Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 01, 1892, Image 4

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j&miIandsuspeeMt for, 5
-."w ' iiy y vt.ib wani vv. iy 'raw
have a relief aud cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which Is
system the elements thus ;
strength and vi(;or will ful- ;
cure or money refunded,
Dr. Sanden's Electric 5
after all other treatments S?
toutifv. and from manv of Wl
, , ,
THB '7lw
is a complete galvanic battery, made imo a oelt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothinsr, prolonged currents
which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5 OOO. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the
greatest boon ever given weak men, an J we warrant it to cure any ot the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or
Money Refunded. ?They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agedpr old men, and will cu's
the worst cases in two or three months. Address
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Ivcmls,
Leaves Hi'piuer, 8 a. m. Arrive
0:50 p. m.
I'tilliiitin sieeuera.
Colonist Sleepers,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Stiainera Portland to SBn Franoisoo
every fnur dnys.
For rates and general intormatton call on
Di.pot Ticket Anciit.
Heppner, Oregon.
W. H. HCRLBtlRT, Asst (.en. Pass. Agt.
264 Washington 8t.,
JSrux iTrtiiioisoo
Aid all poiau in ( olifurnm, via itie Ml. Hhattta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Tha Rreat httihwHy thniUKli l ahlurma Ui alt
point h Liurt and fuuih. (irHnd Bceiiir Houte
of ttie 1'acifio CtHiHt. Putliimn Hoffot
tiluepers, bt'0(Hni-;l(iBe bloepent
Attached toexjiroHB trmiiH, aHt rding Hiiptriui
accoinnKKlHtione for hiwoihI-cIium) paHBujigcrs.
For ratts, tickotfl, eUiiing car rttcervatlutir).
to. call upon or add raw
K KURHLEH, Manager, E. P. R(MlKUf), Aat.
Hen V A P. ARt.. Porilanil. Ori'tron.
TTu m H e ITT
Y drt'wt'i) Lumber, ll uitlei o( llcV"ier, hi
what Is knuwu a the
lit) 0U
17 50
lo.OU iter l.UUU fuut, ttiltUtlutisl.
A. tllimlltoti.Man'ur
Scientific America
Agency for
.vr,;'' TP ADS MARKS.
IVir tnformiittrtn urd frit Hrtn.thook wrttp to
Mt NN I'O,, :t,l HUOAIIWAY, Nkw Vtmlt.
Oldest titiroflii lur s,., iuita (,:it-nt. til Auu'rlua.
Rvotv rttitftu Inkt'ti tuit l) i trt broticht ttefm-fl
public Uy m n.'itcit nlvyn rn'o oi cniuiiw tu Uie
Scientific American
Ijareost ctrculru Inn of hiiy iw'Hntltlr parr tn tna
world. hpUMKlil
lly IIUiHlriUfit. ISo ttiU'inmMil
wldit.ut It. WwktT, a
until fihntiht bo
Xyw, !-' mx,,"1
Iwht Nhw Vorh.
Ia4IfUoa, BHtoNuieM. Htwdafc, Ctl
yatlosv, DjrppU, Chronic Urir Trcuble.
Vlnimom, Bad CplexlB, Dywittery.
OffenslT Breatk, and all dlorUr t thm
lomach, IJvr and Uowalc f
Rtrnn T bills contain notbtnv Injnrloni to f
the motftdelicuM constitution. l'dwAaul Ui take, I
tfe, efluctual. ttittdtt rHvt. J
Moid bj dnurtrlRts. A trial botU not by man
On rclp wuta Addrs f
Itaf w
T ?? i i-s i
a &un:ioaTFCQ a. UFf-eia VifnUAKt UtDILI IrtlCU AD.YJ. C.:v
tWEAIlNES5 fromNervous DebilitY SEMirw. Vi
mess. Loss
m Lost Manhood. Rheumatism.
fi?a !.. i t . .. 1 1--,. ,
the effects of abases, excesses, worry and exposure. For such sufi'crer
In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince t'le most skeptic.il
or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve forci
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into yc:
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and healt'.:,
j low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and wc guarantee a
Send or our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
B'lt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor.
5c failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would g'adlv
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
The above are misplaced letteri of the namr 1 1 th t most popular music pub
lication on the contliiHBt, the publishers of which Wlli ;lve
to the first twenty petHonn sending in the above three vvordd with the letters
correctly arruiiKcd. I'rl.vn to be awarded ah follows :
To the first person sending the correct answer will be given 8300 In phrIi ;
to thtjsiM'ourt, 2iiij ; to the third, SI HO ; to the fourth. 7. ; to the fifth, 850 ;
to the sixth, ;15 ; to the seventh. 82ft ; to the eighth, 820: to the ninth, 815;
to the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth, 810 each; and the
fifteenth, Hixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth correct
aimuers, 5 etu h.
Every person trending an answer to the above Puzzle must enclose with the
same fifteen ( l;"t) two cent stamps forone month's trial subscription to our "iW Uftit!
l-iH.Hi," which Is the inimt fininuHtB work or iiit kmo fvnr published i..
Aiiifi'iea, Itc iijc liiliom-iiplii il on lifj-t p -ip-p. wit vpi- tit urn Ifiiliy riViuiiPl
in komI Hint eiiiiMirt-t'd. Our publication is a monthly, each number containing
the uicHt and b.'Ht com pimiimnrv therefore you receive tea tiuiea hn value of
yniir r. minai in any oie nuniht'i'.
Our object III olleriiiK this i'ri-:e I'uzzle is to attract attention to our pnbli
eatiou, subsi:rilerH to v hicli are placed In a position to buy all lines of sheet
music at trade rates.
We have outlived the prejudice that the public have against prize competi
tions, brought about by unscrupulous publishers of "lake" jouruius. as we have
not advertised to give everything, but have always given everything we adver
tised. The envelope w hic h contains the correct solution hearing first postmark
will receive lirsi award, and the balance in order as received.
'J his mouth's issue contulus the following copyright music :
"UKRALi MNE" WALTZ. Or-nt Hit.
" ILL THE BOsDN" (Vncl.) Be Sontj.
"LOVfc AND UUIY" (Voonl.) Great Succesa.
"lOMI'ADOLR" POLKA. Great suooeBs.
"ALU AYS 'lOt.ETHER." Snnff.
"KLE1NE KATIE." (inir ) Dntoh 7aie.
trlf this ia not by fur the greatest value in the amnio line you ever
saw, we will cheerfully refund your money.
Canadian Music Folio,
Mention tlil paper. 2I16-13 TORONTO, CANADA.
Guaranteed to cure Iilllous attacks,
Sick Ilcadacho and Constipation. 40 In
each lottlo. Trice 25c. For sale bjr
picture "T. 17, 70" and aample dow free.
J. r. SMITH k CO., Proprietor!, MEW YORK.
A new Mid Complete Treatment, eonslntinK o
Snppohtttirit'H, (ilntiiKMii In CHpsmlcn. almiiu Ho
ftiui rills; a punitive t'lirc fur KxIitiihI, Intel
ml, Hliml or IUi-imIIiik. Mi lling. Clironlc, Iterel
or HiTeilltary I'llen, ami many other dtseaRt
and female ueakneMeB; it inalvxayoH preat hen
eflt tut he neneml health. 1 he Hint tHm-overy ol
a hum ilea I cure remierl.'R nn oiwration with the
knife unneeeoMary h render, thin remedy hat
never been known to fail. $1 per box, 6 fur fi;
ent by mail. Why muter frum this terrible dis
ease when a written guarantee 1 Riven with 0
boxes, to refund the money if nut eured. Hend
RtHinp for free sample, liiuirautee tHuued by
Wooimhm, Ci.arkk A Co., W lutU'nale A Ketall
Uru)fKita Hole Agents, Port laud, t)r.
ae 'Jft tu (Hi eeutf on every dollar you end.
Wrlic tor onr maninnnb t atalntrne, tOe-pW
btiok, coniaininn Uiuctrat ton mui t(u nig lowefiraao
ufvtu rem' jirtt-en, Willi mamiiitt tuie. dUcouuU
ofvery klodol (joodi and Biimillrs mauufacitirwl
and irnuortrd nun tlifl Uuhed Mines. Groceries,
HoiiM'hold Uiod-, Kiuiiinirc, L'loihiOR, LadttV
nod Ocuta I'iuihiim aud Kiuinldii Uoods, 0rert
tiood, While UihhI, I i y timida. Hat, Cttpi,
llootc aod hoea, l.lnven. Notions, lilanwait
8utlonerv, Winrheo.l locks, Jewelry, Stlverwart,
lfiiKKiei,' WM AcHcnliural lmplemuis, eio.
ONI. KIKsT CI.As taiolS. taialo-iue eut
on rrrrlpt ol .ti cent for eiprewnpo We nr tht
ouly coiitern wtiuli bi'IIc at iimuuf:icllirei' prices,
alUmiui: the haver the same diseonui full ihe
niauiilaoiurer five lo Hie wlm!e-ule buyer. We
gum ante all cooda aa repi etemed; if noi foaod
o, motu-y refunded. litMKlf epiit by ex urea or
frelitlit, with privilege ol cMiinniiiilou before pay-
In. A. K.ICl'f-
P.E Qmucy Mreei, Cbicao,
A Mlrr ot 13 to M1 ,r wrck to tioOl) tgfHM
to repi wnt w In ewrv p.,nmv,rtiid .ell our neiiera!
Itnr t MrnhniUttnmmim liiisn' prk-n. ui.r
ArPLV. t amloitu Ami i'rilcnliir seuluu rccvlpt
dSMUtooiMW, A.KM!l-l:SCO.
Kl tjillncj Mrrtt, Chtoci, 111.
AltNKSS-KMOl', to. k Knit tlxturt-s. (ioml
biuineM: omnblislul tu the uudMt of m
Eomt iHrinlny Htnl stock ruiNluv oouiitry.
Alio for Mle It kkhhI honse tunl uvo lolv wilt, or
w ithout the bu.toeM l'ri'ertv. Kor lurttier tu
luruatiuu HdUrwu Otiititte, uvppuer, Or. 4vN
r-x r-ti 1 1 it a -rr-i" a i t
An Klfiphnnt's flelf-Denial.
Whllo In India Captain Marryat, the
novelist, was intensely interested In the
dovotion and self-dental of a huge ele
phant. Tho beast was defending him
self from swarms of mosquitoes, using a
largo branch to keep them from tho
crannies and oraekM of his thick hide.
His persecutors wero still annoying
him irreatly, as was evident from his
omotions, when his keeper appeared
with a littlo child. This ho laid down
boforo tho animal, saying: "Watch It,"
and walked away. Tho elephant imme
diately broko oir a small whisk from the
largo bough) and instead of fanning
himself directed his attention t driving
away every mosiiiito from tho infant,
lie contktued this until tho keeper re
turned, two hours later, thus setting,
though a bruto, an example of devotion
which few men would have imitated,
To Hear a Fly Walk.
If you wish to hear a fly walk, yon
can do it without the aid of a nuga
phone, provided you can find the fly at
this season of the year, says tho Xcw
York Kun. Having mtulo friends with
the fly, spread a silk handkerchief over
your car and Induce the insect to cc.iwl
across the handkerchief. As he ap
proaches your car you will distinctly
hear a harsh, rasping sound, made by
the contact of the insect's feet with the
filaments of silk.
ii- up mi mut M'HtrtvirtiHiHflbottlep.iNijra,
UttttKl, dMOii UllU liCUUli. hUU. tlT tAllliu.
For WELL SPItLYGS PRECINCT of Morrow County Nov. 8, 1X92.
For Kloetors of .President and Vice President.
JOHN F. CAFLKS, of Multnomah County
DAVID M. DI NXE, of Multnomah County
Ci4X)KCK M. IRWIN, of Union County
11. B. MILLER, of Josephine County
V. F. BUTCHER, of Baker County
Wm. M. COLVIO, of Jackson County
Geo. A. NOLAND, of Clatsop Comity
NATHAN FIERCE, of Umatilla County
. 0. BURLEIUH, of Wallowa County
AVm. II. GALVANI, of Washington County
S. II. HOLT, of Jackson County
NATHAN FIERCE, of Umatilla County
Geo. W. BLACK, of Jackson County
NORTON R. GAYLORD, of Lane 'County
A. . LUCAS, of Tolk County
OILMAN PARKER, of Clackamas County
GRKAT BIBLB roMprriTie!.
Thonnadi of Dullara in Kewwl For Bihtf
The Ladies' Home Magazine presents
its Rreat fall competition to the publio
of America. The Hrst correct snawer to
the following qneettona received at this
otnof will net Xl.uuu lo caati; tne seoonu,
(500 cash ; 8rd. vrnnd piano: 4tb, ladies'
aval coat; 5ih, (UoO organ; 6ih, ladies'
Roia wntoii; 71b, sill drew, men 101
lnws 180 rleiisnt silver tea nets to the
nut lOuO Correct HUdwem; 100U beautiful
6 o'clock silver services, and 2000 tber
articles of silverwsre, making the moat
expensive and msguiftoent list of reward"
ever 1 ff-red by any publisher.
, yistions (1J Mow maey boots noes
ihr bible cintuin? (2) Unw many cbap
iei? (3) bow mau verses?
07Ev?ry lint of anBwets mnst be so
compaoied by $1 to pay for six mombV
subscription to the Ladies Untne Maga-line-
one of the brightest nud best ill us
'rated publication of tbe day
Lft Priz-B In addition to the ab'-ve
we will give KKX) prizes Roneintiug of
magiiitioeiit silver services, five o'clock
services, &a , &o., for last ooriect suswe s
received tiefure tbe id'tfie of the competi
tion. hioh will be on I)-0 31. 1892
The olj.cr in off ring these hheia
,rij.-B is to eMt.ihhi-b iIih LhiIii s H001.
iviiigitine 10 new taiimia In the Jolted
Stxte and Canada. Present suhwiiljei"
ean avail tlieniHolves of It bv ei,nl,,eii,i
il 00 wnb list of answers and Ibeadilrens
nt some frieuil to ubom the magHii
ear, be sent fur nix months, or liHve their
,,wii extended beyond th' timi alrehit;
pin, I lor Puzes I,, sub0 ibers resilin g
,11 tin- TJoiteil MtHten sent from our New
Y,nk hrniioh. Am-riom onrrenoy and
postage stumps will he taken. Be sure
and register all money letters Address:
IbeLmdie Home MsghXine, Peterbor
ongh, Canada
From the Kagle.
Aspeoinl to tbe Eagle states that at a
meeting of Ihe repnblioan central com
mitteeinen at Canyou City last ShtordHj
in joint convention with the central Com
mitteemen of Harney euunty, A. W,
Qowan, of fiuros, was uomiuated as a
candidate for joint representative to be
voted for on the 8th of November.
Mel. Fen wick, tbe people's party nom
inee last June, was again selected as tbe
new party's OaiidioatH.
As we go to press, it is not learned who
I lie democrats hove chosen, but it is gen
erally uuderatood that it will be M. K
Biggs, of Burns.
r Old-Fogy Mexicans.
' A recent traveler in Mexico says th
natives are unwilling to adopt moderr
ways, and it is nearly impossible tc
make them change. An Englishman en
gaged in mining put up a hoisting plant
but found at once that it was money
thrown away, as the workmen would
not consent to its use. They had long
been accustomed to carry the ore in
sacks supported by a broad canvass
band passing over their foreheads, ana
to receive so much for each sack deliv
ered at the mouth of the shaft To get
it there an ascent of over two hundred
feet had to be made by means of lad
ders, and accordingly progress was very
slow. But nothing would induce them
to use the hoisting machinery, and It
had to be abandoned, every maa work
ing in the old fashion.
No Us for Hntbaadi
A Wllliamsport girl, who in the
matter of beauty and affectionate exu
berance was not to say "fresh as first
love and rosy as tho dawn," was asked
why she did not get married, and this
Is what she said in reply: "I have con
siderable money of my own. I have
a parrot that can swear, and a monkey
that chews tobacco, go that I have no
ueed of a husband."
Notice of Intention.
4 October, 2-r. Ian2. Notice ii hereby given
that the following-named settler hat Hied notice
oi bis Intention to make final proof in mpport
if hU claim, and that said proof will be made
iff ore tin) County Judneof Morrow County, or,.
U Heppner. Oregon, on December 10th, law, viz;
Hd. No. 2977. for the NE!, Hi-W. c. 18, and NV,
U !4, and bE'4 tjtt'fc Sec. 17, Tp. 5.S, R 25, E. W.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
ttntinuons renldeuce upon and cultivation of.
il laud, viz.:
Jumeii H. Wyland, William Rlx, A. Mending
i id J'erry Oiler, all of Hardinan, Oregon.
tti7-r.7 John W. Lr wis, aegister.
t .4 October -25, 1H92. Notice is .hereby given
lint the follow iiiR-named settler him tiled notice
nt his intention to make AiihI proof in support
ot bin claim, and that Paid proof will be made
hclore the County Clerk of Morrow County, or.,
at lltppuer, Oregon, ou Dee. 3, IMW. viz.:
Hd. No. 50;17. lor the ttNtt sk c. II, and Kl4
K'-4 See. 16. Tp. S, It 2l E. V. M.
lie names tbe following witnewies toprovehi
continuous roitlence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
W. H. chirk. II. 8. Clark. J. B. Chapman and
C. H. Mann, all of Lena, Oregon.
M7-M7 A. C JCAVER, Register, i
Notice Of Intention.
MJ Oct i7, lxw. Notieeis heieby given that
the following-named settler has tiled notice pf
his intention to make fiiml proof in support of
hiti cIhIiu. and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Morrow Comity. Ore
nun, at Heppm-r, Oregon, on Doc. 8, lhaj, viz :
Hd.No. 2807, for the N Bee. 9, !. 1, 8 R '26, E.
He names the following witnesses rn prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
stiid la ml. viz, :
JolmCarmichael, Marian Evani, J, H. Piper
and o H. Holsou, all of Lexington, Oregon.
i5-5io Johw W. L tew is, Keglster.
For Bilious Attacks
. sick headache,
and all disorders of
the stomach, liver,
and bowels,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
are the
safest, surest,
and most popular
medicine for
family use.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Every Dose Effective.
Notice of Intention.
I J October 1.1, Wir2. Notice In hereby given
that the followlupr-iiamed pettier hs tiled nntiee
nf hi. lntcnrion to make HiihI tirnof 111 RUUDOrt
Of hlR rlalm, end thnt pnid jiroof will be made
before the Comity Clerk of Morrow County, or.,
at Heppner, Orceoii, on Nov. lMfti, viz.:
Hd . No. 2X77, for the SEli x. 3, Tp. 2, 8 K 55 E
W M.
Ro name, the followlnjr wltneg.e to prove hi.
continuous resilience upon aud cultivation ot,
Mid iHnd. viz. :
J T. Youut. c. N. PpcIc. William Kites and
Henrv Whitaon, all of Ixlngton, Oregon
5HI-5U Jons I.kwis, Keglnter.
Notice of Intention.
a I let. IS. MM. Notieeis hereby given that
the following named settler has flfed notlre of
bil intention to make final proof ill support of
hi claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore (he County Clerk of Morrow County, or., at
Heppner, Or., on Dec. :t. 1H92, viz.:
Hd. No. 2857, (or the BE See. 27, Tp. 1, 8 R
K. W. M.
He names the following witnesses tn prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said land, viz :
D. n. liarbill. J. L. Kincald, Charley Johnson
and Henry Dunget, all of lone, Oregon.
534. 511 John W. I.kwis. Keglster.
Notice of intention.
I j Oct. S. lmti. Notice is hereby given that
the following named settler has tiled notice of
bil intention to make Una! proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on November 2ti, 1892.,
(id. No. 2888. for the SWU Sec. 11. Tp. 8, S R 24 E
W M.
He names the following witnesses to prnvehis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land. viz. :
J. tt . Reckett, Samuel 1. Clerking. Oscar Mont
gomery and Vtilllaui R.M linkers, all of Eight
Mile, l iregon.
rVft-rVW John W. Lewis, Register.
' Notice of ntention.
! j i ct. fi. 1W2. Notice is hereby given that
'ie following-named settler has tiled notice of
iw intention to make final proof in support of
Is claim, and that said proof will be made be
Te the County clerk of Morrow County, Ore.,
Heppner, Oregon, on November 2G, 18112, viz.:
id. No. 2801, for the VVi SE and 8(4 8WK Bee.
I, Tp. 2, 8 It 24 E. W. M.
ne names the following witnesses to prove his
ontinuous residence upon and cultivation of,
aid land, viz :
M. A. Olden. J H. Mathews, J, M. Baker and
mnuel WartieM, all of lone. Oregon.
582-542 John w. lkwis, Register.
land Oltlce atThe Dalles, Or., Sept. 21. 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
amed settler has filed notice of his intention to
lake final proof In support of his claim, and that
vild proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner
Oregon, on November 9, 1802. viz:
W So. 2777, lor the BE Sec. 1 Tp 1, 8 R 26 E
He names the following witnesses to prove
is continuous residence iipon and cultivation
i said land, viz:
I. H. lientry, J. D. Kirk, A. 8 Wells and Wm.
iarton, all oi Heppner, Oregon.
528-638 John vv. Lewis, Register.
Ijind Office at The Dalles, Or, Sept. '24, 1892.
Notice is herebv given that the follow ing-nam
ed Bettler has tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County Clerk
of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oreifon, on
Nov. 7, 1892, viz.:
Hd. Nn. 4023, for the HEW of bee. 17, Tp. 3 8, R
26 K. W, M.
He naineB the following witnesses to prove hit
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
Henry Holden, Pat BplUane, James Jones and
John Woodward, all oi Heppner, Oregon.
John VV. Lkwih,
6-2H-538 Register.
Land Office Rt The Dalles. Or., flent. 21. 18M.
Notice 1h herebv triven that tbe follow intr-nan
How ing-nam-
ed Hettler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof w ill be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Nov. 7. I MM. vise:
Hd. No 2fW3, for the NU NEk, fcw NWJi. 8ec.
20. Tn. H8. K 24 K W. M.
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
J. H. Jones and William Ingrum, of Eight
Mile. Oregon. Thomas K Graham and M. law
yer, of Goojtebei ry, Oregon.
loiiN W. Lrwih,
628-M8 Register.
U. 8. Land Office. T he l.alles. or.. PeDt. R. IW2.
Notice is hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions oi the Act of Congrens ap
proved June if, ItiTa. entitleti "An Act for the
sale of 1 tniber Lands In the htates of California,
Oregon, Nevtida and ashlugtnu Territory,
Whose postoffice address is Heppner, Morrow
l ouniy, (jregon, naa uus nay mea in
this office
nis appncauoi
atiou to nurcliaae the tiKU ot the
Nft'V and the s of the NE'i sec. No. a, inTp.
No. f 8. Ifauge No. '25 E, W. M.
All persons holding any adverse claims there
to are required to present the same at thU office
within sixty days from the flret publication of
hum ii mice. juhn v. IjKwik, uegimer.
lit HOB DlAMONU ClGARh. VNilholll
an eqntil, and fur iHrn tbe leadiny
Mtilo'iii citfHr. will be Bold ot Man FrHti
rwoo wholenHle prioen, by lofH nf 100 o
5.01.0 nt J. Cohn'a. 85 44
Vote for Four.
Catlle tirandedaiid ar marked as shown above.
Horsee F on right shoulder.
Mv cattle range in Vorrow and UmH'illa conn
'iee. 1 will i aj $I(KUI for ihe arrest Bud eon
riction of any person stealing my stmik.
I wish to trade dr. mares nml geldinvs.
fit for work, tor cattle Will give good
terniH. Cell on, or Hildr, s me, at M"ii
nmeiit, tfnitit oi only, (begun
523 38 Kmmet ("oi hkan.
While you koep our nubnerijition paid n yci
tan ktep your bras J in free of charga.
Alhn. T. J . lone. Or. Riw 0 on lnf
hlalde; cat t If hdip on hft hip, undprbtoi
right ear, ai.d upper bit on tbe left; range, Mor
row coanty.
Armstrong, J. t. Alpine, Or. T with bur un
der a on left tihoalder of honwa: cuttle nam
on left hip.
Aliiaon, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
O D on left hip aud honwo aaine brand im riht
ahoulder. Range Eight Mile.
Adkina. T V. Dayviile, Or- Straight mark aeroaa
the thigh aud two crops and a slit in the right ear;
horeeb. X npude down ou the right nhoulder.
ha n ire in Grant county and Rear valley. P O
address also at HardmttD.
Adkina, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horfaos, JA oon
iiM'.ieti uii ie t ttank; cattle, name on left hip.
Ayers. Johnny, Lena, Or. Horse branded
triuugieon leu hip; cattle same on right hip;
also crop off righi ear and upper bit on same,
Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Or. HorBes Roman
cross on right shoulder. Range in Uorrow
Bleakman, Geo., Hard man, Or. HorBes, a fla
nr left shoulder; cattle same on right shoulder
t-aimister, J. W Hardman, OiyCattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in ouch ear.
Brenner, Peter, hoi seberry Oregon Horses
branded r ii on left shoulder, t attle same on
right eiae
llurke. M St C. lAtne i.nk. Or fin r-nttlc
MAX connected on left hip. ciop off left ear, nn-
aer nair onp on ngnt. Horses, same brand or
letfl shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
Bowman, A., Mount Vernon and Barns, Or. -Cuttle,
A B on right hip, two crops in each ear:
same on horses, on Hglu shoulder. Range ii.
Grant uul Harney counties.
Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.- Horses branded 7
ou right shoulder; cattle B on the left side
lien ear half crop and right ear uper slops.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B oi
right thiw euUh same on riuhl hut: milii it
each ear.
Brown. Isa. Lexmirton. Or. Horse- IR im iht
right hti tie; cattle same on riliUtip; range. Mor
row county.
Brown, J ,P , Heptmer. Or. -Horse- and eattli
branded W witi- ox-yoke above on luft siionldiT
nrown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Hureue, oirch
withdnt in leron left hip; cattle. Harne.
Brown. W.J. . Lena, oreeon. liorHea W hr
over it, on tne leu shoulder. Cattle same ou leu
Buyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, buj
brand ot ' u bin cattle, same, with sulit u
each ear.
Borii. P.O.. Henoner. Or. Horses. P Ron lnfi
Hhonhier: CHitle. same on lefi liio.
limwnlee. W.J.,toi.Or-( attle, JH oonnecieu
m left side: crou un left ear and twn MnlitHHini
miunie piece out out on ngm ear; on tiorses sauit
brand On the left thnrh: Rancre in Fox vallev.
Grant county,
t aiu.li., t aleb.Or.- x I) on h rtes on left stifle:
U With ouarter oirclo over it. in left shoulder.
aou on len siiue on an coits un ler a years; oi
ten Mimuiuer only on all horses over a years. All
range in urant oountv.
Clark. Wm. H. Lei a. Or. Horsec WIIC con
uected. on left fehouluer: cattle name on rigli)
hip. Ra ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
('ate, ('has. R., Vinson or Lena. Or. Horsee
II C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hi
Uauge Morrow and Umatilla counties,
('ochrxn. Clias.. ioiie. Or. Horses. HP non
nee ted on left shonlder; cattle, V on both left
hip and stine. ttaiige in iloi row county.
Cannon, f. B.,Ung Creek, Or.--Ton cattle in
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear,
Our hurses same brand on left shoulder, Kangf
in urant county.
t!ecil, Wm.. D mg'as. Or: horses J(' on lef
shoulder; ca tl- Mine on left Inp, waddles or
ttach jaw and two u.ts in the right ear.
Curl, T. Ii., John Day, Or. Uoub e croBs oi
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, Bplit in lef t ear. Range in Gnuti
couniy, On sheep, inverted A nud spear puitu
on shoulder. Ear marko.i ewes, croo ou lefr enr
pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop m
ngnt auu ouuer nan crop in icit ear. All rang.
Hi Grant couotv.
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, flu on right shoui-
iei v aiue, same ou r gnt nip: ear mark sgiiar.
tion off left and sulit in ritekt.
I urnn. K. i,, Currinsvme, Or. -Horses. c or
left stitle.
Cocliran, S II Monument, Or Horses branded
I I A A ou left shoulder, ('attle, same on rialo
hip swallow fork in right ear aud crop uffl eft.
Cox Ed tt.. Hardman, Or. On: tie, J wi'
n center: horses. CE ou left iv.
'ichran, R. E., Mouutneni. Grant Co, Or.
Hurses branded circle with bat beneath, on lei
shoulder; cattle same brand ou both hips, mart
muter slope both ears and dewlap.
Cbapiii, H., Haniuian, Or. Horses branueo
on right hip. i attle brauded t he same.
Cross. 8 L, Dayville, Or t 'aide branded -f twn
crops aud a split in left ear; on horses s
reversed Z " left stiiie. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on lelt hip, 7 on right iiip,
it on left shoulder, two parallel bars on Mi
shoulder. Kar marks, two crops.
Di kiii an, Wm Heppner. Or. I'orsee brandwi
OU with bar over liiein, on left shoulder; cai
tie same on left hip.
Douglas, W. M .Gtilloway. Or. Cattle. R Ioi
right side.swx low-iora in eacij our: horses, K l
on left hin.
Douglas. O. T., DourIbs, Or -Hun-en TiJ oi.
tlie tight stifle: cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Oay, Or. Quarter circli
W un right shoulder, both on horses and caitie.
Raime (irant county.
Driskeii, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horeos branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of ueck.
Ely, J. B. A Sons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed r.LSt oi. left shouJder. cattle same on lefi
hip. hole i right ear.
Ji.il tots Wash.. Heppner, Or. Diamond ou
riuht shoulder.
fejeek. Jackson, Heppnprt Or. Horses. U
conueuttMj oi riht uhouhter: cattle an inn 01
right hip Kar mark, hide iu riuhl aud croi
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
riKht hip. hon- F with bar under on right
frkmuiee, b. P. Huppuer, Or Horsw, F 01
right shot io ; cattle, if on right hip or thigh.
(ia, Henrj, Heppner, Or. UA1 ou lefi
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Foh
Hil, Or. Horses, anchor S on left shoulder ; vent,
saiue on left stifle. Cattle, same ou both hips;
Btir umrnfj, uitpu uii riKu ear aim nnueroit iu left.
Hange in (iilliain, (iraut, Crook ai d Morrow
lientry, timer, Echo, Or --Hornet branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, un luft stifle
Range iu Morrow and Umattllacounties.
(jiltwater, J.l)., i'raine City, Or.-On horses
O-O on left hhuuldi-r and stitie; catlle, on right
side. Rsngi' iii (irant n'Oinj.
HaniB, Jamee. Hurdmiiii Or. Horses shade.
2on Jef sliuulder; cattle same on left tup. Uauge
in at. d about Hh i-d roan,
Hhjw, i.eo., Lena, Or, Brand J H connected,
with quarter cirel" over it, on lett shoulder.
Hiatl A. B., HidKe, Ur.-t attle. ruunU-top
with quarter circle ui der it on the rtht hip.
liantte iu Morrow and UuiatilU uounttes.
Hinton Jt Jenkt, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split iu left
Horses. Jon nghi thigh. Kangvin (inuit cwuniv
Hughes, Huniuel, VVaguer, Or-T F Lou riaht
Woulderon horsws; on cattle. 01. rigln liipand on
left side, swallow fork in rmht nar and sin in leit.
Kanne id Haystack district, Mop-, w county.
Hale. Miiiun. Whitiib . Or.-Hum, ..
-O- ( irele witii paral el tars) on lefi shoTihler
tle same on left Ihd : aio ihiitm mnL )uf
Hall. Fdwin. John Day.Or. Cattle K H on righi
hip; ivurses same on nuht shonldHr. lunin
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or. Horses, shaded
heart ou the left shoulder, linage Morrow Co.
HunsakBr, B , Wafr:er. Or. Horv, u .,n loft
ahouii ier, cm tie. M un Isft hi. .
nartusiv, Aioert, ie. Oregon -Horses. AH
connected, ou left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Hnmphrev. it Hardman. Or. Horses. H -le
HiHtU VS nx. F... Ridce. Or.-Hnnw-. hr..,
bar cross ol left shoulder; cattle same 011 left
ayes, J, M.. Hcnnner. Or. Horses. winMrljuw
on left shouldei cattle, same on nght hip.
nusicu. i.utner. bighi lile, 1 fr. Hor Hon
the left shoulder and heart ou the left stifle Cat
lie name no left hip. Ranse in )nrnw rtmntv.
ivy. Allred, Long Creek, Or4'atrle 1 U on
riifht hm, CntUOtf left ear RUd bil tn rifi-tiV Mopm
same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Jui.km.H. M., Heppner, Or. Hones, horse-
shu J ua left shoulder. CalUe. the asm a.
Bangs on koabt kUls.
J nkins, D WMVf. Vernon.Or. J on honweou
left shoulder; u cattle, J on left hip and two
amooth crop on both nn, Range iu Fox aud
Hear valleys
Johnson, Falir Lena. Or. Horses, circle T on
left stine; cattle, same on right hip, onder half "
crop in ritilit and eulit in left ear '
Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horsee branded "
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
ear: under )ntennth rtaht
Kirk. J. T., Heppuer. Or. Hones 9 on left
shnnlder; cattle, H un left hip.
Kirk. J C, Ueppoer. Or, Hones. 17 on elthar
Oank: cattle 17 on riuht lid.
Kirk Jesse, Heppner, Or.; hone 11 on UfC
shoulder ; cattle same on 1 ight side, nnderbit a
right ear.
kumberland.W. Q.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle on right and left sides, swmiow fork in it ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand ou left shoulder. Range in Oraut oountv.
Keeuey. Eli, Huppner, Or.-Horses 4 L and
ace of clubs on left stifle. Kange in Umatilla
and N orrow oountiea
Leeley.M C, Moiiumeot. Or A triangle fNfwith
all li"eB extending pa t body of figure on Zz hor
se ott lefi shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left
shoulder, split iu righ . Uu .it m left ear
Range iu Oraut couuti and t. itutaof John Day
L aliey, J W. Heppner Or. Horsee branded L
nd A on ifft shoulder; cattle name on left hip;
waltit) 'VerhKhtey three slits in nghtear.
Loft en, Htepnen, lux. Or. 1 Lou left hi p
on cattle, crop and spin on right ear. Horss
same brand on left Btionlder. Kange (iraut
Juieuallen, John W,, L Or. Horses
brauaed hali-cuole JL connected on leftshoul
der. Caitie. saui- ou lelt hip. Range, near Lex
in ii mi.
Lord. George, Heppner. Or.-Horea branded
double H col necu Mimetuuea ohIimI il
uu Ii. on loit shoulder.
Maxweil, M ts . boowjbwny. Or.- Hosen brand
1 loj'K link oil lett shoulder: itmhih uunn.
lef hip. b.ar niark. under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oi-car, Heppner, Or. CatUe, U D un
nch 1 hip; horw. M on leftshoulder.
.Morgan, o. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, M)
in leti shouitt- cattle aauie on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Kcho. Or. Huntus. M i:h
ttar over tin right shoulder.
Atanu, U. ti., L,ena, iJr. Horses old mares KZ
)i right Int.; young Uck, small sa ou loft
Moruau. Thus.. He u oner. Or. H.ikm.
1 on iufl nlioii.der and left thiirh: iuuiU . ..n
rik'tit ihigh.
Mitchell. Onoar. lone, Or, Horses, 11 011 nghi
tup; cattie. 77 on right side.
,ms(,iaren, u. li., Urownsvilie, Or, Horses,
If tKtire ft on each shou ider. cattle. Mi on hi u
uiun.eru.rv.ti. mount vernon, ur A.1 ou cattle
u rmht hip. cron iu riuht nnr. hAir nmn tn u
Httine brand on bursts on left hi. . ItAUse iu Oruut
aicoar.?, iMvid n., iLeho.Or. Hornes branded
U n connected, on the left shoulder) cattle same
111 nip aim siue,
fticliirr. lraiik. Fox Vnllnv OrMnlooW
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and ntwler in
each ear; horses Haiue brand ou left stitle.
mcnaiey, u. v., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, g
with half circle under on left shoulder; 011 Cattle,
four bars connected on top ou tha right side
iwuibw in it ran 1 I'OUUiy.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Kuck, Or. Hornet, A N con
nected on left shoulder: cuttle same on both hips.
Nordyke, K., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; ua tie. same ou left hip.
Oliver. Joaetih. Cmitnn ( :uv. r. A 9 nn fatti
on left hip; on horses, eame on left thigh, Range
iu vTiaiu uouiiiy.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. F O ou left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LF connected ou left hip; horses on left stifle
aud warUe on nose. Range iu Grant county.
Pearson, Oluve, Eight Mile. Or. Hon,, quar
ter circle shtelu ou left shoulder and M on left
nip. Cat tie, fork in lef ; ear, right cropped. M
011 lefi Itip. kang ou Eight Mile,
Parker Jt tileaaou. Hardmau.Or, Horse IP on
1 ft Hhouider,
t iper, J. 11., Lexington. Or. Horses, JE con
nee ted o left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
miller hi in each ear.
Paiberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horse brand
ud with a llouiai crown on left shoulder; cattle
orauded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, ou
.eft hip.
Petty, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond Pen
siiouider, cattle, J tl J couueoted, on the
left hip, upper slopb iu left ear and slip iu the
Powell, Jonn T., Day viile, Or Horses, J P ootu
uec ed ou lett slioulder. CaLtle OK oouueoted on
.efihip, two under half crops, one on each ear,
vat tie under thmat. Kai gein Urant county.
Iviekard, O. D., Canyou I lty, Or.--t Hon left
liomder, ou hornes ouly. R nge Canyon creek
.nut hear valley. Grant county.
Hooti. Anurew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
Tor with quarter-circle over it on left stitle.
Heinngor, Cliris, Heppuer, Or. Homes. C ii on
ittft shntilde. .
Hice, Uan, Hardman, Or.; horses, tliree panel
worm fence ou lelt shoulder; cattle, DAN on
right slioulder. Range near Hardinan.
huuio, Wm, Long Creek, Or. Brands hones
ii oi right shoulder. Range Grant and Morro
Rojse, Aaron, Heppuer, Or Hcrsee, plain V on
.eft. shoulder; cuttle, same brand reversed 00
right hip aud crop utl right ear. Range in Jlor
row county,
Kusk Bros., Heppner, Or. Huraea branded J
m the righi shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hip
crop un left ear and dewlap on neck. Range ix
vlorrow and adjoining counties,
Rusl, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses H 01
iefl shoulder; cattle, it on left hip, crop oft
right, ear, underbit on left ear. tiheep. it on
weaihers, round crop off righ ear. Range Unuv
huh and Morrow c tun ties.
lieaiiey, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses
orauded A it on right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle same un right nip.
uange Morrow county.
Royse, Wm. H, Oairyville, Or HR connected
with quarter cirfie over top on cattle on right hip
-tiai crop otl rigiit ear and split in left. Horses
-tame brand 011 left slioulder. Range in Morrow,
urani and Gilliam counties.
liiiter, J F, Ruler, Or Three parallel bars
itii bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, iefl
nido. two smooth crops, two splits in eaoh eat.
uauge in Middle Fork of John Lay.
Rector. J. YV., Huppuer, Or. Hones, JG 01
teft shoulder. Caitie, ou right hip.
ptcknall, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horses
unaided .il ou left sh-.ulder; lauge in Morrow
opno, J. P., Heppuer, Or. -Horses brandeo fcr
cuiiiieuieo o riKhi shoulder; cattle same on both
tSaning, C 0 Heppner, Or Horsee branded 8 A
on lelt sliuulder; cattle name on left hip.
sswaggar., H. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses 2
wan dash under it ou lef 1 stitie cattle H with
lash ui.oer it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waodied ou right hiud leg. Range iu Morrow,
unlianiand umatiila 00 unties.
hwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brande i
im leu sliuulder; eel tie same on left hip. Crot
on eur, wattte 011 left hind leg.
(Straight W . E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
i is on lei stitle; cattle i B on left hip, swallow
fork in righ ear. uuderbit in left. -
oapp, iiios., lleitpusr, Or. Horses, S A P on
.eft tup; oaiu same on left hip
slurtz. JumeB, Long t nek. Or. Horses. 3 on
iblt stine aud over t on left shoulder.
bhner.Juhn, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; caitie, same on right hip,
crop i.n right ear and under bit in left ear. Range
in iiraiit county.
bniith Bios., BubMiiviile, Or. Homee, branded
H. A o isiioulder; oait.e, ame on left ahoulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JB.-u left, soouiuer; catile tlie same, also nose
waudle. llat.ge in Morrow und Uiliiam co nties.
btephens, V. A., HardiUHu, Or-; nomas Bsou
right mine; cutile h rizoutal L on the right side
Olevenaou, Mrs A. J., Heppuer, Or. tattle, ti
on right hi ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart, Q. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, U on
lett siiuuiui ; outtle, 44 on left hip.
bloue. Ira. Bi-kK Um, Wash, Horses, keystone
on lelt shoulder.
Smith, E, E. Lune Rock, Or. Horsee branded
a crossed seveu on leftshoulder; cattle same 00
lett side, Range, Gilliam couuty.
Hperry, E. G.. Heppuer, Or. Cattle W C on
lett nip, crop off ngnt and uuderbit in left year,
dew lap; horses rt ton Jell shoulder.
ihuuipsoii, J. A., Heppuer, Or. Hones, I on
ten Hiioulo r; cattle, d ou left slioulder.
lip, 'et.B.T.,hnerpr)se,Or. Horses. C-on lefi
I'm nor R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lelt shoulder horses; cattle same on left nip
with split in both ears.
Oumtoh, U. M., lone. Or. Horses branded
ti 1 connected 011 left stifle; ehcp same braud,
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or-Horses HV eon
necieu on right shoo lder ;uat tie, same on right
Walbridiie, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
ou the left shouider; cuttle same on tight, hip.
crop off left ear and right tar lopped.
Wilson, John y,. BaJem ur Heppner, Or.
uorsus brauded Ju on the left shouider. uWtuge
Morrow com.ty.
W arreu, W H. "aleb, Or-l.attIe. W with quarter
circle over it, ou .eft side, split iu right ear.
liort-e tMtiue brai ou left shoulder, ituiigeiu
Graia couuty
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
left stitle; on cattle. 2 on left side and uuderbit
iu lefi eur. Range in Uraut county.
Wright, Mint. A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
6 W on the nght hip. nquare crop otl right ear
KiiU rtpi t in lelt.
VStdiace. Francis, Moui t Vernon.Or Bquareoa
cattle on the left hip. 1 pp-r slope in he left
ear and under slope in rum ear. Buuie brand
un hordes ou right shouider. Rauge in Harney
and I i rant uouutv.
Waue. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses bianded
nee 01 ttptuiet- on le.t shoulder and left hiu.
ai tie brande. same on left side and left hip.
W ells. A. 6., Heppner, Or. Horses. 8-s on left
slioulder. cm 1 e same,
Woinuger, John, John Uay City Or On horses
three partUiei oars ou left slioulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Range t Grant and Maikoer
WotMiward. John, Henuuer. Or. Hotsm. HP
connected on leftshoulder.
watkius, Liishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UE uounecte on left stitle.
Wallace. Charles. Portland. Or. Cattle. W on
nght thigh, hoi. in left ear; horses, W on right
shuuluer. -om same on left shoulder.
rt hit tier Bros., Orewsy. Harney tanty, Or. -Horces
Itrufideii W B. i-onniei on left ,:Hiller
Williams. Vasco. Haiuilton. Or. (Jimrter air
cle over three ban on left hip, both cattle aod
hordes. Rajisre (iraut county.
Williams. J O. Loan Creek. Or Horses, uaar
ler circle over three bars on left hip: cattle same
no mil m Htcn MMr tounf- in limnt rmnty.
tVruii A A Atxt,Uf llr14... A A
i imi ahnuldiar-'l 'mm i. iutm t,n riuhl hin
j xung. J. IH., GajeetwiT. r. H..r hr. ndrfl
1 . .... ....i.. ,..
Y-'una. W. A., tl iosberry. !'. H irw b asd
, . d X X tdoob e X co necteu) on text ahou.aW.
i eauie mam oa af t aide.