Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 11, 1892, Image 4

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On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. lyouis,
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arriver
6:50 p. m
Pullman Hleeuer,
Colonist Sleepers,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Haii
every four days.
Tickets 'teoa?
For ratM and general Information call on
Depot Ticket Agent,
Heppner, Oregon.
W. H. HURLBURT, Asst Ueni. Pom. Agt.
Portland. Orcoom.
It Is our onrtient denlre to Imprest upon the
inlndB of the public the superiority of the ser
vice oilered by the IbcohbIil Central lines to
M llvi aukee, ( hicsgo and all points East and
Houth. Two fast trains leuveHt. Paul, Minne
apolis and Duluth dully, equipped with Pnil
mtiii Vestihuled Drawing lioomHleepers, Dining
Curs mid (ouches of Ihe latent design, lis Din
ing ( ar .Service Is unsurpassed, which iiccounts,
to a great degree fur the popularity of thin Hue
The Wisconsin Central Lines. In connection
with Northern Pacific n. K., Is the only line
from Pacific ("oast poinfsover w hich both 1'iiU
niau Ventibuled, llrst-elans, and Pullman Tour
ist ;srs aru operated via it. Paul without change
to Chicago.
Pamphlets giving valuable Information can
be obtained free upon application to your near
est ticket agent, or .1 ak i '. l'iNii,'eieral Passen
g and ticket Agent, Chicago, 111.
Scientific American
Agency for
For Information arrt frr-o Handbook wrltfl to
MUNN A CO., il HIioAUW V, Nkw VoltK.
SldoHt bureau for securing patents In America,
very patent taken out tiy us In brontrht before
ibe public by a uutlco given free of ohurgo in the
Scientific JUtmrau
Lnrpest clrr-ulatlnn of my flciontlflc paper In the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent
man smitntl be wlllioul It. weekly, Mif.tHr a
ear; sum nix tnnntlirt. A.inreMS BlUNity A uo,
un Lisa bus. aill ".roudway. New York.
L U M 13 E It !
t dreaded. Lumber.
J nillcB of Henpner, at
what la known ai the
PKR 1,000 FKET, KOtlQH,
$10 00
17 60
L i.00 per 1,000 feut, additional.
Hatnliton, Man'itr
I. A,
Son Frnnolsoo
And all points In California, via llio Mu Shasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The (treat highway through California to all
points Kant and South. (IrandHcenio Route
of the Paolfio Cat. Pullman linnet
bleepera. Hecond-elaBe Hleepera
Attached to express iraina. affording auperior
acutuumodatioiu! for Reooiul-claaB piianeuKera.
For ratee, tii-keta, sleeping oar renorvntiou,
to. call upon or addroaa
R. KOEI1LER, Manager. E. P. KOOEltS, Ant.
flcn A Xirl I'ortltpi.t Oregon.
1 virtue of a warrant lRiued by the t ounty
Clerk of the County ol Morrow, state of Oregon,
dated the 7th day of October, bs'.l'J, ami lo ine di
rected, vouimaiidlUR me to levy upon the gooila
and ctiatu-la ol the delinquent tax payers aa de
icrlbed in the apHextom'iil rolls of aaid eouuty.
and If sulln leut personal property tie not tound.
then upon lite real property ol said drllminciil
tax payem. or much thereof uh t-lnill be neoott
ary tottatlHly aabt tax, together with coala and
expciiacu, and lor want of nutliclent personal
ftropcrly to satlsiy aatil taxes, I have this dey
e led upon the lollou lug dchcrthed real estate,
limited and being In Morrow count V, l iregou,
and belonging to the follow Ing-uaiueil persona,
and the said real estate being duly assessed lo
aid persons and the taxes thereon being now
wholly unpaid, viz.:
J. A. Barnra, S SWV, HK'i of SWt.Sec Is
fu i'p i n, it jui-: . ... o to
l'e it . lion en, '4, eee in i p - .x, 1.
ai K . .
W. M. Moore, sK'j. See 'Jt In Tp 1 S.K i', K
rvter Eg ley. SW'SeeS in Tp 1 S, K St li
11 I'eire, SW V Sec U In I n I N ot li -.'I E
F. Hheller, Mil, sec IJ in I'p 1 N of II K
Adolph llcsslugcr, Mi' . ol N b and S W V
ot NK'4 amls.S of M-.'4See -J Tp 1 S, It
T.K. ilraniei, NWV o!Scc'.si in Tp s'n of
i W
7 70
It .'I K 5 W
Mrs. A. C. tlratnel, S' of NKi4 Sec ill In Tp
2 N of It -'( K 2 iVI
II. II Leievcr. SE', of SK'i Sit ISand NKx,
ot Nl:i see ly and N' ol NWl4 oi Sec .11
Tp BS. K K . . . -V i
Further notice Is hereby given that 1 will on
aturdny the -nth day ol Nov. W. between the
hours ot ten o'clock a. tu, and lour o'clock p. to
ol said day, at the trout doors of tluu-ourt house
in Hepnner, Morro.v county, Oregon, sell the
right, title and Interest ot the said dcliiuiucitt
taxpayers, In and to the above dcsctlbed real
property, at public auction to tlte highest ami
best bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to he
applied to Ihe payment ot said taxes, loiether
with cost,, and expenses of sale.
Dated this iMli day ol October. 1S'.i.
Uko, NoiU.B,
WT-RCiw ShoritT of Morrow County, Oregon.
wplrhl ,
Bo It H 188 IU. ft r lu. I, n !
brtUr Ihkl I w.l,l n, u.- l
WU. I tun U'lb .rn.'J ,,.' i.
Bl.nJ Vuur Un.lni.i.t 10 all u
obMvfuily .011 all InumriM If
I -111
nii a lai'l,..u li wplj."
Umbo. aiirflsf, 8ia Sc I. .IMip, tftyUMOftn w
Bow They Are Made a Del Maintained la
Perfect Condition.
The eicellenco of French roads ia well
miown. ine Lnuea butes, consul at
Eordeaux describes how they are made,
Ihe materials are brought from the
nearest quarries and placed at either
side of the route surveyed. In order
that the full amount contracted for may
be delivered the stone must ba heaped
m angular piles of prismatic thapo and
fixed dimensions. These heaps, placed
at a given distance from one another,
are afterward visited by an official in
spector, and must in all instances fit ex
actly beneath a skeleton frame carried
by him. The material is usually marble,
flint stone or gravel, and whatever is
used must be of the best quality and
cleansed from all foreign substances.
The stone must be broken so that each
piece may pass through a ring yt inches
in diameter. i
It is then spread evenly over the road.
the interstices being carefully filled in
with Bniall pieces, so that tho whole ia
smooth and free from abrupt eminences
and depression. A steam roller then
crushes and further evens the whole,
after which a superficial layer of clay
and earth completes the work. Roads
are classed as national roads, which are
the mam arteries of the system connect
ing most distant parts of the country,
and are constructed and maintained
by the government; department roads,
which connect different points of the
same department or of two adjoin
ing departments, and are constructed
and maintained by the department;
highways and public roads, which are
the property of tho commune through
whiif.i they run, but are in practice
made and repaired by the department
from tuxes levied on tho commune, sup
plemented by a department subsidy;
cross roads, which are maintained by
sums derived from the ordinary reve
nues of the commune, occasionally sup
plemented by additional taxation, and
country roads which are kept in order
by the commune, except they are in
jured by unusual traffic, when an in
demnity may be claimed by the com
munal administration. For the purpose
of maintaining the common roads tho
inhabitants living in the district are
obliged to work three days in each year
or pay an amount equivalent to the com
pensatiou of the laborer for three days.
The consul at Ilavro says that French
pavements increase in excellence with
age. In France, he says, all roads have
perpetual attention. If from weight,
rain or other causes a hollow, rut or
sink is formed, it is rcpnirml at once.
Where the space to be repaired is ef
limited urea, the rolling of the now coat-.
ing is left to the wide tires of tho heavy '
Cilrts. but in th rnttf nF e.vtnn.li.1 nw.na
a steam roller is brought' into use.
livery carrying miu market cart in
Franco is a roadmakor instead of a rut-
malter, for it has tires usually from four
inches to six inches in width. Scientific
Roads und Kconoiuicn.
The condition of the common roads
has a very interesting economic bearing
of a direct nature, and an indirect one not
Iosb iuipurtant. In the matter of the
earning capacity and vuluo of horses 1
and other draft animals the common
roads have direct effect. If a liorso can j
do one-third more work on a good road I
and he in a working condition one-third
longer than he can on a bad road, then
his earning capacity, and hence his
value, is increased just one-third. This
assumption is based upon a very low es
timate. Iu all probability, if it were
possible to make tin exact calculation, it
would bo found that the earning ca
pacity and the total length of service
able life of draft animals would be more
nearly doubled than increased only one
third. The census enumerators of 1890 found
that there were iu this country U,213,-
817 horses, valued at Iftib each; 2,11111,
027 mules, valued at $78 each, and 80,
810,024 oxen and other draft animals.
valued at $15 each making a total of
63,!11W,888 animals nsed on the roads, at
a total value of $l,721,f35,7t)8. All these
homes and mules work at some time on
the roads, and indeed much the greater
part of the total work done by them is
upon country roads and city streets.
If all the work done by them was
upon tho roads, the increased valuation,
based upon tho above hypothesis of earn
ing capacity, would be $,"i73,845,2(10, but
as all the work is not done on tho roads
it is only fair to reduce this by one-half,
and then we would have, by a general
improvement of the roads of the coun
try, our property in horses and mules
and other draft animals increased in
valtio f'.8GlS,022,033. I feel safe in as
suming that with good roads road ve
hicles would last one-half longer and
their valtio he increased at least $'.M,
000,000. Taking these two sources of in
creased valuation together we should
bavo an enhanced property valuation of
1530,929,(133, all brought about by tho
Improvement of the common roads.
John Oilmer Speed in Harper's Weekly.
The VI dill or Wagon '1'lres.
iV mutter that would greatly help the
roads is the width of the tiro used on
the vehicles. The narrow tires in use,
gomo of them not more than one inch iu
width, cut like knives into the roadways
and render it much more difficult to keep
the roads in repair. If a tire not less
than two inches in width was used on
all apriuglcss vehicles it would secure
tho roads against a largo portion of the
damage they now sutler. As tho load of
the wagon increases in weight tho tire
should be widened and a tire four inches
wide should be used on all wagons de
signed to carry heavy loads. It would
help the horses as well as tho roads.
St. Taul Pioneer Press.
Cost More Than tho Tax.
Experiments have recently been made
at several points which show that a bad
road in winter will cost the farmer a
sum much greater than his taxes on tho
farm in somo instances, us lie must not
only sacrifice time, wear of vehicle and
lessen the weight of his loads, but must
use two horse to do the work of one.
Dimensions of tli
luilillng's Various De.
The entire len;'tb ol' fir national cap
Itol building from nori'i t . ;s 7M
feot 4 inches, and its i iv.it : ditnensiot
from east to wot :."'i) feet. Tin
covered bytlie btttUting is l,".;t,u
: square
feet. The dome of tho original central,,
building was constructed of wood. This
was replaced in lsss by tab prownj
structure of cast iron. It was complet
ed in 1803. The entire weight of iron
used is 8,909,200 pounds. The dome is
crowned by a bronze st.itue of Freedom,
It is 19 fe;;t 0 inches and wcifrhs 14,982
pounds. It whs modeled by Crawford.
The height of the Ionic above the base
line of the east front is ',:; fi-ctS inches.
The height from the top of the balus-
trade of the building is VS17 feet 11
inches. The greatest duitueter at the
base 135 foet 5 inches. The rotunda is
85 feet 6 inches in diameter, and its
height from the floor to the top of the
canopy is 180 feet 3 inches. The senate
chamber is 113 feet S hHv.'s in length
by 80 feet 3 inches invidth and 30 feet
in height. The galleries will accommo
date 1,000 persons. T'.i.' representatives'
nan is l.i'J foet in length by 93 feet ia
width and 30 feet in height.
a tiallor am
A Terrible Flsrht I'.i lwern
a "Mr Kitty."
The cougnr secures its prey by creep
ing stealthily behind it until nea
enough to spring upon and strike i
down. It w ill attack a man in the day
time if it can approach him unseen, am
is hungry. In an article contribute!
to The liig Game of North Amcrici
Mr. W. A. Perry descrilics a terriblt
fight between a Swedish sailor and I
cougar, which took place near the houst
of the writer's father.
The sailor, Joseph Jorgenson, rai
away from a liritish man of war
anchored in a harbor of liritish Colum
bia, and made his way to Washington
where he took up a quarter-section o:
government land. One morning he be
gan clearing a spot whereon to build I
house. He was vigorously wielding i
spade, when suddenly his arm wai
seized by a cougar's jaws.
Joe was very strong, and by a kick ir.
the stomach he forced the beast to fall
to the ground. The cougar sprang at
the man's throat. With his left arm
Joe warded off its jaws, while with his
right he dealt it a blow in the ribs that
again felled it to the ground.
Quick as a Hash the beast seieed Joe'
left hand. With his right fist and heavj
boots Joe beat and kicked the anima.
until it released his hand. Retreating
a short distance, it sprang on his breast
and knocked him against a tree. Agalr
he cuffed and kicked it until it let gi
and retreated.
Joe then happened to see the spadi
he had been using lying at his feet. lit
snatched it and warded off the cougar's
spring by a timely thrust. The brute
fell at the man's feet, but instantly rose
and seized him by the thigh. Concen
trating his strength, Joe drove the sharp
blade of tho spatle into the beast's head,
and it fell dead at his feet.
Bitten and scratched, the blood
streaming from a dozen wounds, he
reeled home. It was many weeks be
fore he recovered, and when he grew
strong he had lost all desire for farm
ing. He shipped on an American coaster
as a sailor, saying that lie had less feai
I of tho sharks than of the, "big kitties.1
Simple Method by Which Kven the Moat
lu-noriiiit Muy .ludRP..
According to the llussehlorfer An
zeiger there is a very simple method by
which even the greatest skeptic may
ascertain whether a piece of music is
good, bad or indifferent. It is as fol
lows: If the music goes "1, 2, S, hop,
hop, hop," or "1, a, 3, bum, bum, bum,
you may depend upon it that you are
listening to unmitigated rubbish. Hut
when you hear music which sounds as
though a number of well arranged notes
were stuck into a barrel and energeti
cally stirred about like a sort of harmo
nious oatmeal porridge, then you may
assume that it is a fugue, and at once
compose your features into an expres
ion of profound interest.
If, on listening to the music, you fancy
.1 1 . . . , , i,
the notes are dropping accidentally or 1
the floor and from tune to time assert
niff themselves aifain in a quiet, dreamv o ,, , ,
, , , .i t, l l i anally set 'em up, in a manner appro
sort of way, then the piece is probab V i n- u v ,
a. n,i,.t,,r,.,. ( n,i,.t, .. .... , pnate to his callin(f, by buying clears
nocturno, and nocturnos, as vou are
aware, are very high-class music indeed.
When the notes seem to arrive in
truck loads and each truck contains, so
o speak, a different sort from the one
that has gone before, and when the
train appears to take an unreasonable
amount of time in passing a given point,
men tne master piece is most likely a
symphony, and symphonies are the
greatest musical creations hitherto pro-
When It appears as though the notel
had been tumbled down helter-skelter,
then vigorously shoveled up into a heap
and lastly blown into the air with dyna-
mite cartridges that is rhapsody, and
rhapsody is the latest variety of musk
out. i
Mnrh Rmlc Macnhlernre. Discovered Hid
den Itdiiciitli tlm t:u'tli'H Surface.
The discovery is reported from Bolt
harn of a subterranean city on the bank
of the river Amoolaria, near the town
of Karki. Silver coins and inscriptions
of the time of (lauora I. have Wn
found in the place, which reaches over
a distance of half a mile, with streets, wrought up."
lanes and squares. In places the super- "No 1 think not."
Incumbent earth has caved in, but the I "Thon you must be one of the most
largest part of the city can be traversed Sequent of men. What is the style of
without dilliculty. Hy the light of the ?our preaching?"
miners' lamps the place presents a " rather dry, I am compelled to ad
quaint, fantastic api-aranee. There nlt- 1 do not possess the faculty of
are houses in perfect construction, one -'awlnfT an interesting illustration or of
or two stories high, with a pretense oi
architectural elegance, and filled with
furniture and various domestic utensils.
The ceiling or upper covering of the
streets is constructed of blocks of ala
baster and granite. The natives of the
Hokhara knew of the place long ago,
and carried away many silver and gold
coins, ornaments and utensils of great
Intrinsic value and of still greater
archieolngical importance. The Kus
(ian authorities of Hokhara have made
arrangements to xaue care ol tho an
tiquities of the place, and sent notice oi
.vo ui.iv.il,, iu low mviiu-unigii;ui so-
ciety at Moscow. The society has sent
a commission of experts to make furuiei
11 1V to Cl't Klill.
The art of money getting, according
lo the late 1'. T. liarnuiii. i. summed up
hereunder: "Don't drink: don't b
above your business; don't mistake youi
vocation; select the right locution; avoid
debt; persevere; what
ver you do, dc ,
with all your might; depend upon your
own personal exertions: use the best
tools; don t scatter your powers: be
systematic; reud thenewspnHrs;' be-1
ware of outside operations; don't in
dorse without (rood securitv: advertise
your business.; be polite und kiud tc
your customers; be charitable; don't tell
what you are going to do; and preserve
your luteirrity." i
rtiMipfi unit watch-shuped bottles, antral
Oouivd, Small Hile ik'utu. Hk. tvr bottle.
Ripaus Tabtilos euro dspopsiu.
Am Imported Domestic Who Believed In
Obeying Orders lateral 7.
"Bridget," said I, after she had been
Initiated into ber new duties as cham
bermaid, "call me at six o'clock to
morrow morning, and prepare a bath for
Next morning, adds the writer ol
these anecdotes in the Philadelphia
limes, at six o'clock sharp there oame a
knock which startled the occupants of
the entire house, and Bridget's dulcet j
voice exclaimed: "Yez needn't wake up,
sor. The water is that cold jei couldn't
bathe at all. at all!" i
One morning the letter-carrier
brought a letter whose destination was
doubtful, as the street and number were
illegible. He tried at our house, and
waited to be informed whether "Mr.
Jones lived within." Bridgot gave the
.otter-carrier a Boat in the parlor while j
?he carried tho missive to my wifo. "No, '
Bridget," said the latter, "the letter is .
not for us. Put it upon tho mantle-1
piece, and when the carrier comes in the
morning give to him." Faithful to in
structions, Bridget placed tho epistle
upon the shelf, and. going to the impatiently-waiting
carrier, said: "Yez
needn't wait no longor. It's on the fire
place, and if yes would stop in to-mor-tow,
yez can got it back again, but not
My wife had occasion to send a noto to
a friend living somo two miles away.
"Bridget," she said, "I want you to go
to Twenty-second street and Montgom
ery avenue." "All right, mum," replied
Biddy, and disappeared. When the
note was written the girl was not to
be found. Horrman's vanishing ladv
30uld not have dematerializod more
3ompletoly. An hour later Biddy ro-
appeared clothed with smiles and per
spiration. "Why, whore have you
boon?" asked my wifo. "Didn't I toll
you 1 wanted to send you out to Mont
gomery avenue?"
Shure, an' haven't I been there?" was
the offended reply.
What did you do when you got
"Why, I turned about and caaae back
A Cruel Practical joke Played on an Un
aoapectlng Ulergrman.
I heard a story tho other day, says a
writer in Brooklyn Life, about the for
mer assistant rector of one of the
largest Episcopal churches in the city.
The gentleman in question is now the
president of a collogo so far away that
be can not mind If I relate tho incident.
He was a jolly good fellow when he
lived in a boarding houso here, and in
his off hours was accustomed to join in
with the other good follows of tho house
at a friendly game of whist or a sraoko.
One evening when ho was out at serv
ice two of tho wags of tho establishment
remembered that H was his invariable
habit upon returning home to doff his
roundabout vest and clerical coat, put
on an old smoking-jacket and encase his
feet in a pair of morocco slippers, which
latter always occupied tho samo posi
tion on his bedroom floor, preparatory
to his coming. Accordingly, they firmly
nailed theso slippors to the floor, and
nwaited results in tho next room.
Presently the dominie returned.
They hoard him moving about; thoy
heard the thud of his shoes as thoy were
taken off and thrown down, and then a1!
was silence. They peeked cautiously
in, and there beheld tho young clergy
man standing in his slippors, his face
white as a sheet, and a look of horror
upon it, his eyes staring straight ahead.
The light was too much for them, but
they managed to suppress their laugh
tor and ask in a tone of amazement what
the mattor was.
"Matter!" ho gasped, "thero is matter
enough, boys; I'm paralyzed, and can't
move hand or foot. For mercy's Bake,
help me."
Tho man did actually, such is the
xuu man uiu ituiuuuy, uucu la IBB
(orc6 of ima?inatlon, yDelieve n0 waa
.ij . . v .
for the crowd.
A. Preacher Whose Aurtlenco Did Not De
pend on Hl G.oqunnce.
A clergyman, saya the Pittsburgh Dls-
Patcn waa lamenting the fact that his
"""B'"B"1'"'" ayuuareu uj uu rustless
lurinR hls sermons, and declared that
many of the members of his flock would
fot up right at a timo when he fancied
nlra8011 most improasive, and woulc
1,ave tn0 houso- 1
"That's ba(1." answered a younsr
Preaca0I'i "bu' I must say that I do not
exPorlonco an.V such annoyance. Not a
singl momDor o( my congregation pots
UP ant goes out during services."
"You don't say so?" tbo llrst speaker
exclaimed. "How do you manago it?"
"I don't manage it at all seems to
manago itself."
"Don't thoy complain when you
preach a long sermon?"
"No. I've nevor heard a word of com
alaint" "That is indeed singular. Your peo-
jle mu8t BaT0 been exceptionally well
hrowing out a bright ldoa.
'Well, wolll I bavo never heard of
iny thing so wonderful, And you toll
no that no one ever gets up and goei
"Yos; that's what I tell you."
"Woll, I don't understand it at all."
"O, it is easy enough to explain. 1
m chaplain at the penitentiary."
IVhrn Life Is Kxtlnrt.
The French Academy of Sciences ten
or fifteen years ago offered a pria; of
one thousand six hundred pounds for the
Mioii'ii ij m wumi ucuus uv wnicil even
the Inexperienced might a't once deter-
mine whether in a iriven case donth htui
ensiled ,ir .it A 1
t ' ' ,-' ' , . -.1
me prize tor having discovered tho fol- 1
lowing well-known phenomenon. H
tho in,i f ,i, . ...ii ,
me liaint of the suspected dead Dersion .
is held toward a candle or otliernrti.
ficial light with the ilnvvrs extendrd
ana one touehino the other, and one
., i 1- i .
"'us '" space;, octween tl-
I uujrvra wwiini me ngat, taere nppeius
j a scarlet red color where the lingcit
I touch each other, ilnc tu tl-.c l.l.-i...! K,ll'l
drculati"r' il slewing itself through
the tissues which have not congested.
When life is entirely extinct the phe
nomenon of scarlet space In'tween the
fingers at once ceases. The most ex-
tonsivo lliul thorou;rh trials ostublisherf f
tbo truth of this observation.
To aid Difrestlontakeono Small Bile Bean
wii-a muu W, JC I lIUllll1,
Cure for Colds, Fereri ind GenenU D
Sliity, StntUl Biln Btauu. &c pr botUe.
For Boils, Pimples
scrofulous sores,
eczema, and all other
blood diseases,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
It will
relieve and cure
dyspepsia, nervous
debility, and that
tired feeling.
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
Notice Of intention.
I 4 October ia, Notice 1b hereby jriven
that the follou'Inp-nnmed settler hHB tiled notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of hie claim, ami that said proof will be inade
before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or.,
at Heppner, Oreiron, on Nov. '2ft, lKita, viz.:
HrL No. 2M7, for the SEii $ec. 3, Tp. 2, 8 R 55 E.
W. M.
He namen the following witnesses to prove his
emmnunuH rctunence upon and cultivation 01,
Brtid land, viz.:
J, T. Vomit, C. N. Peck, William Estes and
Henry Whilaon, all of Lexington, Oregon
534-514 John w . Lkwis, heyister.
Notice of Intention.
I 4 Oct, IS. IWti. Notice is hereby given that
(he following named settler hits tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
hi" claim, and that said proof will be made be
iore the County Clerk ol Morrow County, Or., at
neppuer, ur., on iec. a. inyj, viz.:
Hd. No. 257, for the fcE Sec. 27, Tp. 1,3 R 23
It e iiflmeB the follow lug wttnespes to prove his
enntinuouB residence upon and cultivation of.
(aid land, viz :
D. H . (.nrbill, J. L. Kincaid, Charley Johnson
uno Henry uungey, an 01 lone, Oregon.
5a-l-6J4 John W- Lewih, Register.
Notice of intention.
Oct. 8, 1H!'2. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler Ima filed notice of
his intention lo make final proof iu support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
lore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, at iluppuer, Oregon, 011 November 20, lb$2.,
viz. :
Hd. No. 2888, for the 8WJ4 Sec. 11, Tp. 3, 3 R 24 E
W M.
He names tho following witnesses to prove Ms
continuous reHidence upon and cultivation of,
taid land, iz. :
.1. V . Beckett, Samuel 1. (Jerking. Oscar Mont
gomery and VWllium K.M linkers, all of Eight
.Mile, Oregon,
oa;-543 John W. Lnwia, Register.
Notice of n tent ion.
j Oct. 6, lHiM. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
hit intention to make final proof in support of
nis cnuni, ann inni saia proot win ne maue De
lore the County Clerk of Morrow County. Ore.,
at Heppner, Oregon, on November 26, 1892, viz.:
Hd. No. 2801, for the W4 HE) and $ SWJ4 Sec.
21, TP. 2. 8 K24 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol,
Baid land, viz.:
M. A. Olden, J. II. Mathews, J. M. Baker and
Samuel Warneld, all ot lone. Oregon.
632-542 John W. Lewis, Register.
j Notice of Intention.
.u Oct. 2tf, IMS. Notice is hereby given that
t lie following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof iu support of
1 1 ib ciaim. aim mat buig prooi wu oe macie oe
inre the County clerk 01 Morrow County, Ore
gon, at ilcppner. Oregon, on Dec. 12, lb'J2, viz.:
Hd. No. 3013, for the KWfn Sec. 3. Tp, 2 8, R 24
E. W M.
He names the follow Ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
01110 mini, u.. ,
VVm. fhitfiiewood, Wes. McNahb, 8amuel War
field and George Junkin. all oi'Kight Mile, or,
ttiy-JVli) John W, Lkwis, Register.
U. S. iAnd OITice, The Lalles, Or., Sept. 8, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that, in compliance
witn ine provisions ot tne Act ot 1 ougreHs ap-
1 proved June 3. lt7s. entitled "An Act for the
sale ol 1 lin ber I.amls in the states ol California,
rievaua autl vi ashliiKtoii 'Jerrilory,
Whose postotlice mUlresB Is Heppner, Morrow
County, oreiton, has this day (lied ill this office
his application to purchase the SKV4 ol the
NVt and the sW of the NKl; sec. No. 3, InTp.
No. (i S, Hantte No. 25 E, W. M.
All persons holdiiiK any adverse claims there
to are required to present the same at this otlice
within sixty days troin the llrst publication of
this notice. John W. I.kwim, Kejilster.
Kotice of Intention.
October, 25. 1mi2. Notice is hereby given
that the follow hip-named settler has tiled notice
of his lutenllon lo make final proof in support
of hiB claim, und that said proof will be made
before the County Judye of Morrow Countv. Or.,
at Heppner. Oregon, on Decern ber 10th, lttfi'2, viz:
( llAbl Es H. BI'l.l.IS,
Hd. No. 21177. or the NK). Kt V Sec. IS, and NU
s (4, and bE'4 SW! bee. 17, Tp. 5 S, R 25, E. it.
He names the following witnesses to provehis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
James H. ll'yland, William Mix, A. I.letieling
and Perry Oiler, all of Hantinan, Oregon.
5I17-M7 John IV, Lrwis. Itegleter.
October 25, 1S92. Notice is hereby given
j that the followlng-nanied settler haB hied notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
ueiore tne t ounty clerk ol .Morrow County, Or.,
at Heppner, orenon, on Dec. .1, 1.VJ2, viz.:
Hd. No. 50:17. lor the V, N 11 '4 Sec. 14, and EU
Sec. 15. Tp. H S, K E. . M.
He names the following witnesses to provehis
continuous resilience upon and cultivation of,
suid laud, ilz.:
IV. H. Claik. It. S. Clark. J. B. Chapman and
C. H. Mann, all of Lena, Oregon.
5;t7-,r47 A. C.KAVKR, Register.
Notice of Intention.
lj Oct. 17, 1N'2. Notice is heieby given that
Ihe following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
Ills claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk ol Morrow County, Ore
noit, at Heppner, Oregon, on Dec. 8, 1&H2, viz :
Hd. No. 2S67, for the ,N . Bee 9, Tp. 1, 8 R 26, E.
W M.
He names the following witnesses lo prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
laid land. viz. :
John carnilchael, Marian Evans, J. H. Piper
and O. H. Housou, all of Lexington, Oregon.
&I5-515 John IV. Lkwis, Register.
Notice of Intention.
j Oct. 11, Notice is hereby given that
the follow lug-named settler has Hied notice of
, e'ES Va
lore tne couniv i ierK oi .Morrow countv. ore ,
at UeppneVin u'ic "reTs'Ii' Kti m' T'l-:
n a Sn irthHK. kri'iw ' vu vttu
iSEla SE1. Sec, 11, Tp. t.SR 2V E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hli
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol,
amid land, viz.:
Silas WrlL'ht, J. C. Kirk, J. P. Furlong and Da
m ui,... ,ii , n,,r iw,,,,.
a.J-i;; John W. Lewis, Reqistrr.
... wl
A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of
8-nppoeitoriei, Ointment In Capsules, also In Box
&nd I ilhi: positive ('lire for External. Inter
nal, BUM or Bleeding. Itching. Chronic, Recent
or Hereditary riles, and many other diseases j
and ten. ale weaknesM'tt: it is always ft treat ben-
tit to the general health. 'I he nrst discovery of
mwiical cure rendcrii.g au ojerHtion with the (
ver been known to fail. $1 per box. fi for 1
ent bv mail. Whv sutler from this terrible dis-
eae v hen a written ituarsntee is given with 6
bxo, to rctuuu tne money ii not curea. &cmi
-stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by
Woodaro, i LABKit !t Co.. Wholel & KeUlJ
, Drugg uta Sol Agents, Portland, Or. t
Cuttle branded tuid ar marked aHh(mti nUiru.
ritirspg V on riirht shonlder.
Mv rattle rHTifft in Morrow and UmHti!ln poun
M(f. 1 will i ay SlC.HJ for I he nrrcst und con.
vi'tion of ntty pi-fs in -tvalint: iiij ftimk
lifirtf. the j velnr, is tl ' hii l"o fix np
your WHfcb ctr clock. e keeps h foil
s ton k of eVtir,tbiiJK pt-rtHiuiui; to bis
hnBincfifl n
White you kitep our ubncription paid up yen
oarj ktep yottrbrnn.1 in free of charRe.
Alhn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horse (Hi on left
t-houlder; cnttlf nme on left hip, under bit on
right par, ai,d upper bit un tiib If ft; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. (.'.. Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der 1 1 on left shoulder of horses; cattle Bauie
un left hip.
AlliBon, 0. D.f Kight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
0 D on left hip and hornee same brand on right
rthoulder. Itantre Eight Mile.
Adkiins, 'I' V, Dayville, Or- Straight mark acroas
the (high and two crop and a eJit in the right ear;
hnreuH, X upside down on the riglit (thoulder.
hunge in Grant county and Hear vallev. P O
addreHB also at Hardinou.
AdkinB, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hones, JA con
nwcieii on le t ftai.k: cattle. Hameon Loft hip.
Ayers. Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded
triangieon lett hip; rattle same on right hip;
aUo crop off righi ear and op per bit on same.
Blyth.Fercy H., Heppner, Or HoreeB Koman
croHs on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Bleakman, Geo., Hard in an, Or. Horses, a flag
01 left shoulder: cattle aaine on right shoulder,
liannister, J. W., Hanlmau, Or. ('attle brand
ed H on left hip and thiirh; split in each ear.
jKrenner, Pfter, tio.Hoberry Oregon llorsos
branded PB on left huulder. Cuttlo buoi& on
right siae
Burke. M 8t C, Long creek, Or Tn cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop oft left. ear. un
der half crop otf riglit. Horses, same brand on
letfl shoulder. Kange in Grunt and Morrow
Howeman. A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear;
same on horseB. on right shoulder. Hange in
Grant and Harney counties,
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorBes branded 7
on righi Bhoulder; cattle B on the left side,
lieft eai tin J f crop and right ear upper slope.
Harlou, Wm., heppner, Or, -HorseB, J li on
r;glit Lh'.i cattit-. same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Hrown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB ou the
right stifle: cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. -Horseh and cattle
branded H witi ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
withdot mi n teron left hip; cattle, name.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses V bar
over it, on the left uhoulder. Cattle buhic ou left
lioyer, W. G., Heppner. Or. Horses, box
brand or r i. hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
liorg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle, .IB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses samp
brand on the left thigh; liangu in Fox valley,
Grant county,
('ain.ri., ( 'aleb.Or. Y P on homes on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left stiHe on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horseB over & years. Ail
range in Grunt countv.
Clark, Wm. H., Le- a. Or. Horse WHO con
nected, on left bhoulder: cattle tame on right
hip. iia ge Morrow and Umat illa counties.
i'ate, Chas. It,, Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same ou riglit hip.
hange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochran, Chas,, lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nected on left shoulder; cattle, (! on both left
hip and stifle. Hange in Morrow county.
Cannon. J'. B.. Long Creek, Or.--Ton cattle on
riglit side, crop oft right ear and Blit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Hange
in Grant county.
Cecil, W m., Douglas. Or.; horseB JC on lef
shoulder; ca tie Bame on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear.
'url,T. li., John l)ay. Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in riglit ear, split in lef t ear. liange in Grant
conmy. On Bheep, inverted A aud spear point
ou shoulder. Ear markoi ewes, crop ou left ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop iu left ear. All range
Hi Grant countv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or, Horses, 90on rightshoul
Jei Cattle, sameon rht hip: ear mark sguare
.nop off left aud split in right.
t'urrin.h. Y., Currinsvilie, Or. -Horses, on
left Btirle.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or HorseB branded
C 1 St A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on riglit
hip. swallow fork in riglit ear and crop olTl eft.
Cox Ed. B., Hard man, Or. Cattle, C with
ir center; horses. CE on left Mp.
Cochran, K. E Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses bianded circle with biu beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.j Hardman. Or. Horses branded
on right hip. Cattle brauded the same.
Cross, a L, Dayville, Or t 'attle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses &
reversed Z o l"ft stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: Tli on lett hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars ou left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Doouan. Wm., Heppner, Or. norses branded
OO with bar over them, ou left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, H Don
right side, bwh low-fork iu each ear; horseB. it D
ou left hiu.
Douglas. O. T., Douglas, Op Hnn-es TD ou
the i ight stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day,Or. Quarter circle
V on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
nange Grant county.
DnslceU, W. E., Heppner, Or.-
HorsoB branded
('attle same on
K inside of u on left shoulder,
left side of neck.
Ely. J. B. &. Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed ELfe ou left shoulder, cattie same on left
hip. hole ir right ear,
Elliott, Wash., Heppner, Or, Diamond on
right shoulder.
leek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
connected oj right shoulder: cattle same on
right hip Earmark, hole in right and crop
or! left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattie, LF on
right tup; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
right shoi Ide. ; cattle, b on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAi on left
Gilraan-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor 14 on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stme. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left.
Hange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentrj, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
Id. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitie
nunge in morrow and umauija counties.
Giltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses,
O-O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
side. Hange in Grant county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded
lion lef shoulder; cattle same on left hip, Hange
ui nnu imul "Hiuiutui,
Hajes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circi" over it, on lett shoulder.
Hiaii A. B., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top K
with quarter circle under it on the right hip,
Karue in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hintoii A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, Jon right thigh. Hange inGmnt county.
Hughes. Hamnel. Watmer. Or L" iT Pi.
connected) ou right shoulder on hort.es; on cattle,
un iikhi niiiai u un ifii blue, SWH1IOW lorK in
riient ear arid slit m eft. lUnu .n ml,,,Uiui.i,
district, Mor'w county,
naie, .union, vagne ir. Horses hrnnded
-O- ( irele with parallel tai's) on left shoulder
f ttle same on left hiu : at-o imiro lfi-
Hall. Edwin. John Dav.Or. Cnttla V Hnn
hip; horses same on right shoulder, frangein
Grant county.
Howard. J L. tlloWHV. (It TTnrvoa L.
witn bar ab,;ve it ou right shouiuer; catt e
-mi in on leit tide. Hange in Morrow aud Uma
tilla counties.
Hughes. Mat. Hermner. tip
heart on the left shoulder. Hange Morrow ( o.
Hunsaker. B . Wfurrnr nr -n,, u
boulder; oa tie. 0 onTeft hip.
Hardisty. Albert, Nye. Oregon -Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattie on the left
hip, crop on left ear,
Humphreys, j ai. Hardman, Or. Horse, H on
lett flank
Hiatt. Wm. E.. RiHirn ftr i j. i
cru ut. left sbualder: cattle sams on left
Hayes. 1. M., Heppner. Or. Horees. wineglaae
Hnur.HuiiBira ngni nip. i
Uusdm. Lather, tishi Vlile. i Ir. Horn! Hon1
the left shoulder ana twart on the left stitie Cat
tle u on lft hip. Khi.ib in M.im.w ennntj j
Ivy. Alfred. Limit- Creea. Or-at!ie 1 Oonl
right hip. crop off left ear Knit hit it, riaut ltnn..
ame bnuid un left shoulder. Kaiute n tirant
Jiuikin. 8. M., Heppner, Or.-Horset, horeek
hoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sua
lUaa on KiabtMUa.
Jenklna. D W.,Mt. Ternon,Or. J on horseaoa
left shoulder; on cattle, J OD left bip and two
mouth oropa on both ear.. Baaaeui Fox and
Hear valljya
Johnson. Felix. Lena, Or Horses, circle T on
left stine; oattle, same on right hip, under naif
crop m rittht and split in left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horaes branded
B"l on left tup cattle same and crop otf left
ear: nncler elope on the riaht
hirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Hones t0 ou left
honliler; cattle, .,n on left hip.
Kirk. J V, Hnppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
flftnlt: oHttle 17 on riirht aide.
Kirk. Jeeee, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on light .ide, underbit on
righl ear. '
Knmberland.W.O..Mount Vernon. Or. I h on
cattle on ritrht and left sides, swallow fork in U ft
ear anil under chip in riant eer. Horses sains
brand on left shoulder, hange in (rant county.
Keeney. Hi, Heppner, Or.-Horeee J L, and
ace of clnbs on left stine. Itanae in (JmatUU
and & orrnw counties
L..l.y.JI f Monument Or A trianglejR.rwith
all l.n,., extrlidiPK pa I : od) of Bgureon SSI lior.
hi on lelt uhoulder, ou cattle iiiuininid ,.u left
sl.iiul.ler epliuungh ,. . lt ,u left ear
Kauge it. (iraiit couuti aud i.. ..uuiof John Dajr
l.i l,ej-,J W Heppner Or.-Hurees briu.ded h
nil A on left shoulder; can Is wms) on left hip:
wilt tie .rerriKhtey thiee slils in riKht ear.
Lofton, Btepnen, IUI,Or.-r, Lou left hip
on catile. crop Kiid split on right ear. Horses
nm'nl on sboulilnr. Uauge (irant
i.i.-iiullen, John W., I, Or. Horses
branded hiui-ciicle JL oonneoted on loft shoul
der. ( mile. sum. ou le: hip. limine, near Lex
iu lit on.
Lord. Ueorge. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
double a coi. neck Nimetiuiea called .
swiiik H, on left shoulder.
Maxwell, M . 8.. tiooseberry. Or.-Horaee brand
ed long link on left shoulder: oattle, same on
lef hip. tar tnHrk. undor bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Ilr.-Catue, M D on
nahl hip; horse M on left shoulder.
Morgan, S. N., Heppner, Or.-Horses, H )
on left shouiii". cattle same on left hip.
Slcf'umber, Jas A, Echo, Or.-Horsee. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
iHnnn, B. H , Lona, ( )r.-Horse-old mares ZZ
on rjulit hip; young epjck, small Zl on left
Morgiin, Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horsee, oirole
T on loft shou.der and left thigh; oattle. i on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 ou right side.
McClaren, D. 0., Brownsville, Or, Hones.
biKiire fton each m der. cattle, U2 on hin
MtKerii.W.J. Mount Vortioii. Or-Xl ou cattle
ou right hip, crop iu right ear. half orou iu left
same brand ou bona ou left hi, , Kauge in (iraut
MoCnny, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
1J .M connected, on the lelt shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
MoHirr, Frank. Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with loe-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder in
each ear; horses suiue brand ou left stifle.
Mclluley, o. V., Huuiiliuu, Ur.-On Horses, 8
with hull circle under ou left shoulder; on ('attle,
four bars connected ou top oa the right side
hange in (irant County.
Keal.Aiidmw. Lone llock.Or. Horses A N 0ou.
nected on left shoulder: cattle sanie on both hips,
Nordyke, t,., Silverton, Or.-Horsee. oirole 7 on
left thigh; chi tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon I :uy, Or.-A x on cattle
on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh, Hange
in I, rant county
Oiler, Terry, Lexington. Or. 1" O on left
Olp, Herman, Ttairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LI connected ou left hip; horses on left stifle
and warile on nose, hange iu Hraut county.
Pearson, Oluve, Eight Mile, Dr. Horses, Quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right oropped. M
on left hip. liangi on Eight Mile.
Parker & Gleasou. Hai'duiau.Or, Horses IP on
! fl shoulder.
1 iper, J . H., Lexington, Or. Horses, JK oon.
nected o lef t shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bi in each ear.
Ftttberg. Henry Lexington, Or.-Horses brand,
ed with a liouiai cross on left shoulder; oattle
branded with Homuu cross, bar at bottom, on
lelt hip,
Pettys, A. V., lone. Or.: horseB diamond P on
shoulder; oattle, J n J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
i ight.
Powell, jonnT., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con
uec ed oil lett shoulder. Cattle OE couuected on
left hip, two under half crops, one ou each ear,
wattle under throat, Ka. ge in (irant couuty.
llickard, U. U., Canyon City, Or. F C on left
shoulder, on horses only, Kiuige Canyon creek
and Bear vulley, (irant oounty.
Uood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
cror w.tb quurter-circle over it ou left stifle.
Iteninger, -Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, (J It on
left ehouidet .
liice. Uau, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; caltle, DAN on
right shoulder. Hange near Hardman.
Kudio, Win. Long Creek, Or.-Brands horse,
K oi right shoulder. Hange (iraiit and Morrow
Hoyse, Aurou, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed ox
right hip and crop off right ear. Itange in iUor
row county.
Kuh Bros., Heppner, Or.-HorBes branded 3
on the ngh. shoulder; -cattle, IX on the left tup.
crop otl left ear and dewlap ou neck. Uauge it
Morrow mid adjoining counties.
Bust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses K oi
left shouiuer; cuttle, H on left hip, crop ofl
right ear, underbit on left ear. Sheep. H on
weathers round crop off rigk ear. Kunge Uma
tilla and Morrow o luuties.
llekiiey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horses
branded A It on right shoulder, vent quaitei
circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip.
BinigH Morrow county.
Hoyse, Wm. H, Uairyville. Or H K connected
with quarter oncle over top ou cattleon right hip
and crop oil right ear aud split in left. Horse,
same brand on left shoulder, liange in Morrow
(irant and (illlium counties.
Kilter. J F, Hitter, Or-Three parallel bars
witn bar over on horsus ou left hip; on oattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear.
Hange iu Middle Fork of John Oay.
Hector, J. W.. lluppner, Or.-Horse, JO Ol
lef t shouider. Ca.tle, oon right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., 'Uooseberry, Or. Horses
branded Jl on left sh..ulder; lange in Morrow
spiuy, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses brandeo. fcl
connecteu o. right shoulder: cuttle same on bolt
Bailing, C (1 Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 a
on leit shoidder; cuttle same ou left hip.
tjwnggnri, 11. F., Lexingtou, Or.-Horees 3
with dash under it on left stifle cattle H with
uush unuer it ou right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. itange iu Morrow,
(illlium and uuiutiila counties.
bwaggart. A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brandf-1 1
on lull shoulder; eel tie some ou left bip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left biad leg.
Straight W. F,., Heppner, Or, Homa shaded
J S ou lei stifle; cattle J Son left hip, swallow
fork iu ngh ear. underbit iu left.
aapp. l Uoe., Heppuer, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
left bip; cam same on left hip.
!hirlz. James, Long ( nek, Or. Homes, t on
lelt stifle aud over t on left shoulder,
Shner.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; came, same on right hip,
crop ..II right ear and under bit in left ear. liange
iu (irant county.
bnutli Bros., Husnnville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; cait.e, ame on lef t shoulder.
Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JSou left shoulder; oatile the same, also nose
waddle. Hange in Morrow and liUliam co utiea.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 83 ou
right stifle; cuttle h. nxuutal L on ihe i ight side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J ., Heppuer, Or. Cattle, 8
ou right hi, ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. Q. W., Heppner, Or. Honwe, 44 on
left .nouidi : cattle, 44 on left hip.
Stone. Ira. Bi-kletou, Wash.-Horsea. keystone
ou leit shoulder.
Smith, b. E. Lone Hock. Or. Horses branded
a cnissed seven ou left shoulder; cattle same un
left side, hange, Uilliam county.
Bperry.E. (i heppuer, Or. -Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit iu left year,
dewlap; horseB W C on left Bhoulder.
lliouipsou, J. A., Heppuer, Or Horses Zon
left shoulu. r; cattle, ii ou left shoulder.
lippets,8.TEnierprise,Or. Horaee. I'-on left
Turner H. W., Heppner, Or. -Small capital T
lett shoulder horses; cattle saine on left hip
with split in both ears.
Ihi rutou, H. M., lone, Or.-Horsea branded
H I connected on left stifle; Bheep same brand.
Vanderpool. H.T.. Lena. Ors-Horu. HV win
nected on right shouider;cattle, same on haht
Walbridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Hone. TJ. L.
on the left shouider; cattle same on right hip.
crop ofl left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John (J.. Salem or Heppner, Or.
Horses brauded Jo on the left Bhoulder. Kauoe
Morrow oounty.
W arren, VV B. ( 'aleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear.
Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. itange in
tiraut couuty.
Wood, F L, DnjTirie, Or-Heart on horaee on
left stifle; on cattle. 'Jon left Bids and under bit
in left ear. Itange in Grant county.
V right, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 W on the right hip. square crop oil right ear
and split iu left,
Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon, Or Square oa
catile un the left hip. upper slope in he left
ear and under elope iu right ear. Same brand
ou horses on right shoulder, hange in Baraer
and tirum couutv.
Wade, Henry. Heppner. Or.-Horsee branded
ace of spades on leit shoulder and left hip.
Cattlo hrulnle." same on left side and left hip.
WellB, A. S., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on left
shoulder: cati e same.
Wolhnger, John, John Oay City, Or On honwe
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on aneep,
bit in both ears, hange in brant and Maihuar
Woodward. John. HeDDner. Or. Horaaa. I7P
connected on left shoulder.
vv atains, LiBhe. Heppner, Or. Hones brantied
TJE connecteo on left Btitia.
Wallace, Charlee. Portland. Or. Cattle. W on
right thigh, hoi, in left ear: hnmea. W rai ncrh t
euouiuer, sore, sameou ten SRomoer.
W hittier Bros., Orewsy. Harney eountjr, Or. -Hori-es
branded W B. connected oo left shoulder
Williams, Vaeco. Hamilron, Or. (Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle and
horses. Range (irant county.
W illiams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horeee, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle .ame
and ulll in each ear Kanire in (irant oonnty.
Wten, A. A., eppner. Or. Homee running AA
on shouider; Cattie. same on right hip.
Y.oung, J. 8., (ioueeoerry. (Jr. Hmsi hmnttal
T . -I.. -ih, ...rt,..la.
Young, W. A.. Gooseberry, dr. Horeee brand
ed X X (doobie X connected) oo left shoulder,
settle same on left aide.