Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 15, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
The following proclamation has been
limed by President Harrison ;
"The gifte of Ond to our people daring
the past year bare been to abundant and
o special that the spirit of devout thanks
giving awaits not tbe call, but only the
appointment of a day wbtn it may hare
common expression. He has stayed ptati
lenoe at our doors. He Iikb given ns
more love for free civil institutiuus, iu
the creation of wbiob his directing prov
idenoe ia ao cooapiououa. He lias awak
ened a deeper reverence fur the laws. He
baa widened our philanthropy by a oil 1 1
to suooor distress in other lands, tie
baa blessed our schools, and it brinvinn
forward a patriotic and Ud-fearwg gc u
ration to execute Uia great aud beui-vo
lent designs for our conutry. He has
given us treat increase iu material
wealth and wide diffusion and oouteui
nieut and comfort iu the homes of our
people. He tins given his grace to the
Borrowing. Now, therefore. 1, liei jamiu
Harrison, preeident ot the Vuitrd aiatre.
do call upon our pple lo ubsrve, a
baa been (heir wonr, Tnnrsday, the 'i;u
day ot Ibis month, November, a Jy ot
thaukigiviog to God for His mercies aoJ
s supplication fur bis euatiotwd cure cj
TW are join tacts which tfc result
ot tin rrMol eltfcucn does sot at ail af
feu. Tiny amy Nj sa.d to te imbedded
in tan cuonettuaoa of ti ;e. Some of
tiimw f,u!t stay b b".d, a aim anted:
11 in a fJiuc !iii pc'c!i'.n d eocour
ii tad !iu iivfiocaieut of Auier-
tuaa tnd laf.i-'.e. si contribute to the
prvjin.'eua cf A.xw so3 prosperity. It i
a 6nrt rft-a it IK' S ul act, while stim
us old iaJajtnes aud creating new
ones at bom-, operates seriously to the
prejudice of certain forms of competing
Industries abroad.
It is a fact wbicb no amount of parti
an denial oan chauge,that the American
tin-plite industry is established on dell
nite and prosperous foundations.
It is a fact that tbe fiuanoial policy
wbiob baa been pursued nnder tbe pres
ent administration is sound aud safe, and
tbat the nationul banking system, whiob
secures absolutely every bill-holder, is
tbe very best wbiob bas been devised for
the maintenance of American credit.
It is a faot tbat tbe new ballot law in
tbe state of New York, and similar laws
in some other states of tbe union, are
faulty, cumbersome, aud tend to ob
struct rather than to promote intelligent
and honest voting.
It is a faot that frauds in registration
are not altogether preventable under ex
isting laws.
It ia a fact that our naturalization
la s miike oitizensbip ton cheap, and en
courage the corruption rather than the
elevation of the ballot.
It is a faot tbnt purity in elections can
only be absolutely secured when the peo
ple come to realize tbat only men ot the
highest oharnotei should be selected as
eleotion oflieiu!n, and tbat so far as poe
ible 'be selection of such officials should
be without regard to partisan ounsidern
It is a fact that Senator David B Hill
is still a factor in American politics.
It is a flint that Ihe South, while pnio
tically "solid," cannot much longer main
tain its present attitude of intolerance.
The revolution w hich ban set in against
tbe Bourbons wboin the Charleston News
and Courier characterizes as "our aria
tocratio clas8,"aud who have so long be
strode the necks of the Southern people,
will ultimately break in pieces the
haughty domination ot these autocrats,
and seoure a re formation of parly lines
in harmony itb tbe ideas of progress
and genuine eulighleumeut. Frank I.cb
lie's weekly.
Btrono oou Udell ce ia felt at the state
department that, in view of tbe presi
dent's deep interest in the matter, ot the
long contiutment whiob the prisoners
have already suffered and of their certi
fied good character in the United Htnlee
tbe present Gladstone government wli
listen favorably to tbe appeal of the
government of tbe United States and
graut the imprisoned Irish-Americans
liberty to return to the country of their
adoption. Numerous representations
bave been made to this government in
their behalf, aud President Harrison's
sympathy has been so aroused that be
baa directed that the legation in Loudon
bring the matter to tbe earnest consider
ation of the British government with a
view to securing such modification of the
sentence as will bring about their re
lease. Unless oougress is democratic iu
botb brandies during the coming four
years of the Cleveland administration,
the responsibility will be thrown over
on tbe republicans. Fortunately, this
will bardlv be the case this time, as the
next senate, will surely be democratic
Every Amercan, now that Cleveland has
been chosen, wants to Bee their policy
tried in detail, even to the rag baby slate
banks. If tbe prosperity ut the past
thirty years has beeu brought about by
a BVstem that is all wrong, we want to
know it, and then the United Slates can
bare a boom.
In Kin is a national demand for a spe
oial session of congress. A majority of
the voters of the United States have said
by their ballots tbat the present tariff
laws are impoverishing the people. If
this is actually the case, they should not
remain on tbe statute books longer than
it is uecessary to remove them just after
the 4th of March next. To wait a year
onger, is an injustice to those who have
poken iu no uncertain way that they
waul iree trade.
Tin oouncil of the city of Portland
bave removed Chief Spencer. So far as
the publio is concerned, he was giving
atisfaotlon, but, perhaps, YYbitcohupel
didn't like liim.
" An HDI'OATIONAL qualification for the
voter ia BBdly needed. It would solve the
race question iu the South, and cut down
tbe foreign vote of our cties. It is not
the intelligence ot America that is set-
tling the many vital questions; on the
other hand, it is the denae ignoranoe.
Thia ia the only way to modify the blun.
dera of twenty-five years ago when the
negro waB allowed full citizenship, and
of later years when Indians, regular
blauket siwaehes, are given full represent
ation and suffrage.
Wj luahs that Bro. ISIsokman reports
wool baa advanced 2a per pound in Boa.
ton since the election. Uu the beela of
this oomes the report that a Chicago
sheep buyer, over at Pendleton, immedi
ately following the election aud in con
sequence of the result, was notified to
buy no more sheep at the figures r eign
iug at that time, as both mutton and wool
were on Ihe decline. Some mistake
somen here.
Tim Dispatch lias proven Itself to be
the only democratic daily in Portland,
aud we might truly sny, in the sUte of
Oregou. It repudiated the fusion busi
ness from the fiist, buJ supported Cleve
and Sieve to a finish. If others bad
followed its advice, particularly some
u the self styled leaders, tue party
organization iu Orcgou would not now
b broken into giblets.
IIarbjsox is quoted by tbe associated
prts dispatches to bave attempted lo
eiplaio away the recent defeat, and also
to have spoken very nnkindly of tbe
uatiou&l chairman, Air. Carter. It is
uot true, for it is uulike Harrison iu
every respect. Though the " majority
must rule, they are no nearer right now
than they were iu 5t5 and '84.
Sinci it is now tborongbly known
thai a free trade party will soon be in
power, tbe three hundred idle tin plale
mills in Wales are preparing to start up
agaiu, while there is a like depression of
that industry in America. Verily, Eu
gland baa won a great victury, but the
wage-earner on this side is hardly in it.
The New Yoik livening Poet and tbe
Atlanta Constitution are two democratic
papers of the nation that are demanding
a special sessiou of congress. The formei
810 e: "If half of what the democrats
have been saying of the tariff is tiue, it
would be oriminul to delay the repeal ol
the present laws."
Kremlin has broken the stullion trot
ting rtooril, reducing it from 2:08, Stum
boul's reoord, to I;C7?4. Arion's record
of 'I'.Wli is not only toe best for a two
jearuld stallion, but equals that of the
Tim Weaver demoorats, and the old
liners, who refused to switch, are having
a bout over the distribution of the Ore
uon spoils. From the point ot principle,
the latter should have them.
Major Joseph Maoonb got back from
Chicago on the 5th iust. He bas made
the longest walk on record for pleasure,
at least. The major left Canyon City on
July 4th.
Sthikkiis haye hud iniolher bout at
Homestead, this time between non-union
and union men. linlUto fl .iu uj
fast, anil several were badly hurt.
Portland's Tiiniiniiuy, who repudiated
tl.e liisiou, nud voted for Cleveland
straight, or as nearly lis possible with
1'ieree on the ticket, arc on the inside f t
the spoils.
I'll B republicans still claim Ohio and
California for Harrison, and the figure's
go to show Unit the olaim is well founded.
abHinoton has elecied McGraw gov
ernor, and the whole string of republi
can electors.
W IscoNBiN and Illinois lire dcmnoilltic
the latter I he first time since the war.
A Prolltable Industry In Kastern Oi'pjjau
tiuuu Prices for Wool.
From the Oreffonlftii,
O. A. KheB. president of the First
National bank of Heppner, was at tbe
St, Charles last evening. He is ver)
much interested in ebeep-raieiiig In
E letern Oregou, and when questioned iu
regard to that industry said:
"Morrow county produces more wool
than any county iu the state. There
are now about 260,000 sheep herded ilb
in the boundaries ot the oounty which
produced, at tbe last shearing, about
3,000,000 pounds of wool. We found a
ready market for the wool at from 0 to 10
cents per pound. The buyers ootue
right into Heppner and take it off our
bauds, and than ship it either to East
ern cities or to San Francisco. We gel
two crops a year from the sheep, and it
makes a very good paying business.
The sheep in our part of tbe stale are
free from all diseases, and are in such a
condition us lo biiug a good price any
where. The merino sheep is Ihe best
pa) ing sheep iu Oregon, as it is hardy,
and yields a good oropof wool. For some
time there has been a number of Mou
tana sheep buyers coining iuto Eastern
Oregon and trjing to purchase sheep,
offering Si '15 to S3 50 per bead for ewes
The price is a largo and templing
one, but the sheep farmers have uo more
sheep than they want, and refuse to
part w ill) them. There is a strip of land
about 15 miles iu width all along the
Columbia river that is just adapted to
sheep raising. The grass is green nil
Ihe year, and Ihe sheep can feed on it
all winter. The foothills ot tbe Blue
mountains also make tiue gn zing land,
" The Farmers failed to get a good
crop thii year, but they are not a bit
discouraged, and have put in about one
third larger crops than ever before. If
the winter proves to be a good one they
will have more than abiuidauce of grain
next year. Business is very good and
money plentiful, and no one in our sec
tion of the oonutry has anything to com
pluiu about."
From the Long Creek Paper.
Eva Crowley has rt turned from H
Sen J. H ami Hilly Hamilton r turn
ed last week fruu an extensive tuur
through the Northwest with the famoos
raoe horse "Pin Ear."
Dr. J. A. Larrabee made a bosinesa
trip to Can j on City this week.,
Wm. Smith, of the Smith Bros., ot
Susanville, ia east with horses.
W. H. Fowler, the traveling artist,
took his departure this week lor Canyon
City, were after a stay of a few weeks,
be will go to B.iker City.
Within tbe past month large quantities
of lieight have an ived at Ihe Heppner
warehouses for this interior. It bas
averaged three car loads per day.
Heppner was ut one time a typical
western ton, but at the present time
a lock on every door is becoming quite
necessaiy. For a railroad town, tbe
place bus been quite a while coming to
J. N. Brown, one of Heppner's Bttor
nejs. accompanied by his stenographer,
E L. Freeland, passed through on
Wednesdaj 's stage en route for Canyon
City to be present at the November term
of circuit court w hich convenes Mnndav.
Noah Mulkey, of Heppner, arrived in
Long Creek Tuesday making inquiries
after one of his horses that had strayed
luto this county He found his animal
at the ranch of Mrs. iM A. Foster, who
bad some weeks ago advertised for the
owner In the oolumuB of the Eagle.
He returned to Heppner Ihe same day.
Thousands of Dollars ia lie wards For Bible
The Ladies' Home Magazine presents
its great tall competition to the public
of America. Tbe first correct answer to
tbe following questions reoeived at this
oflioe uill get sl.OuO in cash; the second,
$500 cash; 8rd, grand piano; 4th, ladies'
Seal coat; 5tli, $2o0 orgau; (iili, ladies'
gold watch; 7ih, silk dress. Theo fol
lows 180 elegant silver tea sets to the
neit KM) correct answers; 1000 beautiful
5 o'clock silver services, and 2oOO tber
articles ot silverware, making the most
expensive aud mnguitiueut lietot rewards
ever offered by any publisher.
Questions (1) llnwmat'y books dues
the bihle contain? (2) How many chap-
leisr (d) How many versesT
VEvery list of answers must be ac
coiupanled by (1 to pay for six months'
subscription to ihe Ladies Home Maga
zine one of the brightest and best lllus
trated publications of the day
Last PrizeB In addition to the above
we will give 1000 prizes consisting of
magninoent silver servioes, five o clock
services, &o , &a., for last correct answers
leceived before the close of the competi
tion, which wi I be on Dec 31, 1892.
The object in offering these liberal
prizes is to establish the Ladies Home
Maghziue in new homes in the United
States and Canada. Present subscribers
can avail themselves of it by enoloBing
$1 00 Willi list of answers and tbe address
of some friend to whom the magazine
oan be sent for six monibs, or have their
own extended beyond the time already
paid for. Prizes to subscribers residing
in tlu United states sent from our jNew
York branoh. American ourrency mid
postage ell, nips w ill be taken, lie sure
and register all monev letters. Address:
,'lie Ladies Homo Magazine, Peterbor
ough, Uannda.
Notice is hereby given (bat tbe part
neiship existing between Arthur Coffin
mid Frank McFarhmd, under the firm
name of Coffin & McFarland, was dis
solved February 1, 1892, by mutual cou
sent, Arthur Collin retaining the Arling
ton business, collecting all acoouuts due
and paving all liahiliiies of same, and
Frank McFarland retaining the Heppner
business, collecting all accounts due aud
paving all liabilities of same
Frank "m oFarland
Referring to the above, Frank McFar
land, Homer McF.rlaid and Einil 0.
Voruz have formed a Co partnership un
der the linn uuiue of .McFarlaud Mercan
tile Company, commencing business
September 1st, 18!l2, to be incorporated.
The new liiui will continue iu Ihe gen
eral merchandising business at the same
location, National lUnk building, lower
Main St., Heppner, Oregon.
Frank MuFahIjAND,
Homer MoFAitnANd,
542 548-w Fmil P. Voruz.
My creditors are after me for money
which I cannot pay unless those who
owe me come to the front. This I shall
expeot everjone to do wilhout further
delav. I need money and must have it
FM8 aw D. W. Horner.
P. S. I'm in dead earnest ou this mat
ter. Those who think that I am fooling,
will Bud out tbeir mistake. 1. W. H.
This amount will be paid for the re
covery of a chestnut sorrel mare, branded
a diamond L on light hip aud I S on left
shoulder; bas a wire out on one trout
foot; is seven years old, weighs 900 to
1000 pounds, star in forehead, white
strip in the face. The above reward will
be paid for her delivery to me at Alex.
Thompson's ranch.
Joseph Duboih,
541 tf. Heppuer, Or.
Prevent and cun Constipation and Sick
Headaclie, .Srmii! Uilu Ucans.
The members of Kawlius Tost No. 81,
Q. A. K. are requested to be in attend
ance at the n retini; of the Post on the
lust Saturday in December, Peoember
81, at Lpxiuiitcin, at which time the eleo
tion of dlliocra fur the ensuing year oo-
eurs. riciiae bear this in mind, and
runke your arrangements to be with us
40 If O. W. Smith, Com.
Thev increase npi"etltp, purify the whole
system and aclotitlie liver, llik- UtiansMatUl,
Lost or stolen, one bay hnrsefonr years
old. branded cross ( 4 ) with bar nbove it
on risht shoulder. Had white face. I
will give the ab'ive reward for his return
to J. L. Howard's ranch on Little Butter
Creek, or for information leading to his
recovery. I. L. Howard,
5;!S ew UullowBV, Ore.
To Oonstiiuptlvea.
The undersigned having been restored to
health liv simple means, alter fluttering for sev
eral venr's w lili a severe lung nll'cction. and that
drcail disease Consumption, is anxious to make
know n lo his fellow sulterers the means of cure,
lo those who desire It. he will cheerfully send
(Irce of rhiirnt'1 a copy of the prescription used,
w Inch they w til tintlaNiire euro for Consump
tion, Asthma, Catarrh, Itroiiclitiis and all throat
ami liiuu mttliulloH He hopes all sutterers will
trv hts rcincilv. us it Is InvohiAtile. Those desir
ing the proscription, which wMl cost them noth
ing, ami may prove a hlossinu, v, ill please ad
tlress. Kkv. Eowaud A. Wilson,
It aw Brooklyn, New York.
i-ow - i ie.
ABNESS-S1IOP, stock and nitnirs. Good
business: established In the mum ot a
irood farinimt and slock-ralsina country-
Also for sale a kihkI house And iw o lots w 1th or
without the business property. Kor further in.
nt-K.it.M H.tittv,, i.Mctte. Heppner. Or. 4i-.S tf
ih ki j-kI xjs suimii vifi ll'""S ' tunc
-on; tiMudu pus aij.wi ptoj juj iuj
It is a wondriiu
dal to you and your chi
of Pure Norwegian C
phites of Lime and
children and produces soiirid,
them from taking- col
Scott's Emulsion cr.rcr.
Colds, Consumption, il-.n-11
Anaemic and War, i i -::
Prevents wasti3,::i c'- ii
most as palatable n ;
the genuine. IT-par ! i
Bowne, Chemist , N . v V i
all Druggists.
kl-en. i'.
So. a. It
$2,000 IN PRIZES
Will be Equally Distributed.
For leveral years punt competition! of an
business hontes and manufacturers In England with the object ol increasing meir saics ana
interesting their customers In their respective goods. These contests, on account of unquestioned
fairness displayed in conducting them, havo interested the best people ol Great Britain. Believ
ing that competitions offered by a manufacturing
same honorable manner, would excite universal
United States and Canada, our Company has decided to offer a prize competition in which ou
first effort will be to make it strictly fair and impartial. The intention is to satisfy every one
entering this competition that they have beeu duly credited with the position which their efforts
have earned for them. We are sure that thiB class of a prize contest will receive the approval of
parents and all those who have the instruction of the young at heart. The prlr.es to be awarded
In this competition will consist entirely of articles of sufficient value to be appreciated by every
person receiving one as a fair reward for the efforts put forth by them. Our intention is to divide
the amount to be given away in prizes, varying
and we enter into an honorable agreement with
fairly Two Thousand Doi.LAas in prizes.
AVVAltD OF PHIZES. Ten of the leading
and assist in the award of the prizes.
iBWe will pay Onb H undskd Dollabs In
follov. lug questions : Where in the Bible do the
2, Hsead 8, Milk. The second person answering correctly will receive 8svkntv-Fivi Dollars
in cash. The third person sending correct
The next ten will each receive an elegant Coin Silver (hunting case) Watch. The next ten will
each receive an elccttnt Silk Press pattern (sixteen yards In any color). The next Km will each
receive a flrst-cloBs pair of Opera Glasses.
are received last ran receive duplicates uf the prizes Unit are awarded for the first thirty-three
correct answers, the last correct answer receiving the One Hundred Hollars, the next to the last
the heventy-rive Dollars, and bo on until the thirty-three prizes for the last thirty-three correct
answers nae ueen a" hi ucu.
81 ECIaI. PHIZES. a prize consisting of an elegant Lady's or Gentleman's Watch will be
given to the person sending the first correct answer which Is the lirst received from tbeir Utate or
Answers must be accompanied with fifteen t'nitcd States two-cent postage stamps for one
package of f'K a ai.iFoA M , w hicli Is the latest scientific discovery for cleaiiBing and preserving the
teem, uur uujevi is iu iiuruuuce aiiu Muraei aueimon 10 to I KAaLiFOAM, wnicn is tne only pre
partition wnose Bianiiiiu'turers are wining to oner a reward ol Mve Hundred uollarB to any
dentist who can Bhow thHt It contains anything injurious to the teeth A mouthful of pearly
white teeth Is lite sure result ol Its cotiBlant use. It is recommended by the leaders of the dental
profession every here ; ask your denlUt w hat he thinks of it. PEAaLlfOAM is seat by mail, post
piMU, anu lice ui ;uaLuuiB uitij,
Be sure uud send your ansivers to -
foi your trouble. Address
Tbe Btndehakeiwatron heads them all.
For sale at Qilliao, & Bisbee's. a
Look oat for Fell Bro 's sale of remnants-bargains
everything, a
Kuhl, tbe bakerl Buy your bread and
oakes aud save mtiey. Try it. a.
Why go hungr when the City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates. a
"Hardware" didyou say? Why, yes
at P. 0. Thompson k Co.'s stand, and tbe
place fur bargains.) a
Call on Rip to ddyonr wood sawing;
same old price. Ao delivers wood to
any part of Lieppufl Bee ad. a
M. Linhtenthal I Co. have just re
ceived a fine lot I ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At Ittoin prices. a
For oasb yon oan let more at Ihe East
ern Clothing bonseAith Levi on deck,
than any other plncin Heppuer. a
The I'ulaoe is tbe nding hotel in tbe
city. Well furnisheij-oonis with plenty
of light are provideckir everyone, a
Smith, tbe fnrnitui man, is prepared
to sell fine goods allow figures. Full
line uf undertaking gjids on hands, a
Gilliam & BisbeeJie hardware and
tinware merobants, oty everything ap
pertaining to their tea, eveu agricul
tural implements. Lu't you need a
plow this fall? a
Don't overlook T.V Avers, Jr., the
leading druggist. Cbicest perfumes,
purest drugs aud the lest toilet articles
always on uana. a
Tbe Bncbler beer, 5tnts per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hull, Osmers &
Hughes, piops., next bor to M. Lioh
tenthnl & Co. s shoe si
The M. L. & T. Oolinoe tbey have
roofed all tbeir platfiis, have an im-
meuse storage rapacity! This companv
now deals iu grain, luittr and wood, a
Since Shaw ft McCan purchased the
meat market they nave aye endeavor
ed to keep on baud e freshest aud
ohoioest meats, sausageiid bolognas, a
What will perseveranl pluok and en
terprise avail in thia vi west, if you
cauuot get big banraiul However, be
fore giving up entirely, It Miuor Bros.'
eniporum. I a
Thompson & Binns owie buss which
goes to aud from the Citi itel, but will
oall for partiea desiring to to train in
any part ot I ho city
live orders at
Utly hotel
Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the!
at dyspepsia
Oonqnerer, will positively! dyspepsia
ana an its iinorea aiimeri tvery bot
tle sold nnder a posiuvtuarantee to
effect a oure or mouey refiled. See ad
in this issue.
Don't overlook Kirk
ssmns for
ed i lie bus
bargains. They have piv
iness of J. W. Matlock A!
bnt will
soon remove to the Mallori
uer, oppo
lite the Palace hotel.
which is alike benefi
is Scott's Emulsion
Oil and Hypophos-
f:;:'.i:ks wastinsr in the
hr:,lthy flesh. It keeps
it X tio the same for you
TnsLEaaing Hoiei of ine Ciiy
Margaret Von Cadow
C-W33 IFXiklT.
instructive order have been offered by reputable
concern such as ours, and conducted in the
interest among the Intelligent people of the
in value from eight to one hundred dollars each,
those entering this competition to distribute
ministers of our city will be invited to attend
oath to the 6rst person who correctly answers the
following three words first appear : 1, Kai
answer will receive Fiftv dollakb in cash
You may receive a valuable prize
170 TToagst strasrt.
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a Prehensile Tail.
The Monkey is Not Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We are Not Afraid because our
Tale is a Oood One.
It is No Talej)f Woe !
Splendid Goods,
Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom
ers, and of reasonable pnoes and
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tale without end, bee mse it is a tale
tbat will hold. A pleasure to show
goods. Hpcoial indneements to
cash buyers. Call at
Kipans Tabulcs cure nausea.
Giwrantpcil to run n.lfotm AtUclu
Coutuipttiioci Smatl Ml ikmii.
IlrrAnd Surrounding Country, -
We are eomi elieJ to armounoe tbat onr entire stock of j-
Clothing, lurnishing Goods,
Trunke, Valises, and also a full line of
lsumgs, r nuoy uooas
to. - Within the
At prices never heard of before in the history of merchandising. Thanking you for
paai patronage, we wotua
-Get the Benefit of Our
6iiOSii( -t-
N. LEVI KOBISON, Proprietor,
UTAiiiiAii Imttai) ."linn fnnn I
mM mm tiiaii uuic
See Imi dorsement t
Cooper Pip Is "Bed and endoraed by the following Oregon and Montana iheepmen: W, B.
Donnldson, Dayville; W. S. Leet Junction City; John Hnrrison, Mutney; Geo. Ochi. Amanda;
Kenneth McKup, Dayville; Joe Oliver, John Day; J. VV. Byers, New LlBbon; P. J. Motile. Bercall;
Cook Ac Clark:, Philbrnok; Kairehild Ac McCraii;, Dupuver; F. K. Warren, Utlca; Buich Brot.,
LewlBton; E. P. Chandler, Maiden; J. Hlrschberfj, Choteau; D. 8. Hastlngi, Ubet; James Edie,
Dillon; W, Norton, btewart; A- Downie, Big Sandy.
TheCheapest ami Best Dip
Ash Your Merchant for
KCWHLAND RHOS. Portland, Oregon,
Gen. Agts. for Oregon, Washington and Western
TP -
When it costs no more than the ordinary Stove
At BeaBonable Prices. 'Way up in quality. I carry a oomplete assortment of
Tinware, Nails, Agricultural Implements,
Plumbing Materials, Etc.
I ask for a share of Ihe business, for which I shall endeavor to give fall vilae.
W. B.
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
"V" EXT DOOR to Heppner
Street. Keen on hand
n ines, Cigars, Etc.
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
, S, ents Per Glass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and maDy more.
The Heppner
Atlnal o,l !, I m
"P a
sawed or
Sawed at Your Residence, is
Per Cord twiee in twn ; 81 00, three times. Wood sawed and
delivered at 87.50 per curd. yrd near thedeTt
Leave orders at dloan k Hnwa-d's
rn tiro orcrri7T itt
. nas oeen tiEFrriED and Eefcnishu, throngbout, and now
u. one of the most inviting plaoes in Heppoe, Mr
rtith klm H,-. U.. . l ,
, ,ui ut is nie I0 entertain
,lass House.
TI - IK'
Larlica' Goods, auoh as Drees Oooda, Rjrn-
ana nuiiom or an Kinds
Next 30 Days.3o.
nao 10 see you come ana
Out : Sle i
evcrmade. Sold Everywhere
Coopers end Take to Other.
Props. Wm. COOPER
Galveston, Ttxa.
Beer Hall!
Candu Factory
a Fine Line of L
Wood Yard.
. I"" which he will deliver woorl.
RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor.
yon in the
be beet of style.
Reasonable Rates.