MUT1CU TO ADVttiTlHUUS. THOSE desiring the Insertion ol display ads., or change ut aauie, must get their copy in nut later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening lor Fridays edi- TU tiTTKHUN f UULiaUlMiUU. NOTICE. 1. The mm of Ave ceuU per line will be charged lur "cards ol Uianka," "reaolutioua ol reaped," liiu ol eduiug presents and douora, anu ohnuary notice, turner than thoae the edit or ahall hnnaeli give aa a matter oi uews.J and notices ol special meetings lor v, hatever purpose. 'I. oUte ol church and society and all oilier entertainments trout which revenue la to Oede rlveu, shall he charged lor at the rate ol nve cents a line. Inese rules will he strictly adher ed to in every instance Advertising rates reasonable and made known upoli application. Owe your buxinene to Heppner people, and therefore wmist to buiux up Jtlupp tier, tatromze those who patronize you. canny friends with congratulations and good wiHbea. J. H. Dexter, of Portland, baa been doioK gome advertising work among our people this week, uud was pretty liber ally patronized. Rev. Ford, the evangelist, win greeted with a large audience last Sunday eve ning, and a fair number of beaters on Sunduy morning. bat the old stomaoh trouble soon return ed. He tben went to Portland and pot j bimaelf under tbe care of a oorpa of physi- oians down tbere wbo are using the Ger man cure, and we are happy to say that Mr. Parrieh cornea home entirely cured of his old complaint and also tree from tho.-e terrible babits. Here and There. Ball tonight Firemen's ball tonight. Gov. Bea is on the aiok list. Election passed off quietly today. Don't overlook tbe Ladies' Ltuzur. Attend tbe ui emeu's bull this eveniug. Mrs. Walter Richardson is ou tbe Biok list. Mat Hughes spent last week iu Port laud. Ed. Cox, of Hardman, Sundayed iu Heppner. H. V. Gates departed Saturday tor Hillaboru. N. L. Kobison is Belling potatoes at I&ceuts per lb. 537 tf livery traveler should carry a box ol Turra puls. Hon. V. B. Ellis returned from Port land Friday last. Mrs. Ohas. Charlton is quite ill at her home in Heppner. Dig up a dollar and attend the fire men's ball tonight. Jbs. Leaoh, of Lexington, was in Heppner yesterday. Fred Miller kuowi how to give you a good fit in tailoring. tf aw The Gem and Palace saloons for fine iquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. aw A. L. Spray and 0. N. Wagner were over from Uayslackbunday. Bon. J. N. Brown left this morning to attend oourt at Canyon City. Counoil should have met last evening, but a quorum was not present. Mrs. 0. Cate made proof on her home stead before- Com. Ellis Saturday last. Dora Bnwmau, of Butter creek, was a Visitor to Heppner Saturday aud Sunday The residents of Brewery bluff are pre paring to put iu aiuewalks. 'i'bis is muob Deeded. Mr and Mrs, John Carmiobael, of the Lexington country, were in Heppner (Saturday last. Tbe republioan blowout at Portland last Thursday night was tbe grandest ever eeen iu that city. Pap tiimoug & Hon still shoe horses and do general blucksmithing at tbe old stand Matiock corner. 55. Frank Sloan baa bought a band of 2,401) mutton sheep, and is running them over on Butter creek. Sylvannua Wright and young Mr. Wai field, of Eight Mile Here iu toda), Butt voted in Heppner. We learn from good authority that Mr. C. E. Fell has sold his Heppner property to Wui. Ayera. bhaw & McCarty are selling beef fore quarteiH, at four oents per pound aud other meats iu proportion. 36 It The foundation for tbe Heppner Light & Water Co. 'a power and pump house is hearing completion. Bam Morgau brought in Mrs, C. Gate and daughter Saturday last, wbo will re side iu Heppner this winter. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock Bbould snbsoribe tor Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agentB. E. L. Freelaud, stenographer for Brown & Hamilton, aooompauied J. M Brown over to Cunyon City this week Mr. Carter, of Goldendale, passed through bere lata last week en route to Iioug Creek, where be formerly resided J. W. Hendricks, of Marahfield Or., a sawmill man, is visiting bis friend, Cbas. L. Uberman. He will likely looate bere. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in Durtu Heppner, or address her at this place. oio-ii Fred Baldie, wbo shot Donald Smith recently in defense of his siater, was acauitted by jury luat Thursday at Portland. Eagle: F. W. Silvertooth returned from Peudleton Monday, where be had been after supplies. He reports reuaie Ion lively. Stephen HendrickBon, who went over to Idaho last spring with Johnny Friend, returned yesterday, and will remain bere this wiuter. Hivn ketohnm whiskers. Hatt Mathewa, at tbe city barber shop tbe plaoe tn get a first-class shave, hair-out or sbampoo. G. D. Dasey, the painter, does every thine in bia hue with neatness and dis patch. For all painting, paper-hanging, to , see him. tin. T. R. Howard returner! last eve- nino from 1 he Dallea where Bbe bad been to visit ber daughter who is attending aohool there. Ex-Senator Hamilton came oyer early lost week, returning home wiih Cbas. Panisli aud eon aud Geo. Cattanucb, last Saturday. Master Clay French is tbe authorized ageut for tbe Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends tbere. Baths in connec tion. Meats are wholesaled at tbe Liberty Meat market obeaper tban ever before known to be sold for in Heppner. Fore quarter of beef at 4 eta. per popnd and other meats in proportion. 36 tf Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bridge work, most nucoeasfuily accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vaogban. Gas administered wben desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or 1-a-w- Tbere is no use 'n suffering witb rheu matism as lung as you cau get Congo Oil. It ia for sale by all druggists at 22 per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at four times the prioe. It is a positive cure for rheumatism, and no mistake. Try it and be eonyinced. f tf Owing to tbe fact that job stock has dvanoed about twenty per oent from reasons which will be explained else where, we are compelled to make a alight advance on all printing. A te i action will be made aa soon aa prices of material will justify same. Arlington Beoord: Married At the residence of tbe bride' father, J. B. Conaway, of Kock oreek, on tbe, 1st inst. Bev. J. M. DenuiHon officiating, Ed L. . McBroom to' Miss Ida Conaway. The " couple are well and favorably known in tbia county, and the Beoord joina their Will Mallory aud family have moved into Heppner for tbe wiuter. However, Mr. Mallory will attend to his duties at the mill as usual. Saturday Mrs. John Carmiohael pre sented the Gazette office with a beau tiful boqnet of flowers, grown on buuob grass without irrigation. Jas. Boyce was in from Idea laat Saturday. He reports that his son Aituur Koyee, is uot improving much Biuoe bis arrival from tbe east. F. M. Smith and J. T. Boothby, of Lexington, culled today while in town. These young men are active in the organization of an S. of V. camp. Harry Jones' baby was taken quite ill laist Saturday from eating camphor gum. Dr. Swinburne was called out, and the iufant was better at last reports. To restore, thicken, and give you a luxuriant growth of hair, to keep its col or natural as in youth, and to remove dandruff, uae only Hall's Hair Keneweij Chrouiole: Representative Ellis pass ed up today, returning frt.m tbe big re publican jubilee in Portland last night, where 4,U00 Hursieou men were in pro cession. Frank Gilliam and family have moved from tbe Bisbee property, on Chase street, to their new borne, formerly owued by Dr. E. B. Swinburne. Tbeo. Dauuer aud family now ocoupy tue Bisbee residence. Union has its local railroad in opera tion, aud ia happy in oonsequence. Their greut distauoe from the railroad station bks, in tbe past, seriously inter fered with its prosperity. China Sullivan was pioked up, thor oughly inebriated, last evening near N. L. Bobigon's store. He was giveu a berth in tbe city jail till morning, and this morning paid tbe usual fine. Arlington Beoord : Married - In Athe na, Oct. 30, 1892, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr JUewis Montague or Willow creek to Miss Nancy J. Stanton. We congratulate the young couple. R. W. Turner, of Sand Hollow, and little eon, Loy. were callers at tbe Gaz ette office Saturday. Wheat is ooming up nicely and tbe grass ia growing. .Mr. Turner says sneep range is good. Thos. M. Spencer, a well-known trav 1- ing man and a member of tbe T. P. A., was lu Heppner over Sunday. Mr Hpeu- oer departed for Fossil via Lone Book today, aud will strike tbe main line at Arlington. Saturday evening a fellow gaveaahow in tbe Arcade saloon, aud it was pretty liberally patronised. He was good in everything, aud will guaruautee tbat many of us have paid lour nits to see a worse show. "A chemical Bucoess and medical tri umph," so speaks an eminent pbysioian in reference to Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral; and tbe eulogy was none too strong. No other medicine is so safe and efticaoious iu all diseases of tbe throat and lungs. Both air and water abound in microbes, germs of disease, ready to infect tbe debilitated system. To impart that st reugth and vigor uecessary to resist tbe ttect of tbeee pernicious atoms, no touic uiood-puriuer equals Ayer s aarsaparilla, Fred Miller, representing the New York Lite Insurance Co., is in tbe city. Mr. .Vliller represents a standard insurance company, aud should auoceed bere, as life insurance is a busiuesa proposition, and not a luxury as many were wont to cousider it iu times past. E. 0.: Kov. W. E. Potwine returned on laBt evening's train from the Est He was accompanied by bis brother. Hubert Potwine, of New Haven, Conn., wbo will looate bere if be ia favorably impressed witb our couutry and climate. that be will tie ia almost a certainty. Arlington Beoord: A late sensation iu Long Creek was occasioned by au artist baviug taken aud subatqueutly exhibited a photograph of a denizen ol the place while tbe latter was drunk aud asleep, in his sober moments tbe party failed to appreciate the juke, and now ihreateus vengeance. Chronicle: The wild geese are so thick up in Sherman county this week tbat when alarmed they resemble a black cloud rising. Charley Hall tells ua that be saw ten sores uf them rise iu one flock. Tbe farmers welcome gunners witb out stretched arms, who come tbere to shoot tbe game. One man baB had to replant bis wheat twice in one place on account of the myriads of geese taking tbe seed. In Tb .uble Again. J. L. Junes, the young lad who robbed the Douglass post- office recently, is in trouble hers. After getting out of tbe Douglass sorape he came on up to Heppner, and went to blacking boots down at C. M. Jones' bar ber shop. He aoon got handy witb bia fingers, and the neighboring tills suffer ed. He finally took a pair of boots, for which he was arrested Saturday evening aud put into tbe city jail. On Sunday morning he was found outside, with one of the baok w indows out, and it is thought be had help in thii. Ha did not try to get away, but complained of being cold and said he wanted to get ont where it waa warmer. He was put back into one of tbe cells, and yesterday morning had his examination before Justioe Hallook, who sentenced bim to two months in tbe county jail, but will endeavor to get Ira Powers to take bim. He would have been sent to tbe reform sobool, but tbat institution is full to overflowing. Young Jones is only fifteen years of age, and olaims to be an orphan boy. He is going the rapid road to ruin, and ought to be obeoked if possible. An Uniobtcnath Ebbob. Tbe East ern Clothing Houae ia owned by N. Levi Kobison, who baa nothing to do whatever with tbe "Boston Store," though bis new ad. in last isane might have been mistak en tor that of aome other store. Now this ia an unfortunate error, and one which should net have oocurred, but it did. N. Levi Bobison is proprietor of Tbe Eastern Clothing House, wbicb ia located on May street, the old stand. You can not find better bargains in Heppner, and bard to beat anywhere on the ooast. Re member tbe plaoe. The Eastern Cloth ing House, N. Levi Bobison, proprietor, May street, Heppner. Wanted for Murder. A man named Dick Miller, who has been located in tbe vicinity of Helix for some time past, is wanted in Kootenai county, Idaho, says the East Oregonian, for tbe orime of murder. Wednesday tbe sheriff from tbat oounty visited Helix and took Mil ler in custody. Little oould be learned of tbe particulars of tbe crime, wbicb was committed last September. Tbere were two men camping on tbe banks of a oreek, aud Miller is aocused of killiog one of them witb a pistol he bad bor rowed and throwing bis body into the stream. It ia supposed tbe deed waa done with motive of robbery, and tbat considerable money was obtained by Miller from tbe person of tbe murdered man, Tbe officer baa returned to Kixit nai county with his prisoner. The whereabouts of Mi'ler were learned by tbe capture of his accomplice at Pasoo This man was one of the two oampera. and connived with Miller in tbe murder of bis companion. Ou bis person when arrested were found letters from Miller giving bis address. This being learned it beoame an easy matter to find him Miller was employed for John Bush, wbo resides in tbe Saud Hollow neigh borhood. It is thought now that tbe fellow had a eobeme in view for making away with Mr. Bush wben opportunity offered. Ave You In e rested :IN: LOW PRICES r A. Great Blessing At prioea the lowest yet named for atriotly first-olaes goods. High grades in all J ... in .......... ..Ilnlo 11 .i n no t n ii u 1 1 f v An immnnu liepHI llilUlo. nun uiciit iu c.oi j ni.iuic. -''' ...... . --.- assortment nothing missing. The quality will tell it : the prioe will aell it. Tbat in the reason you Bbould come early and - secure your BABGAINS from our Bplendid line of Dry hi Cling, Boots anil Shoos Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. E Bound Ovkb. Ed. Jones, wbo was mentioned iu laat issue aa being an In terested party in tbe attempt to swindle Shepherd out of his team, was bound over Friday evening to await the action of the grand jury. While on tbe lace of matterB, Jones aeema to be implicated somewhat, yet if the whole transaction could be opened up before the world, we doubt that he would be found guilty, It is the duty of the uutboritiea to hold Shepherd as a witness, and if possible, to apprehend Stearns. It is tbe opinion of the Gazette that there is more in it tban was bronght out on the eiamina- tio. XXTV. hnv all the latest novelties in arrest profusion. We keen tbe finest eeleo ' t,.n. ill aisnuil ivlu Wa mika it nnint In have everv artiole in atook tbe beat of ita kiud. Tbe dollar yon spend witb ua goes rariner, lasti longer, gets more style, gets more quantity, geta more quality, and does v. more good in service, worth and wear tban any money you spend. Our goods nrl nrinns. now waitintr for vour insneotion. will prove this. Remember il ia an established fact that it pays to trade, providing you want to save money, at tbe -B0ST01 ($SI) STOfE, sag-it J. H. KOLMAX. V V v v House and t Sip Painter. Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator. First-Class work in All Its Branchas.v -Frices Reasonable, nFFTPF in CITY HOTEL.: .: nt-- HEPPNEB. - - MO-aw - - OREGON Pin Ear Defeated. For the first time in many a year, "r in Jiar, tbe quarter- horse owned by Keeney Bros., suffers defeat, or snob ia the report that comes from Spokane. This feat was accom pliahed by "Parole," owned by Billy spla'vn, in a quarter-mile dash run at Spokane, October 22, tbe time of which was 223. Notwithstanding tbe defeat of "Pin Ear," be will still ooutinue to be tbe favorite of Grant oounty people, aud the Eagle believes if he bad the proper training be oonld run with tbe reooid breaker, and not be shut out any great distance. r.agle. Thrown Froh a Bockboabd. Frank O. Bucknum, last Friday, while on bis way to Arlington in company witb Ed Holloway, waa thrown to the ground with considerable force, alighting on bis back. He received a severe wrench in tbe spine, and witb a few brniiea. was nearly "knocked ont." Tbe aooident waa oauaed by tbe buckboaid breaking in two. Mr. Holloway eacaped witb next to no injuries at all. Mr. Buckonm boarded tbe up train at Ceoil Friday, coming ou up to Heppner, and has not yet auffl oiently recovered to again take the road. Didn't do it. Frank Molntire, we are informed, denies tbat he ever served term in the Idaho penitentiary. Bo far aa the Gazette knows, tbia may be tbe oase, tbongb such a report has gained oredenoe here. If a man desires to avoid being taken for a desperado, he should so conduct himself that snob reports, if circulated, would fall harmless. As it ! Mr. Molntire has given the people bers sufficient grounds for believing anything and everything tbat might be said about him, to his detriment Lost. Somewhere on Main street oheck book, memorandum book, pooket book containing 3.00 wortb of scrip orders, papera of tbe Jas. Stewart es tate, and other valuable papers and notes, wbicb are worthless to anyone ex cept tbe owner, Geo. W. Harrington Tbe finder will oonfer quite a favor by returning same to bim, or leave sme at this office, where be will reoeive suitable reward. 640-tf A Vehdiot This Time. Yesterday tbe case, Ham Kinsman va. John F. Spray, came off in Justice Hallook's court. Tbs following coin posed tbe jury: C. U. Sar gent. Lee Matlock, Pap Simons, W. P. Scrivner, Billy Buark and 8 O. Smith They decided tbat Spray owed Kinsman the value of four steers, and placed the amount at $85, wbioh throws the costs on Spray. Mr. Spray says be will give bonds and appeal bis case. Back Fbom 1 ortland. Cbas. Parrisb, tbe well kuown Canyon City lawyer, oame up from Portland laBt Friday, and was met here by his eon, Bam Parrisb, aud Geo. Cattauaob. Tbey Blurted home ward Saturday. Mr. Punish is one of tbe brightest lawiere in tbe Btate, but has been in poor health for some time. Ten or twelve yeara ago he waa attacked with stomach trouble, wbicb gave him great pain and annoyance. Tbe physi cians tried to cure, or rather help bim. but could do nothing more than stop tbe pains temporarily Tbia tbey accom plished by (be uae of morphine and stim nlunta until Mr. Parrisb became, like niaoy other good men and women have, aalavetotbembotn. iteoentiy tie maae 8mitb, tbe furniture man. is prepared op bia mind to be cured, ana weni aown 1 to aell fine goods at low ngures, rail to the Keeley Institute at r'oreat Grove, J line of undertaking goods on hands. A New Nbiohbob. Geo. W. Lord has moved into tbe former art gal lerv over Messrs. Brown at Hamilton nffioe, and has fitted np for architecture work. He is prepared to contract for all kinds of buildings, or will supervise construction, and purchase material for tbe same, giving bis customers tbe ben efit of his experieuce and percentage, KM-f Close SatVE. John Spray got in Sat urday from Seattle. Tbere ia quite small-pox soars over tbers, two or three houses having been quarantined early laat week. It was decided to quaran tina ibe whole oity Friday, and Joh barely got out ahead of it. KOLMAN- Has Opened Up at Heppner. Offers a magnificent new stock for ;FALL AND WINTER; I Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Ar itlll aliv and kicking for trade with a complete line of Hardware, Tinware, Graemes, Confectionery, TOBACCOS, WOOD and WI LLOW WARE. Guns and A.mmunition, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Alio Genu' FurniRhlng Onodf , and the largest awortment of Tea In Kaitorn Orogou. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won'T BE IMDERSoLD. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKHS Made ok shoot Notice add at Pofulab Pucia. tST Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. C:S:N:A:I:A:L:U I0ICM DFNOA o o o o o o o o . ..'., o- m(.,,i,.i..l luttara nt tho name nf tho molt popular rauulo put- llcatioa u the continent, ibe publishers of which wli! Hive $900.00 IN CASH PRIZES to the. Ant twenty perioiu lending In the above three word! with the letton correetly arranged. Hrizei to be awarded a followi : To the tirnt person lending the correct answer will bo given I ISM 1 In cash ; to the .econd. $21)0 ; to the third, I(I0 ; to the fourth, 7& ; to the filth, IliO ; to he.ufh,tH5;"othe Mventh H5 ; to the eighth, UO-.totht ninth, I5 ; to the tenth eleventh, twellth, thirteenth aud fourteenth, 10 each ; and the fifteenth, iiteenth, leventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth twentieth correct answers, $6 each. ..... Kvery perion lending an aniwer to the above VuitXe mint endows with the ume fifteen (IS) two cent tatnpiforoue moutb'i trial iub'rtptlontoour "MUttIU "otTlO." which i the most, elaborate work or ita kind ever pnbllHhed iu America, being lithorapheiI on bel p ipr. with rover beanclfnlly deigned nmn iir ,;, i,nti,,,i i ,t month v. each number containing 111 If 111 II HUU HIDininnrtli win, - y - - a the lateat. and beat conipnaitM'iiK therefore you rcceii e ten times Ihe value -f joor remittance 111 any one number. Our obiect In offering thil Prize Puzrle il to attract attention to our publi cation, subscriber! to which are placed iu a poiitlon to buy all lluei of sheet muilc at trade ratel. We have outlived the prejudice that the public have agninit prize competi tions, brought about by unicrupulom publliheri of "fake" Journals, al we have not advertised to give everything, but have always given everything we adver- The envelope which contains the correct solution bearing flrit postmark will receive drat award, and the balance lu order aa received. Thii month's issue contains the folluwlng copyright muiic : "TA BA-RA-BOOM" polka. "ONLY PBOMISE." (Vocal.) "QERAL JINE" WALTZ. Great Hil. "tiILL THE BOSUN." (Vocal.) Sea Soui?. "LA SERENATA" WALTZ. Very LaUst. "WASHINGTON" MAR'JH. "LOVE AND DUTY." (Vooal.) OrnatsSucoeaa. "GERWAN PATROL" MARCH. Very catchy. "POMPADOUR" POLKA. Great miooeaa. "MET A" 80HOTT18CBE. NeweHt. "ALWAYS TOGETHER." Bong. "KLEINE KATIE." (Son g ) Datoh Yodle. J "GALLANT SALAMANDER." 8ea Song. tylf thii ia not by far tbe greateat value ia tbe roasio line yon ever saw, we will obeerfully refund your niouey. ! Canadian Music Folio, I Mention this paper. WS 4S TORONTO, CANADA. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. & T. CO. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, wbioh we propose to conduct in the moat satisfactory manner. Will keep on bands at all times the obnioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt Proorietors. Ms Candies, and -:- flip ! WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Season Also is about ripe, w e win let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. OXFORD GRADE BUCKS ! The undersigned has a choice lot of Oxford Grade Bucks for sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. JB. SAIITII, l?ilot Rook, Or, "5k EX is. J. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN- Jewelry, Cash Talks. im iiiiiiiiiiiift'1 8EE BORG, MAY STREET, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc. Trust J3nsts. HEPPNER, OR. DE. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. 8. , London, EdkIhihI. Veterinary -w- Surgeon ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. 1 am prepared lo do all klwUof Veterinary Htirgftry, EmasoulutitiK Honei and Ktwllnifi a Speci alty. (Thii U the only irue niPiiiou oi opernunj on short not! inary Hurnery, iigoii hones.) ripwylriK of Cattluaud Hog's 1 will treat all animal in the moit him) roved proredii of Veter- 11 you hav any nick ataman it wnr ue to yuur interest to HKPPNEK, cull ou me at ritt-wart'i ntablvi. Ma aw OHIUON (1 Ou 6iH For T. W. AYERS, Jr., & Co. I If THEIR NEW HTORE, FRANK McfAKI.AN'D, FTMldCAL NEXT DOOR TO CITY HOTEL. LOOK OUT FOR SOME Till NO NEW. McKAKI.AND, . Vli-e rresldrilt. K. V. VOKUZ, tifc, and Trs A. cWiWrnMrn- l. I. m THe Leading Bof6i or tue city WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. Margaret Von (Mow 18 HKl't'NKIfD I. K A I) I N (, Oflftre, Hcsidencc kMr Builder "J