Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 04, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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6 b
THSE desiring the insertion of display ads.,
L or change oi name, must get their copy in
nut later that. Monday eveuiitir fur Tuemiiiv'i
edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi
tioa. Tub attekbun I'uumhhiku Co.
1. The mm of five cenu per Hue will be
Charged for "cards of thank!," "resolutions of
respect," hats ol wedding; present! and donors,
and obituury notices, (other lhau those the edit
or shall hluiselt give as a matter of news,) and
notices ol special meetings fur whatever purpose.
2. Alices ol church and society and allother
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, snail be charged ior at the rate of live
tents a line, 'ihese rules will be stricliy adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rales reusouable and made known
upon application.
Give your businessto Heppner people,
and thereore assist to build, up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Don't overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar.
Firemen's ball election eight.
Firemen's ball Tuesday night.
Pendleton is to have a raoe traok.
Fall showers are still ooming
Bob Hynd was in from Alpine Wednes
day .
Commissioner Brenner was over this
Minor Bros.' change of ad. should in
terest you.
Don't forget the firemen's ball Tues
day night next.
N. L. Kobison is selling potatoes at
Icenls per lb. 637 tf
We publish the ticket this week cor
rectly this time.
F. C. Niebubr, the milkman, has a
brand new wagon.
Fred Miller knows bow to give you a
good fit in tailoring. tf bw
We have change ot ad. for W. B. Pot
ter's space, next issue.
The Gem and Palace saloons for flue
iquora, McAtee Bros., Props. sw
Dr Gagen has deferred bis starting for
the East till tomorrow morning.
Ashbaugb Bros., Eight Mile sheepmen,
were in yesterday after supplies.
A. M. Baling and J. W. Beckett, of
Eight Mile, were over yesterday.
Died Ou Tuesday of this week, the
infaut son ot Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gentry.
Henry Bowman an old Brttler of Uma
tilla county, died last tiuuday morning.
W. A. Fisher, of Haystack, disposed ot
a wagon load of vegetables here yester
day Mrs. O. R. Day has returned from a
viBit with her siBter, Mrs. Obas. Kirk, of
Baker City.
Wednesday evening the wife and chil
dren of Rev. brainblet arrived from
Elgin, Oregon.
L. O. Neiswander, M. D.. one of A. E.
Biuns' old friends, is tbiuking of locat
ing at Ueppuer.
Mr. Turney, the violinist, gave the M.
E. Church oboir valuable assistance last
Sunday evening,
G. V. Mc Haley aDd D. H. Hinton.of
Hamilton, came over Tuesday, leaving
Thursday for home.
There was a people's party speaking
at Wagner last Wednesday. Jobu 0.
Luce was the orator.
Pup oimons & Sod still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand iVlutiock corner. 55.
Found Ou the streets of Heppner, a
buhch of ki-)s. Ox ner please oull, prove
property aud puy charges.
Mr. aud M'8 jAlleu Crubtree, and Iitth
daughters, ot Clark's oaoyon, visited rel
Bt.veB iu H. ppuer, yesterday.
Shaw & .VlcCarty are selling beef fore
quartem, at four cents per pound and
other meats in proportion. 36-tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast eloik should subscribe for The
Horseman Gazette shop, agents.
Ed. Holloway'B 90C' acres of wheat
dowu iu the Douglas country, he reports
.to be O K. It is largely summer-fallow.
Jerry Cobn received the first load of
lumber for his new rebideuoe yesterday.
-He will build iu the Nels Junes addition.
Mrs. A. J. Stevensou is prepared to do
all kiuds ol nursing. Call at her home
in north Heppuer, or address her at thiB
place. 518-tf
Hivu ketobum wbiBkers. Hatt &
Matiiews, at the oity barber shop tbe
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
G. D. Dasey, the painter, does every
thing in hia hue with neatness and dis
ipatoh. For all painting, paper-hanging,
to , see him. It
Tbe Heppner Water & Light Co. have
begun operations on tbeir power bouse,
at tbe artesian well, one blook south ot
the Gazette office.
Born Od Saturday, the 29th ult., to
the wife of J. A. Burdell, a daughter.
Weight, 10 pounds. On Wednesday
morning the ohild died.
A. Andrews and Allen Evans, of Al
Dine. Wm. Maxwell, of Gooseberry, and
A. L. Spray, Hayataok, were guests of
tbe City hotel last Wednesday.
Master Clay French is tbe authorized
uncut for tbe Oreuonian at this place.
Subscribe throuuh him, and have your
.paper delivered tree of charge. tf
Shaw & McCarty bought a band of
ItiuO ewes last week. The Doys are pro-
areasive. aud never miss a obauoe to
help themselves as well as neighbors.
Newer and neater Quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room,
Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
Meats are wholesaled at tbe Liberty
Heat market obeauer than ever before
known to be sold for in Ueppuer. Fore
quarter of beef at 4 cts. per pound and
other meats in proportion. 36 tf
Tbe latest dentistry, orown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. VaughaD. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w-
1 bere is no use o suffering with rheu
matism as long as you can get Congo
Oil. It ib for sale by all druggists at $2
per botlle, but it would be dirt cheap at
four times the prioe. It is a positive oure
tor rheumatism, and no mistake. Try it
and be convinced. f tf
Owing to Ibe faot that job stock has
advanced about twenty per ceut from
reasons which will be explained else
wbi re, we are compelled to make a
aligbt advance on all printing. A le
ductiou will be made as soon as prices
ot material will justify same.
Beauty is said to be only skin deep;
bnt to possess and preserve a beautiful
km. cure, vigorous blood is essential.
This is best eeoured by taking Ayer's
Sareapanila in small but frequent doses.
It is tbe most reliable of blood-pnrifierB.
When all other remedies for scrofula
(ail, Ayer's Harsaparilla, if persistently
used, effects a cure. Being a powerful
alterative, it cleauses tbe blood of all im
parities, destroys tbe germs of scrofula,
aud imparts ue life and vigor to every
fibre ot the body.
Rural Northwest: Q'lite a large fruit
crowing interest is developing at Butter
creek in Eastern Oregon. O. F. Thomp
son ot tbat place this year marketed two
toua of dried primes nt Heubnerfor which
'rt"Vt'd 12X ea.imt Wd and H.
Atmtliueuu bold QZ.lAM) Wurth of green
iruu cut ay at Ueppuer.
The $1,1)00 Harrison money sent up
from Arlington laHt uiii lit baa all been
covered by (be buys bere.
D. Vau Horn, a tuner of pinnos aud
orKUa of some Hole, spent the past
week iu Heppner, and will be iu Hepp
ner aguiu about April next.
Tbe Heppner Water & LiKut company
nave twenty men employed, aud are hir
ing more as fast as ibey can uet thtni.
I'litre ia not au unemployed mechanic or
laborer iu Ueppuer.
Mr. R. H. Whiteon, formerly with fbe
Gazette, is uow uu tbe Alliance Herald,
of Pendleton. Heury, bowever, wishes
it underHloud tbat be is jet a oiuzeu of
Morrow oounty.
F. O. BiU'kuum aud family arrived
Tuesday from Leluw, and will bereafter
make tbeir borne in Heppner. Mr. buck
uum will sborliy comuieuoe tbe erection
of a oottaite bere.
Joseph Eskelson was iu from bis ranch
near Lexington, Tuesday. Joseph is an
ardent admirer of (Jleveland, aud would
not miss uastiog a vote tor him under
any oircumstauoes.
Pendleton is "lifting" tbe oonfidenoe
men. There are a lot of tbese fellows in
Eastern Oregon, aud it we mistake not,
were represented here during tbe raoes.
Heppner dou't need them.
Qeo. Bleakman came in Tuesday with
tbe Spray cattle, wbicb bad been plaoed
in his bauds by Sheriff Noble, under at
tachment of Old Buyer. We are informed
that the claim has been paid and the at
tachment suit settled.
You can win $6,000 by estimating the
plurality of tbe total popular vote, or
nearest to it, which either Harrison or
Cleveland will receive. For particulars
see thia week's Family Story Payer. Out
today. All newsstands.
The members of tbe Heppner Hook
aud Ladder Oompany are requested to
meet at tbe euimie house at 7 .30 o'olock,
uext Tuesday evening; from bere the)
will go to tbe opera house in a body.
By oider of Qeo. (Jouser, Pres.
Surveyor Isa Brown has lost bis fine
gray team, which he valued highly.
One was taken with lung fever, and only
lived a short time, aud tbe otber cut
bis leg in tbe barb wire and bled to
death. This is a hard stroke ou Isa.
T.-M.: Pendleton has been infeBted
with a gang of ooutldeuce men for some
time; but Saturday the sheriff and bis
deputies made an onslaught on them
and oaptured three. Ouu of them in at
tempting to escape was shot, but not fa
tally injured. There in another one ai
large, having eluded his pursuers.
The following is a description of Bur
dette Wolfe, the murderer: Height, 5
jeet, 7 inches; weight, about 115 pouuds;
has light brown mustache; not very
thick; straight nose; walks Btraight; is
rather quiet; don't talk much and is rath
er batditul. Anyone seeing a stray man
of this description is requested to repori
to tbe sheriff or some otber officer ot tbe
Fmmflamming. Ed. Joues is in jail
on a charge ot assisting to swindle D. P.
Shepherd out of his team. His examina
tion thiB afternoon may or may not prove
him guilty, for there are two Bides to the
question Shepherd and one, Thoe. C.
Stearns, oame here to sell the rights on a
patent barrow. Jones couoluded to buy
a oue-tbird interest in a few ominties, for
which he was to pay $000 aud $21)0 for
the team, giving an order ou Wm. Pen
land, for whom be had been working, for
825.1.00- The bill of sale for tbe
team, whiob, by Ihe-way, belonged to
-jhepherd, was to be withheld uutil it
could be learned whether or not the or
der was good. As soon hb the messen
ger bad gotten out of town, Steams and
Joues got the lemn and left towu. but the
latter boou dime back, saying tbat he
was hnunry. Slearns was to have return
ed soon, but did not As soou as Shep
herd returned he struck out after bis
man, but after going as far as LoueRock,
returned without him. Jonos was then
arrested for bis oomplioity in the matter
Biid put iu jail to awnii the examination
this afternoon It's a peculiar case, J"ues
saying that he is the worsted man, while
ou tbe other hand Shepherd claims tbat
he is the one who has been flimflam
med." It's a hard cbso for a newspaper
to pass on.
Peter is Married. Peter the poet,
the famous editor of tbe Klsmn h btar.
last week married a Klamath Falls wid
ow named Mrs Mayfield. and here is tbe
graphic description the Star "sub" giveB
of the interesting affair. "Peter the poet
bas gone and got married He and bis
girl had been fooling around tbe rosy
whirlpool a oonsideraoie time, Diit iney
were oarried completely under Wednea
day evening, their two lives of single
blessedness Deing aengnriuiiy orusueu
into one. Peter said on departing that
he did not care whether he or she was
the one, siuce she is a Klamath girl, and
a Klamath tirl is the beBt kind of a girl
ever blended into masculine identity
The weddin party consisted of only a
few near at-hand friends, and the choice
dinner was diapBtohed hurriedly while
waiting for the stage, which whirled the
happy oouple off toward the railroad."
Was it WowE?-Tbe Dufur Dispatch
is informed tbat men working on tbe
Clear creek survey, saw at a distance
some objeot that soon dodged into tbe
brush out of sight. Thinking it a bear,
tbey sent the dogs in, and were surprised
when they drove a man from conceal
ment. The stranger gave no straight bo
oount of himself, but was allowed to go
his way toward Wapinitia. Tbe lollow
ing night a horBe belonging to J . P. Ab
bott, who lives just at the edge of tbe
timber was stolen. As that is tbe route
n, Wdfo the mnrierer. is sumosed to
have taken, it is probably him. A reward
of $250 would soon land him."
The Concert. Tbe concert given by
Mr. Turney, assisted by the M. E- ohurob,
choir, last Saturday evening, was pretty
well attended, and fairly appreciated.
lr. Tornev plays well, but his instm
ment did not seem to be a good one, or
at least, did not have a good tone. How
ever, anyone oould see that Mr. Turney
io thoroneb muaioiao. Tbe singing
was tolerably good, though the ohoir
iri.r,ti imd not nracticed muoh on the
mnsio intended to be sung on that occa
sion. The duet by Mrs. J. r. uornas
Mrs. J. N. Brown was muob appreciated.
Saw Wolf. Josiah Thompson, of
Cottouwood, Gilliam Co., Dear Fossil,
was approached last Sunday by a man
in a blue oyerooat, who asked the wBy
in p-inoiillo On Tuesday a man on
the trail of Bordette Wolf came along,
asked if a man wearing a blue overooat
bad passed that way. Thomp'on an
swered in the affirmitive, whereupon he
was shown a photograph of the man, wbo
was none other than Wolf. They are
olose on bis trail, and be will dnnbtless
hp naiiDht in a few days. The Portlaod
authorities, however, are not making
much of an effort to capture him.
Not Good Enough Fob Him. Last
week one Chss. M. Friedburg, represent
ing E Gelinsky & Co., cigar men of
Frisco, visited Heppner. Mr. Friedburg
made himself unusually obnoxious dur-
ing his stay hern. He avowed that the
valley was a mud hole, Portland a dirty
village, her exposition a fake, tte Hotel
Portland a second-class joint, Eas tern
Oregon a pile ot dust and sand, berorope
a failure, that our oar whiob reoeutly
made a tour of tbe East bad nothing in
it but a lot of pumpkins, etc., eto. Iu
fact, Friedburg sees nothing good in Or
egon, though he thinks California is
"lightniog." This be is welcome to bell-ve,
but iu the meantime tbe Oregon-
ihuh ought to let him Hud sale for his
cigars down there. Tbe Gazette also
understands that Mr. Friedburg was not
at all respectful to the Palace hotel wait
ers. He ought to have been booted out
ot town, and will be, too, if on future
visits be keeps up his kioking and growl
ing. '
Pbooiilbs. -If you will take the trouble
to climb the Brewery bluff to tbe reser
voir eite, you will be astonished at tbe
evidences of growth. South of May
street there are at present fourteen res
idences nnder process of oonstrnotion.
There are many new ones completed,
and eUewbere in tbe town may be seen
like evidences of growth. There is no
"wind" about this the town shows for
itself, aud if there is a livelier, more pro
gressive town in Eastern Oregon than
Heppner, ue don't hear of it.
Won't Burst. A visit to the reservoir
site this morning disclosed tbe fact that
it is not done yet, though the workmen,
under Walt. Richardson, are rapidly
getting out tbe rock. Concrete is being
used to complete the embankment. If
anyone, however, bas any fears that tbe
resevoir will break, just visit it, and it
will at ouoe be dispelled. Might as
well try to wash down these romantic
Heppner bills with Willow oreek.
Likes The Country. Heppner's sage,
Thos. Morgan, remained at Long Creek
tbe greater part of tbe time while over
iu that seotion. He likes Long Creek
quite well. Tbe people are sooiable and
generous to a fault, enterprising and
progressive. Tbeir school, Tom says, is
second to noue in the state, and the
"syrup" bard to beat. He comes back
with nothing but good words tor Grant
Fsosi Camas San Clark and family
got over Wednesday from Camas prai
rie, and will return Saturday. Mr.
Clark returned recently from Dayton,
Wash., where he says times are dull,
farmers complaining of going behind,
though crops were good. Over in Camas,
the people are talkiug politics, and tbat
is about all the excitement at present.
Housa Breaking. A short time ago,
Dave and Jus. Miller, who live np in the
mountains, were arrested and brought
before 'Squiie Clem Hogue, obargod
with breaking into Bill Luelling's house.
Ibey were bound over to await tbe ac
tion ot the grand jury, in the sum of
J400 each, which our informant states
they procured
Some Gambling. Heppuer has some
enthusiasts who are willing to bet on
tbe election, moat of it being demooratlo
money. Phil Heppner writes up tbat
Arlington has plenty of Harrison money,
and tbat they will cover every dollar
tbat tbe boys want to put up. There
will be some bettiug before eleotiou dav.
Valuable Trees. On Monday, before
'Squire Hogue, of Hardman, appeared
the case of Harry Cumminge vs. Cbas.
Ham. Tue latter, Mr. Cummiuga ohurges
with cutting down to trees, for which
he asks $6 each. Our infoimant could
not give the result of the case.
Firemen's Ball. Ou Tuesday eve
ning text tbe members of Hook & Ladder
Co., No. I, will give a grand ball, tbe pro
ceeds to apply towards buying uniforms
and otber ueoessary paraphernalia for
tbe compauy. All members aud wives
are especially invited to be present.
Diamond Cigars. Without
and for years the leading
au equal,
saloou cigar, will be Bold at Sao Frao-
cisoo wholesale prioes, by lots of 100 or
5.0U0 at J. Cohn's. 35 H
Ben Parker, Bill Ingram nd E.
0uapbell, citizens of Morrow, were in
the pant week on business.
Levi's new ai. means new prioes, and
if you don't tbiuk so, see for yourself.
That will couviDoe you.
Tbe road between Heppner and
Hardman is Tillianous. It ought to be
8. I. Stratt n's father, 8. Strattou, is
over from Urant oounty.
J. W. Vaughn was up from Lexington
Tuesday and Wedneaday.
Fred Clement is np from Salem to
benefit his bealtb.
Pry Wilson was oyer from Monument
Tuesday night.
Minor Bros.' reminder appears in tbeir
old spaoe.
At tbe M. E. church next Sabbath,
provided Bro. Ford is not here, tbe morn
ing text will be, "Beloved, now are we
the sous of God, and it doth not yet ap
pear what we shall be, but we know tbat
when He shall appear we shall be like
Him for we shall see Him as He is."
Evening text, ''The sin ot tbe young men
wss very great." This will be a plain
talk to tbe young men of Heppner, to
which all are oordially invited. Servioes
every evening next week, after Monday.
Ton are invited. J. M. Bbuijse,
(Rev. Ford, the Evangelist, will be here
next Sunday, and will ocoupy tbe pulpit.)
At M. E. ohurob, South, morning sub
jeot, "Tbe Great Change" or "The New
Creature. " Evening Bubjeot, "The Math
ematical Problem" or "The World and
the Hnnl in tbe Balnnoes." We extend
you a oordial invitation to attend tbese
servioes. xoor oervant,
Edwin Palmer, P. O.
There will be no tireaobing in the Bap
tint cburoh next Sunday, as I will preach
at Lexington on tbat day.
M. Braublxt, Pastor.
The World Enriched.
Thefacalities of tbe preseutday for the
prod notion of everytbiuir that will con
rlnne to the material welfare and com
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
nnl when Svrun of Fim was hret pro.
dnced the world was enriohed with the
only perfeot laxative known, as it is tbe
only remedy wnicn is truly pleasing ana
refreshing to tbe taste aud prompt and
effeotual o cleanse tbe system gently in
the spring time or, in fHOt, at any time
and the better it is known the more
lopular it becomes. 530-613 law.
Accidents Bake Cripples.
So does rheumatism, and after a time
it kills too! Dr. Urammond's Lightning
Keiuedy relieves the psm at ouce, nDd Is
warrant' d to cure. One bottle, prioe five
dollars, is enough for any ordinary case.
II you cannot get it from yonr druggist,
write to Ibe Drumm.iud Medicine Co.,
38 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents
wanted. -
Has Opened Up at Heppner.
Offers a magnificent new stock tor
At prioes the lowest yet named for strictly first-class goods. High grades in all
departments. True merit in every artiole. Honest quality. An immense
assortment nothing missing. The quality will tell it : the prioe
will sell it. That is the reason you should come early and
seonre your BARGAINS from our splendid line of
Blankets, Quilts,
WE show all the latest novelties iu great profusion. We keep the fiueBt seleo
T. tions in all standard styles. We make it a point to have every artiole in
stock the beet of its kind. The dollar you spend with ns goes farther, lasts
il: Innmr. mta mora nivle. eats more auantitv. eeta more Quality, and does
more good in servioe, worth and wear than any money you spend. Our goods
' and prioes, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remember it
is an established faot that it pays to trade, providing you want to save money, at tbe
-B0ST01 pi STOW
B29tf J.
House I
Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator.
Firnt-Cla8B work in All Its Branches.-- -Prices Reasonable.
ico r
Evor I f tM J 3ToxAi-.lftirt.
Effootccl Inl fLjf" J ' "re a.
Cure SSW wLexx
on, gagy on,
na. OW.RMr'O CS PORTLAND. OR. is TJocl.
Firat Month's Sales, 720 Bottles; Seoond Month's Sales, 3300 bottles
ImOE, Dec 16 $X ivncl 08 a, Bottle.
All Firemen and Wives
Are especially invited to attend.
By order of
Strayed. A four-year-old steer, brand
ed UP on tbe ribs on right Bide; also
same brand on right hip and on right
title; big split in ngbt ear. Any infor
mation leading to reoovery of same w ill
e cheerfully rewarded bv
Bob Dkzter,
5S8-8W Heppner, Or.
My creditors are after me for money
wbioh I caunot pay noleBB those who
owe me come to the front. This I shall
expect everyone to do without further
delay. I need money and must have it.
538-sw D. W. Hobneb.
Teachers' Examination.
The purpose oi eumlnimt H who mar
make spplkatlou (or county or itatecertlilcau-s,
state diplomas or slate life diplomas in the coun
ty of Morrow, state of urepon, the si-hool super
intendent theieof will hold a publie examina
tion at the court house in Heppner, beKlnnlng
on Wednesday Nov. , IS'i. at 1 o'clock p. m.
Bated this 4th day of Oct, 1SW.
W. U Baling,
636-40 Superintendent of Schools.
ARNEHH-SHOf, stock and fixtures. Good
business: established in rniast oi a
aood lannlin aud stork-ranlliK country-
Also for sale a good house and two lots with or
without the business property. For further In.
formation address Uazelt. Heppnor, Or. 43 tf
You In erested
Great IBlessinq
Boots anil hi
Trunks, Hats.
and Sip Painter.
XX lx o tx -To a,
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a Prehensile Tail.
The, Monkey is Not Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We arc. Not Afraid because our
Tale is a Good One.
It is No Tale of Woe !
Splendid Goods,
Fair treatment ; satisfaction to enstom
ere, and of reasonable prioes aud
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tle without end, beonnse it is a tale
tbat will bold. A pleasure to show
goods. Special inducements to
cash buyers. Cull at
npoii bios
Comrtpe Survey
Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS
have been killed, don't forget that
P. C. Thompson Company
Are still allvs and kicking for trade with a complete Une ol
Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery,
Guns and Ammunition, Sewing
Machines, Farm Implements.
Also Gents' Furnlshinit Goods, and the largest wwortmont
of Teas In Eastern Oresm.
Special Induoements to Cash Customers.
Our Motto:
it Corner Main and Willow
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Mads on Shout Notici and at Popular Pucks.
US" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of
our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts.
M. C. L.
Change of
which we propose to conduct in
on hands at all times the oboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
spivav & Mccarty,
85-tl ProDrietors.
bs, -:-
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Season
Also is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYEliS, Sr., Manager.
Graduate M. E. 0. V. S., London, England.
Veterinary SURGE0N !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared to do all klndi of Veterinary Hurfrery, Kniateulnting Hormi and Hexling a Mpeci-
alty. (Thli U the only true mftho'i m
hurt notlcrc. I will treat all animals
inary Hurgery. II you have any hick
cull on rne at
:- and -:-
Promt attention given to nil Collections anil Notarial Work entrusted
Ofiloe in Matlock block. West side Min street.
EPPNEB, - &84w .
WE Won'T Be vnoERSoLD.
Streets, Heppner Or.
& T. CO.
the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
p -:- and -:- (Jps !
The undersigned has a
choice lot of Oxford
Grade Bucks for sale
at reasonable prices,
at his ranch, 7 miles
south of Pilot Rock.
lMlot Rook, Or.
operaiiiiK iiorne-.j . npeyniK oi uiuuai.u nogi
In the inont approved procedure ol Veter
aiiunnu u win uo 10 your interest to
Stewart i tables.
inn i
J4s lyYOXS,
Counselors -:- at
to them.