A Prize Picture Puzzle. EXPLANATION, The following picture contains four facet, a man are! his three daughter. Any oM cao find titan's face, but it is nut so easy to distinguish the faces of the three young ladies. The picture was published inaiew newspapers some time ago, and attracted considerable attention to our standard remedies. We now offer a new prize- competition in connection with it. As the sole object is to introduce our medicines into new homes those who emen-d the former competition are requested iwttocouipwe ir this one. As to the reliability of "The Ford Plfl Co.," and the estimation in which their aiedicines are held in Toronto, Canada, vhre they are b-st known, pstrons ana referred to tb dail oovspepon, wuelcsals dtvgisu and leading business booses generally ol lorouto The proprietors of "The Ford PHI Co.,' will g!ve an el-cant pnir of ?h1snrf PonlGft Carriage and HarnOS8? valued at $GOO, (deiiveied h-e in any pr.n f.i i.ie United States, to uteyij?prion who can make out the three daughters' faces. To the sc.snd will be given an elegant Lady'0 Cold Watch, set in sapphire and diamonds. To the third will be given a pair of R'fiune Diamond Ear-rings, to amrik will be Riven & iiamhfime China Dinner service, loiheyMwiiihegnrnn Kodak Camorc- TotiiM.abwiba Wiuaio BOX. 10 the sevtnth, a French MantoJ Clock- To the ei,;kti, on elegit Banquet Lamp. To the ntntk, apairof CrOWII Derby VaMHU To the AaM, a compkLe LtiWn Tennis 8etf and many other pnes in order of merit. i.v ;ry competitor raust cut out the above "Puzzle Fit tare' diitinguish the three girls' fiiceiiLj marl, ins a cross with a lend pencil cn each, and enclose same with 15 U. S. two-neiit smps for ono of the f l'-nvinj "Prize Kemedirs:" -"Ford't Prize IIJ8,M "Fold's Prize Cutnri-h Itcinedy," or 'Ford's Prize Cong hi Cure. Select any one of the a!ove rtnedi.-s yu tl- ire. Aridress 'i'lie Ford rill OoH Cor. Wellington & Hay St,, Toronto, Canai!.. 'lbe per.'.un whose envelopo u postmarked first will be awarded the first prut;, and the others En order of merit. As this adver tisement appears simultaneously throughout the Uni"'d Suite, every one h:is tin equal oppor tunity. To the person sending the hut correct answer wiil be Riven an elegant Up!' 1; lit Concert Grand. Piano, valued at&oOO.OO T'o the Jtvst re"n from the 'spinimij a correct answer will be given a gentleman's fine Ciolrt -Sni)doz " Witt oh v Men strikes the hours and quarter hours on smnlt cathedral gong at pleasure, and vflm d at ty-ifOO.OO To the sreotttf from thcatt, first-class Sufoty It I cycle, pneumatic tire. To the third in m 1:1c tail, a fir it-cluss English Shot" van. To the fourth fiom the, a suite of Parlor Furniture To the fifth from the fast, a handsome Silver Tea Service. To the sixth ftom the fast, an eiegant piano Lamp 1o the sri'ttith from the iast. a handsome pair of Portierea. To the etri.tk from the last, a genuine Enjjlish leather travelling Trunk To the ninth hum the iast, two piccea of geuuine i'reaca Htavuaxy- ana many otoer prizes in orucr 01 merit. spectai, ritrzrs A special prize of a 8111c Dress Pattern (sixteen yaHs, any color), or a first-class fie wing; Machine (any make desired) will be alvcn to the Jint person in enc.h State in the U. S. who can make out the thiee daughters' faces. Ve shall give away BOO valuable prizes besides special prizes, (if there should be so many nendtnp correct answers. ) No charge is made for boxing and packing of prizes. '1 he names of the lending pi? w inners will bt published in connection with our advertisement in leading newspapers nxt month. Kxtra premiums will be given toonly those who are willing to assist in introducing our medicines. Nothing is charred for the pm-s in any way. They are absolutely given away to introduce and advertise Ford's Prize S?emediea," which are stand ard medicines, and will be used in every family for years where they hiive bnn onre introduced. All prices will be awarded strictly in order of merit, and with perleusaiiM'auiun to the public The remedies will he sent by mail, postpaid, and prizes free of duty. A watch ron r.vrrcv cokktot atvstvt.ie. An extra premium of a genuine -FenrlcsH' Wnroh, (rtem winder,) will be awarded to every Eersnn who sends a con eel answer within 30 days after this iidveriiscmirnt appears, in case they should not e fortunate enough to secure one of the larger prizes. '1 hut is, if any one can find the three faces and enclose them within 30 days from the time this advertisement appears in the newspaper, they are guaranteed either one of the leading prices, or an extra premium nf a watch on conditions stated. f(o answer will be notired tli.d does not contain 30 cents fur one ot Ford's Prize He medics. Address THE fr OUD PILL CO, "37," Cor. Wellington & Bay Ms., Toronto, Canada. mm On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Cliioojj'O, St. JLVoitiss, AND AM, HUNTS 1ST. mm P SCliTH. Leaves Ileppner, 8 a. m. Arrives ew p. m, l'lilliiirui Nleener.) Colunlat Sleeper., Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Bttauiera PurlUnd to 8nn Franoisot every four iliiys. Tickets TOA1TD Europe. For rates and general lntormatlou call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HART Ileppner, Oregon. W. H. HVHLBl'RT. Asst (ieni. Van. Agt. 2M Waihingtou l., Portland, Orrooh. Scicntlflo American Agency for Pt-. -r CAVEATS. W?T5 " "jC'oH trade marks, DESICM PATLNT8 for l"formttthm nrd frcn llnndtionk wnto to Jlt'NN A n U,i(itw. V, Ntw York. QMlM litiri'.ui r-i ni't iiiiiw patent in AuiPi'loa, E'ii v ptilciit tiihi'ii out I'v ik tinnitftit U'fmo lh' 1'iiMir li- n notk'U ivt ii fiti; of i-hmtt' in the Scientific wcviqu Iiftr)j:'t oiri'iilritlon of (itiv si'ioutltlc paper In the WurUl. Spli'tidTiUv IIIuhI i licit. No inii lliont BlUll hn:;'..l ll- without it. Wfl'ttlv. ;t.00 I:ii i it inn.ttlift. Ahtn MUNN A 0O Ui ILisitl Lltal. Hriuhlwiu, Ji)W Vurlu QUICK TXTVt U I San Frnnolsoo Aud Bll poiuti, in ( Hhfi i-uin. vin the Mt. bhuiita muni of the Southern Pacific Co, T),0 ttrent hiuhwfiy lhr)UKh I'Hlifurnin to hII point Kst kimI Sculh. tirnnd Bi'eiHo ltoute of the l'mnfiii CiNiflt. rulliuan Ituffot AUdrhod tucxpreHS t mi tin. atlording autMr'or MCoiuoicliatioUi for toroiul-r'aiu tv .ngont. Fur nt, tickptN. liiul car rwerTft'ic up, ate. call npon or Hililrtwa B KOKIll-EK, Manaitir. E. P, riOCKHS, AM all pC ttn. F. fc P. AgU, rorUand, Oregon. run kact? otatk. L U M B E 11 ! 1TB HAVE i"OK SAI.H A 1.1. KIN'DS OF UN tvlint is kntnvLi tin itie SCOTT I :i 'W ;ivl IIjIj. I'liR 1,fH) 1-EHT, KOl'CII, CI.KAK, 10 17 a F DHI.IVKHKD IN MKTTNKIt, WILL AU1' (Ii.uu pur U'WJ fuul, na.liiloiml. L HAMILTON, Prop. I . Am Ilf)llilltll AlAtl'ier OPFICIAIj. It Ih our t'nriifMt do Ire t(i Imprrpg upcm tin mlndH (d 1 1m- public Uh' Hiipt'iiiiiiiy oi tin hit fee (ilk-ted ihf 1m ui.fln t'cii'tml I tin's t sum ii. i n n in hi 1 1 ui n ivn v fi. i tin 1, m iiiiu -tipoMsnnd Diihiih ilnily, t'tpiippfd with 1'ull iiittn 'itilinli'(l Ui n w 1 1 1 1 Kdiiin tSU'cpeiH, U i t 1 1 1 (j I'nrH and t'otii'hi' ot Hit- hiti'ttt dcflgti. lm 1 l -Cnr MTv icf i uiiHiirpusM-d, whtrh nrcoiiuiti. to h grcut (U-gri u lor Hit- popularity nl tins llm Ihe ln'in bin (I'utinl l.iurK. lit' cniiui-ctlo llll NiuttU'l'ii riu-ll;f t(, l., is the only llm fniin I'uritii-1 n,int polntsovor hkh hut It I'nli tiii 1 1 Vi-Htlhnlcil, tiii-i hitM. innl I'lillinnii Ttniv lnt I urn hiv ope ruled la -t. I ttul wll hunt cliaup n. i iv ii in hi iiunis iciivcM, iiiiii, Minn iu v n it'll i;u. FrtiMphh'ts trlviiiff vulitnbe liiformniion ra ho (d)lnlui'd irrc upon iipplifiitlnn to nui' lit'iii est tlt kt Hi'i'iit, or f c I' -no. (teuerul I'usstin g and Ticket Agent, Chicago, 111. TAX SALE. VtvrrrK is iiei:ehy given thay k' virtue of tt mi runt icpiitd bv tile l oniif I'li-rk of Hit t oiii.ly ol Mi. now, Slate of On':o ' iiiifii ine .ill ilnj- oi uctolitT, ami to uie ill rci-lcil. lOiiiii.ainlii K mi' to U-v upon Ihe aooo. u.it I'tialtila ol thf ik'linqiiciit tax imvtTi. an ill hrltl.i'il tn tin' Hhhi'i-hiiitMit rolls of tuilri coulil) mil n sunn tent ).i'iohtil pioju'ity tie tioi Iimiuh lien lllion the teal properiy ot mitit ilellii.iieu ax imytTH. or a., iniieli thereof aa (.hull lie iieee. sitry towatlnly haiil tux. tOKelher utth eoatw an. .iei,biB, an. I lor uai.t of milhetei.t ).era,iiiii .roperiy lonntUiy Miiil taxeu, I huu this ilm eieil ilium the lollmiti,(iitei.cit!eil real eatat," llliatofl himI hi'ii.g in Morroiv eoiinty, tM'emi, out Ih'1ohi1iiii to the follow iiig-iitiiiiea perhouh mil the Kiiitl real i Niiite lieliiK duly aKe.eil I. alii pethoim anil i he ta.vea thereoit hetiiK not holly llii.aul, 1.:, : am't .,p Tl I. A li.irnon, !".: VU NE; of HW.mt is In To 1 N. It aiK a ik Leo t . . Hoi, ell, .s , , hie -ft lu I p .N, K v v vt A . M. Muoie, M e Jl In l i 1 X, K SS Ii 7 71 'eler Kuley. .S i-ee l, In I pi N, H zt K VJ ll I 1'elle, Mil, fee 1 1 in I p 1 S of H 'I K , II 7. f. pheiler, Mi i. ee M In I p 1 N of H K 8 t. ilolph llenumer, MC ol Ntj anil Ml '4 ol M'.it anil i'.j ut .,).: MH' 2 lp I 8, I! I'. K. Ilraiuel, NH'i4 ol See lu Tp 2 N of Ii Jl K ,,, . 5 S. Mi. A. I'. Hromel, S', of Mi1. Sec ti In Tp 2 N ol U .'I K .... ot 11. H leleier, sK, ol SK. See ISnml N V. i. ot M-i see I'., anil ,ia ot ,s '4 ot See -i 'I p l. s. Ii j.i li ... , JO in l urlliel u.iln e is lieii l.) ;tellthat 1 111 Ol auiniiis 111., J., iti .lav ol t,o. !'.' nelnet ii tin lioiim in le , elo. k a, in. ami lour o't lock o m .il mii.l .lay at tiie trout i1o..ib ol theeonrl luuiBe til tleppue ', Mi.l'iu.v l ouiity, l lll ion, pell tilt lain, line ;ii,. I IniereM ol the sant lie iiniueiil ni:!er. 1-, ami to ihe nl.oie ,l,s.'i II.. it real luoperty. ,ii pnl.in aiu ii.tii to the hulienl ami H-sl l.ltlil ,,v (,lls in iinini. ,iu. p,,i,t,,, i,i la pplle.i I . ihe pay ment 1 Mil.l lae. Ii. Bethel . 1th e. . a,,.l n pene ..I aale. I'ul.'.l till J . Ill .lay ol Orlol.er. ls'. tiK... N.uu K, a r.t.ue slu rtil' of Morr.nv t'onuty, Orn;,.n. Where? At Abrulmmaiok'n. In mlilitimi to liit tiiilnriiiK I'tiaiiK'ns, ho litis hiMihI a fim .ine of miuVrweiir tit nil kinds, uexliKei nliirta, lmaiery, VW. Also luis ou biuui rae eleiiinit imtteriia for niiita. A tiralmtnaii.k, May street, Ileppner, Or. 8ioKMAKKit.-K,l UiilieeK. a sluieniiik r Htul io,irer nl man)' yettta' expert etiee, Iii.h jnat Ini-iileii m (lie Abraham "ick ImililiiiK, mi May Btreet, where lit ta prepared to tin eveiything in 1 is line Mr. Uliliei'k la alrn tly a Hrat-elaaa work until mill wwrmttB all work. Give him nil' Utf Colliu t It'Fnrl.'iiul have jtit reeeived i cur load ot Mmtliell Whuopb, Hacks, i'tt: , tiud Ituve alao a large mipply of f ui tu Dig iuipleuieuta ot all kiuds. a A NEW GRAIN. Editor Cheevcr Expretaea Oplnlona Con cerning Editor Cnrman'i Rj Wheats. The editor of the New England Farm er. In noticing the praiseworthy attempts tt hybridization attempted by the editor of the Rural New Yorker, eays: Mr. Carman has crossed wheat and ryi) with some show of success. He has several new varieties of grains which more or less resemble both wheat and rye, and ho has propagated them till they appear to be fairly well fixed in their character. I suppose when Mr. Carman began his experiments in cross ing plants pre mined to be of entirely different species lie felt like "Peck's Bad Boy," who continually asks, "How is a boy ever going to know how a thing will work unless he tries iff" Wheat and rye have been considered as distinct as horses and jackassesyes, even more 60 but his experiments, it seems to me indicate that they are not distinct spe cies, but that both have a commo:i origin. If this is true, why may not bar- lev have been developed from the same early ancestors? Barley appears more nearly akin to wheat than does rye, And if these grains are really related to one another why may not some of the grasses also be related? 1 suppose most of us are apt to think of the common held and garden prod ucts as being as old as creation, and j that the grains and fruits aud vegeta bles we are using for food today are al most identical with those used by our earliest ancestors, whoever they may have been and however long agot-.e.' may have lived. But we do know, however, that some of our best fruits are really now, that as varieties they have been actually created by the skill of man. The same is true of many or all the present valuable breeds of do mestic animals. Hr. Carman has not had time yet to determine whether any of his new grains will prove of greater valtto than the an cestors or not. If of no greater value to us in this latitude they may be to some other people iu some other lati tude. Wheat is the chief bread grain with us, but it does not grow as far north as either barley or rye. If by hybridizing a new grain can be pro duced that will he as palatable as wheat and as hardy as rye, then the world will have math; n great gain. Mr. Carman may not live long enough to accomplish this, but if he has demonstrated by liia experiments that wheat and rye are not di.il inct species of graiu , but have enough in common to allow of continuous cross ing, it must be only a question of time ,'iiul patient endurauco when the world will have reason to thank him most heartily for I ho start he has madoin this direction. When to Cnponljie. George Q. Dow, North Epping, N. H., in a letter to the New York World says: A great many persons seem to have the impression that there is a certain time to ctiponize, that they are obliged to do the work within a certain period each year. This is not so at all. The work of caponizing is not confined to any time or its successful operation to tiny place. A cockerel can be capouized any month in the year, ami the same good results will follow. They may be capouized in midwinter and do all right, provided a comfortable warm building is given them. Of course it naturally happens that more birds are capouized in summer months, just as more lambs are castrated in spring, and for the sumo reason, which is that more are produced at that time. 1 think if some of our poultry growers would hatch out more late broods, they would hit the uail stpuare on the head. The pullets from such would go through the winter and make summer layers, and the cockerels could be capouized and sent to market in the summer, when the markets are bare of them and only hens can be found, and by bo doing tho growers could get a big price for their capons. If Ihe question, "Wlien to caponize," refers to what size the bird should be, the answer would be about the same. A cockerel can bo capouized at any time, hut best results are obtained when capouized young before getting their growth as with everything else. If it is convenient and I am not too busy at something else, 1 like to caponize when the birds weigh from 1 to 2 pounds, but a person need not feel that he is con fined to doing tho work at any partic ular moment. Sometimes 1 do not get at work on my birds for a month after 1 planned to, but generally n person can arrange to do the work when they are about the weight named. It requires but two or three minutes to do it, and one can caponize many birds iu a few hours with tho improved tools to be had now, and by so doing will realize twice and three times the money for his birds. Good Uoail. lu Ilia South. The southern roatl confess, which met lately ot Atlanta, brought out the (act of the vulue of good roiuls, iind the pecuniary advantage of them was fully recognized. Among the cases cited waa the experiment made in building good roads by the ucouleof Union ami Ersci counties, .N, J. The uecuniary bene fits resulting from this work are summed up in a report from the board of freehhldera of the former county, which states that the total outlay hat been nearly 150,000, and there are now nearly forty miles of telford and macad am road in the county. The beneficial effect of the roads is eoen in the fac t that property in Union county alone has appreciated in valno fur more than the cost of the roads, as the assessment shows. The county issued :i.')0,000 worth of road bonds, the interest on which must lie met annually, yet there has been no increase in the ! county tax rate, because the increased 1 assessment easily produces enough rev-1 enue to meet this charge. Very few of those roads have beeu built more than a year and most of them only a few mouths, but already the people nppre ciate the advantages flowing from them. Such practical evidence as this will certainly encourage roadbuilding iu tho south. The movement so far has made little practical advance here and has been confined mainly to conventions. etc., but this is a step iu the right direc- tiorr. It is true that conventions in themselves do not accomplish much iu the way of roadbuildinff, but they show how the work can best be done; they arouse the interest of the people in the matter: they prove the value of pwd highways, and they will, iu the course of time, aruuse the south to the ncccssitv of building thom. New Or Leant Tiuiea- FIRM IN THE FAITH. Prom the Irish World. Firm in the ootiviction of the sound neBS of the priuoiple of protection, we -dnoerely deplore the turn of hffuirs as ealaruitons to (he bc-ttt interests of the orkingmen nnd of the country at large. It is a safe rule to let well alone. This country, (rum an industrial point of new, has been doing exoeediui(ly well. People from all parts of the world have been coming here to better their con dition, but do 0D6 ever goes from here to any other couutry to improve bia con dition. It ia pnzzling, therefore, in trying to find any rational gronud for a chaiiye; unless, Indeed, the desire for change it self, for the mere sake of a change, will -xuluin the enigma. It ia as with wo men in fashions. In many rt-apeots this has been a veiy eurious election. Without taking note of the Silver State, which disturbed cal culations, the manifestations in New York State have been peculiar. At fiist aight it wonld look like a Cleveland ti dal nave a great uprising of the people. But in point of fsot the people have risen this time in comparatively fewer ntimbera than in any other presidential election in the present generation. It was Ihe quitest oampaign in the memory of living men. Apathy took bold of both parlies. The registration iu New York City was low and, although Cleveland's majority was large, Ihe total vote, too. was low as compared with the percenta ges of increase of other years. Fur instance, the total vole for Blaine Hud Cleveland Oombiued, iu the city of New York, iu 1884. whs, iu round mini- brs, 223.000; the IoIhI vote in New Yotk City for iliuriBuu aud Cleveland com bined, iu 1888, was, in round numbers. 270.U00. being an inc reitse of (orty-aeven ibuiiHHud (47.000) over that of 1884. The population of the city has kept on iu- errnaiurf alter 1888 (which is estimated nl 571,000) yields the tmalleBt rate of iu orease since the foundation of the United States Ooverumenl. This fact is explainable only by reason of the general lethargy that bus fallen upon the people While ClevelHiidV majority is considerable, the vote actual ly cast for bim ia comparatively small, but the vote for Harrison is, by compar isnn, still smaller. The question will auggeat itself: How, in the geueral sinknge, oame Har risou'a vote tu fall below the compara tively low vote oast for Cleveland? The answer ia that the democrats have a more perfected organization and exei oise a sharper discipline than the repub licans can claim. It Las been a quiet, dull go-as-you-please oampaign all the wav through. The people have not been Bronaed; aud it is truer to any that the eleotiou hat gone by default than to say it is tin deliberate judgment of the American people. The result, however, is the same. Tin duty of the defeated is the same namely, to bow with respect to the vic tors. They have 4 right to our grucefu acknowledgment even as we should Imv. the right to look for as much from then, if the situation were reversed. But although defeated, we have still ihe right to our convictions whatevei happens. For its course Id this campaign of 1802, as in the campaign of 1884 aud 1888, the Irish World has no regrets. We huvi advocated Ihe principles that we sincete ly believed, and still hold, to be for tlx welfare of the nation. Had we giveu nl te laice to enyihing contrary we sbouli have aoted the trai or to our own ooit aoieuco. ARLINGTON NOTK8. Grandpa Sweet hub returned from hit wi tiding tunr uud has none to notisekefp. HiK villi hia viiiiiii bride ou the bill. W predict lots of sweetness uiotiud bis man iiu. Mose Kit bv bus located himself fu mi' ol' Bunker HuIbIoii's bouses, un lower in "( M -mi Hin-oi, uud ik rtmly to dual kinds of wurk iu tu j pliotttijruphlug bus mess. Professor Jnck E"ieis, the well knoi bunt ami shoe maki r, bus seen the mn ilerer, Burdeite Wolfe. He suya mx time be sees him he will take bim lth nut fail. The diphtheria son re lins somewl h siibHiiUd. School was sguin renini" lust Monday with Its regular routine i I business. 1 hope it will not auHiu clt s on account of this drend disease. Hook Creekers were here last Moudin ut a dittcouut ou Mu in street. The snnl iug ouuiiieutiuues of Mr. II. WiH-dlsim and wife, Hurry Day ami wife, t. Mubry Urumlpa Philips and Mrs. rieudeism wt-re si-en wending their way to J. VV. Smith's. Various bets have been made here on Ihe result of the eleotion, such an horses, mules, cows, bulls, turkeys aud chickens The latter have beeu served at thedonx tton supper, ant) have been devoured bj all Kootl democrats because tUey wen republicao roosters. Our steam ferry is laid up for repairs "ii the Washington side. Her pilot, Mr. Bibbs, is uuw out goose hunting. WIihi i ravel ihere is at preseut is aiooninio dated by suit letty. Oh, what kicking when there is no wind, for which this un nit is so famous, prop- lliug power lm to be done with oars. Little fatty Cleve land don't like it muob. The defeat of the republican party whs oeleliruted here by a douatiou supper and dauee Fiiday tvruing. A lai.it crowd from both sides was iu attendant'. Hnd all appeared to have a grand time. Wheu the first anvil was fired, au enthiis lustio onlooker iu front of Hotel Oraude remarked, 'Tbis Higuines thedowufsll ot repnblioantsi Alas poorlurikr 'to b or uot to be'.'1 1 is a sbanie this old loo) hasn't adopted the slage- D. Hoqaw. Arlington, O' . Nv. 16. '92. Some California honey does notgrann late. There may be other varieties that do not. Pure honey may be heated o hot that it will not granulate again, says J. A. Green. The Progressive Bee Keeper suggests j that there ought to be two classes for I exhibiting Italian bees at fairs one for the three banded and one for the five banded or golden. "Feeding back" extracted honey to se cure the completion of unfinished sec tions is proving profitable with Mr. A. E. Maimm. Very properly, he adds one-third its bulk of hot water, eaya The Beekeepra Review, CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints cured and prevented by the prompt use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, and greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Every Dose Effective. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ftotice of Intention, TAND OFFICE AT THE DAI.LKS, OREGON. j OotnlHT 13, lbifi. Notice is hereby given that the following-named Hettler him lilcii notice of hii intention to make final proof in support of his clfiim. nnd thnt untd proof will be made before the Comity Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at neppner, Oregon, on Nov. 2S, lsyj, viz.: NEW MAONUSON. Hd. No. 2877. for theSE -Sec. 3, Tp. 2, 8 R55 E. W. M. Re names the following witneiwca to prove nil eon tin i o is residence upon and cultivation of, aid hind. viz. : J. T. Yoiint. C. N. Pfek, William Kates and Henrv WhUsun, all of Lexington, Oregon &31-&I4 John . I.kwis, Kegister. Notice of intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, j et. W. Notice la hereby given that the following named Hettler haa filed notice of hl intention to make final proof in support oi hi- claim, and thnt said proof will be made be fore the t'ountv clerk of Morrow comity, or., at Heupner, tir., on Dec. . viz.: FKAM'IS H. VV!Lm)N. lid. No. 2S57, for the bE bee. 21, Tp. 1, S R 2S K. W. W. lie namesthe following witnesses to prove nil continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz : D. H . i.urbill, J. L. Kincnid, Charley Johnson and Henry Dungej , all of lone, Oregon. John W. Lewih, Kegister. Notice of Intention. I AT T) OFFICE AT HIK DALI.E9, OREGON, Oct. 8, 18U2. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler haB hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof Iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be tore the County clerk of Morrow County, Ore gon, at Ileppner, Oregon, on November 26, lsyi., viz. : FRANCIS M. COURTER. I'd. No. 2S8H, for the HWJi Hec. 11, Tp. 8, S R 24 E W M. He named the following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon and cultivation oi, said land, ..: J. v . Renkett. Samupl 1. fierkinsr. Oscar Mont gomery and William K. ilunkers.au oi .igm Miic, recon. Kotiue of Intention. TAND OFFICE AT THE TUT.l.ES, OREGON. j ttft. . M. Notice is hert-nv elveti that the fnllowlnff-nium'ii settU-r hits tiled notice nf ni8 intention to littiKC Ullill prooi in support "i hiB elHlm. anrl thnt (mid nroof wUl be nnuie be fore llie County CU-rk ot Morrow County, Ore- KOii, at ueppner. "iri-Kon. on iut. iz, isyj, vu.i i.i is or. v Kiun i . Hd. No. 2013, for the hW bee. II, Tp, 2 S, B 21 He names the following wltnep.es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, suid laud, viz.: in. HiiEuewood, "es. McNnbb. Samuel ar field ntul (ieorge Junklit. hII of Kiuhl II lie, or, ijliy-y-1'.l jour, . 1.KW1S, negater. NOTICK APPLICATION TO PUKCHASE TIM- U. 8. T,and Office, The l:alles. Or.. Sept. R, m. Notice is hereby given that, in compliance with the provisions ol the Act of Congress ap Droved June ;i. lrS7. entitled "An Act for the sale of 'limber Lands in the States of Caliiornhi, Oregon, Neviida and Washington Territory,'1 Al L S MAI.I-UK , Whose postotlice address la Ht'ppner, Morrow Countv. uregoii, haB this day tiled in this otlice his application to pnrchtiBe the ot the NWV aud the sv4 of the NKJ4 bee. No. 3, in Tp. No. ii H. Hange No. '2b E, W. M. All persons holding any adverse claims there to are ri-ijuired to present the same at this otlice within sixty days from the first publication of thlM notice. John W. Lk.wih, Kegister: Notice of Intention. I; AND OFFICE AT THF D AXLES, OREGON, that the following-named Bettler had tiled notice of hit intention to innkt' final proof in support of Ms claim, and that suid proof w ill be made before the County Jndticof Alonow County, or., at Heppuer. Oregon. 011 December IO1I1, Itt'JJ, viz: CIIAIil.Kn li. BC1.I.IS. Hd. No. 2077. for the NEfc, st-. Sec. 18, andN1 n J4. and S?El4 SWfc bee. 17, Tp. 5 S, R 2b, . W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of. said land, viz. : Jiunes H. Wjiand, William Hix, A. Lieueltng and I'erry Oiler, all of Hardmaii. Oregon. 537547 John W. Li-.vuh, Kegister. hOTI'E OF INTENT (ON. FAND OFFTCE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON. October -'0. 1H2. Notice is hereby Riven that the lollow Inp-named Bettler has hied notice of his intention to make hunl proof In support of his claim, and (liHt faid proof will be mnde before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Ileppner, Oregon, on Dec. X, IMftf. viz.: OII.E3 M. DOl GHEKTV, Hd. No. 5037. lor the W 4 l4 Si-c. U, and EH N EV4' fcec. 15. Tp. H S, H -'. E. W . M. He names the following witnesses toprovehis contimioiiB resident. e upon and cultivation of, "aid land, viz.: w. H. Clark. R. 8. Clark, J. B. Chapman and C. II. Maun, ail of Lena, Oregon, 537-M7 A. C kavkr, Heglster, Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON'. j Oct. i7, Notice in heieby Riven that ihe following-nanit'd settler has filed notice ol his intention to mnke iiiml proof lu support of his claim, and thtH said proof w ill be made be fore the county clerk ot Morrow County, Ora tion, at Ileppner. Oregon, on Dec. 3, viz : GEuluiE MC1K, Hd. No.2G7, for the Nt-.J bee 9, Tp.l,8R26, E. W M. He names the followinp witnesses 10 prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: JohnCannichnel, Mnrian Evans, J. H. Piper rind o. H. Hodsou, all of Lexington, Oregon. iio-5i5 John VV. Lewis, Kegister. Notice of intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES), OREOON lj Oct. 11, lMt-j. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has hied notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be mnde be lore the County clerk 01 Morrow county. Ore , at Heppner 'regon, on November '26, lSiCi, viz,: WILLIAM 0. KEININiiEK, D S. No. 7261, for the SKfc bEl4 sec. 2. Ei NE4 E tK ec II, Tp. 4.8 K2S E VV M he names the following w ttnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz. : Mint Wright. J. C. Kirk, J. P. Furlong and Da vid iiice, ail of Heppner, Oregon. 5--:i:t John V. Lkwim, Rkoistkr. . M I. ,U Ih. . ,.. . nf I Iu nA I fwl U, MA tM-tter tht I w.,ul,l p. i .I.icfi an-1 b put bi.k whw. 1 w. I.m Nfllh iumrl.nl ., ud of th. ch.nr. I mxim nind your irwn,ni to .11 tu-lErrr from obcir. 1 lll cbmvfu'llv ta.wer .11 Inqulrlr, If .untp U IdcIoi1 ft rlr-" PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. C0MFIDENTIAL BuWHfc So rir. tr in ilwnpi W pwtlcotan to Dl. 0. tt. f. SflYSER. i rJ t THEATEI, CMClfifl. JAPANESE IJ-rg CURE A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of suppositories, oiutnu'iit iu t apsules. also in Box and I'ills; a positive 'ure for Kxternal, Inter nal. Blind or Bleeding, Itching. Chronic, Kecent or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; It isalw avsH great ben efit to the general health. 1 he first discovery of a medics 1 cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary h reafter. This remedy has never been known to fsit. 1 per bos. S for sent by mull. Why sutler from this terrible dls- u'hun wHttoit rati tee la uiveu with 6 boxes, to retund the money it not cured, fena stamp for free sample. 'Gusrantee iseued by ttiihARi', I I.ARKK o., noiesaie nviau Druggists Sole Agent. Portland, ur. To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Beat after eii ting. J!ac. per liutlK'. Pu up mi nest wHtch-sliuiH-1liottle,sogai eoaxoti, imatt M Reaus. xAo. per bvttls S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKPPNKK. OHKGON. Cattle branded and car marked as ehown abovt?. tloraee P on right shoulder. Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun ties. 1 will uy $ltr.U for the arrfHt and con viction of any iierson finding my ntock. Huhl, the Lmher. Buy yunr brettd and Cakes n ml Rve money. Try it. a. STOCK BRANDS. White you keep your subscription paid up yci. oan keep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G(i on left fdiouider; cattle -ame on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit ou the left; ran go, Mor row county. Armatronir. J. C Aloine. Or. T with bar un- der tt on left shoulder of horses; cattlo same ou left hip. Allison. O. D.. Eieht Mile. Or. Cattlo brand. O U on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkins. T C. Dayville. Or- Ptraicht mark acrosB the thigh and two crops and a alii in the right ear; horaee. X upniue down on me right shoulder, hantre in Grant county aud Hear vallev. PO address also at HardmdH. AdkinB, J. J., Heppner, Or, Horses, JA con nuctBd un le t hank; cattle, aanteon left hip. AverB, Johnny. Lena, Or. Horses branded triaugieoii leu hip; cattle eame on right hip; iho crop on rich i ear ana upper bit ou same. Blyth, Percy H.. Meponer. Or. Horses lioman croMH ou right shoulder. Kan ye in Morrow county. Bleakman. Geo., Hardman, Or. HorBPB, a flaji m left ahtinlder: cattle -a me i.n right Hlionlder lani)iter. J. W.. Hardman. Or'. Cut tin brand. ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. lirenuer, f-ter, -o set terry Oregon Horses branded r If on leit shoulder. Cattle s..me on right sioe liurke, M Bt C. Long t;reek. Or On cattle. S1A Y connected on left hm. ctou off loft ear. un der half crop off right. Horaea, aaine brand on I let ft shoulder. Range iu Grant and Morrow I county. Ho woman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or. I Cattle, A H on right tiip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right . shoulder. Range in! Grant and Harney counties. I Hrosnian, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7! on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right th)g.i cattle, same ou right lap; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or, -Horses and cattle branded IS will' ox-yoke above on loft nhoiilder. Brown, J. C, Ileppner. Or. Horses, oirch without m ! ternn lefi hip: cattle, same. Brown, W. J,, Lena, "regon. dorses W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle bumc on left hip. Boyer. W. G liepprier. Or. Horses, box nrand ot r u hip cattle, samo, with split iu .aeh ear, Uorg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P 8 ou left ihuuhler: oai tie. same on left hio. Brownlee. W. J.. Fox.Or Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two aplitsaud middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left tluuh: Ranuu iu Fox vallev. Grant county. I ttin.b.. ( aleb.ur.- y u on hortoH on left stifle; U with quarter circle over it,n left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts on lor 5 yean-; on left shoulder only in all horsua over fi years. All range in Grant countv. (. lark, Wm. II.. Lei a. Or.-Horsei- WHO con nected, on left shoiilocr: cattle i-ame on riglil nip. lia ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cat e, ('has. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses ll C on right shoulder; cuttle same on right hip. Hange Morrow and Uinalliia counties. Cochri'ii, ('has., lone. Or. Horsea, HP con ueeted on left olioulder; cattle, C on both left hip and stifle. Rsnge m Morrow county. Cannon, i'. B.,Lotig Creek, Or.--'J' on cattle on right Hide, crop oil right ear unci slit in left. ear. Our Purses same brand on left ehouider. Ruuge in Grantcouuty, Cecil, VV m.. Douglas, Or; horses JC on lof shoulder; ca tie sitme on left hip, waddles on each jaw aud two hits in the right ear. CurJ,T. II., John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A nnd spear point ou shoulder. Kar niarkoa ewes, crop ntt left ear, punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iu right a"d umler half crop in leit ear. All raug lit Grant countv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 9(on rightshonl lei Cattle, same on r ght hip: ear mark sqnun n op off left atid split in right. Currin.lt. i1,, Currinsviiie, Or. -HoreeB, co on iuft Btirlo. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded I' 1 fc A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on rigiu hip. swallow fork iu right ear and crop utfl ait. Cox Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or. llm tie, O witl in center: horses. CE on left Siu. Cochran, R. E., Monument. Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with hai beneath, on left shoulder: cattle name brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. HorseB branded on right hip. 'attle bntuded t he same. Cross. H L, Dayville. Or t 'attle branded two croos and a solit in left ear: on horn ah u reversed Z left stihe. Also have the following Uranus on cattle: a on lettlun. von right liip, i'i on left shoulder, two parallel bars ou loft nhoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Ooonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OU with bar over them, on iuft shoulder; cai tle same on left hip. Doutflass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle. R Doi, right side, swa low-fork iu each eur; horses, R b on lett tup. Douglas. O. T., D(iiglas. Or-Hoea TD on the i igiit tot itie; cut tie ttuine on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day .Or. y nailer circh ft on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Kanue Grant countv. DriskelL VV. E., Heppner, Or. HuraeB branded K inside of u on leit shoulder. Cattle same on left side of usck. Ely, J. B, A Sons, Donglas, Or. Horses brand ed LLi on left shoulder, cattle same ou left hio. hole i'1 niiht ear. Ellioti . Wasti.. lie Doner. Or. Diamond ou right bhoulder. t?ieek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7r connected oi right shoulder- cattle same on rigid hip Earmark, hole iu right uud crop oft left. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cuttle, LF on right hip; horbUb E with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, B. P. Heppuor, Or Horses. K on right shot Ide. ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. UAH ou left shoulder. Oilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor B on left shoulder; vent, same on left stine. Cattle, same ou both lip; ear marks, crop off right ear and uuderbit iu u-u. Range, in Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai.d Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or Horses branded h. 4. with a quarter circle over it, un left stitie Itange iu Morrow and Umatillacuuuties. Giltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, O-Ooti left shoulder aud stifle; cattle, on right aide. Range in Grant county. Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded 2 on lei shoulder; cattis same on left hip. Hange in and about HHrdman. Hayes. Geo,, Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl" ovt-r it, on leit ultouider. limit A. B., Ridge, Or. I attle. round-top with quarter circle under it ou the rttdit hip. Ran fa. e in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hin ton Jenks, Hamilton, Ur Cattle, two hare on either hip; crop in right ear ai.d split in left. HorseB, J ou right thigh. Range in Grunt county. Hughes. Hamuel, Wagner, Or J- (T F L connected) on right shoulder on hor&i-c; on cattle, ou right tup ai d on h ft side, swallow fork in ritfhi ear and slit in leit. Range iu Haystack district, Monvw county. Hate. Mittou, Wagne . Or.- Horses branded -O- l irele iili PstaLel tai s) on left shoulder rtle same on left hip ; ai.-o iaige circle on left Hall. Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle K Hon righi hip; horses same on right shoulder, tangeii, Grant cuunty. Howird, J L, alloway. Or. nor-.es. 4- (cross witn bar ab ve ii) ou right shouuier; e-ni v r-h m eon te t bide. Runge iu Monow and Uma tilla i'.unties. Hughes. Mat, Heppner. Or. Horsoa. shaded heart ou the left shoulder. Hange Morrow I '. HuiiHaker, B . Wagrer, Ur. Horses, V on left Bhoulder. Vh Hp. ft on left hi; . Haidisty, Albert, ivye. uregon Horses, AM competed. lett shoulder; attle on the left hip, cntp off left ear. Huinphrev. ,1 Hardman. Or. Horses. H o" le hank Hiatt, Wm. E., Kidge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ot left shoulder: cattle same on left Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or, Horses, wineglass ou left tthoiildei cattle, same on right hip. Huston. Luther, hurlii Mile, ! r. Hoo Hon the left sh'tulderand heart on the left stifle Cat. ti HHine on left hip. Iiani in Mnrrw ntantv. ivy, Alfreti. Long Creek. Ur t attle 1 D ngnt nip, crop on leuearanu on in nuns. Hordes j name brand ou left shoulder. Range u Grmt i coo" Junkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horsee. horse - shoe J on left shoulder. Cat tie, the tama. Range on Einhi Mile. , , ci-t rx- t , Johnson, relix Lena, Ur. Horses. circieT on left suue; cattle, same on right tup, under half orop in right and split in Is ft ear Jnk!ns, D W.,Vt. Vernon.Or. J on horse on left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and liear vall -ys hunny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brandivl KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left Mir: nndr dnt on the ritfht Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses B on left ehouhler: cat t le, t on leh hip. Kirk. J C, Ileppner. Or. Uoreea. 17 on either HH!ik:i:HttH 17 on nghtside. Kirk Jcssp, Heppner, Or,: horse 11 on left eh.iutder; cattle same on light Bide, uuderbit on ilgiii er. Kumberland.W. G..BIonnt Vernon. Or. I L on cattle on right and left Bides, swadow fork in U ft ear and aider ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant countr. Keeney, Kli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and ace of clubs on lett stifle. Range in Umatilla ami a orrow counties Lesley. M C, Monument. Or A triangleflwith all iiues ox tending pa t l.odv of figure on 21 hor- ceh on leit anouiuer, on cuttle uiumona ou left shuuider, split iu righ -a us. .it iQ lefi ear lhoigp iu Grant county atid to 1 arts of Johu Day Leahey, J VV. Heppner Or. Horses branded It "nd Aon left shoulder; catt le fame on left hlo; wmtie ver Huhl ey three bUis in right ear. Loft en, Stephen, I ox, Or. b Lou left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear, Horses Bitnie brand on left shoulder. Range Grant county. iiieuallen, John W., L"' Or. Horses hnimied haif-ttn cle J L connected on left shoul der. ChiiIh. hhiii. on lei hip. Range, near Lex in i 1 on. Loid, George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded double U coi.necu .sometimes called a swing H, on lefi shoulder. Maxweil, M . H., Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand ed long link on left Bhoulder; cattle, same on 10 mil. n,m uiiiiu., ujmer uil hi imi e Minor, Oscar. Heuuner Ur. Cattle. M D on riyht hip; burse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, H. N Heppner, Or. Horses, M. ) on lett tthould"! cattle same on left hip. MeCumber. Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M. with bar over on right shoulder. fliann, H. H., Lena, Or. HorseB old mares ZS5 on right hip; young stuck, small as on left shoulder Mornan, Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, cirole 1 ou iuft shoiuder aud left thigh; cattle, '6 on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattlo. 77 ou right side. McClareu, L. G., BrownBville, Or, Horses, If mure ft mi i each si ider. cattle, M2 on hm McKern.W.J. Mount Veru0u. Or XI ou cattle on right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop iu left same brand ou horees on leftbii , itauo in Graut county. MeCariy, David H., Echo, Or. HorseB branded D M connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe.cork on cattle on ribs and auder in each ear; hoi sen same brand on left stifle. Mcllniey, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8 with hall circle under on iuft shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected un top ou the right side Itauge in Oram County. JVeal.Aiidruw. Lone Rock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder; cattle same ou both hips, Nordyke, it., Hilvenon, Or. Horses, circle 3 on lett llugl : c-tie, same ou left hip. Oliver, JoBeph, l uuyon City, Ur. A Son cattle on left hip; ou horses, same ou left thigh. Range m Grant county Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or. P O on left shou.'lei. Ulo. Herman. PmiriA Cirv Ur (in uttiA c LP connected on left hiu: honuw nn lft itt'iti aud wurtle on nose. Range in Grant county, Puarsun, Ulave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter oircioshielo on loft shoulder and Z4 on left tup. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. M on left hip. Rangt on Eight Milo. t arner at uieuson. Hardman, Or, Horses IP on ! fi Mlioulder. 1 1 per, Eri e t, Lexington, Or.--Hor es brand d (L E oonueo edj iott i-hou-der ; cattle uuju on i igni Jnp. Runge, ilori'uw oouuty. i tter, J. il., LhIIdkioii, ur. Ilorbu. JH nm. nected o. left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bi in each ear. CutberK. Henry Lexington. Or. How hranrf. ed with a Romai cross on left Bhoulder; cattle branded with Romun cross, bur at bottom, on iwiL nip. Petti s. A. , lone, Or,; horses diamond Pon shoulder; cattle, J tl J connected, ou the left hip, upper slope in Iuft ear and slip in the light. Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, J P cott ueu ed utt left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on left hip, two under half crops, one uti each ear, wattle under throat. Ra. ge iu Grunt county. Rickurd, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left tliDuidtir, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and Hear valley, Grantcouuty. Rood, Andrew, Hardman. Or. Horses, square i;ior- with quurter-ci rule over it on left stifle. Heniuger, Chris, Heppner, Or. HorseB, O R on lei! stiuuldui . hice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel rtunii fence ou leli shoulder; ca:tle, DAN on right shoulder. Range near Hardman. liudio, Wm. Long Creek, Or. Hrands horses It oi right shoulder. Range Grant aud Morrow counties. Rojso, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on .eft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed oa nht hip and crop oft right ear. Rauge in Mor row county. hmdi lints., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3 ou the right shoulder; oattle, IX ou the left nip. crop oil lei t eur aud dewlap on neck. Range it Morrow ami adjoining counties. Bust, Wil.iHin, Pendietoii, Or. Horees K os ten (Hummer; catue, tt on lett hip, crop on tight ear, uuderbit on left ear. (Sheep. R on woaiht'i-ti, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tilla and Morrow c tuiities. hcaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorBO branded A li on riglit shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip. Uiuigo Morrow county. ituyse. Win. U, Dairyville, Or HR connected with ijuarler circle over U)p on cattle ou right hip and crop oil right ear aud split iu left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow, U nn it and Gilliam counties, Riiter, J F, Ritter, Or-Three parallel ban with bar over on horses on left hip;ou cattle, left side, iwo smooth crops, two aphis in eaot eat Uauge iu Middle Fork of John Day. UHijtor. J. VV., Huppner, Or. Horses. JC ot leitshouldor. Cailie, u on right hip. Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded dl on left shoulder; muge in Morrow county. bpt-ay, J, F., Heppner, Or. -Horses brandeakl connticiou o. right bhoulder; cuttle same on bolt hi pa. bailing, C V, Heppaor, Or Horses branded S a on left stioulder; cattle same on left hip. hwaKgan, ii. Lexington, Or.-Horses 3 with dash under it ou left stifle catlle H with uasii unuer it on right hip, crop oft right ear and waudied on right hind leg. Range iu Morrow, GilLaiu and umatilla counties. bwiiggart. A. L., Ella. Or Horses brande 1 on lei l Bboulder;ceuiesame ou left hip. Croj on ear, wattle on left laud leg. Straight VV. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J b on lei stilie; cattle J Sou left hip, swallow fork iu righ ear. uuderbit iu left. oupp. liioa., Ileppner, Or. Horses, U A Poo left nip; emu dame ou left hip. Miirtz. Jnmes, Long i nek. Ur. Homes. 8 on it-it atiilo aud over t on left Bhoulder, bhrieijoim, Fox, Ur. NO connected on horses on right hip; cuttie, same on right hip, crop oil ritihi ear and under bit in left ear. Range lit Grant county. fomith Bios , Uusnnville, Or. Ilorpcs, branded H. Z. o .siioulder; caLt.B, ame on left shoulder. bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horaes branded JfciuuteiL snuuhier; uutUe the sume, also noes wsudie. Range iu Morrow and Gilliam oo ntiea. btepheiiB, V. A,, Iturdiunu, Ur-; horses boon riglit suite; culile h rizontal L on ihe light side toieveuooii, lUrs A. J., Heppner, Ur. Oaltle, ti ou right m, ; owallow-fork iu left ear. bwaggurt. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. 44 on left -mourn. : cattle, 44 on left hip. btone. Ira, Hi-kUtou, Wash, Hones, keystone ou lett shoulder. biuitn, n.. Loue Rock, Ur. Horses branded a crossed seven ou left shoulder; cattle same on lett side. Rauge, Gilliam county. Hperry, E. G., Ileppner, Ur. Cattle W C on lett tap, crop off right and uuderbit iu left year, dewlap; horses tt t on lefi shoulder. Ihouipson, J. A., Heppner, Ur. Horses, 1 M ten oiiuuiu r; cattle, 2 ou left shoulder. -Tipeio.b.X.,LuerpriBe,Ur. Horses, C-ou left shoualer. luruur H. W., Heppner. Or. Small capital T lull shouidei, horses; cattle same on left hip with split iu both ears. itnruuiii, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded H I connected ou left utie; sheet) same brand. Vauderpool, H. T., Lena, Or- Horses HV con nect eu ou right shoulder ;oat tie, same on right nip. Wai bridge, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, C. L. on the leit Bhou.der; is. itie sums on iMfhx bin. oi op off left ear aud right tar lopped. Wilson. John y Uulem or Heppner, Or. horses branded Jy ou the left shoulder. Rang Morrow county. ft arreti, W B. I 'aleb. Or Cattle, W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear. florae same brad ou Uft shoulder. Range in Graut couuty. Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Hearten horsee on leit stihV; on cattle, 'i on left side and under bit in left ear. Range in Uraut county. VV right, bilas A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded H W ou me right hip. nquare crop oil right ear and Kpl.l in leit, Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square en cattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left eur and under slope ui nlit ear. Hame brand on hor&e. on right shoulder. Range in Harney and Graut countv. Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horsee bianded ace ol opBUee ou leit shoulder aud left hio. t al tie brand' same on left side and left hip. W ells. A. Heppner, Dr. Horses, 0wo on left i-houider: can e oaius. Wojhnger, John, Joho Day City, Or On horses three parallel bars ou left shoulder; 7 ou sneep, bit in both ears. Rauge in Grant and Maihner counties. Witodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horse. CP cohneeu-d on left shoulder. Wat kins. Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horaes branded UL coui.ecte uU left stltle. Wallace, t haries, Portland, Or. i'attle, W on right thigh, hon in left ear; horses, W on light shuukifr, om same on left shoulder. VV hittier Bros., Drowsy, Harney eounty, Or. -Htm tuandwi w B. i-oiuieoted on left shoulder Williams. Vasco, Hamilrnn, Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and ben-es. Kahtie (iranl county. illiams. j u. ltng l reel. Ur Horses, ouar i ter circle over three bare on lett hip; cattle ram : '"' "id m wli r lUnire in Grant comity. ! nn-n, ji., eppuer. or. norses running aa , m shoulder: Cat tie. same on ruht hio. 1 oung. J. H., tioowirry. ir. Hoimi hrrid T -s .K..nt,t. "iirg. W. A.. Gooseberry. Or. Hore biard 1 ni v idi.ub X eiH tutotudi & itii KaariM 1 2 de?