Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 11, 1892, Image 1

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Some People
Buy advertising space because rates are
law generally the circulation is a sight
lower. Circulation determines the value
of advertising ; there is no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
The Paper. Without it ', advertisers get
nothing for their money. The Qatette,
mith one exception, has the largest circula
tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon.
Therefore it ranks high as an advertising
WEEKLY NO. 504.1
SEM i-V bbKLV GAZhi 1 1.
Tuesdays and Fridays
Ai (S.OO per year, l.SOfor eix months. $1.00
fur three muutnB; if paid for in advance, $2. 50.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The E-O-IiE, " of Long Creek, Grant
County. Oregon, Is published by the iame com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price, 2 per year. Foradvertislng rates, address
fcElir Xi. FATTBIieOIT, Editor aud
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
I'lHIS PAPEK ia kept on tile at E. C. Dnke's
Advertising Agonoy, M and 65 Merchants
Exchangs, ban 1 rraueiaoo. California, where CO
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
Wagner, B. A. Hunsaker
Arlington 1'hill Heppner
Long Creek, The Eagle
Echo, Bobtihaw
Camas Prairie, Oscar De Vanl
Matteson Allen McFcrrln
Nye, Or.,. H. C. Wright
Hardmaii, Or., J. A. Woolery
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. Kudio
one, T. J. Carl
Prairie Citv, Or., B. R. Mellaley
Canyon City, Or 8. L. Parrish
Pilot Hock, O. P. Skelton
Dayville, Or J. E. Snow
John Day, Or., F. I. McCallum
Athena, Or John Edington
Pendleton, Or., Win. G. McCroskey
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Fostniaaler
Shelby, Or MIbb titella Flett
Fox, Grant Co., Or J.K.Allen
Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
I'pper Khea Creek B. F. Hevland
Douglas, Or White
Lone Kork, Or R. M, Johnson
Gooseberry . F. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstcad
Lexington W. B. McAlister
Union Pacfio Railway-Local card.
No, 10, mixed leavee Heppner 10:00 a. m.
10, ' ar. at Arlingwn 1 -16 a.m.
" 9, " leaves " 8:52 p. m.
" 9, " ar, at Heppner 7:10 p. m. daily
except Sunday,
East boand, main linear, at Arlington 8:42 p. m.
W est " ' " leaveB ' 240 p. m.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
United States Officials.
President Benjamin Harrison
Vice-President Levi P. Morton
See eta'y of Slate John W. Fost r
Secretary of Treasury Charles tester
Secretary of Interior J. W. Noble
Secretary of Wa- Stephen H. EllTlna
Secretary of Navy .B. F. Tracy
Postmaater-Geueral Tohn Wanamak-r
Attorney-General W. H. H. Miller
Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah Kuek
State of Oregon. '
Governor 8 Pennoyer
Becr-taryof State . W. MoBride
Treasurer Phil. Motsohan
Bupt. Publio Instruction t. B. Mclilroy
j J. H. Muehell
Benatora N.D .li.h
Binger Hermann
Congressmen ;v. h. Ellis
printer. ... rrana c... naaer
l r . t. moure
. i W. P. i,ord
( It. S. Bean
Supreme Judges..
Seventh Judicial District.
('in l it Judge W.L. Jrlhaw
Profcecut ng Attorney W. a. Wile n
Morrow County Official.
JointSenator... ....Henry BlackmBn
Representative Brow,u
nunty Jndge Julius Keilhly
' Commissioners Petei Brenner
J. M. Baker.
Clerk ,',)V-MrL'!w
Sheriff -Geo. Noble.
Treasurer W. J. L ezer
Assessor haw
" Surveyor Isa Brown
" .school Sup't . .W.L.8alin
I'oroner T. W.Ayers, Jr
Mhj,,, T. J. Matlock
I'oiinoiliiieii O. E. Farnsworth. M
Lichtenthal, Otis Pattereon, 8. P. Garngues,
Thi. Morgan and Frank UiUiam.
Recorder A. A. Roberts.
IWurei ..EJJ.HIocnm
Marshal 3. W. Rasmus.
Precinct Offlrerp.
Justiee or the Peaoe P -3. HMnc
Constable 3.3. Robert
United states Land Otiicera.
J. W. Lewis R gis'er
T. S. Lang Reiv r
A Cleaver Register
A.C McClelland Receiver
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev.
ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers eoniialiv in
vited to altend.H. fCHEBZINOER. L. .
E. K. Swinburne. K. of R. & S. tf
0. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
ach month. All veterans are invited to join.
I.e. Boon. . Geo. W.Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insur-
ance sod Collection. Office in
Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf.
Attorney at Law,
Brown & Hamilton
Praotice in all courts of the state. Insurance,
mb autatm nnllM.li.in and loan aaeuts.
Prompt attention given to all business entrust
ed to tliem.
Office. Main Street. Heppnib. Obeoon.
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to hie
tailoring business, he has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band
tome elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrabamsick. May street, tieppner, Ur.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, shoemak.
r Bnd repairer of many years' experi
ence, has lust looated in tbe Abraham-
sick building, on May street, where be
is oreDwred to do eveiytbing in his line.
Mr. Birbeck is sinitly a first-class work,
man and warrants all work, uive him a
Ball. 14 tf
fVffin A- MnFftrlnnrl have Inst received
oar load of Mitobell Wagons, Backs,
etc , and bave also a large supply of farm-
Dig implements 01 an iinag.
vatijablk mm.
A. Year's Subscription to a Top
ular Agrkulturai Taper
By a special arrangement with the
publiRtiers we (ire prepared to furnish
FEEE to each of our readers b year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the Amebic AN
Fakmek, published at .Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription aud one year in advance,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one yeai in advance. The American
Fabmer eojoys a large national circula
ticm, and ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
oeive the American Farmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
call promptly. Sample oopies can be
s en at our office.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern Pacific
Is the lina to take
It is the riinintK'fir Rmte. It runs Through
VeHtibuleil Trams every day iu the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
TouristSleping Cars
Boot that can he constructed and in which ac
commodatior.B aro both tree and furniphfd for
holderB uf hrst or Becond-cmab Ucketa, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
To and from al points in Araerlcn. Kildland
and Europ can be purchased at any Ticket otnoe
of tbm Company.
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes aud other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No. ml First St., Cor. Washington,
!' lie r-1 u; 1 1 1 1 1
Webster's Unabridged
Dublisherg. we are able to obtain a number
of tr above book, and propose to furnish a
copy to each of our subscriber.
Tbe dictionary is a necessity in every home,
school and business house. It hits a vacancy,
and furnishes knowledge which no one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Vouugaud old, educated aud ignorant.
nco ana poor, Bnoma nave it wiimn reacu, anu
refer to its coutenls every day in the year
As some have asked if thin Is really the Orig
inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are
able to state we have learned direct from the
Dublishers the fact, that this is the very work
complete on which about forty of the beht years
ot tne autuor b me were so wen employed in
writing, it contains the entire vocabulary of
about 100,000 words, including the correct spell
inc. derivation aud detinitiou of same, and is
the regular standard size, containing about
300,000 square inches of printed surface, and is
DOUua la ciotu ami murocco anu nuevo.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dl'ctonary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps marbled edges Ji-oo,
Half Mo occo, bound, gilt 5'de and back
stamps, marbled edges, $1.50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
gp-As the publishers limit the Hme and
number of books they will furnish at the low
nH,.p w Rriviw all who desire to avail them
selves of this great opportuuity to attend to it
at once.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strioture.Syphilisand the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
disorders will receive, Fiieb of Chabok.
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves at home by uriting to the
Caluobsla Medical and Hi boicai, in
roucABi, lu29!4 Market Street, Han
Francisoo, California. oo-iy.
r" N, 1
Colds and Coughs
sore throat,
bronchitis, asthma,
and hoarseness
cured by
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be in every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, Mass.
weak, Kerns or m Fain
From some lone-standini' Bilment, or feel
tbBt yoni constitution (nervous system)
is failing, or that gome affliction has
taken, or is taking, permanent hold of
yon, which you have been, and arc still,
unable to throw off or oontrol, whether
in the first or last stage remember that
Or. Gregg s
And Appliances.
and 8stera 0! home treatment will cur
No medical or other mode of elGntrirtrpAtniflnt
can at all compare with them. Thousands of
women who sutler lor years with complaints
peculiar to Bex, have been completely and per
manently restore!) to health. No fewer men
have aim) been cured.
Klectrin treatment for diseases stifrfreRted, pro
perly applied, is perfect and has nosood substi
tute. The Grew Electric Kelt and AnnHmm
are the only ones In existence that supply a
liei'ei.:L mime ui H)iuUllUU,
The (irogtr Electric Foot Warmer, price fl.00,
keeps the feet warm and dry and is the only
genuine Electric insole.
People who have paid their money and been
cured can tell you what has been done for them
in a way that will convince you. Complete cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., tie. Circular
Addrtst- "
501 Inter Ooeau Building, Chicaio, III.
5 N
repealling of patent medioincs, the
Ju ge says; "I wish to deal honorably
aud fairly with all, and when I find an
article that will do what jt is recom
mended to do, I au not ashamed to say
an. I am acquainted with Dr. Vander
pool, (having been treated by him for
cancer) and bave used bis blood medi
cine known as the S. Headaohe and
Liver Cure, and while I am seventy-five
years old aud have use I many pills and
other remedies for tbe blond, liver and
kidneys, I must say that for a kidney
tonic in Bright's disease, aud as an al
terative for the blood, or to correct the
action of Ihe stomach and bowels it is a
very superior remedy, and bpats any
thing 1 ever tried. J. B. NELSON,
Yakima, Wash.
At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor
man's friend and family dnotor. T
Write for our Mammoth
Catalogue, a Hno-page
oooit, plainly illustrat
ed, giving Manuiactur
lts' lowest price with
manufacturers iscount
011 all goods manufact
ured and imported Into
the United states.
25 to 50 cents 011 every
dollar you snend. We
bvtcim 11 If m sell only nrst-class goods
II n If luirocerles. Furniture.
i Nothing, Dry lioods,
Hats, Cups, Boots aud
Shoes, Notions, Crock
ery, Jewelry, Buggies
aud Harness, Agricul
tural J in plemciKs ; in
fact anything you want
Saved by buying of us.
Send 26 cents to pay x
presrtagc on catalogue, a
buyer's guide. We are
the only concern that
plla nt ninnnfAirnror'
prices, allowing the buyer the same discount I
mat ttie mamiiacturer give 10 me wnoiesaie
trade. We guarantee all goods to be equal to
representations or money refunded. Goods sent
by expreBu or freight, with privilegeof examina
tion before pay tug.
A. a An.rr.rs & ui.,
122 Quincey Ht., Chicago, 111.
President. Caxbier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
nil 1 b
Mt. Pliasakt, Tkias,
June 20, 1888.
Buffered 8 months with
strain of back ; could not
walk straight; used two
bottles of
8t. Jacoos Oil,
was cored. No pain in
18 months.
p Hp
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
u ieit alone, even surrourmeu as tiiey
were, some of the garrison might sleep.
To prevent this and to harass and annoy
anil torture body and mind a score of
redskins secured positions where they
were safe from bullets und began a
teady fire upon the fort. They did not
expect their bullets to wound ovkillbut
the fire was to harass and annoy.
The captain of the wagou train un-
flerstood this, and he advised each de
fender to Rhelter himself as safely as
possible and return no answering shot
unless further danger menaced.
Thus midnight came and went.
The horses began to betray their suf
ferings for water, but their discipline
was wonderful. They realized the sit
uation as fully M the men, and a low,
kind word or a caress quieted each one
for the time being. Not one of the an
imals had had a drop for twenty-four
hours when the train was halted, and
every hour after that meant suffering.
About midnight the light breeze died
entirely away and a heavy dew began
to fall. The men licked the rocks for
the moisture and felt relieved. The
horses licked at the earth the wagon
covers the stones about them and
cooled their parched tongues and de
layed the end.
Between midnight and daylight the
Indian attacks, if be plans a night at
tack at all. There was a rush for the
gold in the Black Hills. Every hour the
train held out increased the chances of
rescue by another train coming into the
region. Every heir that the Indians
dallied there let in a party from some
other quarter.
They must strike quickly ortho game
might slip through their hands.
At about half past one o'clock in the
morning the ground for half a mile
around the fort would have presented a
queer sight had a Hood of light been
suddenly turned on. It was covered
with creeping, crawling savages, each
one armed with knife and tomahawk.
They closed in from all sides, their
movements directed by what seemed to
be the barking of a wolf.
The fusillade had slackened a little,
but had not by any means been aban
doned while carrying out the other
plan. The Indians figured that the gold
hunters would be scattered to watch the
entire circle of breastworks, and that a
rush from all sides at once must carry
them over at Borne point.
The human serpents were creeping up
for the dash. When the signal came
every warrior would leap to his feet,
sound his warwhoop and dash for the
breastworks. Then for victory.
Now and then a suspicious sound
came to the ears of the anxious listeners,
and ere long the captain was satisfied as
to what move was intended. If he
could not concentrate his force a rush
would end in a butchery. There were
fifteen saddle horses tied among the
wagons. Under his orders each one of
them was loosened and led clear of the
vehicles toward the low wall in which
the Indians had charged before. Tbe
animals stood iu a bunch, heads up and
ears working. They knew that danger
menaced, and each was ready to spring
at the first alarm.
The men were bow concentrated to
defend three sides of the irregular circle.
Each one had his Winchester and at
least one revolver, and they were nerved
up for desperate fighting. For half an
hour before the attack was made Bess
had been croacbing behind the rocks by
her father's side. Every man who could
reach her with his whispers had advised
her to retire to the wagon and put her
self out of danger, but to each one she
had replied:
"Your death means my death. Your
safety means my safety. 1 must stay
here and do what I can."
The redskins were within pistol shot
when the signal was at last given. In
an instant two hundred or more sprang
to their feet with a savage yell and
dashed forward, and ten seconds later
there was a blaze of fire along the breast
works. Full thirty Indians rushed at
the unprotected siile, and as they neared
it without receiving the expected volley,
and as some of then grasped the roeks
to swing themselv-) over, their elation
could no longer be restrained. Shouts
of victory rent the night air, but only
to die away in wild yells of terror.
The bunch of horses had bolted from
Pittsbubo, Pa.,
302Wylie Ave., Jan. 29,'87
One of my workmen fell
from a ladder, he sprained
and bruised his arm very
badly. Ho used
St. Jacobs Oil
and was cured in fonr
tlie row behind them, just as the captain
had planned for, and spreading out like
a fan they thundered straight at the low
wall with the momentum of a tidal
wave. The Indians could not tell
whether the horses were mounted or
riderless. Down thundered the living
wave upon them, to trample them under
foot and crush the life ont of some, and
a panic instantly resulted.
The attack elsewhere had been fierce
and determined. At one or two points
warriors had succeeded iu scaling the
defenses, though only to receive death
inside, while others had been shot down
at the very muzzle of the rifles. It was
a critical moment when the stampede
of horses caused a panic and turned the
tide of battle. The cries of alarm were
heard above the din and the effect waa
immediate. The entire attacking party
began to draw off.
The band of horseB were desperate
with hunger, thirst and excitement, aud
after clearing the wall they wheeled to
the left and charged right down through
the line of Indians, scattering it in the
wildest confusion. Bearing still to the
left the wave thundered over another
portion of the line and then broke
sharply away for the forks of the Big
Cheyenne, as if the night air had at last
borne them tho scent of water.
Ten minutes from the sounding of the
signal the fight was over. The Indian
must win at a dash or his enthusiasm
gives out. A dozen or more had been
killed and wounded, and the singular
action of tho horses produced a veritable
panic for a few minutes.
"That will be the last timo they will
charge ns," said the captain as the red
skins fell back. "From this out it will
be a siege."
Three of the whites had been wound
ed, though not seriously in either case.
And as soon as their hurts had been at
tended to all the men, except five to act
as sentinels, were permitted to fling
themselves down and catch such sleep
as they could. The Indians were al
lowed to remove their dead without in
terruption, but wheu daylight came th
blood stains on the sterile soil told of
their loss as plainly as if the bodies had
been allowed to rest where they fell.
When the sun came up the thirst,
which had been alleviated by the dew,
returned with greater severity, and now
all were actually suffering for water.
The team horses were becoming violent,
but there was no relief.
"We must hold on somehow nntil an
other morning," said the cuptain as the
men gathered around him. "By that
time Joe will be hero with the party ho
set out to find, or we will be sure that
we have nothing to hope for. Then
we'll cool our tongues with the blood of
the horses. Where's the galV"
"Asleep," replied Harkins, "and never
a complaint of thirst, though I know
she's suffering as much as the rest of
"I was right beside her when the
charge was made," said another of the
men, "und know she fired six bullets
into the screeching mob swarming down
upon ns. The gal's clear grit, and if I
had ten drops of water she should have
nine of 'em."
The Indians had not opened fire, much
to the surprise of the trainmen, nor yet
was a single one seen in any direction.
When two hours of daylight had passed
without a change in this state of affairs,
the men began to wonder if the last
bloody repulse had not disheartened the
redskins and resulted in their with
drawal. "Wait!" was tho grim reply of the
captain as his opinion was asked.
Nine o'clock came, and nothing was
yet in view.
"I tell you," said one of the trainmen,
as all gathered to diBcuss the question,
"we've given 'em all they want, and a
little more, and they have thrown up the
fight. I'll bet my horse there isn't a liv
ing red within ten miles of us."
"Just what I say I" added a second.
"No Indians ever made could stand such
a drubbing and toe the scratch again."
"Then let's be off for the forksl" ex
claimed four or five in chorus.
"Stop!" commanded the captain, who
bad stoud one side leaning on his rifle
and seemingly bent on a study of tbe
"What forr
"To save all our lives!" was the quiet
answer. "The redskins have simply
withdrawn behind the ridges to bait us
out. It is simply one of thoir cunning
"Nothing goes to show it," growled
one of the men.
"Something would go to show it the
moment the wagons moved out. Does
it stand to sense that a force still ton to
one are going to draw off unless threat
ened? They want plunder and they
want revenge. They attempted to rush
ns and got worsted, but they know our
fix. They know we haven't a drop of
water and they know we must shoot
ourselves or surrender within a couple
of days. If we move out we shall be
butchered before we have gone a mile."
"I don't believo in your theories," was
the blunt reply of the man. "I believe
they have gone off. I'm so sure of it
that I'm willing to scout all over the
"You'll go to your death."
"Pooh! I'll come back to prove that
yon don't know redikiu natur as well as
yon think for."
"I warn you not to go," said the cap
tain, as the man began saddling one of
the team hordes.
"I'll bring back the scalp locks of the
hull caboodle!" lauifhed the man. and
two minutes later lie leaped ms norse
over the barricade, swung his hat to
those left behind him and cantered off
to the north. He could be seen for half
a mile. He halted at the crest of a swell
and turned to the left, and as he gal
loped forward he was soon hidden from
view by a ridge as high as the plateau
and three-onartura of a mile awaV.
Knights of The Road Have a
Jolly Time.
It Portland Dnder Th Anplc of The T. P.
A., Oct. 8th Mr. T. Murruj Speucer'a
Krnm the Evening Telegram.
Saturday ninlit tbe immense crowd
cnxt.iiim i ly present on that evening
again filled Ihe great Exposition build
ing. Jostling, jummiug, treading upon
Kirns, etc., were all accepted in good
humor, and, to tbe credit of Superintend
ent Mitchell's excellent system aud dis
cipline which he has inaugurated, not a
single accident of any note has occurred
since the opening ot the Exposition.
Saturday evening tbe commercial trav
elers paid their respeots to the superin
tendent for the hospitality he extended
to them during tbe day. Duriug the
early part ot the evening Mr. Mitchell
introduced Mr. D, Solis Oobn in bis usu
al happy manner. The latter gentleman
m de a sound, oommon-seusn talk bear-
iug upon tbe excellent and profitable
qualities of tbe genus homo known as
the "drummer."
After the conclusion ot his brief speech,
he introduced United States SeDator J.
N. Dulph, who spoke in very oomphment
uy terms of tbe commercial travelers of
tbe present day. He confessed to a grow
ing appreciation of their work, and styled
i hem the "pioneers of oommerce." He
idded that be has come to regard them
is a most important part of the iudustri
1 system ot this country. The senator's
'peeoh was replete with allusions to the
lecessity of their existenoe, in the most
espectful manner,
MR. 8S 0. IBWTN'i 8PJM0H.
Mr. Ben (J. Irwin, the president nf tbe
Oregon and Washington division nf the
Travelers' Protective Association of
America, th ?n made the following excel,
lent address:
"Ladies aud gentlemen: As president
if the Oregon and Washington division
if the Travelers' Protective Association
it America, it affords me pleasure to
thank the management of this Eiposi
tion for tbe courtesies they liBve extend
ed io the commercial trayelers today,
and particularly bave they been kind to
the members of tbe T. P. A. and their
Every traveling man from Portland is
an advance agent for Hie city's progress.
This fnot is reonunized iu setting aside n
day for their entertainment, and bomiige
is paid to that most useful and beneficent
irKiiuizatiou, the Travelers' Protective
When Ihe little party of 20 met one
stormy day in February. 18H2, and orgnn
ized tbe Traveling Men's Cluh, they did
not calculate that it would develop into
a national affair with over 80 state divis
ions, from the Atlantic to tbe Pacific,
with thousands of energetio ineniborB.
Until tbe summer of 1890, wben the La
tioual convention was held at Denvor,
tbe association bad led a life of niuub
discouragement and small growth. There
reorganization was had aud tbe proceed
ings were emphasized by tho eleolinn of
Mr. George 8. MoGrew as president. His
record proves him to be one of the abh st
men in tbe United States, and we nre
proud of our executive head. He put
tbe wheels iu motion, und the people
generally are becoming more appreciative
of the value ot tbe work the man on the
road has in hand. To the end that tbe
objects of nnr association may become
better known, 1 feel it iny duty to state
s few:
To disseminate correct business prin
ciples; to bring about n better acquaint
nuoe between persons enunged as com
mercial travi lers, buyers and salesmen;
and to abolish all state, county and loonl
licenses exacted from commeroial travel-
era. We believe snob taxes are unoon
stitntional, as they prevent and binder
Oommerce among tbe states, and that
they are against publio policy, as they
tend to restrain competition, making tbe
dealers and consumers pay higher prices
for their goods,
We as a professional unit are working
for tbe reduction of passenger anil bag
gage rates over nil lines of transpira
tion. Our claim for recognition is based
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
on tbe fact that we are freight agents for
every line over wbioh goods we sell are
shipped ; and for the further reason that
we are wholesale travelers, not using the
railway for incidental convenience, but
are engaged in promntiug honorable
That tbe commeroial traveler may in a
measure enjoy the fruits of his labors
and make some provisions for the assist
ance of bis family in the natural event
of death, one of tbe noblest objeots of
tbe T. P. A. is attained. We care for the
injured, nurse the ill, bury the dead, and
are providing a boms for the siok, dis
abled and aged.
Another object for whioh we have
banded is served by seouriug an active
participation in public matters nation
al, state and local by onr members in
order to maintain our interests, and ac
quire such otber advantages as will pro
mote a vigorous oommerce.
These ebjeots explain and commend
themselves to the business oommunitv.
Our cause is that of the merchants gen
erally; in other words, our interests are
mention, and we ask their assistance in
wbat we have undertaken.
For causes sufficient, the Oregon and
Washington division was oreated in De
cember last, and its phenomenal growth
ib or mucb satisfaction to its promoters.
We have received favorable oonsidera
tions.as a profession, irom all parties at in
terest, but we must frankly admit that we
bave not bad that stimulating friendliness
from the city press that our profession
receives from the metropolitan newspa
pers from New York city to Salt Lake
inclusive. The life we live permits us to
harbor no discouragements, and we con
fidently believe that the powerful press
of the city of Portland must yet reoog-
nize tne merits oi ttie situation, and shall
then enthusiastically assist ns.
Being the largest faotor in the prosper
ity ot the hotel, we ask the best service
for our money, with plenty of whole
some food, that we may think brighter
(noughts and more ot tnem.
lbrongh the national convention held
last June, iu which Portland received
honorable recognition, we have faith
that the celebrated interstate oommerce
law will be amended, and then we shall
receive equity from tbe corporations
wtin n carry our goods and deliver us at
the doors nf our customers, then we
shall receive an iuterobangeable ticket
reading "over all the lines " running into
this city. We expeot to secure for our
members a week-end ticket so that they
may at no extra expense spend tbe Sab
bath at home and enjoy the healthful in
dnences ot a domestic lite.
Tbe delegation to tbe natiooal conven
tion luet June did thecity-aud the North
west ueuerally more good in showing to
tbe Eastern people the grandeur, re
sources and development of our beauti
ful country tUan any other similar eff.irt
ever before or Binoe made. When the
representative body from here attend the
national convention of '93, we feel mor
ally certain that they will bring that
br ainy and energetic assembly of men to
this city in 1M1M.
The commercial traveler is entitled to
tits full share of credit in the wonderful
achievements which made railroads, tel
egraphs, palatial hotels and magnifioent
cities possible. He is the forerunner of
prosperity, aud through bis efforts thous
ands of artisans, mechanics, builders
nd others are bnsied iu the produoton
of goods for distribution tbroughouc the
laud, and he spreads a stream of wealth
over a nation.
Ladles and gentlemen, I tbnnk yon for
vour kind indulgence and assure yon
that, whatever your interest may be in
shop, factory, store or city, the commer
oial traveler is your active friend.
Tlie president of the T. P. A., of Ht. r,nnl nf
which the oreuuii anil Wimtilniitoii division u
a part, ollereil a pri.e, til the Hhiipe of a hanii
miine kiiWI button, to the coiiimerettil traveler of
tne 27 omiinizutiunii in me united Htates, who
would brlnor hi the inimt members to the iwiin.
elation within a Ktven time.
Mr. '1 nonius Murray hpenoer, nf Fleekoimtein
Jt Mayer, Portland. Oreiron, IiiivIiik hroutrht In
z new rnombem, whs awarded the prize. It
was viremnited to htm by Hen C. Irwin, president
of the mKon and WimhliiKUin division of the
HHHoi'liitlon, with a few appropriate remarks. Iu
receiving mo am, rir. hpoueer said :
'l-iidli and irontleiiiini, Mr. PresltiiMit anil
Mv HrolherH of the T. P. A.: As I east mv pv,
over this vast audlenee of lair women and bravu
men I see tne Kiuter oi many a nun ana saered
emblem, but for none of these would 1 exchange
this modest button of the 'I. P. A. Called as I
am from your raliWs tonight, after 'if, years' hard
servli-e to receive It, It represents to ine what
would be to the Soulier theerossot the legion.
"As we deal only with the yreat battte ot llfo
whose warfare is waio-d In the world of com
merce, we can exiieet no trumpet tones to cele
brate our peaceful triumphs.
"This emblem represents a Kreat victory tha
one over self and refutes tlie charge that while
we were ever luynl to our employers' Interests,
ud could lay claim to most every talent, we
were ibckiiik in ine granaest oi tnem an char
Itv. Not charity iu the stranger without uur
antes, for there our hand was always heaviest,
out io muse w n ii in, mono we luvo nest, IO wnoin
we owe the most, namely, our kindred, to the
wives and mothers, who Kuan! our hearthstone
In our absence, aud keep our uauies Kreeu III
tbe meiiory of our otlspriiiK.
"(hi you, my brothers, who are hero tonight,
ttie little advance KUard ol that ureut arniy of
travelers you have left behind, nosuch ealuuinv
can fall.
'uiok up at the faces of your sweethearts and
wives, whose bosoms are swelling with grati
tude and ptlde, who have come here tonight to
do you honor, and beneath whose smiles you
cannot have sat unconscious, aud tell me, If you
can, that yon are not amply piild for any self
denial you have made to protect their future
aud yourown by joining this great benevolent
"Charity, gentlemen, begins at home, and I
sincerely trust that when the wives of those
commercial travelers who stand outside our
charmed circle tolilfht, who are with us. but
not of us, shall again lead their little ones to look
on papa's picture, who is far iiway.tliHy will not
fall to sec photographed on his manly bosom in
the future this button of the T. P. A.
"V hen the Htiyrlitx sounds at Koine, the hand
of tlie assassin lulls to strike, and with bowed
head he repeats the prayer learned beside, its
mother's knee. Let this button be your a'm lu;
let it In your hour of temptation strike the key
note of conecleiice In your hearts ami bring you
memories of home, so dear and sacred that von
can do no wrong.
"And when you leave this hall tonight to an
swer duty's cull, believe mo that tho grasp of
your iiruiueis mn ue si riiuger, ine K I AS OI your
wife the sweeter, for possessing this talisman.
And now, good night. I thank you a thousand
times for this honor conferred and this privi
lege of addressing you. I't your motto be in
dustry, it will win nguinst the brilliant but
ofttimes indolent, The meteor but llashea
through thy sky; remember Uie star shines ev
ery night."