Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 18, 1892, Image 3

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    i01'1CK TO ADVKHl'lottlM.
1-HOl desiring tile insertion of display adi.,
or cuanKe ol same, must gel their copy iu
nut later than Monday evening lor Tuesday's
edition, or Thursday evening tor Fridays edi
tion. Iujc fATTKuauN fuuusuiNUCu.
1. The mm of five cents per line will be
charged lor "cards ul thanks." "resolutions of
respect," list ol wedding preaeuu and donors,
and obituary notices, (oilier liiau lliuae the edit
or shall hiutsell give aa a uialter ol uevs,)-aud
Uotiveaui special meetings lor w liatever purpuoe.
2. Notices 01 church and society auu all outer
eiitertaiuinelila iroui v. hich reenue la to be de
rived, shall bo charged lor at the rale ol live
lenlsallne. 'IIichc rules will be aliielly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertiaing ratea reasonable and made known
upon application.
(jive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up ilepp
tier. I'atioiitze those who patronize
Her e and There.
Hnil, lli.iiiniulilj iinJerjiiHiMiH Hie mlij ot p ieil I hat be wag hu orpbau till s few
t'eat-d. All Hbtilllil hear lo-r. litiurM I .1 ' - .. i .
1 1 r bim. Having 110 money, Deputy
oUt-nit filljernlil vent Bround nmoiin
fn-e, collection tufcun.
Mrs. K. A. Kiiiuliten, of Eiiilit Mile, ia
the Gooseberry P. M., ia
Don't overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar.
TUl'I'd PILLS aotkiudly ouoldaud
Mr. and Mrs. Diok Neville's Imby is
Homy Wade's sale Saturday, Nov. 26,
Dou't tail to attend Henry Wade's
The first euow ot tbe season fell Tues
day. Dr. Vaugban is op again after a brief
Mrs. J. N. Brown leaves tomorrow
(or Salem.
J. M. Uager is over from his reserva
tlun farm.
Audy Cook was over Wednesday of
tbis week.
N. L. Kobison is selliug potatoes at
1 cents per lb. 637 K
Jeff Hajes is book from an extended
Visit to Eugene.
J. P. Uadley, ot Hardman, visited
Heppner Monday.
Condon Globe: Hon. Wm. Hngbes ot
Heppuer is lu town.
Fred Miller kuons bow to give yon a
good fit io tailoring. tf sw
Fell Bros.' Bazaar it wbere yon get
tbose cbeap blankets. 42 tf
Tbe baby son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Ellis is quite ill wilberouu.
Tbe (iem aud Palace saloons for fine
liquors. McAfee Bro., Pi ops. sw
Mr. D. C. Cohoe, ot Monument, arrived
yesteiday to lay lu bis fall supplies.
Tbe Morrow County Land aud Ti nst
Cum pan y bare an unlimited supply ot
obop for sale. il-tf.
Cbarley Sherman is doing P. 0
Thomueou's new bouse in tbe Hue 01
papenug aud paiutiug.
t up oimous & Son "till shoe borses
and do general blavkBmitbmg at tbe old
stand Mat 100k corner. 65.
Uur printer in Tnesd iy's paper wonld
have reoipe spelled r e o-e p e in spite
of Kansas and bigti water.
Sbaw & McCarty are Belling beef fnre
qnarterH, at four cents per pound mid
otber meats in proportiou. 36 tf
Every man wbo takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette sbop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be'
tweeu Heppuer aud Loue Rook. See
td. for days of leaving aud arr.val. tf.
Tonus Mathers says tbe snow Tues
day has all disappeared in tbe vioinity
ot Alpiue, and that fall range is good.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kiuds of nursing. ChII at ber home
in nortb Heppuer, or address ber at this
place. 618-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ay ers, accompa
nied by Miss bailie Coibiu, arrived
Wedursduj night frum tbe state oi Wash
ington. Hiyu ketchum whiskers. Halt &
Mathews, at the oily barber sbop tbe
place tn get a brut-class shave, bair-out
.or shampoo. tf.
I'hos. B-aney and son passed through
Tfleppiier Tuesday on tbeir way lo the
JBIurs for curd wood, Ibe potent crop ol
ttbal vicinity.
Children's S'dar Tip sohool shoes be
fax sold out at Fell bros.' lit $1 00 per
fair. Also a few pair of ladl 0 shoes
left at vour own price.
Master Clay French is the authorized
sgeut for the Oregouiau at tbis place.
Subscribe Ibroujb bim, and have your
(paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newer and neater quarters at the
Falni'fl Hotel's nortb business room.
Cliarlev Jones, the baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Butbs in connec
Twentv-fonr trains, all loaded with
wheat, missed through 'Ibe Dalles one
day last week, on tbe way to Portland.
Aud yet tbere is a failure in crops up
tbis way.
Meats are wholesaled at tbe Liberty
Meat market cheaper than ever before
known to be sold for in Heppuer. Fore
'quarter of beef at 4 ets. per pound aud
otber meats in proportion. 86 tf
The Heppner Water & Light Co. to
day began ibe work of excavating for
itheir seooud reservoir. Tbe last of the
Ipipa, as well as tbe entire outfit of ma
ebiuery, is on tbe road to Heppuer.
Tbe latest dentistry, crown aud bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vangban. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w-
All scalp and skin diseases, daudrnff,
ialliug of tbe hair, uray or faded ban.
may be cured by using that nature's true
remedy, Hall's Hair Benewer.
It is no easy thing to dress barsb, coarse
hair so as to make it look graceini or De
Coming Bv the use of Ayer'B Hair Vig
or, this difficulty is removed, aud tbe
hair made to assume any sty In or arrange
ment that may be desired. Give tbe Vig
or a trial.
We have repeatedly requested the set
Dement of overdue notes aud accounts,
lain without avail. We now give fair
warning that we will not be tr.tled with
uy longer. So please govern yourselves
aocordiuuly, as we must have money 10
settle our obligations. 1'. C. Thompson
Co. 23
How to save money is a problem thai
interests everybody. Que way to invigor
ate tbeeystem is with Ayer'sbaisapanlla.
Being a highly concentrated blond med
iciue, it is the most powerful and ec
oouiical. It is sold for a dollar a botlle
Owing tn Ibe faot that job stock has
advanced about twenty per oeut from
reasons which will be explained else
where, we are compelled to mHka a
slight advance on all printing. A le--rluctioo
will be made as soou as prices
.of material will justify same.
Hattee's Congo O.I is rapidly couiiDg
to the front as a leading medinue. J.
.A. Harrison, ibe Fossil constable, ap
plied it to bis legs, wlnob was recently
kioked by a boioe, aud next day he
tbrew aside bis crutches- "It's the boa!"
Harrison snys. Lyman Brown tried Ibe
oil for rheumatism with which be has
been troubled for years, and tbis is wbat
he says: "It kocked it after two appli
cations." 64i-tf.
Miss L. Ella Miller misionary to Biir
mah. will Imtiire al the Baptist cbnroli
on Mm dav eveuirfl at 7 o'clock. This
lectnre will be illustrated with Idols,
'Costumes, etc. Miss Miller was smis
aionary id Bar man for a number of years,
reported ill
J. R. Etb,
Clerk Morrow went down to The D illes
ami PorilHUd VVeduesdav.
1 0 head of cat tie aud 2J head of horses
to be sold at Wa.lu'd s.ile.
'1 he light poles for the am lights are
being placed iuto position,
John Keeney, brother of Eli, went
down tn AlUuuy Wednesday.
Two our-lohds of oatlle were shipped
dowu tbe line hist Wednesday.
Mrs. Emil V.irnz is reported as con-valet-oiug
Iroui a recent illness.
Mike Keuuy findd good range for sheep
out iu his ueigub oho id this fall.
Mrs. W. H. Whitsou is teachiug a
most suocedstul school at Alpiue.
Jobu Rush was in town today wttb re
ports of good range aud fat stuck.
Mrs. E. L. Matlock and her daughter,
Miuuie, are ou tbe list ot those ailing.
Andy Till ord reports bis herds as do
ing finely over ou fall range, ou Butler
D. C. Cnhoe departed tbis morning
for Moiiiitueut with a four-horse load of
ErueBt Piper, one of nnr solid friends
from down near Lexiugtou, was in
Levi Sbannr, of Peter's Butte, in the
Morrow oounly opal fields, was down
early tbis week.
Mrs. Geo. W. Smith, of tbe W. R. 0..
of i.exingtou, was a caller at tbe Gazette
office yesterday.
Tom Barneit, of Lxington, was search
ing, the Bines or burses IhsI week, but
lulled to find the wanderers.
R-v. W. E. Potwiue held servioes last
evening in the Baptit o n u roll. He will
bold services again tbiseveuing.
Euiil P. Vornz, of The McFai land Mf r
cautile Co, has moved iuto bis new
home, onuer of Water and Main s'reet.
In our last issua mention was made of
a lire near lone, bnt we made an error iu
the name, being John Luuy instead of
John Long.
A landslide at Cascade delaved Tues
day's np train, and onnseqiieuily onr
people had to do without tbeir mail till
tbe next day.
A telegram from Hon. H. Bhickman at
'Fiisoo, states that California is surely
di-mocnitic. Tbe dispatches don't agree
Willi it at all.
Mrs. L zzie Canies departed Wednea
dny for Walla Walla, accompanied by
Miss Ella Crabtree, wbo will make a
short visit there.
Geo. W. Smiih, post commander of the
G. A R., al L-xiugton, hs in towu yes
terday, aud i xperts u goodly turuout ot
Ibe boys ou Now 2b'tb.
R. W. Kobison. of Eight Mile, pulled
out this morning for b me with a loud of
niHioliundise and supplies. He says
Eight Mile is needing ram to start grain.
L. D. Boved has oontraited to build
a uem $1500 cottage for F. O. Bnckuuui
Mr. B iyed has also contracted to build a
oottuge each for J. Cubu aud W. P. Soriv
uer. Another landslide nccnred in tbe Cas
cades veslerday. They say it Is raining
cutlery aud agricultural implements
down lhat way. Uur forllauu mail was
minus last evening.
Mr M. F. Smith, of York State, who
visited trends here recently, "rites that
he looks hack with pleasure to ibe short
stay he made iu Heppner. He was much
delighted with Morrow Uo.
Now is tbe lime to olean and oil your
harness for the winter. And don't for
get IbHt 0 .burn's Ivory Black Harness
Oil is the best for tbe purpose. InrsHle
by P. C. Thompson Co. M 4 .
News came over here today that liiiru",
Harney Co., hud gotten sway wi;h ibe
oonnty seat tight, while Brd, democrat,
has the best of ibe j pint-representative
luce, HHrney and Grant couuly.
Jay Billcimoinyesterd ly fromG ioae
ben j.ands. ys it wasawindy trip. Tbere
is a big ci op in over in bis section, but
very little ot it. lias sprouted siitfioieutly
to make much showing. They ueed rain
Tbe M. E. church is having b giaud
revival Willi almm 15 c uiveisious. Rev
Motor and Evang lil Foid are assisting
Rev. guulse in the ineetlug There is
considerable interest being manifested.
Tbe Coudou Globe says: "The notori
ous murderer Wolfe was captured near
Heppuer Tuesday." Wolfe was not
caught here, uor in faot has he beeu ap
prehended1 at all, at Ibe present writing.
Tbe Daily Statesman, of Salem, tbe
best daily iu tbe stHte, outside of the
Oregouian, now readies eastern ure
gon the same day that li is printeu,
aud Ihe same time as tbe Daily Or-'gou-
Married-At tbe residence of Ibe bride's
father, M. A. Olden, ou Wednesday, Nov.
lit '0. H B. If. King otfieiating. Miss
jlauiie Oldeu, ot this oouuty, to Mr.
James M. Cbrismau, of Lewis country.
Married At tbe parsonage on Tues
day eveuiug, the 15tb iust.. Mr. W. iu.
hawker, ot Union, Or., and Mrs. Delia
Brady, Rev. Sbuise i nitialing. Mr. Baw
ker was formerly of Ibis oouuty. but ol
late has been ruuuiug a liver business
in Uuiou. The couple left for their future
home Weduesday.
the cit zns, semiring $10 60. which was
turned over to Couducior H C- French,
wbo piloted tbe young man as far as Ar-
liugtnu and put bim in charge of the
conductor of the east bound traiu, who
saw him to In Grande, where be was iu
turu placed on the Elgin branch. Mr.
Fitzgerald tbauks the oilizeus, on bebalt
of the boy's mother, for tbeir generosity
in this matter. Joues is young yet and
may 'take a tumble before it is too late.
Columbus Discovered A-merica
But tbe people discovered tbut at
r- W as tbe place to buy
Tinware, Wood and Wit low ware,
Glassware, Lamps and
Too Rough on Him In conversation
with Audy Cook, eaily tbis neek, he
says be believes the Gazette has beeu a
little too hard ou Frank Mclutire, whom
be bas known since boyhood. bile be
does not doubt tbat he is a wild boy, be
says that be never served a term in any
prison, and though be did kill a man
once, did not shoot bim till be was him
self Bbot twice, and tbat i e was discharg
ed on examination as having committed
a justifiable homicide. Mr. Cook speaks
of him as beiug a good-hearted bov, and
not at all inolined to be rough when so
ber. Tbe Gazette does not wish to prej
udice auyone against Molutire, and bas
only published what came to it as a news
paper, and from a source for which Mo
lutire. himself, is responsible. Acting
as be bas, these stories gained a color of
fact iu a very short time.
Wsgons, Hacks, Buggies, Etc A oar load of STOVES direct from the faotory tbat
must be sold. Job Work done in a workmanlike manner auu '"
OTTI? TOPl Is np witbe times, and we si-k of you a liberal share of
J U It Ol W-1V y(lur patl.onagB for which we will endeavor to give you
unmtd vulim for vnnr money.
. . - . . . . . .. t i- , :u:
Alain street, uext aoor to r irst national dju uuuuiuk-
A Close Cau..- What in ninety-nine
cases out of one bnudred generally proves
a fatal sccideut, happened down at the
depot Friday uighl of last week. In at
tempting to get onto tbe pilot of the
brauob's locomotive, Chas. Oney, tbe
engine wiper, slipped, ami nis leg whs
foroed nnuer the oow-catoher, tearing on
bis shoe and badly bruising his limb.
Fortunately euonsb. tbe engine was
stopped before a "frog" was reached, or
Mr. Ooey believes tbat be would bave
lost bis leg. He says that it was a close
call, and tbnngh be ballooed manfully
when the accident first happened, could
not make Engineer Patterson or Fireman
Revoe beai him- To say that be is fortu
nate, is putting it mild. It was the
olOBest of close calls.
m t and ! Sim f Painter.
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator.
First-ClasB work in All Ita Branches.-- -Prices Reasonable.
Fbou Tub Land of CHiNOBBtias. Dr.
E. T. On wen arrived from Sabetha, Kan
sas, last Tuesday. He speaks very high
ly of his treatment by tbe Knights of
Pjthias of that place, as well as at Ar
lington, on his way back. Tbe memb-re
of tbe order took oharge of the obsequies
of bis departed wife, aud in many ways
relieved Ibe burden ot sorrow. He found
Kansas beautiful and prosperous, though
somewhat excited over tbe eleotion.
Tbouifb Kansas has been carried by the
populists, there is not a vestige of tne
democratic organization left in the state,
it being now a oonteBt between tbe pop
ulists and republicans.
TCTo OtUor
Ou ze SB
Mountain Hocsb. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased tbe bostelry known as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re-
fiirnishine it throughout. Board and
bed, per month, $6; board without bed.
jM.fill; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr.
Crank asks a portion of the patronage,
helievinir that he cau give as ood ser
vice as auyoue in Heppuer, and for lees
monev. w-sw.
First Month's Sales, 720 Bottles ; Seoond Month's Sales, 3300 bottles
PniOZ). DeciG. $1 and $Q a, Bottle.
Pcblio Plk Heary Wade will offer
at publio sale, haturdBy, Nov. 26. at bis
farm, five miles northeast of Heppuer, at
tbe head of Sand Hollow, 100 head of
cattle and 20 bead of horses: also many
articles of (arm machinery. Everyone
desiring baruains ebon Id attend. 4d tf
A Ccriositi. Alex Thompson dngup
for e Gazette reporter this morning
irenniue ouriosity. It consisted ol an
Hinile which was one-eiuht Rambo and
seen-eiiihts some otber sort. Tbis
combination wa brought about by graft
ing a piece of Rumbo into the other
BDnle early this summer. The union is
as I'omolete as though tbey bad been
one from tbe bud. Verily tbis is tbe
day of coariosities.
Winn All 'Rodnd. Our towu oonncil
nre having a tough time in making seven
Hro liuhts do the work of twice that, nnm
ber. Let nsdown easy, people; it's h I
on one side and a big fire on the other.
with but little other oonutry tbat a town
e luncilman can drive iu. We will try t
do tbe best we can for the money, tbe
greatest good for the grea'eat number.
Those Blanks-.- Purchasers are find
ing great bargains in those siunie and
double blankets Ibal Fell Bros, are offer
ing at such low figures, lor they bod
ihem ueiiher sbodily nor pari cotton,
but wbat we say-all wool. Why tbey
sell them so che ip is easily explained.
I'bey give Ihe piiruhafer a oargam
Ibevuetoue. Tue blausets sen
A Nkw Neiohbob. - Geo. W. Lord
has moved into tbe former ait gal
lery over Mesars. browu & Hamilton s
,r J . . ...... r..m u...l,liMtnrM
..flioe, ami uhs niiou up -
-..rii He is urepared to contract for
all kiuds of biiildlue,or win eupe .r
....tnintion.anil pmihaEe material for
the same, giving bis custoiue.s .uo
eBt of his experience aud V"'"-
Stbaved. A lour-) ear-old steer, brand
ed H P ou the ribs on right side; also
..,.. hraiol on riaht hip and ou right
..u . U... 11. .lit in rtL? ht enr. Any JUlf-r-
.nation lending to recovery of same will
Ue cheerfully reward oobDkxteBj
538-sw Heyyurr, Or.
Mince Pie I ime.-F. C. I'honipion Co.,
bave leceived a fresh supply Seedless
London Laer ami Musialelle raisins
U ou i -..rralllH Hllll
a. iron, orange ueci.Aii"" - -
ret Cliler. So eat miuoe
aud grow fat
The World Enriched.
Thefaoalities of the present day for tbe
production of everything tbat will con
iluriH to the material welfare and com
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
an! when Syrup of Figs was first pro.
iliined ihe world was enriched witb tb
only perfect laxative known, as it is tbe
ouly remeny wuicn is irniy pirasiiig
refreshing to the taste una prompt ami
effectual o cleause the system gently in
Ihe sprint; time nr. in faot, at any time
and the better it IS kuown the more
l opular it beoomee. 5dOB43 law.
Always Oct The Best.
Persons who suffer from rheumatism
want immediate relief. It ia not enough
tbat the pain should be eased, and the
app6tite be increased. Anything snort
,,r h cure ia onlv prolonging torture, it
unisonous acids in the blood, whiob is
the direot oanse of rheumatism, are im
mprliatelv aud effectually expelled by I)
Drnmmoud'a Liulituing Remedy. N.'lh
iug known to medioal science will afford
nch soeedv relief. If the draggist oan
uo furuish it the remedy will be sen
prepaid loany address on receipt of price,
tive riollars. Urummona menicine un
48 Bu Muideu Lane, New York. Agents
wanted. v
Diamonp Cioabs.-Without
aud for years tbe leadiug
aaloou ciiiar. will De soiu .""
35 44
hu equal.
. .i ia, ...
isco wholesale prices, by lots ot .w -
5,000 at J. Cohu's.
Vila and Usworthy
Of consideration are nostrums of wbicl
it i HH-erted and there are many snr
tbat ibey cure immediately bodll)
ailments of long standing lhere are
none such tbat oan. Chronic disorders
cannot lie iuslautaueoiisly rem ived
Coutiuuity iu the use of a genuine med
iciue, audi as Hosteller's Htomai n ti
ters. will eradicate cbmuKJ physical evil
Nut the least of these last in the foroe
of its opposition to medioine ia const
pation, to the removal of wbicb. if per
aiaterl in. the Bitters is particularly ad
nied. Constriction of tbe bowels is
comolaint which should be dealt wit
fnt I y and systematically. 8 are lti
n.nal attend nits, liver complain!
diapi-psia. For these, for malaria, men
mutism. klllueV irouoie, auu morr
rxnentlv 'Ma irrippf," this highly
nud professionally commended medicine
is an undoubted specino. Kioiunig can
) L m inmv., aa a mAHnS of Im
e.umu i , " ' -
parting strength to tbe feeble and nerv
Returned t. His Motueb J. L
Jonee, tbe voni.g lad who was mcarcer
aled reoenily for larceny of a pair of
boots from a H.ppoer store, was turned
loose Wednesday, Bnd is, perhaps, now
with his mother al Elgin. It was sup-
ARNESH-8HOP, Ptryl nrl fljtures. Owxl
hi.ainu- etati snen III (nv lino', oi
(rood tarinlni! and stock-raising country
. , j... . a,w hnuu, and two iou Willi
iihont ihe business property, for lurtuer I
ormaUOB 4dreH (iaMtu, Ueppur, Or.
Lamp Fixtures
Pumps, Oaspipe aud Piumbitig Materials. Coal, Iron and Steel.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Are still allre and kicking for trade with a complete line of
(III, I .w
It I
Guns and Ammunition, Sewing:
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Gents' Fumishftift- Goods, and the largest assortment
of Teas in Eastern Oregon.
530- sw
XT. boll xia a. -
are a.
las TJeocl.
I0ICM fe-
tvia ohni'0 -ra mlnnlnrpd Ipttem of the nump f f thi most popular music pub-
Ucattou u the continent, the publisher oi whkh will ive
to the first twenty persons sending In the above three words with the letters
correctly arraujfed. frizes to be awarded an follows :
To the tint person senilinc the correct answer 111 be given l:t()0 In essll ;
to the second, 1200 ; to the third, sloo ; to the fourth, 7.i ; to the filth, f'tii j
to the sixth, SilS: to the seventh, ar ; to ihe eighth, fMO ; to the ninth, (IK ;
to the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth, tlO ench j and the
fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth correct
answers, 95 each.
Every person sending an answer to the above Puzzle must enclose with the
same fifteen (I;,) two cent stamps for one mouth's tiiul subscription to our "Al libit'
kill. to," which is the most HhIimibih wink r lis koni ever iiiibnMieil in
America, liemic lithiiainilifil hel pPi'. wit" nivrr brnu, iriiliy dep-ieiifil
In Kind and emliiuwd. Our publicHtiou ia a monthly, each nuiiilier containing
the ,HleHt and lii-st coniMiNiiloim. therefore you receive leu times ihe value ut
ytiar rvmiiiai'reni any one nuiiiber.
Our object In offering this Prize Puzzle is to attract attention to our publi
cation, subscribers to which are placed in a position to buy all lines of sheet
music at trade rates.
We have outlived the prejudice that the public have against prize competi
tions brought about by unscrupulous publishers ol fiike" journals, as we have
not advertised to give everything, but have always given every tiling we adver
tised. The envelope which contains the correct solution bearing first postmark
will receive first award, and the balance lu order as received.
This month's issue contains the following copyright music :
"GERAL J1NE" WALTZ. Great Hit.
",1LL THE HOSUN" (Vocal.) Sen Soui?. -"LA
8ERENATA" WALTZ. Very Latsst.
"LOVE AND DOTt " (VoohI.) Grest Success.
"GERMAN PATROL" MARCH. Very cstcliy.
"POM PA DOUR" POLKA. Great suooess.
"KLEINE KATIE." (Son ) Dutch YouMe.
t3JIf this is not by far Ihe greatest value in tbe ronBio line you ever
saw, we will olieerfully refund your money.
it, iii iii ii ir, i im in i r v
VulilVV null vi i a
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto:
We Won'T Be unoERSoLD.
tf. Comer Main And Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Mads ok Short Notice and at Popular Paicis.
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Mention this paper. 236-43
Music Folio,
Change of Ownership
whiob we propose to conduct in tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on bonds at all times tbe oboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85-tt Proorietors.
t'Oj s
:- and -:- (Jiprs !
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Seo soil.
Also is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
T. W. AYEKS. Jr.
T. W. AYERS, Jlk, & CO.
HUM - - UHS - - 1111(1 - - fl ttt
Dye-stnffs. Pstent Meflteifes. Pr(iimpry. Trnaaes nnd Hhonlder Braces. Wall
Paper, Window Ulssa, sod all otber articles tiaaaily kept iu a Ural oluss drag store.
nyt-H ffi.m thf
Footwear !
H. H'Hrk-.n n A 'o 'w.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
m Heppner.
Main Sltroet, II in i Or.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
15. AIITII, Xllot JRoolc, Or,
Graduate M. E. C. V. ti. , London, England.
Veterinary SURGE0N !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I m prepared torlo 1) kliulsof Veterinary Surirerv, Kmssculntlnir Horses anil Reirllnm a Speci
alty. (This is the only true method nt operaliiiKon Imrsea.) HpeylnK ol Cnttleaml lions
on short nollce. I will treat all animals In the most approved procedure ot t eter
tnury HurKery. If you have any sick ai.lmals It will he to your interest to
Mil on mo at r-teMarl s stables. ,,
HEPPNKK, - .';insw okkuon
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
TtiiHi fin
Etc., Etc
Trust Busts.
18 HKI'l'NKIt'3
L K A D I N (I
Otne, Kesidene
Contractor I lib