Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 25, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your bvsinest to Heppuer people
and therefore assist to build up Hpp
ntr. Patronize those who patronize
It la evident to anyone that s large
majority of the people of tbe United
Statea faTor return to bimetal ism; in
other irorde, free oniuage of niWer as etl
u of gold. Tbia demand ci niea princi
pally, however, from tbe reniou west H
tbe Rocky monulaius, where niue out of
ten votera are prouonnoed btmetaliiitp,
sod tbe fnrmine oonimnnitieg and wae
earnera of tbe East and South are with
their bretlirtn of tbe Went on tbia point.
It ia olaimed ibat tbe prioe of wheat
in tbia country fol Iowa the rise and fall
of tbe value in silver, and if one will
tndy tbe relations that exiet between
eilver and the great grain produciug
country of India, by which the price of
wheat, on a gold baai", ia fixed in Liver
pool, tbe market for America's suip'us,
one will oonolude that tbe assertion if
It ia hoped that the international con
ference, now in session at Brussels, will
Hnvin mme means of overonminif all ob
jectiona to tbe free coiuage of silver. If
only England ana uer posaaBSwns, nota
bly Iudia, can agree with tbe United
BtateB upon tbe basis, as oompared with
gold, on which silver shall be coined, the
world will have In fall into line.
Wb do not see any particular reason
why tbe reoeut election should i.ffect tbe
prioe of wool yet, uor why it would not
be as safe as ever on which lo make oaab
advances, repoits to the contrary not
withstanding. Il will be all of two years
before tbe tariff on wool cau be tamper d
with, unless congress should be culled
together for that purpose immediately
after the Inauguration of Mr. Cleveland,
wbiob does not appear likely. If there
should be any change in tbe price of
wool at all during tbe next two years, on
account of ohauge of administration, ii
sbould be of an upward teudeuoy. Im
pending tariff legislation may ontise a
decrease in tbe amount of wool imported
and a proportionate demand or more ol
the home produot, which ought lo have
a good etfeot on the prioe. Then there
is a vory good teason, and not a polilio .1
one either, why prioes should be better.
Tbe immense amount of wool imported
previous to the passage of the McKmley
bill, and which has made slow demand
for our home pr duet, is about oonsumed,
Llijiuif asido all political prejudges
there is no reason hy the sheepmen
should not have a ted leiterera ol ulion
two years, but beyond that there is noih
iug promising, ao fur as the Oazeito can
Annexationihts iu Canada and t be Uoi
ted States are uot t bu discouraged,
either by the charges of treunon brought
against them, or by Erastua Winuu's re
cent I y expressed opinion that annexation
cannot take plaoe for fifty yenrs. The)
buve prepared a platform containing
twenty-one planks, and are actively en
gaged iu circulating it. It proviihs for
the hiIiiiihhIod of Cunada into the United
States as eight states, with sixieeu sen
Btora and twenty-five representative
and that the onanges piopoHed shah
take elfr ct after their adoption by both
couutries and ratification by the imperial
parliament. Tula latter provision world
seem to relieve them from any chnrga ol
treason, and appears ealculuted to givi
the movement strength. What nia)
happen in the future to strengthen this
movement no oue can foresue. Oregon
inn. Tub prospect of a dem.orat in the
apeuker'a chair in the KausaB legislature
ia nut improbable, saja a dispatch to the
Forlluud Telegram. There will be hnl
four democrats in the body, aud the)
will bold the bulanoeof power. It is
eemi i Oioiully announced thai the demo.
Oratic candidate will open headquarter)
in a day or two and make a race for the
speakership. Ilia uarae is Joseph H 'en
thai, and he ia a banker of Santa l'
Basket county. A dicker with then-pub
lioau furoe is reported by the ter me of
which Koenthul proposed to help them
organise the house, lie thinks that the
eoutest can be made successfully. Tin
would give the republicans a successor
to Senator Perkius. Koenthul wag op
posed to fusion.
Thb Australian ballot law is a good
one, aud has come to stay, but there are
many imperfections, and they should he
looked a ter at the next seB-iouofthe
legislature. Each party's candidates
should appear iu parallel columns, each
under an appropriate heading There
should be a different system of handling
the ballots before use Each election
board should receipt for s certain uom
ber of liokets, and theu ha required to
account for every "one. And iibive. all,
Oregon ought to have a registry law thai
will bold water.
Tub AtlnnU Constitution says: K'
form baa the right of ) I l et it li.
carried out boldly, in tlmchingly and
prompil)! The people baVrjuat given
the democrats the right and the power
to push forward tbe work of legislating
in behalf of the people Let an txtr.
session of tbe new ohiid-kb be called
so that the tax-payers may fiud relief ai
promptly aa possible.
It is aaid that a combination of demo
crats aud populists on the electoral
ticket would have carried Oregon il
they bad all "itsyed." Oti the satin
proposition a oouibine of populisla and
republicans could have carried Alabama.
Their comhiued vote would have out
numbered the democrats several thou
sand, but that "if ia always in the way.
Thb Commercial Bulletin, of Boston
says: "Massachusetts supported pro
tection, but the country turned fiom
MiiBBHOliusetts. It is dearly understood
thst a majority of the people of the
United Slates have decided they do noi
wish a oontiuuatiuu of the present (mill.
VValook for n further xt nsion i f the
mills nor other industries until the new
oongresi frames somp suhstil ute for the ,
present tariff. Legislation that is posi
tively unfavorable is better than a long
period of uncertainly, and we call upon
ibe president-elect to summons congress
in a special session at the earliest pos
sible moment, thst there may be sums
definite basis to bllPintM."
'TABirp for revenue oily" is not
nearly so obj' otion.ble as protection for
Ihe manufacturers and free trade for
the West Cleveland's platform diffeis
materially frnm that of the democratic
party, but fortunately, Clevelaud is not
oongress, and some legislation may be
expeoted in accordance with the wishes
of tbe American people.
The blowout at Porilaud lastueek was
a success, even more successful than the
Oregon cnmpuigu. The question now is,
who will get the spoils, Ihe bedrocks or
Ihe Peuuoyeritesf There is little care
whether a public offlje ia a public tnibt
or food for Ihe ravens; it's the office the
boys want, and the devil take the rest of
Frank Fletuiikb and Peter Qaskell.
the Weston murderers, have been indioi
ed. It is quite sure that they murdered
Petre. Tbe boy, Allinger, who was shot
twice, will prove a bard witness againFi
them . The object of the young men was
Kolb was seated as governor of Ala
biiuiH The populists claim fraud. The
republicans have b-cn making claims of
that sort for years, but they don't go,
except by default.
Jdstioe Field deuies that he will re
sign in favor of Seuutor Dolpb, or, in
laot, anyone.
The international monetary conference
met at Nov. 22 at briiBsele. The pro
ceediuga weie purely formal. The coun
tries which have accepted the invitation
ol the Uuited rtiatee to send delegates to
the conference are Austria Hungary ,
Belgium, France, Germany, Great Urit
aiu, Greece, Its), Netherlands, Portugal,
K oumania, Russia, Hervia, Spain, 8we
Jen, Norway and Switzerland. The fol
low ing is a list of delegates representing
the principal nations taking part:
United Sliites-Heuator William B. Al
Iiboii, C"iigresnnu James U. McCreary,
IS liei j.iuiiu Andr ew, president of Bmiwh
university; professor K maid P. F. F-dk
ner, UniveiMi) i f Pennsylvania; Thus.
W. Cu ller, Thomas T Teller, James T
Morgan, Senator John P. Jones, fieun
VV Cannon, president of tbe Chase Na
tionul bank, aud E. O. Leech, director of
the mint.
Fr ii nee Tirrird.ex premn rand ex min
ister of finance, De Lirou D. Anolee aud
Do Faille, officials of ministry and
Germany Count von Alvenslebeu,
mill aler at BriiBsells; Dr. von Glaseuaph,
privy oounuilorof Ihe treasury, and Her
llarluiig, din otor of the III. p-rial bank.
Gr-at B iliiin Lord HerHChell, lord
chaiicellor; Sir William llonldsworth,
VI. 1. ; Him. Su 0. Fieniantle, deputy
master of the mint; Alfred de R iluscbiM,
Sir C. Rivers Wilson and Boitrntu L'lli-
India-General Kiebartl Slrachey and
Sir (iiulford L. Moleeworlh.
Italy Sigiiors Lirgi Lnzznti, Rnniere
Siuiotieli ami Domeuico Zi-ppa, members
of parliament.
Mexico Dun Anlonio de Mir y Celis.
Deputy Don Jacqtiin I). Casssus and
General Don FrunoiscoZ Mena.
Netberlaiuls N P Vandeherg, presi
dent of the Bank of Netherlands, and G
V. HniaseVaiu, of the statistical bureau
of Amsterdam.
Sweden and Norway- Hans L. ToiZhM,
ex minister of finsnoe, and Iluyliard E.
Bonier, diiector of the credit foloier.
Hwilzorland Cromer Frey, national
councilor, of Zurich, and Charles Lardy,
Swiss minister to France.
Belgium Senato- Weber and M. M
Satncllutte Monti liore Levi, Allard and
A list i iu Count KehveulinellorMetzoh
minister to Belgium, and M. Rulfolovich
a well known economist.
Penmaik- C. F. Teitgen.
Spain Osma Surrn aid Toca.
Beeruaert, the Belgian prime minister
and minister of finance, who opened the
proceeding), suid iu bis inaugural ad
dress that the conference had been oull
ed to discuss one of Ihe giavest end most
complex problems modern aooicty ever
had to face.
Monti Hire Levi Was elected president
of the conference.
A nOMCPUI. I'irilMtK.
The Chicago Tribune, commenting
Upon the election and its results, says:
" The prospect is not bright, and, al
though it takes some time for new ma
chinery to he set iu motion, there will be
an almost immediate tasle of hard times
before tbe wilder is fairly upon us. The
Oetnoorats are inclined towaid a low
t o itf and a birgu free list. Tins means
lb it lb" country will be fl ialed with lie
potted looiIn for which we uill have to
pay. Certainly in return we cannot
hhU'I any m ire g aid-i out of Ihe o iuutry
Other Niiiioiim are using us lunch of our
slut! as thv " int. What is to he the
result T The balance of trade being dis
tin bed and more goods coming iu than
we can pay for in goods going out, we
mut send them the balance in hard
money. Finally our hard money is gone
ami we seud them our notes. Finally
Ihey, too, aie gone ; our credit Is gone,
sud the country is iu fiusnciid distrees."
Aud yet the Chicago Tribune for
y ears has hi en howling about tbe "Rob
ber Tariff." It is astouishiug bow bit
ter a innu's owu medicine tastes, even
tboUkih be has uUaye protested that it
was tha only real panacea for all ills of
bodies coporale and politic-Ex.
H(f,'ictfity, .Vol', il, 1SU2.
V i hill, Slate v-. John Kilkenny, al
.uwod astuiloHs: F. J. Ua.louk, $13.80
T J Math t. 1 7(1; G W. Puiygirt
81 vil; A A K .bet. 1 7H; .I..bn Kee. ey ;
$1 ill; .loltn R noun". 81 70; N 8. Wuet
shun ,81 TO; .Tohu Marsh II, $1 7(1; James
Doherty, 1 70; J. Alclntiie, $1 7U; Aus
tin Wills, $170.
Cost bill. Slate vs. J. L Jones, sllowed
sa follows: F. J. Hullock, $6 80; 0. S.
VauDuyn. $170.
Cost bill. State vs Frank Mclutire. el
loed as follows: Paul Schiller, $6.20;
W. D. Loul, $6 20; Sett Stone, $2SX;
Sam W alker. $lj 20; It W. Fien.mingi
C2o; J. W. Ranuiis. $170; L-e Ktl
!! ume, 6 20; Chas. Dohert,$9.90; Chris
Rieuiuger, $6 20; F. J. Hallock, $15.70.
Cost bill, Slate vs. Ed. Jones aud T
C. Slearns, allowed as follows: F. J.
Hallock, $13 U5; D P. bhepberd. $1 70;
J. D Hamilton, f 1 70; John Keeuey,
$1 70; Wm. Penlnud. ffl.70; M. D. Hay
man, $1 70, E R Bishop, $1 70; W. D.
Lord, $170; C. Haley. $1 70.
Thursday, A'ou 10, 1802.
Road app. No. 115, U car Bobafer et
al., accepted; G. M. Hustings, Charles
Ham aud Jos. Bannister appointed to
assess damages on said road as claimed
hy O E. Farusworth for the snmot $200
to report at the next regular term. Tbe
following bills allowed in connection
with same: Benjimin Parker, $7; Ben-
jamiu Parker, $4; Fied Tolle, $7 40; J.
il. Leforgey, $7; J. C. Eusley, $7.40; J
H. Smith, $4.70; L. E. Culver, $4, $3 20;
lea Brown. $25.60.
Road app. No lift, Lnlber Huston et
al , acoepted. In connection witb same,
damages were olaimed by J. S, Ingra
ham, R W. Robiusou and Ch is. In gra
ham, by John H Ingrahnm and V.C.
Akers. M. A. Olden and August Cuarls-
ton were appointed to assess damages.
All to meet no November 2Sih, 182
The following bills allowed in connec
tion: Wea. McNubt), i 40, $2; J. J Ad
Kin?, $10 30. $2; 11. C. Guy, So, $2; lea
Bron, $10.80
Road app No. 117, W. E. Gentry et si.
acoepted, and the following bills allowed:
Johnny Elder. J.3; A S. Wells, $3 60; J.
J. Wells. $3 60; A. 8. Wells, 3o0; J.
Slate, 3 60; ls Brown, $9 60.
Road spp. No. 118, petition by D. C.
Ely lo vscute, and no remonstrance be
ing offered, petition accepted. J. M.
Kees, 0. J. W ilsou and W J, Williams
appointed viewers, to meei Nov. 20,1892
Bondsmen of L. D. Boyed released'
from responsibility, as budge was found
completed acoirdiug to ooutraot. Bill
allowed L D. Boyed, u8j.
Road app. No, 120, Roy Long et al.,
accepted, and Wm. Hughes, J. W. Rec
tor and J. N. Elder appoint) d as viewers
and Ink Broun survejor, to meet Nov
21. 1892
Cost hill. State vs. T. C. Aubil'.v. al
lowed ib toll.. wh: F.J Hallook. $485.
Cost hill. Slate vs. Ilenry Wade, allow
ed as follos. F J. Hallock, $21 35; A.
II. Stamp, $4 80; M. J. Hevin, $4.60; Fos
ter Aih.ma, H Oil; Milton Morgan. $4 6j;
Sam Morgan. $4(10; Isa Browu, $7; ,1.
T. Galloway. $4 40; I. W. Morrow, $1.70
E. Minor, $1; Geo. Thornton, $1; E G,
Sperry, $1; J P. Williams, $1; J. B. Nat
ter. A. J. Hicks, $1.
C st bill, Stale vs. Frank Merrill, al
io ed us follows: F.J Hallock, $845.
Cost bill. Stale vs Robert Dexter, al
lowed as lollowe: F.J Hall, ek, $14 80;
W. D L-.rd, $170; N. P. Nichols, $17i);
E F. Campbell, $1 70; Jaok Clatk, $1 70
Wm. E. Walbridge, $1.70
Bills allowed: Perry White, $2 60;
Edgar Bnihat, $2 50.
Cost bill, State vs. John Skoglai d, al
lowed as follows: F. J. lh.Ho, k. $7 45.
Cost bill, State vs. David nud James
Miller, allowed as follows: Clemunt. M.
Hogue, $(i 20; W. H. Ricks, $12 70; Ru
ohaelLifor ey, $3 40; M's. G. Wright,
$3; Edeth Luelliug. $3; Ren Leual
iing. $3; W. II ivnller, $150; William
Luelliug, $1.50; Mrs. Wuid $.50; E. C.
Fry, $5.
Bills al'owed in Ibe matter of itiBtu ity
of Janet D. Handy: L. F. Shipley, $5;
A. L. Fi x, $5; G. W. Lord, $1.50; Mrs.
11.11 Handy, 3 50; J. W Morrow. fifi.
Bills allowed in the matter of the in
sanity of Sarah E Young: A. L. Fox.
5; 11. C. Gay, $3 50; J. G. Young, $3.50;
J. W. Morrow; $0 (16,
The court i rdered witnesses aud jurors
paid according to affidavits. Total
amounting to $422 70.
Friday, Aoi'. 11, 1892.
Certificate of J uslice of the Teace Hul
lock for District Attorney fees, aocepted
and issue of script confirmed.
Application of the Western Union Tel
egraph Co., for rebate on tax, oarefully
considered aud coutinued for tbe term.
Scott C Stoue having delivered wood
at court house iu accordance witn con
traot, it was ordered that contract be ac
cepted and bondsmen discharged from
further liability.
Road petitiou No 119, Roy Lougetsl-,
Continued for term.
Petition for appointment of coustable
for district No. 1. C"lltll lied for term
Ttierenpou court adjourned without
J i! li i a KuiTni.y, Judge,
1. hiuxNKK. Com.,
Jamks M. Hakhk, Com.
The World Kiil-icllei).
The faealii les of the present day for the
prtaluciioii of evetyibii.g Ibat will oou
diuie lo the uia'eiial wel'aie anil Oom
fort of mankind are almot unlimited,
an I w hen Syrup of Figs was first pro.
duoed ihe world was enriched with the
only pet feet laxaiive known, as it is tbe
only remedy wnich is truly pleasing and
relreshing to the, taste iu,d prompt and
)ffectUHl ii cl-aose the a stem gently in
Ihe spring time or. in taot, at any time
and the belter it is knnwn tm more
lopnlar it becomes. 630 543 law.
f 5 KKWAKP).
This nrnonut will be paid for the re
covery of a chestnut sorrel mare, branded
a (bam "tul L on light hip aud I S on left
shoulder; has a wire out on one front
fool; is aeveu years old, weighs 900 to
1000 pounds, star iu forehead, white
Btnp iu tlie face. The above reward will
be paid for her delivery to me at Alex.
Thompson's rauch.
Joseph Dcbois,
541-tf. ttepputr, Or.
TYbuo Pti.E Henry Wade will offer
at public sale, r-atiirdev. Nov. '26. at l is
farm, five miles northeast of Heppner, at
the head of Sam! Hollow, 100 bead of
cuttle and '20 head of hoises; also many
articles or larin uniehmerv. hveroiie
detitiug bargains should attend.
43 tf
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and I Iypophosphite9 of Lime
and Soda has had sucli a large sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures
the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Scott's Emulsion euros Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaomic and Wasting
Disoasos. Prevents wasting In
Children, Almo t as palatable as
m:ika Get only the genuine. Pre
pared by Hcott & Bowne, Chemists, New
Xork. Sold by all Druggists.
armv and the nation, and a personal los
to General Sweeney at the time. Id th.
excitement of the hoar the general com
manding tbe 16th Corps rode np to
Sweeny's line and peremptorily detached
several regiments by giviug orders direct
to the colonels sod ignoring the divisioi
and brigade leaders altogether. Hia ac
tion broke np the division, and it subse
quently fought iu brigades and detach
meuts, but always successfully, captui
ing cannon, flags and prisoners.
After the battle General Sweeny made
s fiery protest against tbe aibitrury eon
duct of bis superior, and a lersonal en
oounter was the pi quel. He was placed
in arrest and depiived of his command.
When the affair resched tbe ears ol Gen
eral Sherman be wrote a strong letter lo
General Logan, who bad succeeded to
McFberaou'a place, to ileal oantinusly in
the mailer and to Sfcnre justice to the
br. ve Irishman. Tins inteifirence bad
Ihe efftctof retaining Sweeny in service
nnlil ibe end of the war, when be was
tried and acquitted.
A second cloud settled upon General
Sweeny's fortunes in I860 as a result, of
his love for ibe land of his birth. The
Fenian lirotheitiood numbered him
among its adherents iu common with
most of the distinguished sous of Ireland
iu Ibe Union camps, Bud be was chosen
to head the Irish forces for the invasion
of Canada. He hud reached the ranks
of Brigndier-Otlieral in the regular
army, and resigned that txalted and
honorable position 10 fight fur the ban
ner of green. A force of 40 000 men was
promised him, but when the olaus inns
tered on the Canadian b rder there was
not 11 good division on all the line be
tween St. Albans aud Buffalo.
Yet the die was cast, sud Ihe Geueial
crossed over at Bnff lo who with Col
onel Neill's detachment, aided In the
attack on Limestone Ridge, and eh. d
blood for the cause It was a fiasco of
the most d sat Irons sort, aud the whole
movement went to pieces. But the li
pubbo was uo(--flratoful to the heroic
exile, and be was soon afterwards re
stored to full rauli iu tbe army and
placed on the ri tired list. So he died
a soldier in the enj.yment of a rank
earned upon a score of battle-fields.
tlow's This t
We offer oue bundled dollars reward
for any case of catarrh oure.
F. J.CHENEY Co. Props.. Toledo.O.
We tbe undersigned have kunwn V. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, aud believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
Irausaotions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made liy their firm.
Wkbt A Tiicai. Wholesale Druggists,
Tol.ido, U. V ALDINO), KlNNAN & MaBVIN,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. U
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood aud mil
ootis surfaces of the sys'em. Testimon
ials sent free. Price 75o. per buttle
Sold by all dmggists.
Always Met the Heat.
Persona who suffer from theumatism
want immediate relief. It is not enough
that the pain Bbniild be eased, and t lie
appetite be increased. Anything snort
of a on re is only prolonging torture. The
poisonous adds in the blood, which is
the direct cause of .tiienmatisni, are tin
mediately and effectually expelled hy D
Drnmmuiid's Lightning Remedy Noth
ing known to medical science will afford
such speedy relief. If the druggist oan-
uot furnish it the remedy will be seut
prepaid loauy address on receipt of price,
hve dollars. Urummond Medicine d
48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents
wauted. 45
Notice is hereby giveu that the part
nership existing betweeu Arthur Cotlio
and Frank McFarlan.l. under the firm
name of C fiin A McFarlaod, was dis
solved February 1, 1892, by mutual cot
sent, Arln or Coffin retaining the Arling
ton business, collecting all accounts due
and psving all habih'ies of same, and
Frank McFarland retaining the Heppuer
business, colleciing all nocoiiuts due aud
paving all liabilities i f same
Aktiiub O'FFIH.
Frank MoFakland
In ferring to the above, Frank Mi-Fa'-land,
11. oner MrF-rla.it snd Fmil C.
Vornz have formed a oo nnrttieiship un
der the firm uameof McFarland Mxioan
tile Company, conmeecing buainees
September 1st. 1892, to he incorporated
The new Htm will continue iu the gen
eral merchandising lun-tness at the same
location, National 11m. k building, lower
Main St., Heppuer, Oregon.
Fkank YIcFahland.
642 543-w IuilP. Voait
G. A. K. NUTU'B.
Tbe members of R .wlins Poet No. 81,
G. A. ft are requested to be in atteud
ance at the ti eeting of the Post on the
last Saturday iu December. LVoemlwr
SI, at Islington, t which time the eleo
lion of officers for the ensuing )ar no
Ours. Please bear this in mind, and
make your arrangements to be with ns.
tO-tf O. W. Smith, Com.
Nor. il, 1MU:
Allyn T Albert Buttttiirton Kton
Counelly Tlia Carreiotl Mr 6
Psnlelnou Mr Q huiitjL.t.pti
lltfrnelun Mr T lUadlea Jmkj
Haiutlen W T Onlaer Mr
Potter Je)te lloblut Mr
Kuuel Mlki Cors slsveai Pan
Slnrrv Mr
Flense uy "AdrtiacU" x heuculllnii for these
iviuink A, MAiXUMV, V. M.
,-..-r?v v
CiWErMSii : Survey
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a l'rehensile Tail
The Monkey is Noi Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We are Noi Afraid because our
Tale is a Good One.
It is No We; of W
Splou lid Goods,
Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom
ers, and of reasonable prioes aud
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tale without end, bec nise it. ia a tale
that will bold A pleasure to show
goods. Speoial inducements to
cash buyers. Cull at
Wheat, bu 60
Floiir.bbl 4 50
Beeves, cos & two-year-olds, owt, 1 75
" " three ' 2
Sheep, muttons, bend 3 003 25
ok 3 00 3 50
Hoga, on foot, cwt 44 00
Hogs, dressed b 00
Wool.. 12 14
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 75
Eggs.doz 80
Chickens, doz 2 60 (d 3 00
Turkeys 1 00 (3 1 50
Wheat, cwt 81 25 1 80
Floiir.bbl 3 00(i3 4 75
beeves, stall fed 5 00 (a? 5 50
Muttons, owt 6 00 (3 7 00
Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25
Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 12 16
Butter, tt 20 (3 30
Eggs, doz 30 a 15
Chickens, doz 4 00 Q 6 00
Turkeys, lb.
15 17
Wheat, cwt 1 15 1 20
Flour, bbl 8 (10 3 65
Beeves, owt 1 76 2 75
" dressed 4 (HI (S 5 00
Muttons, live sheared ... 3 50 3 60
dressed 0 00 0 25
Hogs, on foot 4 50 & 5 00
" dressed 6 00 6 25
Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 ft 16
Butter 15 35
Eggs, doz 80 40
Chickens, doz 2 50 (8 6 00
Turkeys lb .... 13 (g 15
Nofioe l: hereby given to all members
of Rawlins Post No. 31, G. A. R , and
those intending to become menibeis, that
there will be a meettntr of this post at
Heppuer on N..v 2, 1892. All iuvited
pat ticillarly those who are Soldiers, but
not members of any post.
By order of
Geo. W. Smith,
C. 0. Boon.
C2r The W R C.will hold a meeting at
!he Odd Fellows hall. Satiirdat, Nov.
26. 1pm, the same day that tbe G A.
K. ineelB, iu take iu new members.
43 tf. By order of the W. R. C.
to the point.
My creditors are after me for money
which t cannot pay nuless those who
owe me come to the front. This I shall
expeot everyone to do witbont further
delav. I need money and most have it
638 sw D. W. Hornkb.
P. S. I'm in dead earnest on this mat
ter. Those who think that I am fooling,
will hud out their mistake. 1). W. H.
f.osl or stolen, one hay horse four years
old, brsndrd cruse ( ) witn bar above 1
on right shoulder. Had white face. I
will give tbe above reward for his return
to J. L. Howard'a ranch on Little Butter
Creek, or fur information leading to bis
recovery. I. L. Howard,
533 sw Uallowav, Ore.
Notice to Teachers.
Morrow county teacher' institute will be
held la Mepnner. lieeeaiber 1, lb sad IT. Ail
teacher, sad mIdo tlitaU' eviKH'ipiR to tench, srs
expected to sueud, or present s vslld eicuie.
Mo-Poc IS W. L. HiUKi. Hupt.
- An-1 Surrounding Country,
We are oom) el'ed to announce Hint our entire st .ck of-
Clothing, -f Furnishing -f Goods,
Trunks, Valises, and also a full line nf Ladies' Goods, suoh ns Dress Goods, Furn
ishings, Fancy Goods uud Notions of all kinds
.'io.-. Within the Next 30 Days.3o.
At prices never heard of h f Te in the history of merchandising Thanking you for
past patrouage, we would like to see you oome aud
-Get the Benefit of Our-
GlosiiG : Out -j- Sle !
N. LEVI HOnisON. Proprietor,
Prevention letter in Cure !
4?3 I inlorHementH i
Cooper Pip lfl used and cmioraert by the followiiiK orepon and Montana sheepmen: W. B.
Donaldson, Davville; V. S. Leei Jmietitm City, John Hnrrinon, Matney; Geo. Ocni, Amanda;
Kenneth MoKa'p, Duvville; loo Oliver, John Day; J. W. Hyern, New Unitori; H. J. Moule, Be real 1;
Cook & Clark. I'hifbrnok; Kulrehild i MoCrai, lJnpnyer; F. K. Warren, UUea; BiiKh Bro,
Lewlston; K. P. Chandler, Maiden; J. Iliirichher, Choteau; D, 8. HasUiigi, Ubet; Jamei Kdi,
Dillon; W. Korton titewart; A. Downie. UiK riandy.
Ask Your Merchant for
KORXANn R'tlW. Poittsnil, nrrznn,
Gen. Agts. for Oregon, WuHhliiKtoti sml West:, n
Columbia Beer Hall!
"V" EXT DOOR io Heppnrr Candy Faciory 011 Main
J-' Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
Cents Per Glass,
On diRiifjht, fresh mid cnol. Lunch of nil kinds. Hope
to see all thfiruld ftipiidn aud many more.
OSMEliS & HUGHES. Props.
L, I B07ED
Orlice, Ketildence
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner Liny, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin & McFarland'i. Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
TBina to hay per day. 75 otR. Hay ..n.l i;rairi per rlv. 81 25. Meala 26 eti a
at C. C. Sr(feMi,t'. unit liour to rVed StHble. Urain and
billed buy iilwavs on hand.
Bv IthVi-Iiiu. fdkiis. C. C. Wiliipv 4 Co.nf
Vm!h Walla. Wnah.. are thr lariipsl import
pra dirppt frnru the Eastern faotnries id tbe
Inland Empire of
parlies H e. handle tbe very best make nf inatrnmeut, and .arrant Ibem for
five years and tuiarante overprice than an) br.nap on tbia coaat for cam.
quality. We l,y direct f,o, Cl,ickeriK A Snna. Weyman A C.. Connver
Bros & C... Smith & Barnea, p,4no Pa. kard, Story A Clark and ChioaKo(Jo.
tae 0r8a,,a bell U-,, fr..m $100 to 3t)0 ; Piano, from 3,K) to 87lK0 Write
lBue and prioea. It will pay ,oi,. C. O. W'ildey & Co.
w Waila Walla, Wa'ah
. JCIKrSOJC, Prop.
Mrl.!!? "J L-avpa L,0e Rock on
hne to Foi'r
Passengers -:- and Freight.
bLUCUM-JGH.NSiON DKDli W.. AgenU, H.ppn.r. Or.
Coopers and Take 10 Other.
Galv4ton, Texan.
Contractor Builder.
Plenty of them at the
Gaz tte Office
A. E. Blum
S ' I ' A f 1 IT1 T T-T7,l