MEn T WHYAREYOU 'H rs ta-t ,1'" tfif)R mdnfY .-Rfc! ve have a relief and cure Jn your ignorance of effects ami vitality which is system the elements thus sirrngili and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric sifter all other treatments ' textify, and from many of ,m-i-3 THE . ,lvanic battery, made into a belt is a complete j .uh r.inttatitlv felt througnout an wean "' . .' v .ml -we .rente Donn ever K.v-.. "'-- T,.nv Refunded. ?They are graded in in two or three months. MIC .Tumi - - - SANDEN TICKETS On Sale TO OMAHA, KansasCity, St. Paul, lAND AI,I POINTS EfiST.PPPSGIITJI. Iavea Hepprjer, 8 a. m. Arrives 6J30 p. m. 'taiJmnri Hleeners, Colonltit Sleepers, Reclining Chair and Diners Cars Htiainers I'ortlnnd to Hau Francisco every four days . Tickets TOAITB Europ For rales ami general Information r ali on Depot Tlckot AlJOllt. J. C. MA RT Ilepiier, Oreguu. II. III'ltLIIL'RT, Assl tleio. 1'ims Aut. JM WaaliliiKion HI., POBTI.ANfl. OlIBIION. Scientific America S, Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARK8. rICN PATENTS COPYI1IOHTS, eto. forlnformstlon nnrt free llsrnlbook wrlto to MIinn a Co.. iiiioamway, Nkw voutr. Oldest Inlreuu fur seemlnK niltents In Anierle. Kvery i;ilnt tiikim oul In- ns Is Inoiiulit tiofoio nubile Liy a notlw nlvuii free uf ebmifo in the 'cicutific gwericau Imrtcnist fltrrnUtlrtn of nny nrlnntlilf pupor Tt thi? wiirltl. Hpl.'mlUilv tltust ml ml. No In t ol I mi.t mm. MiouKI do w.nioiit ii. Wnckiy, H.l.iHI a yt'ur; nix montliH. Al1rtrt MITNN & CO, tiiULUitiBii),! llroitdwaj. Kw If ork. QUICK TIME I TO Sf iiv Frnnolsoo And all poiutt lu Cnliforuia, Tin the Mt, Hhiutt ruute of the Southern Pacific Co The creat hiahwsy Uiroiifth Califumia to all poiuta Kaat and South. Urand Bceolo Route of the Paolfio Const. lul)inan HufTot HleoLere, Bvcond-oluiu. Hleeiore Attached Jo exprofta trains, nfTonliiiR auperiur ftcoomuiodatioua fur aocoud-cltiBt) jmrttfUKfin. FiiT ratea, tickets, alwpiim car reprHtion, to,, oall upon or addrtwa K. KOKilLEK, MaiiKKtr, E. P. IKXiKlis, Ami. UtiU. F. 4 P. AKI-. Portland, ttivncn. TAX SALE. THAY HY 1 virtue of a n arrant issued by the l otinty Clerk ot the County ol Mnnow, Mate of Cn'oii. dated the 7th dits i4 iH tuber, and to me di rected, commanding me to U v upon (lie .-min and chattel ot the dell nqtienl tn mj ets in. de aeiibed In the HivoeMiiiient to! In of htiitl eoiinty, and II Blittleli'iit perhonal properly he not luiind, then upon the ti'dl tii'i'ily ol unit) del uuj uetit tai payer, or so mm h tbereot hk r-hali !e ihtoh sary to HHtinlv said tax. tugethi r itb els ntul fXpeimeN, ami tor Hunt of Miltieient )'isi'iiti fmptfly to rstitlmy said taxes, 1 have linn d: y evletl upon the iollow det-etlbed i.l rotate, situated and being In Mrimv eoiiuH , (liixini. and belonging to the fol low lug-named peiKoiiN, ami the tiald real estate being duly artNentned to aid persona ami the taxes thereon being wow wholly unpaid, vi.: am't of t a x J. A. HrPM1.l,'S NK'4of SW'.Me lh In Tp IS.RrfK $ ii W Lee B. Howell, .NWS, Sec In Tp J N. H WE !!"( W. M. Moore, SKV. See J4 in Tp 1 N, H 2. K 7 7t Peter F.glev. M -4, See f in Tp 1 V Ii ::t 1- 2 W 1J Pet re, MVy See 14 In Tp J N of K M K y K. sheller, N Kh : in Tp 1 N of K K a st Adolph Hessiuger, NIC1 , of MS '.and N W l4 of K and s'-j, of iNK'4 See J l 1 s, 11 K 23 T. K Hraniel. NWV of Sec 'JS In Tp 2 N of K 24 K ?i M Mrs. A.C Hrmnel, H'a of SK'4 Sec It. in Tp 2 N of K 'M K f. I U, ft. U'fever, SKV of SK'A See IS ami N K of NKV Sec H' mid Nl of S'lA of See -"0 Tp S, It 2.') K 30 W Further not let i hereby gh en that 1 will on aiurday the -H'tli day oi Nov. W2, between the hours ol ten o'clock a. in. and four o eloek p. ut. of said day, at the iron! doors ol the court house In Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest of tho said delinquent taxpayer, in ami to the above described real property, at public afict ton to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to ! applied to the pay uient of said taxes, together with ceils and expenses ot sale. Dated this &tu day oi Oc tober. Ubo, Noni.K, 1 .vrMtfw Sherltl of Morrow County, urennn. 2 1 "JX r It AND S I, i AST I . 1 vlV.jrrfru.. en rz7JMm Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, a,v. iBlte? Back. Ki dneV Troubles. Nervousness the effects of abuses, excesses, ... i i ...Kw.v, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of ne. ye force electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace in.n v, drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and heal.h, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a l fnr nnr Illustrated PamDhlets. free: sent by mall, sealed. . Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vior. - failed, as can be snown Dy nunureas oi tac3 ii"s - . '7. V.V , , ,,,,. ,,. 1,,,--. .h-arin testimony to tlieir recovery after using our Belt. DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, pans, VI :. warrant t to cure anv ot the above weaknesses, . . f .VMiM vount?. middle-agecLpr old men, ana will cu' strength Hires ruoiiius. aui... m-s-mmkI ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON Address LUMBER! TE HAVE FOR BALE AIX KINDS OK UN it drcHMfd Lumber, 10 uilles of Ileppner, ut what li kuowu tin the SCOTT BAWMIIjIj. PKK 1,000 FKKT, ROUGH, " " " CI.BAR, - !O0O - 17 m IF DELIVEKK1) IN nRPFNER, WILL ADD I.'i.ikj per 1,000 feet, additional. L. HAMILTON, Prop. 1. A.. Hamilton, Man'ttr OFFIOIAXi. It Is our I'lirneBt dt-rdre to impress upmi the vice oili-n-d l,y the HlM-oiisin central Lines to Amwtm,t-e, ( Iih-hko simI till points i-ust utiu spi.iis'and Uuiiith daiiy, niiiinnea with full-1 muu VehtiMilMl Dnai h.g Ho(.i,i rtl-Pers liiiiiiiK i t;nis timl l.oiit-liea ut tilt' liiti-st- di'Hiun. Its Din-, Iiik fur siTviec is unsnrpiiKKod, w ii ii-h ac-.'omits, : to ii mviii d.-mvo or the pupiilnrlty oi iliis Hue ! 'I lit; uwioiisiii Centra! Lines, ill l-Dllnei-l ion wliii .Nortlieni I'Ki liie it. u., Is Hie only line it-otn riicitii: i oust pntntsover wtiicii ijotti mil-! (ntlitiili:i!, lifHf-clnuB, tiiid J'lilliniui Ti In! f n to f 111 h art.' u)i'iatt'il viusi, 1'uul u liliont olnini l'iini.lilt-is Kivinff vauiablo Inforratitiiti. can be dlitahu'ii I i ee iii1"!! 'iiiplictition Id your near est DrktM tm-'iit, tir .1 ah. ;. I'unh, t iem-ral I'iuim, g iui'1 'I'it'kitt Ai'ut, Cbiingo, 111. sliToFs CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure fa without a parallel in the history of niedicino. All druiHLH am authorized to sell Hon a pos itive guarantee, a teat that no other cine can micct'Ksfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous eit penso, are plauintf a Sample Bottle Free Into every homo in the United Htatcs and C'annda. If von have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, line it, for it will cure you. If your child hau the Croup, or WhoopiiiR Cough, use it promptly, and relief in sure, if you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use It, AHk your DruRKist for HIULOH'H CURE, Price lo eta. . ro ets. and $1 .00. If your Lnnga are sore or Back lame, uho Hhiloh's Poroua pliiHter. Price 25 cU. For sale by all Drug giHte aud Ucalera. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Siive -(t to frt) cenlf on every dollar you upend. Write ior our ni'iinnmih t;t alulae, a WHt-paye bMk,con!aininp illu-trnilon and .ilvlng lowtimau Ularturein' urieea, Willi maiiufaclureiK' (ilwuania ol every kind of guodn and supplies manutacuired and Imported lute the United .Sta-es. tjrm.erios, llmifschold tloud",, ClothtnK, Ladie And s.,cntn' (.luihiunaud Kunnnhlny tioiuli, Dreii tjoodri, While tJoiulf. Dry Giuula, But, Cap, Hoots and Shnrit, tilovrK, Wotlnns, (.lawiwaie, Hlationery, WntclieH, Clocks, Jewelry, Hllverware, Jinnies, Whipa, Airiii'aliutal Juipleitti'ina, eto, ONLY KliiM' CLAS Cftialo'iifl sent oil receipt ot -iA cents tor expreBtnp;e. Wb are the only concern widt h Belts ut . manufacturer' prices, allowing the luiyer the ame diarount tlie inauuffti'turer ptvea to the wholesale buyer, ft a gnaiHUtee all cood as represented; If not found eo, mouty refiindi-d. (Joods sent by express or fretuUt. with privilege of examination beture uay lug. A. KAKPKN A CO.. 122 Qalury Street, Chicago, 111. WE WILL PAY A aalai'T of $2ft to M) per week to GOOD ijrenU to represent us id every county, and sell our general line of Merchandise at manufacturers' price. Only TMOBB WHO WANT STEAD It M fLOYMRHT RBD Api-ly. Catalogue and parilculari aeutou receipt -" A.KARPKSCO. 129 Quiucy SUeat, Cblcago, Ul. Small Cuiirniitcoil to euro Billons attack, Sick HoiuHu'liP nnd Cnustlration. 40 in I'ndi iotili. Trice Oo. For ual by tlriuraists, Tiotui-o "7, 17, 70" anil sample ilos, free. I. T. SMITH J, CO., Proprlelorl, MEW YORK. nill'NKKNNI-.MS. or the 1,101 OH IIAII1T. Ciii-t-d at lloiu,' lii Ton l)u;is l,y Ailiiiltiis-tt-i'lii Or. Ilanit-s' litilili'll Su(-ilH-. It pnu lie k'ivi n in h '1kih otliecr, a onp of (iotTt'0 or ten, or in fooil, without the knmvlediie ot the niitii nt. It is uhsolnte ly liiirinless, aiul will HlVot n )iermiiiieiit ami ppet'ily cure, w hettior the patient 1m a nun' ilrinkeror an ulooliolie wreck. It line lMen (jiveu in tlioiiNamls of enses nnil in every intanee a perfeet pure him folloNve,l. Il never (iiila. The dystein once iniireiiili'il with the pecitU', it heeomea an niter iinpoapilnlity for the liquor appetite lo exrnt. Cures KO'iiau teeil. -IS pae liook of partieiilam free. Ailiirewa Hie (Ioi.oks iSi Koiru- Co.. 1S. Uaoo IStreet, Cini iunati, Ohio. rui up in in'Ht wHt,-h-slini'.-'l U"ttU's.iiani Comcil, .Snuiii llite IUmiis. ck-. p, i iilili;. To nl,l Plirwt Ion I ske one Simill Illle Ilean ftf u-i- t-uliUH. )Hr liotile. Iiipani Talinlivi cini dyspepsia. WHill ? If 3! 5 uspehsoht for. rOS who are debilitated. and suffer' n from Nervous Debility? Seminal Vfa mfss Losses Drains. Impotency pa, worry and exposure. For roch ?-r:ferc-i hut ii tria to convince the most skcpucl. ork or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonged our It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, ana it gives soouung, , ana to emuKc . ... THE BUSY MOSQUITO. A. Whole Book Has at Last Been Dedicated to the Pest Boaldps 113lnR an Aggravation to tha Bust Matured l'erson the Insect Carrloa Dlteane (iertns from One of Its Victims to the Other. rpssrs. Applnton arn printing a book on the mosquito, says tho Hoston uloDe. A great many people, already aware from nersonal exDOrienco that mosqui' toes are undesirable associates, will bo mrprised to find out what a really serl ous enemy of the human race the in sect is and always has been- the insect la found as a fossil among tho geologi sal remains of former ages, apparent ly never, at any period, having been 'extinct, and always having been indus- rt()Ug There seems to be no doubt that th- , w ia Cf,pab!o of communicating '" iul w v 1 11.tJ a poison, lho fact that 11 it is allowed to femain Ion" enough to draw out a suf- . t " ... ,, . ,i.,i.. ii ficient quantity of blood but little irrl- tation remains Rooms to prove tins, but it Is also said that it is capable of i Inoculating mankind with malarial dla- i ease Dr. l-'lnlay, of Havana, aaaerts that it Ls his belief that tho mosquito is an agent In spreading yellow fever. He says that tho insect, after puncturing the skin of the yellow fever patient, retains some, of tho germs of tho disease, and that he communicates tlieso to the next person ho visits. So sure is ho that th mosquito is the active if not the only agont for the dissemination of yellow fever, that ho holds that tho disease 5an not exist whoro the mosquito dooi not flourish. Tho book will Rorvn one good purpose t least. It will do justico to that much-maligned insect variously known in different parts of the country as the iragon-dy, mosquito-hawk, devils darn iig needle and snako-foeder. It will place him in a better light, for, Instead jf deserving the obloquy which hai iniversally been cast upon him he ap pears to be entitled to much considera ion, as the Insect rolled upon to destroy the mosquito. Captain C. N. 1!. Macaulay of th L'niled .States army has given his ex perience. In tho summer ot 1SH3 he was on duty at Fort Abraham Lincoln in Dakota. To show tho thickness of tho mosquitoes at that time in tho neighborhood of Fort Abraham Lincoln he says: "On the target range, during the end of Juno and about three weeks In July, 1 could not stay unless I had on heavy boots such as are used out there for riding thick trousers, leather gauntlets and a thick 'caclio nes' tuckod under my helmet and collar of my twnic." The air was tilled with clouds of these tormentors, yet at the appearand' of two or three dragon dies the mosquitoes would suddenly disappear. lie was ourious to see how they caught their food. Ho noticed that they llew In an Irregular kind of skirmish line, moved slowlv, and everv now and then made "dabs" at apparently nothing, llaoh one of these '-dabs' meant a mosquito. Another authority, who seems to hold that it would bo questionable policy to attempt to destroy the mosquito, it be ing in lus opinion a scavenger, says that other enemies may he relied upon to do that work, lie suggests that to banish tho mosquito tho best plan ls to drain meadows, bogs and swamps, to fill up stagnant pools and level rain holding hollows contiguous to dwell tngs. Certain artltlcial remedies are also ro lled upon. The use of coal oil in swamps, by odorizing tho air and lloating upon tho surface of the water Itself, is a very practical and enert'otlc remedy. It de stroys the mo'.qiiitu in its early stages. Too use of laiiu-nis, so a.-i-aued as to attract and destroy tie' icsmiuoe, uno i ie-r dv. The and ill1 i.qmt H's aro destroyed in attracted t" in ;ll-c tho can;- ot c 'il bimiur mixuit' - '. They should '.' I 1. hotels and in and treul'leof cia:i;i they are only u-m-! i.f the ear. I ;u method imaginable s-.-lle or other i;.iy be u.sed iiud houses. i tie expense : are small, as . toiv couths Jmost every i.f Mug and de en suggested ie of putting o.r il to death, i'h". are not tor the relief i maltos them ' 'i of these can not wait to dragon fly. t. ieo, vi negar, . ;tenn royal, roots of tritl - used at Sini .linst mosqui- stroying the insect ha except the very simpl be salt on its tail ami clii'.l. These scientific a above ottering su;:::v ot persons whose lti liable to suitor from llo insect tormentors, and a ' for the propagation of t Thev recommend h-moa oil of peppermint and oi! A very strong infusion of 'Utn repens is stteeosstuil birsk as a preventive a toes, and a w eak solution of quassia wood boiled in water, has also been recom mended. t,urai uraur. sYiuew. Mrs. I'. S. (liant leads very qtilo' life in New York. Her eyesight bs be come poor and she seldom appears pubho oxwpt to drive in the park, tionrral Shornnvn U a frequent ani w t l tHimo visitor. VISIT TO A CREAMERY. A Duller Factory Which Is Pronlablc to Owners ami I'alrons. Long experience in newspaper work gives one self confidence. Outsiders might call it cheek. But whatever it is it enabled me a few weeks ago, during my summer onting. to march boldly up to the door of the Forest City creamery at Portland, Me., and nsk the managers to give me an interview in the interests of our dairy readers. They not only gave me theiuterview, but also a glass or delicious cream, the one as acceptable as the other. I may say the first thing that struck my eye as 1 entered the door of the creamery was u large sign bear ing the words "o smokiiig. The principal products of the soil im mediately anmnd Portland aro hay nnil potatoes apparently, with sonio ensilage com, yet the Forest City creamery uses up the milk of no lees than 2,000 cows, and the farmhouses and grounds look as though their owners were prosperous. The cows are fed largely on hay and ensilage in the cold weather. The grain they consume is mostly bought aud ship ped from farther south in the com coun try. Still the great sweet corn canning industry of Maine yields a quantity of first class fodder, none of which is wasted. "How does the milk yon get pan out in butter fat?" 1 asked the manager. "It is all the way from 8' to 5 per cent.," he answered. "It will average steadily 4 per cent." Ho finds that they have been able to grade np the richness of the milk in that part of Maine decidedly in the years they have run the creamery. The grad ing np has been done by the admixture of Jersey blood into the farm dairy, a very visible admixture indeed it has proved in this case. The constant en deavor has also been to educate the pa trons to be more cleanly and careful in the treatment of the milk. It comes in every day by the carload in great tin cans, each can having a slip attached with the sender's name. The creamery supplies the cans, finding that way most satisfactory. Each farmer's milk is tried by tho Biibcock test. If any man's product does not come up to the standard fixed by tho creamery he is dropped from the list of patrons. Thus there is an abso lute necessity that the milk shall con tain its right percentage of butter fat. The milk car runs close np alongside tho creamery building. 1 he cans are brongh i inside upon a truck; thence tliey are lifted liudily up to the vat which con veys the milk to the cream separator. The milk is warmed to about t?5 dogs. 1 jr the separator. The managers also purchase skimmed cream from their patrons where Mich arrangement is made. But they rind this, to the truth of which I also testify: The separated cream is smoother and of more even aud iine quality than the gathered cream. 1 believe the time will come when all runners having as many as half a dozen cows will use a separator to get the cream from the milk. The person who could invent a hand separator to fit such a dairy would have a fortune aud be a benefactor to the farmer. Such a sepa rator we must and will have. The Portland creamery turns out at esent about 1,000 pounds of butter daily. Considerable cream is sold, too, to ice cream makers aud hotels. They have three grades of cream, according to richness. For instance the indi vidual who drinks a- glass of cream does not want it to be as heavy ns if he put it into his coffee. Also the boarding house keeper is profoundly interested in having the cream she furnishes not so rich that it will injure the digestion. I asked what was done with the milk that was left after the cream was taken from it. I was told that much of it was sold. Perhaia it may be felling tales out of school, but the fact is that much of this skimmed milk everywhere is bought by milk dealers to mix with the honest milk they get from the farmer, and thus make the honest milk pan out a good deal longer and thinner than it other wise would. In fact, here in Now York, 1 mvself have thus been imposed ou by a rascally dealer, but I knew the difference and stopped the milk, He does not know to this day why 1 topped it. Ihe Portland creamery proprietor! nrl ,V on rh milk thev do ,.,,..,-.. ... t".- - j not sell. But 1 wish creamerymen gen erally would take into consideration seriously the matter of fattening people a little more on tho buttermilk that they have left. I lielieve that a money mak- ing trade might be built up by every ,.............. .,.,.1 loirto,. laivi-rooT, ci, J "'" ""' " 1 ".'""" ply in this matter of buttermilk. It is a royal drink for hot weather, and health ful in both hot and cold weather. The creamerymen at Portland run their machinery with an engine of la horse power. They say that their plant altogether has cost them about $8,000. A considerable amount of this capital, however, is invested in the hundreds of heavy tin rans which they furnish for the fanners to put milk in. They an about to enlarge their building. A new kind of butter worker has also attracted their attention, which they believe will be superior to the present one in use in most creameries. Briefly explained, it is one that will move over the butter up and down and around vertically instead of in the present horizontal manner. The buttermilk and water will thus have a chance to fall out by gravity par tially. There is not much demand for tho sweet cream butter up there. The cream is ripened or soured slightly till it is "just 011 the turn," and the mana gers find that butter from it in that con dition is most satisfactory to their pa trons. They stamp the name of the gro ceryman on some of the handsome squares of butter they sell. Eliza Archahd Conner. A correapondeut 111 tne isew England Homestead who has had experience in the matter claims that salting hay is a bad practice. This is what he says about it: "I claim that hay should never be salted, as salt causes the hay to become wet and afterward moUly. I care not how much or little salt is used on hay, it will not come out of the mow as bright and eweet as where none is used. I was once a firm believer in salting h;iy, and also in opening all the doors iu tho barn when I began to get in my ' hv nnd 1 unci ti tlmm itrwrn nntil rnlil wither set in. 1 have since learned that both are injurious to the hay. For the last eight years I have not salted any hav nor left uiy doors open at night, and have had no moldv hnv." CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints cured and prevent! by the prompt use of Aysr's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, nnil greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co Hvcry Dose Effectiver LEGAL ADVEKTISEMEm Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DAT.I.ES. OTIERON 1 j October i:t. ISW. Notice is herel'V given that the fnllowlnp-named settler tins tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnil thrtt said proof will be ninrie before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or. at Heppner, Orerron.ou Nov. '.is, lst)2, viz.: NELS MAONUSON. ltd. Ko. 2877, for the SE'i Sec. 3, Tp. 2, S R 55 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses tonrovehis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: J. T. Yount. C. N. Peck, William Estes and Henrv Whitson, all of Lexington, Orejion 534-514 John w . Lewis, Hcgister. Notice of Intention. rASD OFFICE AT THE DAT.I.ES, OREGON, J Oct. IS. 1SU2. Notice ls herehv elven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, ur., on oec. 3. isy.', viz.: FRANCIS H. WILSON. Fid. No. 2S57, for the BE Bee. 27, Tp. 1, S R28 E. W. t. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiaeuce upon ana cultivation oi. said land. viz. : I). H . I.nrbll, J. L. Klncald, Charley Johnson ana Henry uungey, all ot tone, wregon. 531-644 John W. Lewis, Kegiiter. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, j Oct. 8. 18'Ji Notice ls hereby iriven that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore- iron, at Heppner, Oregon, on November ft, 1892, viz.: FRANCIS M. COURTER. Hd. No. 2888, for the 8WJ4 Sec. 11, Tp. 3, S R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to provehls continuous residence upon ana cuiuvuuou oi, said land, viz. : J. H . Reckett. Samuel 1. Gerklner. Oscar Mont gomery and William K. Munkers, all of Eight -line, nregon. 5:ia-.r4a John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON j l let. 6. 1802. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof ill Blipport 01 bis claim, ana tnat sain prooi win oe maue oe- lore the countv clerk ol .Morrow (..ouiuy, ,ire. at Heppner, Oregon, on November 211, 1HU2, viz. Hd. No. 2S04. for the V4 SEk and S',4 SWlt Sec. 21. Tn. 2. K U ''4 E. W. M. lie names tne imiowiiig witnesses lopiove ,ui continuous residence upon aud cultivation ot, Rfilrt iMitrl. viz. : M. A. olden, J. II. Mathews, J. M. Baker and Samuel VVarlield, all of lone, Oregon. 532-542 Joun W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, I j Oct. 211, lstl'2. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his elaim. aim tnat saio prooi w;u oe nmtie ue tore the County Clerk ot Morrow County, Ore gon, ot Heppner, Oregon, on uec. u, loiu, viz. I.VNDKM WKTftHT. Hd. No. 2013, for the S Kec. 31, Tp, 2 8, R 24 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, said laud, viz.: W m. Hugtiewood, Wpb. McNabb, Siimnel War field and Uenrge Junklli, all of Eight Mile, Or, 5311-54'J John W. Lewis, Register, NOTICE-AITI.ICATION TO PURCHASE TIM. HER LASDH. IT. s Tjind Office. The Palles. Or.. Pent. 8. 1892. Notice iB hereby given that, In compliance with the provisions of the Act ol Congress ap proved June 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the states of California, Oregon Nevada and Washington 'lerrliory AlliUSTI'S M A LLO It Y. Whose postotlice address ls Heppner, Morrow Conntv, Oregon, nas this day tiled In this omc his aiiollcation to purchase the SEIi of th NVV! and the Btt Vi olthe Mi'-i sec. No. 3, in Tp. No. tiS, Hange No. 25 E, W. M. All persons holding anv adverse claims there to are required to present the same at this otlice within sixty days Irom the first publication ol this notice. johnw. i.kwib. ttegister. Notice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON October, 25. ls!!2. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made betore the county judge oi morrow couniy, or. at Heppner, Oregon, on ueeemDer mm, iet'2, viz CHARLES H. BCLLIS. Hd. No. 2077. for the NEHi, Sr M. Bee. 18, and N'-i sw una BEi sw sec. 17, ip. o s, it 20, n.. w M. He names the following witnesses to prove his coiiTinuous resiaeuce upon ana cultivation oi, sain inuu, viz. . ?: """"" " "am K,!.A' "eueung ,lncl I I'errv Oiler, all of Hariiman, Oregon. 537-547 John v. Lkwis, Register. A0rCf OF INTENTION. r AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, 1 a October 25. lft'.r'. Notice is hereby given Iiai the follnu-inff.iiAmpri settler has Sled nolle. of his intention to make final proof In support ol his claim, ana that said proot will be made eforc the County Clerk of M icfore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or. it Heppner, Oregon, on fee. a, isic, viz.: UlLEo H. Dot GHERTY. lid. No. 5037. ior the 4 NWti Sec. 14, and E; . E'i Bee. 15. To. 3 B. R 29 E. W. M. lie names the following witnesses toprovebts t-onuiiuous resiaeuce upon ana cultivation oi, ititi laud. 'lz.: w. H. Clark. R. S. Clark, J. B. Chapman and . u. .Mann, an 01 Lena, Oregon. S37-S47 A. C tiVER, Regllter. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON, ij Oct. 17, 1802. Notice Is heieby given that e following-named settler has tiled notice ot is intention to make tlusl proof In support of s ,-iniui. ann tnat Bata prooi win oe mane ne--re the County Clerk ol Morrow County, Ore- oil, at Hepputr. Oregon, on ucc. a, isyz, vn GEuliGE JICIK, !d. No. 2807, for the N t Sec 9, Tp. 1, 8 R 26, M. He names the following witnesses lonrove his tiititiuous residence upon and cultivation of ...Id land, viz.: Johncartiiichael, Marian Evans, J. H. Piper .,1 o 11. Hudson, all 01 Lexington, Oregon. 5.0-515 John w . Lewis, negister. Notice of Intention. t AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON I j Oct. 11. lsiti' Notice is herebv given that :he follott liig-nained settler has tiled notice of hit. intention to make final proof 1 11 support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be tore the Countv clerk ot Morrow county, Ore , at Heppner Oregon, on November 26, 1802, viz.: WILLIAM C. REINlNiiEK, P. S. No. 72117. for the 8E KVi Bee. 2. E NE1, .Et SK Bee. 11, Tp. 4. S K '2.1, E. W M. He names the follow Ing witnesses to prove his conituuous residence upon and cultivatlou ol, said land. viz.: silns n right, J. C. Kirk. J. r. runout auu w j vid Kiee, ail of Heppner. Oregon. a-it;i John V. Lkwip, RicaisTBiL JAPANESE IJLE CURE A new and Complete Treatment. coimintlnK ot, Ointment in Capsult1. alsoln Box and Pill: a positive Cure for Kxternal, Inter nal, Blind or BleedliiK. Itching. Chronie, Recent or HoredUarv I'ile. and many other disease and fomale weakiuwos; It isalaBasrreat oen etit to the general health. 1 he first discovery nf . ..,.wj,i ,i.i- i-..nH.irimi on linArMt Inn with fht ktitf mituuinMrv h rrnitir rhiR remedr has jllVJaSdS eaae when a written (cnamntw is Riven with xe- III! -A 4 iV. VTm woodard, clarri Co., w hoiele a Keiafl PrnmrUM 8ol Agonta. PortUnd. Or. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKFPNKK. OUKGON. Cuttle branded nnd ar marked an eh own nbovo. Hornee F on right shoulder. My cnttle rant,'e in Morrow and Drnatilla conn. ties. 1 will ay $1()0 rnr the arrnst and crni. miction of any persun htralinjr my stock. Bnrg. the jp veler, is th" to fix np your wiitmi or ciocK. .e Kepn a inn Rtnck of ever thin; pertaining to hip biiPinesfi' a STOCK RKANItt. While ytu keep your Buhscription paid up yrr. can keep your brtmi in freoof charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G(i on lofi phonlder; cattle Mime on left hip, under bU on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row comity. Armstrong. J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn- der 11 on loft shonlder of horfaa; cattle same on left hip. Allison. O. IX. Eipht Mile. Or. Tattle brand. O D on left hip and hoi-soB same brand on right shoulder. Itange. Eight Alile. Adkins. T C. Davville. Or- Strai-ht mark across t,h rhigh and two crops and a slit in tlie right ear; hoittfte. X upside down on the riglit shoulder. hanirB 111 Urant county and Hear valUw. PO addrees also at Ilardinnn. Adkins. J. J.. HenDner. Or. Horsea. JA con necied on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. Ayera. Johnny. Lena. Or. Horses branded triangie on lett hip; cattle same on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Or. Horace. Ho man cross on right shoulder, Itange in Morrow connty. Bleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses, a finer or left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. hann inter. J . W.. Harnman. Ur. t attle brand. ed Bon left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner. 1'eter. linrseDerrv urecron Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Hurtte. M Mt 1;. Lione i;reeK. Ur (Jn cut tin. MAY connected on left bio. cioo off left ear. un der hair croD on ne it. liorses. same hrnnd on let ft shoulder. Hange in (irant and Morrow connty. owrman. A., mount Vernon and Hnrns. Or. tlattle, A B on right hip, two crops, in each ear; same on horses, on right shoulder. Itange in Grunt and Harney counties. lirosman, jerry, ena, ur. Horses branded 7 1 right shoulder; cattle Ji on the loft aide. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. harton, win., rtonuner. ur. -i torses. J Hon richt thtifj cattle, same on rieht Inn: solit in eacn ear. Brown. Inn. Lexington, Or. Horses IB on tho right stifle; cattle same on rinhthip; rnnee, Mor row county. Ijrown, J .1'., iJennner. Or. -Jiorsnm and cattle brnnded IS witn ox-yoke abovo on left, shonlder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle with dot inn ter on left hip; cattle, hame. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar over it, 011 the loit rihouMcr. Cattle same on left hip. isoyer, w, ij., iienpuer. ur. jmrHOS, hox nrand or ' 'Ii hiu cuttio. same, with sitlit in each ear. Bom, P. O.. Hennner. Or. Horses. P B on loft shoulder; cm tie. same on left hiu. liniwnlee. W. J.. l-ox.Or Cattle. JH connected n leftside: croo on left ear and two snlitsand middle piece cot out on right ear; on hordes same brand on the left thigh; Hange in Fox valley, (irunt connty. t ain.u.., ( aieD.ttr. 1 1) on norsos on loit stine; V with quarter ciicle over it. n left shoulder. I and on left stitte on all colts un ler 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yours. All range in (irant county, Clark, Wm. IL. Lei a. Or. Horsei- WHO con nected, on loft, (-houhier: cattle t-iime on riglit hip. 11a ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. CnteChas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties, Cochran, Chan., lone. Or.- Hornes, HP con nected on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left hip and stifle. Hange 111 Morrow county. Cannon, T. B., Long ('reek. Or.--Ton cattleon right side, crop oft right ear Hnd slit in left ear. Our horses same brand ou left shoulder. Hange in (Jrantcounty. Cecil, W in.. Douglas. Or.; horses J V, on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right car. Curi, T. H., John Hay, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear marked ewes, crop ou left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All range in Grant countv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, QOon rightsbool Jet. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square 01 op off left aud split in right. Cnrrin. It, .t Currinsville, Or. -Horses. on left stitie. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded TI & A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off ! eft. Cox Ed. ., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with in center: horseB, CE on left Mp. Cochran, H. E Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on left shonlder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Ctiapin, IL, Hardman. Or. Horses branded !lon right hip. Cattle hrauded the same. Cross, H L, Dsyville, Or i 'ati le branded -f two crops and a split in left ear; on horses a reversed 2 on left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: 72 on twit hip, 7 on right hip, Vi on left shoulder, two parallel bars on Irtft shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OU witn bar over thein, on left shoulder; cat tle same on left hip. Douglass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, R Don right side,swa low-fork in each ear; horses, K 1) on left hin. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horpes TD on the riiflit stitie: cattle Bame on nirht hie Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. (Quarter circlb w on right snoiuier, Doin on horses ana cattle. Kange (irant county. Driskell, W. E Heppner, Or. Horses branded K inside of O on loft shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Kiv. J. B. it Hons. Donirlas. Or. Horses brand ed KLi ou left shoulder, cattle same ou left hi... hole ir rieht ear. Elliot) , Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on ris-ht shoulder. Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F connected ol. rurht shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Ear mark, hole id right and crop oft left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP on right hip; borne F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on riuht shot lde : cattle, E on right hip ur thieh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GA K on left slum Ider. Gilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Or. HorseM, anchor a on left Bhoulder; vent. same on left stiile. tattle, same on botfi hips; eiir nmrks. crou off ritfiit ear and andTbit in left. Knnge in Gilliam, Grant, Crook aiid Morrow olllit ten. lieiitrj, Elmer, Echo, Or --Horses branded H. S. Willi a Quarter circle over it. on left atiUe Han ire in Morrow and Umatillacounties. GUtwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, O -O on left tdiuuldr-r and stitie; cattle, on right sidt. iiangH in Giant cuntj. Hams, James. Hiirtlmmi Or. Horses shaded ouief shuulder; cattle suUie on left hip. liange in and hIioui Hmdman. tlajes. l.eo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, wiih qtiarter circl" ov-r it, on leit shoulder. Hiau A. B., Kidire, ')r. tattle, rouj.d-lop with quarter Circle ui tier it on the right lnp. Han 44 e iu Morrow and UnmtiiU counties. Hint on iS Jonkw, Hannlloii, Oi Cnttle, two hare on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J onnghi thigh. Hangi in Grmu county. Hughes, MamuMl, Wagner, Or P" & L Connected) m right houlderon hoi,--i: on cattle, on ruti.t hip ai d on li ft side. -wwliow fork in riht ear and slit in left. Kange m Haystack : district. Monvw enmity. 1 Hale, Muton, Wngne . Or. Horses hrsnded -O- t -ircle with parai.el tai's) on left shoulder 1-tile same on left hip ; ali-o laige circle on left side Hall. Edwin, John Day. Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses name on right shoulder, langein Graut county. Howard, J L, nlloway, Or. Hordes, -f (cross witn bar abuve it) on right shouluer : eit e same on ieit side. Itange in .Morrow aud Uma tilla ot 'unties. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Hange Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B , Or. on left shoulder; ca tie, 9 on left hi . Hanlisty, AHwrt, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; I at tie on the left tun. nmi) off left ear. Humphreva, A. Hardman, Or. -Horse. H or- lett Hank Hiatt, tVm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left hip Haye, J. M., Heppner. Or, Horses, wineglass on left nliouldei cattle, name on right hip. Huston. Luther. Enehl Mile, '. r. Horse Hon the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat. lie sarjlH on lft lnp. KanirH in Morrow connty. j lv, Alfred. Long 1 reeH. Ur tattle I u on i vitfht hin. emuoff left wr and bit iu right. Hoiwa same brand on left el.o.der, Kange n Grant ' xoung. J. 8., Gooseuorry, Or, Horm hrwis4 Junkm, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, hon. ! Young, W. A.. Gooseberry. Or.HorMS brand shoo J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sama, cd X X (doub s X cm nectsd) en ittt shoudsr, Kantrs on Eight Mils. I mu le seats on Mt sid. Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Verno,Or. J on bones on left shoulder; on cattle. J on left hip and two smooth crop on both ears. Uangeiu Fox aud Bear vail 8 Juhimou. Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on left suite; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in right and sulit in left ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brands KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear: under m!oia on the right Kirk, J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses S9 on left shoulder; cattle, ritt on lelt hip. Kirlt. J O, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle 17 on right aide. Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on loft shoulder; cattle same on light Bide, nnderbit on right ear. Kumberland.W.Q.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lon cattle ou right and left eides, swailow fork in It ft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant countv. Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and ace of clubs on lett stifle. Hange in Umatilla and & orrow counties Lesley. M C, Monument, Or A triangle V'with all hue, extending pa t L ody of figure on ZZ hor ses on leti shoulder, on cattle diamond ou left Hhouider, splii iu righ u .-de, m left ear Hange in Grant couutj and Ui i arts of Johu Day Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L end A on le(t shoulder; call le t-ame on left hip; wattle ver right ey three sliis in right ear. Lofton, Stephen, I ox, Or. h Lon left hip on catle. crop and Bplit on right ear. Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. Itange Grant county. Lieuallen, John W., -- Or. Horses branded half-cncle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle. sam ou lef i hip. Kange, near Lex- UltftOII. fjord. Georce. Hennner. Or. Horses hrnndM. double H uoi.necu Sometiines called a swing 11, on left shonlder. 1 axweil, M . 8., Gooseberry. Or. Hows brand ed long link on left shoulder cattle, same on lef hi p. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M Don right hip; horse. M ou left shoulder. Morgan, ti, N.. Hen oner. Or. Horses. M 1 on lef i should"' cattle same on left hip. luct umber, Jas A, Kcho, Or, Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. fliaun, H. H., ieua. Or, Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stuck, small si ou left shoulder Morgan, Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, oircls T on left Hhoiiider and left thigh; cattle, Z on right, thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figure ft on each shoulder, cattle, Al2 on hip AlcKern.W.J. Mount Vernon. Or XI ou cattle on right hip, orop in right ear. half orop W left same braud on horses on left hin. Hange in Grant county. McCarijr, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. McHaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8 with half circle under ou left shonlder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right side Hange in Grant County. Neal. Andrew. Lone Iiock.Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder; cattle same ou both hips. Mordyke, E., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: cat tie, same on lef t hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 9 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Hange in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shotiidei. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on nose. Hange in Grant connty, Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork iu lef t ear, right cropped 34 on left hip. Jiang- ou Eight Mite. Parker & Gleason, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on 1 ft Bhoulder. Piier, J. 11. , Lexington, Or. -Horses, JE con nected o. left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bi in each ear. ed wuh a Koinai cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with lioniao cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. PettyB, A. C, lone, Or,; horseB diamond P on - shoulder, cuttle, J ri J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the light. Powell, John T Dayvillo, Or Horses, J P con nee ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle under throat. Ka. gein Grant county . Itickard. G. D., Canyon City, Or.--E U on left shoulder, on horses only. Kange Canyon creek and bear valley, Grant county. Hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square crof. with mmrter-circleoveriton left Btirie. Bellinger. Chris. Hennilnr. Or. Horaes. C K nn left shouidei. Hice. Han. Hardman. Or.: horses, three rjanel worm fence on lelt shoulder; cartle, DAN on right shoulder. Hange near Hardman. itudio, wm, -rung Creek, Or. Brands horses U oi right shoulder. Kange Grant and Morrow counties. Koine, Aaron, Heomier. Or Horses, olain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop oil right ear. Hange in Mor row county. Kubh Bios., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3 on the rigln shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hip. crop ott left ear aud dewlap on neck, Kange il morrow ano aiijoiniiig counties. Bust, Wil.iani, Pendleton, Or. Horses K on lef t shouluer; cattle, li on left hip, crop ofl riglit ear, underbil on left ear. Hheep, ft on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Hange Uma tilla and Morrow e unties. heauey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. HorBel branded A It on right shoulder, vent quartet circle over brmid; cattle same on right hip. Hange Morrow county. Koho, Win. H, Dairyviile, Or HK connected wuh quarter circle over top on cattleon right hip and crop ofl right ear and split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Hange in Morrow. Giant and Gilliam counties. Hitter, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars witii bar overon horses on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each e&i. liiuigH in Middle Fork of John Day. Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO oi leit shoulder. Cattle, n right hip. Spicknall. J. WM Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded ill on eft shoulder; imige in Morrow County. Spray, J. P., Heppner, Or. Horses brandaa bft connected oi right shoulder; cattle same on both hins. Balling, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. waggari, B. F.f Lexington, Or. Horses 1 with dash under it ou left stitie. cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Kange in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. biwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brand'1 1 on lelt shoulder; cet tie Bame on left hip. Orop ou ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E Heppner, Or, Horses shaded J a on lei. stifle; cattle J Hon left hip, swallow fork in righ ear, nnderbit in left. bapp. Thus., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; catu same on left hip. Miirtz. James, Long Creek, Or. Hones. I on lelt stifle and m over t on left shonlder. Hhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Bangs in Grant county. Hmith Bros., ttusan-ille, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. ou shoulder; catt.e, ame on left Shoulder. (Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JHon Left shoulder; catile the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam oo ntiss. (Stephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses Hi on right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side biovenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, 8 on right ui, ; swallow-fork in left ear, Bwaggart, G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left should) : cattle, 44 on left hip. Htone. Ira. Bikletou, Wash, Horses, keystone on left shoulder, b until, E. E. Lone Kock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Itange, Gilliam county. Hperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit iu left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on left shouiu r; cattle, Z ou left shoulder. Tippeu.b.TEnierpriee,Or. Hones, C-on left shoulder. Turner K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital I lett shouldui. horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. 1 In mum, U. M lone. Or. Horses branded H I connected ou left stitie; she i same brand. Vanderpool, H.T.. Lena, Or,- Horses HV oon nected on right shonlder ;cai tie, name on right hiL-. Walbridiie, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L. on the let l shou.der; cuttle same on ugh hip. ci utj utt left ear aud right tar looped. Wilson, John V,, baiem or Heppner, Or. Horr--B branded Jy on Uie left shoulder. Hangs Morrow county. Warreo.W B. Caleb, Or Cattle. W with quartet circle over it, on left side, split iu nghi rar. Horce Mime bra-nl ou lull tthuuiuer. KuUtfein Grain cuuuti' Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horuu left Blifle; on cattle. - on left side ai d under bit in b'fi ear. Hange in Grant county. Wright, ftilas A Heppner. Or. Cattle branded S W on ttie right hip. square crop oil right ear and Hpl.Lin lelt. W idiace. Francis, Mount Veruon.Or Square on cattle on tlie left hip, upper slope in he left ear and under Blope in right ear. tinme brand on horses on right shonlder. Hange in Harney and (irant countv. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses b landed ace of spadee on le.t shoulder and left hip. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells. A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, 6U8 on left shoulder: tan e same. W oinnaer, John, John Day City, Or On horses three parallel oars on left shoulder; 7 ou nheep, bit in both ears. Hange in Grant and Malhuer counties. Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Hormw, UP connected on lef t shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. heppner. Or. Horees branded UK connect on left t title, W aiiace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on ngm Ungh, hoi, iu left ear; horses, W on right shoulder, oni. sameun left shoulder. Whittier Bros., Drewsy, Harney wounty, Or. -Horee branded W H. connected on left onidnr Williams, asco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter sir cle over three bars on left nip, both cattle and hcrnes. Kange (irant county. W illiams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qnar ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle muu and ai it in each ear Itanit in tyrant omrni. W ten. A. A., eppner, or. Horses nmiiiug on shoulder; Catt.e. same on right hio.