Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. GENERAL WEAVER. Genernl Weaver bac come oat of the fight iu good niin. He has it respect eb share uf electoral votes, and iu tbe main ban conducted bis campaign with vior aud dt-oeuoy. lie woulo bave been better oil' if be bad left Mrs. Leant at borne to help Mr. Lease nurse tbe baby. Possibly be uow realizes tbe mistake of taking a woman ou tUestump tuiuslruct tbe lords of ore. lion bow to vote. It re acted against tbe populist oaudidute witb suthoieut foroe to drive away a large element Irom tbe Dew party tbat might otherwise bave co operated witb it But, notwithstanduiK tbe mistakes of the campaign, Mr. Weaver really did the democrats a great deal jfood Iu Western slates. Aud iu oousideratiou of bis bervices in tins respect, bis name is now being oa vassed iu connection witb a oabiuet office under IbeCieVeluud Bdmimstratlou. We buve no idea tbat Ueueral Weaver "ill be offered a cabinet place, nor do we tbink be would expeci it. hull, it would be iu tbe fitness of things to make bim commissioner of tbe labui bureau, a place tbat be is eminent- ly quanned to nil, aud It would De an appointment tbat would please tbe labor ii K classes. Jfoitland Telegram. Tbis is the most arrogant acknowledge ment that we buve seen. Tbat the pop ulist contributed to tbe defeat of tbe republican parly as much or more tbau anything else, all acknowledge. Tbe people's party, so far, has served as an able lieuteuuutut the democracy, aud tbe Telegram's shameless admixsiou is in strict line witb its past record. But tbe gall of tbe thing is enough to take oue'i breath. Tbe better cluss of populists will certain y uut relish this assertion thut they bave been able tools of tbe democrats aud should be rewarded foi it. FREE TRADE IN "PROSPEROUS ULSTER." The Irish World finds in an English paper, the Hyde Ttlegrapb, of October 13, a letter from a correspondent who has recently been iu Ireland and made some personal investigation of tbe condi tion uf workiugmen there. Following is a "case" be gives of the wages and home comforts of a laborer upou whom be call, ed at bis "bouse" near Lurgmi, iu the county of Aimagb, in the province of Ulster, about Ihe prosperity uf wbiob we hear so much from tbe Belfast Orange opponents of home rule: "Cane No. 1. Cottage of two small rooms wilb mud floors. Family: father, mother and nine children, Tbe ages oi tbeelnldien from 15 years to 2 ni'inil a Tbe father emiied lust week lis. ($i.7!), the mother lu. (2,'kms ), Ihe eldest b..y Hs (81 6(1), tbe eldest gh! Is., the text hoy lo., tue next boy la. lu all 21". Itf) 2b came into that house;. 1 bia Mas u veiy respectable family, but 1 leal ned that Ihe father and mother, wn ii the three youngest childitu a girl ol 3. a boy i2 mmitlis atd a boy two months old- all occupied one bed ; while lo ihe Same mom the eldest gill 13) aud two boys of 5 audi years respectively, slept together iu a li tickle hed on the 11 .or The three Bluest boys, 15, 11, and SI, slept on a kind of bioad shelf or iiM lolt over the kitchen lire." Tbe wider gives several other "cases" even woise than the above, ijuob is the prosperity of "prosperous Ulster' under the policy of free trade. BOTl'l WANT IT. Cleveland's election all that Is ohnnged. Today another meeting was held atHwan sea, ati'l it was resolved, out of sympathy toward American canners, and iu view of the result of the e'ecliou, that lb. proposed pushing of canning irj'lu'jlrief in other countries be deferred for some time. A committee was appointed t" watch the development of the tarifl matters affecting the trade. A LiAUiNd democrat in The Dalle', last Thursday, when asked "if the demo crats would repeal the tariff law aud 10 pel oeut. tax on state banks?" replied, "tin platform is made to get in on, not to stand on j" we a note it showing tbe nunn imity of tbe democracy. The tame an ewer was given lo Chaunoey Depew by s democrat iu New York, on the same day Dpew believes we "ill make them con fess they did not dare to fulfil their pr m ises Chronicle. A DISPATCH to tbe Portland Telegram says: "Tbe Fuloon Iron and Nail Com pany, wbiob bas been engaged iu putting in the foundations for a large tin-plati plant at Niles, O., bas deoided to com plete the work already laid out, bnt wil not finish tbe improvements nutil tin polioy of Ihe dtmncralio adrniuistratio'i is determined. If favorable to tbe tin plafe industry tbe works will be started, otherwise be ohanged to sume other industry." The annual convention of the farmers.' alliance is in session at Memphis, leuu. There is a lively contest over tbe presi dency beleen I he fi lends of the presenl iiiciimbeiit, Louoks, of North Dakota, und tbi se of C. W. Macuue, of Washing ton, editor of tbe Economist. The for-uu-r is being pushed by the third parly element, aud the later by the democrats. Delegate Beck, of Alabama, who is aleadiugligbtiutbeorgauizatiou, said this evening: "Tbe original idea wits the orgnuzi tiou should stay out of politics, but it won't, and siuce tbe members will dabble iu politics, I say give them a democratic flavor. Thai's my idea. We want Macuue for president; he's a democrat." Ou tbe other baud, John II. Mo Dowel), of Tennessee, is working hard for Loucks, thinking thus to throw tbe organization into tbe people's party. The day before eleolion 5(1 Boston bankers issued a manifesto urging the pnblio to yote fi r Cleveland, claiming tbat this course was tbe best means ol crushing out Ihe Bilver sentiment, and preventing the issiinuco of greenbacks oi flat money. It is evident tbat one ele ment or auolher is going to be deceived and disappointed in Mr. Cleveland's ad ministration. Spokane Roview. There is talk uf putting Oen. Weavei at tbe bead of tbe labor bureau of the government. It would be a good ap pointment. General Weaver is well titled for tbe position. It would add to Ihe popularity of a democratic administra tion. E. O. Shades of Moses! Is the people's party a demooratio machine? I would seem so, at any rate. Hon. D. P. Thompson bas been chosen minister to Turkey, vice Hon. Sol . Htrscb. resigned. He will doubtless accept. Mr Thompson came to the Const in an early day, worked as a woodchopper, became a surveyor, prospered, was governor i f Idaho under Grant, mayor of Portland uud a representative of Multnomah oouu ty in the state hgislature. Tub annual dinner of the New York ohamber of commerce was hi hi at Del inoiiico's ou the night of Ihe 15' h. There were preseut many men of uulionul rep elation, including President elect Cleve land, O. J. Foster, W. II. II Miller. VYbitolaw lleid, Chaiiucy Depew, and others. Chab. PiiTiiR, of Ihe Weston country, was shot and fatally ii juied by buiglars recently, They are supposed to he two young men of that neighborhood, Frank Fletcher and Pete Oaskell. Ohand Matkii l'owumu.r, of the Knights of Labor, will retire at the national gathering at St. Louis this week. Editor Wright is named as bis successor. district of Viterbn, I'aly, and wan the son of Giacomo Angelini, then governor of JauepiuH. Rev. Edmund Vxnghan, nn nncle of the Arohbisoop of Westminster, has jnst ailed for Sidney. He in to take rliaril if hII the bouses of tbe Redemptoriit Or der iu Australia Claphaui is Hie hi ad quarters of the Order in England, In Ireland the K-demptorists have bontes at Limerck aud Duudaik. O i Sunday, Sept. 2.5, the oeremony of "lothing and profession took place at Ni Zareth House, Hammeremiib, London. Slater Elvsliege (Miss MeK-nua or Bel fast. Sister Nmiau Miss Fi'z-mnon of Crooarnore, county ioivn). made their vows, and Miss Markham Siatm M Sen nanus of onnnty Oare, and Miss McGmre .Sister M. Zitajof oounty Uavan, received the hahit. Very Rev. Father William Walsh, of 'he order of St. Augustine, assistant to 'be general, celebrated a solemn r quiem iihss in the church of San Pc, H 'ine, for the repose of the sonl of John L Ash man, on the anniversary of bis death, bather Dnscnll was deacon. Fattier Pat ick Raleigh aub-deacon, and Father Pat iok Crolty master of ceremouie", the whole community utteudiug ou the occa sion. Father Finnegan, Dunleer, Lontb, who (or several weeks has been hoveling be- tweeu life and death under a very seri ins attack of typhoid fever, contracted in diohargp of his sacred duties, is be vond all danger and fast recovering, and in hIi ;tit two weeks be will be able to leave his room, rimce bis arrival in Dun leer the reverend gentleman bas been iustrumental with God's assistance in promoting much good for tbe people of ilial place. How's This I TO THE It is a wonderful remec'y, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children, : C is Scott's Emulsion of Pure Norw xi Liver Oil and Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soch. It checks wasting in the children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps them from taking- col l and it will do the same for you Scott's Emulsion ct:ros C-:t'as, Colds, Consumption, Scrcfi.l.i asi-i mil Anaemic and Wostosr Riser, s. Prevents wastin? in el: i:t -n. . most as palatable n ni:tu. Uc: only the Genuine. Pr.-pnrrd by fi.:r,tt ft Bowne, Chemist, Hew Tork. fo!J ry all Druggists. Scott's Mmision We offer one hundred dollars reward 'or any case of natanh cure. F. J.CHENEY & Co. Props., Toledn.O. We the undersigned have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business 'rausaotions and tiiiaiictally able tocarry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. VVkbt ft J.BUJ.X, wholesale Druggists Tolodo, O. Walpino, Rinnan ft Mabvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. (J Hall's CatanbCnre Is taken internally aoting direotly upou the blood and mu hour surfaoes of tbe system. Testimon' lala sent free. Price 75o. per buttle- loiu oy an arnggists. NOTICE TO O. A. It. Nntioe io hereby given to all members of Rawlins Post No. 31, G. A. R , and those intending to become members, that Hiere will be a meetuis' or this post at Heppner on Nov 26,1802. All invited particularly those who are soldiers, but not members ot any post. By order of Geo. W. Smith, C. C. Boon, Adjutant. E-TheW R C. will hold a meeting at the (Jdd fellows hall. Siiturdav. Nov. vo. 1 p m , the same day that tbe U A, K. meelB, to take iu new members. 43 tf. By order of the W. R. C. G. a. It. NO I U K. The members of Kiwlius Post No 81, G. A. R. are requested to be in ntteud ance at the n eeting of tbe Post on the lust hatmday iu December, D-oemlier dl.ut Lexwiuton, at ulncli time the eleo tion of I'llioers for the ensiling war oc curs. Please bear this in mind, and mane jour arrangements to be with na. Mf G. W. Smith, Com. A meiti'Ino of U.OOU free traders, ou NoV' 14, at .Sidney, Anstinlia, cables uongrat ulatioiiB to Grover Clevelaud upon his eleolion. Sir lletity Parkes presided over tbe meeting. Tuosk who represent Enstern inoiiev in KansaB say that they caunot loan any oiore money in that stale till the policy of the state is known. They fear injuri ous legislation. CoMmissionkii Piick, of New York, has been discharged from custody, there hav lug been nothing of aorimiual nature proveu against him. Some thoughtless pe 'pic endeavored to enter into the New York parade, during the reoent celebration of Cleveland's eleo tiou, a wagon, upon which was erected a sen ffo Id, and dangling from the disgust mg euibltm was an t 111 jy ot President Harrison. As soon as the uncanny ob ject was seen by the looal democrats there were mntteriugs of disapproval, which soon broke out iu an opeu protest. The leaders of Ihe prooossion iusisted that such au exhioiliou was au Insult to every loyal citizen, who, uo matter how they differed on questions of piditics, were bound to redguize anil maiiitnin the dignity of the olllue of chief niagis trate. The i fliny was rventually dra n up the street and torn to pieces, while the crowd hooted at the men who plan ned Ihe affair. Our people differ, polit ically, but their loyalty is ab.ive re proacb. The London Morning Leader recently deolared that there were 20,(100 actually starving iu Loudon. Free trade L judou! A hum of mouey as large as 8250,000, 000 is expected to be left iu America by the fair of next year. Tub report that Senator David B Hill is engaged to a Southern lady proves to be untrue. CrT. Cha9 U. Hunt is uow chief of police, city of Portland. HtlHIl NEWS. The supreme court of the state of Nebraska is wrestling with its llrst case resulting from ('lay count). Comprising the 43 I representative district. S. Me l ler, the speaker of the last house was nominated by both Ihe iudepeudents find democrats at separate conventions. Bud on the ticket his mime was printed as the nominee of each parly. He was elected, and now bis republican oppo nent olaims ihat thepriutiugof the name in two distinct plao a is contrary to Ihe provisions of the Australinn ballot law. The supreme court is asked for an in terpretation of the law. If Nathan Pierce had been elected in tbis state a similar case would have been before our Courts. A dispatch from England says: The dispoudeut feeling of seyerBl weeks past in Ihe tin plate distiict of Wales has been changed Into one of r juicing. A fortnight Bgo nie ting of the masters was held and the question of seeking ew markets was diaouased. Since Mr From the Irish World. The estate, ri al and personal, of the late Patrick S. tlilmore was recently de clared at 00.000. Father Jones, d. J., an Irishman, has been elected one of the assistants to the uew Ueueral of ttie Society of Jesus. Archbishop Walsh, of Toronto, who is a native of Moonooin, County Kilkenny, on last tbursday celebrated Ihe Iwenlj Ulih anniversary of his administration. A dispatch from Balliuadriuiiia, Coun ty lvlldare, said : Sergeant Rogan, his wife aud childieu vere murdered there last night by Constable Pilkinglou, who aflerwa'd commuted suicide. Miss Mury Treaey, daughter of the late John Tieacy, Clotii:hjordan, recently made her final va s as a sister ot lueroy in 1 lio convent, Loner Baggott street, Dublin. She took the titleol .Sinter Mary Da mi on. The Duke of Devonshire, formerly Lrd Hariiiigton, has, through Dictor Maziere lirndy, presenied to L-o XIII. several volumes ol ' The Lisuiore Papers," which are the diaries aud memoirs ol the tlrst Kai I oi Coi k. The cause of temperance is gaining numerous proselytes beneath t lie 8 'Uth eru Cross. Au entertainment was recent ly given by the S. Patrick's Total Ab stinence Society of It illarat,' Victoria, to commemorate the enrollment of its 1,000 members Dining tbe month of September 820, 810 wonh of herrings ere taken on tbe Irish const, aud in ttie last mouth (40. 000 worth of mackerel. There Brs mil lions of dollars in this industry if the fishermen were only properly equipped for its pros cution. The well known Father Antonio An gehoi, of the Society of Jesus died at Home B few days ago alter four davs' ill ness DIMHOM'TIUN 01' UOPATKNEHSH1P. Notice is hereby given that tbe part nership existing between Arthur Coffin and Flunk McFarland. under the firm name of C Ilia & McFarland, was dis solved Fehrnaiy 1, 1H02, by mtituid con sent, Arthur Collin retaining the Arling ton business, collecting all accounts due "lid paving all liabilities of same, and Frank McFarhind retaining th Heppner business, collecting all aocouuts due aud paying all liabilities of same Arthur Coffin, I'hank WcFahland Referring to the above, Frank McFar land. Homer McF.rlnod and Emil C. Voruz have formed a co partnership un der the Una uame of McFarland Mercan tile Company, commencing business September 1st, 1892, to be incorporated. The new flim will continue it) the gen eral merchandising busiuess at tbe same location, National Hank buildiug, lower Main St., Heppuer, Oregon. Fhank McFaki.and, HOMHR UoKAHLANd. 642 548-w 1'mil P. Vokuz. S. C. Smith, Keeps a full line of EVERYTHING Id the way of Furniture. Undertnklng goodi a speciality. May Street, Beppner, Or. 623-f You will catch At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . . . . Read their new ad. soon, H. A. Thompson a. E. Blum THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Below Colli n & MeFarland'a, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. SI 25. Meals 25 eta. a at C. C. Sargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Urain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED. By traveling fakirs. C. 0. Wildev & Co , of " Walla Walla, Wash., are the largest import ers direot from the Eastern factories m the Inland Empire of FIAMOS AND ORGANS We can save yon from 825 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible parties. We handle tbe very best makes of instruments, and warraut them for Ave years, and guarantee lower prices than any house on this coast for same quality. We bny direot from Chickering & Sons, Weman A Co., Conover Rros & Co., Smith & Barnes, pianos Packard, Story & Clark and Chioagn Cot tage Organs. Sell Organs from $100 lo 1(300 ; Pianos from 3l0 to $700. Write ns ror catalogue ana prioes. it win pBy you. (J. (J. V lldey ofc Oo 535w Walla Walla, Wash PEOPLE OF HEPPNER -And Surrounding Country,: We ere comi elled to announce that onr entire stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, -5 II ATS, O-VPS Trunks, Valises, and also n full line of Ladies' Goods, auoh bs Dress Qoods, Furn ishing, Fancy Goods and Notions of all kinds MUST BE SOLD 3o. Within the Next 30 Days. 30. At prices never heard of before in the history of merchandising. Thanking you for past patronage, we would like to see you come and Get the Benefit of Our- 6losii(5 Out : Sle -AT THE -- THE HEPPNER, EASTERN CLOTHING HOUSE, N- LEVI ROBISON. Proprietor, OREGON jBCAB, TICKScaLICE 'iwiilion better tin Cere ! DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND- HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL N Ioilorveilients t Coorier Pin ! used and endorsed bv the foil Donalilnon, Dayville; W. s. Leo, Junction City; John IlnrriHon, Mntnev; Geo. Ochs, Amanda Kenneth McKar. Davvil e: Joe Oliver. John Duv: .1 W Rvuru owl iui... . p i u.n' Cook .t Clarlt, Phllbrook; Kairchil.i k McCraW. Diinnv'er: P. K. Wurrfin. ilHr: Rnrh Rrn' Levviston; L. P. Chandler, MaMon; J. IJlrHciibiTK, Chot'eau; D. 8. IlaatinirB, Ubet; James KdU, Dillou; W. orton Stewart; A. Downie. Biti tfuntly. hi Dip ever mk Hi Everywhere Ash Your Merchant j "or, Coopers and Take w Other. Props. Wm. COOPER-4 NEPHEWS. KCWHI.AVn Rim p,.ttn.l rtna,.n Gen. AgU. for Oregon, WunhiiiKton anil Westci n Idaho. f7alr(on, Teran. From 1 Uf I'mey V ooils Of the North to the everglades of the South, di tiL'tfists are liHsifued by people with eery shd of Hhnimatisiii, inquir ing about Dr. Di iiiuraond's remedy. "Will it onre me?" Anil the dniKuist points to the faot that the Uiuuimond Medioine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York, offer a reward of $ 00 for a ense their remedy will uot cure. That kind of answer is satisfy iiii?, aud the sufferer planks dowu rive dollnis and uoes home mid is onred. Not only relieved, hut Ci'HKD. Aifeuts wanted. 46 TO TIIK POINT. My oreditors are after me for mnnev which I cannot pay uuless those who owe me come to the front. This I shall expect everyone to do without further delav. I ueed mouov and must have it m SW U. W. HOBNEK. 1'. S. I'm in dead earnest ou this mat ter. Those ho think that I am foolinu. will fiud out their mistake. D. W. H. TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK T. IVIIXv5SO, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays snd Saturdays. Loaves Lone Rock on JYIOuuays, Wednesdays aud Fridays. Mskes connection with the wetkly line to Fossil. Reasonable ohurnet for both Passengers -:vand -:- Freight. 513-tf i SLOCDM-JOHNSrON DRUG CO., Anents. Hepnner. Or. AUUITIONAL, LOCALS. 15 HblWAltD. Tbis amonnt will be paid for the re covery of B chestnut sorrtd mare, branded a diamond Lou liht hip nnd I S on left shoulder; has a wire out on one front fool; is seveu years old, weiiihs 901) to 1000 pounds, stir in forehead, while snip iu the fuce. The uliove reward ill be aid for her delivery to me at Alci. Thompson's ranch. Joseph Drgois, C41-tf, Hepputr, Or. 15 lihVVAlU). T.ost or shden, one buy horse four years old, branded cross ( ) with bar above it on riy lit shoulder Hud white face. I will yive the alvve reward for his return n J L. Howard's ranch on LitHs Uniter I uow deals iu cram, lumber aud wood vMrt K. or .or inioruiaiion leaning lo nis recovery. 1. U Howaud, RiS w lialluwav, Ore, The Stndebaker wagon beads them all. For sale at Gilliam Sc Bisbee's. a Look out for Fell Bro.' le of rem-uaiitB-barKaius in everything. a Why go hungry whBu the City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates. a "Hardware" did you sayf Why, yes at P.O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a Call on Kip to do yonr wood sawing; same old price. Also delivers wood to any part of Heppner. Hee ad. a For oaeb you oan get more at the East eru Clothing bonse, witb Levi on deck, than any other plaoe in Heppuer. a The Falaoe ia the leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for evrvoue. a Smith, the furniture man, is prepared to sell line goods at low figures. Full line of undertaking goods on hands, a Gilliam & Biabee, the hardware and tinware merohauts, curry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agricul tural implements. Don't you need a plow this fall? a Don't overlook T. W. Ayera, Jr., tbe leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest drugs and tbe finest toilet articles always on hand. ' a The Bnchler beer, 6 cents per glass, Bt the Columbia Beer Hall. Osmers A Hughes, mops., nejt door to M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. a The M. L. A T. Co., since they bave roofed all their platforms, have an im- n,..a Tl... . . mmnc Minge CHpHOHJ. 11IIH UOIlipaUy A CoinDrelieasivB Survei Dr. Orant'sCloab', the great dyspepsia Conqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Kvery bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect b oure or money refunded. See ad. iu this issue. a Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmna for bargains. They have purchased Ihebus iness of J. W. Matlock & C bnt will soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site the Palace hotel. s Borg. the je.veler, is tb' -van to fix np yonr watch or clock, '.e keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business1 n M. Lichlenlbal A Co. have n fins lot n( winier wear, inpim inj lu,li.u' ...i..... Ttie .hocused was lairu on the shor. nv-rwlm. ml,:,.., K..t, . n litilhof January, 18U9, atCaueinua, iutheiin. ' ' a i Since Shaw A MeCarty purchased the meat market they bave al ays endeavor ed to keep on baud tbe freshest aud choicest meat, sausages aud bologuas. a What will perseverance, plnok and en terpris avail in this wild west, if you cannot get big bargains? However, be fore giving tip entirely, visit Minor Bros.' empor um. a Thompson A Binnaown tbe buss wbicb goes to and from the City hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train iu any part ot the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Ttie general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin A McKar laud, has lately changed bauds, now be ing nnder th oontml and management of The McFarland Meroanlile Compsnv, whioh continues business at tbe old stand ' witb a larger atook than aver. a An Apprehensive Subject Means of a Prehensile Tail" The Monkey is Xot Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Sot Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. WE 1ELL OF Splendid Goods, Fair treatment ; eatisfsction to custom era, and of reasonable prioes aud good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale witbon end, beo-mse it ia a tsle tbat will hold A pleasure to show goods. Special inducements to cash bnyers. Csll at HERE IS THE PLACiC 10 tet j!,ven on Your T.ife.- s COMPLETE JUS'.r LINE OF OPENEDr Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, : QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. ( Wood Bnd VVilli'vware. Blaokimitln' Snnnlioa Trn ..i i i r, . Pipe, Tanks. Bathtub, ,,nd Sink,. Pliiinhing M .twi ,1s, A7riciiltVral Inle- an n.inua or Kjpainug quickly and ueatly done.- Bain Wiigons, Hiicks ano Buekboards. '- Ton will save money by getting nur prioes before purchasing elsewhere. -: .;. .;. -. ... . menls Odd Fellows' building, Main St., 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. DAN OSMKRS. MAT HUGHES. Columbia Beer Hall! rpr71 ilfloD J rr . . xiLZ t "VP"''' Factory on Main Street. Keen TIT" y-. ' ty ines, Uigurs, Ktc. on hand We have a Fine Line of Liquors, Reducedjhe Price of the Buchler Beer to On draught frPs l Bnd cool. Lunch of all kiudt, Hope to Bee all thP1r old f, iPUc)8 aud mHI)y more w 3N1K1S & HUGHES. Props. The Heppner Wood Yard. KIP HAS GOT AHoriMi, AI "Dd h" 0Pe"ed UP 'J. wuich be will deHver wood,, eawed or tiusawed. Wood Sawed at Rn,:. . i ivjiuoiic, ;k CIS r Cord Ivma in (mn . 1 .... ' xer v,orn, twice in two ; 81 00, three times, -.... nr.. in si.ou per coril. yKrd 823-aw Wood sawed and .. ... e. oo Yrd near the depot. Leave orders at dloan H.,wa-d's RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. JHE QITY HOTEL, v, I. LEEZEH, Prop, rilHIS HOSTELKY hs hn X - . ... . . . ana kepcnished thronghont, and now , one of be most, nviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leer inviU. 7o to .top with him, feeling that h ,. able to entertain yon in the best of style. First Class" House. ' ' Reasonable Rates.