OFFICIAL CIRCULATION MAKES Buy advertising space because rates are low generally the circulation is a sight lower Circulation determines the value of advertising ; there is no other standard. The Gazette is willing to abide by it. The Paper. Without it advertiser get nothing for their money. The Gazette, with one exception, has the largest circula tion of any papir in Eastern Oregon. Therefore it ranks high as an advertising medium. ZlX TENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1892. WEEKLY NO. fl05. SEMI-WEKKLY NO. W2.1 Some I'ooijIo SEMI-WtEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdeys and Fridays BY HIE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON., OTIS PATTtlllHON .Bub. Manager. .. Editor Ai 3.00 per year, $l.!Wfor six months, fl.00 lot turee mouijie; if paid for ill advance. $-.50. Advertising Rates Made Known on a f.V it ifjfjHVULiun. The - E9LE, " of Long Creek, Grant County. Oregon, ii published by the name com pany every Friday morning. Subscription rice, $2 per year. Foradvertisiug rates, address Ij. FATTEBEOT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette," Heppner, Oregon. THIS PAPER is kept on Hie at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 4 and 65 Merchants Gxchangs.San Francisco. California, where com tracu for advertising can be made for it. THE GAZETTE'S AO CNTS. Warner B. A. Hunsaker ArlTntrlYm Phill HePI hill Heppner Long Creek The Eagle Rhft Bob Hhaw Camas Prairie, Oscar DeVaul Matteson Allen McFerrin Nye, Or., H. C. Wright Hardman, Or J. A. Woolcry Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. Kudio lone, T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or R. B. Mcllaley Canyon City, Or 8-1 1'arrUh Pilot Kock, G- P. Hkelton Uayville, Or . K. Snow John Day, Or., F. I. MfCallliin Athena, Or .John Edington Pendleton, Or., Win. O. MeCroBkey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or. Postmaster Shelby, Or Miss Stella Klett Fox, Grant Co., Or., J- F. Allen Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew AshbaiiKh Upper Khea Creek B. F. llevland Douglas, Or S. tt bite Lone Kock, Or K. M. Johnson Gooseberry W . P. Snyder Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead Lexington W. B. McAlister AK AOKNT WANTKD IN KVEttY rUKClNcT. Umon Pacfic Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaves Hepnner 10:00 a. m. " 111. " ar. at Arlington l 9, " leaves " 3-52 p. m. 9, ar. at Heppner 7:10 p. m daily except Sunday. East bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington 8:12 p. m. West leaves " Mu p. ui. Night trains are running on same time as before. OETIOI-X. DIEEOTSET. United States OlllcialM. President Benjamin Harrison n;.... Denial., Levi P. Morion Sec eta'yof Hints John W. f oBt r Secretary or Treasury U"!rl,",? Secretary of Interior J. W. No'ile Hecrelars of war Stephen 11. Klklna 8H.retary of Navy a. i.i cj .......... n...... Tohn Wanamiik r Auorney-G'eneral..::: W H. II Miller (Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah State ot Oregon, Onvernnr S Pennoyer s:?Jyoi m(::::::: w. M,nne Tnnnni rhll.J etschan Rant. Public Instruction .h. (J. II.Milchell Senators I J N. 1) ,IJi t Himre Cnnffressmea ) W k. Ellis o .. , Frank 0. Raker IF. A. M .,W. P.. ( li. 8. Ii F. A. Moore Supreme Judges uord Bean Seventh Jadicial District, Circnitjndge Prosecut nu Attorney W. Li. 'transnnw ...W. H. Wile Morrow Connty Olltcial. '"'."rtr"A::: Julius heillur 'Commissioner.;.... ...... ..Pete, Bieunei 1 M U..lrnx Tlerk J.W.Morrow SftW Geo. Noble. Tnrar W. J. L ezer ISsso? B.U haw .. 5; IsaRrown tteruner..... T.W.Ayers.J HWPPNKR TOWN OFF10EB8. T. J. Matlock ltffithJ:-0&"ri:. S. P. (larnguee, Thos. 11 organ ana rraun. ou" Recorder 7 . Roberts, E. G- Slocum il.::::::::::::-v: w. . Pr.rlnct Offlcers. ...... la-.u . .. F. J. Hallock 7..,.K1A rvoueru. jnnicBD, uin iww , ,, . .. .. United 8 taws Land Officers. THB DALLES, OB. J. W. Lewis T. 8. Lang T.A OBANDX. OB. ....Kgis'e ...Keceiv- . ' Begiter S ,rawi.,a:.V::.V: Receiver eacssiT societies. i : r un 9n V. nf P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in their Castle Hall. National Bank build- ing. Sojourning Dnners-onnii vited to atteml.H. Hohbbzinobk. C. ( W II MWTNBtTRNK. fi.. OI . OL O. t KAWUNS POST.NJ.M. O. A. R. Meets at Islington. Or., the last Saturday avh month. Ail veterans are invited to Join. (.('.Boon. Adjutant, if fino. W. Smith Commander, PROrESSIOlTAli. A A. ROBERTS, Ri al Estate, Iueur and Collections. Offioe iu Oiinnoil CIih! mbers, Beppner. Or tf. Vi here? At Abrnharoncli's. Iu addition to his t.ulonng business, be has added a Bne tin- of underwear o all kinds, ne((li(!et bins, hosiery, etc. Also has on baud gome elegant patterns (or suits. A. Ahrhmink. May street. Heppner, Or. Shoemaker.-Ed BirbecK. a shoeniak er ami tep .irer oj many years' experi ence, has jiwt l.ted in tbe AhrahHin icli huiidinn. no May street, where be is prepared todo rvnytbinsf iu Ins line. m. u.rlw,.!. i umi-tlv a firal-clHSS work. mu'n u,.,t warrants all wnrk. Give tiim a call. II tf O.ffio k McFarland bate just received ear load ot Mitchell Wauons, Hacks, etc , and have also a large snpply of farm ne implements of all Muds. nucn axle GREASE BEST I THE WOllLD. FOR BALE BY DEALEB8 GENERALLY, lyf mum PRESENT. A. Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FKEE'lO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to tarnish FEEE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the America!) armer. published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and "tie year in advanoe, and to any new subscribers who will pay one yeai in atlvatice. rue American Faiimkk enjoys a large national oircnla- ira, aDd ranks anions the leading gricultnriil papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to yonr advantage to oall promptly. Sample oopies can be 'en at our office. rom Terminal or interior i'oints tne J th ii KAI LEOADI Is the line to take fo all Points Eastand South. It in t.lifl DininnrCrir R- nto. It runs Tlirouirh Voati bulcd TrainB every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of CarB) Coiiiioscd of DIXISli CARS unsurpassed. TliMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Lalesl Equipment Tourist Sleping Cars Bet ttmt can be conHtrurtcd Hud in winch ao- cinn mudai ior.s aro botli tree and furniwhpd for holders of lirBt or neu(iud-clanB licketB, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Goiitinuourf Linn oonuepti'ur with, nil Linus, aflorditii! Direct add Uninter ruiitd Service. Pullman Slreper Reservations can be Secured tn lulvuuee tnrougn any agent of the road. TIIKOUail TICKETS T .,A fn.n, al onint. in AmHr'CI. KllClaild and Europ ran be purchased at any Ticket office of this Company. ' Full information concerning rates, time of trams, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant (leneral Passeneer A Bent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON Tlie Orlielnnl naff' MCI o UlRl DICTIOHHRY. .v oori'Iil HI14M1KMK'1' WltU THE miiiiiKherH. we are able to obtain a number of th above booit, ana propc above boolt, and propose to lurulsa jriu school and business house. It till, a vacancy, ,-nr,.iBhtB k miW U-illftl Which 110 Olie hull- The aieUOliary 15 ueewwi; iii ctni ,lrel other voluuics of the choicest books could supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should Have it within reach, and refer to its contents every day In the year, i. have imiccd if this is really the Orig inal Webster's Lnabridged Dictionary, we are able to slate we have learned direct from tlie i.hsn n (n't. that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years ol the auuior s me were.uwen eiujjiujcu writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,WJO words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and delniition of same, and IB FU.ilr Htamlnril Bie. containing about .fno.iwn nquare inches of printed surface, and is DOUIld In ClOHl nail mmuaTi nu .uwu. Until further notice we will .furnish this valuable Dictonary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now m arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Clotn Pound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $1-00. Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges. $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. s-jjr-A" the publishers limit the time and number "I books they will furnish at the low prices, weadwscall who desire to avail them selves of ihis greatopportuiiity to attend to it at once. FBEETO THE BFFUBTED. All who are suffering from the effect of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Striotnre, Syphilis and the many trouble which are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Fbee of Charob, full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home hy writing to the California Medical and Si roical In vihmakt. l.i29W Market Street, Sao T 1 linn n m IU i FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor in the blood, ulcers, catarrh, and consumption, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla The most economical, safe, speedy, and effective of all blood-purifiers. Has Cured Others will cure you. The Golo'&rated French Gure, "ESS "APHftODITINE" 'MKT It Solo om a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro RttJT form of uerroui diseM, or auj diionier of tfaa BUORt reiterative or- AFTER fine ol til her sex whether erUiuf from txctuireuMof Btimulftuu, Tobtcco or Optuu. r through youthful indlKretloti, over iudulf tiuc, Ac, lucb M Ims of Bimn Power, Wekeful ue, Bearing down Piue iu tlie Back, Seminal Weakuess, Hyiteria, Nervoui Prowl ration Nocturn al Bmlssioa , Leuoorrboea, Diuiueu, Weak Meiru ory, Loaaof Power and Imjrotency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old axe and inaan Ity. price 11.00 a box. 6 boxei lor 15.00 Bent by mall on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery $5.00 order, to refund the money If a Permaaeut cure ii not effected. Thousands of teatimoniali from old and young, of both texei, permaaeutly i-iredbyAFMRODiTiMi. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. V1STXBM BBAMCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND. OR Sold in Heppner by Slocum-JohiiBton Drug .'o vim iPnrn I1UI V ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymouth Uocks, Light lir;iliiali8, Kiiae and Bnnjle (Jnmb Brown Leghorns, Pa'tridge Cochins, Uondans and rSil ver Sijaugled Uamhm gs. 1.000 YOUNG FOWLS .. RflfiHse fnE..Tloli.iTrv BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. r. I GDABANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEKY (JUSTUMUK. Send for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Box 55. com.396. Forest Grove, Or Tried For 20 Years ! THE- Sunday Sun A. -J Containing more reading matter than any magazine published in America. Addres TII33 JST71SJ-. Si6-2m-w Now Tork ee eeeeee ee : : RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, urn 1 PURIFY THE BLOOD. RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ladlcestloa. Bttloasaus, Headadu, CsastU vatUa, Drsvapsla, Caraala Utm Traaklea, Dlsslaaas, Bad Complexion, Drseatei-r, Offsaatra Braatk, and all dlMrdcn af tka ataasaah, LiTer and Bawals. Rlpant Tstmlea eontsln nothing lnjniioos to z the moft delleatc constitution. Pleasant to tako, Z safe, effectual. Qivs Unmediftto relief. Sold by drugtrlsts. A trial bonis seat by saall 9 On receipt of le oenta Addrees THE RIPAN3 CHEMICAL CO. J U SPBUCI STurET, NEW TOBE CtTT. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa TTTiT-innv'i A oltjn troubled with "ttwiiiii.i.iiff in tfa the liwd;" nat-seaaml voiuitiiiBnftn follow. It ri-nulU from a derancpd utiito of the (i ff'-rttive orjraiu and m .i:..aitni.. T'.U tini'fHMintaiid oftt-n Adaugrttua!liiction wiil be cured by a 9 JL U JL 3. D Tiny Vmt Pills which ri lleeatriernirorifea nyeruno an n-move'sll'.eothrongh the bow-W els. a.-.-.gtit,HeUlUubiirBt.,l.l. iirol tr.. iilia.ror I a,ili- ar f:. -r. liOf.ll-Ot TL lirKKLS, Marked Lar Plsylr.? Cards, l.jfld-ii pl' sad verythlnp In Ibi ir.i" N'W ntk Lhit rtna tbe moaer. healed prtiolrs ar.t l-fHi'e eetlH5'ia Irw, 8end self-addreawd p -my.n enrwiuw V CLV UUOb- Uasu If, t'Llcsea. AU, mm Highest of all in Leavening Power. . ABSOLUTE vtt J. v3. OOPVRIQNT BY AMERIOAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, IBS1 The men were watching and listening when a cry of alarm was heard from the ridge, and a moment laterthe trainman's horse came flying over the swell at his fastest pace and made direct for the in closure. "Poor Jim they've got him!" whis pered the captain, as he climbed upon the rocks to get a wide range of vision. To be taken captive by hostile Indians means more than death. Ayel a bullet in the brain at the moment of capture would be an act of mercy to the poor prisoner. CHAPTER VIL Tlie captain rested it across the rocks. The captain was right in his suspi cions. The besieging force of savages, dis heartened at their bloody repulse, had quietly withdrawn behind the ridges in hopes to lure the white men from their stronghold. OW a , n,,! V" wagons were strung mt in line and pressing forward, and then a charge would have brought victory. The man who volunteered to act as scout had be trayed the plot. His willfulness would cost him his life, but it would save twenty-three others. Two minutes atter that cry of alarm had reached the men iu the fort the In dians could be seen nil about them. Concealment was useless, and the red demons circled about the fort on their ponies and kept up such a yelling that one would have thought they regarded sound as powder and bullet. They kept up the hubbub for an tour, and then dismounted out of rifio range to rest. We shall hear from that renegade before long," said the captain, as he noted a crowd of Indians at a certain point. "Have any of Jon men got an old faahioued rilleV" "1 nave, repneu a mm nameu reiera. It's not only old srle, but heavy enough to use as artilley. I brought it along because I couldi t even give it way at Brule." The gun was fished ot of his wagon and brought forward. It was the old fashioned buffalo rifle, arrying a bullet like a cavalry carbint and its owner had brought along a fe? charges for It. It had scarcely been taaea wtien tne renegade stepped ovitfrom the crowd with a white Hag and avancea to witn in pistol shot of the f oi. Then ho halt ed and sung out: "Boys, you have ride a brave de fense, but it's no use l trying to hold out agiu us. Thar's cer two hundred cf us yere yet, as you in see by countin up, and you don't shor sense by holdin out." "What do you wanof us'r" demanded tlie captain. "Waal, when I tmmoned ye the other day all we wa ed was fur ye to turn back. Ye refied to, and ye've killed a couple of walors and wounded a lot more. We can lot ye ott quite so easy now." "What are your tms?" "Now ye begin tdalk sense. If y want to walk out ai leave the wagins and horses fur us I give ye my word ye shall go in pe:3. That's lottin y off powerful easy, Ing as the reds are mad all the way thngh." "Shan't wc- aluo lava our guns and revolvers behind'," ked tho captain in sarcasm. As to that," !lied the renegade, taking him serioiy. "it might be a good ijee. It wld show yer faith in us." "You capturedneof my men over t.h riiltfei an hour o." I "We did. Thus, we didn't capture him, but axed biio stop with us for s visit. He's injoj InsMiir as hearty as you please." "Let him con your nnmoers ana come in and give! the figures. If you are as strong as i say we may decide to surrender." We we coui't do that, ye know. That's rayther m the rules of war. However, the rut ye march out we'll set him free to j ye." "It's no use!" led the captain in de cided tones, "'won't talk surrender until the man cs iu." The renegadturned to his friends and held a brie'uncil, after which he came forward y- "Boys, I can'Jld 'em in much longer no, I can't. must cum to terms or take the conience-" "Won't vouiase the man?" Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Ui PURE we cant. It would only make one more to fight us." "Then go back to your friends and tell them we'll shoot down every horse, burn every wagon and shoot each other be fore wo surrender! There was a general howl of rage among the Indians when this news was communicated, but no movement to at tack. A water hole in the bed of one of the gullies furnished them and their ponies with a limited supply of the liquid, and they knew that the belea guered white men could not obtain a drop. It was only a question of time when the climax would come. The red skins were therefore content to pre serve an irregular circle around tbe fort and wait, Noon came. Of a sudden each suffering horse pricked up his ears, held his head high and gazed intently toward the east. "The soldiers!" whispered a dozen men. "No rain!" replied the captain, as he pointed to the sky. All looked to see a black cloud loom ing up over the ridge a mile away, and in a moment there was a flash of light ning and a heavy peal of thunder. "Eain rain rain!" shouted the men as they rushed here and there like so many boys, but under the orders of the cool headed captain the greater part of them were soon at work to profit by the heaven sent shower. Everything which would catch or re tain water was spread out on the ground, while the canvas covers of the wagons were arranged m folds and pouches. They were scarcely ready when th storm brjke. The rain poured down copiously for half an hour, and by that time all suffering had ended, and the supply on hand was enough for three days. "Let us give three cheors," cried one of the more enthusiastic men as the storm passed away and the Bun Bhowed its face again. "Hark!" whispered the captain. "The gal is giving thanks to God. She it t --M: Wa . should Drav instead of cueerr The downpour of rain had shattered tlie plans of the redskins. They could no longer be held to the siege, knowing that the climax was indefinitely post poned, nor could the bombastic talk of the chiefs bring them up to another as sault. They were ready to go, but be fore moving off they had one la3t card to play. Better for the renegade he had not meddled with it. Huntley, the man who had been taken prisoner, was now brought forward, the white man holding out) arm and a stal wart warrior the other. When within speaking distance he said: "Captain, they have got me, and they declare that if yon don't surrender they'll burn mo alive!" "We are sorry for yon, JimP replied the captain, "but you know what sur render would mean. They would butch er every man of us inside of teu min utes." "But think of me," wailed the man in sorrowful tones. "Think of the tortures they will inflict before they kill me!" "It's bad, Jim terrible bad! I'd give an arm to have you inside with us this minute." "But I can't die oh, 1 can't die!" shrieked the man. The captain seemed to be thinking, and the prisoner knelt down, clasped his hands and wailed out: "Captain, fur the love of God, do some thing for me! Come out here and talk it over and make them an offer. They'll let you come and go safely." "It is only a trap for you!" shouted half a dozen voices at the captain. "Aye, lads, 1 know it, but I'd take almost any risk for poor Jim. llos nigli scart to death, and seeing what s in store for him, we can t blame him.' Then raising his voice he called to Huntley: "Keep up bravely, Jim. We can't help you just now, but the time may come within an hour. Don't give up yet." Few white men have been known to fire on a flag of truce, no matter how treacherous the enemy who bore it. Huntley had been brought forward un der one, and it was respected. Had one lif tho trainmen gone out with a flag he would have been shot down or made prisoner, and the others ridiculed for their confidence. When the three had returned to the lines tho captain asked for Peter's heavy rifle. 1 had been carefully loaded for the occasion, and the captain rested it across the rocks and waited a minute until the renegade came into view. Every man in the incloxure held his breath and watched for tho result of the shot. It wan a niinuto before tho sights covered 'lie renegade, but when the rifle cracked he was seen to throw up his arms and fall heavily to the earth. There was a howl from the Indians and a cheer from the fort, but both were drowned in a volley of musketry, a chorus of yells and the thunder of horses' feft. The relief nartv bad arrived. (TO RE CONTINUED.) The Vermont maple sugar crop is t failure this year. No damage resulted from the recent rain" in Northern California. One of the best implement for level Inn the ground after plowini is a good drucr. The roller is better to mash the lumps, but the drag is best to level or smooth. down, the surface. THE ELECTION The following are tbe oomp'ete official returns from tbe precincts of Morrow Co. as furnished us by the County Clerk. NAMES OF ELECTORS! b Republican. John V. (.'aples... b. At. Dunne flee y. Irwin... H. h. Miller Dcru erratic. W. F. Butcher..., Wm. M. Colvig. . Qeo. A. Nnland.. Nathan Pierce ... People's. , W. G. Burlehrh.. ' Wm. n. tlalvanl. I 8. 11. Holt Prohibition. I livn V ttlAOk I Norton R.yaylord. j J. W. Lucas I UilmAii Parker As near as can be aBoerlained, Pieroe, a people's party man 301 votes. Quite a Weaver eleot"t. THE AHRE8T AT HAY CREEK. Last Tuesday evening Bnrdette Wolf, who murdered Mis Birdie Morton at Mt. Tabor, walked into the B. 8. & L. Cn.'e store at Hay oreek, and had a few moment's conversation with Hod. C. M. Oartwright in the presence of Frank Sumrnerville and Henry Bmohtorf. Soon after his entranoe Gns Detmcritig oanie in and recognized Wolf from readiDg a printed description which tie bad in bis possession. He oalled Mr. Cartwright aside and reading the de scription to him went after Charley Vau Houteu, and a shotgun kept at the ranob for killing wildoats, to help identify the man. While he was goue theex-seuator re-entered the store and had some more talk with the Btranger. Presently Mr. Van Houten crime end tbe man who needed identification pulled his hat over his eyes and thrust tbe trigger tiuger of his right hand into a cavernous pooket that might have ootitnined any thing from a rubber sling to a mountain howitzer and began to devote a large portion of his energies to the work of keeping silent. Charley strolled aim lessly through the vista intervening be tween the row of nail kegs and tbe ofiioe stove and aimed a few searching glanues in the direotion of the downoost hat brim, finally pioking up a newspaper and starting away with a good night to all, OutoMO tne s:o;-je DApreneeot Lis belief that the right man was all but in their grasp. Gus wanted to come to Priueville after tho sheriff, but accepted the assurance that superior numbers nnd tbe shotgun would see them through the work of the night. Trusty men were stiitioned outside the door to preveut esospe in that direotion, ami tbe pale moolight , illuminated the disjointed euds of several fence rails as it lit up tho faces of the several trusty guards to show the"native hue of resolution" was not "sicklied o'er with tbe pale cast of thong' " When all was iu rend iu ess and the lust whispered admonition had been given, Mr. Cartwright stealthily appropriated an unloaded derring from a show oase, approached the stranger and with the choicest flourish of a deputy C. S. marshal remarked: 'Mr. President, I ah, exonse me. Take that band from out the pooket and immediately place it iu a horizontal po sition, parallel to the tendency of the stovepipe and in juxtaposition with the dividing ridge which separates the region of your breast pocket from that of tbe cross in your yarn snspendors." The band weut up and in so doing scratched the paint from the ceiling, the Bound of falling war olubs was beard from outside, quick, nnmnflled footHteps echoed from tbe very walls, Gus aud tbe shotgun issued simultaneously from an adjoining room, and the faithful millions of imperial justice were noon theoffend er nntil Henry aud Frank could see noth ing but his bootheeU by which to iden tify his individnality. Atter a time Ar tilleryman Cartwright, of battery A, en quired the prisoner's name, and like a thunderbolt came the answer: Wolf !" It'sourmanl" "It is him!" "Don't let go of that coat sleeve." was the well developed chime of the chorus of cap tors. - 'But whence ooinest thy nibs?" asked Mr. Cartwright. "From Beaver oreek." lliih?"J "What are you doing there?" "Herding sheep fur Boh Odell." "Huh! Huh! ! Huh!!!" It may be explained that Mr. Cart riL'lit and the stranuer put up the jnb while Gus was gone for asuiHiance, and that the affair was the amusement "' the evening at the ranch. Priueville News. MONMOI l'H COLLKliK NOTKH. The school is very nicely organized in deed, aud is showing a vast improvement The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. 1892. 63 118 M 115 ivt nr. 05 11 I ITT 19 4S 111 15 19 46 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 I 0 2 1 1 as a democrat, received 346 votes, and a number of the demnorats voted for all the over previous years, owing to the increase ot the faculty and apparatus. There are enrolled about 330 students, and new faces are seen every day, which shows that the number is increasing rap idly. We are looking forward to quite a reinforoement next term. Thinking perhaps you would like to know something of the State Normal sohool this year, especially those who have fond remembrauoeB of former days, I write a short letter as an introduction. We were entertained Saturday evening by Donald Downie illustrating the "Life of Naptdeou," whiob was given under the auspices ot the Eureka Society, in the Normal chapel. An Hcoompauiment to the leature was the calcium lights, whiuh represented the piotuits beauti fully. The pictures wore thrown upon a canvas tweuly feet square. Today is one of intense interest or ex citement iu Monmouth, all being so en thusiastic) this morning that a half holi day was giveu us. The ladies, 1 am glad to say, participated iu this grand rally. The writer had the pleasure of casting a vote, as the faculty deoided that a mock election would be exeeedingly valuable, to enable us to beoome acquainted with the Australian ballot system. The weather is very pleasant, remind ing me ever so muali of our Eastern Ore gon Springs. M. B. Monmouth, Ob., Nov. 8, 1892. ElrtUT MILE NOTKS. Cool, dry and windy. Mrs. Hubert Knigbten is improving. FarmerB busy laying iu their winter wood. Election day very quiet and orderly on Eight Mile. Fred Ashbaugh has had a bad felon on his hand. William Ingram's adopted son has ar rived at Eight Mile. Protracted meeting at Liberty school house. Do uot know hotv long it will continue. Hev. J. T. Galloway preached at Eight Mile. Centre lust Sunday H will preaoh again ou the first Siinduy of next mouth. George Asnbaugh, nephew of Andrew Ashbaugh, is viaiinig uu Eight Mile. He ih muoh pleased with this country. His home is iu Perry Co., Ohio. Bruce Haines is building him a new house. Why? E. M. C. EituiT Milk, Or,, Nov. 14, '02. weicu'r, u7 founds. A Remarkable Hlnlit at Hie Mniit-nmory(Ala.) Depot Last Night. When No. 8 of tbe L. & N. pulled in from the North lust night there descend ed from the train tbe most remarkable specimen ot the human race that wa ever seen iu Montgomery. It was a man whose height and weight wonld stagger the most credulous to believe a state ment ot it, but it is true nevertheless. The big fellow's name is John Hanson Craig, of Danville, Iud. He is 6 feet 5 inches in height, weighs 9(17 pounds, and measures around 8 feut and four inohes from hip to hip. The fleshy part of his thigh is C(i iuehes iu circumference and his oall is 23 iuobes. He is 86 years old aud has a wife aud a baby two yi are old with him. Mr. Jim Wells, formerly ot tills city, is exhibiting him, and they are ou their way to the Columbus Fuir. Mr. Craig was too heavy to get on a bed last night and hud to take a mat tress on the floor. He is a good looking man of fine intelligence, and bis wife i very handsome. Montgomery (Ala.) Daily Advertiser. The Gazette well remembers Johu Hanson Craig, at Danville, Iuil., when he was oousnti rt-d the largest man in the world, as his weight aud description above would indieaie. His first wife, who is now rlorid.wiis also remarkiililH in size, being in wiiijrht heavier than John. After her death, wheu preparing her for burial, it whs found that no Collin could be found that was large enough for her, eonsi queiitly on w as made to order. When the funeral procession prepared to leave the house, it was discovered t'-at the remains could not he passed through the door, until it was enlarged by removing pirt of the side wall. Mr. "nil Mrs. C'nig have traveled with many different shows, with which they were the leading attraotiou. Baking Powder. I Francisco, California. w-Y.