Service. Tothe si.rih from t.hstast, an elegnnt Vinno Lump. Io the
trrnth from the tast, a handsome pair of Portieres. To the eiluh fmrn the last, a genuine
English leather travelling Trunk. To the ninth lruoj the fa$tt two pieces of gcuuine French
Statuary ana many otner prizes ui oraer 01 menu
A sneclal prie of a Slllc Drees Pattern (sixteen yards, any color), or a first-class
Hewing Machine (any make desired) will be piveii to the JiU person in each State in the
U. S. who can make out the thtee daughters' faces. We. &1 nil give away 200 v.'tlliuble prizes,
betides special prires, (if there should be so many sending crrcct answers. No charge is made for boxing
and packing of prizes. The names of the leading prii v i'mers will be published in connection with our
advertisement in leading newspapers next month. 10 st nt premiums will be given to only those who art
willing to assist In introducing our medicines. Nuthir. is dmrjed for tlie pri7s in any way. They
are absolutely given away to introduce and advertise herd's Prize Remedies," which are stand
ard medicines, and will be used in every family for yc.irs where tlx y have btcn once intrnduced. All
prites will be awarded strictly in order of merit, and wih pcrkctsatisfucitou to the public Tueremedie
will be sent by mail, postpaid, and prizes freo of duty.
An extra premium of a genuine 'Fearless" Watch, (stem winder,) will be awarded to every
Grson who sends a correct answer within 30 days after this advertisement appears, in case they should not
fortunate enough to secure one of the larger prizes. 'J hat is, if any one can find die three faces and
inclose them within 30 days from the time this adven i-ement appears in the newspaper, they are
guaranteed either one of the leading pri?ps, or an extra premium nf a wntch on conditions stated.
Sio answer will be noticed tint does not contain 30 cents fur one of Ford's Prize Homed leu.
Address THE FOKD PILL CO, "37," Cur. Wellington & Buy Ms., Toronto, Canada. ,
Kansas City, St. Paul,
ClllOf 10,
JSt. IvOlll,
Leaves Hi'i tiiT. 8 a. ni.
(IM p. m
Pullrnnn KleeiHT,
ColunUt isieeiiern,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Bttamers riTtlimd t Sun Frnuoisei
every f m r ilnya.
For rates And gim tai in otiuallim call on
input THkit Agent.
J. C. H AIlrJ
ileimer, Ori-son.
W. II. lU'lil.lU'Kl, Awl lien.. Ast.
2M WuihlUKloli HI.,
Scientific America
Agency for
for Information ard freo Handbook wrtto to
KHINN X I'O. :wi Huoahwa V, Nkw YoHK.
OUlOHt burt'nu tor ntH'urmiT put "tit In Aun'ilca.
Every pattmt takin out ttv w brtnifht tu'fiue
ibo public by a uotU'o uivii f i o of chiii'iiu lu Uio
Scientific tnevtenu
Larnast circulation nf miv wrtontltio pnpor In the
worul, SpUMHiwilv tlliistrnit'il. Nu tin I'llirt-nt
man nlionl.l hu without It. WcckK. a
rem ; fl.Jlt sii nui.it lis. Ailtttosn MliNN A (XL
Ptilitiauicus.t liruaUway. Nw Vurk.
It 1 onr rnrnpttt dcMre to ImprcpB upon the
mliula of Hit piil-ltc Ihc atipi'rlnriiv of Hi1 mr
tlre ofloicd l) thf tK'ouBlii IVntrnl 1 Iiicr to
Milwankff, t MiHjrrt and all potiiia Kmt and
feonlh. 'l oftit iialiic leavo M. 1'nul, Mimii--a
polls and Dulnth lntly, fqnippt'tl villi 1'ull
maii YeMtlmlcil PinvUiiK Htmiiilci'i.ciii. ltd tuff
fan and ('t)Mcln oi tin- hm-nt tli siun tm
ittft ( nr t-rvli f in uiiBnrpaiti'il, w hh h tnroxiit,
Io a ki"'i d'Krf lur the popiihirity ol ililn itnu
The thcoi.inii Cftitral l.nui in coninM-tuni
With Northern I'm IliC t. U.. is tlu' only lim
from Cai tilr t'oai pointaovcr hlt h ln-ih Pull
man Vt'KtihuH'd, liml-clan. nd pHllninn lour-
1st t'ara txtv opt rated via el. I aid Ittnuit eliaue
lu t'hU'ittro.
l'aiii.iU-ta irivltitr valuable infnrmnilon i'hii
be obtitliiftl free upon uppltfittlon In our nt'iir
ml tltkt-l aufni.or -l.t. c lJ-'M,-t'iiviul i'ticu
and iitkwl Ageut, Chleao, 111.
r ij icic rrxxva es I
Snn li'f 1 noisco
id nil poiiitu in ( (dtftiiniH, via the Mt, bhimU
rmite i)f the
Southern Pacifie Co.
I he KicHt hiirliwtty IbrmtKb i'nldomia to all
pninth I'.iiKt find South, (inuxi Hcimic lioute
Of (lie I'licifu; CcmHt. PullniHii HufTnt
bh't'pfiB, Bt'CuJid-ohtHH tilutiporu
Altncln'it in I'Xfin'HH nnii'S. i ff rdit g pupfirio
Mci-ciii'itKidtitioiiH fnr con d-c lane pnt?si'nBerH.
Inr 'hkpi, iirki'iK filct'i'iiiB cur renervutiont,
tc. rail upon ir tuldnWH
K KtUilll.KH, MnmiKiT. E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
icii K X V Ai. Pnriltiiid, OrtsKon.
-K IIAVK I'llll SA1.K A 1.1. K1N11S OF US
' (ln'f.f.fd l.uinlicr, HiiuilcHul lU'lipuer, H
an i.ikw nail', niii'i.ii,
in) i
17 .'i
L fri.tiu per l.lAK) It't't, Hiklitiuual.
I. 4, liriiiilHori,Mnn,ift
! Atrp
Indigestion, lllllotisiiet. Headache Contl m
? pattun, llyapepiilu, Cbroiilc Liver Troublra,
llislncM, llntl Complexion, Dysentery,
f OITonsWe Itrcutli, und all disorders of the
Btumaeb, I.Ivor ami Uoirel.
J It (pans Tubules contain nothing Injurloui to
I lutfc. ett'ncUuil. ()trt lmniedinte relief.
J Hold by dnurtrlrit!). A trial imttle aunt by mail
h On reoaipi 01 1, cuui. Aiiarvu
V uuu,h tn HARM-
rr l.NJl'UKl U I ,
Uie MfHlih -r liitcriertr with buriuM or pUr. It tiull.li up
Rml iiKi'ititci th nmriil hrlih, i')-art ilie tkm mil tirniuin,
the aimplvxl .11. No wt lnk i or ftsbbimut (o11,h Uit- utl
iii til. Ki.iint.cJ bv pri,''lli ftud leuduii Uitlii,
1lrm!c4", ninl vrltli no lurvlnv, tnfOn)iiM or twd tJ
ft'tlt. 1m r fliiliulitrt itiliirt'tt, nllli 6 nuu ih tUaipt,
GRfiP BEK"dice
IIW .11.-0 llml IJf,
ul nu- In . ijo .t i! iHiiitle. lor
ranMni; (;r:p (Hmea only.
1IOI ll.dl IS H M1 KH.
MarKiil lt:irk Till. H'g finds, l.onilinl hlc. wul
c.i'i vllilliu ill till. Ilmv Nt'W ivorlc lliat win. U
tiitxiov. Sea!.-.! iiatlli-ulni'S .nil '. (no rnriiloRiia
llO.', Sl'IHl M-f :Ul.ir.SM'll elHllllH'd 1'lll ttl.lJHl to
t.l.V llUDb. llMttur i:, Cliicugo, XU.
Mlui:SIAKHU.- ivi tillhfllK. tt MlluelU'ilt-
-r mul 11'iMHi-r til uiMiiy yt'HiH' expiri.
t-ntii1, h .s just lno-itd In th AhrtitiHtu
siuk Imiuliiitf. ou May Btrt'et, wliete tie
18 inneii tn it. i fv-i iu)i in hi, line.
Mr. liiiheek in ulni tly h llrHt-olHRtt n'lirk,
iuhii iimt win rinilM alt wurk. Give him 11
.all 14 tf
At Alrn!iimiMck'H. In udditiou to his
tttiltirmn buNim-HH, lie him nddod a fine
in' of undt rwriit' of all kituia, ntlinpf
diiiK linsit'ry, ttr. Alati has on hand
iiiie elennnt pnttrrns for units. A.
l.t,l, ,i
k. May strtwt, IIe)iHr. Or.
A Mcl-'urliiitd bitve jn-tt reeirfd
car load or MiieliH! Wmvonn, Hiieka.
f t: , and h.iVt i.Un ii iHigt mipt' ot fHrta
ui; iiuplUituU ot all kiudy.
The Vlev of Itintructur George A. Smith
on the Subject.
The object of riteniiij the milk before
adding tlie rennet is to have a sufficient
Imomit of acidity developed so that the
curd will work alon in good time, and
tiuke a good, solid cutting, well flavored
Tlie general principle underlying the
manufacture of cheese depends prima
rily upon the action of the rennet in co
agulating the casein of the milk and in
that way holding a larger portion of the
fat. The .sugar and albumen of the
milk are principally carried off in this
way. The rennet is principally obtained
from the mucous surface cf the fourth
stomach of a suckling calf. It is pre
served for use by carefully cleansing
without washing it and it is then rubbed
with salt and dried. When wantel for
ose it is BO.iked in weak brine, and the
liquid thus obtained is used to coagulate
the milk.
When the latter is found to be in
proper condition sufficient of the rennet
solution is added to cause the miU to
begin to thicken in from fifteen to ei ;ht
een minutes. It is then allowed to
stand until the curd is firm enough bo
that by laying the back of the fingers
and hand on it next to the side of the
vat and gently bearing it away it will
cleave off. For cutting the curd knives
containing several blades about half an
inch apart are used. When cut the curd
is loft in small cubes, each not more
I than half an inch in diameter.
It is necessary to use every care that
the pieces of curd may be even in size,
so that the heat and rennet will act to
gether and on all alike, producing an
even curd, without which it is impos
sible to make tine cheese. The main
loss of fat takes place in the process of
cutting and handling immediately fol?
lowing. The globules of fat on the ex
posed surfaces lire easily detached, hence
the necessity of carefully handling not
to mangle and bruise the curd, and thus
increase the amount of fat lost.
As soon as the curd is completely cut
it is stirred very gently for ten or fifteen
minutes, until the outside of the piecen
shows the appearance of a slight film,
and the whey commences to separate
freely from the curd. The letter is then
gradually heated to a temperature of
about OH dogs. Fahrenheit. During the
process it is kept in constant but
gentle agitation. The heating stimu
lates the action of the rennet, which
hrinhs tho casein and expels the mois
ture from the kernels of curd. It is very
important at this time that just the
right amount of moisture should be sep
arated from the curd. If too much is
driven out there will be a loss in yield
and a coar.se, hard textured cheese.
On the other hand, too much moisture
makes a cheese that cures too fast and
which will get off flavor quickly, for the
-reason that the retention of so inncb
moisture causes the conditions that a:
the most favorable to the development
:t the bacteria if putrefaction. When
'lie curd has become sufficiently firm
and dry it is allowed to settle on the bot
to n of the vat and stand until there is a
,uflicient development of ncid. To tell
exactly when it is the proper time to
draw the whey from the curd requires
the best judgment of the maker, as it Is
une of the critical points in the manu
facturing proc-efs.
The most common test used to de
termine tlie proper time to draw off the
whey is known us the hot iron test. A
portion of-the curd is squeezed in the
hand until partially dry, then placed
against hot irim inid carefully drawn
away. If the curd sticks to the iron and
is drawn out ill line threads about one
fourth uf an inch long the whey is gen
erally ready to be drown; if the threads
ire shorter it is -illowed to stand until a
satisfactory test is obtained. This test
is supposed to indicato the amount of j
lactic acid present.
After the whey is drawn from the
curd the process of manufacture nay be
varied, ono method of treatment making
what is known as stirred curd cheese,
the other method a Cheddar cheese. In
tlie stirred curd process the acid develop
ment is carried farther in the whey be
fore it is drawn off, and af ten. ard the
curd is kept stirred and the kernels kept
apart until salted and put to press. In
the Cheddar process after the whey has
been drained from the curd the latter is
packed on the sides of the vat, leaving a
space in the center for the whey to drain
off more readily. After a little time the
curd is cut np in pieces convenient to
handle una turned over from time to
time to allow the whey to drain off more
When the curd becomes pretty well
freed trom whey the pieces are doubled,
anil the process of doubling is continued
at short intervals until the whole forms
a compact pile. It is held there until
the curd begins to feel mellow and has
a stringy, librous texture, wheu it is put
through the curd mill to tear it in pieces,
so that it can be -lalted, after which it is
put to press. W ith good milk tine cheeso
can bo made by either plan but taking
into account all the changing conditions
the cheesemaker must meet 1 have no
doubt the Cheddar plan is the safer.
The average amuunt of milk required
to make a pound of cheese is a little
over ten pounds. The best apparatus
for a small dairy is a small self heating
vat that is, a tire underneath the vat
surrounded with water and connected
with the water surrounding the vat. For
the factory a boiler and steam pipes con
nected with the vat are used. George
A. Smith, Cheese Instructor New York
State Dairy Commission.
Artesian wells have been brought into
requisition to supply the milkhouse
and have been found just the thing, un
less the digger strikes a flow of sulphur
water. The water from the well rau
be run into an elevator lank in the milk
house, whence it will flow down and
supply all wants.
It is au established fact that there is
money iti chicks tlitvt mo hutched in the
........ . Th Pnnlrr
nukuiuii. iiLuivi.. w ... j
World, chicks hutched in September will
feather nicely before cow weatner ae
lu ana will tw very nine c,ituurui8 (,Bn, five rtnllum hliI kwb liom--cold
weather. An nbuudHUce of Insect j ,,, j, onr-d. Nut unly relieved, but
aro always 'o be found duri.-g Septeiu-1 Ci rkd. Aueuls wauled. 46
ber and Octuber, and the chi. ks can get
a giod livi"v uutil snow flies. Uive
them as niutn care as yon bestowed on
the spring hatches, and you will lie
pleued with results. Very little loa
from dise- e will occur. Cliicke is
hutched in eptemuer will bring gw4
prices iu vdiiunry and February as
Homethlnj About t'.io Labor rcrfornie
by a Smoker.
A Scottish contemporary thus de
scribes tho firing service on board aJ
ocean (rrcyhound: On the City of Pari
there are sinty Crcrnen, who feci thi
llcry maws of fifty-four furnaces, ttta
roate steam in nine boilera. Fifty ooa
passers shovol the fuel from the bunk
r to the furnace door, and the Cremei
toss it In. There Is something mor
than mere shoveling in firinj. Th
stoker must know how to put the coall
on so they will not burn too quickly noi
deaden the fire. He must know how tc
stir or poke tho fire so as to got a 1, 01
nearly all. the heat out of tho coal.
Service in tho fire room is divided into
ix w.itahps of four hours each. The
fireman works and sleeps alternate four
hours. After the firot day from port
two out of every six furnaces are raked
out to the bare bans during- the first hour
of each watch. Thus, la a voyage, all
the furnaces arc cleaned once i'J twenty-
four hours. The steam rocs down a bit
in the hour while the cleaning is going
on. The stokers shovel into the fur
naces fifteen tons of coal every hour, or
three hundred tons a day. I he snip
n -? i tl.nnc.n.1 tna nt
usuau.y ia.3 iu i. v..uu3u... v..
Liverpool or JCW Yorlt,, ana lias 00-
twe -n live hundred and eight hundred
, . .
tons left when sho arrives at tlie ot.ier
side. Tho engineers' department is en
tirely distinct and separate from the
firemen's. In the City of Paris there
are twcnty-slx cnginoers, including
hydraulic and electrical. They arc edu
cated in engine shops on si rc, and a
certain number of them go on ships
every year. They are all machinists, so
whenever the machinery breaks down
they know how to repair tho damage.
In case the chief engineer should be dis
abled any assistant could take hisplaoo.
The Canines of I)i..crcnt Nation, Shown
on Their Coins.
There Is nn important group of about
forty coins containing outlines of dogs,
which deserve careful study. The in
terest of some of them, says Chambers'
Journal, is mainly mythical, as with
Lrclaps, the hound of Actcoon, presented
to Ccphalos by Procris; or with the dog
of Scgeste. which symbolized tho rivet
Crimisus. But there are enough to show
how extensive were the operations of
the dog fancier in early times. The
coins afford no evidence of tho develop
ment of a spaniel, there being no ex
ample of a pendulous car, or of a mas
tiff, though bulldogs were undoubtedly
known in tho arenas of imperial Rome
But they prove conclusively what if
shown, indeed, by the less artistic
products of E-ryptian pictography that
the ancients had four kinds of dogs the
wolf dog, the hound, the grayhound and
tho terrier. The Umbrians had thou
wolf hounds, the Apulians, of Aseulum,
their grayhounds, tho more rugged
hunters of the Tuscan forests their fos
dogs. The favorite dog of Artemis
Laphria, as on coins of Patra and
Sparta, was a grayhouud, while Act
Eton's dogs must have been half-breod
deerhounds. Rhcginm, if the coin3 may
be trusted, had his sheep dogs; the
Macedonian city of Jlende its terriers,
and Cumrxs, just above the bay of Naples,
to which all the luxuries of the aneient
world were brought, its poodles.
Further pursuit of this line of inquiry
would probably throw some useful
light upon the direction of canine do
Hmok'n- -mil riiwlntp,
A Chicago doctor, who lias been study
Inj tho quoation closely, i: rcsponiiiblc
.jv this statement: ''Smoking and chovv
or ciLlier, i:i injurious as you have
iKi.rd all your Lfo, if indulged in too
much, but tliero aro eomo who cau
smoiio and chew moro than others.
Now, if a man smoko or chew without
expectorating 1 make bjld to say that
such a ono can Indulge either habit, or
both, to his heart's content, and ho will
live a loug as it bo had uovur done
A i.ucky Flna.
A Pennsylvania spinster died recently
leaving nothing to Iter relatives save ac
vld bustle. This they promptly pitched
into the fire, but as prompily pulled it
out again when they saw a greenback
of a large denomination sticking out
from one corner. They found a fortum
rathe buttle.
Vile and Unwunliy
Of consideration re uoetrnms of wbieb
it is asserted Hud there arn mHtiy nm h
i bat tbty cure imintd.Htely bidii
ulineiita of U'vu Btnudii'if. There nre
nine audi that chu. Chronio diaonlniH
atmot be iitaniftitetmnly r moved.
Ooutinuity iu tlie use of h eenmue upd
nine, hiioIi hb HoBtelter'd StoniHi h bit
ers, will eraiiicute obMino pbvaical t-vilt.
Nt the leant of these IhhI in 'be fmoe
f its opposition to medioine iB consti
Hilton, to the removal of which, if er
iated in, the Bitters i partiotilarly d
pted. Conhtriction of the bowels is h
nmplaint which sbonld be dealt wit 1
-aily Hnd ByptenjH(iclly. S are itn
isual Htteudauts, liver complaint and
iHpppsia. Fr ibeae, for inalariH, ibeu
tin num. kidney trouble, nud more
recently 'la urippe' lbi ltibl
nd profenRionnlly commended medicine
hii undonbied Bpeeitio. Notbiii chu
-xeeed i, moreover, as a means id im
parting strtnth to the feeble nud oti v
t'urtMl at Home in Ten 1u)m ty Adminis
tering Dr. Humes' tiolUeii fptiflc.
It chu be "iveu iu a )Huhb of beer, a onp
uf coffee ur tea, or in food, witbotU tb
Knowledue f the patient. Il is absolute
ly hariiilese, and wilt effect a permsnetit
and speedy cure, whether the patient in
a luoderace driukeror au alcoholic wreck.
It UH8 beeu itiven iu thUratids of caaea.
and iu every instance a perfect cure b s
followed. It never fails. 'I be uystera
ouoe imoreuoated with the speritiu, it
tvecomes au niter itnpossibility h the
liqimr aopetite to txiat Cures Ktiarau
teed, 48 iwitfe bunk of particulars fife
Adiirens the Gulden brsciFic Co., 1S5
Uaoe Street, Cinciuuati, Ohio.
From 1 lie Pmey Woods
Of the North to the everglades of the
South, driiifejiata are hesieed by people
with eer shade of line uuiHtiin, mqnir
iiikf about Dr. Urtmimond's reuied.
Will it cure me?" Aud th drujiHi
! i'i- l '' & nmin-.i.d
I Vlrilioiiie Co., 48-50 M Kidn Lmuc , N-w
York, offer a rewiinl uf $ IX) for a
It Hilt
Ihetr ivniwly will nut cure. That
. of HIIW(M. ja Htinrio, nud lh snffeier
One SmflJ ni Ttosu eni e tm-lit for a
vecll Kl-ubeuTul-iml Lavui ou. vl' Ulltle.
ARNK-SHtU. stock and HxiureC 0d
business: established lu the midst oi a
good larmliig and stta k-rnistuK ctiuntiy
Also (or sale a good house and tuu bts with or
ilbout Uie business propertv. For iurtiier iu.
ormaUoa auldrM iiuiUt Uppur, Or. U
and sciatica
can always be
successfully treated
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A cure
is sure to follow
the persistent
use of this
Has Cured
will cure you.
virtue of a arrnnt Ikpiu d by the 1 ounty
clerk of the county of Morrow, Bute of on-von.
Hilled the 71 h (Ihv of Oelober. lci.i2. mid to me iti-
rB.tel1-,.,,,, to ,,,v, upo lhc ,,mKi,
allrt ctitittt-Is of the delinquent tux payennn lie-
eriben in the amefsinent rolls of nld enmity.
and if Biitheient personal property be noi found,
tl , , tl)P rn 1r((I.t.r,v f Bid delinquent
tax payers, or so niueh thereof as t-hall be neces
sary to suiisl'y said tax. totrelher with eoels and
expenses, and for want of sutlieleut personal
property to satisiy said taxes, I have this day
levied upon the following described real estate,
-illiated and being lu Morrow eotinty. Oregon,
and belonging to the fiillowtiig-nairied persons,
and the said real estate being duly assessed lo
said pen-ons and the taxes thereon being now
.iholly unpaid, viz.:
I. A. Rames. 8 SW NES of SWK, sec IS
lu Tp 1 N, KaiE t 6 00
Lee l . Ho iv el t. . WW. aee 'b in I'D ' X. K
E tti
iV. M. Moore, fE.See 21 In Tp 1 N, R 25 E 7 70
I'eter Egley, M!. .-eeliiu'lp 1 (,B!I( 1-J in
it I'eire, ot ), see 14 In In i .vnlkiil... a 7:
F. Shelier. Ml l see in I'D IN of K -il E S sn
idulph Uessinger. yEW of . M and N vt 4
of KWaudoUuf ..EU-sce 2 lp t S, It
E . .. 2:1 u:
. . E. Ilramel. NWV of Sec & iu I'D t N of
i. il E " 5 On
Mrs. A. c. Rramel. S of NE!4 sec 16 iu Tn
a N of K 24 K "J 64
II B Lefeier, SEK of SE'4 sec IS and NE!
of Nk! sec lu and .! of NWU, of See '--0
. -I p ii S. li E ao !K1
further notice Is herebv given that I will oi
alurday the -Jt i li day ol iov. Ihn-.', betw een the
nuts in leu o'elot k a. lu. and lour o'clock p m
it said day. at the irimt doi.rs ot ilie court limine
l i lleppner, MorroA' eouuly, i.regon, sell the
inht. title and iuteiest of the said deliiiqileiii
ax payers, lu and to the above described real
property, at public auciiou to the highest and
licst bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds lo be
applied to the payment of said taxes, together
vim cob unci expenses oi sine.
Dated lliis Joth day ol October, 1K!M.
(iK'. Noiu.k,
i:17-!i46w Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon
Notice of intention.
I ov. Hi, mi Notice ih hereby kv-mi ina :
he billow iiifr-minied hetth-r hiis hh-U notice or
ld intention to make final proof in support oi
hin claim, and thai said proof will be made be.
ore Hie Coiimy lerk ol Morrow t ounty. Ore ,
it lleppner ' 'rcpon. on .lauuurv 10. 1N!W. viz.:
iloincstead appiieati n No. 'Jftoi, for the NE
d .ee. i, I p I ., li 26 E V. M.
He niunes the follow iiiff witiieBses to prove Mb
t'oiilimioiis residence upon and cultivation of.
iidd land, viz. :
. B. WilUams. Kd. Enpleman, Frank Wilson
md A . l'env, all oi lone, Oregon.
645-005 JullK V. LhWIS HEOIHTKR.
Notice of ntention.
li Nov lti, l.y. Notice Is hereby (riven thai
the follow ihg-nanied st'ttler has filed noiiee oi
hlw inieiitioii to make final pi oof in support oi
lis claim, ami thai said proof will be made be
ore tlie County clerk of .Morrow County, ore
it lleppner, On jroii. on January 10, !bya, viz.;
hfcVI HANftFobD,
Homestead apt licHtion No. 27l,.i.forthe"H SWH
V of -ec. 27, and N Wit NE oec 4, Tp 5
lie names the follow dug witnesses to prove his
oniinuous residence upon and cultivation of,
aid bind, viz :
Abe Li.elling. Ben LnelHng, William Luelliug
tnd I. M. t.efurgey all of Hardman, tireuon.
f)i5-j.'io Jons W. Lbwi, KegiHter.
Notice of intention.
Nov.''-'. 1MI2. Notice Is liercbv nlven that
he follow lug named settler bus filed notice of
hth intention to make ttnal proof in support oi
ft ! claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. L Gihpon, I'. . ( ommissioner nt Lexing
ton, uregou. on .laiv ary 20, IMM.viz.:
Homestead application vo. 4nti2. for the NH
NEU f "t'C' lp 1 e. K 2h E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove Ms
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said laud. U. :
Andrew Leanev. Frank Ileanev, Thomas Bar
nett and Keuben Lane, all of Lexington, ore-
John W. Lkwis, Register.
Notice of intention.
1 j 'i-t. 2!i. Ij-112. Notice is hen-by given that
tie follow lug named ietib-r bus tiled notice of
ii intention to make final proof lu support of
his claim, and tliatsaKl prooi wii De mane ue
fore the County Clerk ot Morrow County. Ore
gon, at iieppner. Oregon, on Ut c. 12, ISU2. viz.:
Ild. No 2013, for the Bee 3b Tp, 2 8, K 21
E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and culthatlon of,
said land, viz :
Wm. Hagiiewoort, vies. mcbdd. saninei Gar
field and Oeorge Junkin. all of Light Mile, or.
fiyy-5-19 Johk w. Licwts, Register.
Notice of intention.
I OctoLer. 2.i. lH!t2. Notice Is herebv iMveii
that the follow Ing-nameiJ settler has tiled notice
of Ids intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the i.oumy juaneoi wortow county, nr.
at lleppner. Oregon, on December 10th, lftU2,vi
t HARlE- H. Hl'LlLS.
Hd. No. 2077. for the NK!t, ft . free, is, and N1
s" , aim an oec. u, ip. a , k &o a.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
couuituoirs refinence upon ana cumvauonoi
siiiii land. viz. :
Jiimes H. Wyiand, William Rix, A. Mending
and Perry ullcr, all of Haniinan. tiregou.
537-M7 John W, Lkwib, Register.
I j October 25. tstia. Vodceis hereby given
ttiat tne loilow lng-naiued settler lias men notice
of his intention to make hind urooi In simiK.rt
of liis claim, and that paid proof will be made
before the County Clerk ot Morrow County, or
at Heppner, Oregon, on Dee. h, imW. viz.:
Hd. No. fii7. lor the H NW1 sc. It, and EH
Nr.1 free. ii. i p. .1 ?, n r,. . w.
He names the followlmi u itnee to prove hi-
continuous residence tipoi aud cultivation of,
Httiil land, viz.:
. II. Clark. It. R. Clark. J. B. Chapman aud
L. u. 3iauu, ail oi i-rC-ua, orcgon.
5;l7-517 A. C kavcr, Hegister.
Notice of intention.
1 Oct. i7, ls;r2. Notice is heieby given that
the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice ol
his intention to make tiiml proof iu support of
nis ctaiin. aim tnai sain prooi w ui ne mane ne-
tore tne county i lor oi sorrow loniiiy. nre
uou, at iiepput r. tregon, on occ. a, isvz, u
Hd. No. 2;7, for the NK bee a. Tp. 1, S It 26, E.
W M.
He names the following witnesses 'o prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aid land. viz. :
John carmiehael, Marian Evans, J. H. Piper
and o ii. n txi so u, ail oi Lexington, uregon.
6.15-5 io John . Lkwls, register.
A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of
Suppositories. Ointment in CHpsules. also in Box
and tills: a positive t'ure for External, Inter
nal. Blind or Weeding. Itchiur. Chronic, Recent
or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases
and female w'eknest.c: it isalw ays a ereat ben
efit tothe general health. 1 he find discovery of
a medical cure rendering an operation with the
knife unnecessary h reafter. I bis remedy has
ne er oven know n to fail. $1 perbox.6 for f5;
tMit hv mail Why sutler from this terrible dis
ease when a written guarantee is given with 6
boxes, to refund the money tf not cured. send
stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by
WoonAKts Clark k A Co., holt-sale & Retail
Druggtstt Sole Agents. Portland, or.
Eipftut Tabules : for torpid liver.
Mil IF
. Jwsrg,
f idile branded and urnmrbt-d HBfilmwn ahov.
Horses K on right whmdder.
Mv cat tip rmnw in Murmw and CmntillR cnun-
ifK 1 will i h $lirMXi for (he Hiri-wt and
rirlmn tif iut irs;ili Mi-hUh.! iiiJ
It ii Lil. tli linker, buy ymr hmul aud
flakes mid bhvh mnitpy. ' py i. n
Whilo you kwpjour subscription paid up yet
jhh koep your brnnd in free of chure.
AHvn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses G(t on lefi
-boulder; cuttle 'nine on left hip, under bit on
riKht enr, aiiit upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. l. Alpine, Or. T with bar un
ler u on left shoulder of tiorseH: cattle same
tn lefi hip.
Allison, O. D., Einht Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
Ob on left hit ami horses same brand on rig I it
-.houlder. Ititiiu. Eight Mile.
Adkins, T ( Dayville. Or- Straight mark across
die thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear;
horses. J, upwtdo down on the riht tdioalder.
timige in Grant county and Hear vallev. PO
tddress also at Hardmn.
Adkititi, J. J., Ueppuer, Or. Horsea. JA eon
dm-ifn ot f r think: caitit. raitiMnn loft hin.
Avers. Johnny. Lena, Or. iioraea branded
triitiiKieou If 1 1 hip: rattle same on ritfht hip;
tlMi f-rni oil nif)H far h no niptr rut nn nnn
HarUio'ain-". A (i H hh bnmded 7E n
6 dier 6 oul er. Km g - iu Mor w '. nty.
Hijth, l ull j ii., iitvuner, or- M'H'bt'K ihuiiaii
rut-.?- on right shoulder. Uaint' in Morn-w
H leak mail. Hen.. Hnrdiuan, Or. Hornes, a Ha
It'fl thotil(ler: ealtlr -atue on riylit mhiiiI(Ii-i-I
annifter, J. V Uardniau, Or. faille brand
it M nu Iffi hiu ai d linuli: solii in fauh car.
llri-nner, H'ler, tut. seberry OreKon Horses
Itmndi'd F li on Lett Hhoulder. ( ttttle s.me on
'lit sioe
Ifnrke. W Hi C. Umu t rwK. Or-On cattK
cnnnecied on lefi hip. ciop oil left cur, un- I
iir half crop oft nai. H-irwH, nain hrimd oi, !
K-tfi whoului r. Itange in (iraut and )Jornw
count j.
liowhinau. A., Mount Vernon and Bnrns, Or.
Cattle, A B on rigid hip, two crops in each ear;
mine on horses, on right Hhoulder, Range, in
I iraut and Harney counties.
hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.- Horses branded 7
;u t-igtn riliouldi-r; chi tie it on the left nide
! eft hhi half crop and right i-iir upper slop.
Harton, Win., iicpiitier, Or. -iltrreh. j H ot
ulit cat il BHintf on right Iftp; nplit it.
ach ear
Hr-wit. lsa, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the
itilit Ntdie. tmi tie same on riylii nip; rango, Mor-
w eiuuiy.
Hiown.J lJ , Heppner. Or. H irsa.- ntnt uftttli
af ihil wil1 fX-y-ike aU.veon lefi flionldcr
Hrown, J. ('., Ileppitcr. Or. Itorneh. uirch
t Ii iioi i t mi on left In p: cat t If, -miie.
Brown, W, J., Lena, Oregon. I torses W bar
iver it, on the lelt shoulder.- Cuttle tunic on left
(foyer, W. (i Itepp-ier. Or. Hurst, bo
rand o - u lup cnllie. aame, With split in
mill ear.
borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. lloraes, I B on left
.ininldf-r; ewtle. name on left hin.
Brow uiee. V. J., Kox.Ur- i at tie, Jli connecied
ii lefi mde: (-nipon left ear and t wo splits and
indole p.eee cut out on rigid ear; on horses same
-mud on the left llah; tbtnge in Fox valley,
lininl county,
Cain.E.. Cideh.Or.- Y l on hi ran) on left stitie;
Li Willi quarter circle over ii,.n Ittft shoulder,
.ltd on left stifle on all coiln i.n ier Ayearri;oii
iefl shoulder only iui all horaea over ft years. Ail
muge in Uraut coimlv.
I lark, in. li, Le-a. Or. Horsei- lit cou
eeltd. on lelt i-lioidcer: cattle r-nnje on riuhl
ip. Ita ge Morrow and Umatdla counties.
Cate, ('baa. H.. Vinson ir Lena. Or. Horses
l C on nuht shoulder: cattle sjtme on nuliL lui-.
liantie Murniw and Uihatida nui'ties.
( ndiri'ii, ( has., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
tecP'd on lelt Mmnldcr; cattle, C on both left
iipand r-tifie. Hun ye, in Moi row county.
Cannon, 'J'. B., Lung Creek, Or. Ton entile on
iglil side, crop oft riylit ear and slit in left ear.
mr Imrses same brand on left shoulder, ittuige
m (iraut county.
(Veil. V m.. Douglas. Or; Ii'tbos J V. on lef
shoulder; ca tie same on le!l hip, waddles on
'iich 3iiw aud two bits iu the right ear.
Curl, T. li., John Liny. Or. Doub e cross on
-web hip on cattle, swallow fork mid under bit
.ii right ear. split in left ear. Range in Grunt
ouiny. Un sheep, inverted A al'd spear poUU
iu Hlnmlder. Ear marko.i ewes, crop ou left ear.
i.uuclieii upper bit in right. Welhers, crop m
lulu auu uinier null crop iu lelt ear All rang
u (iraut county.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. -Horses, Wion right sboai.
iti t'aitle, sameon r ght hip: ear mark squar
-M'jMid left and split in right.
(urnii.lt. Y.., Curi'iusvdm, Or. -Horses, on
eft nn.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
I 1 k A on left shoulder. Cattle, name on right
lop. swallow fork iu right ear and crop oil I ett.
Lx Cd. d tianiinan, dr. Caula, O will
n center; iiorses, CK on left, Sip.
Cochran, It. t'. Monuuieui, liiant Co, Or.
tlorseb bianded circle witli hai beneiith, oti lefi
-iiuuliier. cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under nlope buth ears and dewlap.
Chupin, H.j tiarduian. Or. Horses branded
"on riKht hip. Cattle brauded Ihu name.
Cross, a L, bay vi lie. Or l aliie brauded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed 2 on left slitie. Alttu have the following
orands on cattle: 72 on lelt lup, 7 on right hip,
2 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on iofi
thonlder. Ear marks, two crops.
Uiett-ns, Ebb Hoiae-t bra d d with three
tmeti for- nuh-fi stifle (-aiilu mi jh- on left side.
Oooiian. wm,, I7eppner. Or. liuow liranueo
i H with bai over thein, on hrft siiuulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglasa, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, K L'on
rilii side.swit low-fork in each ear; horses. H i)
on left hiu.
Douglas. O. T , Douglas. Or Hurt-en TD on
the i ikIii btifie; cuttle same ou right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day, Or. Liuarter circle
n on right shoulder, Uoiu ou horses and cattle,
ifange (iiant county.
Driwkell. W. E.. Heppner, Or. Horses braniled
K inside of U on left shoulder. Cattle bauieon
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. & Sons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed ELi on left shoulder, caitle Haiue on left
too. hole ir riuht ear.
Edioti , Watn, Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right (-boulder.
Heck, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
juuueclud oi ritfltl shoulder; cuitle same on
right hip Ear mark. IioIh in right aud crop
tl lett.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses V with bar under on right i
shoulder. I
tlorecce, B. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
right shoi Uie ; cattle. F ou riglit hip or thigh.
bay, Henry, Ueppuer, Or. UA1 on left
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
ui. Or. Horses, anchor a on left atioulder; vent,
name on left stiile. Catlle, wtme on bold 1 ip-t;
ear marks, crop oft right ear and nnderbit iu itt.
ttunge in Gilliam, (iraut, Crook ai d Morrow
iienir, Elmer, iicho. Or Horse branded H.
5. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Range in Morrow and Uiuntillacouuties.
O ill water, J.C., Prairie City, Or. On horses,
O -U on left should.-r aud stifle; entile, on right
(tide. Hange in Grant coutiii.
Haea. t.uo.. Iiena, Or. brand JU connected,
wuh quarter uirei" ov r it, on lea shoulder.
It mil A. b., Uidtt-e, Or. i tittle, round-lop
vitbquaiter circle ui der it on the rtht lup.
baiiite in Morrow and 0matilbtciuutie.
Hinton A Jenks, UHinilton. ur Cat tie, two bars
on either hip; cmp in right ear and split in left.
H tiroes, J on right thigh. Hauge in Onoit county.
HukIims. aumuel, Wagner, Or f" (T F L
coiuiectedjon ritdit hoiiitier on hoi-Bt-s; on cattle,
on rigln tup ai d ou left side, swallow fork in
riyht ear and slit in left. Kange iu Haystack
disirici. Morr. w county.
Hale. Mutou, Wugne . Or.- Horses hranded
-ii- ircle v.iili paial.el ti b) on left shoulder
1 1. le same un lefi hip ; at.-o iaige circle on left
Hall. Edwin. John Day .Or. Cattle E H on righi
hip; horses same on right shoulder, tanguin
(iraut county.
Howird, J Ii, aMoway. Or. Hor-es. (cross
with bar ab vp ii) on right slmuJuer; cite
atue on leitoide. Konge iu Mono and Uma
tilla counties.
Hughe, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co,
Hunsakar, B , Waci:er. Or. Horses, V on left
shoulder, ca tie, 9 on left hi; .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, ou left shoulder; Cattle on the left
top, crop off Left ear,
Humphreva. 4 al. Hardman, Or. Horses. H o
let' flank
Biatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horwa branded
bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left
ayee, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
mi left Rhonlrtei cattle, same on right hip.
Huston. Luther, tiuht Mile, ! ir. Horne H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat.
mmhim on Ifft hi r- Itaitm in Morniw ntnntv.
Ivy. Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle 1 Don
right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right, Hones
atone bnuid on left shoulder, Hantce n Urunt
Junkin. 8. M., Heppner, Or, Horses, horwe
ahoe J on leti shoulder. Cattle, the sama.
Kanim on Kiktln Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena. Or. Horses, circleT ou
left ttutie; cattle, same on right hip, under tudl
arop in richt and sidit in loft mt
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horse on
tell effuioer; o cattle, J un left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. lUmgein Fuxaud
Kim, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horeea brond.Ml ,.
KNY on left hip cuttle same and crop off left
ar: nndr 1hk on ihi rinht
Kirk J T., Heppner, Or. Horse H9 on left
dioiilder: VJO I le, U till ItM! hip. '
Kirlt. J t , llt-ppner. Or. tloratw. 17 oD either
rtaiifc anl- I" mi riyht aide.
Kirk Jeatte, Heppner. Or.; horse U n left
rjh"U. der; catlle same on light side, nnderbit on
tighi ear.
Kumberland.W.O.. Mount Vemon. Or. 1 Lon
cattle ou right and left Bidea,svadow fork in Utt
ear and under ciop in right ear. H rsea same
hnuid 011 left shoulder. Hange in Grmt countf.
Keeuey. Kli, Heppner, Or.-Hoie J L and
ace of clubs on lett stifle. Kangw in umauli
and h orrow counties
Lesley. M C. Monument. Or A tnaiiKle AFJlwitn
all lines extetiditiK pa t l od of tigurw on uor-
pes ou leti aliouider, ou cattle uiamouu ou in
ihoni.ler, split iu righ - - -u--. it iu iefl ear
na"ge iu urii'ii countj aca u- laris 01 iouu un
l-iMl.ey, J W. lleppner Ur. nurses oranaeu Li
nd A on lefi shoulder; can !e Hme 01. ieit hip;
watt'e tver r'ht ey thioesliiBiu nght ear.
Luirten, atepneu, lui, ur.-o jl ou lert nip
) cattle, crou and sulii on ritiht ear. Horaea
same brand on left shoulder. Uauge liraut
L.ieuaiien. John w., i, - - Or. norsea
branded hull-code JL connected on lelt shoul
der. Catle. stun- 011 b ) hip. Kange, nuar Lex
Lord, tieorue. Heooner. Or. Hum hr-ftiirffYt
double H eoi.uecu oinet Hues called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Maxwell, M . 8., Oooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on
tef hip. Kar mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner, tir. Cattle, hi D un
riirht hip; home. M on leftshoulder.
Morgan, ti. Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on leti shonjil"- cattle aame on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Kcho, Or. Horse. 61 with
bar over on rigid shoulder.
aiann, B. li., Lena, Or. Horses ild mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, small as un left
Morgan, Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
T on left shomder and left thigh; cattle. on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horses, 77 on rigid
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
McCiaren, D. O., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Furore ft on aneh shuuider. cuttle, U2 on hu
McKera.W.J. Mouut Veru0n, Or XI ou eattla
un right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop in left
same brand ou bursts ou left hi, . Hautte in (iraut
McCary, David H., Kcho, Or, Horses bnmded
D u connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
Hi hip and side.
McGur, Frank. Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with loe-cork on cattle 011 ribs and undet in
eacli ear; hoiseh name brand on left stifle,
Mi-Hale, G. V., Haiialtou,Or, On Horses, 8
with hall circle under on left shoulder; on t attle,
four bars connected 011 top uu the right aide
Ibuige 111 Gram County.
tNeui. Andrew. Lone Itock.Or. Horse A N oui.
iiecictl on left shoulder; cattle same ou both hips.
Nordyku, k biiverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 un
left ihigt ; cm tie, same uu left hiu.
Oliver, Joseph, ( aujon t ity. Or. A Son cattle
on left hip; on horses, same un left thigh, Kaiige
in Gnu. I county
Uller, Perrj, Lexington. Or. I O on lefi
iinai.'it? .
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle. O
LP couuecteu 011 left hiu: horses ou left atifla
and wan le ou nose. Han go in (iraut county.
Pearson, Olave, Light Mile, Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shielu uu left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fors in lef: ear, right cropped. 144
on left hip. Hunts ou Eight Mile.
Parker A (iieaaon. Hard man, Or, Horses IP on
Mi xhotdder.
Piper, Jin e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand-e-
Ji (L, li Coiitieo ed o lelt hou der; calUn
uiv ou 1g.1t nip. ituuge, Jiorruw couui.
1 ifui, J. 11., LexingLuu, n. 11 01 mm, 4tu con
nect eu o lelt shoulder; cattle, same uu left hip,
under hi in each ear.
Put berg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed wuh a Koinai cross, on leftshoulder; cattle
branded with Itt man cross, bar at bottom, on
tt-ii lup.
Petti a, A. (!., lone. Or.; horses diamond J? on
siiuiiider; catlle, J 11 J connected, 011 tlie
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in tue
1 ight.
Powell, joint T.. Day ville. Or Horses, J P cuU
uee ed ou ieit shoulder- Cnllie. OK couuectod on
iefl hip, two uuder half crops, one uu each ear,
wattle under throat. Kin ge in Grant county.
iuckaid. (j. D., Canyon City, Or. F C un left
-houider, on tiorses only. H.mge Canyon creek
ami bear valley. Grant county.
Utaai. Ami re w, Hardman, Or. -Horses, square
ciur- with quarter-circle over it on left stitie.
Henipgei, Ime, Heppner, Or, Horses, C K on
leli slu-uiau..
bice. Dun, Hardman, Or.; burses, three panel
vMirm Iwitie on lelt ahoulder; ca tie, DAM un
nght siioulder. Hange near Hardman.
ituuio, W111. Long Creek, Or. Brands horse
K ui riglit shoulder. Hange Grant and Morrow
con 1 ties.
itojse, Aaron. Heppner, Or Hcrses, plain V on
eft siiouider; cuttle, same braud reversed us
nglit hip and crop oti right ear. ttsttga in Mor
row county.
huh Bios., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3
on tlie righ. shoulder; cuttle, IX on the left rtip
crop oti lei t ear aud dewlap ou ueck. Hi Bg j ir
Morrow and adjondng counties.
Bust, VMl.mui, Pemdutou, Or. Horses K ui
left stiouluer; catlle, li on left hip, crop oil
right ear, uuderbit on left ear. bUeep. ft un
weathers, tound crop off rig it ear. Hange Uuuv
Hint and Morrow c unities.
beauey, Andrew. Leximttoii. Or. HorfWM
nranded A B on right shoulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; cattle same uu rigiit hip,
itio.ge .Morrow county.
itojse, Wm. 11, Uairyviile, Or HK cunneotec
Willi quarter circle over top 011 cuttle on nttht bin
anu crop uti right ear and spin iu left. Horses
name Inand on left shoulder, Uauge in Morrow
in-iuii aiiti (idiiam counties.
It liter, J F, Baler, Or Three parallel ban
Willi bur over on horses on left hip; ou cattle, left
riide, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat
Lunge in Middie Fora uf John Day.
uui;U.r. J. W., Huppuer, Or. Horses. JC 01
left siiouider. Cuitle, Uou rignt Jiip.
piekhnll. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded .il on left bh.ulder; luugtj in Morrow
opni, J. b, Heppner, Or. Hurses branded fcl
counecieu u iiaiu oiiouider; cuttle same un bolt
bailing, C (3 Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on leti siiouider; caLtie same on left uip.
awugar,, 11. F., Lexington. Or.-Horses 1
wuh daoh under il uu lefi stitie cattle H with
uasn unuer it 011 right hip, crop uti right ear aud
wuodied on riglit hind leg. Itange in Morrow,
Gilliumand (juiaiiiia counties,
awggurt. A L., EUh. Or. Horses brande 1
un iell dhuuider; cet tie same ou left blp. Crut
un ear, wattle uu left load leg.
Htiaigbt W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b uu lei stitie; cattle J ij 011 left Up, swallow
fora in righ ear. nnderbit in left.
bupp. lima., Ueppuer, Ur. Horses, tf A P on
tell nip; cam sauie un left hip.
aturtz. James, Long ( reek, Ur. Horses, i ou
left stitie una " over I on left shoulder.
bhrierjohu, F'ox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; came, same on right hip,
crop nil right ear and under bit in left ear, Hange
in Grant county.
biniiii Bios., aubtnville. Or, Horses, branded
11. it. 0.1 siiouider; caa.e, ameonleft Hhoulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; hordes branded
JtSoniel't, siiouider; oanle the same, also noes
waddle. Hange in Murniw and Gilliam co litis.
atepheiis, V. A., iiuidmau, Or-; horaea ha on
right stifle; cattle k- rizontai L on ihe right side
ateveudun, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. OsiUa, tf
un right hi. ; swallow-fork tn left ear.
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. 44 on
leti snouid. ; catlle, 44 on left hip.
bioiie. Ira. Bi"klttuu, Wash, Horses, keystona
011 left siiouider.
bun in, h.. t. tiuue Hock, Or. Horses brandsd
a crottbexl seven un left shoulder; cattle same on
left side, itange, Gilliam county,
hperry, L. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C oa
lett nip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dew lap; burses V luu left shoulder.
iiiumpisoii, J, A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g m
left eiioulu r; cattle, t un left shoulder.
Tip, eu,.a.'i'hu.erpnse,Ur. Horses, C"on left
lumer H. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lelt shoulder horses; cattle same uu leXt hip
with up tit in both ears.
llurutoii, 11. M luue. Or. Horses brandeg
H I connected uu left slitie; sheep same brand.
Vanderpuol, H. T Lena, Or-Huraes HV com
necieu on right ahunlder;cattlet same on right
W aibridiie, Wm., lleppner. Or. Horses, V.l.
on tlie lett shuu.der; cattle same on light hip.
crop oil left ear and riglit tar lopped.
Wilson, John LJ,, balem ur Heppner, Or.
Burses branded Jy uu Uie left shoulder, ttauga
Morrow county,
W arreu, W B. 'aleb, Or-attle, W with quarter
circle over it, uu left side, split in right w,
tiurser burnt) braid uu left Hhuuider. UaUgsia
Graut cuuuiy.
Wood, F" L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses oa
Iefl slide; on catlle. 'I on left side and under bit
in lefi ear. Kange in Grant county.
Wright, alius A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
a W ou tne right hip. square crop utt right ear
and spl.tin lelt,
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Squarson
cattle on tlie left hip. upper slop in he left
ear and under slope tn nght ear. tfame brand
un horses uu right shoulder, hauge in Harney
and Grant couutv.
W ade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses btanded
ace of epadtw uu le.t shoulder and Isft hip
( aitle branded same 011 left side and left hip.
Welle. A. a., Heppner, Ur. Horses, u on Isft
shoulder; cat' e same.
Wuitinger, Jubu, John Hay City, Or On hontas
three parallel oars uu left shoulder; 7 on aneep,
bit in buth ears. Kange in Grant and Maihner
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horssa, UP
oonnecied on leftshoulder.
Watkms, Lislie. Heppner, Or. Horses brandsd
UE connect un left stirJt.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. "at tie, W oa
nght thigh, hui. in left ear; burses, W oa right
sliuuluer. stun- sameun left skuuider.
hit tier Hna., Drewsy, Haruvy untr, Or. -Hores
hranded W B. eminemed on left haldr
Williams. Vase 1. Hamilton, Or. Quarter o ir
cle over three bars on left hip, buth oatUe and
burses. Hanire (irani otmnty.
W illtams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars un left hip; cattle rams
and -lit in iwh mar Itanire in Gmnt mtnnty.
Wien. A. A., eppner, Ur. Horses running A A
un shoulder; Cm tie. same on narht too.
louug.J. H.. iitoeittrry, Or. Hor hmnfUsI
Youpe. W. A.. Oooaebrrr. Or. HorsM biand
ca a a tuono x cui necisdi oa is 1
aauis Sam oa ieit tm