NOTICE TO AUVEBTlSEKS. T'HOBE desiring the Insertion ol display ads or cUauc of same, must got their copy iu notlaler than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for todays eil- UUl-ATrKOS 1'UUMHIKCUO. NO 1 ICE. 1. The ram of dvo cent! per line will bo charged (or "cards ol thanks." "resolutions ol ivbi, liau 01 weuuiug presents and douora. auu obituary notices, (other limn ihn th it or shall liiuisell give ai a matter oi news.) and notices ol special meetings lor whatever purpose i. (.otlcea 01 church and society and all oilier entertainment! lrom which revenue li to be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rate ol live tents a Hue. Iheae rulea will be strictly adher ed to lu every instance. Advertialug rates reasonable and made known Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Hud. W. K. Ellis is below. Don't overlook tbe Ladies' Bazar. Bert rjiinons' residence is Hearing com pletion. Joe Keeuey came over fiom Pendleton yesterday. Geo. JD. Fell is convalescing from a slight iliuesa. M. L. Kobison is telling potatoes at l&i-tuiB ter lb. 637 tt J. L. Beyaier in hauling In bis wheat fruniJuunt Mile. Died t,eat Lexingtun, Tuesday ol this Week, Jus. JSaiiey. Farmers are making preparations for a big crop uext year. Fred Miller knows how to give you a good fit iu tailoring. tl BW Eli Keeuey nut iu Friday from a tour of adjuiuiug ouuuiries. Cuss. Uney is building a residenoe near tue ruuud house. Arthur Daley is building a fine barn up uu the old tfy rue rauoli. Joe Bnuumter took out u load of Haid man ninchauiliae yeaierday. A. ti. Uaiuen, Eight M ile'a P. M., was over tu Heppner vieuueBduy. The Qeui aud Palace saloons for fine iquora, AluAiee Blot., Piops. aw Ceuterville, Wash., is about to insti tute a lodge of KuiKhts of Pythias. A cord of wood on subscription will not be refused at tbe Oazette office. Heppner has Hot ten up a fund to pa) for tue dispatches en the eve ot eleotion. Kev. Fiuuk Adkins will hold services iu the to. E. ohuioh, boutb, this eveuiuK. A man named Young got bis toe bbo.j oiusLed upiuthe mouutaiuB lusi week. A son of B J Hill, of Lexington, is on the sick list. Dr. A. L. Fox is in attend ante. Bhe new school bouse at lone has been completed and aohool is now in opera tion. Mrs. Geo, Swaggart departed today for Spokane where she will visit her mother, Nathan McBee, the stock inspector, reports incoming bands of Bheep iu guod oundition. Prof. Alba Kahler is tenoaing an excel lent school at Hurdman, with over BO iu attendance. A. A. Roberts reports that Hannah J. Ol instead has sold her ranch of 160 acres to Thou. Gilfillin. Johnny Nailen oame in from Monu ment Wednesday night, leaving for home today with supplies. Pap uimoiiB & Hon still shoe horses and do general blacksmithmg at the old stand Mutiook Corner. 55. Bhaw & McCarty are selling beef fore quarters, at tour oents per pound and other meats in proportion. 36-tf Every man who takes any interest in fust stuck should subscribe fur Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. Billy Potter ia gettiug his new bard ware store iu running order. He will be louud iu tbe Odd Fellows' building. J. Q Crafts, who lives near lone, has put in 262 aoite of wheat this fall. Ibis is tnice as much as be had in last year. By error printers make mistakes sometimes the last issue ol the Gazette was dated Oct. 21, instead of Oct. 25. Everybody reads tbe Gazette, whether subscribers or not. It's kind of neigh bors to loau it, but it's hard on the shop. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in north Heppuer, or address her at this place. 518-tf Hiyn ketohum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at tbe oity barber shop tbe place to get a tirst-class shave, hair-cut or shampoo. tf. Mrs. T. E. Fell and motherinlaw, Mrs. C. E. Fell, did hot depart Tuesday for Taooma as anticipated, being delayed uutil yesterday. Oiave Pearson, a progressive farmer ot Eight Mile, says heat is doing pretty well out bis way oousideriug the dry weather, yet raiu is needed. H. A. Salisbury bas been up several days looking alter his ranch and other matters, but departed this morning for bia home near Salem. T. N. Howeii, B. B. Heritage, 0. H. Newman and J. F. Howell, Billings, Mont., sh epmen, are in Heppner for the purpose of buyiug sheep. Master Olay French is tbe authorized ageut for tbe Oregonisn at this place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tt Sewer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Tbe Bev. Waldrop, a populist speaker, is expected to address tbe people ot Heppuer tomorrow evening at 7 :80. Al so at Lexington tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. Meats are wholesaled at the Liberty Meat maiket cheaper than ever before known to be sold (or in Heppner. Fore quarter of beef at 4 els. per pound and other meals in proportion. 86 tf There is no use n suffering witb rheu matism as loug as you can get Congo Oil. It is for sale by all drnggists at $2 per bottle, but it would be dirt cheap at four times the price. It is a positive cure for rheumatism, and no mistake. Try it and be convinced. f tf Owing to tbe faot that job stock has advanced about twenty per cent from reasons whicb will be explained else wb. re. we are compelled to make a ligbt advance on all printing. A le duction will be made as soon as prices ot material will justify same. Tbe great Dr. Boerbaave left three di rections for preserving the health keep tbe feet warm, tba hesd cool, and tbe bowels open. Had lie praotioed in our day, he might have added: and purify Ibe blood witb Ayer's Harsapnrillar (or he certainly would oonsider it tbe best. There is no better medicine for family use than Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Their ugar-ooaliug makes them easy and even agreeable to take, aud as ibey contain ao calomel or other injurious drug, thev are perfectly safe for patients of any age Jack McUormack, oity marshal of Mitchell, who abut Smith last spring, baa been found guilty of murder in tbe sec ond degree. He applied for a new trial and will probably get it. lone baa arranged for some raoing on the Bill of November. A. 8. Haiosf, of Eight Mile, made a business call at our place of business Wed need ay. Dr. J. J. Bill has just returned from a tour of the country. The Dr. fiuds idea- ty of work in his line, but money is quite scarce. Gilliam & Bisbee are "in it" with a new ad. this issue. They crry a full line of everytbing. Wm. Bobisoo, a biotber of Levi, and a shrewd business mauot Portlaud,came up on lust night's train for a short stay in Heppuer. Times Mountaineer: Mr. N. J. Sin uott returned yeelerday from Heppuer. where he spoke before tbe oitizens aud G. A. R. on Columbus Day. Marian Evaua oalled iu Wednesday while iu towu. He bus completed sow ing grain this full, but fears that it will continue too dry to grow muob. A broken plate-glass window in T. W. Ayers Jr. & Co.'s drug store is tbe result of some niisoelluueous rook throwing vt edueeday uignt. Belter look out. A letter from Dn Neville reports four feet of suow in Wyoming. Tula is uot very good weather iu wuiuh to drive ubeep, but he did uot report any losses. There is not an empty residenoe in town, and the demands for them are iieurd on every band, Cottages to reut would be a good iu vestment iu Heppuer. Emil ScburfT, of Hamilton, was over the first of tbis week. Euiil Buys that the lull rums have started the grass lu bis neigbburbooJ, and that all kiuds ot stock are doing well. Congo Oil, O. W. R. Manf. Co , general agents. Bold every wbere by druggists See ad. in this issue. Refer to anyone who has used Congo Oil and you will see that It is guaranteed. O. F. Thorn, sun, of tbe Butter creek oouutry, and K. L. Rubiiison, of L me Kouk, were iu Heppner the first of the ei k, aud expressed themselves as being aurpiised at Heppuer'u rapid growth. Mr. Arthur Royse arrived Wednesday from Liberty, Clay Co., Missouri, wuere ue has been utteudlug souool, but he could not withstand the inroads that tbe climate tbere was making on his health Willard L. Vanderuool, representing tbe rj. B. Medicine Mfg Co, of Dufur, was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Vanderpuul represents euuie stand ard remedies, and tbey are deservedly popular. J. Q. Crafts, J. M. Dollarbide and Sid Junes left early last spring fur Ibe Edensburgh oouutry to work on tb Great Noituern. Mr Orufis returned some time ago, and reports that that seo tiou of Wasbiugtou is very dull. The Bpruy Kiusman mutter is up be fore Justioe Huiluck this afternoon. Mr. Kiusmun olaims that Mr. Spray agreed to give liim four steers to drop tue libel suit begun some time ago. Spray denies this, hence the suit. Johu Mudden shipped up from tbe val ley early this week a oar loud of pota toes, wbiob he stored away. Mr. Madden traded a hit of cayusee for these potatoes, and as tbe latter are legal tender here and the former not, he made a good swap. Antelope Herald: Our readers will ill be pleased to hear that Hon. W. R. Ellis bas about reoovered from the injur ies he received ou the Condon stage line last May. Mr. Ellis has had a serums time, being oonttued to his bed much of the time. Times-Mountaineer: Mr. W. D. Gil more returned yesterday lrom attending the races at Heppuer, Uaviug iu oburge Hokoluud Boy. tie speaks bigbly of tbe sucoess of tbe animul in the tiials ol speed, but oritioizes severely the deois ions made iu muuy of the races. A Great I'opclar History or the Would. The story of the world's his tory, is, after all, the moat interesting and most instructive stury which bas ever been told. It wub probably never better preseuted, or general reading and reference tbnn in Aldeu'e Cyclopedia of Historv, recently published. Every uution of tbe earth, ancient and modern, ib treated in its alphabetical order, ex cepting only, the United States, which ia to form a Beperate work. You have ancient hiBtory as far back as B. o. 6004 and modern history down to a d. 1892. All oouutries are described in their physioal aspects, as well as historically, so you have the equivalent of a book of travel srouud tbe world. There are uiauy illustrations, none for mere orna ment, but all helpful for instruction. Considering the magnitude of the work, its small oost is astonishing. The entire comprises about 800,000 words equiv uleut, you will find by comparison, to be abou' 10 volumes of ordinary size and yet is isnueJ in two bandy volumes, in small but clear type, well aud handsome ly made, and sold in olotb biuding for ouly $1.25 for the set, plus 20 oents for postage, if by mail, tot 10 cents tbe publisher seuds post-paid a paper-bound volume of 160 pageB, containing tbe com plete history1 ot Beveral nations, by wbicb you can judge of tbe character of tbe eutire work. Every home ought to have a good Universal History ; this is probably the best for general use. Tbe publisher's catalogue ot choice books. over 100 pages, a rich feast for book- lovers, is sent post-paid for 2 cents. Joan B. Aldeh, Publisher, 67 Rose St., New York. Talks Fob Travklkks. "Tales for Travelers" oontaius seven completed short stories, illustrated in the highest possible style ot art. These stories are by tbe rising American short story writers. Those who are pleased with this sort of fiction, aud thev number tboosands, will find tbis little book tbe very best ten cent investment to be bad. Address tbe A'kell Weekly Co.. 110 Fifth avenue. New York. Ik Wyoming Major Ormsby writes from Douglas, Wyoming, that this will be bis address for tbe winter. He bas in close proximity to that city 3.000 year ling ewes and 3,000 wetbers, all to winter on sa-ebrnsb without hay. lie sold 3,000 of the wetbers be drove from Oregon over a year ago to a man at Luck, Wyoming, at 84 per head. Sheep are all doing fine tbeie. Tbbown Fbom a Uobsb. Last Sunday evening Mrs. Andrew Reaney, living one mile below Lexington, wbile ridiug norse buok was thrown from tbe animal, alight ing on her bead causing severe concus sion of the brain. Bhe was insensible for several hours after tbe injury. Dr. Gageu was called to attend ber and re ports her now getting along as well as oould be expected. A Dtvorcz Cass. The referee case, Lew Smith vs. Isaphene Smith, suit for divoroe has been in progress at tbe court bouse this week. It will be renewed next week. This is tbe second bout of tbe interested parties, F J. Hallock hav ing taken evidence in tbe case some time ago, but Judge Bradabaw was not satis fied, and remanded tbe oase back again. STARRING AFFKAI. Paul Schiller Badly Cat by Tie Notorious Frank Mclnllre-Resist Arraat And is shot at by The Marshal. Last night about 1130 Paul Sohil ler was stabbed by Frank Mclutire, in front of the Natter saloon, opposite the Gazette office. Mclutire is a notorious oharaoter, who, when filled with that whioh obeers and aleo makes drunk, is quarrelsome and mean witb it. Last night h- oame into Natter'a place and demanded a drink, but being pretty full, was refused. Tbis an gered him considerably and he proceed ed to curse and rave, intermingled witb threats. Billy Lord, who has charge of Mr. Natter'a place ot evenings, ordered him out of tbe bouse. Mclutire says, "You cau't put me out." Mr. Lord theu opened tbe door aud fastened it b ick so that he would have a olean sweep. Com ing back to wbere Molntire was stand ing, tbe latter immediately went down into bia olothes for a weapon. Mr. Lord said it he did not go oat lie would send for tbe marshal. Molntire said, "D n tbe marshal," but backed towards the door. Paul Schiller, Lee Ki I bourne and Sam Walker were playing a gooiuble game ut a table near by, aud on bearing Melutire's talk, one of them said, "Billy you don't have to send tor the marshal to put that fellow out." Mclutire used abusive language, and dared them out on the sidewalk. All followed, a sent fid ensued and in a moment Schiller oame in and said that be was cut. An examination revealed a stab just be low tbe left nipnle, wbiob bad struck a rib, this, probably, saving his life. It was evidently mude by an upward thrust of a kuifo, as Sohiller's clothing sbowed a cut several inobes below tbe wouud. In the meantime Mclutire bad gone down to Thompson & Biuns' stable and with knife in hand, bad forced Mr. Binna to saddle his horse. Souiller and others who oame up be held at bay. Young Flemming was forced to hold the lauteru and assist Mr. Biuns. Marshal Rasmus bad been notified and just us he struok Main street, he came across Molntire ou bis borse, en deavoring to get out of town. Mr. Ras mus oalled ou him to halt, which was answered by a dig in bia horses flanks, aud a spirited auswer from the animal. Mr. Rasmus then tired at him with his pistol. Mi l n tire still kept up bis gait, tbe Marshal firing two more shots, but be did uot stop and rode on out ot town up H nton oreek. Sheriff Noble and Deputy Fitzgerald were immediately notified, and getting out a warrant, followed up tbeir mau, overtaktug him near Nets Jones' place. About noon today tbey arrived here with bim. His examination was held this afternoon, at whieb time we learn tuat he was bound over to await tbe action of tbe grand jury. Frank Molntire is a bard case, but generally takes tbe dead watches ot the nipht with bis skin full of bug juice to do bis dirty work. Tbe Gazette is in formed that be killed a man some years ago for wbiob be was senteuoed to be bunged, but be got a new trial and was cleared. Afterward he stabbed a man ut Boise for wbiob, it is said, he served a term. Such men as Molntire are not wanted in a peaceful community like this, and the sooner be is behind tbe burs for good, tbe better. He has been a souroe of trouble to our town authorities since his first appearance in tbe com munity. A Broken Rib. Bill Tillard had Ibe misfortune to fall, while trying, to pass from one tram to tbe another, below Ar lington a few days ago, breaking a rib. He suffered considerable inconvenience for several days before he was aware of the natuie of the injury. A physician looated tbe nature and extent of tbe same, and now Bill thinks tbut he's nnluoky. Tbere bas beeu more than one person hurt wbile trying to get on and off mov ing oars. Skeleton Found. Wbile working the roads near Hardman on Rock oreek Monday of tbis week, Eb. Dickens aud Abe Leulliug uncovered the skeleton of white man The remains bas evident ly been tbere some years, as tbe bones were badly dtoayed. It was near tbe surface, having been covered witb shell rock. How be oame tbere will, perhaps, remain a mystery. Guaranteed Care. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Disoovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, upon tbis condition. It you are afHioted with a oougb, cold or anv lung, throat or obest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, and experi enoi d no benefit, you may return the bot tle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery oonld be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Slooum-Johnston's drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1. A Lrader. Since its first introduction, Eleotrio Bitters bas gained rapidlv in popular fa vor, until now it is clearly in tbe lead among pure medicinal tonics and altera tivescontaining nothing wbiob permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as tbe best and purest med icine for all ailments of stomaob, liver and kidness It will cure sick headaobe, indigestion, constipation, and drive mal aria from tbe system. Satisfaction guar anteed witb each bottle or Ibe money will be refunded. Price only G0o per bottle. Sold by Slocum-Jobnston Drug Co. Baeklea's Aniloa Salve. Tbe best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, nloers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains, corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum-Johnstnn Drug Co. DltUNKENNEHS. or the L10.C0B HABIT, Cared at Home InTes Days by Admlme- teriiig Dr. Uaiufs' Uoldea wiwtinc It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge qf the patient. It is absolute ly narmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or analcobolio wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. Tbe system ouoe impregnated witb tbe specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address tbe Golds SFEomo Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. A Can Far Twenty Cent. Any remedy sold at one dollar a bottle whioh olaimB to cure Rheumatism, is imply an imposition, for when all ex penses are deducted it leaves not mure than twenty cents to represent tbe medi cine. Dr. Drnmmond's Lightning Rem edy, wbieb is performing such wonder ful cures that it is being prescribed by tbe medical faculty everywhere, is oum ponnded at great expense from rare drugs, and cannot be sold for less than five dollars a bottle But it alwsys cures. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Drammood Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents want- want-1 87 j Are A. KOLMAN Has Opened Up at Heppner. Offers a maguificent new stock for .FALL AND At prioei the lowest yet named for striotly first-olass goods. High grades in al departments. True merit in every article. Honest quality. An immense assortment nothing missing. Tbe quality will tell it : the price will sell it. That is the reason you should come early and secure your BARGAINS from our splendid Hue of Dry M, 01 Boots anil Shoes ! . Blankets, Quilts, Trunks, Hats. WE show all the latest novelties in great profusion. Ws keep the finest seleo t,..n Im nil alunilaril atulaa U7n (V,nt,n it a ........ ftn 1. .... ADUV.. .. H t 1,1 stock tbe best ot its kind. The dollar yon spend with us foes farther, lasts loueer. eats more syle, ee'B more quantity, irets more quality, and does more good in eervioe, worth aud and prices, now waiting tor your inspection, will prove tbis. Kemember it an established faot that it pays to trade, providing you want to save money, at the 529-tr J. PHAS. L. SHERMAN, h bo Professional Paper Hanger and Decorator. First-Class work in All Its Branches.v- --Prices Reasonable, OFFICE IN CITY . V HEPPNER, - - 530 STILES tlPfEGEDEI)SED. WHY ? HATTEES Beoausie jVj NO Other VgS CONGO C0(sjWSx' ox, wmm O.WR, MflG. CS Ilasi. First Month's Sales, 720 Bottles; Ueoond Month's Sales, 3300 bottler. BOUD EVEnYWIIBIlIl. PRICE, Dm 10 $1 and 0a a Softie. DON'T BE By travelins fakirs. O. C. Wildev & Co., of Wull Walla, Wash,, are tbfl largest import ers direot from the Eastern faotories in tbe Iuland Empire ot We can save von from 825 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible parties. We handle tbe very best makes of instrnmeuts, and warrant them tor five years, and guarantee lower prices than any tin use on Ibis coant for same quality. We bny direot from Cbiokerlng & Sons, Weyman A Co., Oonover Bros. & Co., Smith & Barnes, pianos. Packard, Htory 4 Clark and Chiongo Ont tage Organs Sell Organs from 8100 to $300 ; Pianos from 300 to 8700. Write ns for catalogue and prioes. It will pay you. O. O. Wildey & Co. 635w Walla Wlla, Wash S. C. Smith, THE LU Keeps a full line of EVERYTHING Id the ay of Furniture, Undertaking goods a speciality. May street, Heppner, Or. M31 House Moving! TJaviog reoently purchased of G. W, Lord bis house moving outfit, we are pre 1 pared to do all kinds of work in tbis line. Our prices are reasonable, and es timates freely given. ax, iv. & w.j. 621 F 636. J. W. DAWSON. DAWSON Xs IvYONS, Attorneys -:- and -:- Counselors -:- at -:- Law. Promt attention given to all Ctillnstions and Notarial Work entrusted to them. Office in Matlock blnk. West side Main street. HEPPNER. 634 w - - OREOON 1. D. BQYED lE You In erested LOW PRICES ? 13LESSINO WINTER wear than any money you spend. Our goods H. KOLMAN, and Sinn ! Painter. - sw - - OREGON WHY ? XI heu xxi a - tiawxxi olatloa, anct Neuralgia are a, tiling of tlio Past CONGO OIXj law XJawocl. PORTLAND, ORB. BAMBOOZLED. OArcarwrsryiv, HEPPNER. OREGON T. K. LYONS Contractor S Builder. tern iQU j For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to rr oil ma The Frisky Dollar. Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can (Mini up Bargains Like Tours Respectfully, We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKHS Maes oh Sbobt Notice and at Pofulab Pkicxh. tSS" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Are itill alive and kick Ins tor trade with t complot Hue ot Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Confectionery, TOBACCOS, WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Guns and A.m munition, Se wing Machines, Farm Implements. Also Oents' Furnishing Goods, and the lamest assortment ol Teas lu Kastern Oregon. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. Our Motto: We Won' T BE UnDERSoLD. tt Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to oondnot in the most satisfactory man net. Will keep on hands at all times the ehnioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt Prcmrietora. Broils Handle WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster S3is.oii Also iH about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. WE ARE" Rustlers! u 111 In all lines of Sacks & T. CO. :- and -:- pps !