Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 22, 1892, Image 4

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i . "mr 1
' si
i , VT!1" j iii iX3l! F
r Z
j ton
iiavs a ve!icf and cure
n your ignorance of effects
and Vitality which is
sv!cm the elements thus J
sirngth and vi;;or will fol-
cure or money refunded,
Dr. Sanden's Electric -Sf
r.r -jll nthpr treatments
testify, and from many of
vro,,-ir nnfiinded. 'They are 'raded in
reatcst boon ever
!!i"".Ti,!.,. rrH-H in
F" llll 111 II I ,
the w.rst cases in two or three months. Address
ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St.,
Kansas City, St. Paul,
EST, PI HI 5(11111.
heavee Hcpjntr, 8 a. m. Arrives
(iM p. m.
Pullmnn Sleeiiera.
Culonlst sieejiers,
Peelinirig Chair Cars
and Diners.
BttiimerR JVrlnirl tn Knn Francisc'
every four days.
TO il'B
For lateBanil ti ni-ial iii ornintlun call on
liipot Tli kit Airent,
Heppner, Oregon.
W. II. HUltl-Bt'HT, Ant (leni. Vim. Agt.
11A WaBlilliglou St.,
Scientific American
Forltiformatlnn nril rreo lliinilliiiiilr writo to
miinn i CO., HiiiiAiiwAV. nkw vouk.
Olili'Ht tmri'iiu fnr Bt!curliiii put'-ntf In Anifrlr.
Kvurv iralcnt lulii'n out liv im i lirnniilit lii'liiie
Uw public U a ii.itlo tlven (run of cuariiu Iu tb
f rifntlfit gmcrirnu
lnrcnst cirfiiltitlon of unv nrlrntinc pnpor in th
world. Hplouitlitly tlhinl mtod. No Intellteont
nuiu iliouM bo without It. WouUlj M.UO
yoati il.W sn months. Atldnwn MUNN tO
VlilJLlBUKKd.a;! Uruadwor. Nuw Vut tu
-T 0
Sim Francisco
And all uoiutt in California, via ilie Mt, bhaata
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The groat hitrliway through 1'ahtornia to all
points taut and South. Grand Heenic Route
of the l'eoifio Comm. Pullman Buffet
Blwiwre. Second -cIiisb fctletuwri
Attarhod toeiprea I mi nit. afTonling nuperio
cconiuuidiitioiie for neeond-clBM paneiigera.
For nitea, ticketn, sleeping oar rupcrvatiou,
to. Will upon or address
R . KGR1U.KK, Manager, K. P. It 0( IK US, Anal.
Oen. V & P. Agt.. rortlaud, Oregon.
t? hvtul I.iiiiiIxt, ItilnlluBOl lUliuor, lit
what U known tin thu
PIH 1,000 KKKT, KOl'tlH,
- 110 00
- 17 10
L i.UO per I.iav k't't, auAlittuiial.
A IIiiiiilltoiitMAii'ur
It In our MrnrHt dentre to linprou upon tliP
nituds of ihe puhHe ihe unperiorny of the wt
vleeutltMod b ihu WtMiumiii IVntrat Miim to
Milwaukee, t Mmgo and all poiim tiist and
Houlh. 'HsotMHt iianm Ii'huM. Paul. Mimie
mdliand Dululh daily, eipitpped with 1'ull-
1 .... nru i 1,... '.mu M..'i.iM DlniHkr
Garn and CoarUe ot the lateid detnn. In lo
lug Car mtv let la uniurpaweu, nu n ii-"nin,
Vlu.lseoniia Ceolral Linea, lu eouueelion
with Noitli'Tn I'a.ilu' H. i(.,u nif mi y ime
,u..4 . t hi n a over w 1K I1 noin rule
man Ve.libuled. llrnl-ela.i, and Tollman Tour
ist Cnrs are operated via .-I. I aul llhoul change
'a'!ni''bl"'tl giving valuable Information eau
he obtained tree upon application loNour near
at ticket agent, or J a. ( . l'..Nu, (.eueral 1'a.son
I and Ikket Agent, Chicago, 111.
L23 irc-V
-i V AMD
tVEAIiNE55 f? j from Nervous Debility! Seminal Vr.
t .tw-i I ncT M Avnmnn Unci im ati CM ,
ifQ Back Kidney Troubles. Nervousness
Sleeplessne55.PoorMemorVsGeme.ral IllHlai.
the effects of abuse?, excesses,
in our marvebus invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most susiitiral.
or by excesses, or exposure, you nwv have unduly drained your system of nerve force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into yo'i:
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, ami Health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and v;e guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated l'amphlets, free j sent by mail, sealed.
. B"lt Is no experiment, e.3 we have restored thousands to robust health and vir,
5 i.-.i.a i, vhwr, v,u Ii,.Hrl of mes thrnufhotit this State, who would gladly
whoiu we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
.irentrth to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agecVor old men, and will cum
strength to meet all stages of weakness in young,
The success of this Great CouRh Care it
without a parallel In the history ot medicine.
All drugRists are authorized to sell iton a poa
itivo guarantee, a test that no other cure can
uccessfully stand. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every home in the United mates and Canada.
If you have a Coueh, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use it, tor it will cure you. If your
child has theCroun. or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread
that insidious disease Consumption, use it.
Ask your Dnmgist for KlllLOH'3 CURE,
Price 10cts..50cts. and $1.00. If your Lunga
are sore or Hack lame, use Shlloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 eta. For sale by all Drug
gists and Dealers.
Shvc 'tfi tu Mt reiilf on every dollar you upend
Write for our nunnnioih (..titidone, a liOn-paye
book, com tiiiiiii;iliu inn ton iindtimtigluwtintui
Uittt iurein' iii:r, wuh iiiiiiiidt:iuie ' difcuuiiw
of every kind ol oodennd tup jttf- inuniif Pictured
lud iitioned lino the Uulied Siutei. Orocenes,
lloiiMrdmld Good-, FiiriiiTiiic, Clmhiug, Ludie.i'
and GeiiiH' Lloiliint: uud l'iiniinliln imode, Ir
Goods, Wliile Uoodn, Dry Goods, llulf, Cup,
Uoolrt and Shocrt, Gloves, Noiions, l.liiftwuie,
Ktailoiinrv, WhilUpk, Uoi li, .Jewelry, Silverware,
Hn5L'in," Whip-, Aifcli-iilinral Implem-ins, eio.
OM.Y FlKKl' CLAS (iOtHiH. Guitttotriie sent
on recelpl ot .fi renit for cxprrsnfe Wb re the
only concern which sells itl iniuiutiiCtiircrB' prices,
allowim: ilm buyer l he Hume d.BCouut t'.fll fti
mamilnriiirer 'ive to I he whole-ale. buyer. We
piiuiimlre all jroodn as icprexentcd ; If not found
go, money refunded. Good mmU by rxurcua or
frplirlit. with privileije ol exinniimiliiu before pay
W. A. KAitl'KN & GO..
122 QnUir.y -MrecL, tlilitijj. HI
A ttrilriry of to $M) prr week to GOOD agenta
to rrpief-enl lie In evnry coimi v, mid nell our general
Ifnf of Meirhiiliiliffiit iiriiiiiraellirer-' price. ONLY
jiri'i.Y. Gataloite nnd particular ucui ou receipt
oa5nt.Iurx11,.,nl(o. a kahim.n4co
122 Qulncy Street, ChlcafO, 111.
Guaranteed to cure Itilimt attaclcs,
Sick Headache ami Constipation. 40 in
each tottlc. Trice 25c. For sale by
dru prists,
Pleturo "7. 17, 70" and aamplo dos free.
J. F. SMITH & TO., Proprietors, NEW YORK.
Shukmakkh. Ed Kirht-ck. n ph(pniHk
-r nnd it'i-iinr of ninny y huts' rxjit-n
iico, hitR just Inontrd in the Alirahntn
ii'lt liuildinu, nu May strt't, wheie !ih
r propHred tn do evfiytliintf in 1 1 in line
Mr. liirbeck isHirn tb a tirnt pIhhs work,
man and wmrnnlM all work, (live him h
all. Hlf
A St. l.ftit n ttiin (, .
M u rieil Co
del Auvi'in ii'rum iiiifi--.
AliiHit tho fmiiUL'st wr-Ulin;' on rocon
was lliuL of ;i fiu'iul ot mtiu', u wot.
known Si. Louis vtr. Ionian, writos .
tllol'P - l "mo riit (.'-ti'i'o ipoinluut, !1
inan'i"d a - u'l wlio v:i , v: iitiu;; a tow)
lofts than ono hun U'(
Iiis liaiu'i'O vNiu d
wooli hrfoiv thn Wi
plan. My friend
sisWT was proiurini;
din;' a raud all'.iir, ;
posi'd lo. A lii'oll'-i
d mlli':t fr.m hvvv.
Si. Lmiis about ;i
.liliit'T was to takt
loarnod t hat lici
t 1 ina'co tho w o
m.l ilii-i In was oj
w:n ohiaini d, ai'd
fi ly wis h iiis -l; i r
il 1 h i I li.H'U VlMl
thai ni;rlu li-.1 lofi U10
bound for tho tiova
in. i?. Al'U'r th. train
VY if U10 was willin
that niiiht. Slio consi
irra'ii u as s -nt front
I.artcil 10 nslii-il
t ) i;ta iii.vrrii'i.t
sriiU'd, and a tolo
t llio lu-xt slatit'ti
lor-Li-l.nv to have
t 'lo 'rani r 'acluxl
notify in hot- 1
tli in t ri'ady.
thrro at U'n o'doi k and tlio v'ouplo a:
olovcn o'clock. Kvory ono wm oxoiti d
but tho frrouui. '1'ho ministci was pics
on! and ready for tho eerc-monv. Tho
liulios wero npstatri, ami no ono
seemed to think of my friend, llo had
left tho city hurriedly, had traveled oil
a hot niht, his tdiirt and coilar woro
Soiled, ho had n. ca!Ts, his tdioos v ro
uio-lnncd and ho wa'i badly in ttocd 1
shave, llo at last f-uml a tin ladn
on a bench in the hack yard. Ilo washed
and wot hi. h. ir, but, lindinj no brush
or plass, wont to tho parlor and forgot
all about himself. After tho eeromony
was over his wife turned to him and
said: "Why, Charlie! You didn't i-onit
- your lialr!"
hat makes it more funny
is the fact that usually tho ffontloman
i U VOfJ parttOllhu- uho'tt liii ttppi urunoe
Prevent and euro Conciliation nnd Sick
Ucudaciiti, .Si'iiiii hilv Utai.
They tncrenae npia'tite. purlf v the whole
system ami in 1 on l lie Iivt, I tile lleiiusSHiilL
Ono Stnnrt rtilo Ttenn even- nielit for a
trevk HrvuwToiyid Liver. c. pur boiu.
WEillH ?
ft' a-
at A : ft Si" k-',-
worry and exposure. For such sufferer-.
Prof. M ynn M tit miN Roma Th it
l.nlli iuin 1111 I I.itr.-sl.nfr.
From tlio town of Inverness, In Scot
land, we have taken this quaint pub.ic
notice, writes Prof. U. 13. Marnn in tho
Chia-ro Globe. It wa9 not uncommon
In old Scotch towns, oven within the
present century, to havo lejral enact
ments mado known by proclamation In
tho market squu.ro:
"T.i hoy! To thither ahoy! Ta hoy
threo times! ! I An' ta hoy whist! Uy
command of his M:ij"sty, Kin? (teorjro,
and her r;raco. tho Duke of Ar'ylo! If
anybody is found fishing about to loch,
or below to loch, nforo to loch, or ahint.
to loch, in to loch, aroun' to loch, or
about to loch, sho is to bo porsecudod
with three persecutions flrat, sho Is to
bo burnt; syne, sho's to bo drownt; an'
then to bo hatiglit. An' if sho comes
back she's to bo porseeutet wi a far waur
death. God save tho Kins and her
grace tho Dulco of Arylo."
One may not bo surprised that many
old-fashioned legal institutions should
still exist anions tho Ilriiisb, who have
received them with tho greatest venera
tion from tho dark a'es of thei- coun
try's history; but tho same can hardly
bo said in favor of tlio States of tho new
world. In New Jersey, for instance,
there is an unrepealed law to tho follow
lnr effect:
"All women of whatever apje, rank,
profession or doprrco, whether virgins,
maids or widows, who shall after this
act i:nposo upon, sednco or betray into
matrimony any of his Majesty's sub
jects by virtuo of scents, eosmeli-a,
washes, paints, artillcial teeth, falso
hair or lii;;h-hei;led shoes, shall incut
the penalty of tho law now in furco
against witchcraft and Hlto misde
meanors." What a check it would bo upon the
postprandial flow of eloqiienco if tnis
law enacted by Hdivard III. woro still
operative. Edward III. prohibited any
man having moro than two courses at
any meal. Each man was to havo only
two sorts of victuals, nnd it was pre
scribed how far ono could mix satico
with his pottago, excepting on certain
feast days, when three courses woro al
lowed at a moal.
If the samo laws were now operative,
a good deal uf tlio after dinner gush at
banquets would never bo heard.
In tlio reign of tho English Charl&v
II., tho Chiof Justice, whoso record was
boih famous and Infamous, hoodwinked
his brother justices in declaring that tr
print or publish any new book or pamph
let of news whatsoever, is illegal; tha
it is a manifest intent to the breach o'
tho peace, and 1 hey may bo prococdod
against by law fur an illegal thing.
flkriy years ago men could easily bf
found to give any evidenoo on oath tha!
might be required, and somo of these
persons walked openly into court with
straw in ono of their shoes, to signifj
that they wanted employment as wit
ness; hence originated tho exprcssior
I "rio's a man of straw." An advocato 01
lawyer who wanted a convenient wit
nesa knew by those signs wlioro to find
ono, and tlio colloquy between thf
partirR was brief. "Don't you remem
ber?" said tho advocate. Tho party
looked deliberately at tho foe, but madf
no sign of assent; then tho feo in
ireased. and with it his memory also
"To be sure I do."
"Then como into court and swear it.'
Tho only Improvement which has grown
out of this peculiar custom ison the part
of the straw man. Nowadays your straw
man w ill work f ir half the original feo.
When pleading as an art was scarcely
doveloped the iuirts used to hear suitf
against animals, lly the old law o
France, if a vicious animal killed t
person and it was proved that hi'
owner knew of its propensity to kill,
and sulTend It to go at large, hr
was hanged, and the animal was also
In t"M a hull having killed a man bj
tossing him w iih it i horns was brough
before Ihe judge and indicted as a oriro
inal. After several witnesses had sworn
against it, the c iurt condemned it U
be liangi d. 1 his sentence was tton firmed
by an order of rarliament and carried
iulo effect.
Oil historical 1 iks tell us thataslatf
as i ;:,J iV 1
. .,.!, nmner kin fi I Kri.Ks-l. A letter cannot oe usea otrcner
u, .1 M.l.l proper laws than it appears in the words "Tile Canadian Ag
r. 1 vl off ilMvo rats, locusts, neullurisi." For instance the word "egg' culd
the puni hi'.ier.i i.! nil 'umvo rats.
flies and l.ve-.u-s. 1 Ins was g i:ig von
far. 1 i'-dav we should all lie mado vorj
hanpv it iwitie it niu would deviso and
1 1 - . .
and put i'.it ) practical working a law fo.1
the extermirin'.U'n of tlio mosquito.
fullse of the Say's 1 lupueni.
The interesting disc-very that oxyget
In ils liquid state is luu,
by M. Ol ixnvski. i .-.
pearanee it is only !'- -,
(utile. cut quaMity i f
form a layer alsuit ;: Ov
inch in thickness, 'i n;
precisely that of t'.ie s ';,
nilicaut. '1 lu- tluurriit
this up-
t h:
e n
':.' ii.ie.id to
r.t;. -iii'tli (if an
; Line color it
Thla is sig
w ill r.t ciieo oe
Cur that the bloeitesi of l'-c
to the intrinsic col'-i- of t'.s
the atmosphere. I 'or it .
t.) suppose that tlum:,'!i l!.e
si.y is Uu
'.v;:eii ot
divs only oiit.r.u oy;;.
form, the layer of uiaii'
ness thr.m,;'!i w'.iu-ii v. e
test tlio color liich i i.:
n in it- "'e.seou
i" . i.'s i:t i :i.el;
', !. .' 1U..V UlStli
,.'.'.V l..'lo;i ;s tc
Oxygen, ami is s'.owti iri l.'.e liqitiv
state of t'.iat gas i.i a l.iyor o. only oue
twcuty-liltu of an inch iu thickuoa.
Opinion Expressed on Tills Important
Subject by Country Gentleman.
In making provision for keeping rocts
through winter, whether in pits or in
ont door heaps, or in basements or cel
lars of outhouses, or in buildings special
ly built for the purpose, there are cer
tain requisites which are indispensable.
The air should be kept pure to prevent
decay, as well as other disadvantages,
and therefore a continued ventilation
must be kept tip; but this ventilation
must be very light or it will let in freez
ing air and the roots will lie frozen.
These requisites can be well understood
only by some experience. The thick
ness of the walls and the amount of pro
tection from frost must be well observed.
Pits or heaps out doors are often made
too warm, and the roots are started to
grow or rotting is induced. Heaps that
are covered with straw and then with a
cout of earth are kept best with plenty
of straw to absorb any foul air and pro
tect the roots, while the quantity of
earth in cover may be limited. A
farmer who raited large quantities of
roots was always very successful with
his large heaps of potatoes by using a
compact foot of straw to coyer them and
only three inches of earth to hoi 1 it
down. Ventilating holes at the top
were in part rendered needless o;i ac
count of the fjrent muss of straw with
its absorbing power. We have known
farmers whose heaps of potatoes ro-ted
badly at the apex to charge the dis ister
entirely to freezine instead of to the
want of ventilation, the foul air ri in?
to the top. They increased the thick
nesB of the foot of eurth in covering, and
only increased the evil instead of reduc
ing it.
Roots stored in cellars require the
same or greater care to give sufflciont
ventilation, and this care is especially
required for turnips, which heat rea lily
if in small masses. These priuci ilea
also apply to the winter storage of ap
ples, but usually less so than to roots, as
they are particularly required to have a
low uniform temperature. When roots
are stored in heaps or in long piles, ven
tilation may be elTccted by placing a
tubular tile upright at tho top and at
distances of several feet from each other,
and preventing the too free entrance of
cold air by a loos wliisp of straw.
NuncraiiulRtlon of Honey.
"If extracted honey does not granu
late can it be considered a sure proof
of adulteration in all cases?" This qu-ry
was answered by prominent beekeepers
in different sections of the country
through the columns of the American
Beekeeper." Out of twenty-three replies
.wenty of theBe answered "No" to the
query. J. E. Pond replied: "'As a rule,
yes. There may be exceptions, but 1
should look with suspicion upon such.
Somo honeys will granulate far more
quickly than others, but granulation is
a sure test of purity." Eugene Secor
wrote: "1 think not. I believe there
may be some kinds of honey that do not
James Heddon replied: "Lots of pure
honey refuses to granulate. The thicker
and riper, the less likely to do 60. Yes,
that is so. I lmve had plenty of experi
ence with tons of extracted honey.
Then again, honey mixed with cane sugar
or glucose will grumilate. That is so.
too, 11s strange as it may seem."
G. W. Demaree xnswered: "Honey as
a rule candies or gTuuulates, and this is
good evidence of its purity; but I have
seen pure, good honey that would not
granulate or candy. I have a jar of
honey ten years old that I took from the
hi vo with my own hands, and it 1ms
never granulated. It is today thick, pure
of flavor, with no signs of granulation.
I have seen plenty of samples of pure
honey that will not granulate."
The editor said in conclusion: "While
the granulation of extracted honey is
good proof of its purity, the lack of it is
not positive proof of its impurity. Some
kinds of honey in particular localities
will not granulate, even if kept for many
No damage resulted from tha recent
rains in Northern California.
At the Missouri state beekeepers' con
vention it was decided that it is not
practical to produce a first grade of
comb honey without separators.
Farm and Home says: "The queen is
not a ruler iu any sense of the word.
She is a mother the egg layer and is
governed and controlled at every step
by the bees. She is under the direction
of tho worker bees. She dees not lead
the swarm, but is generally the last to
leave the hive, and quite often has to be
sought out and driven from the hive by
the bees."
Most Interesting Contest Kver Offered
by The Canadian Agrirnltnriat.
One thousand dollars in cash, a pair of hand
some Shetland ponies, carriage and harness,
ami over two thousand other valuable prizes
for the Agriculturist's brightest readers! Who
will have them? According to Ihe usual cus
tom lor some years past the publishers of 'I he
Agriculturist now oiler their sixth half
yenrlv literary competition. This grand com
petition wlll.no doubt, be the most gigantic
and successful one eler presented to the people
of the Culled states snd Canada.
One thousand dollars 111 cash will be paid to
the person sending in the largest list of English
words constructed from letters lu the words
'The Canadian Agriculturist."
Five hundred dollars lu cash will be given to
the second largest list. A handsome pair of
Shetland ponies, carriage and harness, will be
given for the third largest list. Over one thou
sand additional prizes awarded In order of mer
it: one grand piano; $.uo organ: ioo piano;
dinner sets: IndicB' gold watches; silk dress
patterns', portiere curtains; silver tea services;
leimyson s poems, bound in cloth; iiickens iu
12 volniniis bound 111 cloth, etc.
As there nre more than inuO prizes, any one
whii takes the trouble to prepare an ordinary
good list w ill not fail to receti e a valuable prize.
I his Is Ihe biggest thing iu the compeiiioo line
that ae have ecr plHced before the public, and
alt a ho do not take part w 111 miss an opportuni
ty of a Hie time.
not be used, as there is lull one "g" iu Ihe three
words. 2. V ords having more than one mean
. lug hut spelled Ihe same can be used but once.
, '1-l.N"'"'' 01 V''"ces and persons barred.
Fnc 1 1st nu.HI eo.ilMin one do hiT to DSV for
six uioiitlis' subscription to The Agriculturist.
It twnor more tie, tne largest list which bears
the cnrlhst postmark villi take Ihe tirst prize,
and Ihe Olhers will receive prizes lu order ot
merit. I money and stamps taken at par.
I he object in oil'ering these liiagnliicent prizes
is to Introduce our oputar magazine iulo new
lioiiu-s. lu e cry palt ot Hie American continent.
Ei cry compe.iiot emiostiig cents In 6tauips
extra, will ieeeie free, bv mail, postpaid, o..e
ol Ihe Arieuluirist't elegant souvenir Bpoons
of Canada.
Trues awarded to persons residing In the Cut
ted slates will be shipped lroul our New York
oil.ee iree ot duty. All money letters should be
Ol a Fi'Rmkr Comi'KTITION we have given
auay fAncc lu prizes during the laat (wo yeait,
and hae thousands ol lellers Iroiu prize win
nets lu every state iu the union and every part
ottaiiatla and Newfoundland. Lord Kileoursie,
A. 11. c. to the Governor General ot Canada,
w rites: "1 shall recommend my lrieuds lo enter
your coinnetiiioiiB." M. M Hiai.deu. ai.eouver.
I B c, -reeelied iui lii gold.'' and we h.,ld his
receipt lor same. A few of the prize w tniieis;
Miss J. hobinson, 'lorouto, flstm: J. J. Hraiuion,
, Fei.ehin 1-a U. Out., David llarrifou, py r-
aciise. X. Y , MV, II. Beavls.st. Louis. Mo ,tw.
Jus. H.tptie. West Do I nib, Minn . I-Alo; Mis, tsu
j gins bob rlson. Oak St., Unalklyu, lllsi; Fred
11. Hills. st le SI., hribgeport, t oiiu., and
i t)n,usaii,,s ol others. Address, Ihe Agrlcultur
1 1st, felerborough, Ontario, Canada.
and sciatica
can always be
successfully treated
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A cure
is sure to follow
the persistent
use of this
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
virtue of a vmii runt ictttt. d hv the t ounty
Clerk of tin-1 ounty oi Mnrrov , 8: iti if Oregon,
fluted Hie 7th driy fit October, I. nnd to mu dt
reeteil. cininnai'iiintr me to lew upon the toodi
....rtch.ii. . o, the ueHnj-M-m . pav-a-e-
ana If mu Mu icnt pi-r.ni tu ptnMty In noi tnuna.
lien iiiimi lln real prni'iTiy in biiim nrinuineiii
tn Olivers, or hi. much thereof an shall be ueeea-
aury to witUfy wai'l tK, toiethir w ith man- and
tApenMB. and tor vwn.t of nutt cient perH'Mnil
pmpvrty to Bdtiniy Mid taxes, I Imvu this dny
lev led li pun the follow i defeiibed renl estate,
situated and being m Morrow coitiily. tiregon,
and belunciiitf t the follow Ing-nained persoun.
and Uiestiid real estate b-tng duly assessed to
fal.l perkoim nnd .hi-taxv lllereou being now
J. A R.irnoB. SU SH'H NE'4 of S Wit, my IK
iliTplN, KaiE $6 00
Lea li. Uotti-ll, NWv. omj a lu 'lp K, K
i k a oo
W. M. Moore, tE'., H- 1 In P'p 1 N, K 2r li 7 70
I'eter HkIvv, .N'4. M'cli In 'l p 1 N, K IS E Vi 10
II Pelce, stt(4, tee 14 in '1 li i S f K2IK.. 9 7:i
K. Shelter. Mi l, sec M In l p 1 N of It E S Ml
Adnlph Betsliiser. sE't oi X and XW'i
ot Elalida)..of ..EW sec 2 1 p 1S.K
JH K .. 23 S3
T. E. Itrumel, NWJt of Sec 28 in Tp 2 N of
Il 21 E 5 50
Mra. A. :. Rrarael, Stj of NEJ4 Sec lli In Tp
2 N of K IM K ... Ot
H. H hefever, SE14 of SK(4 sec Wand Xi
oi NKlt .-ec l'Jand .J, of NVi of See 20
Tp li S. II 25 K 20 90
Knrther notlre Ib hereby given that I will on
aturdity the2iilh Uny 01 ov. ISS2, between the
honrp 01 ten o'clock a. 111. ami four o'clock p. in.
of aniil iluy, at the front doom of Iheeoiirt bonne
in Hefipner, MorroA- eouiity, (ircgon, sell the
riKht. title nnd inteieRt of the said ilelinquent
taxpayers, In and to the above described real
property, at public auction to the htubest and
bent bshler for eiish ill lliilifi, the proceeds to be
applied to the payment of said taxes, together
with cost- nnd epenseH of salt.
Dated this Joth day 01 October, 1SH2.
t.Ko. Noni.F,
ri(7-5-l5vv SherHl' of Morrow County, Oregon.
ixotice of intention.
I j October 13, 1S1I2. Notice is hereby given
that the follovl"g-iinmed scltler hns tiled notice
of his Intention to innke llual proof iu support
of hiB claim, 11ml that mild proof will be made
before the (.'ounty Clerk of Morrow County, or.,
at Heppner, Orcunn, on Nov. 2S, 18112, viz.:
Md. No. 21,77, for ihe Sec. 3, Tp. 2, S R 55 E.
W. M.
He nnmes the following witnesses to prove his
pontiin o is residence upon und cultivation ol,
said hind, viz.:
J. T. Yount. C. N. Peek, William Estes and
Hetirv Whitson, all of U-xington, Oregon
5;U-5U John u Lewis, KegiBter.
Notice of Intention.
I j Oct. l:f. 18l.i2. Notice Is hereby given that
the following named settler huB tiled notice of
his intention to make linn! proof In support of
hi- claim, and Unit Bnid proof will be made be
lore the ( ounty clerk ol Morrow t ounty, ur., at
Heppner, dr., on Dec. 3. 18ii2, viz.:
lid. No. 3857, for the SE!t See. 27, Tp. 1, S R23
K. W. II.
lie nnniPBthe following witnesses tn prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
snld land, viz :
D. ti. l-arbill. J. L. K ineuid, Charley Johnson
and Henrv Dungey, nil of lone, Oregon.
631-511 John W. I.kwis, Register.
Kotive of Intention.
j i 'ct. 211. li-l!2. Notice is hereby given thai
the follow ing-nained setller has tiled notice of
ills intention to innke linul proof In support of
his elnim. and Unit siiid proof w Ml be ninde be
fore the County Clerk 01 Morrow County. Ore
gon, at Heppner. Oregon, on lice. 12, 18H2, viz. :
fid. No 2013, for the HV! Sec. 31, Tp, 2 9, It 24
E. W M.
He names the following witnesBCB toprovehis
cotitiniiouB residence upon and cultiwitiou of,
said laud, viz. :
ni. llnguewood, Wea. McNnhb. Samuel War
field and George Junkin. all of Light Mile, or,
h3U WJ John v. Lkwis, Register.
U. S. Ijllld Omce. The Lnlles, Or.. Sept. R, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress ap
proved June 3. 1878. entitled "An Act for the
sale ol 'l imber Lands in the states ol California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
Al'Gl'Sli'S MAI.I.ORY,
Whose pofittifhee address is Heppner. Morrow
County. Oregon, has this day hied in this otlice
his application to purcluise ihe SEV oi the
SWit and thcSWAj of the MS$ sec. No. 3, ini'p.
No. li S. Mange No. 25 E, W. M.
All persons holding any adverse claims there
to are reqniied to present Ihe smiie at Ibis otlice
within sixty days from the tirst publication of
this notice. John V. Lkwis. Register.
Notice of Intention.
t October, 25. 18H2. Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to mnke tlnnl proof in support
of his elnim, and that said proof will be made
belore the county Jutiueoi aioriow county, or.,
at Heppner. Oregon, on December 10th, lblJ2, viz:
CHAR1 Es H. Hli.l.IS,
lid. No. 2977. for the NE!, HI t. Sec. IS, and Mi,
s and SEI4 SWit Sec. 17, Tp. 5 3, K 25, E. W.
He names the following witnesses to provehis
continuous residence upon and cultivation 01
said laud, viz '
Jnnies H. Wyland. William Rix, A. Lieueling
and Terry Oiler, allot Hnrdnian, Oregon.
537-M7 . John W. Lswis, Register.
j October 25. 18'.2. Notice il hereby given
thai the follow lng-named seltler has hied notice
01 his intention to make tlnnl proof lu support
Ol tits cnnni, ami mat sain prooi win oe niaue
before the County clerk 01 Morrow County, or.,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Deo. H, 1892, viz.:
lid. No. 5037. lor the tt 4 M Sec. 14, and
N E1, See. 15. '1 p. 3 S, R 2H E. . M.
He names the following witnesses toprovehis
contfnuotiB residence upon and cultivation ol,
said land. viz. :
W. H. Chirk. H. S Clark. J. B. Chapman and
V. 11 . .iiann, an 01 i.eiia, Oregon.
5:17-517 A. c bavkr, Itegister.
Notice of Intention.
Ml Oct. 17. 18112. Notice Is heieby given that
the following-named settler haB hied notice ot
hia Intention to make final proof in support of
his elHlin. and thai said prool vv ill be made be
fore the County (lerk ol Morrow County. Ore
non, at Heppner. Oregon, ou Pec. 3, 1892, viz :
ur.oivv, r. .mi ia,
lid. No. 28o7, for the N t. Sec 9, Tp. 1, S R 26, E.
W M.
He names the following witnesses 'o prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation uf
said laud, viz.:
Johncarinlchael, Marian Evans, J. H. Piper
and o 11. Hudson, all of Lexington, Oregon.
&3-515 John W. Lkwis, Register.
A new nnd Complote TrvHtmout. consintiJuf of
Snppocitorio. tUniui?!)! iu t'HpRiilo, aUoln Box
nd I'llls ; a pnnirive 'urt' fur External, liiter
iirI, BUiki or Hltu-tMiifr. Itchlnft. Chronic, Recent
or Herfiiitary Pile, and nmny other diteftse
nd feniHle eHkneMf; It lsalu bh gn&t ben
eflt to the eenenil heiilth. 1 he firnt dim-overy of
a medical cure tviidertnR an oiertton with the
knife unntveMtrtry h rvniter. Ihin remedy hK
never Vimi known to full, fl pert-ox.6 for o;
unit hv mull. Khy miter (r-m this terrible dii
eHiw? hen written Ktrntee is Riven with 6
toxes. to refund the money if not tired. iSend
dtainp for fre ("iimplf. (jlimrntitee Unmed tiy
W iU'luRi', Cl.ARKK A Co., N hulesaie A Ketail
imieRist Sole AKont. I'nrttaud. ir.
To airi Piffestlon take on Small Dile Beaa
af ttr t.ttius. ioc. i-er boiUc.
KijMkiis Tabules : fop torpid livor.
1 fj&p"&mta.
HtlPNtK. (JHK(H)N.
Cuttle branded Bud . HrmarktHl an shown nbuvu.
HorfiB K un riht (ihunldpr.
Mv catlle rm.rH in Vumiw and Cmnnlln ronn
MPK. I will 1 iiy llf'.ll ti,r I hi itrn-ut Hi d r',n
.iriu.ri t,f uny ihth m .l,-linu tnj tni-k
HuIjI, Hie Inibt-r. Il yuiir lneH.l Mini
ohIu'N Hurl hhvi m,niHV. I ry it. h.
STOt h nil A MM.
While you kotipjonr subscription paid up yet
can kfop your brand in freeof charKe.
Alln. T. J . lono. Or. Porfps G(i on ef
liotitdei; Ci.itle -finienn Iffi liip, under hit on
tit-lil eitr. Hint upper hit on the let'l; rnuRB, M(r
nw tuiui ty.
ArniHtronn, .1. t. Alpine, Or. T with hiir nn-
iei , on le.fi Rltnnlttur ot liorheH: cuttle hhuip
n let tup.
AlliHon. O. D.. Kinht Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
O 1) h left tui and horneH hjiiiib brand un rijilit
itioiiiuer. UHiiire. tLiwa Mim.
AdkiiiB. 'I' C. Davvillp. Or- Htrnitrht mark neroMit
the iIukIi and two croph and a n)it in the rinlit ear;
in u Ken. j, n or-ule iiown on ihe right Mhouliler.
l.nme in (iraiit conn tv and Hear vailev. Pll
HOdrMwd also at uHniuiriii.
Adknm, J. J., Heppner, Or. Huiea, JA co
iivetMi on ie t tiaiik; caltJe. wanietio left hit),
Aycru,. .lohnny. Lena, Or. Horsen hrai'ded
tritintflf on lcll hiu: eatlJo Hume on riirhl hin:
it inu crop on nun i ear auu upper hit on auuie.
Illyth, Percy H., Hejipi er, ()r. Hurses Unman
t!rorM ou riyht ahouider. Hun ye iu Morrow i
HleakmuD. Hem., Hardman, Or. Horpes, a rla
in left hlumlder: cattle "aine on right Hhnnld.T
I ann'iHter, J. W llardniHii. Or. Cuttle brand-'
ed It ou left hip and thiKh: ttplit in each etir.
Brenner, Ffter, fioi Heherry Oregon llornea
branded PII on left bhouldor. ('utile B.iQie on
ritctit aioe
liurko. M St C, Lonff Creek, Or Ou cattle,
.MAY eounecled on left hip, ciopoiT left ear. iin
iler half iiini) off rinlit. Horaen, name brand on
letft shoulder. Uuijbh iu Uraut and Morrow
bowr-man, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
Cattle, A U on riifht hip, two crops in each ear;
mime on horses, on riylit ahouidor, JtauRe in
(irant and Harney couutiea.
HroBinan, Jerry, Lena, Or. HoraoB branded 7
od ritflii shoulder; cattle B on lite left aide.
Ieft ear half crop and riffhl yr upper slope.
Hartun, Wm., heppner, Or. -llornes, J B on
r:Kh( ihi.t cat lit . suuie ou riglit hip; eplit in
each eitr.
Hrown, Isn, LexiuRton, Or. Horse'- IB on the
ri(,'ht ctitie: cuuie same on riuiittiip; rantfe, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Hoi-eer. and cattle
branded H witl- I'X-yoUe above on left nhoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. lIorseB, circle
I'wilhOoi ni'' teron left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J.. Lena. (treKon. l-orees V bar
over it, on the Mt shoulder. Cattle eainc on left
Buyer, V. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, hoi
orHiiU o? f t: hip cattle, bhuib, with split in
each ear.
Bom, P. O., Heppner, Or. HorBee, P B ou loft
boulder; chi tie. same un loft bio.
Urownlee, W. J., Foz.Or-Cattle, JB connecied
on left hide; erop on left ear and two Bulitt and
midille psece cut out on riyht ear; on Imrnea Hume
brand ou the left tlngli; Hane in Fox valley,
(Jrant county,
Cuin.E., t laleb.Or.- Y I) on horses on left stirlo;
U with quarter circle over it, in left Khouliier,
.tail on Leit stitle on all coltH un lor fi years; on
left xhoulder only on all horsey over 5 years. All
run fie in Oraut countv.
Clark, Vm. H.. Le. a. Or.-Horsec WHC cod-ueelt-d.
on left thouhier: cattle t-imie on riglit
iiip. I(a ue .Morrow and Uinatilln uoiinttes.
wiln, limn, it., viiiboii or uena. Or. Horsea
II C on right slioulder; cattle wime on ngln Iti j.
liunge Morrow and Uuiadila o.upies.
Coehrcn, CIium., lote. Ur. liorHes, HP con
nee t i'(i ou left shoulder; cuitle, (I ou both left
lap and flitie. Kmige in iMoi row county.
Cannon, '1'. B..Lohk Creek, Or.--T on cat t loon
right hide, crop oil right ear ami Blit in left ear.
Uur boiHen name brand ou left bhoilider. Uange
in (.rant county.
(Veil. W ni.. Douclfis. Or: horses .It' on hf
boulder; ca tie Bitiiie on lell hip, wadtiies on
each jaw and two b.tu in the right ear.
tut, X. 11.. Jotiu Uny, dr. Doub e crosn on
each hip on cattle, Bwallow fork ami under bn
in ngtit ear, spilt 111 ten ear. Mange in Ura'it
(Miuniy. On nheup, inverted A. and upear point
ou ehoiilder. Kar uiarko.i ewea, crop ou left oar,
punched upper l)it iu riaht. Wethers, crop iu
right a"d untir half crop iu lefi, ear. All rang.
Hi Grunt countv.
Cook, A. J.,Leua,Or. Horses, Won right shoal
lei Cuttle, sameuu r ght hip: ear murk square
1 op off left and split in right.
Cumn.lt. Y., CurrniBVilie, Or. Morses. CO on
iuft slille.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or HorspB branded
T 1 St A ou left Bhoulder. ( fettle, same on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop on I eit.
Cox Ed. b.. Harduian, Or. Cattle, C will
in center; horses. CK on left Sip.
Cochran, It. K., Monumeut. (iratit Co , Or.
Horbeb bianded circle with bai beneath, on lefi
slioulder: cai tie name brand ou both hips, uiarh
under blope both ears and dewlap.
Cliapin, H.f Hard man. Or. Hi.rses branded
" on right hip. ( 'at Lie bruuded the (iaine.
Cnins. 8 L, Dayville, (ir ( 'atile branded -f- two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed 7, on left atiHe. Aluo have the following
orands on cattle: 72 on iett top, 7 on right, hip,
it on left shoulder, two parallel bars on ldfi
-.boulder, fc-ar marks, two crops.
Uoonan. W m., ITeppner, Or. ITurses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat.
tie same on lefi hip.
Douglass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, It Lun
right side, bWu low -fork iu each ear; horses, li I)
m left hiu.
Uouglaa, O. T., Donglafl, Or-Htes TD on
the 1 lght btifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. K, John Day, Or. Quarter circle
on right shoulder, bolUou horses and cattle,
llange (jrant county.
Driskell, W. L., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of u ou left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of ueck.
iiy, J. B. A Sons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed b-L on left shoulder, cuttle ssme on let'l
tlio. hole ir rittht ear.
Kllioti, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right bhoulder.
Meek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 71"
connected oi right shoulder: cattle same on
right hip Kar mark, hole in right and crop
on 1 en,
Florence, L. A. , Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; uurseb r with bar under ou right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses. V on
rigtit shot lde ; cattle, b' on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. UA on left
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Ur. Horses, anchor B on left shoulder; vent,
same on left BtinV. Cattle, same on both lip
ear marks, crop off rigtit ear and underhit in tell,
Kange iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Klmer, Echo, Or. Hordes branded H,
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Kange in Morrow and UmatilUconnties.
Giltwater. J . C. Prairie City. Or. On horses,
O ) on left shuuld.-r and stitie; cattle, 011 right
side. Kange in Grant county.
Hams. James. Hurdman Or. Horses shade.)
2 on lef shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Uange
111 aid h bo lit MHidroan.
Hajes. t.eo.. Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circl" ovtr it, on iei t shoulder.
Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. ( attle. round-top
with quarter circle ui:der it on the right hip.
Kaune in .Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hinton A Jeiikt, Hamilton. Or Cai tie, two bars
on either up; croo m ngiit ear aiid wpnt m eft,
Horses, J on nglu thigh. Kange in Grunt county.
Hughes. Bamuel, Wagner, Or-"T" (T F L
connected) 011 right ihotilderou httroes; on cuttle,
i ou right nip ai d on h f t side. rilow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Uange in Huystack
distiici. Morr. w county.
Hale. Miilon, Wsgne . Or. Horses hranded
-(.)- I ircle won I'aial.el tai s on left shot, der
1 1 ti le same un left hip ; ah o laige circle 00 left
Hall. Edwin, John Pay,Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses suuie on right shoulder, range in
orani county.
HowHrd, J L, alloway. Or. Hores. cress
wit'i bar abt ve ii) on right slmuluer; it e
Miie on le.tside. Kange in Mono v. uud Uma
tilla countie!.
Hughes. Mat. Heppner. Or. Horses, shled
heart on the left shoulder, ltange Morrow Co.
HunsaLer, B . Wagner. Or. Hitrses.y on left
shoulder, ch Ue. 9 on left hi: .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH
comi' cied. on left shoulder; t attle ou the left
hip, crop off left ear,
HumphruvH, j ill. iiardman. Or. lionet, H on
(ef tiHjik
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridg, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ol left shoulder; cattle same on left
flayoe, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
011 left sbouldei cattle, same on right hip.
HuMcli. Luther, fcinln Mile, : r. Horne H on
the lett stiouioerand heart on tne left stifle Cat.
t m- on (nfr hip. Uhhc in Murrt.w rontitv. 1
lv, Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle 1 D on
right hip. crop uf! left ear and bit in right, Hmx-s '
same bnuid on left shoulder, hange n Grnt
coo nt v !
Jiuikin. S. M., Heppner, Or. Horfes. hon-e-h(.e
J on left shoulder. Cattle, the wins. ;
tuuiure on r mm .11 ue.
Johnson, telix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on !
left sute; cattle, tame on right hip, nader half 1
erop in rusht and split in lait eax I
J-nklns, D W.,Mt Vfmon.Or J on hnrBMoa
left shoulder; on cattle, i on left hip and two
emooih crops on bo Lb. ears. Kange in Fox and
Bear vail i h
henuy, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brandix)
KNY on left hip cattle samo and crop off left
ear: under slot nri the right
Kirk., J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses ri9 on left
shoulder; cat t le, W on left hip.
Kirn. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. I? on either
Hunk: cat He 11 on right side.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or.: horse U on left
shoulder; cattle same un light side, underbit on
righi ear.
Kumberland.W.O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lou
catt le on right and left sides, swadow fork in h ft
ear and umier ciop in right ear. Horses sams
brand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant countv.
Keeney. Kli. Hennner. Or.-Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stitie. Kange in Umatilla
aud A orrow counties
Lesley. M C. Mounrafnt. Or AtrianeleVjmith
all I liter, extending pa t tody of ligtireoii Ihor
rion on left shoulder, ou cattle diamond ou left
honitier. split iu rign a . u. it i" left ear
Kange ru (irHut couutj and tu ; arts of Johu Day
lii uhey.J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L
nd A on left Hlioulder; call le -ame on ielt hip;
wnttii- 'ver nght ey three slue in right ear.
Loften, Stepneu, loA.Or. ft Lou tefL hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Uange Grant
ijifuallen, John WI, L - Or. Horses
Ixiiuded Imil-t ncle J L connected on lett hIioUjU
dt-r. ( aitjf. sain, on lei lap. Kange, near Lex
ir oil.
T.ord. GeorgH, Heppner. Or.-Horses liranded
double 11 coi neci4 Munetiuies called a
suing li. on let) shoulder.
.Miixweil, M.B , Gooseberry. Or. Ho-ses brand
ed luiig liiikonleft shi'iilder; cattle, same on
lef hi. Eur mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oseur, Heppner nr. Cattle, M D on
riirhi hip; horse. i on left shoulder,
.Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner. Or. Horses. M )
on ieti i-hoii' cattle saute on left hip,
McCumber, Jaa A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
ttar over on right shoulder.
LViitnn, B. it , Lena, r. Horses old mares ZZ
i ri'ht hip; young sUck, small B2 on left
iM organ, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
1 ou lufl nhomder and left thitdi; cattle. L on
rigid thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou right
tup; catiie. 77 ou right side.
.ncClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
frigure Attn each shonidtT, cattle. Ma on hin
iMcKera.W.J. Mount Veru0u.Ur XI ou cattle
oo right hip, crop in right ear. half crop iu left
tame brand ou horst s on left hi, . Kauge. in Grant
McCur y, David II., Echo.Or. Bon-es branded
Du connected, ou the leit shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
McGur, Fra..k. Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each car; horses Kame brand 011 Inft Htilt.
iMclialey, G. V., Haunltou, Or. Ou Horses, S
with liiill circle under on left shoulder; on ('attle,
four hurs connected on top on the right aide
Kange m Grunl County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Hoc k, Or. Horses A N con
nected ou left shoulder; cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, E., hilveriou. Or. Horses, circle 7 ou
left thigt ; cai tie. same on left hin.
Oliver, JosHph, Canjon City, Or. A 8 on cattle
on left tup; on horses, same on left thigh, Kange
tn Giant county
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Ptaiiio City, Or. On cattle, O
LP conueeted on left hip; horses on left stifle
und wunie on nose. Kange iu Grant county.
Pearwm, Uluve, Eight Mile, Or. Borsea, quar
ter circle shielo on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cuttle, fork in lef ear, right cropped, iW
ou left hip. Kangr on Eight Mile.
Parker A G leason. Hardmau.Or.HorBes IP on
1' li shoulder.
Piper, En e t, Lexington, Or. Hor es brand-e-
E (L E cuiiiiuu edj o ielt t-hoader; cat tin
r- me ou iigutiiip. Kunge, Aiori'uw couuiy,
1 iier, J. U., Lexington, Or. Uoitwo, J fc con
necied o. left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip,
under In in each ear.
Putberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand,
edwuha Kouiai crowa un left Bhoulder; cattle
branded with liomau cross, bar at bottom, on
lett hip.
Pettis, A. C, lone, Or,; horaes diamond P on
bhoulder; cuttle, J n J connected, 011 the
left hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the
Powell, donn T., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con.
uec ed un left shoulder, (fettle OK couuected on
lett hip, two under half orops, on on each ear,
wattle under throat. Kui goiu Grantcounty.
Kickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.--F V on left
fhouider, on horsea only, K.mge Canyon creek
and iieur valley, (irant couuty.
ltood. Andrew, llardmau. Or. Horses, square
ci-w with quarter-circle over iton left stitie.
Bellinger, Chris, Heppuer, Or. Horaes, J it on
lell sliottldei.
Uice, Dun, Hardman, Or.; hurBes, three panel
worm fence on leit slioulder; ca'lle, DAN on
right shoulder. Bauge near Hurdman.
Buiiio, Wm. Long Creek, Or.-Brands horses
U 01 right shoulder, Kange Graut and Morrow
Home, Aarou, Heouner. Or Hcraes. dIhiii V nn
ielt Mhouider; cuttle, same braud reversed oo
ru-lit hip uud crop oil right ear. Uange in Alor
row county.
Kilhli iiros., Heppner. Or. Horses bran dud 5
on the righi bhoui.ier; cattle, IX on the b-N tup
crop oil lett eur and dewlap on ueck. Bi ngd it
iti orrow an'i adjoining counties.
Bust, Vil.ium, Penuletou, Or. Horses K ob
left shouluer; cattle, It on left hip, crop off
right ear, underbit on left ear. ttheep. ft on
weailierc, louud crop off righ ear. Kange U ma
lum and Monowc mnlies.
laaiiey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorBei
lira tided A K on right shoulder, vent quarto!
circle over brand; cattle sume ou right hip,
ilioigo Morrow county.
lloyse, Wm. ii. Liairyville, Or Hit connected
with quarter cin-le over top 011 cattle ou right hip
and crop oil right ear aud spin in left. Horsot
sumo brand on loft shoulder. Kange in Morrow,
in ant unit Gilliam counties.
Kilter. J E, Kilter, Ur Three parallel ban
with bar over on horses on left (up; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat.
l. angn in lUiddle Fork of John Day.
Ueclor.J. W., lluppuer, Or. Horses. JO ot
left shoulder. Cai tie, o ou right hip.
Spicknnll, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded al ou ielt sh .ulder; tange in Morrow
opruj, J. F., Heppner, Or. -Horses branded fcl
connected O: right shoulder: cattle same ou both
hailing, C C Heppner, Or Homes branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same ou left hip.
bwaggan, B. F., Lexington. Or.-Horses 3
with dush under it ou left stitie cattle H with
oash unoer it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waudted ou right hind leg. Bauge iu Morrow,
Giiliumand umutulu counties.
hwaggarl. A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brand 1 I
on lell hhoulder;cei tie same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wultie on left hind leg.
titraighi W. E., Heppuer, Or. Horses shaded
J ta ou lei stitie; cuttle J ti ou left hip, swallow
fork in righ ear, underbit in left.
ftapp. i iius., Huppuer, Or. ilorses, 8 A P on
left nip; uatu Mtuie on left hip.
Mititz. James, Long t nek. Or. Horses. S on
leit slide aud over i on left shoulder.
bhner.John, F(ji, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; came, same on right hip
crop t.tt righi ear and uuder bit in left ear. Uange
in Grant couuiy.
biuith Bios , Busmiville, Or. Horses, branded
H. It. o isUoiuder; cait.e, ame on left ahoulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
jyott left siiouuler; oatile the same, also nose
wuudle. Kunge in Morrow und Gilliam co utiss.
blephena. V. A., liurdmau, Or-; horses tin un
right atiHe; cattle h. rizoutal L on the tight side
oieveusou. Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or, Cattle, H
ou right tu. ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
lett siiouid : cattle, 44 on left hip.
btone. Ira. Bi-kU-ton, Wash, Bones, keystone
ou iett shoulder.
Bmitn, E. Lone Hock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seveu on left shoulder; oatUe same on
leftside. Kauge, Gilliam county.
Hporry.E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
lett hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder,
Ihuuipsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses. Z tn
tett shouiu. r; cattle, i ou left shoulder.
Tippeu.b.T.,tn.erprii,Or. Uorsee. C-on left
Turner K. W., Heppuer, Or. Small capital T
leit shouidei. horses; cattle same on left hip
wuh split iu both ears.
ih.rnton, H. AL, loue, Or.-Horses branded
U 1 connected on left stitie; sheen same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or Horses HV con
uected on right shoulder ;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. I.
on the lett shou.de.-; cattle same on tight hip.
crop utt ltft ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Q., balem or Heppner, Or.
Burses branded Jtj on the left thooider. lUutge
Morrow county,
W urroQ, W B. ( feleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear,
BHe. same bra-id on left shouider. Kange 11
Grunt couuty.
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or-Hearton horses on
left st ihe; on cattle. 2on left side anil under bit
in Mi ear. Kauge in Uraut county.
W right, biias A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 VV ou the right hip. square crop utt right eax
and spl.t tn leit.
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Squarson
cattle on the left hip, upper Blupe in he left
ear and under elope in right ear. game braud
on honwii on right shoulder. Kange in Harney
anil Grant countv.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses bianded
ace ot pau on le.t shoulder uud left hip.
I aitle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wells. A. 8., Heppuer, Or.-Horsea, ,e on left
shoulder: can e name.
VV othnger, John, John Day City. Or On homes
three parul.Bl uar n left shoulder; 7 ou sheep,
bn in both ears. Kange in Grant and Madiuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses. UP
connect on left shoulder.
VS atkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UE coiinectet on lef t stitie.
W allace, Charlea, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
righi ihigh.hui. in left ear; horses, W on nht
sliotiluer. Mini, same on lef t shoulder.
W turner Bros., Drewsy, Harney county. Or. -Hort-HS
tinuidwl W B. itmnfctetl on left huuldr
Williams. Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle over threv liars oe h-ft hip, both cattle and
h'-'ie. Kange Grant county.
V ilhanis. J O. Long ( reek. Or Horses, quar
Ur eirdf over three bars on lafl hip; cattte .(tin
Rnii asiit hi MH-h -ir ttangH in (irHut (onnty.
VVii-ii, A. A., eppner. Ur. Borses niuuing AA
on siioltlder; Cattie. same or nght hit.
jl'iung. J. S,, (im.-lsrr). Or. Hrn hmr.(f
T - -. .t,.M,n.B.
Y"iirir, W. A .. (ToosMberry. Or. Howe brand
IX X (doob e X cot necirt) on isft shoailsc
auk sams on IWi aid.