Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 08, 1892, Image 4

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    iHHiTi WHY
Till tP t
have a relief end cure
In your ipnorance of effects
Snd vitality which i
system the elements thus
strength and vij;or will fol
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments
testify, and from many of
-at--; i.rji 1 i of
U UI '' V i i Wj for-.
bit :,7; v.
m pi
esr t?.
fr$)M Nervous DebilitV Seminal v.
Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, ,
the effects of abuse, excesses, worry and exposure. For ruch su?rrm
in our marvelous invention, which requires hut a trial to convince the mort srrnntn.
or by excesses, or exposure, you rrwv have unduly drained your system of rfve force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace inio your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and wc guami:;ec a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health ana vigor,
failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
nff work or at rest, and it gives soothmsr, prolonged ourrents
, . . 1 e u
modern' tochcmft.
Petmsylvtial iuPooplo Who SUB
Cllntr to "Old Rite ; . ;
Th. HmdqmtH f W"ttoti S.o
: Who iidMM mjvitch Duct4n and
A Lofclia v (Paji '(6rrepondit of
rnuaOclpli pajw says wai a wsubi u,
witchcraft kvi. eloped In '. that city
ittd townffi 16 n alarming extent.
He contiBuesJifw iftae of Bobtown
isjthe heiilcrnlor.ot this superstitiduii
sefct, btrt promiTMBit- disciples are found
scattered about the district ip confu
sion. They seemingly live in la world
of thourrht neculiarlv their oWn and
. Kttrv made ini.o a Delt so as to be easily wofn during work or at rest, and it gives soothmcf, prolonged our
TJSW or we forfeit $5 00- 11 ha5 ImProvef Ele?tri Suspensory
which are instantly teic inrousuuuw ii r , ,....i,..-. ,A tn m rire shrunken limbs, or Dart
wnicn arc 1U.U...V, , w. . jnt it t0 cure any ot the above weaknesses, and to enlarge snruiiKen umos, or parts, or
greatest 'a. -Their re graded in strength to meet all stages of weakneM in young, middle-agertr old men, ana win cu-t
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. IvOtiis,
fisi urn HP an
Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. Arrives
6'J)0 p. m.
A. GRAND JlilZ-hJ.
s $2,000 IN riilZES
"Will be Equally Distributed.
sonte cngeH4fk-pirit proven; in the
faith and talk over matters pertaining
to" their strange belief. They are ex
tremely chary of admitting strangers
into their household and under no cir
cumstances will they divulge aught of
their peculiar belief and practices.
From what can bo gleaned about
them it seems that there are two witches
in this part of the plobe, one a resident
of Milroy iind the other of this village.
Lotfan is also favored in the possession
of a "doctor," or one who is invested
with the secret power to remove the
"6peH" from the victim after the un
holy eye of the witch has "ioouea upon
a subject.
JiAiny are the weird stones rciaiea m
the machinations of the witches and
the relieving power of the "doctor" tc
cure the magic spell. About three
months ago a little child lay sick lor
several weeks and the child's parenU
solemnly believed that it was a victim
of a w.tch's bane. The suspected
witch was believed to be a resident of
Logan. One dreary night in Novem
ber the witch doctor of this place was
sent for and after a lengthy pow-wow ,
For Boll s, Pimples
'. .. carbuncles, - ;
- scrofulous sores, J
eczema, and all other
blood diseases,
take .. ' "
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
; it win ' ' . ' . '. - -
relieve and cure '
r dyspepsia, nervous
, debility, and that ;
tired, feeling. . j ,
Has .Cured O th era
will cure you. 5. '
Notice of Intention.
I j w.fnt,.r i.i ik'i' NotifR is herebv eiven
that the followliiff-nameu Bettler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof In support
of hi claim, ami that said proof will be made
before the Couiitv Clerk of Morrow County, Or.,
at Heppner, Ort'Eron, on Nov. 'js, ijn'.i-j, vlz.ft
1 vylu llli,NI'Sill w
H d . No. 277. for the SKU See. 3, Tp. 4, 8 R 55 E.
1 W M
He name, the following wunec i prove in
continuous reaicleuce upon ana cuuimiuoh ui,
J. T. Vo'untl'c. N. Peek, William Eites and
Henrv Wnilion, all of Lexington, Oregon
M1-M4 John . I.tn, Kegiater.
Pullman Sleeper.,
Colonist Kleejier.,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portlnnd to San
every fnur days.
Tickets Europe,
For rate, and genera! Inlormatlon call on
' Depot Ticket Agent,
Heppner, Oregou.
H. HUKLBURT, A,t Oelll. PaM. Agt.
ISA Waahlngtou St.,
Poutland, Oasaon.
Tor srvernl yenr, pHSt compi lltii n of an lnttructive order have been offered by repntabli
binlnmhouirn.ndmnniifiicfim'r. in England with the object of increasing their sale, anr!
Interesting their customers in their respective goods. These contests, on account of nnqnestionci
falrnesB displayed In conducting thein, have interested the best people ot Great Britain. Believ
ing that competitions offered hy a manufacturing concern such as ours, and conducted in the
aame honorable manner, would excite universal interest among the intelligent people of the
Hulled Slates and Canada, our Company has decided to oiler a prize competition In which on
lrt effort will be to make It strictly fair and impartial. The intention is to satisfy every ou
.iiterlng this competition that they have been duly credited with the position which their ellor
have earned for them. We are sure that this class of a prize contest will receive the approval
parents and all those who have the instruction of the young at heart The prizes to be awardi
In tills competition will conKlht entirely of articles of sufflcient value to be appreciated by ever
..crson receiving one as a fair reward for the eltorls put forth by thein. Our intention is to div id
he amount to he given away in prizes, varying in value from eight to one hundred dollars eni 1
ind wecntcrlnto an honorable iigiecnicnt with those entering this competition to distribm
airly Two Thoubanii Hoi.i.akk in prizes.
AWAUD 01' I'llI.ES. Ten of the leaning minisicrs oi our cuy win ti i '
ind aBslst in the award of the prizeB.
We will pay Onk IlliNDKiiU Dollars in cash to the first person who correctly answers lb
.('Howing questions: Where in the lilble do the following three words first appear: 1, Uai
' IiheaI) ; .H, Milk. The second person answering correctly will receive Sbvkn rv-Fivs Dollai
in cash. 1 lie third person sending correct answer will receive Fifty I)oi.las in casl
I he next ten will each receive an elegant Coin Silver (bunting ease) Watch. The next ten wil
each receive an elegant silk Dints putterusixtccn yards in any color). The next ten will cac:
receive a lirsl-chiBS pair of oi kka Olassks.
I AST l'l;lKs - 'I he Ihirtv-lhree persons sending the thirty-three correct answers whir
are received last III rccelv e duplicates ul the prices that are aw aided lor the lirst thirty-Inn
orrccl , , e . lb'' last correct answer re.ening llc One Hundred Dollars the next to the l.n
'be Jeveiily-livi-llolbuB. and to on mull Ibo llilny-three prU-B lor Hie lust thirty-three correi
"""" 1M Ul''Tbl"!;"-A ,,rl,e ennsisilng of an elegant Lady's or Oenllen.an'B Watch will 1,
uiven to .he pe.Bon Bunding .he Insl coi reel answer which Is Hie ill at receiicd Iroui their Stale i
Answers niiisl lie accompanied with liflcen I'nlicd Slates two-cent postace stamps for on
package ol Cf -aulihmm, which Is Hie laical Bciclilll c .llscoiery lor deal sing and. preserving Hi
ce.h. our ol.jccl Is lo Introduce and al.iact ullcllon lo lo 1'kai.ui ..am w Inch is Ihe only pn
nara.lou n bos u.iiuulaclnrcia are willing lo oiler a reward ol Hve Hundred Dollars to ai
denllBl wbonn.Bliow Unit il conlalis any. hi. g Injuiious lo Ihe teeth A moulhlul ol pear I j
n bile leeth Is Ihe sure result o. il consia.il use. II is recommended by Ihe leaders ol the denln.
,roic,Ioi, every w here ; ask your .lei. list w hat be thinks of It. 1'haul.foam Is sent by mail, p.
paid, and free ol cusloms duty.
He sure and send your answers to-day. You may receive a valuable priz.
It I, our earnest dcrlre to Impress upon the
minds ol Ihe public the superiority of Hie er
vlie i.l.ciid hi ihe WlMoi.Bln Ccntial Line, to
Mllwi.nl.ic. Il.bigu i.nl all poil.n Fasl and
fcoulb. 'Iwo tasl uallis leavehl. I'alll, Mlnne
apolisand Dulu.h dally, equipped wllh roll
n an eMlblilcd D.aw lug lie on. Sleepeis. Dining
Cars and t ouches ol .he laical design, lis Din
li.g ( ar sen Ice Is unsurpassed, which accounts,
ton great degree lor i lie populnrlly of ihla line
The Wlseoi sill ('Mitral Lines, in connection
wllh Northern I'aell.c, K. U., la tlie only lino
Iron, i'aellic Coiibi pulutsover which boll, l'ull
n.au Yealibulcd, liral-claaa, and l'ulln.an lour
1st ( ars are operated vtaet. l aul without change
toCblcago. , , ,
I'ami l.lels giving valuable liifonnalion can
he olilaii cil lice upon application lo your ncar
f,l H, .-. aecnt.or .Ut-. C. 1'iiNi), (icnclal rasBell
g tudTlckit Agont, Chicago, 111.
Scientific America
Afjency for
Hotice of Intention.
I j Oct. IS, 18'Ji. Notice la herehy given that
be following named setller has filed notice of
is intention to niaae iiuai prooi m bu...h ...
K clulm nnd that said nroof will be made be-
,.re the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
.eppiier, Or., on Dec. s. wti, viz.:
r K k A l is H. WILSON
Hd. No. 2857, for the fSEK See. -n. Tp. 1, 8 K28
a . W . M .
He names the following witnesses to prove his
tlnuous realdence upon ana cuuivaiion ui,
the spell which the witeh had wrought, d , L Knoaldi Rnarley Johnlon
yieiuea to me secrei " j and Henry Dungey, an oi lone, oregon
hi-nlnr. This rjarticular case was
heralded hroadcast and at once de
veloped a veritable host of believers,
and their number has Increased manj
fold since.
Another similar case of recent occur
rence has created no end of comment
nmono- the neighborhood irosslpers. Ir
John W. Lkwis, Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
1 Oct. 8, 1892. Notice is hereby given that
ihe following named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, ana that said prooi win ne maue oe
ore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore-
on. ai ueuDi.er. uregon. uu euuiKji m..
this instance tiic encnamea one wan viz.:
Joi your trouble. Address
Exquisite Toilet Mp.j. Co.
170 Tongs Street.
H. Vii PIM
' i V TRADE sl"j
for Information srd trw Itandhook write to
MCNN CO.. Sil II.IOAUWAV. Nsw vohb:.
Oldest bureau for aueurlna patints In a"'",";
Bvory pstout takmi out lir us la brnuaht tfelor;
the public by notice slven troa ot cbarii in lb
Jtffutific wcticau
Circulation of nnv Bptpntltle paper In t
Si.U'iuli.llv I Hunt rate. I. No InlPlI )t
nmii h(iA t wit limit tt. WnffklT, H.S.IMP
yi'Hl , H. 41 nix lnoiilliH. Ailim-ea AIJM A tw,
ULisUKiiti. atll lirtmdwaT, New York-
L U M H E 11 !
V, d.cwitcd Lumber, 111 miles ot Heppner, a
What Is kuou .. as the
fElt 1.ITO FKKT. HlH'lill,
' Cl.K.AK,
- U) u
V.W per 1,000 leet, additional.
A new and Complete Treatment, consisting o
SupposltoricB, ointment I" Capsules, a Is. in Bo
and Tills: aposlllvecnrc for Kxlernal. Inter
nal, Blind or III ling, llchlug. Chronic. Heccnt
or Hereditary I'll.'", and many other diseases
and female weaknesses; it Isalwaysagrcat ben
efit tothe general health. 'I he first discovery of
a medical cure rendering ail operation with the
knife unnecessary h rentier. This remedy has
never been known to fall, tl per box, (. for
sent bv mail. Why auUer from this terrible dls;
ease when a wrllten guarantee Is given with I,
boxes, to refund Ihe money II not cured, scud
stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by
iDAai', II.AKKK IV Vi'., u ".o.i.w
llriiggiBla Hole Agenla, l'ortland, or.
v ,.. .ius on cvrry dollar you peud
Wrlic lor our mau.n.oih calalogne, a "'-X
book, com auilllg lllu-lrallonanu ";'"'',." ""
ufscllireis' nrlcea, w.ll. nauutaciui " V"'
of every R.mi oi go, . -e '-"-,
md imuorieii .uio ... .. rtlBa;
lloasebold Good-, K.ui.U.i.e, .Vl,'1ln;..U1?1
and t,n..' I lolluun ud e'.uumhli B ly o Is. DwM
C.ooitB. While Howls, D.y t-oo.is, Hals. C ap",
WW and ho. Uloves, Nonous, I. asBwa.a,
KneryVwalche's, C locks, Jewelry '.
Buggies, Vttips, As.kul.iual InMilem.uis, eio.
"SW r-IIKI''c,LA-.H l.O..IKS . L-.i.hu.srul
ml'ncerii wale lis at mau.iL.clur.rs p Ices,
alnmlng .1,. buyer ihe .am. d.s.ii t,,ai ,h.
II iniius V-J
; .', ... ...i. i. ...iuiu,. iii Hkiiinltiiu ii
ireiguB. - KA1.KS 4 cO.
.w Qnlucy slreet, Chicago,
A salary of !.. lo f Ml per week lo lio Of sirsnj.
,o represent us In every .-oiinly, and sell our gc ne al
l,, of Me,Thall.li.ea, ,n:.l..,-...rer. ,, . ces. ON..Y
runsa woo want B.auiv kmhloymknt nskd
Ire" Catalogue sua particular, seal on receipt
ocacsauiorexpressaiia. A KAR,,,,:S 4 CO.
123 Qulncy Street, Chicago, III.
Hold II PlAMOND t'lOAUS.- Will.l'l
n tiiuiil, Mini for yiurn llm 1i-mI"
..loon I'iKi.r. will be Holil lit rtnn 1''
ise.i wliolcsnlo prioea, by lots t l"11 1
i.lK.O at J. I'nl.ii's. H'r)
A., lltimlitoiii Mnn'itr
And all point. In California, via the Mt. Bluuits
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Th great hiahway tlmmgh California to all
point. Last and Mouth, liranil Soniii Hold,
of the l'acibe Coast. 1'ullinan HulTot
hlceiMira, Bi-'Cond-cliis. bleeiwrB
Attached to eipresa trains, allonl.ng miwrior
KCouiuuHlallous for -oiul-cla paMeugers.
For eatis. Iickels, alivpiiix oar ren-naliou.,
Ui. call upon or addriw
R KOEHLEK, Manager, E. P. BOUKK, AMt.
O.n. T. 4 P. Agt, Portland. 0on.
My creditors nre utter tut fur mnne
which 1 1'Hi.in.t pay unless tl.iwo win
owe nio Winn to the (rout. Tina 1 slntl
expect everyone to do wilhout Iiirtlie.
delny. 1 need money anil must have il
61-18-s w 1). W. llORNltB.
The suocesa of this Great Cough Oars Is
without a parallel in the history ot medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell iton a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
successfully stand. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every home in the United fjtates and Canada.
If vou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use it. tor It will cure you. If your
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief ia sure. If you dread
that insidious, disease Consumption, use It.
Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURB,
Price loots.. SO cis. and SI. 00. If your Lungs
are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous
Plaster. Price as cts. For sale by all Drug
gists snd Dealers.
young married woman, whOBe case bot
tled the cunning- ol ine witcn aocror.
His saving power failed to remove the
spell of the sorceress, but he advised th
husband to send his wife away, whicl
he did, and to wear certain beadi
around his neck for the express purpoB
of guarding against becoming be
witched himself. These beads were
furnished by the "doctor" and are sup
posed to possess virtues potent in re
sistinir the powers of sorcery. Sine
the foregoing incidents transpired thi
woman has returned to her home full
restored and the husband has laid awaj
his beads.
Perhaps the most serious case result
ing from this strange hallucination per
taining to witchcraft in this neighbor
hood is that of a young married womai
whose reason has been dethroned. Ii
consequence of her adherence to the be
lief and the silly practices that wen
performed in her presence she has be
come hopelessly insane.
The time-worn silver bullet story stil
holds mastery over the minds of the
deladcd creatures. A certain mam
maiden aunt, who was a member of th
household, was suspected of being r
bad witch, possessing the occult powei
of transforming herself into any anl
mal that her capricious iancy migh
suggest. It is the firm belief amoof
the deluded associates that she en
chanted scores of persons and wrough
much mischief. During these supposei
periodical transformations she was fre
quently absent for days at a time, whei
she was believed to exist in anima
The nephew had devised many wayi
of ridding himself of his witch aunt
but she was sufficiently cunning to frus
trate all his plans. Finally, it is said j
I'd. No. 2SS8, for the 8W)4 See. 11, Tp. 3, S R 24 E
U7 M
He'names the following witnesses to prove hi.
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi,
,n!ri land viz :
.1 U'. RpcU-cit. Snmuel 1. Clerking. Oscar Mont
gomery and William K. Hunkers, all of Eight
Mile, Oregon. ;'
.WI-M3 Jons W. Lnwis, Register.
i.otice of intention.
t ivn mrs-ir-n AT THK DALLES. OREGON
I j Oct.. fi. 1ND2. Notice is herebv given that
I he following-named settler has riled notice of
'.iB intention to make final proof in support of
.lis claim, and that bi.hi proot win ne umue ue-
ore the county CierK 01 morrow couuiy, oru.
tt Heppner, Oregon, on govern ocr zo, iouz, vm,
lid. No. 2801, for the W'i SE! and S't 8W)4 Sec.
M Tn 9 K II -2i K. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hi.
continuous resideuce upon anu cuinvauon oi,
lrt knrl vi7 :
M. A. olden, J. H. Mathews, J. M. Baker and
-amuel Warfleld, all of lone. Oregon.
5:-542 John W. Lewis, Register..
1 .fr&iej!&i.Xt,
Catlle branded and ear marked as ahown above.
dorses F on right Bhoulder.
Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun
bs 1 will pay $10P.Ol for the arrest and con-
riction of any peps m Mealing my stock.
Borii, the je.veler, is tt ,,an tn fix up
your watub or clocK. .e Rpepsariiii
stock of everything pertaining to biB
business a
i otiee of Intention.
f ,ct. 2U, Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
iris claim, and that said proof will be made be
ore the County Clerk ol Morrow County, Ore
gon, at Heppner. Oregon, on Dee. 12, lbW, viz.:
Hd. No. 2013, for the SW Sec. 31, Tp, 2 S, R 24
E. w M.
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultUation of,
said land, viz.: , .
Wm. Haguewood, Wes. McNabb. Samuel War
field and George Junkin. all of Light Mile, Or,
M'j.M'j John W. 1-t.w.n, Register.
j September 29, 1W12. Notice is hereby given
.hat the following-named settler has llled no
il. . of his iiituntion lo make final nroof in sup
port of ills claim, and that said proof will be
made before W. 11. Ellis Com. U. H. Circuit
Court at Heppner, Oregon, ou November II),
1SU2, viz.:
Hd. E. No. SlTfi, for Ihe S'i riWJi NWJiSKX nd
-KVa NWI Sec. Xi. To. fi. 8 R I'.'i E.
lip iiuiiu.H t.hp. foiiouinir wiint'sses to provehls
he consulted a witch doctor, who ad I . onti. .nous residence upon and cultivation oi,
, i , jt. -ii ! nairi land. viz. :
vised mm to snoot ner wnn a snvtr js. Vj land, Abe Luelling, Walter Bennett
bullet while Bhe was acteciea in ira
Guaranteed to cure Billons attacks,
Sick Headache and Cosstipation. 40 In
each lottle. Price 25c, For gals by
Picture "7, 17, 70" and sample dose frea.
1. r. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, HEW YOaL
form of an animal. He had not long U
wait for an opportunity, as the trouble
some aunt transformed herself into i
deer soon afterward. The deer, or hii
aunt, as the case may be, was shot witl
the silver bullet and eaten, thus termi
Dating the career of one bad witch. A
any rate, the suspected aunt has no
since returned In the human form, am
the consequence of the distressing cast
is that the nephew's wife has beconu
hopelessly insane.
and Harrison cummlngs,
all ot Hardn.an, or.
John V. Lewis,
Teachers' Examination.
11 'ihe purpose ol examining alt who ma
make application (or cout.tv or state cor tlticateB.
slate dtplouiHB or state llledtplouttisltlthecoiin
ly of Morrow , slate ol Oregon. I be school super
Intended U.eieoi w ill hold a public examina
tion at the court lio.tBe in Heppner, bculiiulus
on Wedncsdav Nov. it, lsi.'. at 1 o'clock p. m.
Daled llils JUh day of Oct, In'.'.
W. L. S.vlino,
S.6-10 SuiHTlnteinlcut ol Si'tuHds.
KOK hai.i:,
AKNKss siuH", mo.-k an
hlllitlU-NM: t'StHtlllhlltHl I
gotKl iitrtnliiK aiut stcK k ntislnj; louiitry
(lie mi.Ut ot
lo fur mtlo K'HKi iioum- unit l o low all oi
vuliout Uu lunnitwt i'rviioii. tur turtiicr lu.
ui m atlon tvlclrw Uu, Uwppnw, Or. 00 u
ia is
tf Ihe prcNont Rent'rn ion. It id for Its
r 11 re mill if atiii(lHiti, HlvU Head
chvt VonlipHou nutl 11 lest, tliHt
tfb lis Sin
hnve hraome no famon. They act
4tMltly Hint y cinl.v on the illkTtlv
arifMiiM. (fiv in tlitn time uul vlnror to
Sold Everywhere.
Dfflco, 140 to 144 WahiuUm su, S, y
Tlte t?'nernl iiifri'hRntlise ptitHbhsh
tient formerly owned by Coffin 4 Mt Far
itml, lififl iHtely clmntfed hHinls, now be
ng nntinr the control ami niAnHtftuent
i The McFarlnnd Meronnlile CompHnv.
In oh cotmuueg biiHinene nt tbeolti ataud
witb larger iVook than ever.
A Barber Tell Why T'.ey Fart It on the
Left Side.
"I have seen," says a barber, "hun
dreds of barbers' trade secrets exposed
but I have never seen a reason given in
print for men parting their hair on the
left side in more than nine eases out of
ten. I talked the matter over with a
physician once and he said it might be
only a coincidence, but that at least
nine out of ten sleep on the riht side
because by so doing digestion is nided
and the action of the heart is left undis
turbed. That, I think, accounts for the
hair parting, because the warmth of
the side of the head pressed iuto the
pillow greatly aids the growth of the
hair and a man naturally parts his hair
so as to brush it in the Uiroction of the
greatest growth. This also accounts
for what almost every one who has
tried to keep his mustache and beard
fvenly trimmed must have noticed-
that he has to trim the right side more
frequently than the left. U'armth is
the best hair tonic and inviovator dis
covered, especially a moist heat, such
as is produced by contined perspira
tion. "
At Forty Odd Veare-
That is a serious time of life when
you begin to realize that the man you j
are is not the man you hope to become,
but the man vou have shown yourself
to be; a detinite quantity with precise
limitations, and not a gTeat one. We
ail compare ourselves fft greater or less
distances with people in books and
history, says a writer in Scribner's,
There is a time when it is a delightful
reassurance to learn from the lives ol
fe'eats, Titt, Hamilton or Henry Clay
we are no. younjr to be famous
and that men ,116 older than we have
Immortaliied themselves as poets or u
statesmen. Again there comes a time
when we go to books for reassurance
of another sort, and pluck up our faints
ing hopes as we road how Grant, Sher
man, Cromwell and Nuthnuiel Haw
thorne reached our time of life without
distinguishing themselves beyond com
mon, and yet lived to take rank among
the immortals. There may be hope foi
us, wo feel, for all of our forty ovk
1 fearm. -
IT fl T,anH OffioH. The Dulles. Or.. Sent. ft. 1H92.
Notice In herebv given that, in compliance
with the provisions 01 the Act of Coiigreng ap
proved June a. 1S7H. entitled "An Act for the
sale of Timher Lands in the Htaten of California,
Oregon, Nevada and w aahington lurruory,
t UL'OMO 11 t Vj Ij 'IV 1 1
Whose pontort.ee add reus is Heppner, Morrow
conutv, uretfuii, has this day filed in this ottice
his application to purchase the t?E4 01 the
NW and theWW-4 of the NKhj sec. No. 3, inTp.
No. ti S. Range No. 'Jft E, W. M.
All persons holding any adverse claims there
to are required to present the same at this ottice
within sixty nays from the first publication of
thin notice. John W. Lkwis. Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
4 October, 2. wL Notice is hereby given
that the following-named settler ha tiled notice
of his Intention to make final proof in support
of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Judge of Morrow County, or.,
at Heppner, Oregon, on December lOih, viz:
CHAKl-Es Ii. Bt'LLIii,
Hd. No. 2977. for the NE. tit- H- ec- IS. nd
SWW, and SE SWfc Sec. 17, Tp. 6 H, R 26, E. tt.
He names the following witnesses toprovehis
continuous resideuce upon and cultivation of,
said laud, viz.:
Jamen H. U viand. William Kix, A. Lieueling
and ivrry (.tiler, all of Himiniau, Oregon.
&i7-."t7 Juhn W. Lwls, Kegister.
,j October L'ii, istrj. N'otice Is hereby given
that the lollou ing-named Bettler litis hied notice
of his intention to make ii mi 1 proof In support
of his clrtiin. and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk ol .Morrow County, Or ,
at Heppner, ureuon. on Oec. -1, iMf.'. viz.:
Hd. No. oo:7, lor the W 4 N S.-c. 11, and Ek
N K4 Sec. l.y I p. a si. it J'.i E. W . M-
lie names the following witnesses toprovehis
continuous resideiue upon and cultivation of,
said laud. 1 is :
W.H.Cluk It. s. Clark. J. B. Chapman and
C- H Mann, uil of Lena. Oregon.
ftt7-M7 A. C kavkr. Kegister.
Notice of Intention,
j Oct, i7, Notice is heieby given that
the following-named settler has tiled notice ol
his intention to make thiMl proof in support of
his clatiu. and thtti said proof v ill be made be
fore the County Clerk oi Morrow County, Ore
non, at Heppner. Oregon, on Dec. 3, lfyi, viz :
GEoltttK Ml'lK,
Hd. No. 2S67, for the N KS 1m.'C. 9, Tp, 1, 8 R 26, E.
W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud. viz. :
John carmiehael, Marian Evans, J. H. Piper
and O. H. Hodsou, all of Lexington, Oregon.
5.if.-5t; John W. Lewis, Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
4 Oct. 11. Notice Is herehv given that
the follow ing-named setller has tiied notice of
hts intention to make final proof in support ot
his claim, and that said proof w ill be made be.
fore the County leik 01 Morrow County, Ore ,
at Heppner 'regon, ou No. ember -t, lMftl, viz,:
WILi.l A M C. liKIMNi.KK,
D 8. No, 7--VT. for the SKi .-F4 Sec. 2. E NE4
,E4 SE1 See. 11. Tp. . S K -. E W M
He names the follow ing w tt 11 et.ses to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said laud. viz. :
m!h richt, J C. Kirk. J. P. Furlong and Da
vid Uce, ail ol Heppner. orvgou.
While you keep yonr subscription paid up you i
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses GO on left
whouider; cattle ame n left hip, under bit on
right ear, ami upper nil on tne leit; range, flior
row county.
Armstronti, J. C. Alpine, Or. T with har nn-
ier 11 on ibft Bhoulder of horses: cattle Baine
m left hip.
Allison. O. D.. Eieht Mile. Or. Tattle brand.
O D on left hip and horees same brand on right
shoulder. Kange. Eight Mile.
Adkius. T C. Davville. Or- Ktraisht mark across
the thigh and two e rope and a slit in the right ear;
horses. X upeme down on the right HhouidHr.
limifl in (jrant count v and Hiar vallev. Ft)
addreKB hIbo al Hardmtii.
Adkms, J. J., Heppner. Or. -Hoinf. JA con
tvtni on it- t tiai.k; cattle, name on iff) tup.
Avers. Jotinny. Lena. A. Horses hrarded
triangle on left hip; cattle same on right hip;
also crop off righi ear and upper bit on same.
Blyth, Percy H., Heppner. Or. Horses Roman
cross on right shoulder. Itange in Morrow
Bleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses, a flag
01 left shoulder; cattle same on right tthoulder.
hamiister. J. W,. Hardman, Or. t attle brand
ed B on left hin and thiKh: split in each ear.
brenner, rfter, tioi seoerry uregon norHes
branded if a on left shoulder, t attle B.itne on
richt siae
liurke, ra t c, Lon i;reett, ur uu came, 1
MAY connected on left hiu. cionoff left ear. un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letfi shoulder. Itange in Uraut ami Morrow
Jioweman, A., mount vernon ana rmms, ur.
Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear;
same on horses, on right, shoulder. Range in
Orant and Harney counties.
Hrosman, jerry, Lena, ur. worses nranaea t
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear haif crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thiga cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Isn, Lexington, Or. HorseK IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P-, Heppner, Or. -Horsei- and cattle
branded fci with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
') with Mot hi n ter on left hip; cattle, name.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or r m bip cattle, same, with split in
'each ear.
, Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder: cattle, same on left bin.
Bruwnlee. W. J., Fox .Or Cattle, JB connecied
on left side: croo on left ear and two Bulitsand
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley.
Uraii t county.
I ain.u., caieD.tir. I u on coraeu omeit erme;
U with quarter circle over it, n left shoulder.
and on left Btitte on all colts nn ler 5 years; on
left shoulder only ou all horses over n years. Ail
range in Grant countv.
Clara, wm. ri. , L,ei a, ur.-tiorsei- wm; con
nected, on left bhoulder: cattle wane on right
In p. Ita ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
l ate, cnaa. it,, Vinson or ijena. ur. norHen
H t' 011 right shoulder; cattle same on rigiit hi.
Kange Morrow and Uniatlila counties.
Cochren, ('has., lone. Or. Horses, IIP con
nected on left shoulder; cuttle, C on both left
hip and stifle. Itange in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or.--Ton cattle on
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange
in Grant county.
( ecu. VV m.. OouBias. Or: horBes J " on let
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear.
Curl, T. 11., John Oay, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, bwhIIow fork and under bit
m right ear, Bpnt m leit ear. nange in uraiu :
county. On Bheep, inverted and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markoa ewes, crop ou left ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All range
in Grant couutv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, won nghtshonl
iei Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
jrop off left and split in right.
Currin. K. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, Q on
left title.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
T 1 & A on Left shoulder. Cattle, same on riglil
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otf I eft.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Caitla, C- will
ii- center: horses, CE on left Md.
Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or.
llorses branded circle with bai beneath, on lefi
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mars
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, li.f Hardman, Or. Horses branded
" on right hip. Cattle brauded the Mime.
Cross, 8 L, DayviUe, Or ( atile branded two
cropB and a split in left ear; ou horses u
reversed Z OD stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: a on leit nip, on rigni nip,
VI on left Bhoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops,
Doouan. wm., rieppiier, Or. Horses branded
OO witii bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, H Don
right aide, awn. low-fork in each ear; horses. K it
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T., DouglaB, Or-Horces TD on
the 1 ight tt 1 tie; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. tjuartor circle
tt on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Kange Grant county.
Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of u on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J . B. A Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed Eli ou left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Elliot), Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond ou
right shoulder.
Heek. JackBon, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
couuected 01, right shoulder; cattle same on
right hip Earmark, hole in right and crop
off left
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, S. P. Heppner. Or Horses. V on
right shot ide-i ; cattle. I1 on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAi on left
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor S on left shoulder; vent,
same on left si 1 tie. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and under bit in left.
Kange in Giiiiain, Grant, Crook aj-d Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or Horseo branded II.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitle
Itange in Morrow and Umatillacouuties.
Giltwater, J.C., Prairie I iiy. Or. Ou horses,
U -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, ou right
side. Kange in Grant comity.
Hams. James. Hardman Or. HorBes shaded
2 on lef shoulder; caltie same on left Inp. Kange
tn ai:d about HHidman.
Hajes. i.eo.. Lena, Or, Brand J 11 connected,
wiih quarter circi" over it, on leit houkier.
Hum A. B., Uidge, Or., Cattle, round-lop
vitli quiiiter circle ui der tt on the nnht hip.
lUhte in Morrow and U mauil counties.
Hin ton A Jeiiku, Hamilton. Or (at tie, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses. J onrighi thigh. Kange in 'iri.ni county.
Huirhi'p. Samuel, Wagner, Or-T" ( 1' F L
conuectedjon right dhoulder ou humen; 011 cattle,
on right hip ai d on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Kange in Haystack
district. Morvw county.
Hale, Milton, Vngne . Or. Horses hrandd
-O- irele witii parallel tails) on left shoulder
1 1 ttle same on left hip ; alto laige circle on left
Hall, Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same on right shoulder- bangein
Grant county.
Howard, J L, ."atloway. Or. Hows." (cross
witn bar above it) on right slmulaer; rtt e
r-Hineon leit side. Kange in Morrow and Uma
tilla countiee.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B I , Wagner, Or. -Horses, W on left
shoulder; oa tie. 9 on left hip.
Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Caltie on the left
hip. crop off left ear,
Humphrev. 4 al. Hardman. Or. Horses, H
let' ruii:k
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left
Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on lett frhotildt' catlie. same on nglil hip.
Hunt mi. Luther, fciiihl Mile. ; r. Boie Hon
the left shoulder and heart on the lett stifle Cat.
tip sent n tft hit. Kanire in Murn.w founty.
Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle 1 Don
right hip. crop oft left ear and bit in right. Horses
same bnuid on left shoulder. Kaime n Grat
Jul kin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse
: hoe J oa left shuiuder. Caltie, the sams.
Kana on Ewnt MU.
Jscklnt, D W.,Ht Twnon.Ot.J on horn 00
left shoulder; o-i oftttl, 3 oa laft hip and two
mouth oropa-oa both aara. hang in fox and
Bear vail s
- Jobnoakfetia. lena. Or-Howai oirclaT on
left stih4. oattltt, sam an, right hip, under half
crop in Dht;ad tAtikt in, left aax :
Kany, Miket Heppner, Or. Hotm brandvS
K.NIl' oa iafthip. aul same and Mp off left
ear: nndr. hUmm on the riuht
Kirk J. T... Heppner. Or. Horses 60 on left
ehonlder; cattle, tft on lett Md.
Hick. JC. Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 oa either
flank: uatMi' n on hint side. L " V
Kirk." Je6BP'Hept)her, Or.: hrtt7ll on left
s(jOlder caftlp satoog (lit e derbit on
Kamberiand.Wit?.. Sfonnt yet?ioti."ur. I L on
cattle on right and left pides, swaiiow fork in lift
i rum U'lUlJl VltJL 111 I 1 11 1, Jt'IOtM FMUXiV
braTidoti'leftslioijra'er. RatiftSlrC (iriint county.
Keener, till, Hetf&tSer, gK-mr J L aad
ace of clubs on fef t stifle ' Kauae lh Umatilla
and a.orritw cihtieft""''' ' - 1
Lesley. M C. Mounin0nt.'Or-1f triAriglef-iwith
all hues extending pa tL6dy Of TigHirk-onLf ihor
sea on lft al.oultler, ou cattle sUiamoiid oQ left
shoulder, split in righ n-a 'iQe. it in left ear
Hane in firautVounty artd'to-tarts of John Day
a Lealw. J W, Heppner Or. JiorHPH)randed h
tid A on left shoulder; call le ama ou left hip;
wattle tver riht ey three slits in. right ear.
itoften, Stephen, - lux. Or. b L uh left bip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear, Horsea
same brand on left shoulder. Itange Grant
ijiet.allen, John W L Or. -Mors-
bniii'.in nun-' i.eie Ji w.liDW'lwi oil It'll -In -aider.
Cui'le. sum- ou lei hip. Kange, uoai' Lx
IakH, George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H coi.necU Sometimes called a
Bwing H, on lefi shoulder.
Maxwell, M. B., Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on
lef bip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor. Oscar. Heupner Dr. Cattle. M D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
itornaii. tl. N.. Heppner. Or. Horsea. M
on Mi should") cattle same on left hip.
met. umtmr. uas a, H1CI10, or. ttoraos. Ju witn
har over on right shoulder.
Aianu, B. ii , Lena, Or, Horses old mares ZZ
1 ritdit hip; yountt stuck, small cs on left
Morgan, lhoe.. Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
T on loft dhoioder and left thigh; cattle. Z on
right tingn.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
AlcClaren, D. G., BrownsTille, Or, Horsea,
Fiaure Run each Mhouider. cattle, s&'i on hm
MeKem.W.J. Mount Veriiou. Or X.1 on cattle
ou right hip, crop in right ear. half crop iu left
same brand ou horst s on left tii . liauice in Graut
McCar y, hnvid H., Echo, Or llores branded
D i counwcteii, on ihe lef t shoulder; cattle name
on lup and Hide..
Metiu r, l'ia, k, tux Vallej, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle 011 ribs and under in
each ear; hoi bus same brand on left stitle.
Mcilaley, 0. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8
with half circle under on left shoulder;on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right side
Kange in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Kock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips.
Nordyke, E., Hilverlon, Or. Horses, circle 7 00
left lliigt:; oh 1 tie. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, t'aujon t Hy, Or. A 3 on cattle
on left, hip; on horses, name on left thigh, Kange
in Grant county
uner, ferry, ujxuuiton. Ur, if u on lert
cihou.de' .
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connecied on left hin: horsea ou left sLitle
and wuriie on nose. Kange 111 Grant county.
Pearson, Oiuve, Eight Mile. r, Horses, quar
ter circle sluukt 011 left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. ('utile, fork in left ear, right cropped, 24
ou left hip. Hang, ou Eight Mile.
Parker A Gleasou, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
! ft shoulder.
Piper, J. H Lexington, Or. Horses, JE con
nected 01 left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip
under hi- in each ear.
Putberg, Henry Lexington, Or, Horses brand
ed wiih a itoinai cross on left shoulder; cattle
branded with lie man cross, bar at bottom, ou
left hip.
l-VUjs, A. C, lone. Or,; horses diamond P on
shoulder; cuttle, J 11 J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
1 ight.
Powell, jonn T., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con.
uec ed ou left shoulder. Caltie OK couuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear,
wattle under throat. Hui geiu tiraut county,
Kiekurd, G. D., Canyon CiLy, Or.-- 0 on left
rfliouider, on horses ouly. Hrdige Canyon creek
and Hear valley, Grant county,
Kood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
orwr.. wllh quarter-circle over it ou left stifle,
Kumnger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, OKon
left shoulde. .
Mice. Dan. Hardman. Or.: horsea. three Danel
worm fence on left shoulder; caltie, DAN on
right shoulder, ltuuge near Hardman.
UuUio, Wm, Long Creek, Or. Brands horsea
K 01 rig lit shoulder. Itange Grant and Morro
Koyee, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip aud crop otl right ear, Itange in Mor
row county.
Ktibh Bros,, Heppner, Or. HorBes branded 2
on the rigiu shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left lup
crop oft left ear aud dewlap on neck. Itange IE
Morrow and adjoining counties.
ItuHt, William, Pendleton, Or. HorBes K oi
left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop off
right ear, uuderoit on left ear. ttheep, It on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. itange Uma
tilla and Morrow c muties.
Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. HorBes
branded A tt on right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle mime on right hip.
hange Morrow county.
liojse, Wm. 11, Dairy ville, Or HU connected
witii quarter cirrle over too on cattle on riiiht hin
and crop oil right ear and split in left. Horse
suiue brand on left shoulder. Itange in Morrow,
brunt mid Gilliam counties.
Kilter, J (?', Kilter, Or Three parallel bait
wim bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat.
Kange in middle rortt or John Day,
Uuctor. J, W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JG 01
left shoulder. Caitle, o "U right hip.
Spickuall, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horse
brauded 6l ou left sh .ulder; lange in Morrow
op my, J. b, Heppner, Or. Horses brandao fcl
cuniitsuteu o iigtiL Bhoulder; cattle same ou both
Hailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S a
un left bhouldfcjr; cattle same on left hip.
bwaggari, B. P., Lexington, Or. Horse 2
with dash under it ou left stifle cattle H with
uasii unuer it on right hip, crop off right ear aud
waudied ou right hind leg. Kange iu Morrow,
Gilliam and uiuatiilu counties.
Bwuggart, A. L,, Ella. Or- Horses brande 2
on lei 1 shoulder; uet He siime on left-hip. Crop
on ear, wattle un left hind leg.
Slraiuht VV. Ileupner. Or. Hoidm Rhitrlnd
J b ou lei stifle; cauie J tt on left hin. swallow
fork in ngti ear, uuderbit in left.
bupp, Xiioo., lleppuer, Or. Horses, A P on
Left hip; cam name on left hip.
Murtz, James, Lung t reek. Ur. Horses. S on
left stitle and n over 2 on left shoulder.
hhrier.John, Pox, Or. NC connected on
horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip,
crop ..tl ritfiii ear aud under bit in left ear. itanga
iu Grant county.
LSmith Bros., tjubmville, Or, Horses, branded
H. , on shoulder; cait.e, ame on lef t ahoulder.
bqmres, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jtiouteft aiioulder; catile the same, also nosa
wuAidle. Kange in Morrow aud Gilliam 00 nties,
btepheus, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses tid 00
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
bievenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ft
on right hi. ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Kwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horsea, 44 oa
left siiuuidt : cattle, 44 on left hip.
btone. Ira. Bi-kletou, Wash, Horses, keystone
on tuft shoulder.
bmith, E. b. Lone Kock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; catile same oa
left side. Kange, Gilltain couuty.
Hperry.E. G Heppner, Or. CaUle W C OO
lett hip, crop otf right and auderbit iu left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder,
lhumpsou, J. A,, Heppner, Or. Horses, on
left ejiouiu r; cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tippeu.S.Xfc.nierprist,Or. Horses. C-wn left
Turner K. V., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
led shouidui. hordes; cattle same ou left hip
with bplit in both ears.
Ihirntoii, 11. M.. lone, Or. Horsea brauded
tl'l uonnecied on left stitle; sheu same brand.
Vandeipool. H.T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV con
necied on right shoulder ;cattle, came ou right
Walbridte, Win., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
on lite leti shou-der; cuttle same on light, hip.
crop off left ear and right tar lopped
Wilson, John y,, ttalem ur Heppner, Or.-
liurwo branded Jy 011 Uie left shuuider. Kange
Morrow counti.
Warreu, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarti
circle over it, ou eft Bide, tpLt iu right our.
liorr-H. (Miiao bra ad ou ivtt Hhoitider. Itrtiignin
tiraut couul
Wootl, P L, Da ville, Or Heart on hor-iju
ifitliUe; 011 entile, i on left aide aid und -i bit
in lefi ear. Itange in Grant county,
Wright, oilas A Heppner, Or. Cattle brauded
8 W on the right hip. uquare crop ott right ear
and Hpl.tut lett.
WiUiace, Francis, Mount ?ernon,Or Square on
cattle on the left hip, upper slope in he left
ear and under slope in ngnt ear. Same brand
ou hordes on riiiht shoulder, liauge in Harney
and tyrant countv.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of epadeb ou leit shoulder and left hip.
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wells, A. cj Heppner, Or. Horses, 8W on left
shoulder: can e same.
Wolhuger, John, John iay City, Or On horaw
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit m both ears. Kange in Grant and Maihuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Hones, CP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lashe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
TJt couuecteci on left stitle.
Wallace, t haries, Portland, Or. Cattle, W 00
ngni ihigh.hoi. in left ear; horses, W on right
shouhier. on sameon I? ft Khuuider.
W hituer Bros,. Drews. tiarne sountj, Or -'
H' irHc tiranueil W B. co(ni".,li on tef 1 .i ooid i
I Williams. Vasco, liamiJton. or. yuartei tr
1 cle over thret- bars on left h,p, both cattle aud
; he o-.. liiutge (iraui counf.
! W Ulinms. J O. Lottti 1 reek. Or Horse-, uuar
ter nrcie over three oars on lfl hip.catiit s me
; ai'it -in in wh r liann 11 lintni ratnnty.
Wifn, A. A., eppiier. nr. HorBea nmning A A
tn shoulder; Cat tit, same on r.glii bip.
. xoung. J. b., tii-rnf.r. Hcirri. ri)
i -r w 1.,, P.h-
Young, W. A .. fl ios'-betry. Or. H m b ad
cilX X idoub e X cu. neottMi) on it shoojuar,.
i eauia sama on laf t aidt.