T Give pour business to Heppner peopU and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. icket. tOS PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HABRISON, of Indiana. FOB VICE PKE8IDENT, WHITE LAW KEID, of New York. FOB PRESIDENTIAL ELKCTOBS, J. F. CAFLES. of Portland. H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IKW1N. of Cnion. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. IS THE TARIFF A TAXI Nearly, it Dot quite all freetraders, and "tariff for revenue only" advuoatea, claim and insist tbat our present tariff is a tux and that must of this comes off the work ing and farming olueees. Let us see. Tbe working girl uses a liandkerobief tbat is taxed 6 eeuts per yard, bat bicb sells at i oeuts per yard retail ; tbe labor er's print sbirt, taxed 5 cents per yard( ' retail prioe 5 cents per yard; tbe poor man's blanket 95 cents, or 105 per oeut, but sells at 90 cents retail; salt 83 8-5 cents, or 120 per cent, onsts retail, per barrel in tbe states, 28 cents; wire nails ere taxed 121 p r cent, or $2, yet tbeii regular retail prioe is only $1.65, with freight added to tbis seotiun of ooursejj s iw files are taxed 75 cents per dozen, or 106 per cent, yet tbeir selling price in the retuil market is not over 6 cents, unless they want an unusual profit; cigars are taxed 3 07 per box of 60 eaob, or 2( 6 per cent., and anyone knows that a good oi gar, retail oy the box, aim be bought for less money than tbe tariff; bd euchre deck and oase is taxed 50 oeuts, or 163 per cent., yet it oosts iu Heppner 2j oeuts; the dress that is taxed $1.79 oeuts sells at SI 80; tbe material for amoruiun dre.-s is taxed 9 oenis, but sells for 7 ceuts; tbe cloak that is taxed 103 per oent , or $5.15, is selling for less mouey; the oalico aprou is taxil 111 per oent, or 5 cents per yard, yet it retails, less freight, for i ceuts ; tobacco taxed 10 oeuts or 115 per oent., sells for 10 cents, three packages for 25 oeuts; a rug taxed 105 per oent, or $1.05, Bells for $1, and so ou Uharge not to tariff, extortion which should be laid at the door of the retailer It in true that the message to ooiigrrSH in 1887 bore this: "Those who buy im ports pay the duty ohurged tbereon lutu the publio treasury, but the flreat mnjor ity of our citizens, who buy domestic ar. tides of the same class, pay a sum at least approximately equal to tbiB duty lu the home manufacturer," Now is n the case? The fuot is that even on imported good our people do not always pay the duty The foreign manufacturer generally re duoes his prioes sufficiently to allow f"i our tar.ff, But ouly a very soihII purl t the tilings the Aiucriiau pe pl use an imported. The great muj rity of on i people, especially working people and farmers, never see uny imported good exoept iu the shop windows, Those who buy them are the wealthy; andeveu if they did pay the tariff on them, the) otiKlit to so lung as they think American goods are not good enough for them. Besides, every cent of the tariff goesiutn the public treasury to pay tbe expense of government, thus relieving other more patriotic citizens, who are oouteut with the produots of their fellow oouiitrymeu'e labor from luxation lor the Biipport ol the government. FOR THE BEST. Many say tbat siuoe we save $48,000, 000 per year through free sugar, why uot make other things free and save many times that amount. There is no earthly analogy between the tariff on sugar which was a revenue tariff aud the tariff on wool, fur in stance, whlob is a protective tariff. The former sustained no domeetio industry of auy moment, gave praotioally no em ployment to Amerionn labor and capital. Under it nearly all our sugar was import ed, and wbeu it was abolished there was no collapse of doniestio industry. The few snitur producers received iu exchange for the tariff a bounty, under which they prosper even more than before. But re move the duty on wool, which now sus tains the immensely important industry of sheep husbandry, aud you oarry death and desolation amuug thousauds of now fairly prosperous flookmasters. Austral ian aud Argentine wools would 11 od our markets till the American fine wool in dustry was no mure. After that we should have no guarautie that we would get our wools any oueaper than uow. We should be obliged to take our chances ou that score. But about the losses we should austaiu iu the slaughter of Mucks fur their tallow, as occurred before un der a low revenue tariff ou wool, there cau be no manner of doubt. Even free sugar would nut, perhaps, be receiving the encomiums prouonueeil upou it ou every baud bad the Ain-rioaii sugar iudnntry not been securely pro rcted against disaster by the bouuty. For, in that event, the cry of distress which would ere this have reached us troui the Louiiiiaua plantations would perhaps, onuse us tu pause aud consider whether it was wise to impuverisU even few of our people. To guard agaiuat such a calamity tu the wool iuterest, if we are to carry out triotly the comparison with sunar, we should need to provide for a bouuty ou Amerioan wool suflioieutly liberal to take tbe place of the existing tariff. But, un der that arrangement, not a caul would be saved to the people, for the amount of bouuty we should have to pay would t least tqual aud probably exceed the amount of wool duties uow collected, In the oase of sugar, since our borne produc tion was less than 1 pound in 10 of what we import, abolishing the duty of 2 ceuts pouud ou the 10 imported, aud paling 2 oeuts out of that saving on the 1 im- ported pountl, resulted in a net train to the people of 18 oents, or about $48,000, 000 in tbe aggregate. So we see that, no matter from what point of view, there is oo likeness between sugar or revenue duty, and wool or protective duty. We trust tbat oar friends will guard against these free trade fallacies in the future. In this county, tbe tickets have been printed with I be name of Nathan Pieroe in two places. We learn that this baa been done in other counties, but it certainly is not right. From the same standpoint, all four of tbe democratic eleotors had resigned, tbe partv then endorsing the populists, their names would appear twioe, both as democrats and populists. fhis is not in accordance with the spirit of tbe Australian ballot system nor do we believe with the strict letter of the law, though it may be democratic. fbere are only fifteen eleotors in tbe Qelil, while the tickets show sixteen, four of which must be voted for. The American Protective Tariff league recently Bent letters to persons in control of industries which, it is claimed, have been established or increased by the MoKiuley tariff, asking information of tbe number of persons employed, character of products, etc The replies taken together show that 37,385 persons have found employment in the industries referred to. while the increas ed capital employed amounts to $40,399, 059. Reports, it is said, are incomplete. and tbs Ame ricBn Economist olaims about 75,000 persons are dow employed, in industries actually established or iucreased by tbe new tariff. Stamboul, on the Stockton track, on Oct. 27th, broke the World's stallion trotting record, making tbe mile in 2:- 08, or one-quarter of a second less than Palo Alto's record . Walter Nuben was atamboul's driver. Champion Cohbett is mixed up iu a woman so rape, aud tbe gossips are going. Jim bas dropped down a notch or two, an how, in tbe estimation of tbe people. As "tbe soul of honor" he is hardly up to the standard. Not Bn Oregon democrat will get a oliauoe to vote for Gleve and Steve. 'It will be three-fourths of a vote ouly, and the remainder for Pennoyer'a pet, Old Peuny is a leader after all, isn't be. Chili's indemnity draft has been sent to Paris for collection, aud upou the return of same in Oash, proper distribu tiou of the mouey will he made umong i he murdered Baltimore sailors. Does not the fuot that within the lust twelve years 2,0i)0,000 acres of laud have beeu thrown out of arable cultivation in Euglaud indicate that free trade injures farming? Do Fit EE traders thiuk that thoy cun coaviuce Amerioan woolgrowera that their product would not full iu prioe to the London level if protection were with dr.iwn? (IalvanI, oi e til the people's electors, ami obutrniiiu ol that state central com uiittee, u not pleased at the uunoliuiiid endorsement of Pierce by the democrats. Adjdtant Gen. Williams has recoui- unndud that the annual apptnpriation for the national guard be iucreased from $400,000 to $1,000,000. Milwaukee has hud an enormous Se, the losses running up into tbe millions. ADDITIONAL, LOCALS. The Htudehabpr wai;on heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a Look out for Fell Bro 'a sale of rem nants bargains iu ever) thing. a Kuhl, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes aud save money. Iry it. a. Why go hungry when the City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates, a Plenty nf flour, bran, mill feed and chop always on baud at the Heppner Flouring Mills. a "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes at P.O. Thompson & Co.'setand, and the place for bargains. a Call on Kip to do your wood sawing; same old price. Also delivers wood to auy part of Heppner. See ad. a M. Lichtenthal & Co. have just re ceived a flue lot of ladies' kid, button aud tie shoes. At bottom prioes. a For cash you oan get more at the East ern Clothing bouse, with Levi on deok, thau any other place iu Heppner. a The Palace is the leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Smith, the furniture man. is prepared to sell fine goods at low figures. Full line of undertaking goods ou hands, a Burg, the jeweler, is th i.an to fix up your watch or clock. ,e keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a Don't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., the leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest drugs mid the tiuest toilet articles always ou hand. a The ltnehlpr beer, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osniers & Hughes, flops , next door to M. Lich tenthal A Uo.'s Hhoe store. a The M. I.. A T. Co , since they have roofed all their platforms, have an iur mouse storage capacity. This coiiiiinut uow deals iu gram, lumber and wood, s Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the meat market they have aUHVs endeavor ed to keep on hand the freshest aud choicest uieaH, sausages and bologuas. a Thompson & Bum own the buss which goes to aud from tlto City hmel, but wih ch fur parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. ljeitve orders at City hotel. a What will perseverance, pluck aud en lerpris avail in this wild west, if you oaunot get big bargains? However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Miuor Bros.' euipor u in. a Gilliam & Bisliee, the hardware aud tinware merchants, oarry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agricul tural implements. Don't you need a plow tbia full? a Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia Oonquerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to I effect a cure or mouey refunded. See ad. in this issue. a Dou't overlook Kirk & Rasmus fur hargaius. They have pui chased the bus iness of J. W. Matlock A Co. but will soon remove to the Mallory corner, oppo site the 1'alaoe hotel, a IT INJURES WOOL. From the Eagle. Iu another column of this issue publish a oomm aoication from Frank Lea to the Heppner Guz tte, in whioh he de nounces the use of red tar or paint in branding sheep, giving for bis reason tbat tbe wool does not command so good a price by one cent per pound when tbe sama is used. Mr. Lee is the Boston salesman for tbe wool commission merchants, Christy & Wise, of San Fiancieco, aud having many friends in the interior oouuiies of Oregon including Grant county, be makes this slight damage to wool known in order tbat our sheepmen oan in tbe future take advantage of euob and be in a position to reap better prices. It is almost absolutely ueoessary tbat our sheepmen use a brand or mark of some nature, but if using the BBrue is a great financial detriment, it appears that another oourse of marking or branding sheep could be pursued tbat would fully auswer tbe purpuse of a tar or red paint brand. Mr. Lee suggests tbat if it is absolute ly necessary that such a brand or mark must be used, that it would be much to tbe interest of tbe sheepmen it each ould, when shearing, olip from each fleece, the marked or damaged parts, One cent per pound is a small amount, but on the whole it will aggregate many thousand dollars, and tbe Eagle hopes to see tbe sheepmen get every cent possible from their wool sales. SOME EAGLETS. From the Long Creek Paper. B ub GaihergouU is out at Pendleton with Cattle this week, making a delivery at the stook yards in that city to-day. Pry Wilson is circulating a petition to be granted a lioeuse or oharter to run a ferry across the North Fork at donument. Miss Olive Coulee, of tlardman, Mor row oouuty, Oregon, passed through last Saturday en route to Jobu Day, where she has accepted a position in the Luce district, us teacher. Thus Quiid, of Heppner, bas pur. chased a baud ol 2000 wether lambs of the sheepmen ot this oouuty, principally of Northern Grant. He has driven the same to Morrow oounty ranges where be will feed until spring. W. G. Allen reinroed from Burns Tues day, where be bud been attending 'he races. Mr. Alleu with Pay Day, Coeur d'Aleneand J ihu Chrism in's Riley, ook almost ever race at Harney, but at Burns was not as successful. Mr. Alleu, we understand, sold Cceur d'Alene and Pay Day while at Burns. Weduesdsy evening of last week the marriage of J. L. Parrish, of Cauyon City, and Mias Nellie Stuue, of Jobu Day, as solemuiZ'd at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs 8. P. iVturnHii, Krv. E-ids performing the nuD- tial rit sin his usual formal and impress e ueiemouy. llie newly married couple will reside at Canyou City, where the Eagle joins a host of friends iu wishing them a lung aud happy life. torn William, and his rider, Willie Johnson, returned from Burns last Sat urday. Owing to Jordon's lameness I'nm was compelled to leave him at John D-iy, but was pquarely "'in it" with Gray Dick, wiuniug the one four.h mile and six hundred yard raoe. In the for mer race W. G Allen's Pay Day took .f-ound mouev, but t'oeir d'Alene, the favorite ou the Long Cieek track, was ihut uut. OIIMiON. D. P Thompson has been mentioned as the successor of Hun. Sol Uirsch. The river Btearaere, Iralda and lone, collided near Portland Thursday morn uiu, Otto Peters losing his life. A douse lot, caused the trouble. E. O.: Twenty-eight thousand ballots, halt while and half colored, have been priuted tor the use of the Umatilla oouu ty volets. They are now being sent to ihe various preoincts by the enmity clerk. The Dalles Chronicle: Congressman W li Ellis was pieaeut at the demon -siratiou at the court house last evening. He is improving rapidly. He aooom pa ined Senator Mitchell to Portland this morning. Times-.MoiintaineerT Hon. W. R. Ellis is able to walk arou d on orutohes, but oauuut place Lib whnle weight on the limb that was broken. He took ibe3 o'olock train this morning for Portland, where his wife aud family have beeu vis iting friends fur a few days past. The Dalles Obrouiole: It is said that Goy. Penuoyer deuouuees the trick of Col. Bob Miller anil Pieroe. Should fierce be eleoted aud oust his eleotural vote for Cleveland he would bedrumuied out of Oregon. That is what tbe gov eruor of Oregon says to the govenor of Georgia. Sheriff Booth, of Crook oouuty, arrived in the city hiHt night direct from Priue villein a ton r-horse wagon, having on board J. W. McConniok, seutenced to the peutteutiary for life for murder iu the second degree; D. C. WeBVer, sent for two years for seduction, and Euyurt for adultery. They left this morning for Sa lem, but En) art was taken to Washing ton oounty. E. O. Republican: Last Saturday, Ed Hall, 'ho has been employed hv E. Dra per, in the mountains east of Union, Oune in from the range and attempted to catch a horse which he had not used for some time. While thus engaged the animal Kicked him ou his right arm, breaking the bones. He was badly bruised about ihe tao . After the accident he bad tbe courage to ride to Union, a distance ol i ik lit miles, to have his injuries dressed. OPPIOIAli. It ts our earnest desire to impress upon the intuitu ol the public the mineriuruy of thy ser vice ottered by ihe lsoonsiii Central Llnei to Milwaukee, l hli-iigo and all poind Ksnt and xaith. Two fsst trains leave M. 1'aul, Minne apolis mid Duluth daily, equipped with Pull luan entllmU'd Drawing Uoom Sleepers, Diuiitft Cari and Coaches ol the Tatel dentga. tic Uln itiu t ar pervlee is unsurpassed, which accounta, to a great degree tor the popularity of this line Ihe Wisconsin I'eatral Lines, in connection with Northern Pacific a. K., is the only line from I'aciik- i'oast points over w hich both Pull man Vestlbnlcd, lirst-elatis, and Pullman lour 1st l ars are operated vlast. Paul wlthoutchauge to I'lllcaRO. Pamphlets Rlviiin valuable Information can be obtained tree UKu application to your near est lb ket ayent.or Ja. r. P.'ND.Oeueral Paaaeu gur and 1 icket Agent, Chicago, III. To Coxl Mixllillit 1 voa. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, atter sintering for sev eral years w ith a severe lung altection, and that dread disease Consumption, Is anxious to make know n to his fellow autlerers the means of cure. To those who desire It, he will cheerfully send (free ot charge) a copy of the prescription used, w hich they w ill tim! a sure cure for t'outump tiou. Asthma. Catarrh. Bronchitis aud all throat and lailg maladies. He hopes all sutterem will try his renndv, as 11 ts -Invaluable. Those de sirli.g tho i r.-scription, w hich will cost them nothing, aud may prove H blessing, wl.l plc.tSe address, Kkv. KcwvaoA. Wilson, l-ta w Brooklyn, New York. Cure for Colds, Fevers and Oeneral De aUlty, Smalt illle Ueuiuj. 2Sc. per LvtUe. Ripans Tabulos are alwat i ready. 4IS,X.IST'S1'", Children' Headwear, Blankets, Tarns aid Novelties, at the V 1 FRANK McFARLAND, . - President. McFARLAND MERCANTILE -Sucoessors to- COFFIN & Carry a ICONSI Genera CLOTHING-, Bodts, Shoes, And such goods as are usually kept in a Srst-olass store. Call and inspect our stock and get cur We are also sgents Tor mitchelllewis& staver Agricultural Implements Fur Morrow and Northern Grant Counties. pnsumption What shall stay 'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have . you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take Bcott'a Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemio and Wasting Diseases. Proventa wasting In Children. Aliuont iu palatable as milk. 6ct onlr the genuine. Pre pared by Pcott & Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. OXFORD GRADE BUCKS ! J. ID. SIVITTII, HIGHEST CASH PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. V. AYEHS,Sr.Manauer. DR. JOS KPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. d., London, England. Veterinary Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prpprel to do U kind of Veterinary Snrnery, Emasculating Horses and ReRltnn Speci ally. I I (111 IS lUBUllij ini. uictiiiuiiiiiiiTi.iii,uiiiiuigri.f qic.t lK "l vmiivmu UUI ou snort nonce, i win irem it aminms Inary surgery. 11 you nave auy sick call on me at HEPPNER, 638 sw JE la qmte a good in the meantime tiou by bringing EMI ARTISTIC 1 & r ESSE, HOOT3, Jj'aRoinatnrs, Dry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Trimmings, Ladies and Children's Underwear. H. McFARLAND, . - Vice President. E. P. VORUZ. Sec, and Treu McFARLAND. foil line of STING OFi Hats and Caps. prioes before baying your fall supplies, Merchand: That dreaded and dreadful disease I its ravages? TJwusands Scott's Emulsion The undersigned has a choice lot of Oxford Grade Bucks for sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. A Hot Rook, Or. 448 Surgeon tu id, uiusi auproveu procedure oi tvier- ai.imais it win oe to your interest to Men art's stables. OREGON waya off. Winter is not o far, and our frien 'a oan square up on subsorip in oordwnod. " THE PATTERSON PCB. CO. ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS OTJK STOCK IS BOUND TO GO. There is nothing like a motion. We have laid in a able goods. We Bought Cheap To offer tbe very best olothing grades of goods" at pricts that DRY GOODS Ladies' and Men's Furnishings, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Where can you tret BETTER There must be something you need in our to ouy man at me Eastern Clothing House- N. Li. KOBISON, Pbopbiitob. D A. Herren'a Building, Mny Street. mm ;CAB.TICKSL1CE THE WORLD RENOWNED Prevention better than Cure ! DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY FALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL X See Indoraementa I Cooper Dip is used and endorsed by the following Oregon and Montana sheepmen: W. B. Donaldson Dayville; W. S. Leet Junction City; John Harrison, Matney; Geo. Ocns, Amanda; Kenneth McRae, Davvlllei Joe Oliver, John Day, J. W. Byers, New Lisbon; P. .1. Moule, Bercall; Coolc & Clark, Philbrook; Falrchlld & McCraix, Uupuver; F. K. Warren, Utica; Busch Bros., Lewlston; E. P. Chandler, Maiden; J. Hlrschberg, Choteau; D. 8. Baitings, Ubet; James Edle, Dillon; V. Norton, Stewart; A. Downle. Big Sandy. The Cheapest and Best Dip evermade. Hi Everywhere Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Take 10 Other. KOHIjANO B'MIS. Portland, Drexnn, Gen. Agfa, lor Oregon, Washington and Western II ELD OUT- W. B- POTTER, Who U Just opening up with a stock ot Hardware, Tinware and Stove", Plnmbiuj! Materials, Etc. In the Odd Fellows' building. Has a thorough pliunberand tinner, yee Hillv before you buy. West side Main street. HEPPNER, DAN OSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! EXT DOOR to Heppner Candy Factory on Main Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors Wines, Cigars, Etc We have ' Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to S Cents PerGlass, On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMERS & HUGHES. Props. The Heppner Wood Yard. KIP HAS GOT AROUND At last, and haa opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood sawed or uueawed. ' Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts jVer Uord, twice in twi ; 81 00, three times. Wood eawed and delivered at $7.60 per cord. Yird pear the depot B28-" RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. VV. J. I.1CEZKW, Prop. mHIS HOSTELKY has been Refitted aod Keftoishkd throughout, and now is one of the most inviting plaoes in HenDner. Mr. Leeaer invito, von v j , with him, feeling tbat he is able to entertain yon in the beet of style. N tiRST Class House. Reasonable Rates, SLIM FIGURE to put it in very large atock of season and Sell Cheap. for Men and Boys, tbe best make them JUMP. BARGAINS Than we offer P line, and there oan't be a better plao - HEFFNH.K, OKEU'JH 1 , ii Idaho. Props. We COOPER 4 NEI'DEWS. 6'ah'tttort, Texas. OREGON MAT HUGHES.