Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 15, 1892, Image 3

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    NOTICE TO ADVKrii'lSliK.-i.
THOSE dellring the tusertion of display ads.,
or change ot auine, luunt get their copy in
iiothuer Uimi Monday evening for TuepiiHy's
edition, or 'iuuriklay evening lor Fridays edi
1. The um of five conts per line will be
charged lor "cards oi thanks," "rusolutious of
respect, lists 01 Heading presents and donors,
anil obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall liiinseli give as a mailer oi news.) and
uollcesol suecial uieellitus lor whatever uiirixin-
2. Notices 01 church and society and allolher
euieriaiuuieiiui item vtuicu revenue is to oe de
rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of live
Lents a line, inese rules win be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
opou application.
uhbuvb: ''it kicked it after tw.. appli- i Ur, Htfori) n'jke fo lb Minor Hepp
0BIIOU-' 64i-tr. ner at tlia M. E ohnrcb, rjuutu, also or-
ABbbaugh Bros, were iu from Eiubt KoiziK " W. 0. T. U., which start off
Mile- yesterday.
Owe your business to Heppner peopie.
ana uusrejore assist io ouua up Hepp
ner. ruirontze muse who puirunue
Iriexe ana 1 here.
Dou't overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar.
Dr. B F. Vaucbuu is on tbe eiuk list.
Hon. H. Blackmao ia visiting 'Frisco.
Mrs. Tbe Dauuer ia ou tbe sick lint.
Anson Writtbt was iu Heppner Sutur
. Jununy Woodartl was in ihe city But
ID ITS FILLS act kindly on old and
Mrs. E. Minor is reported as being
q line ill.
J. b. Matter is laid np witb tbe rbeu
Geo. 8. Crane, of Ella, waa in Heppner
N. L. Kobison is selling potatoes at
ltwuia per lb. 537 tf
Mrs. Albert Wright ia Beriously ill
witb pueumuuia.
Char, Armstrong, of Alpine, dropped
iu batnrday last.
O. D. Allison, of Eight Mile, was iu
Ueppuer HalDrday.
Frank Cecil and Jobnny Coobrane
were up Saturday.
Fred Miller kuows bow to give you a
good fit in tailoring. tf sw
Fell Bios.' Bnzaar it wbere you get
those cbeap blankets. 42-if
0. A. Rhea returned home from Fort
land Saturday evening.
Joe Eeeuey, tbe stage man, was over
nst week from Feudletun.
Sam Adams, of Hardman, was one of
Eeppuer's visitors Saturday.
T. O. Arbnokle, formerly ot Lexington,
is now located at Feudletou,
0. O. Fiiqua and wife were in Monday
from Eight .ilile ou business.
Tbe Uein and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAiee Broc, 1'uipn. sw
Jake Johnson and Milt Maxwell, of
Gooseberry, were in towu bunday.
Frauk H. Bnird has been on tbe sick
list for some time, but is now improving.
Tbe first suow of tbe season tell today,
but melted as fast as it touched terra
J. r . Davis, w ho is now teaching a
term of school at Six Dollar, was in the
city Saturday.
The Morrow County Land and Tiust
Company bare an unlimited supply of
obop fur sale. il-u.
Miss Belle Thomas, one ot Morrow
oouuii'a ttficieut teachets, was a visitor
to Heppner Saturday.
I np :jimouB & Son still shoe horses
and do general olackamitning at tne olu
stand Mutiock corner. 55.
Milt Morgan. f Sand Hollow, has re
covered from bis reoent illness, visiting
Heppner Saturday last.
G. M. Holmes, of Gooaeberry, bR9 a
new arrival at bis house, but our inform
ant did uot learn tbe sex.
8baw & McCarty are eelling beef fore
qnarlers, at four cents per pound and
oiber meats in proportion . 36 tf
Hon. A Mallory and wife returned
8atrday from a brief visit with their
relaiKes and frieuds near Salem.
Every man who takes any interest iu
fast stock should snbsonbe for Tbe
Horseman Gazette shop, agents.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Call at her home
in north Heppuer, or address her at this
place. 518 tt
Hiyu ketchuna whiskers. Halt &
Mathews, at the city barber shop the
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Children's Solar Tip aohonl shoes be
ing sold out at Fell Bros.' at SI 00 per
pair. Also a few pair of ladles' shoes
left at vour own price.
MsBter Clay French ia the authorized
ageut for the Oregoniau at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palaoe Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, tbe baher, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Meats are wholesaled at tbe Liberty
Meat market obeaper than ever before
known to be sold for in Heppuer. Fore
quarter of beet at 4 eta. per pound aud
other meats in proportion. 36 tf
Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vangban. Uas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w-
Dn Mathoitt, representing the Stand
ard Oil Company, spent Sunday in
heppner. Dana is an old timer in Mor
row couuty, baviug many friends Bud
relatives here who are ulwars glad to
Bee him.
Two narrow escapes from fire last
week should becbrouiclpd--boih from ibe
nae of coal oil at the Palace hotel and
Ibe Gazette offioe. Fortunately they
were discovered before auy serious
damage was done.
Chae. Asbbough was in from Eight
Mile yesterday morning. Iu conversa
ton with bim Charley informs oar re
porter that tbe grain i now all in out
wish them, and never before in tbe his
tory of the oountry, was such bd area
How to save money ia a problem that
interests everybody. One way to iu vigor
ate tbe system is with Ayer'aSarsapanlla.
Being a highly ooi.oeutiated blood med
icine, it ia ibe most powerful aud eco
nomical. It is sold for s dollar s bottle,
but worth five.
Owing to tbe fact that job stock has
advanced about twenty per oeut from
reasons which will be explained else
where, we are compelled to make a
light advance on all printing. A re
duction will be made as soon as prices
of material will justify aame.
Mr. J. H. Dexter, tbe traveling adver
tising man, who just completed a deal
witb Heppner's merchants iBst week, re
turned to Portland last Friday. Mr.
Dexter ia the tqnareal advertising man
that baa ever struck tbia conmry, and
bis work here is giving satisfaction.
Hattee's Congo Oil ia rapidly onming
to the front as a leading medicine. J.
A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap
plied it to bis leita, which was recently
kicked by a borce. and next day he
threw aside hie cratches- "It's the bow!"
Harrison says.
Mrs. H. Mathews and child left
teniay morning for B short visit
relatives at Centralis, Wash.
Farmers have tiuished wheat sowing
almost everywhere, and are now laying
iu meir wiuiwr supply ot wood.
Iroy Flu pps made final proof on bis
preemption Saturday, W. W. Hale aud
jeo. rtiippa aotiurf as bis witnesses.
Dr. Shipley reports I. K. Esteb, tbe
lioOBeberry p. M. as being ill, but is do
lug well, with hopes of an early recovery.
Saturday s train was delayed about
two horns waiting for two car loads of
sheep from the Eust, belonging to James
A subscriber asks this question: "Is
a D.illot a ballot till it is cast?" We
would like to hear from our readers on
the subject,
John August Nelson, accompanied by
tueo. Auoersou aud James .Neville
witnesses, wsb in Saturday to makefioal
proot before J. W. Morrow.
All sculp and skin diseases, dandruff,
falling of the hair, gray or failed hall,
uiay be cured by using that nature's true
remedy. Hall s Hair Kenewer,
Mrs. VV. ri Cames, of Walla Wulla, is
visiting her sistei, Mrs. Oils Patterson
Mrs. Carnes is tie Women's Belief Oorpa
lusueotor lor tne Uepartmeut of Wash
'Su uire Cliff Jonos OHtne over Friday
and a-sisted Justioe Hallook aud Clerk
Morrow cauvaes the votes of Morrow
couuly. Ho returned Friday, accompa
nied by his brother.
M Halvorson, reoently of tbe Lone
book nrni or Uopner & Halvoison. isuo
employed as bookkeeper at the Nutional
Bank of Heppner. Mr. Halvorson recent
ly sold his interest to Perry Ham.
Married At the home of the bride's
parents, on friday, tbe 11th day of No
vember, Mr Elmer Brown and Miss Fan
nie Wade, both residents of Morrow Co.,
Rev. Brauiblet officiating. The Gazette
extends best wishes.
It is no easy thing todress harsh. ooarse
bair so as to make it look graceful or be
coming. Bv the use of Ayer's Hair Vig
or, this difficulty iB removed, and the
nair marie to assume any style or arrange
ment that may be desired. Give the Via-
or a trial.
We have repeatedly reanesred the set-
tlement of overdue notes and aoconnts,
but without avail. We now give fair
warning that we will not be trifled witb
any longer. So please govern ourselves
accordingly, as we must have money to
settle our obligations. I . C. Thompson
Oo. 2 3
I In arl.niriRhiriff Afinditinn. with morn ihun
tw my five members. In tbe evening,
a leoture on "Compensa
A Bio Runaway. Ou Friday evening
just before 6 o'clock, Ibe Guzette f. roe
was startled by a loud noise near tbe
intersection of August street witb Main
which proved to be the windup of a
runaway. Lew Smith was on his way
to town with a four-horse load of bay
and just north of Tim Bisbee's place
was overturned, covering Mr. Smith up.
As be could not handle tbe lines, the
team ran away, delivering parts and
parcels of the wagon here and there, and
wbeu the team had reached the Guzette
ooi ner, there was nothing left of the
front part of the running-gears exoepta
shuttered tongue, an axle aud oue dilapi
dated wheel, the wieck having been
made more complete by a collision witb
au eleotno light pole at tbe point 'here
tofore mentioned. One of Ibe leaders
jumped oyer iuto tbe Gazette's yard,
but the remaining horses were still
h inging to tbe vehicle, one of tbe wheel
ers being down. Mr. rjinith "as assisted
by two or three others and got bis horses
out without serious injury.
A Good Town. Editor Barubart, of
tbe Yamhill (McMinuville) Reporter, has
these pleasant words to say of Hillsboro:
"1'he writer bad the pleasure of sueud.
iug a few hours in Uillsboro one day last
week. A very pretty aud thriving bor
ough is Hilleboro, uot quite as large nor
so growthy at the proseut writing as our
own town, but a floe one nevertheless.
She possesses a water system that might
be the envy of any towu. Tbe supply is
pumped from deep wells into an elevated
tauk of 36.0u0 galluns cap. .city, wutoli
gives a steady pressure of about 40
pounds to the square iuch in the mains.
Wbeu the direct pressure of tbe pumps
is applied to ih mains, iu case of fire, it
cau be raised to 300 pounds, us determiu
ed by ac nal test, t he plant is owued
by a company, and if we are rightly in
formed, the citizens are served at less
oust, both for water aud lights, tbau our
own people."
Reoepe fob Scandal. Tbe following
ia said by those who claim to know to be
aflrstolass reoepe for the mtnufacture
otapure article of sciudal: "Take a
gtain of false hood, a handful of runa
bout, the, sameqatutityof nimble tongue,
a sprig of the herb backbite, a spoonful
of don't you tell it, six drops ot malice.
a few draahms of envy; add a little dis
content and jaelously aud strain through
a bag of misooustrnctiou; oork it op iu
a bottle of malevolence aud hang it up
in a skein of street yam; keep it ia a
hot aim iHpbere an J shake it occasionally
for a few days and it v ill be fit for use.
Let a few drops be taken before walking
out and the desired result will follow.'
sbe delivered
tmn," at tbe Baptist churoh, to a crowd
ed house. During tbe course of her re
mans, otuer matters that are now agi
tating the minds of tbe American people,
were discussed. The Mormon, tbe race
and women suffrage questions were not
torgotten. At the close of tbe leoture,
wbiob was very interesting, a collection
was taken np, amounting to 88. making
a total ot 910 ooiteotea here, f rom tbe
many remarks heard on the street yester
day morning, one oould not help being
o onvinoed that Mrs. Harford bad stirred
np the minds of many nf the people on
no'!) Ibe temperance and snnra.e qnes
ttons. as Heppner now has several strong
anvooates or botb. Mrs. Harford is a
talker rarely excelled in her line, though
the weight of her remarks were Bliuhtly
affected by tbe politioal oast with which
sne closed her bunday evening a lecture,
A Smashdp. -On Saturday while on
bis way home from Heppuer with a load
of provisious. Lime Swick met witb an
accident out on little Wall oreek in which
oue of bis horses bad hia neck broken
and tbe vehicle was more or less dam
aged. Mr. Swick esoaped unhurt. In
proceeding down tbe big hill his brake
refused lo work right and be stopped to.
repair it, cbocking tbe wagon with a rock
This proved loo suaall an obstacle, and
the wagon rolled on over. The team
could not hold the vehicle, and a smash
up was the result, tuding as heretofore
Everything Bdt I'hb Cook Stovb.
Notwithstanding tbe natural disposition
of tbe people to hold fast to that wbicb
yon bate, narticularly at this season of
tbe year, tbeie was cousiderable betting
in Arlington on tbe result of the election.
ranging from twenty-dollar pieoes by tbe
handful, down to horses, oowa. suits of
ch'thes, bats and boots, while onr friend
Hull Heppner wa.ered and lost to Mrs.
Easton a dozen chickens. By tbe way.
we learn thai these chickens are to be
in the pot for the democratic supper this
(Friday) evening. Arliugton Record.
Its Efrct on Wool. Instructions
have been received at Arlington from
Boston wool men to the effect that they
will not make any more advances on
fleeces. The prospect of free wool baa
knooked tbe bottom out of tbe market.
aud those who have made ail va noes will
be happy wbeu they see their coin Benin.
Tbe Baldwin Sheep & Land Company
are rejoicing that it disposed of tbe
greater part of its dip before tbe trouble
came, aud is now figuring on cutting
down expenses, and looking forward to
marketing more mutton sheep. This
company employs 80 or 40 herders, and
has one of tbe largest herds of sheen in
tbe Oountry. It behooves it to grasp
the situation by the wool.-Oregouian.
Temperance Cause. Mrs. Harford,
state lecturer of the W. 0. T. U., who
was billed for a lecture bere Saturday
evening, did not make ber appearance,
owing to tbe faot that tbe train was two
hours late. However, sbe filled tbe ap
pointment Suuday morning at the Bap
tist ehurcb, aiiologizing for ber failare to
apoear the evening before by saying that
Lvman Bmwn tried tbe it was impossible eveo for tempvraooe
oil for rheumatism with which l.e
been troubled for years, and tbia is
lecturers to make all dates, when tbe
trains didn't run. Sunday afternoon
Fhoii the Tkail. George Bnd Uzz
French got in last night from Colorado.
The boys report a tough trip, striking
quite a blizzard over this side of Chey
enne, rhey fed for a day or so, wuen
the suow became orusted and tbev drove
on into tbe capital oity. George says
this is bis last trip over the trail, but our
reporter did not interview Vzz on tbe
subject. Dan Neville is also expected
in quite shortly.
Tuhned Loose T. C. Stearns, who
was brought np from Eugene Friday by
speoial deputy, Johnny Eeeney, to an
swer to a obarge ot being implicated iu
tne attempt to swindle rjbepberd. was
examined Saturday and turned loose. It
oould not be proven that be had anything
to do with it, BDd beside he bad a bill of
sale tor the team olaimed by Shepherd.
it would now seem tbat Jones would be
Is ft to bear the whole burden and do tbe
Those Blankets. Purchasers are find
ing great bargains in those single and
double blankets tbat Fell Bros, are offer
ing at such low figures, for they fiud
them neither shoddy nor part ootton,
bat what we Bay all wool. Why they
sell them so obeap is easily explained.
ibey give the purchaser a bargain when
they get one. The blankets sell them
selves. 542 tt
Fire Reub 8 perry brings no word
from lone tbat tbe residence of John
Long, who was married recently to au
estimable young lady of tbat neighbor
hood, was entirely destroyed oy Qre;
also saving nothing of tbe contents but
some bedding. The loaa will foot up
about o0U ou which there is no insur
ance. This falls pretty bard on tbe
young couple.
A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord
has moved iuto tbe former art gal
lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's
office, and bus fitted up for architecture
work. He is prepared to contract for
all kinds of buildiugs, or will supervise
construction, and purchase material for
tbe same, giving nis customers I lie Den
efit of bis experieuoe and percentage.
KM tf
Stbaved. A four-year-old steer, brand
ed H P on tbe ribs on right side; also
same braud on right hip aud on right
stifle; big split in right ear. Any infor
mation leading to recovery of same will
be cheerfully rewarded hi
bob dexter,
538-sw Heppner, Or.
Minoe Pie Time P. 0. Thompson Co.,
have received a fresh supply of Seedless
Lcuituu Layer and Ivluscatelle raisins
citron, orange peel, Zante currants aud
eet cider, bo eat mince die. laugb
and grow fat. 2 3
Rough Diamond Cigars.- Without
an equal, aud for years tbe lending
saloon cigar, will be sold at San Frau-
lsoo wholesale pnoes. bv lots of 100 or
5.000 at J. Conn's. 35 44
Of Expenditures of Morrow County-Names
ot Claimants, bervices Keodered, Etc.
L. D Bnyed. road & bridge ao't, $685 00
Glasa iP iidhomme, eleot'n ao't, 1 25
The Hall & O'Donald Litho. Co.,
stationery aooount 8 00
L. D. Buyeri, mad and bridge ao
oount, 814.50, allowed 12 50
Henrv Fadberg, pauper account,
819.10, allowed 12 50
G. G. Wioksun ft Co., stationery
acconnt 3 00
James Brown, road and bridge
Bcoouut 2 00
The Heppner Gazette, election
account 40 00
Tbe Heppner Gas -tte, stationery
Aooount 89 45
V. A. Hamilton, road and bridge
aoconnt 24 00
T. W. Ayers, Jr. Co., station
ery sooouut 2 35
A. M. Slocnm, road and bridge
account 10 76
Hlocum J"hnston Drng Co., ex
pense aoiount 18 10
Wm. Peulaud, pauper account,
840 73, allowed 36 73
S. C. Stone, pauper socouut 12 00
Morrow County Keoord, station
ery aoconnt 11 35
G. G. Wickson & Co , atstionery
acooqut 10 45
Geo. 1). Barnard & Co., election
aooount, disallowed 105 00
Mra. Ward, criminal account,
jnslice court 50
E C. Frey, district attorney fee,
disallowed 5 00
C. L. Keed, paoper acoouul 77 00
T. W. Ayers, Sr., court bouse end
jail acoonut 10 Oi)
Piof. A. W. Wier, assistant ex
aminer, teachers' examination,
$9.00, allowed 3 00
Miss Eva Wier, ass't examiner,
teaobara' examination, $9, all'd 3 00
S. C. Stone, court hone and jail
acconnt. 8113.70, allowed 96 20
County of Mobbow. f
I, J. W. Morrow, Clerk of Morrow Co.,
hereby certify that the foregoing list of
expenditures of tbe oonnty, with names
of respective claimants, the articles or
services for wbicb payment ia made, to
gether with those oontiuned, rejected or
in part paid, is true and correct as shown
by tbe records of eaid county.
Witness my band and seal of tbe said
oonnty court, this 14tb day of November,
A. D., 1892.
( . J. W. Mobbow,
seal. V CI rk,
' r- By G. W. Well, Deputy.
A. Great
You Interese d
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Offers a magnificent new stock for
At prices the lowest yet named for Btriotly first olass goods. High grades in all
departments. iru merit in every article. Honest quality. An immenae
assortment nothing missing. The quality will tell it : the prioe
will sell it. That is the reason you should come early and
secure your BARGAINS from our splendid line of
Dry kk Misg, Boots and Shoes !
Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats.
WE show all the latest novelties in great profusion! We keep tbe finest seles
ttnn. in oil otanor1 .1,1.. 17 , 1. 1. - i 4 t
viwuu iu an o.uijumu avjica C lU.IBO IL n 1U1UU tU IlaVO BfBr ttrMUIti IU
stock tbe best ot its kind. The dollar you spend with us foes farther, lasta
longer, gets more siyle, gets more quantity, gets more quality, and does
v more good in servioe, worth and wear than any money you spend. Our goods
and prloes. now waiting for vour insneotion. will Drove thia. Remember it
is an established faot that it pays to trade, providing yon want to save money, at tbe
529-tf J. II. KOLMAN,
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Arc itlll alive nd kicking for trade with a complete line of
Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery,
Guns and Ammunition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Alio Gents' Furnishing Qood, and the largest Mortmout
o leaa In Eastern Oregon.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: Wb Won'T Be UnoERSoLO.
it Comer Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
J V V V V v
t and t Sip t Painter.
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator,
First-Class work in All Its Blanches.- Prices Reasomibln
530- aw
The above tire misplaced letters of the nnmp of the most popular music pub
licatiou u the continent, the publishers of which will rflve
to the first twenty person sending in the above three words with tbe letters
correctly arranged. PrlzeB to be awarded as follows :
To the first person sending the correct answer will be given S.'(00 In rnnh ;
to the second. 2()u ; to the third, 91(10 ; to the fourth, $75 ; to the rilth, r) ;
to the sixth, ;t5 ; to the seventh. 25 ; to the eighth, $20 ; to the ninth, $15;
to the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth' and fourteenth, $10 each; and the
fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth aud twentieth correct
answers, $5 each.
Kvery person sending an answer to the above Puzzle must enclose with the
same fifteen (I.ri) two cent 8tnmpn for one mouth's trial subscription to our "MUB1C
Kl, 10," which is the iiiont eltttmi-HtH wurk r itn kind rver pnbHtdied in
America, hfiiiie htliottrHphed mi lpt P'tpr, with cover beamifulfy ileMiEitPil
In koNI mid emloMd. Our publication is a monthly, each number containing
the :Htm and btnt eonipitmiioiiM, therefore you receive ten times the value uf
your rvmitttti'ce hi any one iiqiiiIht.
Our object in offering this Prize Puzzle is to attract attention to our publl
cation, subscribers to which are placed lu a position to buy all lines ot sheet
music at trade rates.
We have outlived the prejudice that the public have against prize competi
tions, brought about by unscrupulous publishers of "fake" journals, as we nave
not advertised to give everything, but have always given everything we adver
tised. The envelope which contains the correct solution bearing first postmark
will receive first award, aud the balance iu order as received.
This month's issue contains the following copyright music :
"TA-Ra-RA-BOOM" folka.
"ONLY PROMISE " (Vocal.)
ILL THE BOSUN" (VochI.) Sen Son
"LOVE AND DUTY " (Vooal.) Great Success.
"POMPADOUR" POLKA. Great suooew.
"KLEINE KATIE." (Sodk ) Datoh Yodle.
tplf this is not by far tbe ffreatent value In the mufiio line yon ever
saw, we will cheerfully refund your money.
Canadian Music Folio,
M.ntlon thli paper. 230-43 TORONTO, CANADA.
Vice J'realdent.
E. P. VORl'Z,
Hue, and Trm
- Successors to-
Carry s full line of --
-5) f CLOTHING, -f fc-
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps.
And auob goods as are usually kept in a first-class store.
Call and inspect onr stock and Bet onr prices before baying your fall supplies.
We are also agents for
mitchelu LEwiHa 8TAVER Agricultural Implements.
For Morrow and Northern Grant ConDties.
Grain Sacks
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Change of Ownership
wbicb we propose to oonduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will bean
on hands at all times tbe cboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
:- Nuts -:- and -:- (jiprc !
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Seoson
Also is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
J. IS. SMITH, irilot Rook, Or.
Qraduate M. E. C. V. H. , London, England.
Veterinary Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared to do nil klii'ln of Veterinary HurfP'rv, KmanenlatiiiK Horiei and Reirlinm ft Hpeci
alty. (This is the only true mKiio'l of operating"!) horst-s.) HteyiiiR of Cattle u ml Hogs
on short notice. I will treat all anliualK In tho inont approved procedure ot Veter
inary HurKery. If you have any nick animals It will be to your inUtrf.il to
cat) on me at Htewart'i tab Its.
HKPPNKR, . .vjisw - - OREGON
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks
Etc., Etc.
Trust I3usts.
18 HKI'I'NEH'3
OUke, Reiltleucn
Coniracbr Builder.