Give your buainess to Heppuer people and therefore asuist to build up Uepjt ner. Patronize those who palronizt you. Notwithstanding that one of our worthy mbtcribers insists that after Cleveland is Beated the U..zette will lie fiee. we will conliuue at tLt same old pike, fur time, at leait. D. S. CabkwaT u anasted at Wb jl.glou IbbI week tor MteinptiDK to pus. a check f( r $100 tor which be hud turned the iudorBUneut of Jas. O. blame. He was an tx-cleik ol the pensiou oflioe. Tbe New York Suu says the twenty third presideut ot the United Stales will go out of ffice d the 1 b of next March. tiavinK earned tbe respect audsiuoere ee teem ot bis fellow countrj men, democrats as well ue republicans. Gekbhal Weaver says the peoplt' party bus come to atay. He neiileots to explaiu whether it will atay fur the pur pose of raking democratic oheslnuls 0111 of the fire or not. That has been its prin cipal occupation up to date. Bpokaue Keview. Bincb 18G4 New York Btate has alter nately given ilseleotoral votetorepublio an and democratic candidates. Here li the list : 1864. Liuooln; 1808. Heymour; 1872. Grant; 1870, Tilde..; 1880 Oa.nVId; 1884, Cleveland; 1888. Harrison; 1892. Cleveland. All the Carnegie strikers, exoept the members of the amalgam ted association, have returned to their old places. When a decision wae reached there was a gen eral rueb tor posilious, and many wer. turned away ou acooiiut of there not bi- iug pluoes enough to go around. Tb E. O. has goi it down so fine thf it bus figured out the actual federal tax, tiou per capita. The edit or of the E. O. may be able to "figure' hoy, ai d may do a fair job of guessing en most matters. There is a debit a- well as a credit to this 'rederul" taxation which the K O. has neglected tu guess at. rntsiDUNT Loueks, of the farmers' alii anoe, has breu re-elected. 0. W. Mo Cune, editur of the Eaoiiomist, has with drawn from it, Hinoe they refused toeleol him president. Loueks is a third part; man, and the alliance will go that waj hereafler. McCuue wauted it fur the dem ocracy, hut liis election wonld have rent the nllliuioc from stern to stem. A IiiiBBL flag was thrown to the lire, z in Union, Or-, during the riititicuiion meeting recently, at n oertniii resident in the southern part nftheoity. The party, no doubt, considered this an a(i prupriate manner of oelebraling a demo cratic victory, especially the eli 0! ion ol Cleveland, who endeavored to return tin rebel flags captured in war This iBcqual to fl muting the "bloody shirt." Kansas is now a "wet state," the re oeut election having hud the effect ol praolioally nullifying the state pro. ihi- tion law. In the laud of sunflowers and cjoloues the Ihl.sty i-il is-u may now quaff the foaming lager aud gulp the flery spirits witl out u prescription, while the festive oowboy may fill np ou )ello whisky aud shoot at telegraph poles all day without iutorrupiinu. Verily, the luudslide fractured everyihing in reaoh. KnowledusoI the II. cts of alcohol np on the him inn system la growing every where. Scientilic investigation brings out new truths that may have a lendeuo to cheek the abuse, if not the use, of in toxicants. Jn one ot the great Pari-, bos Ditals. out i f 83 patients who anffureil from epilepsy, CO were foujd to be the children of d.uuken patents. Iti Peiaia the leuipursnoe cause has been wonder fully advanetd since it is kunwu thai there is no hope for I lie steady dnuke when attacked by cholera. Lack of oonfidenoe in the policy ol tin incoming admiiiistratiou has led wool buera to stop all advances, bh)S a relia ble exchange. A free wool bill will d.. tin the West in short order. The farmers will have no herds to use their bay and the tradesmen no customers to buy off their shelves aud oouutera. Even lu tin Eastern B;iites neurly every t.rrner owns a few eheep, and they, too, will (eel the effects of Buch legislation. Iiut since it is decreed, let 'er ootnt. The American people may learn a good lesson, and uow ia a convenient time to oommeuoe teach lug them. Dm. GiioHuB L. Miller, the veteran democratic editor of Omaha, was asked recently about his oonucoiiou with the reported deBl by which Utah, Wyoming and Idaho bad been swung iulolhedeiu ocrutic comnm. Tbe lr. was not in Oliued to talk, but finally ad untied thai the promise ot a statehood may have hail aomethiiig to do with the result in Uiali In former years, when lr. Miller was in charge of Weston democratic politics, frequent attempts were made tu enlist tin support of the Mormon church iu aid t dcuioiratic, but the tune had not then armed. The consummation ot tlx recent trade, by which the Moiiuons were prt-Iiiised statehood for Utah in ixi-hange for their euppoit, is Bind by a close poll! leal friend ot Dr. Miller to have been brought about through thu duotot's Torts. IP TUB idea ol liee silver is Oorreot, (hen the greenback theory is better than any money of metal. If the government can make C-5 cents worth of Bllver pass as a dollar, theu it can also make a pieoe ol paper, wurth nu infinitesimal part ol one cent, fulfill theeame unssiuu. And, too, it will not be euiii tiipg oi e class, the ailver mine owners, at the expense of tbe people at large, aud more particularly, tbe consumers. The Osteite thinks, however, that in rqually times the gold would make us feel more late. It is, iu fuct, a question (hat must be settled by international intervention. Our United Btates canuit become a dumping groiiu.l for the silver mines of the world, but if 11 dull it Can be made possible, Louk at Mexico's rattlesnake dollar, tbe stand ard down there, and see what ou think of it. Much would he the fate of onr ;lnllar of 412J-J grains if free coinage .f silver is to be enacted, because that means, eventually, a silver standard. A bi metalio standard can not be made by America aioue. Harnit City, instead of Burns, has gotten away with tbe county seat fl .lit or-r in Hirney c unty. The d ci-inn of the supre e court gave it to Harney City bv two Votes. (Since this was put in type, the decision was reversed and Burns has it by six votes. Funny pro ceediug ) Nathan Pikkcb, the fusion elector of Oregon, is doubtieSB, elected . Acontest will probably follow, not that it will make the least bit of difference whether he is an elector or not, but to eetlle tbi question as to whether or not a candi date's name shall he printed tw ice on the same ballut. "America for Americans" will lend to better uaturalizaiiou laws and an educa. tional qualification for the voter. We do not believe iu closing up our ports en tirely against the to.eigner, but uuless he is of the sort ot stuff that makes a good cit Zen, be should not be allowed to laud, muob less become a citizen. There is some talk that a skirmish foi oasu id have to be made by the govern ment tu meet demands. This shortage was brought ou by au unexpected de crease iu importations since election, it is probable, however, that this is oul) for a short season. Secretary Foster seems to be satisfied that uo shortage will oc cur. In Friday's isi-ue ot the Oregonian appears a telegram stating that it was probable that Ueu. W. 8 R.seorais would be seleoted as Mr. Ch velaud's secretary of war. The next d y the readers ot that journal are apprised that he iu very p or bedili. and that paralysis is imminent. It would seem that under ihe oircumstanoes, (Jeu. Ruseoinns woulu hardly be fitted for that position. Col. Cockkhiul s.iys thut many peo pie voted the democratic tiiket on the riih inst. "in much Ilia same Bpirit which actuates the sra .11 boy when he throws stones through the windows of a vacani house, just for the f mi of hearing tin glass rattle and to inflict injury ou Bonn one better ofT himself." It was to much likekuocking down tbe w hole gliisr factorv to suit the writer. Unlkhb this session of congress forces a called session after the inauguration, .YI-uch 4! h, the Mr-Ivinley laws will re main in fui foioe, at best two reun ion .jer. Come to Bud oul, I be bo) s thins that tbe Melvmley laws are not bo bad. and that u maiter of year or an won'i make any diflVrcnoe. Those people who are depending ou immediate tariff re ductions, and who are not importing much now, are ooinnieneiug a little earl) . Though the couutiy has demanded s "revenue tariff," it will be a long lino ao.uiiuo. riiKsiBENT IJaiiihsow ni.d Gov. Pen any er have decided Hint Ihe 21ii inai shall be "'thanksgiving day," and the E. 0. adds that "it is an useless, foolish cus torn." Might as well say that the dull, -.implications of our old mothers were "an useless, foolish custom." It matters not now ir.everent one might get to be, then are few who would nut defend "mothe.'r religiou." Let tbe people have one da. "f eijoyuieut uud Biippliui.tiou. Thos. shu do not want tu pray can enjoy the Uohdny iu some other way bifiltiiiti ihe occasion. It's the style of Americi- and where IB there a better or a freer country than this? Wholly disqualified in bis opinion to enjoy the privileges . f American ciiiz-n-shin, Ju Ige J. W. IS ibiiisou at Olympia Nov. 18, refused application to 24 foreign era, mostly Italians, not one of whom had ever read or heaid Ihe Constitution of the United States, and when tbe statutory questions were propounded their leade. infoimed him that Ihe applicants could neither read uor write, aud asked the priv ilege ot auting as iutei prefer. Thu jiuVe said bis court could uot ouufer oitiz -u-ship by proxy. Ue could not do bis dmy under his oath to the state and accept such an exaiuiuaiiou as s itisf ictory I" the court, ueitbar did he propo-ie to bs come a party to snob a jiilioiul faroe lie considered the applicants wholly disqualified aud dismissed them. EDITORIAL NOTES. John Hoky, ex-president of the Adam Express Company, is dead. New JmiHKY is about tu re establish the whipping post for wife-beaters. An Indian squa applied for and sc oured a divorce at t'orvallts rvoeutly. Ex-Skcrktahy Ulainb is coufijed I Ins room with a 3old. Ha is subject to bay fever. Mils Lkase, the Kansas people's party advocate, is a candidate fur the United States senate. liiHCBL'D, Ills , was nearly wreoked by a cyclone Friday last. Three people were killed outright. TiiBinau w ho U9 found murdered iu a h x car at Portland last wek prove to be H. L. Johusou, of Colfax. TimWalla Walla Union-Journal is ou our list again, and nclit glad we are to see it, neat aud prosperous as ever. A FIRS at Union, Or., recently, burned 8,0UU woith of law books for J. W.Sh.1 ton. Tbe building ai uearly destroyed Clkveland talks hack to T-iminiuiy in terms uot to be mistaken As he was elected without New York, be owes Ill-it organization uothiug, aud ys s . Another crank who putS2 00i)in au old sock aud bid It iu Ills g-trret m.tetd of pulling it iu the ba -k, turned np at Portland last week. Ue has money aud more eipeneme than before. Tub Portland Telegram make) Ibis, remark : ''Clevelend is a JefiVraonian in principle, and believes in th doctrine of tin iff for revenue only." Jefferson be lieved in protection of American indus tries, white getting revenue, and wan one of the earliest advocates of that princi ple. It is acknowledged th it the school question beat the republican party in Wisuonsin and Illinois. If ibis, the maintenance of the supreme right of a I state to assert full authority on matters of education, cost all that is claimed, the votes were well lost. Principle is beyond mere autocratic "an thing to rule," and the people will see i, too. THAT LAND HLIDE. More Formidable Affair Than Is Generally hap posed. From the OreRonian. The lan.l-lnle on Ihe line of the Union Pacific at Reed's ranch, four miles wes of Bonneville ia a muob more serious matter than was at first snpiosed. The movir g earth extends about a mile back from the road, np a canyon, and Ihe u hole slope for that distance aupears to hsve separated from the bed rock and to he sliding toward tbe rivei. Down this canyon comes a stream of mad, bowl ders, trees, eto , about 300 feet in width which has poured aoross Ihe track and completely ruined Mr. Reed's farm, cov ering 40 or 50 acres, and carrying away bis barn and other outbuildings, bay. stscks, etc, which nre pushed along by the slide and partially buried under it. If the ground stops slidiug the track will be clear this evening, as a large to roe of men are at work, bill it is improbable that the sliding will cease, and quite cer tain that as soon as a heavy rain comes a great deal more dehris will come down. There are many aciee ready to move, Mr P.eed and some of the railroad men have explored the slide as well aa possi ble, but it is very dangerous work, as bouldera come down unexpectedly, and the whole mass is liable to move at any time. Tbe company transfer passengers dud mails by boat beteeD Ta lor's laud ing and Bouneville, so very little delay is oaused, but when the road will be open for traffic is what no oue can tell. Ihe elide is a paralizsr to all concern ed. Even if a rond is built around it on a trial le, it iB feared that the avalanche will come down and Bweep away tbe tres tle, ine orhciaie or the company are trying to devise some scheme to oircum vent tbe elide, but it is such a huge uff.iii that no one knows bow to handle it. All tormer slideB up the gorge of tbe Colnm hia have beeu tame Llfaiis compared to this, CUL'NlllLi SI r.egtilur session of council last nigh' called to order by Major Matlock. All I'oiiucilmeu present. Minutts of last -ueeling rear! aud approved. Bills allowed : Gazette, S2; A A R di erts, SI33 32; J. H. Stlion. $1; Wra. (lor duo, 85; Oiegouian, $7.5iJ; Hee Driakell, (54; Con Haley, 81 25; Chna B.irobere, 13 7..; W.H Pope, 86 25; J. W Rasmus, 6.i; Al. K. Driakell 814; D A. Hamilton, 8DH75; Ki.k & lira-nine, $105; Gilliam AUiahee. $2341; A. M. Slocum, $17.04; Hismaik, 6; J W. Cowins, $12. Petition of J.N. Br .wn et al., referred lo committee on streets uud public prop erly. Petition of C. A Iibea et al , for uigbl w itch, laid ou the (aide. Petition ot T. J Matlock et al., for electric light on Mam and Center streets, passed by tie, FarnBWorth, Morgan and i'alterson (or it. and Gilliam, Licbtenlhal and Gnrrigues against. Mayor Matlock decided in favor of the affirmative, aud ihii carried the additional light. Counod then adj nimed. SOUK KAULK1U Kroin the Long Creek Paper. Win. Rush is over from Heppnpr this r ek. Ho informs the Esitle that tbe election pusaed ill quietly in Morrow county. Wm. Bnronm ami Diok Murphy re 'urned from the Black Unite mines 1'ues lay. having completed assessment work ou "No Man's" claim. A report lias reached Klaraath Falls, of the death of l'eler Fr- nch, cattle kinu o Oreiion, at rt iu mountuiu. Hisrnnob iu Harney valley ia seventy miles Ion and ilnrty-tive wide, wurth a million aud a half. The Orant County Newa says: "the ljo.i Creek stait consisting of au old pluit with a mail sack lashed to his buck ran away Saturday eveuintr npnn ar riviuir at Ihe postoflioe. No damage d-'iiri." As the public niiuhl oouceive a wrong idea of the Nes' article, it might he well that it he infnrm.d lhat Ibeslane in questiou carries the mall from Cauyun City to Monument. CAltl) Of THANKS. I wish to express my gratification and thanks to the people of lleppner for their generous entertainment of Ihe work thai represent. The large, attentive atnli euee on Monday evening, ihe genetons iiolieoiiou of $1825, and Ihe further pro vision for the of a native preach r at $."( a year, are occasions of grali tude lo these kind friends and to O-.d. L. Ella Millkk. Thosk Ri..nkkts f ureliaaera are find uig great hai gam in those single ami double bh.nkeis thai Fell Bros, are offer nig at such low tigiues, lor they rind ibein n. iiher aboihly nor pari cotton. Inn whal we say all wool. Whv the) sell them so chenp is easily explained iney give tbe purchaser a bargain when they get oue. Tue blankets sell them- selves. 642 it A Nkw Nbiuhbob. Geo. V. Lord has niove.l into tbe former art gal lerv over Messrs. iirown A Hamilton's otlie-e, and has titled up for architecture ork. He la prepared to i-mitract for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise construction, and purchase material foi the same, ti'Ving his customers Ihe ben edt ot his experieuoe and percentage. 532 Xt- Koran Iiamonu Cioabr. Witbont an equal, and for Jtara the leading saloon cigar, will be sold at Man Fran Cisco wholesale prices, by lots of HKI or S.tKjO at J. (John's. 80 U I t AKNKKK-Smir'. stork and fiitniva rani I bi isl iie-ss : eMrilillKheil to the inlttiit of a ' V.Hal lannli'K Hial ttiK-k-rslnlng eoiiiitry- AIo for s ifraal house siul two lou ullh or ' w ilhont the IniKliieM eroiK-rtv Kor lurtlier In. I oiuiauuu sUurvw Osivus, Ueppuer, Or. 4Mtfl It Til site GOOCL One reason why Soft's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and I lypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Scott's EmuUi'iu cures Coughs, Colds, Conoumpt on, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevonts wasting in children. Alnio t as palatable aa milk. Get only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott A Bowne, Chemists, New Sort. Sold by all Druggists. TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK STAGE LI2ST1C iTIEMvSOX, Prop. Leaves Hppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes onnneetinn with the weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both Passengers -:- 643-ttaw NLOCOM-JOHNS fOS X NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Tbe titndebaker wagon beads them all. For sale at Oilltam A Bisbee's. a Look out for Fell Bro'ssale of rem uauta bargaius iu every thing. a Why nu huugry when the City bntel furnishes you a good meal at living rates. a "Hardware" did yon eayf Why, e at P. 0. Thorn psou tc Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a Call on Rip to do yonr wood sawing; same old price. Also delivers woud to any part of Heppuer. hee ad. a For cash yon oan get more at the East ern Clothing honse, with Levi ou deck, than any other place in Heppuer. a The Palnoe is the leading hotel in the city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for ev--rvone. a Smith, the furniture man. ia prepared to sell fine goods at low figures. Full line of undertaking goods ou hands, a M. Licbtenlhal & Co. have a fine lot of winter wear, including ladies' winter shoes, overshoes, rubjer boots, eto. Drop in. a Bore, the je-veler, is tbr nan to fix up your watch or clock. e keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a Don't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., the leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest druga and the fiueet toilet articles always on hand. a Tbe Bnehi-r beer, 5 cents per glass, at 'he Columbia Beer Hall, darners & Hughes, i next door to M. Lioh tentbnl & Co.'s shoe store. a Tbe M. L. & T. Co , since tbey have roofed all their platforms, have an im mense storage rapacity. This com pa u uow deals in gram, lumber and wood, a Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the meal market they have al ays endeavor ed to keep on band Ihe freshest and choicest meats, sausages and bologuaa. a What will perseverance, pluck aud en terpris avail in this wild west, if you cannot get big bargains? However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.' emporum. i Thompson & Binnsown the buss which goes lo and from Ike Citv hotel, but w ill call for parties desiring to go to train iu any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Gilliam & Bishee, tbe bnrdvare and tinware merchants, carry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agricul tural implements. Don't you need a plow tuiB fallr a Dou't overlook Kirk & Rasmus for bargains. They have pnrchased I he bus iness of J. W. Matlock & Co. but will soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site tbe Palace hotel. a Dr Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure rijspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold nnder a positive guarantee to effect a on re or money refunded. See ad in this issue. a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin k Mi Far laud, has lately changed bauds, uow be ing under the control and management of The McFarlaiid Mercantile Corupanv. which continues business at the old stand with a larger stock than ever. $& KttWAIlD. This amount will be paid for the re coverv of a chestnut sorrel mare, branded a diamond L on light hip and I 8 nn left should' r; has a wire Out on one front font; ins-veil years old, weighs 900 to 1000 pounds, star iu forehead, whi e strip in the face. The above reward ill he paid for ber delivery to me at Alu Thompson's rauch. J. 8KPH Dl'BOIS, 541 tf. Heppur, Or. OunrantcfNl to cure Dillons Attackiend CoustipuiHou, Sincul line uv-an. to KKWAKt). Lost nr stolen, one hay horse fonr years old, branded cross ( ) wilb bar above it on right shoulder Had white face I will yive Ihe above reward for his rttun to J L. Howard's ranch on Little Butter Creek, or for information lendms to his recovery. I L Howard. 638 sw Uallowav, Ore. TO THE POINT. My creditors are after me for money which I cannot pay nnlees tl oee w ho owe me come to the front. This shall expect everyone to do witbont further delay. I need money and must have it fVW sw D. W. Horner. P. S. I'm in dead earnest nn this mat ter Those who thi" k that I sm fooling, will fiud out theirmistake. D W.H. To CousuxuptiveM. The undrrtltrned hsvlnr been restored to neslth by sln.nle mesns, after intfertng for ev f rsl yenrt with a aevere h.llir affection, nd that drrait ilUenne rnniumptton. la anxious to make known to Ma fellow antti-rera thenieans of rare lothivp re It, he will rheertully send (fn-e of rhsreel a ronv of the preacrliitlon nel, whlt-tl they will Suit a sure rare for ConBinnp- tlon. AmhaiH. I'HUrrh Rmni'hll la and all.hptuf and hour nialailtra. He li. inert ll antt'rreri will try hia remedy, aa It U iavAltiatile. Th.wedeBtr Ina the prei.-rlptlnn. a htetl w'll ca-at them nolh tn. and may prove a htraalinr. lll pleaae ad dress. Kkv. Fi'asi A. VVii.som. l-iw Brvoxlja. New York. Scott's Emulsion and Saturdays. Leaves Line Rock on and -:- Freight. DRUG 00.. Asrents. Heppnei. Or. OFFICE DIssULl'lIOM O' CuPUK.NEttsHlP. Notioe is hereby given that tbe part nership existing between Arthur Coffin and Fiank MeFarland. under the firo, name of C ffio & M.-Farland. was die solved February 1, 1892, by mutual oou sent, Artnur Coffin retaining tbe Arling ton business, collecting all scoonuta diu snd paving all liabilities of same, ano r rank Mcr arland retaining tbe Heppnei business, collet-ring all nocoauts due and paving all liabilities of same Abthcr ClTFlH. Jkank McFakland R-ferring to tbe above, Frank McFa'. land, H 'tuer McF. rla.d and Emil C vornz nave iormed a co partneiahip nn der the firm name of McFarland Mercan tile Company, rotrmencing business September 1st. 3892. to be incorporated The new Aim will continue iu the gen eral merchandising business at the Name location, National Bank building, lowet iuniii ot., rJeppner. Uregon. Fbank McFakland, How tK VcKaklanJ, 642 548-w J mil P. Voai z. NOTICE 10 G. A. E. Notioe lo hereby given to all members of Rawlins Post No. 31, O. A. R , and ibose intending to become mernheis, thai there will be a meeting of this post at Heppuer ou Nov 2n, 181)2. All invited. pa ticularly those who are soldiers, but uot members of any post. Bi order of Geo. W. Smith, C. 0. Boon. Adjutant. EF"Tlie W R C. will hold a meeting at Ih.- Odd fellows hall, r-aturday. Nov. "6.1 p m , the same day that tbe G A. tv. meets, to take in new members. 43 tf. By order of the W. R. C U. A. It. NO I H E. Tbe members of R.wlius Post No. 81, G. A. R. are requested to be in attend ance at the u eeliug of tbe Post on th. last Sal.nday iu December, D-Cemlei ol,ut Lexington, at which time Ihe eleo lion of nflioers for tbe ensuing oc curs. 1'iease bear Ibis in mind, and make your arrangements to be with n. Vl-tl U. W. Sniiiu, Com Stbaied. A lonr-year-old, brand ed H f ou tbe ribs on right side; also same brand ou right hip and on right atirje; big split iu tight ear. Any lnlor illation leading to reOovery of same will be cheerfully rewarded In Bob Dexter, B38-8W Heppuer, Or. Ad Apprehensive subject Means of a Prehensile Tail The Monkey is Xot Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Xot Afraid because our Tide is a Good One. is No Tile of Voe! WE 'JELL OF - Spleu lid Goods, Fair treatment j satisfaction lo custom ers, and of reasonable prices aud good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale witbont end, bee .use it ia a tale tbat will hold A pleasure to show goods. Noecial iuduceineuls to Cash timers. Call at Az ConmreliEnsivB Survey TO PEOPLE OF HEPPNER And Surrounding Country,: -: i We are 0oni . I'ed to announce that onr entire stock of- Clothing-, -A- Ifrii'iiishiiig Goods, -ga iiat.s, c-ps. boots, shoes, i- rrauks, V.dises, and also a full line of Ladies' Onods. snoh aa Dress Goods, Furn ishings, Fanoy Goods and potions of all kiuds 3o. Within the Next 30 Days.3o, Vt prices never heard of b- f-re in tbe history of merchandising Thanking yon for past patronage, we would like to see you oome aud Get the Benefit of Our- 6iiOSiiG : AT THE EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE, N. LEVI UO BISON, Proprietor, HEPPNER, - OREGON jiBCAB. TICKS" -LICE THE V O R inWh OZj P,h luiWinn luillnn llinn l imn I loii'iiuuii mm tiittii mm DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL N e3e InclorHements. s Cooper Pip ie used and endorsed hy the followtntr iireiron and MontAna iheepmen: W. B. Donaldson. Puvville; W. . Lee, Junction cltv; John Harrison, Matney; Geo. Oclig, Amanda; Kenneth Meltae, ImyviUe; loe "liver, John Pay; J, W. Bvers, New Lisbon; p. .1. Mouie, Bcreall; Cook A Clark, I'hill.ronk: Kiiiri-liild Jc MeCraiir, liuptiver; K. It. Warren, Utiea; Bmeh Broa., lwiton: E. P. Chandler, Maiden; J, Hirei-hheri!, Choteau; I). 8. Hauling!, UUet; Jamel di, Dlilou; W. Norton Stewart; A. Downie. Biir Sundy. n ' o t it 1 1 vi iuh ui Ash Your Merchant for Oen. Apr fo" Oregon Va'shlnRton'w HERE IS THE PJLA.CE To C4et Even on Your Life. JUST OPENED A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GL.SSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Black-miths' Supplies. Iron. Steel and Coal, Pump, and Pipe, tanks. Batht.ihs and Sink., Pliimhiuit M-.terihls. Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. THE CEIFBMFD Odd Fellows' building Msiu St., DAN OSMEK.1. Columbia Beer Hall! "AT EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory on Main w;,Jn H? nr li"ml a Fine Lie of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. li e have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to j S Cents PerGloss, On diaiiylit, fresh Hml C1)(1). L,lich () kilJ(,H Hq to see all llinir ..Id fiieuda and ninny more. OSUKKS & HUGHES. Props. The Heppner Wood Yard. HIP II AS GOT AROUND At last, and has opened up a Wod Yard, from which he will deliver wood, sawed or uusawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts . - ... '',5i no, mree times. Wood sawed and delivered a. 7 0 ercrd. Yard near the deTt. .,-,a. Leave orders at .ilnan it H'.wa'd's RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. JllE Q1TY HOTEL, w, ryms hotklhy hs Rmnm aml REPCNI(1IltD ,hron8hon,t now is one of the moa, ivi,i,,w p1hW9 in Hpppr Mr with him. feeling ,bat he i. M. tn mtHW, y.n j , Qf First Class House. " 'Reasonable Rates. THE Out Sile ! THE- u w iiiuuu, vniiM u Coopers and Take 10 Other. PPOpS. WlH. COOPEIi NEI'DEWS. (Jalvnton. Tfxa. Bain Wiigons, Hacks ani Backboards Yon will save money by getting our prioes before puicbasiDg elsewhere. -: -; .;. .;. -- 534-if HEPPNER. OREGON. MAT HUGHES. I-EKZEH, Irop.