MOX'ICE TO AOVKHPlbEUS. IHOSE desiring the insertion of display ads., or change4 ol same, must gut their copy In not later thau Monday evening for Tuesday's edltlou, or Thursday evening tor Fridays edi tion. Tujt tATrtmauH PuaLiamNU Co. NOi'H'K. 1. The turn of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary uotices, (other than those the edit or shall hlniiell give as a matter of news.) and notices ol special meetings lor whatever purpose. 2. Notices ol church and society and all other entertainments trom which revenue is to be de rived, shall he charged for at the rate of rive cents a line, 'these rules will be strictly adher ed to lu every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build vp Uepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Dou't overlook the iiadies' Bazar. TUTT'S PILLS purae out malaria. Uuole Nut Webb is over (rum Walla Walla. Mr. J. D. Muir is attending eohool at Heiipuer. W. A. Biddie was iu from Gooseberry yesterduy. H irnm Tusb, of Hardman, was in Hepp ner Friday lust. N. L. Kubiaon is selling potittoes at Iueuls per lb. 537 tt Iau SlaveD, of Long Greek, was in Ueppuer Saturday. Fred Miller kuows bow to give yon a good fit in tailoring. tC sw E. B. Blanton was in from Eigbt Mile over Huturdity nigbt. Waab Elliott nays bis now arrival is a boy, burn tbe 2(Hb ult. Jake Youlk got in last nigbt, and says Gooseberry is all rigbt. Al Emerson, U'iruer's harness maker, is sojourning at Eugene. Tbe Gem and Palace saloons for fine iquors, MuAlee Broi-., Viops. sw WasooSun: Goaduotor Burns spent a portion of last week in Ueppuer. Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Doug lass arrived from Canada laBt Friday. They increee appetite, purify the whole system and act ou the liver, Uile tieai ua&nuU. (J. Kubl, tbe baker, bus a new delivery wagon wtiiob is a credit to bis busineuu. Wat-h Thompson has completed his summer's rnutliug, and is sojoiirniug a few days iu Ueppner. Pap uimons & Sod still shoe horses and do general blacksmitbing at the old stand Mat.ock corner. 55. Shaw & McCarty are selling beef fore qnurteia, at tour oeuts per pound uud oiber meats iu proportiou. 36-tf A. Waldraun, tbe well known traveling ohii, oume in on yesterday's train, re maining in Ueppner over today. Prevent and cur Constipation and Sick Headache, Small Uile Beans. Eveiy man wbo taken any interest in fast stotk should subxoribe for Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Mrs. A. J. Btevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home iu north Heppuer, or address her at this place. 518-tf Hivn ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the city barber shop tbe place to get a ti rat-class shave, hair-oat or shampoo. tf. The jury in tbe Spray-Kinsman suit last Saturday, failed to agree on a verdict and the oase will come up again for trial next Monday. One Small Tlilo Rean every nitrlit for a week arouse Torpid Livers. 5c per botu. Saw iriukben, id Vi uglier, cuiue iu l..l week wilh a load of barley, remaining over Sunday aud returning today wiih a lot ! of saopliea. It is said that Burdetta Wolf, the Etst Portland murderer, is beaded towards Eauteru Oregon. It is probable that he will escape eutirely. Masier Clay French is the authorized Bgeut for the Orenouiau at this place. Subscribe ihroimb him, aud have your paper Delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. The latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by l)r. B. F. VaughaD. Gas admiuiBtered when desired. Thompson building, Ueppner, Or 1-a-w-Guaranteed to cure Dillons Attacks and Constipuiiou, Small Uile licuus. A big unul oil tank, bound for Long Creek, and numerous smaller tanks tilled m it b this illumiuant. were noticed going out of Ueppuer yesterday en route for Long Creek. Louie Male, of lone, was in Saturday. Mr. Male has 160 acres of wheat, which he says is nicely sprouted, and if the weather remaius warm will grow con siderably this fall. Married At the counoil chambers, Heppner, Oot. 'IS, at 7 p. m., Mr. Juhn Long snd Miss Margaret Bch irbke, Parson (nee Recorder) Robets perform ing tbe nuptal riles. Messrs. Barratt 4 Hynd are constrnot ing big sheep sheds out ou their Hand Hollow raucbes prepatory for the winter. Their sheep came out of tbe mountains Ibis fall in excellent condition. To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean after eatlug. 86c. per bottle. Meats ate wholesaled at tbe Liberty Meal maiket cheaper than ever before known to be sold for in Heppuer. Fore quarter of beef at 4 i ts. per pound aud other meats iu proportion. ob tl Sunday night's rain did a world of good iu this seotiou, and with a little warm weather the fall sown grain will make a good sbowinn, as well as tue range which is badly needed for stock Our merchants report Saturday's business as being very good; In fact lor the past two weeks enormous piles of goods have been transfeired from shelves and warehouses to the hands of the consumer. J. A. Patterson, the engineer, fell down n8 cellar stairs a few days ago cutting a gash above bis left eye. How ever, Mr. Patterson was not seriously injurtd, and is able to manage tne luros tie ou the branch's locomotive. Wni. Avers aud wife arrived from Ealem, via boat to Tbe Dalles aud over laud to Ueppner, Sunday afternoon. Mr Ajere has traded his Salpm property for orchard laud. The family have takeu np their residenoe in the Keding od property. There is no use ;n suffering with rheu fnatism as long as you can get Cong" 4Jil. It is for sale by all druggists at 82 per buttle, but it would be dirt cheap at four times the prioe. It is a positive cure or rheumatism, and no mistake. Try it and be convinced. f tt Owing to I be faot that job stock has advanced about twenty per oeot from reasons which will be explained else- win re, we are compelled to makes light advance on all pnuting. A re duction will be made as soon as prices of material will justify Dr. Gagen expects to start the latter psrt of Hits week for Sabetha, Kanaas, where he goes to have all that I nrnr al of his wife interred in the family burial ground in the oemetry al that place. The dootor will return in eight or nine days, to resume bis practioe here perma nently. Jeff Uuusaker is oyer from Huyataok visiting his Ueppner relatives. The Gazette office was the reoioient of a call from Airs. JS. G. Sperry last Friday. W. G. Wright, Johnny Ayers' herder, is in after a summer's rusticating iu tbe Blues. O. D. Allison was in from Eitiht Mils Friday last. He has completed liis tail sowiug. Dr. Joseph J. Bill, the veterinary sur geon, is located permanently at Ueppuer, See ad. this issue. Ueppuer's printers were quite busy the latter part of last woek on tbe baliots for the coming election. 'Duole" Billy Gilliam was in Weppner Saturday, aud bus almost entirely recov ered from recent injuries. JoBeph Crank is over irom John Day, and is seriously oouiemplatiug a busi ness venture iu our midst. Tom Morgan got back from Grant Co. last evening. He reporiB business rather dull over there, but slowly picking up. Geo. Parmau got baok from Wulla Wulla Friday. He says W. lively but that he likes Heppuer much better. It is reported over thiB way that Bob Uyud. ol Saud Hollow, is au universal favuilte with youug ladles of his locality Ed. C. Asbbuugh, of Eight Mile, ba- just rJuisbed sewing iw acres of lull wueut. Ue has strong hopes ot a big orop next year. Our aocount of the Cutting sorape, in last Friday's issue, rather figured Sam Walker into it. Sam bad nothing what ever to du with it in any way. If that lady at the leoture the other uight only suew how uicely Hall's Hair Reuewer would remove uaudruff aud im prove the hair she would buy a Dottle. John Bennett wagered $20 with Andy Rood last night that the democratic can didate for governor would be eleoted iu Illinois. This is the first political bet in the city. Jas. Hurt is just buck from Austin Sta tion where he has been tbe past summer 'tending oump for Ed. Day. J D. Uiok ey, one of Ed's reliable hands, is also back tor the winter. J. P. Uadley, Isaac Knigbten and oth ers of Eiant Alile aud Uuiduiau were in Saturday lo hear the populist speaker, Rev, Wuldrop, but he did not put in an appearance either at Heppuer or at liex iugtun. Mrs. M. A. Horner aud daughter, Miss Etia Horner, mother and sister of 1). W. Homer, ol this place, who tiave been vis ltiuir here lor the oast few weeks, leitlust week for Astoria, acoomuaoied by M ss Maggie Horner. Beauty is said to be only skin deep but to possess and preserve a beautiful skiu. uuie. viuorous blood is essential. This is best secured by taking Ayer's Sursaparilia in small but frequent doses. It is the most reliable of blood-purifierB When all other remedies for Bcrofula fail, Ayer's SurBapuiilla, if persistently used, effects a cure. Bung a powerful alterative, It cleanses the blood ot all im purines, destroys tbe germs of sorolula, uud imparts new life aud vigor to every hbie ol the body. Cundon Globe: Father Lemay re turned trom a couple of months travel through Morrow, Crook and Grant counties, in the interest of tbe Catholic obuich. He says be was greatly .amused several times at being taken for a tramp, owing to his dusty and rugged appear ance. But that didu't effeot bis appetite in least. set for Sxturday last but tba presenoe of witnesses could not be procured in time. Yesterday he was brought before Justioe Uallock at the oourt bouse and after a oareful and impartial examiuation, be was held in tbe sum ot 82,000 to await tbe action- of tbe next grand jury. Mo Intire will bardly prooure bail, and will therefor be a steady boarder at H-itel da Noble tor some months to com a. Attkmftid BubolakT. Some days ago, or rather nights ago, an intruder with muffled feet was heard by Airs. J. N. Brown iu their residence ou Main St. Mr. Brown was awakened, wbiob, per haps, alarmed the intruder, who ouly made three or four steps in getting out side ot the premises. The majority of our people do not lock their doors, but will have to come to it soon. u ii atiitiflP' Are You In erested LOW PRICES? A. Great Blessing Their Regular Visit. The railroad commissioners, Messrs. Hamilton, 0uV.g aud Clowe, made their regular trip up the brauoh yesterday, and we are in formed, bad no fault to find. They re turned to tbe uiaiu line in their special car late y esterduy aftei uoon, accompanied by Mr. Henry Ueppner aud Hon. H. Blaokmun, wbo returned borne ou last evemngs's train. Fbom Ta ValleT. Mr. G.S. L. Smith, of the firm of Smith Bros., guzanville, arrived from the valley last evening where be has been with a bunch of horses. They sold fairly well, bat says tbe valley market is dull. He sojonrued in Portland about two weeks, where all were explaining of dull times. Mr. Smith leaves tomorrow for bems. A New Neighbor. Geo. W. Lord has moved into tbe former art gal lery over Messrs. Brown & Hamilton's office, uud bas fitted up for architecture work. He is prepared to contraot for all kinds of buildings, or wjll supervise construction, and pure-base material for tue same, giving nis customers lue Den eflt of his experience aud percentage. 532 tt FOB JOINT BEPKESENTATIVE. From the Eagle. A special to the Eagle states that at a meeting of the republican central com mitteetnen at Canyon City last Saturday in joint convention with tbe central com mitteemen of Harney county, A. W, Gowau, of Burns, was nominated as a candidate for joint representative to be voted for on the 8th of November. Mel. Fenwick, tbe people's party nom inee last June, was again selected as tbe new party s candidate. As we go to press, it is not learned wbo the democrats have chosen, but it is gen erally understood that it will be M. R. Biggs, of Burns. TO THE POINT. My creditors are atter me for money which I caunot pay unless those who owe me come to the front. This I shall expeot everyone to do without further delay. I need money and must have it. 538-bw D. W. Hornkb. KOLMAN Has Opened Up at Heppner. Offers a magnificent new stock for .FALL AND WINTER ( nrinoa tho In zast vet named for striotlv first-olass goods. High grades iu all departments, rrue merit iu every amuie. uuhwi ifunu.j. m ".".- aSBortment nothing missing. Tbe quality will tell it : the prioe will sell it. That is the reason you should come early and seoure your BARGAINS from our Bplendid line of Dry Qoods k Boots anil Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. .13 Tiro i,. nii iu laioot rinvell.ipn in oreat nrofnsion. We keen the finest seleo- i,,. in Dii otunHArH st v lea We make ii a Doint to have every artiole in stock the best of its kind. The dollar yon Bpend with us poes farther, lasts in...... mM aivln. Mia nun nnanritv. nets more Quality, and does Smore good in servioe. worth SDd wear than any money you spend. Our goods and prices, now waiting for your inspection, will prove this. Remember it is an established faot that it pays to trade, providing yon want to save money, at the -B0ST0I esi? STOW HHMt J. H. KOLMAN. C HAS. L. SHERMAN, V V T V Water and Light. H. V. Gates or. rived from the East last Friday. Though he is experiencing considerable delay iu pruouiiug his muohineiy, he hopes to have the light plant plaut iu operation by Deo. 1st, aud the waterworks ready for the test before Jan. lit. There ia au unusual demand for all kinds ot tnaohiu ery, waterworks materials, etc., this full, far beyond the capacity of the numerous large plants of the Duited States. The exuavation for one reservoir isoomileted and the oeineutiug will commeuceimme diately. The Palace Hotel Co. have de cided to have their magnificent struoture wired for lights, and will aleo use city water as soon as it can be obtained Many of the business bouses, as well as residences, are being prepared for elec tric lighting. It has so many advaut ages oyei coal oil that we are quite sure that as an illumiuant it will beoome auite popular with mir oitizans. Ought to Havb a Band. Heppner, sb live and enterprisiug a town as it is, bas allowed our band organization to die. To be sure, the boys get togetner occasionally and make some music, but here is no sort of organization, and we usually bBVe to depend upon the assist ance of musiciaus from neighboring parts. Heretofore the individual mem bers of tbe band have owned their instru ments, hich is a mistake. They should belong to the band, or rather tbecirizens of Heppner, then ibe withdrawal of one or two members would not domuoo dam Bge. Onr people are able to support I band and we should tuke pride in doing so. It is something that requires both time and expense to be entirely success ful, and if the former is given by the baud boys, tbe lowu should do the res' quite willingly. Wants to Hear From Him Mrs, M.n..i A. Johnson, of this place, is quite anxious about ber husband. Chas. Johnson, whu left this section tor run- land about six weeks ago, since which time sue nas nearu uutuius u..o.. from him. Mr. Johnson ia a hlaoksmitb and for more than a year past bad been engaged in that business at Pry Wilson's place, ou this side of tbe North Fork, near Monument. He is about 5 feet 8 inohes in height, light complelioned, wears a mustache, is of French nativity and speaks broken English. Any infor mation concerning him should be sent to Mrs. Margaret Johnson, ot Heppner. A ttAi in t A I liWMB.-l be news ha reached Long Creek that Mai Church, who was sentenced to the penitentiarv from this county last full for the killing (T.oi. Hansell. made an sstault on another prisoner in the penitentiary with a chair and seriously in jured his comrade. Whether tbe report is true is not known, but Chnrob having been punished for a similar offense once before, would nat urally suppwe that be would not be guilty of the same aot the second time. Eagle. Bound Over, Sure Tbe Gazette, in its last isiue, siatfd that r rauk Mclutire had bud his examination and was Ouuna over. At that limi Molulire bad been remanded to j .il, awaiting examination, bnt that was all. His examination was IF KKWAKD. Lost or stolen, one bay linrse four years old, branded oross(x) with bar above it on right shoulder. Had white face. I will Hive the above reward for bis retn'O to J. L. Howard's ranch on Little Bnttir Creek, or for information leading to his recovery. I. L. Howard, Dob-sw Uullowav, Ure. Strayed. A fuur-year-old steer, brand ed H P on tbe ribs on right side; also same brand on rigbt bip and on rigl t stifle; big split In right ear. Any infor mation leading to recovery of same will be cheerfully rewarded bv XSOB uextkr, 538-sw Heppner, Or. FOR SALE OB EXCHAMOE For anvthing useful, a square piauo in good condition, at Benuett's hotel, Ar lington. Uash prioe, 800. Utters solic ited. 638 7 BueVlcn's Arnica Salve. Tbe beBt salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, uloers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, norna. aud all skin eruotious. and posi tively oures piles, or do pay required. II is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. cor sale by oiooum-jonnsion Jjrug Co. DKTJNKENNim or the LlOl'OR HABIT. Cared at Home In Tea Days by Admlaut-ti-ilng Dr. Haines' Uolckn Specific. It oan be siven in a glass of beer, a cop of coffee or tea, or in food, without tbe knowledge of tbe patient. It is absolute ly Harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate driukeror an alcoholic wreck. It baa been giveu iu thousands of cases, and in every instance perfect ours has followed. It never fails. Tbe system mine imnreiznated with tbe specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for tbe lia nor aorjetite to exist, unres gnaran teed. 48 naire book of partionlars free. Aduress the Golden Spboikc Co., 185 Uaoe Htreet, Cincinnati, Ohio. House and f Sip Painter Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator. Firat-OlasB work in All Its -Prices Reasonable, rX)FFICE IN CITY HOTE L f HEPPNER. - - 830-sw - - OKEUON IIS';- line. - --Mim MPS. PALM 1 i" I -..u,.'Vto' 1 -ARB- Rustlers ! or Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to i mi ten ma ; Maverick, The Fmhy Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can Round up Bargains Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKHS Made oh Short Notice add at Popular Paicsa. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. TUinni HOfBl II i Ht WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. Margaret Von Wow BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. 8EE BORG, MAY JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, S I L V E R W A R E, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Eto., Etc Trust I3nsts. STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Grain Sacks Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 ets. M. C. L. & T. CO. Mil For T. W. AYERS, Jr., & Co. Bware of Ointments For ( starrh Thst Con tain Mercury, As mercury will sorely destroy the seose of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the muoons surfaces. Bncb artioles suould never be used eioept on prescrip tions from reputable puysioisns, as tbe damHiie they will do is ten fold to tbe god ynn onn possibly derive frnm them. Ball's Catarrh Care, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains oo mercury, and is taken internally, act iuir directly upon tbe blood and muoons surfaces of the system. In baying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, anil mBtle in Tole do, Ohio, by F. J. Chkket A Co. Testi monials free. ty.Sold by Druggists, price lue. per bottle. The general merchandise establish ment formerly owued by Cc.ffia 4 McKar land, has lately changed hands, uow be inir uwler the control and management I ot me Morannnu merunniiie vuiupniiv, wbiob coutinnes business at tne old stand with a larger stock than ever. a Roiob Diamohu Chubs. Without equal, and for years tba leading alonu cigar, will be sold at Han Fran cisco wholesale prices, by lots ot 100 or 5.0ij0 at J. Cobn's. 86 44 IN THEIR NEW STORE, NEXT DOOR TO CITY HOTEL. LOOK OUT FOR SOME THING NEW. Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT oKKieic L D. 18 HEPPNEK'S LEADING Office, Residence Conlractor I dcr. leathers' Examination. "VOTICE 13 HKKKbY OIVEN THAT FOR i '1 he purpose of examining sll who may make application for cuuutv or itatecertlticatea, itate diplomat or state life diploma! In the coun ty ol Morrow, state of Teiron, the school super intendent theieof w ill hold ft public examina tion at the court house in Heppner, beKliiuIng on Vi educsday Nov. 9, lu. at 1 o'clock p. in. bated this Ulh day ol Oct, lw. w. L HAttSO, 096.40 BuporlnUndeat ol schools. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I IAND OKFICR AT La GRANDE, OREGON, j Heptemoer '27, IWI2. Notice Is hcrehy (jlveii that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Orecou, on Nov. 12. IHyi. viz.: JOHN AI GL'ST NKUiON, For the S' t NWtt Lota 3 and 4 Sec. 5, Tp. 3, 8 R r, r. w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz. : ' Theodore Anderson, Fred Johnson, James Neville and James linger, all of Heppner, Or A. Clkavrk, SM5.T9 Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLEH. OREGON MJ Oct. 11, Wn. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has Died notice of hiK intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and thatsHld proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore. at Heppner Oregon, on Novemter 20, viz.: WILLIAM C. RKININllElt, D. B. No. 717, for the HK', Hcc. 2. E'4 NE!, NE'i HKli Sec. 11. To. 4. BR 2KB. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz. : Kilns Wright, J. 0. Kirk, J. P. Furlong and Da vid Klce, all of Heppner. Oregon. aXt-HI John W. Laws. Rxoima. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Hardware Arc still alive and kicking for trade with a complete line of- Tinware WIMPS Ciiec TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and -Ammunitiori, Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Also Genu' Furnishing Qoods, and the largest assortment of Teas In Eastern Oregon. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: WE Won'T Be unDEKSoLD. tt Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. Change of Ownership TTE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. whioh we propose to couduot in the moat satisfactory manner. Will keep on hantU a all tiniea the ouoioeet Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SIIVW & McOARTY, g5y ProDrietora. NOTICE OF INTENTION. tand Office at La flrande, Or., Pent. 21, 102. Notice is herebv Riven that the followtnir-iiam. ed settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be msde before W. R. Ellis, Com. V. 8. Circuit Court at Heppner, Oregon, on Not. S, 1W2. viz.: CLEMENTINE CATE. Hd. . 3770. lor the N'4 Nit and Ntf 8ec. 30. Tp. 1 . R. V E. . M. Hhe names the follow Inc witnesses to prove net continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land. vU: John Edwards. W O. McCarty. 8. N. Morgan Clyde BalliiK. all of Heppner, Oregon. Mary A. Mllng talis police. A. Cutjvss, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. r AND OFFICE AT THE DAI LF.M. OREdON J j Bcptember tf), IMI2. Notice Is hereby iflvcn that the lollowliiK-named settler has riled no tice ol bis intention lo mane nnni prooi in sup port of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made before W. R. Ellis Com. V. H. Circuit Oregon, ou November ly, Court at Heppuer, iH'J-:, viz. ; HARRISON CHAPIN, Hd. E. No. 3176, for the Ntt Fttt'lt NW! HE and HK't NW4 11, Tp. ft. H 11 2ft . He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz. : Jas. H. Wjiand, Abe I.uelllng, Walter Bennett aud Harrison cuuiulugs, all of Hardman, Or. John W. Liwia, MO-MO Rcglsu. Rruits ies, -:- p -:- and -:- (Jip ! WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The FineKt in the Land. Oyster Senson Also in about ripe. Wo will let you know about that in tho near future. W. L. Matlock & Co.