Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 11, 1892, Image 3

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    flOi'U!! TO ADVEBIWKttS.
-J-HOSE, lairing the liuertlon of dlnplay adi
L or chaise ol aame, mum get their copy in
not later than Monday evening for Tueauar'a
edition, or 'lliurwlay evening for FriUuvs eu.1-
1. The Bum of five centt per line will be
chariot for "cards of thanks," "reaolution. of
respect, -lists I wedding presents and donors,
aud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall nimsell give as a matter of news ) and
uollces of special meetings for w hatcver purpose
I. f.otlee ol church and society and all other
entertainments Irom which revenue Ib to be de
rives), shall be chafed lor at the rate of live
tents a line, these rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patrtln.i.r.t. thnuo
..., n;W UfUI((d
Here and There.
Shoe sale at Ladies' Bazaar.
Oou't overlook the Ladies' Buzar.
Blunket Bale at Fell Bros.' Bazaar.
Milton Hale is over from Haystack.
C. R. Cate sad wife were in town Mon
Mr. Stubblefield, of Monument, is in
Morrow county and Oregon are all
Willis Jeuks is over from Hamilton
tbis week.
Ben Poppin was in yesterday from
Dan Rice was down from Hardman
last eveuiutf.
N. L. Robison is selling potatoes at
Iueuts per lb. 537 tf
Every traveler should oarry a box ol
TUlT'rj i-LILS.
K B, ijtautnu, of Eight Mile, was in
over Wednesday.
Clins Federson is over from Long
Creek a few days.
The repubs. can smile bat the laugh
gives them away.
J. W. Allstott, of Eight Mile, was in
Heppner yesterday.
Fred Miller knows bow to give yon a
good fit in tailoring. tf sw
Hon. Henry Blackman left yesterday
for a short trip below.
John Zollinger was down from the
mountains election day.
H. V. Gates returned last Wednesday
evening from Hillsboro.
See Driskell is deputy marshal for the
preaent, serving of uiguts.
Gov, Rea departed this morning to at
tend court at Canyon City.
Born Ou Sunday the 6tb inst., to the
wife of 8. W. Floreon, a son.
Ed. Hooker and B. Hiiines were in
from Eubt Mile Wednesday.
Born Ou Tuesday of tbis week, to
the wife of Free Green, a gill.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
iquora, McAtee Brox., Props.. sw
(Jhas. Hodson, one of Morrow county's
teachers, is attending examination.
T. Qunid and family are safely domi
ciled in Heppner, their future home.
The Morrow County Land and Tins)
Company have an unlimited supply of
chop for sale. il-tf.
Mrs. Geo. Swaegart, accompanied by
ber mother, arrived on Tuesday's train
from Spokane.
J. D. Brown, who is principal of the
Lexington schools, is attending teachers'
examination bere.
Pap (Simons & Son still shoe borses
and do general blacksmitbing at the old
stand Matiock corner. 65.
J. Dutigan, of Portland, representing
some leading literary productions, wan
in Heppner yesterday,
Shaw & McOatty are selling beef fore
quarters, at four cents per pound and
other meats in proportion. 36 tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stork should subnonbe for The
Horseman Gnzette shop, agents.
Tie prices on thoBe blankets displayed
at Fell Bros.' will convince you that I be)
are told for halt price. Why? Come
and see.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do
all kinds of nursing. Call at ber home
in north Heppner, or address ber at thif
place. 518-tf
W. A. Biddle and B. F. Akers, of
Gooseberry, came in with returns of Dry
Fork Wednesday, and remained for the
Hiyu ketohnm whiskers. Hatt 4
Mathews, at the oity barber shop tbe
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
G. D. Dasey, the painter, does every
thing in his lioe with neatness find dis
patch. For all painting, pBper-baning,
etc., Bee bim. It
T. J. Teeters came up from Castle Rook
yesterday, having in obarge tbe returns
Tbis preoiuot cast 5 votes for Harrisou
and 3 for Cleveland.
Children's Solar Tip sohool shoes be
ing sold out at Fell Bros.' at 81.00 per
pair. Also a few pair of ladies' shoes
left at vour own price.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for tbe Oregonian at tbis place.
Bubsoribe through bim, and have your
pappr delivered free of charge. tf
Did you know that a large line of sin
gle and double, all wool blankets were
being sold at Fell Bros. 'a Bszaar cheap
er than ever before f Just received.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Meats are wholesaled at tbe Liberty
Meat market cheaper than ever before
known to be sold for in Heppner. Fore
quarter of beef at 1 eta. per pound and
other meats in Drooortion. 86 tf
Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or l-"-"-
There is no use ''n suffering with rheu
matism as long as you can get Congo
Oil. It is for sale by all druggists at $2
per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at
four times the prioe. It is a positive cure
for rheumatism, and no mistake. Try it
and be convinced. ' tf
Owing to tbe faot that job stock has
advanced about twenty per cent from
reasooa which will be explained else
whire. we are oompelled to makes
slight advance on all printing. A Re
duction will be made as soon as prices
of material will justify same.
To restore, thicken, and give yon a
InTnnAItt ffrOWth of hair, to keep its col
or natural as in youlb. and to remove
dandruff, use only Hall's Hair Renewer.
"A chemical snooess andmedical tri
umph," so speaks an eminent physician
in reference to Ayer's Cberry Pectoral;
and the eulogy was none too strong, ho
other medicine is so safe and effiesoious
in all diseases of tbe throat and lungs
Both air and water abouod in miorobes,
t" germs of di-ease, ready to infect tbe
debilitated system. To impart that
trmi.th and vigor oecessary to resist the
effect of these pernicious atoms, no tonic
blood-purifier equals Ayer s oareaprui.
The three preoinots, Heppner, Mount
Vernon and Gentry, whioh was formally
Heppner preciuoi, gave combined a
republican plurality.
Burn At Summerville, Or., on Nov-'
7th, to the wife of Key. Chas. Kirk. B
Allen Evans has his sheep don from
the mountains, but the ra-ge, he savs,
is very short.
Matteson precinct went republican
this year. But the nation O, my, where
are the faithful?
Arnold Baisiger has tbe honor of
being the superiuteudeut ot Ioue's live
.Sunday sohool.
F. M. Oi.urter, of Eight Mile, called
ou the ofiio yesterday. He reports Eight
Mile prosperous.
Mr. Thompson, eon of 0. F. Thompson,
of lower Butter creek, visited friends iu
Heppner this week.
The Ioiib poles for the street arc lights
have arrived and will be placed into
position immediately.
Hulstead Bros.' sawmill, over in Lost
Valley, was destroyed by fire on Oct. 31st.
Origriu of fire unknown.
Mrs. Sarah J. Basey and children leave
tomorrow for Salem, Or , having rented
oat their Heppuer hotel.
The Gazette office was the recipient
this morning of oalls from Revs. Motor,
b'urd, Bramblet and Sbulse.
Morrow county is enjoying an except
ionally fine fall. However, a little more
rain would prove acceptable.
Tbe lone school olosed this week to
allow Fred Baisiger, the teacher, to at
tend examination at Heppner.
W. J. Brown has got in from the Gran
ite country with a band of sheep, whicb
be sajs is iu exoellent condition.
Ione's vote footed up to 97, people's
party 51, demo'eratio 18, republican 25,
prohibitiou 1 and two thrown out.
Those in arrears for subscription should
bring iu some oordwond, if oasb is lack
ing. Cord o id is full legal teuder.
There's some pretty long-faced repub
licans in Heppuer, but most of tbem take
tueir defeat with very good grace.
The small vote in the outside preoinots
in Morrow county is acoounted for from
the faot tbat a large representation from
each preoiuot voted in Heppner.
Silas Wright came in with the returns
from Matteson precmot, and though a
republican, remamrd for the democratic
demonstration Wednesday evening.
Geo. Lovelet came in from Little Wall
creek yesterday, accompanying Chas.
Tildeo and wile this far. Mr. and Mrs
lilden left this morning for Portland.
Our correspondent from Line R'ck
en.is us tbe following election news :
Total vote, 47; republioans25, democrats
10, people's party 4 and prohibition 2
Fred Thomas brought in Tuesday some
sample of spuds, ruined iu this vicinity,
which are very hard to beat in Morrow
county this year. Fred forgot to tell us
to what variety they belong.
Cbas. Lewis writes down from Mon
tana to Geo. Conser that he is up again
altera Bevere liluess. Savs times are
oretty lively iu Helena, and that he saw
on one poker table there about $100,000
A Crook county man unloaded 1500
(eel of lumber aod worked an hour un
screwing bolts to steal tbe bind wagon
bolster, whioh he took twelve miles from
tbe scene of the theft and bid under his
uouse. He deserveB tbe medal as cham
pion thief.
8. A. Parker, of Independence, Or. .
is in Heppuer, ou his way home from
VlontiuiSi and Idaho. He will remain
about two weeks. Mr. Parker is related
by marriage to Nels and Jas. Jones, of
i his place.
Stacy Roberts was in from Eight Mile
Wednesday. He has 200 across of wheat
in for next year, and says that witti 15
bu. to the acre, aud even as low a price
as 51 cents per bu., he will oome out far
"ahead of the houuds" next year. Tue
pruspeots for a good crop are flattering.
Tacoma (Wash ) woolen mill ia in full
working order. Tbe number of persons
employhd at present is 80, but later 200
bands will be employed. Id tbe main
buildiug a throe aud one-half story
struotnre, 126x50 feet are located tbe
looms, spinning, oarding, and hosier
machines, etc, and in which are em
ployed the wool sorters. Then comes
the wash nod dyehnuse, 16x50 feet
containing a washing maobiue 86 feet
long with a scouring oapacity ot 15,000
oonnds ot wool per day. Here are also
the vnls for dyeing purposes, and ma
chines for fulling cloth, etc In tbe
w"Bve room are thirteen looms oapable
of weaving three breadths of flannel at
one time of tbe widest kind ot blankets.
On the Beoond floor are nine oarding
machines and three self-acting mules,
each with 400 spindles. On tbe tbiid
floor is the hosier department containing
eleven, double machines tor making
ladies' and gents' knit underwear, also a
number of other machines, besides
thirteen ciroular hose knitters, thread
looperB and winders, seamers, cuff ma
chines, yarn twisters, skein winders,
aud sewing maobines of tbe latest im
proved make. Id this room 100 hands
will be employed. The picker room is
40x30 feet. Tbe engine and boiler
bouse is 40 feet square, and oontaina
two large boilers aud an engine. T.
E. Fell is general manager, Robert Cm
ran formerly of the Brownsville (Ore.)
mill is superintendent."
Jollification Wednesday EvBMnta.
Believing that victory vas theirs, the
democracy jollified last Wednesday eve
ning. Anvils pealed forth in thundering
accents and giant powder was exploded
on a neighboring hillside. Tbe demo
crats howled with joy and tbe republi
cans howled back again to keep np their
drooping spirits. The only silent spec
tators were the people's party men.
The crowd was addressed by Sen. Henry
Blaokman, who talked pleasantly, giving
solace for tbe sore in spirit as well as
words of joy for tbe viotors. He was
followed by Tom Morgan, who, while he
gave food for tbe minds of tbe victo
rious demooraoy, was not so complimen
tary to the de feated. But it was bis
time, and we forgive bim. The crowd
of j llifiera was largely augmented by
republicans, and, in all, the demonstra
tion was of very respectable proportions.
Though it ocoured rather soon after tbe
election, there was an abundance of
evidenoe in eight that tbey were not any
too fast.
Columbus Discovered .America
Bat the people discovered that at
Was the place to buy
Tinware, Wood and Willowware, Crockery,
Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures
Pumps, Gaspipe and Plumbing Materials.
Coal, Iron and Steel.
Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Etc A oar load of STOVES direot from the faotory that
must be sold. Job Work done in a workmauuke manner and satisfaction
OTTFi ATOPIC Is up wih the times, and we ask of you a liberal share of
V-HJ-U, C? A your patronuge, tor which we will endeavor to give you
ffnnud valna for vonr monev.
Main Street, next door to First National Bank building.
f and f Sii Painter.
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator.
First-Class work in All Its Branches.-- -Prices Reasonable.
HEPPNER, - - 530-sw - - OREGON
Case of Destitution. It has been ru
mored bere for some days tbat a family
in the north part of town was destitute,
Yesterday Henry Heppner and Geo. Con
ser went down to see for themselves, aud
found that the report was true. The
husband and father died about four
mouths ago. The mott.er, Mrs. Boat II,
lias four small children here, the young
est only four m uths old, aod two others
iu Gilliam county. They were indeed
destitute, there being but one bed in the
bouse and no furniture to mention.
Messrs. Heppner and Conser gave them
$10 apiece aod sent up a lot of provis
ions aud some bed covering. He who
belps tbe needy and suffering is doing a
Christian act.
Who Should Get rr. A Portlaud
printer, Mr. Glass, ii working Heppner
for jobs. If tbe Portland printer helus
to support the business men of Heppner.
he is entitled to curry off the work.
Otherwise, otherwise. Our motto is:
''Give your business to Heppner people,
aod therefore assist to build up Heppner.
Patronize those tbat patronize you.' We
stand by tbis at all times.
Ione Races. On election day,
lone, some interesting raoes were en
joyed by tbe bays down tbat way. Tbe
puny race was won by Wilson Bros.'
animal, purse 85. E G. Sperry's JJutoh
won the 500 contest, purse $10, la ad
dition to tbis, there were a number of
little aonteste. Pools sold pretty lively
in tbe 500 yard raoe. In tbe evening
ocoured the dance which was quite
well attended. Musio was furnished by
Nat Hale and A. H. Windsor. Supper
was furnished at T. J. Carl's, whicb was
liberally patronized.
No Otb.or
XL heum a, -tlami
Are a,
thing of tlio
tm TJaed.
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Arc Btlll alive and kicking for trade with a oompleto line of
Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery,
Guns and A.mmtmition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Gents' Furnlehlng Goods, and the largest assortment
of Teas in asteru Oregon.
Special Inducements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto: We Won'T Be UnDERSoLD.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Short Notice and at Popular Pricks.
iir Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Grain Sacks
First Month'! Sales, 720 Bottles; Seoond Month's Sales, 3300 bottles
PniOE, Dec 16 $1 mica. $a n 33 ot Tlo.
Tbey Increnae Hppetlte, purify the whol
system and uetou tlie liver, bile BeuiisSma&
Ministerial Convkntion. The Min
isterial Cod eotion of Tbe Dulles Dis
trict, Colombia River Conference, is
dow in session at Heppner, and will
contiuue till Saturday. Tuere are quite a
number of ministers present, and much
interest is being taken by them in tbe
proceedings. The program for tbis
meetiog was published recently in the
A New Neighbor . Geo. W. Lord
has moved lulo the former art gal
lery over Messrs. brown & Hamilton's
uffioe, and baB tilted np for architecture
vork. tie is prepared to contraoi ior
all kinds of buildings, or will supervise
construction, and purchase material for
tbe same, giving bis customers the ben
efit of his experience and percentage.
Prevent, and nire Constipation and Slck
Head&ulie, Small iiilu iieaus.
Lkoiubb. On Saturday eyeuing at the
Baptist cburch, Mrs. Harford, state leo
turer of the W. C. T. 0., will leoture on
the subject of temperance. Special ma
sic for the occasion. All are invited to
be present. MO 2t
Strayed. A four-year-old steer, brand
ed h P on tbe ribs on rigbt side; also
same brand on rigbt hip and on right
stihY; big split in right ear. Aoy infor
mation leading to reonvery of same will
he cheerfully rewarded bv
Bob Dexteb,
538-sw Heppuer, Or.
Roioh Diamond Cioabs. Without
an equal, and fur ytare the leading
saloon cigar, will be sold at Wan Fran
cisco wholesale prices, by lots of 100 or
5,(Ki0 at J. Cohu's. 35 44
A Good Sikolk-uandkd Talker. E.
W. Vest, a oousia of Sen. Vest, of Mis
souri, was in Heppner the first of tbis
week in the interest of the steel range.
Mr. Vest was quite badly injured in tbe
Sound disaster recently, being a pas
senger on the Premier. He now gets
around with tbe aid of oanes, and will
ere long, bave entirely recovered. He
is well known and admired as the best,
single-handed talker in the oountry.
Though a democrat, be is a staunch al
mirer ot Blaine and his ideas on tariff
and reciprocity.
A Pleasant Occasion. On the return
of Mrs. Geo Swaggnrt and mother
Grandma Clark, last Tuesday evening,
they were met at tbe homeot Mrs. Swag-
gart by Mrs. Jas. Jones who bad provid
ed a large basket full of good things.
Mrs. Jones is well-known and beloved
for her keen foresight as to what is
necessary on these occasions. It is need
lessto say tbat it was a pleasant affair.
Pronounced Uope.ms, Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
my Lungs, cough set in and finally term
inated in Consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, saying I oould live bnt a
fl oil tme. I geve myself np tomy Sav
iour, deitermined if I oould not stay with
my friends ou earth, I would meet my
ub-eut ones above. My husband was
advise d to get Dr. King s New Ihscovsry
for Conaumotii n. Congbs and Colds. I
gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottles;
it has cared me, and I thank God I am
now a well and hearty woman." Trial
bottles free at Sloonm 4 Jobneoo's drag
store, regular size, 50c and $1 00.
Good Looks,
Good looks are more than skio deep,
depending upon a healthy oondition of
all the vital organs If (be Liver be in
active, you bave a Bilious Look, if your
stomaoh be disordered ynn have a Dys
peptic Look and if your Kidneys be af
fected you bave a pinohed Look. Secure
good health and you will have good
looks. Electric bitters is the great alter
ative and Tonic, acts directly on these
vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blntobes,
Boils, and gives a good complexion.
Sold at Slooum & Johnson's drugstore,
60o. per bottle.
Racklrn's Arnica Halve.
Tbe beet salve in tbe world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is iruaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 26 cents per
box. For sale by Slooum-Johnston
Drug Co.
Lost or stolen, one bay horse four years
old, branded cross (x) with bar above it
on right shonlder. Had white face. I
will give the above reward for bis return
to J. L. Howard's ranch on Little Butter
Creek, or for information leading to his
rennvery. I. L. Howard,
538 sw Galloway, Ore.
Thp nhnvp ATP mis-laoed letter of the nnmp rf the most popular miisic pub-
Ucatiou n tbe continent, the publishers ol which will ive
$900.00 IN CASH PJilZES
to the first twenty persons sending In the above three words with the letters
correctly arranKed. frizes to be awarded us follows :
To the ilrst person sending the correct answer will be given $:K)0 tn mull ;
to the second, ; to the third, $100 ; to the fourth. 7.i ; to the lillh, f ."() ;
to the sixth, $:(5 : to the seventh, sali ; to the oiirhth, 8U0 ; to the ninth, 115;
to the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth, 111) each; and the
fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth correct
answers, 15 each.
Every person sending an anBwer to the above Puzzle must enclose with the
same fifteen (Uj) two cent stamps for one month's trial subscription to our "MUMltl
r'OMO," which Is the most elalMtrate work of it kino ever pnblifcheil in
America, beinic lithnaiaplied nn brut paper, with rover beam Ifully (Inugmd
In K"ld and embowed. Our publication Is a monthly, each number containing
the lateat and best composition!, therefore you receive ten tiuiea the value uf
yunr remittance its any one number.
Our object ln oSering this Prize Puzzle Is to attract attention to our publi
cation, subscribers to which are placed iu a position to buy all Hues of sheet
music at trade rates.
We have outlived the prejudice that the public have ngainst prize competi
tions, brought about by unscrupulous publishers of "fuke" journals, as we have
not advertised to give everything, but have always given everything wo adver
tised. The envelope which contains the correct solution bearing first postmark
will receive first award, and the balance In order as received.
This month's Issue contains the following copyright music :
"ONLY PROMISE." (Vocal.)
"GERAL J1NE" WALTZ. Great Hit.
"i.ILL THE BOSUN" (Vocal.) Sea Song.
"LOVE AND DUTY." (Vooal.) Great Success.
"POMPADOUR" POLKA. Great success.
"KLEINE KATIE." (Song) Dutch Yodle.
tSylf this is not by far the greatest value in the musio line you ever
saw, we will oheerfully refund your money.
Canadian Music Folio,
Mention this paper. 236 43 TORONTO, CANADA.
S. C. Smith,
Keeps a full line of
In the way of Furniture.
Undertaking goods a speciality.
May Street, Heppner, Or. SB-f
T. W. AYERS, Jr.
Tbb TACOMi Woolem Mill. From
the American wool and cotton Reporter
we copy the following: "The new
My creditors are after me for money
whicb I catinot pay nnleas those who
owe me come to the front. This I shall
expect everyone to do without further
delay. I need money aod mnal have it.
538-sw D. W. Hobkeb.
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L. & T. CO.
Change of Ownership
whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
ims -- Mills and f iinm !
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Season
Also is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks lor sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
J. IS. SMITH, A'llot Rook, Or.
Graduate M, E. C. V. ii., London, EDgland.
Veterinary -sna- SURGon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I tm
(!) prepared to do all kind of Veterinary Siirnory, Kmaiaiilatlnn Honei and Kexllnm a Spwl
alty. (Thil Is the only true mi;thod of optiratliiKori homen.) rtpeylnn of Cattleaml Hoaii
on Nhort notice. I will treat all animal In the most aouroved proeedure of Veter
inary ourKery. xi you nave any mi'-k aunuaia it will no 10 your lllteieHt to
call on me at Ktewart a RtablcH.
HKI'PNKR, - - o3asw
Footwear !
Thw r.nly hoof ant piop ftHtiihliwhinoTit of Hoppnnr htm
moYiri fmm th t-imt nu.mif Mnin Htwtt, to their mw
nUtn mom, rn'it "oor to H. HlHrkin-in A Co.'i,
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
Main Htreet, Heppner Or.
Dye-staffs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery. Trues and Hbotilder Braces. Wall
Paper, Window Glass, and all other articles usually kept in a first olaes drutf store.
L D. BOYED liE Contractor Bier.